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» Analysis of the poem by N. Nekrasov “I don’t like your irony…. Holistic analysis of poetic text. N.A. Nekrasov. I don't like your irony

Analysis of the poem by N. Nekrasov “I don’t like your irony…. Holistic analysis of poetic text. N.A. Nekrasov. I don't like your irony

The poem “I don’t like your irony...” refers to love lyrics and is included in the so-called “Panaevsky” cycle of poems by Nekrasov, dedicated to his beloved Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva.

In the poem, Nekrasov uses a form of poetic appeal to a woman that is already familiar to us. His main lyrical intonation is excitement lyrical hero. Let's see how the lyrical theme of the poem develops: the hero tries to warn his beloved against terrible mistake in their relationship - the appearance of irony, a light mocking tone that hides dissatisfaction and cooling towards each other. However, first let us pay attention to the structure of the poem, consisting of three stanzas of five lines each. The stanzas are designed to consistently convey the movement of poetic thought; different sequences of arrangement of rhyming lines help with this.

The first line of the poem speaks of the reason for the lyrical experience:

I don't like your irony...

Thus, often a careless word, an inappropriate remark, an unnecessary emotion serve as the beginning of a conversation between close people. Therefore, the first stanza is a quick response to the irony of the beloved and a request to leave her. Therefore, three lines in a row that rhyme with each other provide an emotional explanation for why they should not allow irony in their relationship. And the stanza concludes with a continuation of the initial thesis:

I don't like your irony...


It’s too early for us to indulge in it!

The second stanza reflects next stage development of the theme: the hero is trying to convince his beloved that he is right, he does this persistently and passionately. Nekrasov uses a very expressive rhythmic-syntactic device, combining the rhetorical pattern of the stanza with the principle of rhyming lines:

Still shy and tender


While rebelliousness is still boiling inside me


Don't rush the inevitable outcome!

In the third stanza there are intonations of exhortation, calling to protect feelings for each other from the inevitable cold of life without love. That is why the poem ends with a phrase addressed to eternity:

But the raging waves are colder...

Thus, the irony in the words of the beloved became the reason for the appearance of a poetic hymn of love, which is doomed to fade away, but will survive forever, because, fading away in ordinary life, love will remain between them in ideal life, just as it was noted in Pushkin’s elegy “I loved you.” ..." (1829).

This poem by Nekrasov appeared in print in 1855. In the work, the author addresses Avdotya Yakovlevna Panova, his wife and lover. It should be noted that this poem is not the first appeal to his wife written this year. Apparently, this year was especially difficult in the life of the spouses.

The lyrical hero of the poem understands that their relationship is heading towards a breakdown, and yet he begs his beloved not to rush things, not to forget about feelings ahead of time. It pains him to part with his sweetheart, and knowing that this inevitably asks him to spend at least a little more time with her as a lover, without mutual irony.

This poem, like the rest of the author’s work on the topic of love and separation, perfectly expresses the confusion, the pain that a person experiences when parting. And this very feeling when you understand that just a little more and everything will be over, and you try to breathe before death, these desperate attempts to glue a rapidly spreading crack - who doesn’t know them?

It's written quite in an unusual way– The rhyme scheme changes from stanza to stanza. Thus, in the first five-line verse the ring rhyme method is used:

(Your to her

Alive shim

Loving shim

Saving shim

In the second - cross:

(N gently

mint gently

Sword You

Neizb gently j)

And in the third, both methods are mixed:

(Next ka

Floor us

Thos ka

Re ka

Ox us)

This mixing of rhyme schemes gives the poem the feel of a lively conversation while still sounding beautiful and melodic.

Also, the effect of liveliness is added by an allegory (comparing the feeling of love with a fast-flowing river) and many colorful epithets.

Nekrasov is one of the few poets who was able in his work to convey not only the beauty and romance of love, but also the heaviness and pain that it causes. I believe that this speaks of high skill - a poet with his creativity should evoke in people not only bright feelings, but also allow them to experience grief and plunge into it. His poems have been and will be relevant at all times, until people become insensitive robots and stop experiencing anything.

By providing readers with the opportunity to experience a full range of different feelings, the writer teaches them to understand these feelings, teaches them compassion for those who experience these emotions firsthand.

Poems that describe human feelings make us more humane.

Option 2

Nikolai Nekrasov in 1842 met Avdotya Panaeva, who was the legal wife of a famous publicist, in whose house various writers often gathered. She had a gift for journalism and a special talent for writing, and communication with a wide range of creative people, allowed her to find inspiration and new ideas. In addition, she was famous for her beautiful appearance, so she immediately captivated the young and aspiring poet. But at the same time, she became the cause not only of his mental torment and captivated many visitors to their literary salon, who literally suffered from her charms and natural charm.

