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» Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. “The snow will darken blue... “The snow will darken blue...” A. Tvardovsky

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. “The snow will darken blue... “The snow will darken blue...” A. Tvardovsky

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04/01/2012 04/01/2012 A.T. Tvardovsky. The snow will darken blue Author: Turchina Larisa Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature Magdagachinskaya Secondary School No. 3

A.T. Tvardovsky created many lyrical works describing nature middle zone Russia, beauty native land. Landscape lyrics became one of the main themes of creativity for the poet.

In the poem “The snows will darken blue...” the reader sees a picture of the passing winter, when the snows will darken blue along the country roads, and the waters will go low into the still transparent forest...

They will pretend to be a motionless surface And at once - in the damp night They will rush into the campaign from everywhere, And knock out the streams. And, sleepy, thawed, the Earth will barely wither, sewing through the old foliage, the grass will go to scribble, and with the wind, tender green alder pollen, brought from childhood, will touch the face like a shadow.

The lyrical hero observes the changes occurring in nature. The personifications used “the snow will darken”, “the waters will go into lowlands”, “streams will rush into the campaign”, “the grass will go to grow” make the presented picture alive and spiritual. The poet uses epithets and metaphors in the work that create the uniqueness of the artistic picture: “still transparent forest”, “in the damp night”, “knocking streams out of the riverbeds”, “piercing old foliage”, “delicate green alder pollen”.

The coming spring is associated in the mind of the lyrical hero with stormy streams, sleepy, thawed earth, with delicate alder pollen. Life emerging in nature in early spring The lyrical hero associates it with childhood memories. The cycle in nature inspires optimism: And the heart will feel again that the freshness of any time has not only been and gone, but is and will be with you. Resources

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School: MCOU "Erpelinskaya Secondary School named after. Apasheva M.D.”

Teacher : Khadisova Madina Guseinovna

Item: literature

Class : 6

Lesson topic: Native nature in the poems of Russian poets.

A. T. Tvardovsky. Life and creativity. "The snow will turn dark blue."


1 . Educational purpose : improving the skills of analyzing a lyrical work

2 . Developmental goals:

Development of thinking (ability to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, generalize, prove and refute);

Development of elements creative activity;

Development of oral and writing;

Development of aesthetic ideas and artistic taste of students;

3. Educational goals:

Fostering a love for beauty and native nature;

Through lessons, instilling in students self-confidence and an active life position.

Lesson type: learning new material.


1. Illustrations “Spring Awakening of Nature”,

2. Audio recording of the poem “The snow will darken blue” performed by the poet himself

A. T. Tvardovsky.

3. Fragment of the music video, “Spring Awakening of Nature”

4 . Computer, projector.

5 . Multimedia support (presentation).

6. Video about the life and work of A T Tvardovsky.

Lesson structure .

I. Organizational moment (1 min.)

II. Examination homework. 10 min.)

III. Learning new material (30 min.)

1. Introductory speech from the teacher. Watch a video about the life and work of A.T. Tvardovsky (5 min.)

2.Analysis of the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky “The snow will darken blue” (10 min.)

3. Vocabulary work (5 min.)

4. Reading a poem by students (5 min.)

V. Summing up. Reflection. (5 minutes.)

VI. Final words from the teacher. Grading. Homework assignment. (4 min.)

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time

Teacher:Guys, hello! Let's sit down comfortably, get your notebooks and pens ready. Open your notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson.

(Slide No. 1)

II. Checking homework

1.Facts of the life of A.T. Tvardovsky.

2. Student presentation

3. Drawings and illustrations by students “The Coming of Spring”

III . Learning new material

1. The teacher's word.

The personality of a writer is known through his work, and the fundamental principle of personality is a person’s attitude to the places where he was born and raised. A.T. Tvardovsky carried his love for his native land, to his origins throughout his life, not forgetting about it either in years of joy or in times of troubles and separation.

(Slide No. 2) Watch a video about the life and work of A.T. Tvardovsky

You have already become acquainted with the biography of the poet and the statements of his contemporaries about him. How do you see Tvardovsky’s personality?

Conversation on issues.

What qualities of his mother’s soul did he inherit? future poet?

What are his first poems about?

(Impressiveness and sensitivity, she liked everything: the distant song and the smell of hay, and a lonely tree. The theme of the first poems is the protection of nature.)

Who helped Tvardovsky take the first steps towards universal recognition?

So what will we talk about in our lesson?(about how beautiful nature is)

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson

(using the example of A.T. Tvardovsky’s lyric work, music and visual arts let's try to understand what nature feels, breathes, rejoices and is sad, it has its own secrets, its own language.)

