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» Anthology of one poem: Pushkin’s “Monument” and Russian censorship. I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands

Anthology of one poem: Pushkin’s “Monument” and Russian censorship. I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands

It is symbolic that “I erected a monument to myself...” was written just a few months before the poet’s tragic death, in 1836. The poem was not published and was not known even to Pushkin’s closest friends - it was discovered after his death, when they began to sort out the papers left by Alexander Sergeevich.

The history of the creation of the “Monument” remains a mystery to this day. Some researchers argue that Pushkin's poem is an imitation of similar works that were created in abundance by writers of the 18th century (including Derzhavin and Lomonosov, so valued by Pushkin). Others—and most of the poet’s friends shared this opinion—believed that by writing lines about the monument, Pushkin was making fun of his own difficult situation. Despite the fact that the poet received recognition during his lifetime, this did not bring him wealth, and Pushkin was forced to constantly mortgage and remortgage his property in order to provide funds for his family. "Miracle" in in this case- not self-praise, but subtle irony.

There is a third option: it is assumed that the poet somehow managed to foresee his own imminent death, and with the poem he drew a line under his creative heritage and vibrant literary life.

The main theme of the poem

First of all, “I am a monument to myself...” is a poetry anthem, glorifying the person who composes poetry, noting his high importance in the life of the entire society. In this, the work is partly similar to the poems of the already mentioned Lomonosov and Derzhavin.

But despite the fact that the external form is very similar, Pushkin analyzed creativity more deeply, putting forward his own understanding of the creative process, its outcome and evaluation. Compared to the poets of past centuries, Pushkin is less elitist, his lyrics are addressed to the broad masses, which he emphasizes in the line “The people's path to him will not grow.” Rebellious, near-Decembrist elements in his work are also reflected here - Pushkin mentions that his miraculous monument rose “by the head of the rebellious” higher than the Pillar of Alexandria - a symbol of royal power early XIX century.

The theme of people's increased interest in poetry runs through the entire poem - Pushkin says that his poems are read not only in the upper strata of society, listing some of the nationalities living on the territory of the Russian Empire.

Another important problem that the poet focuses on is the existence of creative heritage after the physical death of the creator, the immortality of poetry. “No, all of me will not die,” asserts Pushkin, resolving this issue for himself once and for all. The great Russian writer was confident that his work would resonate throughout the centuries - and he turned out to be right.

The problem of freedom, which could not be avoided without mention in the era of censorship and reaction, is adjacent to the theme of mercy, so important for Pushkin. On the one hand, the poet clearly did not agree with the reactionary policies and decisions of the emperor regarding the Decembrists, on the other hand, in the end life path inclined to believe that Christian, true mercy is more important than any political and social manifestations.

Structural analysis of the poem

In a small - only 5 stanzas - ode to his own poetry, Pushkin actively uses complex sentences, inverse word order and high vocabulary, thereby creating an elevated mood. The rich use of epithets, allegories, some archaism (piit, accepted, etc.), many personifications - all this creates an atmosphere of greatness, emphasizes special place poetry in the world.

The work is written in iambic 6 tetrameter with cross rhyme.

“Monument” certainly occupies a special place in the poetic heritage of Alexander Sergeevich. It sums up his many years of creativity, while at the same time raising Russian poetry to a height that for a long time remained practically unattainable.

Exegi monumentum

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands,
The people's path to him will not be overgrown,
He ascended higher with his rebellious head
Alexandrian Pillar.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will escape -
And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world
At least one piit will be alive.

Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus',
And every tongue that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom
And he called for mercy for the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Without fear of insult, without demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently
And don't argue with a fool.

Pushkin, 1836

The poem is written on the theme of ode Horace « To Melpomene» ( XXX ode to book III), where the epigraph is taken from. Lomonosov translated the same ode to Horace; Derzhavin imitated her in his poem “ Monument».

