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» Alexey Zimin is a chef with a capital C. Zimin Alexey Alexey Zimin what happened to his face

Alexey Zimin is a chef with a capital C. Zimin Alexey Alexey Zimin what happened to his face

A talented person is immediately visible, it is impossible not to notice him in the crowd and pass by, casting an indifferent and fleeting glance at him. A comprehensively gifted and active person is revealed by his sincere eyes, shining with extraordinary enthusiasm, as well as the calmness and goodwill that are manifested in his every movement and deed.

Such a spontaneous, very bright and gifted person is Alexey Zimin - a rising star in the firmament of modern fine art and portrait photography. He is talented and ambitious, because he is used to achieving his goals from a very young age.

Artist Alexey Zimin is receptive to the sense of beauty and the beauty of everyday phenomena and familiar things. In his works he conveys those facets of the familiar that we rarely think about in the cycle of everyday routine and fulfilling responsibilities.

Each of the paintings painted by a young and ambitious artist is distinguished by a unique solution, originality and sophisticated, well-developed artistic taste: “Nebula”, “Inhabited Planet”, “Through the Clouds”, “Vladimir Putin”, “Triangle, Circle and Square”. The artist’s work is gaining popularity among representatives of social strata of the population who are connoisseurs of everything beautiful and gravitate towards self-expression performed by all artistic means of fine art.

The childhood of Alexei Zimin. Early creativity

Alexey fell in love with drawing from early childhood. Then, in art classes, the aspiring artist diligently and painstakingly drew the first sketches and sketches, which seemed like a real work of art to his slightly less gifted and purposeful classmates.

It was then that the beginnings of his professional creativity were laid in the young man, the desire was instilled in him to bring any business to its logical conclusion, fully investing in it from both a moral and physical point of view.

The first exhibition with original paintings by Alexei Zimin was held when the artist was in the 10th grade at the gymnasium. His paintings were exhibited in the Aksakov Library, which is located in Ulyanovsk. The exhibition created a real sensation among Ulyanovsk residents of all ages and life priorities. People came with great pleasure to look at memorable paintings, painted in an interesting manner and with knowledge of the psychological and social characteristics of the target audience.

The stylistic design and style of painting of Alexei Zimin’s first paintings was directly influenced by his long-time hobby. It can rightly be called a part of everyday lifestyle. This is a passion for modeling. It is clear that many guys are interested in designing, creating and organizing the launch and piloting of various vehicles. Few of them carry their love for modeling into other aspects of life.

Artist Alexey Zimin: first successes

Alexei Zimin's first paintings were influenced by two important aspects: his long-standing commitment to modeling and his conscious involvement in social activities and, in particular, in the volunteer movement. These are paintings with space themes (“Nebula”, “Through the Clouds” and “Inhabited Planet”) and paintings that simultaneously combine elements of abstract expressionism.

Notable is the work “Triangle, Circle and Square”, which looks fresh, interesting and attractive and evokes a lot of associations and all kinds of interpretations. The painting is a fragmentary segment, as if isolated from the general context of the comprehensive composition. It reveals various details and individual flaps. Despite their inherent geometric differences and stylistic design, they invariably form only three figures upon careful and thorough examination.

Triangle, circle and square - this is exactly what the picture is called, and it is no coincidence. This picture seems to demonstrate the cyclical nature of all ongoing life processes, which is observed regardless of external factors and is not immediately predicted.

Alexey Zimin now

Alexey Zimin tirelessly improves his artistic skills and tries new styles and directions in painting. Every 2-4 months the artist organizes exhibitions of his paintings. Not only admirers of his original talent gather to see them, but also many interested people who do not want to stay away.

“Cooking with Alexei Zimin” is a culinary show on the NTV channel, where, together with the TV presenter, viewers learn how to make delicious, but home-made food in a restaurant style. Today we will present to your attention recipes for several delicious dishes that do not require a lot of time and outlandish ingredients.

Who is Alexey Zimin?

Restaurant critic, true gastronomic professional and food erudite Alexey Zimin was educated at a French school called “Le Cordon Bleu”. It is he who teaches viewers how to prepare culinary masterpieces using quite simple and understandable recipes. According to Zimin, in order to make restaurant food yourself, you do not need to have many years of culinary experience and use foreign products.

What is the show about?

Each episode of the “Cooking with Alexei Zimin” program (recipes will be discussed below) is dedicated to a specific topic (for example, Chinese lunch, fish day, festive dinner, etc.). It is also worth noting that the TV presenter is never limited to just one dish. After all, he always offers several options and gives viewers the opportunity to immerse themselves in all the intricacies of culinary art, namely: learn how to choose the right products, cut them up, heat process them, etc.

Alexey Zimin: recipes for various dishes

In this article, we will not deviate from the principle of the program on the NTV channel and will one by one look at detailed methods for preparing three different and simple dishes that are recommended to be presented for a regular family dinner. It should be noted that to create such culinary creations you will need a small amount of time. After all, they can be done in parallel.

Smoked pork ribs

To prepare such a hearty and flavorful dish, Alexey Zimin recommends using the following ingredients:

  • pork ribs - about 1 kg;
  • fresh liquid honey - 50 g;
  • soy sauce - about 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil - approximately 50 ml;
  • large-leaf black tea - 20 g;
  • rosemary - 3-4 stems;
  • sweet onions - 4 heads;
  • balsamic vinegar - 25 ml;
  • ground allspice, fine salt, fresh parsley - add to taste.

Cooking process

This hearty and tasty dish is quite easy to make. To do this, you need to mix soy sauce, ground pepper and refined vegetable oil, and then whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk. Coat all processed pork ribs with the resulting mixture and place them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, take a large frying pan, line its bottom with foil and add rosemary and black tea. Next, you need to put the dishes on high heat, and place a sieve on top of the frying pan and place the pickled pork ribs in it. In this position, it is recommended to smoke the meat under a closed lid for about 40 minutes. After this, the ribs should be transferred to a baking sheet and baked in the oven (for 20 minutes at 185 degrees).

For a side dish for such aromatic meat, Alexey Zimin offers the following recipe: you need to cut the sweet onion into thin half rings, simmer it over low heat, after adding salt and adding it. Before serving, it is advisable to garnish the dish with fresh parsley.

Delicious lamb pie

Such hearty pastries can be prepared for both a regular family dinner and a festive Easter table. For this we need:

  • granulated dry yeast - about 12 g;
  • light wheat flour - approximately 500 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 35 ml;
  • coarse table salt - 2/3 dessert spoon;
  • fresh garlic - 4 cloves;
  • lamb shoulder, frozen or fresh - about 600 g;
  • dried basil - 25 g;
  • dry white wine - 1/3 cup;
  • oregano - dessert spoon;
  • fresh parsley - about 20 g;
  • large egg - 1 pc.

Knead the dough

Dry granulated yeast needs to be poured with warm water and left aside for 10 minutes. After this, you need to sift the wheat flour into a deep bowl and make a hole in it. Next, pour yeast and vegetable oil into the resulting hole, add a little salt and mix everything thoroughly. The finished base must be left in a warm place for 1 hour.

Make the filling and bake the pie

To prepare the filling, finely chop and fry it in vegetable oil with garlic and salt. After this, add finely chopped parsley, dried basil and oregano to the lamb.

When the filling is completely ready, the risen dough needs to be divided into two parts and rolled out to fit the mold. One layer must be placed on a baking sheet, grease it with beaten egg, lay out the fried meat and cover with the second part of the base. Next, you should fasten the edges of the dough, make holes in the semi-finished product to allow steam to escape, and then put it in the oven for 40 minutes.

Bananas in cream cheese

To make such a delicious dessert, Alexey Zimin recommends using the following ingredients:

  • heavy cream - about 400 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1-2 sticks;
  • condensed milk - a couple of standard jars;
  • cream cheese - approximately 400 g;
  • ripe bananas - about 4 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - ¼ dessert spoon.

How to cook?

To prepare a delicious and aromatic dessert, you need to take a saucepan, pour heavy cream into it, and add 2 cinnamon sticks. The resulting mixture must be simmered over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Next, add to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly using a whisk.

It is advisable to cut peeled ripe bananas lengthwise and crosswise into exactly 4 parts. After this, ½ of the finished sauce needs to be poured into the frying pan, and then put in the bananas and add the remaining cream with condensed milk. All ingredients must be sprinkled with ground cinnamon, placed in the oven and baked for about 25 minutes.

As you can see, Alexey Zimin’s cuisine involves the use of only simple and readily available ingredients. After all, to make delicious dishes, you only need to show your culinary imagination, and not purchase outlandish and expensive products.

Presenter of culinary programs.
Influenced the formation of the style of Men's Fashion and Haute Cuisine.

Alexey Zimin was born on December 13, 1971 in the city of Dubna, Moscow region. Education began at the physics and mathematics school and continued at the Moscow Energy Institute. But soon he decided to change physics to philology and transferred to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The specialization in Russian folklore acquired at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University was further expanded while working as the editor of the television program “International Panorama.” Zimin was engaged in the customs of the peoples of the world, as well as researching the settlements of Aryan tribes in the southern republics of the country.

In addition, even during his student years, Alexey was fond of rock and was the lead singer of a rock band. The next stages of his journalistic biography were work in the magazines Voyage, Playboy and Vogue. However, Alexey Zimin earned the greatest fame among readers, television viewers and visitors to Internet sites as a cook.

Alexey Zimin made his first culinary experience at the age of five. Despite the fact that the scrambled eggs he cooked turned out to be completely black, he was fascinated by the process of transformation of products. Alexey studied cooking from cookbooks, collecting them into a library that he already estimates to be a thousand volumes. However, Zimin also has a special education behind him in such a reputable institution as the London Cordon Bleu school of chefs, and an internship with such culinary aces as Michel Guerard and Raymond Blanc.

