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» Amulet for good luck and wealth (Imperial) - review and real reviews. Chinese feng shui coins

Amulet for good luck and wealth (Imperial) - review and real reviews. Chinese feng shui coins

There are magical things that attract money and prosperity into the life of their owner. One of them is an imperial amulet for good luck and wealth. The strong energy of this coin attracts good luck in business, prosperity and relieves debts into the life of its owner. Moreover, you can make the amulet yourself, imbuing it with a positive attitude. Then financial well-being will enter your life.

Reviews from experts

  • Elena Golunova's blog: Luck and wealth to every home from the Siberian witch!
  • Marilyn Cerro: How to quickly attract money and luck...

Origin of the Imperial Coin

This amulet has a long history. There is a legend that says that this amulet was in the family of the Russian Romanov emperors, starting with Peter the Great. And he received it at a difficult time for the future Tsar and Russia - when his own sister went against him, conspiring with the archers. The coin was given to the prince by a monk of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, who prayed over it. He predicted to the crown prince that if this artifact was with him, then wealth, fame and success would await him. Since then, for each of the Romanovs in this monastery, the devout monks charmed coins, for which they were generously rewarded. After the revolution, the tradition was lost, but was revived again. Now everyone can get a coin to attract wealth.

There are similar amulets in other countries. In China, these are emperor coins, which look like round discs with a hole in the middle. But they differ from the Imperial coin not only in appearance, but in that the latter is prayed in Orthodox church, which means for a Christian there will be powerful amulet.


This magical amulet for good luck and wealth directs cash flow into the life of its owner and gives strength not to miss out on good luck. So, it will help those who:

  • opens his own business;
  • looking for a stable income;
  • wants to climb career ladder;
  • is in debt and trying to pay off loans;
  • ready to change your life and become richer.

In all endeavors related to money, he will become a faithful assistant. This is supported by reviews from those who already use the amulet. The main thing is to believe that this is not a hoax and treats the Royal coin with respect. Before you order an amulet for good luck and wealth, you need to understand how this thing works.

How does a money talisman work?

Any esoteric item, especially one related to wealth, must be used correctly. Magicians know this, but ordinary people are not so sensitive to things of power. After all, many traditions associated with the acquisition and use of amulets were lost and remained inaccessible to the majority. Therefore, when you have the Imperial Amulet in your hands, follow these rules.

  1. Keep the coin secret. You shouldn’t show or tell about it even to those closest to you. But the amulet can and should be passed on within the family if real financial difficulties.
  2. Don’t give a talisman as a gift and don’t let him use it.
  3. Don't brag about your wealth, much less say that you have something that attracts him.
  4. For the amulet to work, believe in it.
  5. Money loves order. Keep the coin in a clean, tidy place.
  6. Carry the amulet with you as often as possible so that it feeds you with its energy, guiding you to success.
  7. The talisman will not work if you want to get money dishonestly, for example, by fraud.

Listen to the talisman. He will attract wealth into your life, but will you be able to understand his signals and not miss the opportunity? Don't expect a coin to do all the work for you. It is impossible to win the lottery without buying a ticket.

Don't expect mountains of gold and easy winnings right away, feel the gradual changes and allow yourself to follow them, improving your life. The effect of esoteric objects lies precisely in this. If a person believes in them, then it means he is ready to change.

The coin, like a magnet, will attract situations in which you will need to make a choice: stay the same or go towards your goal. If between you and money amulet Once a connection is established, money is guaranteed to come into your life.

Where can I buy

Anyone can buy a charged amulet for themselves on the Internet, on special resources, or order production from someone who is seriously involved in objects of power. It is not always possible to make a talisman with your own hands, so it is worth turning to esotericists who will make a powerful personal amulet, individually for you and your loved ones. A personal order is placed on the official website (here it is) and then the amulet is received by mail. This is the only way to get a working coin that attracts money. But how can you determine that you have not been deceived by making a dummy without any meaning? There are several signs that help determine whether it is a divorce or not.