Exegi monumentum- I erected a monument (lat.).
Alexandria pillar- Alexander Column, monument to Alexander I in St. Petersburg on Palace Square; Pushkin " I left St. Petersburg 5 days before the opening of the Alexander Column, so as not to be present at the ceremony along with the chamber cadets, my comrades" The reason, of course, was deeper - Pushkin did not want to participate in the glorification of Alexander I.

In the draft manuscript of the 3rd stanza, other nationalities living in Russia are also named who will name Pushkin: Georgian, Kyrgyz, Circassian. The fourth stanza originally read:

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
That I have found new sounds for songs,
That, following Radishchev, I glorified Freedom
And he sang mercy.

Following Radishchev- as the author of the ode “ Liberty" And " Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow».
I praised Freedom- this refers to Pushkin’s freedom-loving lyrics.
Called for mercy for the fallen- Pushkin speaks about his “ Stansach» (« In the hope of glory and goodness..."), about the poem " Friends", O " Pier of Peter I", maybe about " Hero”, - those poems in which he called on Nicholas I to return the Decembrists from hard labor.

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands,
The people's path to him will not be overgrown,
He ascended higher with his rebellious head
Alexandrian Pillar.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will escape -
And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world
At least one piit will be alive.

Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus',
And every tongue that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom
And he called for mercy for the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Without fear of insult, without demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently
And don't argue with a fool.

Pushkin A.S. “I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands.” Read by Sergei Bekhterev. Listen to the poem.

Analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”

A.S. Pushkin in his work “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” wrote prophetic lines. The poem was created a year before his death. And the author expressed confidence: his lyrics will be remembered for many centuries to come. He turned out to be right. After all, despite multiple changes of generations, transformation and simplification of Russian literary language, even today his poems remain relevant, the images are clear and simple, inspiring good, bright deeds. Pushkin's lyrics have a creative mission. Indeed, “...the folk path to it will not be overgrown.”

Themes and genre

What monument did A.S. Pushkin talk about in his poem? Pushkin compares his fame with “ miraculous monument", which exceeds the "Alexandrian Pillar" (monument to Alexander I). Moreover, the poet claims that his soul will exist forever, and his creativity will spread throughout multinational Russia.

The poem touches on topics related to the importance of poetic creativity in the life of society. Personal freedom is expressed in the lines “.. He ascended higher by the head of the Alexandrian pillar.” This is how the poet figuratively expresses his difficult relationship with the king, based on mutual rejection. Known facts biographies of Pushkin became exiled by decree of the tsar. The main reason for such a difficult relationship is the growing popularity and influence of the poet in society, his ability to ignite many hearts with his creativity and call for goodness, humanity, and high ideas.

In the prophetic poem, Alexander Sergeevich still puts the importance of his talent above the sovereign, hinting at his immortality throughout the centuries.

Together with the first theme, the second one will smoothly intertwine - the poet’s mission in society. The author considers the main purpose of lyricists to touch upon human feelings, call for mercy towards the weak. This, according to Pushkin, is the secret of people's love for his work.

And it complements the theme of the verse - the immortality of real lyrics. That is why the memory of Pushkin will live in the hearts of people.

“...No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will escape...”

In the poet's lines one can feel a mature, meaningful assessment of his own lyrics. It is not for nothing that the verse is called “ode to poetry.” And in terms of genre, Pushkin’s poem is an ode. She is characterized by a high style of presentation. The epigraph from Horace’s work “To Melpomene” gives a special sublimity.

Size and composition

Like the odes of Pushkin’s mentor G.R. Derzhavin's poem is written in iambic hexameter (Alexandrian verse), which gives it a solemn, majestic sound. This tradition comes from the time of Horace's ode. The verse is written in quatrains, read with arrangement, measuredly.

The structure of each stanza is noteworthy. The last line is shortened to iambic tetrameter, which gives it special emphasis.

The work, like Derzhavin’s “Monument,” consists of five stanzas. The verse begins with a statement about the construction of a monument. In subsequent stanzas, the idea of ​​how Pushkin’s lyrics will make him immortal is developed. And the final stanza is addressed to the muse with a request for obedience:

“...Praise and slander were accepted indifferently,
And don’t argue with a fool.”