Alexey has been conveying his culinary knowledge for almost fifteen years in thematic columns of such reputable publications as Kommersant and Vedomosti. In addition, his culinary blog is a leader on the Afisha-Eda website, and the culinary programs “Food” on Menu-TV and “Cooking with Alexey Zimin” on NTV are very popular among viewers and invited celebrities, attracting attention not only with original recipes, but also with entertaining stories and fascinating comments on recipes.

Of the four books published by Zimin, three are devoted to cooking. “Forever Kitchen” tells about the best recipes of world cuisine, “Market Kitchen” about preparing seasonal dishes, and in fact represents a culinary calendar, and “Supermarket Kitchen” offers original recipes from widely available products. The Ragout cafe, where Zimin is the curator of the kitchen and a teacher at the cooking school, is also famous among the residents of the capital.

Family of Alexei Zimin

Alexey is married to Tatyana Dolmatovskaya, a costume designer. Their acquaintance occurred at the Conde Nast publishing house, when Tatyana worked at Vogue magazine and Alexey was the editor of GQ. At his insistence, Tatyana took a confectionery course. Their family was included in the list of the strongest marital unions in Moscow. Alexey, Tatyana and their three children live in Peredelkino, where on weekends they prepare their favorite dish - leek and potato soup according to an old and simple French recipe.

The biography of Alexei Petrov, editor-in-chief of the Afisha-World magazine, is surprising in its diversity. He is a graduate of the physics and mathematics school, a student at Moscow Power Engineering Institute and then at the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University, a folklorist and ethnographer, a rock musician, and currently a journalist, writer and brand chef. Zimin was the editor-in-chief of the magazines "GQ", which had a great influence on the formation of the domestic style of men's fashion, and "Gourmet", the "bible of gourmets", which talked about haute cuisine. Alexey Zimin calls his current position at Afisha-Mir "Chairman of the Globe." Along with original guides and travel stories, the pages of the special supplement of the magazine and the Afisha-Eda website pay a lot of attention to various aspects of cooking.

Physicist, philologist, culinary specialist

Alexey Zimin is a native of Dubna (December 13, 1971). His education began at the physics and mathematics school and continued at MPEI, however, after familiarizing himself with the introductory courses of his future specialty, Alexey decided to change physics to philology. The specialization in Russian folklore acquired at the philological department of Moscow State University was later expanded - while working as editor of the television program “International Panorama”, Zimin was engaged in the customs of the peoples of the world, as well as researching the settlements of Aryan tribes in the southern republics of the USSR. In addition, even during his student years, Alexey was fond of rock and was the lead singer of a rock band. The next stages of his journalistic biography were work in Voyage magazine and other publications, including Playboy and Vogue. However, Alexey Zimin earned the greatest fame among readers, television viewers and visitors to Internet sites as a cook.

The path to haute cuisine

Alexey Zimin made his first culinary experience at the age of five. Despite the fact that the scrambled eggs he cooked turned out to be completely black, he was fascinated by the process of transformation of products. Alexey studied cooking from cookbooks, collecting them into a library that he already estimates to be a thousand volumes. However, Zimin also has a special education behind him in such a reputable institution as the London Cordon Bleu school of chefs, and an internship with such culinary aces as Michel Guerard and Raymond Blanc. Alexey Zimin has been conveying his culinary experience for almost fifteen years in thematic columns of such reputable publications as Kommersant and Vedomosti. In addition, his culinary blog is a leader on the Afisha-Eda website, and the culinary programs “Food” on Menu-TV and “Cooking with Alexei Zimin” on NTV are very popular among viewers and invited celebrities, attracting attention not only with original recipes, but also with entertaining stories and fascinating comments on recipes. Of the four books published by Zimin, three are devoted to cooking. "Forever Kitchen" tells about the best recipes of world cuisine, "Market Kitchen" - about preparing seasonal dishes, and is actually a culinary calendar, and "Supermarket Kitchen" offers original recipes from widely available products. The cafe "Ragout" is also famous among the capital's residents, where Zimin is the curator of the kitchen and a teacher at the cooking school.

Alexey Zimin considers the growing interest in good cuisine, the popularity of gastronomic publications and various culinary shows to be a global trend associated with the fact that food is one of the most important moments in a person’s life, a form of self-knowledge. As soon as the process of satiation ceases to be simply a condition of survival, cooking becomes an art. Currently, there is a natural process of borrowing culinary traditions. According to Zimin, any national cuisine should not remain a hermetically sealed world. He does not agree with those who talk about the disappearance of traditional Russian cooking, and considers the process of absorbing new ideas to be completely natural and favorable. At the same time, among the promising areas for the development of Russian cuisine, Alexey Zimin introduces such a controversial area for many as street food.

Alexey Zimin is married to Tatyana Dolmatovskaya, a costume designer. Their acquaintance occurred at the Conde Nast publishing house, when Tatyana worked at Vogue magazine, and Alexey was editor-in-chief of GQ. At Alexey’s insistence, Tatyana took a confectionery course – the brand chef considers women more capable in the art of making sweets. Their family was included in the list of the strongest marital unions in Moscow. Alexey, Tatyana and their three children live in Peredelkino, where on weekends they prepare their favorite dish - leek and potato soup according to an old and simple French recipe.