  1. A canonical imperial amulet must be made from an old coin. Best of all - made during the Peter the Great era.
  2. Ask how many amulets this person sells. For a knowledgeable magician, the manufacturing process can take several months. A large sales volume should be alarming.
  3. Find out where this coin came from. For the Tsar's coin, only money obtained honestly is used. Perfect option- donations for monasteries.

Even these conditions greatly limit the search. There are not many old coins with a good history, so esotericists use modern or stylized money. Perhaps this is a better solution than lying. But the price of such amulets should not be too high. When is it important? appearance- ask to send a photo of the coin and if all the rules are followed, feel free to order a money talisman.

Believers are interested in how the Church relates to such things. There is no exact answer, because, on the one hand, a Christian should not use amulets, on the other, this is a prayed-for talisman and there is nothing wrong with wearing it. So, the choice is yours.

Place your order now!

How to use the Imperial Amulet

From time to time, both custom-made and self-made amulet need to be recharged. Take it out more often when you are alone, hold it in your palms. Throw away all negativity, turn to the Universe and God. Let this item become your ally, treat it with love and care.

If they come hard times, take out the amulet and ask him for help, let him organize your thoughts and give an answer to a question related to money.

The coin gives you strength, but does not completely solve your financial problems. It suggests, leads to money, and whether you respond and meet it halfway depends on you. Therefore, establish contact with the object of power, get ready to change internally. Lying to yourself and expecting easy money is the path to poverty. Do not blame the amulet for your weaknesses and failures, but change, using all the opportunities that the artifact will provide you.

The original meaning of the shape of Chinese coins is the unity of Heaven and Earth. The round shape of the coin symbolizes the energy of Heaven - Yang energy, and the square cutout in the center of the coin symbolizes the energy of Earth - Yin energy. Such coins, usually made of copper, have actually been used as money in China since the 11th century BC. And even earlier in China they used metal money not in the form of coins, but in the form of other symbols.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that one side of a coin is Yang and the other is Yin. On the yang side of the coin there are 4 hieroglyphs, two of which - the bottom and the top - determine which dynasty the coin belongs to. There are only two signs depicted on the Yin side.

Sometimes on antique coins ah minted the motto of the emperor's reign, such as "Light on the Path" or "Great Balance" or other significant images.

Chinese coins- These are talismans that have miraculous powers. The combination of the energy of Heaven and Earth, Yang and Yin activates the energy of abundance, which awakens good luck and brings wealth. The coin is a talisman of harmonization of space, flows of energy and time. In ancient times, coins were called Quan, and the translation of this word is “source”. There is another word, Quan, which translates as “integrity.” Therefore, in ancient times, coins were used as a symbol of achieving 10 types of integrity. With this symbol, Feng Shui masters activated the source of well-being and integrity, i.e. happiness. A bunch of 9 coins arranged in a circle and one coin in the center was especially widely used for this.

Since coins ceased to be a means of currency and became a talisman used to attract wealth and protect people from negative energy, production of their copies began various types, size and quality. And they began to wear them not only in wallets, but also on the body.

For example, amulets coins are worn around the neck to attract good luck and protect against evil forces. For this purpose, coins are used that depict a dragon and a phoenix playing with a pearl, or simply a dragon and a phoenix.

There are coins depicting the pre-celestial sequence of trigrams, the Bagua symbol, crossed swords and other Feng Shui symbols of protection and good luck.

In the photo I took in Hong Kong, glass wall You can see two large coins that serve as protection against negative energy.

Over time, coins began to be tied in the shape of a decorative sword. This “sword” is used to protect against Sha Qi and neutralize unfavorable flying stars of Feng Shui 5 and 2. Swords are made from different numbers of coins, but the most effective is considered to be a sword made from 108 coins.

On next photo, made in a feng shui restaurant in Macau, shows a chandelier made entirely of copies of coins depicting the 24 mountains of feng shui, borrowed from the San Yuan method of flying stars.