Images and artistic techniques

The verse is affirmative. This is facilitated by genre and size. But it strengthens the emphasis and convinces the reader more and more artistic technique, like anaphora. Each line begins with similar sounds: “And I will be glorious...”, “And he will call me...”. The poet also uses anaphora, listing the peoples who will remember him.

Epithets with a sublime meaning are clearly presented in the ode: in the sublunary world, the head of the rebellious, the proud grandson of the Slavs.

High style is expressed in frequent use ancient Slavic words.

Poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” became a sublime ode to poetry, setting a high bar for lyricists of subsequent eras.

I am re-reading Pushkin’s poem “Monument”. Amazing thing! And infectious. After him, many poets, in one form or another, also began to build poetic monuments for themselves. But this monument mania came not from Pushkin, but from the depths of centuries from Horace. Lomonosov was the first in Russian literature of the 18th century to translate Horace's verse. This translation goes like this:

I erected a sign of immortality for myself8
Higher than the pyramids and stronger than copper,
What the stormy aquilon cannot erase,
Neither many centuries, nor the caustic antiquity.
I won’t die at all; but death will leave
Great is my part, as soon as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere,
While great Rome controls the light.

This monument mania came from Horace. Based on the text of Horace, Derzhavin also wrote his “Monument”.

I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself,
It is harder than metals and higher than the pyramids;
Neither a whirlwind nor a fleeting thunder will break it,
And time's flight will not crush it.
So! - all of me will not die, but part of me is big,
Having escaped from decay, he will live after death,
And my glory will increase without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race?
Rumors will spread about me from the White Waters to the Black Waters,
Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals flow from Riphean;
Everyone will remember this among countless nations,
How from obscurity I became known,
That I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable
To proclaim Felitsa’s virtues,
Talk about God in simplicity of heart
And speak the truth to kings with a smile.
O muse! be proud of your just merit,
And whoever despises you, despise them yourself;
With a relaxed, unhurried hand
Crown your brow with the dawn of immortality

Behind him Pushkin writes his famous “Monument”

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands,
The people's path to him will not be overgrown,
He ascended higher with his rebellious head
Alexandrian Pillar.
No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will escape -
And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world
At least one piit will be alive.
Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus',
And every tongue that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tungus, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.
And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy for the fallen.
By the command of God, O muse, be obedient;
Without fear of insult, without demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently
And don't argue with a fool.

The attentive reader will notice that these three poetic monuments are in many ways similar to each other.
Then it went on and on. The poet Valery Bryusov builds a good monument to himself, where he confidently declares that his monument “cannot be toppled” and that his descendants will “rejoice”

My monument stands, composed of consonant stanzas.
Scream, go on a rampage - you won’t be able to bring him down!
The disintegration of melodious words in the future is impossible, -
I am and must forever be.
And all camps are fighters, and people of different tastes,
In the poor man's closet, and in the king's palace,
Rejoicing, they will call me Valery Bryusov,
Speaking about a friend with friendship.
To the gardens of Ukraine, to the noise and bright dream of the capital,
To the threshold of India, on the banks of the Irtysh, -
Burning pages will fly everywhere,
In which my soul sleeps.
I thought for many, I knew the pangs of passion for everyone,
But it will become clear to everyone that this song is about them,
And, in distant dreams in irresistible power,
Each verse will be proudly glorified.
And in new sounds the call will penetrate beyond
Sad homeland, both German and French
They will humbly repeat my orphaned poem,
A gift from the supportive Muses.
What is the glory of our days? - random fun!
What is the slander of friends? - contempt blasphemy!
Crown my brow, Glory of other centuries,
Leading me into the universal temple.

The poet Khodasevich also hoped that
"In Russia new and great,
They will put up my two-faced idol
At the crossroads of two roads,
Where is time, wind and sand..."

But Akhmatova, in her poem “Requiem,” even indicated the place where to erect a monument to her.