They actually dated for 20 years; their union cannot be called strong. They brought a lot of troubles, passions were constantly boiling between them, which also caused inconvenience to the husband of Panayeva herself. He had to live as part of a love triangle, while having to share a house with his wife, who lived with her lover. But in 1849, a child born to a girl from Nekrasov dies, which leads to the fading of love feelings.

It was during that period of life that the poem “I don’t like your irony...” appears. Nekrasov already understands that a break in the relationship is inevitable. He describes the relationship with his chosen one, which becomes cold. He recalls that earlier he had very tender feelings for the woman who was next to him, and she was no less in love with him and fascinated by him appearance. But time can not only smooth out anger and hatred, but also destroy love that does not find proper nourishment.

The author of the poem himself understands what the real problem is with what is happening. The cause is the death of a child who was the fruit of love. But at the same time, he understands that not everything has died out yet. It is still possible to restore old feelings and start all over again. And the woman herself tries to extend the date that is allotted to her. But Nekrasov already feels the approaching separation, which incredibly follows on his heels.

He understands that it is impossible to avoid the outcome, so he simply asks her to push back his moment. He cannot bear the irony of his former lover, which he actually cannot bear in his spirit. She wounds him, but at the same time Nekrasov realizes that the girl is severely wounded, she cannot survive the death of her son.

But the poet does not give up trying to save the controversial union, so it lasted another ten years. Nekrasov hoped to the last that as soon as Panaeva’s husband died, she would become his legal wife. But contrary to all his hopes and expectations, this does not happen.

Their union breaks up completely, she leaves him. Despite the fact that there were many women in his life, he could not completely drive her away from his heart. This is also evidenced by the fact that virtually all of Nekrasov’s love lyrics were written at this moment in his life. The rest of the women did not leave such a mark in his life as Panaeva, who became the meaning of his life; for her sake he worked, regardless of the opinions of the people around him who condemned such a union.

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  • Analysis of the poem Tishina Nekrasova

    Nekrasov’s work is one of the most striking examples of expressing patriotic feelings and love for one’s people through poetic means. The author unfolds the picture native land, urging readers to share his admiration for her.

  • Nekrasov’s poem “I don’t like your irony...” stands out from the list of main topics on which the poet wrote. This is an intimate lyric that tells about the relationship between Nikolai Alekseevich himself and his beloved at that time, Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva.

    The verse was written in 1850, five years after the beginning of the poet’s close relationship with Avdotya. Around this period, the first shoots of cooling appeared in their relationship, which Nekrasov writes about. The poem became available to the general public in 1855, when it was published in Sovremennik.

    Main idea and theme

    The main theme of Nekrasov's verse is the emergence of love in the past, its gradual dying in the present and the vision of complete cooling in the not-so-distant future. This is the story of two loving and beloved people who appreciate and value what they have between them, but who have come to the conclusion that the relationship has entered the stage of fading and can be terminated.

    At the beginning of the work, the author admits his rejection of irony on the part of his beloved. The hero attributes such an attitude of his beloved to what he is doing as a sign of fading feelings and asks not to behave like that, because irony is the lot of those who have already experienced a period of intense attraction. He asks his beloved to prolong the feelings and passion that still exist in the relationship.

    The second part of the verse is a clear demonstration of the behavior of the hero’s beloved and his own feelings. She is gentle and shy on dates, and she also wants them to last longer. He is full of jealous feelings and still burns with them. He asks his beloved not to bring the end of their relationship closer.

    And, despite the requests, he already clearly sees the end, what we're talking about in the third part of the work. And this is precisely the culmination of the entire message. Emotions in the two of them, according to the hero, are boiling, but differently than at the beginning of the relationship. Now they are trying to quench the need for them, as if they were thirsty, greedily swallowing the remaining feelings. Meanwhile, in the heart there is already a growing melancholy and coldness of future alienation.

    Structural analysis

    The lyric poem “I don’t like your irony...” consists of three stanzas, each with five lines. The rhymes used by the author violate the seemingly strictly prescribed order, and thereby once again emphasize those contradictory feelings that are present in the poet’s soul. The contrasts contrasting each other enhance the impression. The passions in the heroes of the poem boil, but there is a secret cold in their hearts.

    In the first stanza, Nekrasov uses a ring rhyme, in the second - a cross rhyme, and in the third he turns to a mixed one. In his stanzas, Nekrasov skips the stress, thereby conveying the excitement he experiences to the reader.

    The emotional coloring is also very contrasting. Nikolai Alekseevich describes a number of experienced feelings tenderly and romantically: “ardently in love,” “shy and tender,” “full of thirst.” There is also negativity in the stanzas - these are “jealous anxieties”, “inevitable denouement”, “secret cold”.


    In his work, the author sought to convey to the reader the idea that two loving people who have gradually come to the brink of separation, when the first calls about a cooling of feelings appear, should not rush to a final decision or draw hasty conclusions.