To harmonize marital relations, two coins are placed under the pillow.

There is a coin, on one side of which, on the Yang side, the name of one of the 8 immortal Taoists, Zhong Li Quan, is written, and on the other, on the Yin side, his image is written. This coin provides protection for this particular immortal Taoist. It is recommended to either carry it with you, or put it or hang it at home in the assistants’ sector.

If coins are used to attract monetary luck, then they are hung in any place directly or indirectly connected with money: above the store door (one or two associated coins), on door handles, on cash registers, on computers, they are placed in a wallet, in a safe, under the rug in front of front door, glued to folders with financial documentation, and so on. In this case, one thing must be observed important rule– coins should be attached with the yang side up and the yin side down.

To ensure the well-being of the family, during the construction of a house, coins are embedded in the floor and walls.

It is believed that the use of many coins more efficient use one coin, so there are different quantities They are collected and tied almost always with red, but sometimes with gold thread. Personally, I think that it is better to tie coins with gold thread, because according to Feng Shui, the golden color corresponds to the element of metal, which enhances the element of earth, and then the elements corresponding to the amulet (the elements of soil and metal) are “friends” with each other. If you tie the coins with a red thread, as is usually done, then, according to Feng Shui, the red color corresponds to the element of fire, which strengthens the element of earth, but destroys the element of metal, represented by round shape and the harmony of the elements of the amulet is violated, despite the fact that red in China is the color of attracting good luck.

Although the authenticity of the coins is not essential, connoisseurs prefer to use real, ancient, previously circulated coins, because they believe that these coins carry the energy of money and prosperity. It is believed that the amulet is made from genuine ancient Chinese coins, not their modern copies, works more efficiently. However, there are few old coins anymore and it is not easy to buy them, so they began to make various copies.

How to distinguish an original antique coin from a copy? According to the 1973 law, all copies of antique coins must be stamped “Copy”, but I personally have not seen coins with such a stamp. Copies of coins are now made so skillfully that only an experienced numismatist can distinguish them from the original.

All masters agree that to attract material well-being, it is best to use not any coins, but only those issued during the reign of emperors, who ensured the flourishing of the economy and culture. They recommend using coins from the last Chinese Qin Dynasty (17th to 20th centuries). Indeed, China reached its greatest prosperity during the reign of the Qin dynasty, so coins from this era are considered the most effective and they are the most common. Coins of the first 9 emperors of the Qin dynasty are used - Shun Chi (Shun Zhi, 1644-1661), Kang Hsi (Kang Xi, 1661-1722), Yung Cheng (Yong Zheng, 1723-1735), Chien Lung (Qian Long, 1736-1796 ), Chia Ching (Jia Ching, 1796-1820), Tao Kwong (Tao Kwon, 1820-1850), Shen Fung (1850-1861), Tung Chi (1862-1874) and Kwong Shui (1875-1908). The tenth emperor is not considered successful because he only ruled for three years and the empire collapsed during his reign.

Particularly popular are coins from the reign of Emperors Qian Long and Kang Xi. The coins of these emperors were both bronze and gold. The photo below shows coins of Emperor Kang Xi.

And this is a Qian Long coin:

Emperor Wu Chu coins or coins from the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 25 AD) also bring good luck. Here they are:

Different numbers of coins are tied together and used for different purposes, because in Chinese culture and in Feng Shui, the symbolism of numbers is very important and it reflects different meanings, different symbolism and associations associated with a particular number.

When two coins are tied together with a red thread, it symbolizes the accumulation of wealth and they are widely used to attract wealth in business. They are also worn as an amulet to protect against evil forces. It is said that the Chinese name for two related coins translated means “money of mother and son.” The connection between mother and son symbolizes the arrival of money and an increase in wealth.