And if ever in this country
They are planning to erect a monument to me,

I give my consent to this triumph,
But only with the condition - do not put it

Not near the sea where I was born:
The last connection with the sea is severed,

Not in the royal garden near the treasured stump,
Where the inconsolable shadow is looking for me,

And here, where I stood for three hundred hours
And where they didn’t open the bolt for me.

Then, even in the blessed death I am afraid
Forget the rumble of the black marus,

Forget how hateful the door slammed
And the old woman howled like a wounded animal.

And let from the still and bronze ages
Melted snow flows like tears,

And let the prison dove drone in the distance,
And the ships sail quietly along the Neva.

In 2006, in the year of the fortieth anniversary of Akhmatova’s death, a monument to her was unveiled in St. Petersburg, on the Robespierre embankment, opposite the Kresty prison building. Exactly in the place where she indicated.

I. Brodsky erected a unique monument to himself.

I erected a different monument to myself,
Turn your back to the shameful century,
To love with your lost face,
And the buttocks to the sea of ​​half-truths...

Yesenin, too, probably as a joke, built a monument to himself:
I erected a monument to myself
From the corks of laced wines.
Wine bottles were then called corks. Talking about his meeting with Yesenin in Rostov-on-Don in 1920, Yu. Annenkov recalled an episode that took place in the Alhambra restaurant. Yesenin banging on the table with his fist:
- Comrade footman, traffic jam!
The people erected a well-deserved monument to Yesenin. And not alone. The people's path to them will not be overgrown.

But the poet A. Kucheruk persistently writes verse after verse in order to also create a monument not made by hands for himself. But he doubts “will there be a path to it?”

They tell me that all this is in vain;
write poetry... What are they for now?
After all, there have been no beautiful ladies in the world for a long time.
And there are no knights among us for a long time.

All souls have long lost interest in poetry
to minus two on the Kelvin scale...
Well, why are you really into them?
What, there are no other things to do on Earth?

Or maybe you're a graphomaniac? So you scribble
knocking lines into orderly rows?
How sewing machine, day and night
your poems are full of water.

And I don't know what to say to this,
because I'm really ready
with energy worthy of a poet
sing praises to friends and crush enemies.

Ready to write verse by verse persistently,
but if so my country is blind,
let me create a monument not made by hands...
Will there be a path leading to it?!!

Watching how others create monuments for themselves, I also became infected with this monument mania and decided to create my own miraculous one.

I also erected a monument to myself,
Like Pushkin, like old Derzhavin,
Your last name under the nickname NICK
I have already made him famous with my creativity.

No, gentlemen, I'm going to fucking die,
My creations will outlive me.
For always being faithful to goodness,
Descendants will light a candle for me in the church.

And thus I will be kind to the people,
That I was excited by the creativity of my heart,
What from enemies and all other freaks
I defended Holy Rus' all my life.

My enemies will die of envy.
Let them die, that’s what they need, apparently!
Descendants will erase them from memory,
And the NIK will thunder like cannonade.

Rumors about me will spread everywhere,
And both the Chukchi and the Kalmyk will remember me.
They will read my creations in a circle,
They will say that NICK was a good man.

But, like Kucheruk, I doubt whether there will be a path to my monument?


Great job Nikolai Ivanovich! I read it twice. And one more time to my waking wife. Surprisingly, your monument fell in line, after all the great and not so great ones. So you are a good person, Nick. This is not even discussed. And this is the most important thing. Main monument. Well, you can’t take away your sense of humor either! Thank you!

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - great poet, writer, and also, just very creative person. It is he who deserves to be respected and understood with all clarity, since in his works there is sincerity and sometimes simplicity, which is sometimes lacking in real life. Just hypocrisy and envy.

The work “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...” is very unusual, if only in its meaning and content. This work is large in size, and it rhymes every line, which is very convenient. The meaning of this work is very high, and it must be understood with all its clarity, since Pushkin in this poem writes about himself, writes that not everyone understands him, and many condemn him. In this work, Pushkin tries to convey both to the common people and to higher ranks that poets are people too, that they play a very large role in the life of society, and that things are not always as easy for them as they might seem. Pushkin made this poem, which consists of only five stanzas - an ode, and also something like a hymn, which should lead people, show that poets are people, something bright like a beacon that calls for justice, kindness , and most importantly - freedom, to which the Russian spirit is very subject.

