Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» And in conclusion. Upon completion or upon completion, which is correct? Word and control

And in conclusion. Upon completion or upon completion, which is correct? Word and control

Elena Maletina

What is management in Russian? This is the syntactic subordination of one word to another, consisting in the fact that one word requires an addition after itself in a certain case. Most often, we understand in which case the dependent word should be used. For example, in the sentence “I work as a secretary,” it would never occur to anyone to replace the instrumental case in which the word “secretary” appears, say, with a prepositional case: “I work about the secretary.” It is obvious. But the choice of management is not always simple.

Along with the possibility of using various normative options (for example, you can say “consider it an error” and “consider it an error”), there are also very controversial situations. How to correctly write (say): upon completion or upon completion of work; control over something or something; Do I miss you or miss you? In such cases, intuition does not always help. Therefore, to help you, we have prepared a table in which we tried to include the most difficult moments in choosing word controls.

When compiling the table, management dictionaries in Russian were partially used, information from the Gramota.Ru portal was partially used, as well as our own resources. The table does not include words that have many various options controls, colloquial forms (except as noted) and words that do not cause difficulties in control. We also did not include such concepts as “control”, “good” and “monument”, which we will discuss separately.

So, “control”: how to correctly combine this word with others and with what prepositions to use it? Control can be over what, over whom/what or what - depending on the words being controlled. 1. For what and over what (with verbal nouns, i.e. formed from verbs). Control over (over) the implementation of assigned tasks(execution - from the verb “to perform”). 2. For what (with nouns denoting action, sign). Monitoring the work of subordinates(action). Work quality control(sign). 3. Over whom/what (with abstract nouns and with animate nouns). Control over development(abstract noun) .

Control over workers(animate noun).4. What (in official and vocational speech). Control over the activities of the executive branch. Control of manufactured products.

Let us also answer the question, which is correct: upon completion of the work or upon completion of the work?

Right: upon completion. With the prepositional case, the preposition “by” is used in the meaning “after something”: upon completion (after completion), upon expiration (after expiration), upon completion (after completion), upon presentation of a document (after presentation), upon arrival (after arrival), upon arrival (after arrival), upon return (after return), upon arrival (after arrival), etc.

WITH dative case the preposition “by” is used to indicate the surface or limits where something happens. For example: walk along the road, put books in their places, hit the ball.

Word and control



Similar to what or with what

The solution is similar to the previous one (with the previous one). Solutions similar to each other (with each other)

Solutions that are similar to each other

Analogy with whom/what or between whom/what

There was an analogy with former employees. The work was carried out by analogy with previous studies. Draw an analogy between animals and plants. An analogy can be drawn between one and another factor

There was an analogy with former employees. An analogy can be given between one and the other factor. The work was carried out by analogy with previous studies

Announcement(preliminary announcement of something) about something or what (not for what!)

Poster announcing the premiere of the play. Prepare a press conference announcement

Poster announcing the premiere of the play. Prepare an announcement for a press conference

Appeal(in the meaning of “turn to (ask) for advice, understanding, support”) to someone/what

Appeal to leaders. Appeal to the opinions of authoritative people

Appeal to managers. Appeal to the opinions of authoritative people

Whatever why (not what!)

The decision is made without regard to the opinions of others

The decision is made without regard to the opinions of others

Beware whom/what or from what

Beware of intruders. Beware of hypothermia (hypothermia).
But (!) beware whom/what; protect from whom/what. Beware of the angry dog. Beware of drafts. Protect your business from troubles. Protect yourself from danger

Beware of intruders. Beware of the angry dog. Beware of drafts

Worry about whom/what

Worry about employees. Worry about work

Acceptable in colloquial speech: Worry about employees. Worry about work

Thanks to(derived preposition meaning “for reason, reason”) to whom/what (not who/what!)

Thanks to my father I learned English language. Thanks to the good weather, we had a great time.
Note. Usually the preposition “thanks to” indicates the reason that caused the desired result, as in the previous examples, but it is also found when indicating a reason that is neutral or even causes negative consequences, for example: I was late thanks to traffic jams. I gained weight thanks to good nutrition

I was late thanks to traffic jams. I got better thanks to good nutrition

Do it than or what

1. What (to dispose of). Decide the destinies of people. 2. What (to decide, to do). Do what's right. Carry out judgment and reprisal

To rule over people's destinies

Return: upon returning from

Upon returning from a business trip(after returning from a business trip)

Upon returning from a business trip. Upon returning from a business trip

Contrary to what (not what!)