Three ancient coins tied together symbolize the unity of Heaven, Earth and Man. They also symbolize the three sources of wealth: ordinary, earned wealth; wealth that came from outside and was earned in an unconventional way; unexpected wealth. Three coins connected by a thread are like a magnet to attract prosperity. It is better to link the coins of three successive emperors Kang Hsi (Kang Xi, 1661-1722), Yung Cheng (Yong Zheng, 1723-1735), Chien Lung (Qian Lung, 1736-1796). These are the coins:

You can link coins in different ways:

The photo shows the obverse and reverse sides of three Song Dynasty coins. These are coins from three different emperors who ruled China from 960 to 1126 AD and are approximately 1000 years old. The obverse is the side of the coin with 4 hieroglyphs. Two characters (left and right) indicate that this is official imperial money, and the other two (above and below) are two characters of the official name of the emperor. On back side these coins do not have hieroglyphs, unlike coins 150-400 years ago. Although these are very old coins and are made more crudely than modern ones, they could be used in circulation until 1910. These coins are used both in Feng Shui and for predictions according to the I Ching. These are very powerful amulets.

Anyone who is interested in Feng Shui knows that it is impossible to tie coins together in groups of four.

A bunch of five coins symbolizes the influx of wealth from all four compass directions and its accumulation in the center. This amulet is widely used by enterprises retail. The photo below, which I took at the Hong Kong Life Saving Club, shows five coins. I would like to think that these are the “correct” coins of the “correct” emperors, but the signs on them are written in ancient Chinese.

Six coins tied together symbolize heavenly luck. It is very good if the 6 coins connected by a thread are the six copper coins of the first emperors of the Qin Dynasty: Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796) , Chia Ching (1796-1820), Tao Kwong (1820-1850). Below are the yang sides of these six coins.

They are hung in the northwest to attract good luck, the arrival of a mentor and helping people. The coins are approximately 2.5 cm in diameter.

Seven coins are not used as a talisman, but the number 7 is the number of metal, so a bunch of 7 coins is used to strengthen the flying stars of the metal element or weaken the unfavorable flying stars of the earth element.

A bunch of eight or nine coins (if one coin is located in the center of the bunch) symbolizes the influx of wealth from all eight compass directions, i.e. from everywhere.

Nine coins symbolize the integrity and completeness of the universe. It is believed that if you manage to collect 9 coins issued during the reign of 9 emperors of the Qin dynasty into one bundle, then such an amulet will bring material well-being for 9 generations of one family. True, the amulet will work effectively if it consists of genuine ancient Chinese coins, and not their modern copies, and finding such originals is difficult, if not impossible. Find out during the reign of which emperor the coin was issued “simple”, because the name of the emperor is written on the coin, or check front sides coins with the image in the photos I provided. If you have a bunch of these 9 coins, genuine or even good copies, then you can hang it behind the back of your desk chair and this will provide financial support to the nine emperors. If you were unable to collect a bunch of 9 coins from the reign of 9 emperors, then do not be upset, because bundles of coins of three, five and six emperors of the same dynasty are also common. Of course, the support of 9 emperors is great, but having the support of even 3 or 5 emperors is also very good.

Above I have already given photos of the obverse sides of the coins of the first 6 emperors, and below are the obverse sides of the coins of the 7th, 8th and 9th emperors Shen Fung (1850-1861), Tung Chi (1862-1874) and Kwong Shui (1875-1908).

A bunch of 9 coins is placed in the southeast to enhance wealth, in the northwest to attract the right people, are used to protect against stars 5 and 2. Some argue that if you use coins to attract wealth, then it is most effective to tie 9 coins with a red thread and wear this bundle around your neck.

Since time immemorial, amulets have helped attract financial luck. Even an ordinary coin can be turned into a money talisman that ensures a stable filling of your wallet.

It’s not enough just to earn money, you need to manage it correctly - be able to save and increase it. All this knowledge is already available to man energy level, but most people blindly act according to the example of others or according to the will of others. Everything we need to achieve wealth is already within us; we just need to look deep into ourselves, press the necessary levers and let monetary energy into our lives. It’s difficult to do this on your own, but no one is forcing you to act alone. Make the most effective and simple talisman to help you - an irredeemable coin.