    The theme of love is traditional in Russian literature. N.A. Nekrasov also could not pass her by and clothed his experiences in a weighty and straightforward Nekrasov style. The reader can notice how realistic the poet’s love is, for example, in the poem “I don’t like your irony...”.

    The writer worked on the poem in 1850, at the height of his affair with a married woman, Avdotya Panayeva. That's who the work is dedicated to. He lived with her in a civil marriage for 16 years, and cohabited with her and her husband in the same apartment. During that period, the lovers suffered a terrible test: their son died. From that moment on, scandals and quarrels became more frequent, and Nekrasov himself began to be jealous of the woman even towards her legal husband. Not surprising, because Avdotya was a beauty known throughout the capital. Even F. M. Dostoevsky was in love with her, but did not receive reciprocation.

    Already in 1855, the poem “I don’t like your irony” was published in the Sovremennik magazine, and was also included in the poetry collection for 1856.

    Genre and direction

    The genre of the poem is a message, since this is one of the works included in the “Panaev cycle” and addressed to A. Panaeva.

    The poem refers to love lyrics. There is a rhythm here that is unnatural for Nekrasov, and an atypical rhyme. The meter is iambic pentameter. But you can also notice pyrrhic. It is precisely because of this that the rhythm is lost and the breathing is lost.

    Nekrasov also composed an unusual rhyme. Everywhere the rhyme is different: if the first stanza has a ring pattern, then the second turns into a cross stanza, the third crosses together with an adjacent rhyme.

    Images and symbols

    The author talks about the formation love relationship, and writes partly about his life: the relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva was unbalanced. Their passions were either in full swing, or they experienced a temporary cooling towards each other. Therefore, the lyrical hero is an emotional person with jealous anxieties, he is a temperamental and honest man who recognizes the inevitability of separation. His love burns with the last blush of autumn, a break is ahead, but he wants to share the last rays of fading attraction with his beloved, without rushing the gloomy denouement.

    His chosen one is also experiencing separation, and therefore the lyrical hero is also worried about the condition of his beloved. She puts her disappointment into irony - that is, she mocks what was once sacred. This is how she hides her melancholy, the pain from the impending loss, which she is already aware of. But with an icy smile the lady extinguishes those sparks of happiness that still remain in their meetings, and the lyrical hero urges her not to do this. You need to be able to enjoy love to the end. The woman still loves him, because she extends the dates and gives tenderness to a jealous, not ideal, but still close and desirable man.

    The symbol of autumn is a sign of withering and farewell to love. The water is getting colder, and only the last splashes retain the appearance of life. So love passes, and its final convulsions are an attempt to forget, to warm and breathe life into a fading feeling.

    Themes and mood

    • Love theme- the main theme of the poem. The culmination of the feeling has already passed. A separation looms ahead for the lovers, but the last glimpses of happiness should warm them, because the journey together has not yet been completed. The poet tries to convey to the reader the whole authenticity of romantic relationships between people: how a spark flares up between them, how difficult it sometimes is for them, and how this spark can go out.
    • Theme of jealousy. The author believes that jealousy is a clear manifestation of male passion. Nekrasov himself managed to show this emotion, even when he was a lover married woman. Therefore, it is not surprising that he sang his own manifestation of love.
    • Theme of longing. The hearts of fed-up people are full of boredom and coldness; their feeling from life, where the illusions of novelty have been lost, can be succinctly described by the word “melancholy.”
    • Mood the poem can be called autumn, because its heroes clearly see off love, paying their last respects to it. The reader feels slightly tired, nostalgic and involuntarily plunges into his own passion, applying the words from the poem to himself.

    main idea

    The poet talks about the reality of life, where feelings, even the most sublime ones, come to an end. the main idea his message is that one must leave with dignity, without negativity. A person must be able to treat others not only with love, but also with respect. The last tenderness, the last passion is no less sweet than the first kisses, you just need to taste them. Don't rush to leave if you can still stay.

    The work “I Don’t Like Your Irony” tells about the end of a relationship, which is close, and that’s why it’s so important for the characters to enjoy the last bliss and be alone. The point is not to miss the last breath of a dying attraction, to drink the cup to the bottom. Nekrasov shares a piece of his personal experience, because he broke up with his chosen one after the death of her legal husband.

    Means of artistic expression

    Nekrasov’s lyrical hero experiences various emotions throughout the poem. Thanks to exclamation marks, appeals, comparisons, the author does not allow him to relieve tension.

    Epithets played the main role in conveying emotions. Thanks to them, people can not only feel the state of the lyrical hero, but also find out what the relationships between the characters were: “jealous anxieties and dreams”, “last thirst”, “inevitable denouement”, “secret cold”; “who loved dearly”, “you wish shyly”, “they seethe rebelliously”. It is worth noting that the above epithets seem to be in opposition to each other, some are negative, the other are positive.

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