Contrary to management's orders

Contrary to management's orders

Harm to what or for what

Smoking is harmful to health. Transportation is carried out without harm to property

Smoking is harmful to health. Transportation is carried out without damaging property

Guarantee to whom what or from whom

1. To whom (to provide what). Guarantee high salaries for specialists. 2. Who from what (to protect). Guarantee passengers against accidents

Guarantee high salaries for specialists

Guarantee what, to what, from what or in what

A good education- a guarantee of future success. Coming interesting job, a guarantee of this will be the attraction of foreign specialists. Vaccination is a guarantee against disease. I guarantee that the task will be completed on time

I guarantee that the task will be completed on time

Discuss (discuss) what, about what or about what

Discuss the bill on libel. Discuss health issues. Discuss politics

Discuss health issues(acceptable in colloquial speech). Discuss political issues

Thirst(meaning “a strong, passionate desire for something”) something (not to why!)

Thirst for happiness. Hunger for knowledge

Thirst for happiness. Thirst for knowledge

Crave(meaning “strongly, passionately desire something”) something (not What!)

He craved fame

He craved fame

Manager than (not what!)

Head of the club. Head of department

Head of the club. Head of Department

Completion: at the end, upon completion

1. In conclusion (preposition, meaning “at the end, as the completion of something”). At the end of the conversation, the main conclusions were drawn. 2. Upon completion (a noun with a preposition, meaning “after something, at the end of something”). At the end of the meeting everyone left

At the end of the conversation, the main conclusions were drawn. At the end of the meeting everyone left

Conclusion: in conclusion, in conclusion, in conclusion

1. In conclusion (at the end, finishing something). At the end of the meeting, its participants summed up the results. At the end of the meeting, he thanked those present. 2. By conclusion, in conclusion (based on a conclusion - a reasoned judgment, a conclusion from something). The diagnosis was made according to the doctors' conclusions. IN technical report a mistake was made. 3. In conclusion (a noun with a preposition, meaning “acceptance of an agreement, conditions, etc.”). Refusal to conclude employment contract

At the end of the meeting, he thanked those present. The diagnosis was made according to the doctors' conclusions. Refusal to conclude an employment contract

Replace (replace) whom/what by whom/what (not to whom/what!)

Replace one employee with another. Metal was replaced with plastic.
But (!) change for what: Change your old suit to a new one

Replace one employee with another. Metal was replaced with plastic. Replace your old suit with a new one

Pay for what or what

1. For what (to give money for something). Pay for purchases. Pay for travel. 2. What (to compensate for something). Pay your debts

Pay for purchases. Pay the fare. Pay for debts

Deserve(to be worthy of something) of which (not What!)

The report deserves attention

The report deserves attention

deserve(by one’s actions, activities to achieve some kind of assessment) that (not what!)

Earn a reward. Earn the respect of your colleagues

Earn the respect of your colleagues

Identical what (not with what!)

The new list of employees turned out to be identical (identical) to the previous list

The new list of employees turned out to be identical (identical) to the previous list

Avoid (avoid) what (not What!)

Avoid trouble. Avoid mistakes. Also: To avoid repetition

Avoid trouble. Avoid the mistake. To avoid repetition

Immunity to what or against what

Immunity to the disease has developed. Gain immunity against life's troubles

Developed immunity due to illness

Interview to whom and with whom (if this is the interviewee) (not whom!)

Give an interview to a journalist (magazine). Published an interview with the director of the enterprise. Interview a famous businessman. But (as an option): An interview between the editor-in-chief and the head of the enterprise has been published(if the editor-in-chief interviews the manager)

Request what (not what!)

Ask for permission.
But: Ask permission

Ask for permission. Ask permission(acceptable in colloquial speech)

Commanding than (not what!)

Commander (commander-in-chief) of the army. Squad commander.
But: Regimental commander; squad leader; district command

Commander (commander-in-chief) of the army. Squad Commander

Supervise who/what (not by whom/what!)

Supervise students. Supervise the work department

Supervise students. Supervise work department

Years what (not what!)

865 years of Moscow. 67 years of the Great Victory.
But: 67th birthday Great Victory; 67 years since the Great Victory.
Similarly: Alexander is 30 years old; Alexander's 30th birthday; 30 years since the birth of Alexander

865 years of Moscow. 67 years of the Great Victory. 67th anniversary of the Great Victory

Ending in the next issue.