The Secret of the Fiat Coin

The very first and most frequently asked question is what is a fiat coin? The answer is surprisingly simple - it is a strong talisman that helps better than others in the art of attracting money. This is because it is always stored in the wallet, that is, it always interacts with you and your money. And also the money talisman has a number of characteristic features, which you will not find in any other amulet:

  • it is charged with constantly increasing income;
  • it attracts cash flows to itself and, accordingly, to its owner, allowing you to gain financial stability;
  • This is a powerful weapon in the fight against poverty, which is easy to make yourself, without resorting to outside help.

An irreplaceable talisman is both an iron coin and paper bill absolutely any dignity. Practitioners recommend not to waste time when creating an amulet. The more you spend on creating it, the more you will gain later. Of course, the decision is up to you, especially if you are irresistibly attracted to a particular coin or bill. Trust your intuition. Esotericists claim that such a craving will make your talisman even stronger and more powerful.

If the strength of a bill is determined by its denomination, then a coin talisman is subject to different rules. It is believed that coins with defects are the most powerful talismans for money. In any case, when choosing a future amulet, you need to find some invisible connection with it. You will definitely feel it.

Making a strong talisman for money

If the urgent question is how to quickly and easily improve your financial situation or correct your money karma, then we advise you to make for yourself a powerful talisman that attracts money. A fiat coin can be created in three ways, so you have a choice.

The first method: transforming an ordinary ruble into an unusual one. The energy of money loves the period of the waxing moon. At this time, it becomes easiest to get financial success. Meditation on attracting money will help you prepare for a small ritual. If other practices are available to you that allow you to concentrate on visualizing desires, use them. In any case, the main thing is to tune in to the process itself, and how you do this is completely unimportant. So, buy a wax candle for yourself. Green is best, because this color helps attract money vibrations. Choose a coin - even the simplest ruble will do. Now light a candle and drip wax over the entire surface of the coin, forming a dense layer. Then hold the coin in your hand and say to yourself:

“I won’t give it up, I won’t betray it, I won’t trade it. Bring money luck and fill my wallet to the brim with money.”

Place the coin in a small bag and give it a spacious place in your wallet where it cannot come into contact with other money. Now this is your amulet, talisman and amulet in one, which cannot be given away. If you lose it, you will lose your luck.

Second method: the power of the Full Moon. The name itself speaks for itself: you will have to wait for the Full Moon, but you will not regret it. The thing is that lunar activity on such days is very strong; it activates the financial channel. In a word, money will constantly flow to you from different sources. Both a banknote and a coin can be used as an irredeemable talisman. At midnight, take the mirror and the future talisman. Place your money on the windowsill, and place a mirror behind it so that the money sign is reflected in it. Leave everything untouched at night: let your amulet gain strength while bathing in the moonlight. Before you go to bed, read a small plot:

“Mother Moon, your strength comes to my aid! Your wealth is my wealth, money to money.”

Third method: personalized banknote. In esotericism, money on which the owner’s initials are imprinted is considered good sign. Finding a personalized banknote is simple: among all the money that falls into your hands, look for the one that has letters that match the first letters of your first and last name. Even monetary value has no meaning. Such a bill automatically acts as the most powerful monetary talisman and should always be with you. It is best to place it in a separate section in your wallet and under no circumstances part with it.

Money talismans will help you increase your chances of success several times. Amulets will make you richer on an energetic level, and then everything will depend on just one confident step in the right direction. Follow your goal. Remember: your desires determine your life, so dream big. You will succeed. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

In the furnishings of a home, according to ancient traditions, even the smallest details play a big role.

Chinese Feng Shui coins are used today not only as room decoration, but also as strong talisman for wealth and prosperity.

The shape of such amulets is identified with the unity of Heaven and Earth, therefore they are filled with special energy.

General description of Chinese coins

Feng Shui coins usually look like small round pieces with square hole in the middle. Exactly geometric figure with angles means Yin energy, i.e. Earth, while the circle is associated with the celestial flow of Yang.