Nature home country– an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets and musicians, writers and artists.The artist has paints, the writer - painter - the word, the musician - sound. In poetry about nature, poets, writers, as well as landscape artists, depict nature, express their attitude towards it, convey their impressions of it, love for native land. Moreover, each of them sees and depicts the nature of their native country in their own way.

Let's listen to A.T. Tvardovsky's poem “The snow will darken blue”, how he depicts pictures of nature.

(Slide No. 3)

2) Reading of a poem by the teacher. Analysis of the poem “The snow will darken blue.”

(Slide No. 4)

3) Vocabulary work

(Slides No. 5,6)
lowland - a low place from which streams flow
channel - deepening, direction, path along which
water flows
rush - rush, run
thawed – wet soil
will wilt - become soft
alder – deciduous tree or shrub of the birch family.
has sunk - has disappeared

Analysis of the poem.

(Slide No. 7)

Prove that the theme is the passing winter

(The snow will darken, the waters will go down, the streams will rush, people will start cutting grass)

What is the coming spring associated with in the poet’s mind?

(The coming spring is associated in the mind of the lyrical hero with stormy streams, sleepy, thawed earth, with delicate alder pollen.)

What does the lyrical hero associate with early spring?

Life emerging in nature in early spring is associated
a lyrical hero with childhood memories. Gyre
in nature inspires optimism.

(Slide No. 8)

In what mood does the hero greet spring?
Movement, gentle colors, the activity of nature, its transparency touched the author’s heart, made him beat with new strength. He rejoices .
(Slide No. 9)
What figurative - means of expression does the poet use? Give examples of epithets, personifications, metaphors

(Slide number 10)

The snow will darken blue
Along country roads,
the waters will go down lowlands
the forest is still transparent,

They will pretend to be an immovable surface
And at once -
in the damp night
On a hike from everywherewill rush ,
Knocked out of the riverbeds

And, sleepy, melting,
The earth will barely wilt,
Threading through old foliage,
He'll go cut the grass ,

And with the wind soft green
Alder pollen
Brought from childhood,
Like a shadow , will touch faces

And the heart will feel again,
Whatfreshness of pores any
Not only
came and went ,

And it is and will be with you. 1965

(Slide No. 11)

The painting created by Tvardovsky resembles embroidery. What do you think should be on this embroidery (examples in the text)?

What associations does this poem evoke for you?

(Slide No. 12)

(Revives the best feelings; joy, admiration, anticipation of a new life in nature).

(Slide No. 13)

A.T. Tvardovsky created many lyrical works describing the nature of central Russia and the beauty of his native land. Landscape lyrics became one of the main themes of creativity for the poet.

4. Reading a poem by students

V. Summing up. Reflection.

1.Guysround speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

today I found out...

it was interesting…

it was difficult…

I completed tasks...

I realized that...

Now I can…

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned…

I managed …

I was able...

I will try…

I was surprised...

gave me a lesson for life...

I wanted…

VI. Final words from the teacher. Grading. Homework assignment.

Learn a poem by heart
Analyze the poem in writing according to plan:
The title of the poem (if any), its meaning (why is the poem called that?)
The main theme of the poem (what is it about) we're talking about in a poem?).
Determine the meter of the poem.
Write down artistic and expressive means (epithets, comparisons, metaphors, etc.). Why does the author use them?
What feelings of the lyrical hero are conveyed in the poem? What keywords can be highlighted in the text?

School: MCOU "Erpelinskaya Secondary School named after. Apasheva M.D.”

Teacher : Khadisova Madina Guseinovna

Item: literature

Class : 6

Lesson topic: Native nature in the poems of Russian poets.

A. T. Tvardovsky. Life and creativity. "The snow will turn dark blue."


1 . Educational purpose : improving the skills of analyzing a lyrical work

2 . Developmental goals:

Development of thinking (ability to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, generalize, prove and refute);

Development of elements of creative activity;

Development of oral and written communication skills;

Development of aesthetic ideas and artistic taste of students;

3. Educational goals:

Fostering a love for beauty and native nature;

Through lessons, instilling in students self-confidence and an active life position.

Lesson type: learning new material.


1. Illustrations “Spring Awakening of Nature”,

2. Audio recording of the poem “The snow will darken blue” performed by the poet himself

A. T. Tvardovsky.

3. Fragment of the music video, “Spring Awakening of Nature”

4 . Computer, projector.

5 . Multimedia support (presentation).

6. Video about the life and work of A T Tvardovsky.

Lesson structure .

I. Organizational moment (1 min.)

II. Checking homework. 10 min.)

III. Learning new material (30 min.)

1. Introductory speech from the teacher. Watch a video about the life and work of A.T. Tvardovsky (5 min.)

2.Analysis of the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky “The snow will darken blue” (10 min.)