Hello. Please explain in which cases the preposition “as a result” is used, and in which cases a noun with the preposition “according to results” is used. Thank you for your help.

Pretext as a result means "as a result of something, because of something." Basic meaning of a noun result -“what is received at the completion of any activity, work; result”, therefore the combination according to the results means "as a result". You can say: suffered as a result of negligence(i.e. due to negligence), but one cannot say * suffered as a result of negligence. You can say: the consequences of this decision will be judged by the results of the first half of the year, but you cannot say: * The consequences of this decision will be judged in the first half of the year. However, in some cases these designs can be interchangeable.

Question No. 287385

Hello, I’m constantly confused about how to write a conclusion / conclusion correctly. in particular, in the text: And at the end of the event, one of the young participants even sent her postcard to her friend.

Russian help desk response

Right: in conclusion in meaning "at the end, as a conclusion": And at the end of the event, one of the young participants even sent her postcard to her friend.

Question No. 279510
Hello! Which is correct: at the end or at the end of the speech? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Right: at the end of the speech(=as a finish, to complete).

Question No. 279420
Hello! Please tell me which is correct: at the end of the essay or at the end of the essay. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

"To complete" = in conclusion. "At the end" = at the end.

Question No. 274511
Please tell me how correctly (from the point of view of Russian grammar) to say to the speaker at the end of reading his report - “the report is finished” or “the report is finished”?

Elena A.

Russian help desk response

Both options are correct, you can choose either one.

Question No. 274287
Please tell me how to write correctly: “In conclusion(s), the leader taught the children a simple rhyme about a traffic light...” And is it necessary to put a comma after the word “completion(s)”?

Russian help desk response

Right: in conclusion . No comma needed.

Question No. 267873
at the end of life or at the end of life?

Russian help desk response

The spelling depends on the context.

Question No. 254284
“And at the end of the conversation, I want to say that closing ourselves off from these issues does not mean not having problems.” Is a dash necessary? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

The dash is optional.

Question No. 250081
Finally, is it a preposition or a noun with a preposition? Which is correct: at the end of the meeting or at the end of the meeting?

Russian help desk response

In conclusion(what) (at the end, as a conclusion) is a preposition. In the meaning "at the end of the meeting" you should write at the end of the meeting.

Question No. 249838
Thank you for your answer to Question No. 249796. Would you be so kind as to tell me what rule allows such writing. They reprimand me and say I need to write “e”. I need to know what to answer, how to justify the possibility of ending “and”.

Russian help desk response

In a nutshell, the rule can be formulated as follows. Pretext in conclusion written with the letter E at the end. Noun completion in the form of the prepositional case with the preposition B it is written with the ending -I: at the end.

Question No. 247950
What is the rule for determining the spelling of the expression “at the end of the event?

Russian help desk response

In stable combinations with the preposition in (in), nouns have the ending accusative case-ies: at the end of something, at the conclusion of something. etc.

Question No. 240799
“At the end of that conversation it was said” or “at the end...”
How to construct a phrase correctly?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct in this case: in conclusion.

Question No. 238936
Gentlemen, but still: I’m writing a dissertation after all... Answer me, please - which expression is more acceptable in a scientific text - “In the end” or “Ultimately”?

Russian help desk response

In a scientific text, both expressions are possible, but expressions should be distinguished by meaning. In the adverbial meaning “ultimately, in conclusion,” the expressions are synonymous. In the meaning of introductory it is used only in the end.

Question No. 207719
Hello, please answer: 1. “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.” Is a dash necessary? 2. “And thirdly, and most importantly, it should be noted that the magazine is reader-oriented.” Are commas and dashes used correctly? 3. And finally - the latest prices for cars. Is a comma necessary after "well"? 4. “If the distribution network of Chinese automakers were more developed, they would as soon as possible could literally crash the market." Is the expression "crash the market" stable and does not require quotation marks?

Russian help desk response

1. According to the rules, a dash is not required. 2. And thirdly, the most important thing - it should be noted that the magazine is reader-oriented. 3. A comma is not needed. This is true: in conclusion. 4. Quotes are not required. In the combination “would be” the particle “would” is superfluous.