The poem entitled “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...” calls for responsibility for their words and actions, especially those who are higher than ordinary peasants and ordinary people. It also proves that poets are not obliged only to please the ears of people with pleasant speech and compliments. Poets also must, simply must, guide people on the true path, showing in their works what is right and how to emerge into a pure and righteous light. That is why Pushkin proclaims that he is going not only to caress the ears of the people with a pleasant lyre, but also to restore justice.

Full analysis of the poem I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands... Pushkin

The poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1836. This is the last year of the life of the great poet and writer. So, six months after writing the poem, he died. At that time, Pushkin’s life was quite difficult; he was no longer recognized as much as in those days of his glory. Critics began to treat him more harshly. And the tsar, the tsar whom Pushkin loved, simply stopped favoring him, he forbade the publication of his most best works. Naturally, the mood of the poem is sad, and is intended to, to some extent, whitewash oneself. In addition to these problems, Pushkin was in a state of lack of money, and there was also gossip going around about his personal family life. In a word, nothing good happened in 1836.

That is why Pushkin undertook to write such a work at that moment. It was not easy, but he poured out all his feelings, desires and emotions onto paper. His poem turned out to be majestic and proud of its beauty of writing. With this poem, he seemed to sum up the final result of his work. He writes in his poem as if he were criticizing himself, but these words do not scold himself at all, but on the contrary, he tries to prove to everyone that he is not so bad, and that all his work is sincere and written from the heart.

Only because the poet understood that in the future he would become even more famous and that his descendants would understand the writer and poet, Pushkin withstood all the insults and dishonest words spoken against him. But still, despite the fact that he understood that in the future he would be understood better, Pushkin still regretted that he was not understood now. That is why the work “I have erected a monument to myself not made by hands” was written in this spirit. This is a beautiful work, written with all my heart, passionately and, most importantly, sincere. Pushkin was never a hypocrite, and he expected this, perhaps, from others. Now his state of sadness and surprise becomes even clearer.

The genre of the verse is classified by critics as ode. This work reflects on the meaning of life and about people of all kinds. Therefore, it is also classified as a philosophical type of work. The work is measured in iambic hexameter and rhymes every line. There are only five stanzas in the verse, and the very last verse is written in a solemn and majestic tone, in which a barely noticeable sadness is felt.

Analysis of the poem by Pushkin monument

Poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...” sums up the poet’s work. The poet analyzes what he has done and how it will affect other people. The poem was written in last years the life of the poet in 1836.

This poem reveals important topic in the works of A.S. Pushkin - the divine calling of a poet-prophet. A poet is not just a person who puts his thoughts into rhyme. He is God's deputy on Earth, a prophet who tells people about the present, past and future. That is why the author puts himself above society, the state and the king. He raises his monument higher than the "Alexandrian Pillar". That is, the poet points out that even the victory over Napoleon in 1812 pales next to his works.

The poet says that he will always remain alive, because his soul, enclosed in lines, will remain on people’s lips. It will be called “every language that is in it.” Here the poet raises not only the question of his greatness, but also the greatness of his home country. He compares himself to her and says that as the country is great, so is he.

The poet also indicates that he is disobedient to anyone except the “command of God.” The poet does not even use metaphors; he speaks openly about his unruly head. In the lines of this work it is clear that the author is faithful only to his divine calling, and believes that his work is independent of no one.

He predicts his fate, says that his work will remain in eternity. What is most important for this poem is that A.S. Pushkin believes that it is not important how they will treat him and what they will say about his work: “Praise and slander were accepted indifferently.” And most importantly, he proclaims that there is no need to “challenge a fool.” The last lines of the work can be associated with testaments for future poets who will continue his work: “By the command of God, O muse, be obedient.” Here again the motive of submission only to divine power arises.

Analysis of the poem I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands... according to plan

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