Moreover, on each side, according to Feng Shui, there are references to one of two types of energy. Thanks to this balance of forces, Feng Shui coins, photos of which are so often found on the Internet, bring financial success to people’s lives and harmonize the entire space around them.

Inscriptions and pictures

The active side of the coins - Yang - according to Feng Shui, should always contain 4 hieroglyphs located in the cardinal directions. These symbols indicate the era in which the currency was made. In this way, you can easily find out during the heyday of which dynasty specific coins were issued.

As for the passive side, it contains only 2 symbols - the motto of the corresponding ruler. Feng Shui coins are usually made from ordinary copper, and they have actually been used in China for making exchanges since the 11th century. BC.

Some Feng Shui coins have special meanings that are different from ordinary money. In this case, we are talking about talismans with specific images or trigrams that give specific meanings to the coin. Thus, lucky coins, which serve as the basis for creating neck amulets, are remembered by images of phoenixes, dragons, as well as swords, the sight of which should protect a person from evil.

Feng Shui coins with red ribbon and thread

Coins, important in Feng Shui and tied with a red ribbon or rope, have great effect as a home talisman or amulet for business development. This is due to the fact that bright color activates Yang energy, and arranging coins and tying them into knots enhances assistance in achieving what you want.

In addition, the scarlet tint helps eliminate the perception of coins as physical bodies. You can also use gold ropes and ribbons, the main thing is to pay attention to their strength.

How to tie feng shui coins with red thread

IN in this case What matters is mainly the number of coins. It should be remembered that according to Feng Shui the link metal money consists of 5 main elements. First of all, this is the material of their creation and the symbolic wealth with which they are identified. The remaining details are determined precisely by the connecting tape (rope): fire, strength and naturalness. The last two factors are especially active in attracting wealth to a person’s home.

Of course, there are several methods for tying Feng Shui cash coins with a special knot. It symbolizes the endless resources received and lifelong abundance. This combination of coins promotes the release of Qi, but creating such a talisman on your own can be problematic.

However, Feng Shui allows for simple tying of money, since it is saturated with the energy of the owner, which means it begins to attract positive waves. It should only be taken into account that Chinese coins Feng Shui should be positioned in such a way that the images of the dragon, tiger and other patrons are on top.

Types of coins in Feng Shui

Talisman coin

The so-called immutable coin was never used as a currency in China. She was always just an object to attract fortune. This talisman is needed by risky people who bet on horse races and love the lottery.

According to Feng Shui, you should store the coin in the southeast of the apartment, near the door. It can also be worn around the neck.

Chinese coin of luck feng shui

The lucky coin in feng shui is used to find your other half. If you already have love in your life, the talisman is suitable for maintaining a happy marriage. On such a coin they depict two dragons with a pearl or one, but with a phoenix.
It is better to carry the amulet in your pocket or purse. According to Feng Shui, the Chinese Coin of Happiness can also be kept in the bedroom under the mattress.

Health Coin

Coin for good health It is quite rare and is distinguished by the image of the star elder - Show Sin. Sometimes he is painted surrounded by deer, storks, peach fruits and other symbols of excellent health.

On the second side of such a talisman there is a hieroglyph of long life and a symbol of the family - a phoenix with a dragon. The latter means that the effect of the Feng Shui coin extends to all close people of the owner.

Chinese money coins

An ordinary Chinese coin is a symbol of financial luck. Feng Shui cash coins are especially valued if they were issued from the 17th to the 20th centuries, since this is the period of the Qin Dynasty.

Only coins made during the time of the 10th emperor from this dynasty are not considered lucky. Conversely, the most popular coins as talismans are coins from Kang Xi and Qian Long. You can keep these Chinese coins in a wallet, a red envelope, on money tree. You are allowed to put them in the refrigerator and on your computer.

Talisman coins

A coin with five is considered very rare bats around. This symbol allows you to provide a person with maximum protection and support in any difficult situation.