COMPLETION, completion, plural. no, cf. (book). Action under Ch. complete. Happy ending. “The basis of communist morality is the struggle to strengthen and complete communism.” Lenin. ❖ In conclusion (total) (book) in... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

COMPLETION, I, Wed. 1. see complete, xia. 2. The final part of what n. structures. W. dome (cross). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (completion) Transfer of legal title to land in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale. The buyer receives the right to use the land from the date of exchange of contracts, but will not be considered absolutely legal... ... Dictionary of business terms

completion- termination 1. Termination of a task or data processing process. 2. Disconnection after the end of negotiations. See abnormal, network, [L.M. Nevdyaev. Telecommunication technologies. English Russian Dictionary directory. Under… … Technical Translator's Guide

Wed. 1. process of action according to Ch. complete, complete 2. The result of such an action. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

Come/come to a logical conclusion. Jarg. they say Joking. 1. Masturbate. 2. Ejaculate. Maksimov, 224 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

Opening begins... Dictionary of antonyms

completion- completion, I... Russian orthographic dictionary


  • What awaits Dyatlov beyond the pass of fate. Volume 4. The Completion of the Story, Alessia Ritorina. Volume 4 – the end of the story. Many documents from the 1959 criminal case have recently become available for review. Journalist Semyonov studied and read all the versions that were put forward in connection with... eBook
  • Wall map. History of Russia in the 20th – early 21st centuries. 9th grade. Completion of the Great Patriotic War (January 1944 - May 1945). Defeat of Japan. Art. K-1912. Single sided printing, double sided lamination, front side covered with matte laminate. Poster with double-sided lamination...

When it comes to time, That "during". When about essence - "during". Accordingly, when it comes to time after something then "in conclusion". When about essence(parts) - "at the end".

At the core of the question: if we are talking about parts of the procedure, then most likely "at the end".

Long version:

“At the beginning of the novel, Dubrovsky goes to his estate, in the main part he falls in love, and at the end he throws himself under a train.”. Those. a novel has a beginning, a main part, and an ending, and the ending contains something like that. We are talking about the essence (part of the novel).

“To conclude my report, I would like to thank the conference organizers for their excellent work”. Those. after the report, when it is already over, he thanks the organizers. It's about time.

P.S. I ask you not to find fault with the plot of the mentioned novel. I wrote the first thing that came to mind.

I remember best another analogue - the word "flow".

"There is something fascinating about the flow of a river". The river flows, and this act of flow is mesmerizing.

"There's something fascinating about the year". The year (time) flows (passes), and this act of flow is fascinating.

"The boat got caught in an undercurrent". A current is a separate entity (or a process taken as an entity) in the sea.

"The project was completed within a year". The year does not flow by itself! Here "during" means "during".

COMPLETION, completion, plural. no, cf. (book). Action under Ch. complete. Happy ending. “The basis of communist morality is the struggle to strengthen and complete communism.” Lenin. ❖ In conclusion (total) (book) in... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

COMPLETION- COMPLETION, I, Wed. 1. see complete, xia. 2. The final part of what n. structures. W. dome (cross). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

COMPLETION- (completion) Transfer of legal title to land in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale. The buyer receives the right to use the land from the date of exchange of contracts, but will not be considered absolutely legal... ... Dictionary of business terms

completion- termination 1. Termination of a task or data processing process. 2. Disconnection after the end of negotiations. See abnormal, network, [L.M. Nevdyaev. Telecommunication technologies. English-Russian explanatory dictionary reference book. Under… … Technical Translator's Guide

completion- noun, p., used compare often Morphology: (no) what? completion, what? completion, (see) what? completion, what? completion, about what? about completion 1. Completion of a task is its complete completion, bringing it to the intended result. Due to... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Completion- Wed 1. process of action according to Ch. complete, complete 2. The result of such an action. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

completion- completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion, completion (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

COMPLETION- Come/come to a logical conclusion. Jarg. they say Joking. 1. Masturbate. 2. Ejaculate. Maksimov, 224 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

completion- the opening has begun... Dictionary of antonyms

completion- completion, I... Russian spelling dictionary


  • What awaits Dyatlov beyond the pass of fate. Volume 4. The Completion of the Story, Alessia Ritorina. Volume 4 – the end of the story. Many documents from the 1959 criminal case have recently become available for review. Journalist Semyonov studied and read all the versions that were put forward in connection with... Buy for 249 rubles eBook
  • Wall map. History of Russia in the 20th – early 21st centuries. 9th grade. Completion of the Great Patriotic War (January 1944 - May 1945). Defeat of Japan. Art. K-1912. Single-sided printing, double-sided lamination, front side covered with matte laminate. Poster with double-sided lamination...