3. Vocabulary work (5 min.)

4. Reading a poem by students (5 min.)

V. Summing up. Reflection. (5 minutes.)

VI. Final words from the teacher. Grading. Homework assignment. (4 min.)

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time

Teacher:Guys, hello! Let's sit down comfortably, get your notebooks and pens ready. Open your notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson.

(Slide No. 1)

II. Checking homework

1.Facts of the life of A.T. Tvardovsky.

2. Student presentation

3. Drawings and illustrations by students “The Coming of Spring”

III . Learning new material

1. The teacher's word.

The personality of a writer is known through his work, and the fundamental principle of personality is a person’s attitude to the places where he was born and raised. A.T. Tvardovsky carried his love for his native land, to his origins throughout his life, not forgetting about it either in years of joy or in times of troubles and separation.

(Slide No. 2) Watch a video about the life and work of A.T. Tvardovsky

You have already become acquainted with the biography of the poet and the statements of his contemporaries about him. How do you see Tvardovsky’s personality?

Conversation on issues.

What qualities of the mother’s soul did the future poet inherit?

What are his first poems about?

(Impressiveness and sensitivity, she liked everything: the distant song and the smell of hay, and a lonely tree. The theme of the first poems is the protection of nature.)

Who helped Tvardovsky take the first steps towards universal recognition?

So what will we talk about in our lesson?(about how beautiful nature is)

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson

(using the example of the lyrical work of A.T. Tvardovsky, music and fine art, we will try to understand that nature feels, breathes, rejoices and is sad, it has its own secrets, its own language.)

The nature of our native country is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets and musicians, writers and artists.The artist has paints, the writer - painter - the word, the musician - sound. In poetry about nature, poets, writers, as well as landscape artists, depict nature, express their attitude towards it, convey their impressions of it, love for their native land. Moreover, each of them sees and depicts the nature of their native country in their own way.

Let's listen to A.T. Tvardovsky's poem “The snow will darken blue”, how he depicts pictures of nature.

(Slide No. 3)

2) Reading of a poem by the teacher. Analysis of the poem “The snow will darken blue.”

(Slide No. 4)

3) Vocabulary work

(Slides No. 5,6)
lowland - a low place from which streams flow
channel - deepening, direction, path along which
water flows
rush - rush, run
thawed – wet soil
will wilt - become soft
alder is a deciduous tree or shrub of the birch family.
has sunk - has disappeared

Analysis of the poem.

(Slide No. 7)

Prove that the theme is the passing winter

(The snow will darken, the waters will go down, the streams will rush, people will start cutting grass)

What is the coming spring associated with in the poet’s mind?

(The coming spring is associated in the mind of the lyrical hero with stormy streams, sleepy, thawed earth, with delicate alder pollen.)

What does the lyrical hero associate with early spring?

Life emerging in nature in early spring is associated
a lyrical hero with childhood memories. Gyre
in nature inspires optimism.

(Slide No. 8)

In what mood does the hero greet spring?
Movement, delicate colors, the activity of nature, its transparency touched the author’s heart and made it beat with renewed vigor. He rejoices .
(Slide No. 9)
What figurative and expressive means does the poet use? Give examples of epithets, personifications, metaphors

(Slide number 10)

The snow will darken blue
Along country roads,
the waters will go down lowlands
the forest is still transparent,

They will pretend to be an immovable surface
And at once -
in the damp night
On a hike from everywherewill rush ,
Knocked out of the riverbeds

And, sleepy, melting,
The earth will barely wilt,
Threading through old foliage,
He'll go cut the grass ,

And with the wind soft green
Alder pollen
Brought from childhood,
Like a shadow , will touch faces

And the heart will feel again,
Whatfreshness of pores any
Not only
came and went ,

And it is and will be with you. 1965

(Slide No. 11)

The painting created by Tvardovsky resembles embroidery. What do you think should be on this embroidery (examples in the text)?

What associations does this poem evoke for you?

(Slide No. 12)

(Revives the best feelings; joy, admiration, anticipation of a new life in nature).

(Slide No. 13)

A.T. Tvardovsky created many lyrical works describing the nature of central Russia and the beauty of his native land. Landscape lyrics became one of the main themes of creativity for the poet.

4. Reading a poem by students

V. Summing up. Reflection.

1.Guysround speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

today I found out...

it was interesting…

it was difficult…

I completed tasks...

I realized that...

Now I can…

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned…

I managed …

I was able...

I will try…

I was surprised...

gave me a lesson for life...