Coins in the shape of a plum flower are also considered interesting. They have 5 petals and the same number of hieroglyphs. Accordingly, the talisman brings several factors into life at once: purity, fame, well-being, happiness, peace of mind and longevity. You should store such a Chinese coin in a safe or on your desktop.

Large Chinese coin

According to Feng Shui, a large coin carries the power of an immortal Taoist if the face of Zhong Li Quan is depicted on it, and the name of one of his 8 Taoists is also written.

In this case, the talisman provides the owner with very strong defense, if you carry it with you or hang it in an apartment in the assistants’ sector.

How to use cash coins

  • The so-called blade or sword made of 108 Chinese coins protects its owner from unfavorable floating stars. If a person needs to harmonize relationships, it is better to hide 2 ancient coins under the pillow to bring positive family energy into the house.
  • As a talisman of wealth, it is enough to use one coin in a red circle with tassels. You should hang it on the handle of the front door, but before that you should tie the Chinese coin yourself with a red thread or ribbon. Also, to attract monetary luck, you can place coins under the rug, in folders with documentation. The Yang side should always be directed upward. But scattering coins around the house in a chaotic manner is not very useful according to Feng Shui.
  • To thoroughly improve the material well-being of the entire family, three Chinese coins should be placed even in the foundation of the house. They can be installed in a path to a building, hidden in walls behind a layer of wall plaster, or cemented into the floor. It is best to place the talisman in the northern or western area of ​​the house, especially if the door faces in this direction. Feng Shui coins work only if the building is a person’s personal property.
  • Many people are interested in where jade coins should be located according to Feng Shui. The traditional health talisman, consisting of 8 monetary units and red knots, is usually placed at the head of the bedroom. You can place coins above the door to the rest room or kitchen. One jade coin is allowed to be added to important documents or hidden in a notebook.

Number of coins: three coins or more?

Two coins

A pair of coins from China in the teachings of Feng Shui means the accumulation and preservation of money. Such a talisman will also protect the owner from negative energy. It is believed that two coins symbolize the money of mother and son, i.e. contribute to increasing wealth.

Three coins

Feng Shui considers three coins to be the three parts of prosperity. This means that the owner will receive finances from work, additional sources of income, and even spontaneous monetary wealth in the form of gifts or inheritance.

Adding a red knot in this case will emphasize the unity of heaven, earth and humanity. It is also effective to associate coins with images of emperors ruling one after another.

Five Chinese coins

According to Feng Shui, five Chinese coins are useful for bringing prosperity from all directions of the world at once. A disk with such monetary units is used to attract good luck in the work of various companies.

Six coins

A bunch of six coins can attract helpers. This number is associated with luck sent from above.
It is especially good to keep the amulet in the northwestern sector of the house.

Eight coins

If the traditional fen shuitri coins understand how different sides income, then 8 coins are perceived as talismans for the influx of wealth from all compass directions. It’s good if the money is connected into a straight ribbon or forms a circle with the ninth coin in the center.

Nine coins

In Feng Shui, nine coins represent the entirety of the Universe. In this case, the maximum power is possessed by a bundle of coins made during the reign of all representatives of the Qin dynasty.

Moreover, even ordinary monetary units from China in such quantities are used for protection and well-being. According to Feng Shui, you should place such a talisman in the wealth sector or wear coins around your neck. In Feng Shui, it is also useful to hang money coins behind the back of your work chair.

As a rule, Feng Shui does not allow tying Chinese coins in quantities of 4 and 7 pieces. This is not an effective talisman, besides, the number 7 is identified with metal, so it is not suitable for attracting wealth. A bunch of seven coins is needed to strengthen active stars of the metal element or neutralize negative stars from the earth element.

Regardless of how you want to tie Chinese coins, how many there will be and what place they will live in, try to endow the talisman with your energy. Like any powerful helper, a lucky or money coin only approves of a person’s sincere and positive thoughts.
Chinese Feng Shui coins will definitely give wealth to those who really want and deserve it.