I wanted…

VI. Final words from the teacher. Grading. Homework assignment.

Learn a poem by heart
Analyze the poem in writing according to plan:
The title of the poem (if any), its meaning (why is the poem called that?)
The main theme of the poem (what is the poem talking about?).
Determine the meter of the poem.
Write down artistic and expressive means (epithets, comparisons, metaphors, etc.). Why does the author use them?
What feelings of the lyrical hero are conveyed in the poem? What keywords can be highlighted in the text?

Spring, which brings with it the awakening of nature, has inspired writers and poets for many centuries. And it is precisely spring that is dedicated to the poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky “The snow will darken blue,” which refers to late period creativity of the poet. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis“The snow will darken blue” according to a plan that will be useful to 7th grade students in preparing for a literature lesson.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- The poem was written in 1965. The work became a symbol of renewal and the coming of bright days, which the poet desperately needed after the death of his mother.

Theme of the poem– The arrival of spring, a description of awakening nature.

Composition– The composition of the work consists of two conventional parts. At the beginning of the poem, the lyrical hero describes the changes that will occur in nature with the arrival of the first warm spring days. In the second part, he comes to the conclusion that all changes in nature have much in common with the course of human life.

Genre– Landscape lyrics.

Poetic size– Amphibrachium using cross rhyme.

Metaphors – « freshness of any pore”, “damp night».

Epithets – « blue", "alder", "immovable».

Personifications – « the grass will go to scribble", "the waters will go into lowlands».

History of creation

Alexander Trifonovich has written many lyrical works, the center of which is the inexpressible charm of Russian nature. Landscape lyrics have always been one of his favorite themes in his work.

However, the poem “The Snows Will Darken Blue,” written by Tvardovsky in 1965, has a slightly different connotation than just admiring nature. This year the poet had to endure a bereavement - the death of his mother. The passing of the person most dear to him became a deep shock for Alexander Trifonovich, which he dealt with with the help of creativity.

During this period, he wrote many works dedicated to Maria Mitrofanovna. However, there were also those that, at first glance, had nothing to do with it. “The snow will darken blue” refers to precisely such poems. In it, the author draws a parallel between nature and his own life: in spring he sees renewal, the beginning of change, the expectation of bright and joyful days. The bitterness of loss will go away like melted snow, leaving room for new dreams and hopes.


The central theme of the work is a description of nature, which is about to throw off its winter shackles and open up towards the long-awaited spring.

The poet with great care and love describes all the changes that occur in living nature with the arrival of spring. The earth freed from under the blanket of snow, rushing streams, clean, sparkling greenery excites the poet, filling his soul with new, life-giving forces.

The moment of the meeting of winter and spring, when “the grass begins to sew through the old foliage,” is very important for the lyrical hero. This vivid figurative description can be applied not only to nature, but also to human life, since it very accurately conveys the idea of ​​continuity of generations.

Just as winter gives way to spring, youth smoothly flows into maturity, and then into old age. The old generation is leaving to give way to young descendants who are just taking the first timid steps towards their future. Years will pass, and they, just like their ancestors, will fade into oblivion, remaining in the memory of their children and grandchildren.

But until this happens, you need to appreciate every moment of your stay on earth, enjoy every little thing - this is exactly what the main idea works. If in nature the change of seasons is a cyclical process, then a person is only able to experience all the changes that life itself has prepared for him once. And the time allotted by fate must be valued at its weight in gold.


Compositionally, the work is divided into two conventional parts. In the first part, the lyrical hero anticipates the imminent approach of spring. He paints a rosy picture of the changes this time of year will bring.

In the second part, the lyrical hero compares changes in nature with the unchanging course of life. He identifies the change of seasons with the natural course of human life, when the old generation is replaced by a new one.


The work, which very tenderly describes nature, which is about to awaken after a long winter sleep, belongs to the genre of landscape lyrics.

When writing a poem, the poet uses a poetic meter such as amphibrachium with the use of cross rhyme.

Means of expression

To describe all the charm of all the spring changes in nature, Tvardovsky masterfully uses a rich palette of means of artistic expression.

In the work there are metaphors(“freshness of any pore”, “damp night”), epithets(“blue”, “alder”, “immovable”), personifications(“the grass will go to scribble”, “the waters will go into the lowlands”).

The snow will darken blue
Along country roads,
And the waters will go low
Into the still transparent forest,

They will pretend to be an immovable surface
And at once - in the damp night
They will rush into the campaign from everywhere,
Knocking streams out of their channels.

And, sleepy, melting,
The earth will barely wilt,
Threading through old foliage,
He'll go cut the grass,

And with the wind it turns soft green
Alder pollen,
Brought from childhood,
Like a shadow, it touches your face.

And the heart will feel again,
That the freshness of any pore
Not only was it gone,
And it is and will be with you.

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You are now reading the poem The snow will darken blue, poet Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich