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» Compatibility astrology: the happiest unions of the zodiac signs. The most ideal couples by zodiac sign

Compatibility astrology: the happiest unions of the zodiac signs. The most ideal couples by zodiac sign

A conflict-free pair for Yin signs (Earth and Water)

It is generally accepted that the easiest way for people to find mutual language with representatives of their Element: Fire - with Fire, Earth - with Earth, Air - with Air, and Water - with Water. This is not entirely true. Indeed, relationships between people of the same element develop easily. They have nothing to argue about; they are satisfied with everything about each other. It would seem that silence, harmony and comfort - what else is needed for good compatibility? However, the temperamental Yang signs, Fire and Air, will be bored in such relationships. They begin to look for partners with whom they can develop more dynamic relationships. Therefore, only Yin signs - the signs of Earth and Water - form strong and good alliances with their own kind in love, friendship or work. From the outside, their couple looks boring and insipid, but they themselves are completely satisfied with such a relationship, because they live in peace and harmony, and for Yin signs this is important.

An example of such a couple is the union of Elizabeth Taylor (Pisces) and Richard Burton (Scorpio).

A conflict-free pair for Yang signs (Fire and Air)

Fire and Air people are the best partners for each other. They are similar enough that they have points of contact, and peace is maintained in their union, but also different enough that they do not copy, but complement each other. The fire gets too carried away. He throws all his energy into the one thing that interests him at the moment, and does not notice anything else. Air signs help Fire signs become more versatile and approach life more easily. In addition, Air is a supplier fresh ideas for Fire. But Air has its own weaknesses: it is too cold, scatters attention and is not seriously interested in anything. He lacks passion, little touches his heart. Communication with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius makes “Air” people warmer, gives them an idea of ​​their feelings and does not allow them to quit halfway. A special case is a pair of opposite signs (Aries-Libra, Leo-Aquarius, Sagittarius-Gemini). It is more difficult for them than for other Fire-Air couples to find a common language, but such an alliance brings more benefits to both, and if representatives of these signs are together, then quarrels almost never arise in such a couple.

An example of such a couple is John and Jacqueline Kennedy (Gemini and Leo).

Pairs of a special combination of planets

Very good compatibility among those people whose sign is patronized by the same planet. These are: Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra, Gemini-Virgo, Sagittarius-Pisces and Capricorn-Aquarius. It is not always easy for them to find a common language, but they are drawn to each other with extraordinary strength. Next to each other, they are able to discover traits in themselves that they did not suspect. These couples cannot be called fully harmonious; there is a lot of internal tension and disagreement in them, but this does not prevent them from being happy. Taurus and Libra and Gemini and Virgo have one and only planetary ruler. Such pairs converge faster, their compatibility is more obvious. Taurus and Libra are equally drawn to comfort, only Taurus - to the external, and Libra - to the internal. Taurus provides a material base for the couple, and Libra establishes comfortable relationships with the outside world and finds mutual friends. Gemini and Virgo are intellectuals. But Gemini is the collection of information, and Virgo is its practical use. In personal life, such couples are not very strong, because intellectual interest and the ability to chat about everything for hours alone will not get you far, but in business life this is a very successful and fruitful union.

In order for Aries and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius to come together as a couple, more is needed external conditions. These people can easily pass by each other and not become interested. And only if life itself brought them together do they understand how lucky they are. True, this happens after much grinding and a series of conflicts to varying degrees gravity.

The most conflicting couples of the Zodiac circle

There are people who have no reason to be together. Of course, they also form business, personal and friendly couples. But this happens in two cases: either in the personal horoscopes of such a couple some planets other than the Sun are strong, and the union is based on their interaction, or the couple was united by external circumstances, and there is no spiritual understanding in it. What kind of pairs are these? It is often mistakenly believed that these are pairs of opposite signs. Or that they are pairs of incompatible elements (Fire-Water, Earth-Air). This is wrong. Pairs of opposite signs are often very successful, and in a pair of incompatible elements there can be very interesting relationships where people do not understand each other, but are fascinated by the dissimilarity of the partner.

The real problem is pairs of adjacent signs and those people whose signs are 150 degrees apart. These people “don’t see” each other. They cannot give each other anything in terms of personal growth and psychological support. It is difficult for them to even get to know each other, and if circumstances brought them together, then the couple will be short-lived or each in it will have their own life, not connected with their partner, which will lead to frequent quarrels and constant tension. Here are examples of such pairs.

Zodiac signs work about 40 percent of the time. And this is already enough to allow us to draw conclusions and make assumptions. So the site can tell you who different zodiac signs might be their ideal match for.


Works great with Libra. The easy nature of Libra will allow them not only to ignore the outbursts of Aries, but also to suppress them in the bud. Plus, it is Libra who can explain things to Aries. How and why you need to do the right thing, and even in such a way that Aries listens to it.


Pairs well with Virgo. Both of these signs are emotionally stable, calm, oriented towards a calm, comfortable and well-organized life. They even approach romance in a similar way. Therefore, such couples are obviously doomed to success.


Goes well with Sagittarius. Both are active, both are full of ideas, both are easy-going, and both pay little attention to anyone else's emotions. This is a unique union that is not based on romance, which will someday pass, but on mutual interest, which will never end.


Pairs well with Pisces. It is unlikely that anyone can understand the emotions of Cancer better than Pisces. And help him learn to express them or express them in some other way, too. In addition, the only sign of the Zodiac on which Pisces does not try to push responsibility is Cancer. Because it’s already difficult for him.

a lion

Pairs well with Aquarius. More precisely, Aquarius calmly transfers to Leo the right to act and play “first fiddle,” but carefully works out plans and takes advantage of achievements. An excellent tandem, where everyone does what he likes, and only the way he likes.


Pairs well with Capricorn. Don’t feed Capricorn bread - let him bury himself in some complex system of rules. But interaction with Virgo is precisely a system of strict rules. Following which is simple, convenient and even interesting for Capricorn. And everyone is happy.


They go well with Taurus. Unity of opposites. Materialistic, reliable and stubborn Taurus surprisingly easily finds a common language with airy, light and energetic Libra. And he doesn’t even try to change them in any way, which is extremely important for Libra in a relationship.


Pairs well with Cancer. Because Cancer is almost impossible to manipulate - he understands the motives of other people too well. And this automatically transfers him from “pawn” to the rank of “player”. And this, from Scorpio’s point of view, is an excellent basis for a relationship.


Pairs well with Leo. Both are active and energetic, but Sagittarius does not challenge the Leo’s primacy, and Leo makes sure that Sagittarius’ projects are still realistic and feasible. At the same time, they are not bored together.


The hot-tempered Aries never takes it out on Capricorn, because he sees that it is useless. But showing Capricorn the direction of movement and even pushing him a little is a completely different matter. Still, Aries know how to see the benefit. The tandem turns out to be quite strange, but successful.


Pairs well with Gemini. There are two options - either these two cunning people will “sing themselves together”, or they will decide never to communicate again in their lives. There is no third. But if they decide to act together, it will turn out to be an explosive mixture. The forethought of Aquarius with the energy of Gemini is a terrible force.


Pairs well with Scorpio. Both are masterful at manipulating people, both are artistic, passionate and talented. Plus, Scorpio will never give up extra responsibility. So Pisces will receive everything they are looking for from this life.

We also believe that you would be interested in learning about which zodiac signs are categorical with each other. And only at the cost of great effort can they build something more or less stable.

There is probably no person who has not at least once wondered what the stars promise his zodiac sign and with whom it is best for him to connect his destiny - with Cancer, Gemini, Capricorn or someone else from the 12 constellations.

So what do we mean by a perfect couple? This is a combination of zodiac signs that have an astrological predisposition to be together. It is easier for them to see eye to eye, find common interests, overcome difficulties, and fall in love with each other. When we meet such people, we often admire them. It is often said that this match seems to be made in heaven. Now we will look at the most successful combinations zodiac signs.

Aquarius and Libra

They have the same hobbies, and often unconventional ones. They love to do the same thing together. In addition, they are united by the fact that both Aquarius and Libra willingly give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in the relationship. They smooth out conflicts, try to avoid excessive emotionality, and therefore their hearts beat easily and naturally in unison.

Leo and Sagittarius

Each of them has their own interests, but at the same time they are true friends and they respect each other's hobbies. Thanks to this, Leo and Sagittarius will always come to each other’s rescue and help good advice and will make every effort to help their partner in a matter that is important to him. Of course, these two strong personalities It also happens that they argue, but this happens much less often than with many others. Their intimate life could become a prototype for a spectacular erotic film.

Cancer and Pisces

“Soul to soul” is a phrase about Cancer and Pisces. They usually meet each other at some thematic events and come together on the basis of common interests. Often the spouses Cancer and Pisces are work colleagues, and even more often they are people of art who are passionate about the same thing. The husband and wife in such unions become very similar to each other, hold the same opinions on various issues and generally live on the same wavelength.

Cancer and Scorpio

This is a very emotional union. Sometimes it seems that these two will simply torture each other, but this is a delusion. Scorpio takes care of the fragile and vulnerable nature of Cancer, and he, in turn, respects the strong passion of Scorpio. They unite at the deepest levels, which allows them to create a strong and happy union.

Gemini and Aquarius

These two representatives of the Air element were on the list of ideal couples. Gemini and Aquarius find their common interests in the most unconventional aspects of life. They are interested in discovering something new about this world together. They are not afraid to experiment and strongly support each other in any endeavor. To some, this life will seem chaos, but for Gemini and Aquarius it is a hurricane of emotions, feelings and happiness.

Photo: Oleh_Slobodeniuk/ E+/ Getty Images

Aries and Aquarius

It is believed that representatives of the Air element combine well in alliances with representatives of the Fire element. And it is true. Numerous characteristics of Aries prove that in alliance with Aquarius, this is one of the most harmonious couples, which can rightfully be called ideal. Both of these signs are striving for freedom, new experiences, travel, they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. They will never be bored, because new ideas that are interesting to both of them always appear on the horizon.

Aries and Sagittarius

This is a union overflowing with energy, the enthusiasm and strength of which is felt by all people around. They are like an inseparable pair of friends, Aries and Sagittarius are always on the same wavelength, absorbed in each other and understand everything perfectly. Many may call their union too loud, too bright, almost crazy, but for Aries and Sagittarius it is sweet madness, which only they and no one else can share and understand.

Taurus and Cancer

Cancer and Taurus are a very strong couple in which there are practically no disagreements. Their relationship is built very subtly, sensually. They are very attentive to detail, thrifty in relationships and gentle. This is one of the most romantic unions.

Zodiac signs exist for a reason; they can tell a lot about us and give clues during particularly difficult periods of life. As for relationships, you shouldn’t neglect the stars; you must agree, one more plus in favor of your choice won’t hurt.

Aries and Pisces

Aries are impulsive, dynamic, categorical and tough people who value their opinions. Often, this sign The Zodiac can be caught being excessively selfish. However, when paired with Pisces, Aries finds balance. When they are together, life takes on different colors, everything works out and you can forget about quarrels. IN in this case, it is worth giving Pisces their due, because they know how to smooth out sharp corners and calm the hot-tempered Aries.

For Pisces, this is an ideal partner in terms of stability. Family life such a pair will be harmonious and reliable, like the mechanism of a Swiss watch.

Leo and Libra

These signs converge for a reason. Bright, attention-absorbing Leo and friendly Libra attract each other with invisible chemistry. Once they meet once, it is extremely difficult to separate. Sociable Libra attracts attention, which is so dear to Leo. Together, this couple can achieve a lot; a magnificent and shocking life is not excluded.

Virgo and Aquarius

The hardworking Virgo and the original Aquarius are attracted to the same tastes and outlook on life. They can both achieve what they want, and in the evenings they will watch documentaries and discuss the oddities of the plot. You can say about them: “People are on the same wavelength” and this will be true. A completely harmonious, intelligent and well-coordinated union, which will be concluded on mutual love and respect.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius love freedom and adventure. This couple will NEVER get bored with each other. They will constantly initiate adventures and occupy each other's thoughts.

When they meet, their relationship turns into one great journey to experience and learn more about life. The compatibility between these two signs is so strong that they will never break.

When choosing a life partner, we are much more often guided by feelings than by calculation. However, the calculation can be not only material. It is no coincidence that they say: marriages are made in heaven. Your family happiness largely depends on zodiac compatibility with your partner. It is important to understand that absolutely incompatible people do not exist. Eat difficult cases, problematic situations when, in order to achieve harmony and mutual understanding in a relationship, you have to make great efforts, and sometimes even change something in yourself. Therefore, before making a decision and joining your destiny with your chosen one, it is worth finding out what tests the stars are preparing for you. This will help you be more tolerant of your partner’s shortcomings and evaluate yourself more soberly.

Planets of family happiness

It is important to understand that the general horoscope for all zodiac signs considers compatibility only according to the Sun. This is the most influential of the planets, which does not exclude the influence of other celestial bodies. That's why perfect option- consult with an astrologer who will accurately calculate your personal natal charts, yours and your loved one’s, and see possible difficulties just for your couple.
The most important planets influencing compatibility are the Sun, which is responsible for the struggle or fusion of two “egos,” and the Moon, the patroness of feelings and emotions. Mercury determines the level of communication. With favorable aspects, it is thanks to this planet that you are so interested in your husband, you understand each other literally perfectly. But if you often hear from your partner: “We speak different languages", this signals problems with Mercury.

Anything can be fixed. How? The advice of an astrologer or, for starters, your own instinct will help you. Start your relationship analysis with the influence of the Sun - this is what the general compatibility horoscope says.

♈Aries March 21 - April 19

She is independent, independent and does not tolerate any pressure. Rarely asks for help. Natural persistence helps achieve goals, but can complicate relationships in marriage. Loves to be the center of attention, demonstrating his leadership.

The Aries woman prefers to dominate, which often causes complications in relationships, especially with strong-willed men. Another problem is her straightforwardness, her desire to call everything by its proper name. At the same time, her natural energy makes her incredibly attractive.

A passionate lover, she knows how to be very romantic and tender in bed. She feels especially good with a man whom she truly trusts. Despite all her outward independence, an Aries woman, having fallen in love, remains faithful to her chosen one and values ​​long and lasting relationships.

With men of the Fire element - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - mutual understanding arises, marriage can be very successful. Danger arises only when ambitions clash. Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - difficult case, this is the unity of opposites. Happiness in such a union can only be achieved by starting to respect each other. There is excellent compatibility with Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Spouses complement each other. Marriage with an Aquatic man - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - is full of emotions and contradictions. This is one of the most difficult alliances, which can only be strengthened by honestly discussing problems.

♉ Taurus April 20 - May 20

Calm, balanced, practical, sophisticated, and at the same time very sensual - many men dream of such a woman. Until they encounter reverse side her strengths are incredible stubbornness and excessive down-to-earthness.

In an alliance with a man without unnecessary ambitions, she often becomes a “mom” - she takes care of him, takes care of all household chores and confidently commands her husband. But the relationship with her husband, the leader, is developing rapidly - she stubbornly does not want to give in on anything, he is trying to tame her.

She is not looking for exotic sex and thrills, the Kama Sutra is not for her. But a man who managed to awaken her sensuality will never be able to forget her. The Taurus woman is created for passionate sex and is tireless in bed. It is very important for her to sincerely love her partner, only then will she experience the highest pleasure.

Relationships with Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - develop especially well in youth. Practicality, restraint - all this holds marriage together. But over time, feelings may cool down. Fiery Aries, Leo or Sagittarius is an attractive but dangerous partner. Great intensity of passions can destroy this union. Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - irritate Taurus with their unpredictability. Happiness is possible only if partners learn to give in to each other. Excellent compatibility with Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - is also complemented by complete harmony in sex.

♊ Gemini May 21 - June 20

It is difficult to understand her - she is elusive and changeable, like the wind. But this is its main attraction. Men go crazy over the unpredictability and whims of the Gemini woman, fascinated by her ability to change beyond recognition.

You certainly won't get bored with her. The Gemini woman cannot stand melancholy and monotony. It is interesting to talk with her on any topic. But her talkativeness can sometimes be tiresome. The ability to adapt to a man and find an approach to him is the key to strong family relations.

The Gemini woman is little interested in the physical merits of her partner; she is more excited by the intellect. A man who gets such a beloved into bed must be prepared for the fact that every night she will be different - sometimes almost indifferent, and sometimes incredibly sensual.

Compatibility with Fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - can be ideal. Everyone envies such a couple. The problem lies only in the immaturity of the spouses and the inability to make adult decisions. Men of the Earth element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - rarely attract Gemini. Marriage is possible if it is built on mutual ability to adapt. Air Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are wonderful partners for such a woman. Passionate love often develops into strong friendship. The element of Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - attracts Gemini with its mystery. Relationships can be long and strong.

♋ Cancer June 21 - July 22

At first glance, she seems calm and very homely. But few people know what passions are seething in her rich soul. The Cancer woman is incredibly emotional, but more often she prefers to hide her true feelings. Only someone whom she completely trusts can find out her true identity.

The secret of her attractiveness is in the feeling of vulnerability, spiritual defenselessness, which is very attractive strong men. You want to take care of such a woman, groom and cherish her. The other side of such sensitivity is touchiness, which often greatly complicates relationships.

She likes sensual, gentle caresses, long foreplay, romantic settings, confessions, sweet words. She seems to be entirely woven from feelings and emotions, so it’s easy for her partner to hurt her with a careless remark. Does not accept extreme sports.

The relationship between a Cancer woman and her Water element - Pisces and Scorpios - develops most favorably. They are connected by emotionality and developed intuition. It’s more difficult with Cancers - two recluses have a depressing effect on each other. Earthy Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are good partners for Cancer. They bring firmness and practicality into the relationship, which she so lacks. The energy of the Fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - attracts her only at first, then begins to irritate her. With unpredictable Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Cancer never feels completely safe.

♌ Leo July 23 - August 22

Hotness, impulsiveness, determination - there is so much fire in her! In love, the Leo woman reveals her temperament most clearly. She likes to be the center of attention and to be admired. She likes to command, but remains feminine.

The Leo woman is active and often takes the initiative herself. In love, he does not tolerate understatement and halftones. It’s hard for a jealous man next to her, because she simply needs fans. At the same time, such a woman is faithful and does not stoop to betrayal.

In bed, as in life, she strives to command. Timidity and shyness are not about her. The Leo woman is a natural actress and often enjoys role-playing games. Which, combined with natural passion, makes her an unforgettable lover.

A union with the signs of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - can be ideal if the spouses are connected by a common cause. True, conflicts based on the struggle for leadership and scenes of jealousy are not uncommon. The Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - are able to fan the inner fire of the Lioness into an unquenchable fire of passion. Sex is ideal, but the danger lies in the lion's lust for power. With representatives of the Earth element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - a good marriage is possible in the second half of life, when Leo can come to terms with his opposite. The union with Aquatic Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers is often short-lived due to a complete mismatch of temperaments. Emotional Water signs cannot stand Leo's looseness.

♍ Virgo August 23 - September 22

Her motto is happiness loves silence. The Virgo woman never displays her feelings. She attracts men with her prudence and sober outlook on life. Often infantile representatives of the stronger sex are drawn to her - in search of support. Able to control emotions.

She is not one of those who can be seduced by eloquence or expensive gifts. In relationships, first of all, he values ​​certainty, strength and stability. He is very afraid of making mistakes. Order in everything is her credo. A Virgo woman can only reveal her feelings to someone in whom she is confident.

It is difficult for her to relax, as she gives great importance details, often unnecessary. But, having gotten rid of internal pressures and complexes, she can reveal her sensuality so clearly that it will be a great gift for her partner.

With her Earthly brothers - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - such a woman instantly finds a common language on the basis of practicality. True, romance comes last in such a marriage. The Water signs - Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers - can give Virgo family happiness, since they are also idealists, and at the same time bring emotions and creativity into the relationship. Fiery Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are capable of breaking her heart; in response, she will torture her partner with rules and regulations. Such a marriage will be saved by mutual concessions. An alliance with the Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - may begin on the basis of intellectual searches, but will not last long.

♎ Libra September 23 - October 22

Balanced, peace-loving, the Libra woman can be an excellent partner both in business and in love. She is always well-groomed, tastefully dressed, and has natural charm and charm. In conflicts she is often ready to give in. At the same time, she is indecisive and sometimes frivolous.

Her dream is a union based on spiritual unity and intellectual equality. Since this option is rare, the Libra woman tends to idealize her partner at first, and then become disappointed in him. But, if she has already made her choice, then it is for life.

She may seem emotionless at first. But this is only an external impression. In fact, the Libra woman is very sensual, but she needs conditions to unlock her potential. She attaches great importance to details, sophistication, and subtlety of foreplay. Rough sensuality repulses her.

With representatives of her element Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - such a woman feels comfortable. The union is cemented by the search for diversity and common interests. Only inconsistency can interfere. Libra's wisdom helps
Fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - need to curb their temperament and not give in to emotions. The practicality and materiality of Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can irritate her; such a marriage is rarely successful. The danger in relationships with the signs of Water - Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers - lies in the latter's touchiness; patience will be required.

♏ Scorpio October 23 - November 22

She despises pretense and deception. At the same time, for others it often remains mysterious and incomprehensible. The Scorpio woman is independent and can even seem harsh. But behind the external cynicism lies natural sensitivity and vulnerability.

She attracts men with her independence and pronounced sexuality. Has irresistible magnetism. At the same time, she does not tolerate understatement in relationships and strives to completely control the chosen one, his thoughts and feelings.

One can only envy her partner - for a Scorpio woman there are no prohibitions in bed. She literally bathes in a whirlpool of passions, wants to try everything, including the exotic. It is important for her that the man has no less temperament.

Sexual and emotional compatibility are decisive in the union of a Scorpio woman with representatives of the signs of the element of Water - Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers. Life comes second here. The same passion can be present in a marriage with Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, but in this case it is built on the struggle of opposites. Constant quarrels will end in the same heated reconciliation. But conflicts with the signs of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - literally exhaust Scorpio, who more often has to defend himself and make excuses. In a marriage with Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, mutual understanding is rare, there are too few points of contact.

♐ Sagittarius November 23 - December 20

Her attractiveness lies in her openness and positivity. The Sagittarius woman knows how to communicate, enjoy life and find good even in troubles. This is why she easily overcomes any obstacles. She is characterized by courage, enterprise and a willingness to take risks.

Despite all her outward looseness, a Sagittarius woman can be very faithful and devoted to her chosen one. She will open up a whole world for him, both external and internal. At the same time, freedom is the most precious thing for such a woman. The partner should remember this in order to keep her.

IN intimate relationships For Sagittarius, knowledge and freedom are most important. She can completely relax and give her partner a whole range of unforgettable sensations. At the same time, he likes to stretch out the pleasure as long as possible.

The most favorable alliance is with the signs of Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Conflicts over leadership are inevitable, but this will only enrich the relationship. A passion for travel and broadening one's horizons will strengthen the marriage of Sagittarius with Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Spouses will help each other not only in everyday life, but also in their careers. Living together with the signs of the Earth - stable and conservative Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - will quickly bore the restless Sagittarius. And Aquatic Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers will irritate with jealousy and excessive emotionality. A marriage can only be happy if you are able to give in.

♑ Capricorn December 21 - January 19

She attracts men with her inaccessibility and determination. When you first meet her, she rarely makes a strong impression, as she is reserved and immediately puts up a barrier. But, revealing himself, he charms the interlocutor so much that he can lose his head.

Despite all the external practicality of a partner in love, a Capricorn woman chooses, first of all, based on “chemistry”, mutual attraction. And only then evaluates the human qualities of the chosen one. In relationships, she does not believe words, prefers concrete actions. She is secretive and does not like to demonstrate her feelings, which often brings additional difficulties.

Natural conservatism does not allow her to relax, so the partner, first of all, needs to win the trust of the Capricorn woman. She prefers a familiar environment and does not like to experiment. But to those who can understand it, it can give a real sensual paradise.

A strong family, a reliable partnership, ideal sexual compatibility are the keys to a successful marriage with the Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. But in alliance with Aquatic Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, she will have what she so lacks - a sea of ​​emotions, passions and unpredictability. This can give rise to intense passion. The fiery charisma of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius suppresses the Scorpio woman. Such a marriage will always be unequal - in the mental sense. Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - not the best option union. Spouses may be connected, rather, by friendship.

♒ Aquarius January 20 - February 17

The Aquarius woman is elusive - she can be open, sociable, cheerful, or she can suddenly amaze with her cold, calculating pragmatism. Her god is freedom. And in everything, both in personal relationships, love, and in views and principles. f

She loves subtle flirting and is a master of the science of seduction. For all her outward openness, she doesn’t let you get close for a long time; she needs to be conquered. In personal relationships, the most unacceptable thing for her is the restriction of freedom and independence.

Constantly looking for new experiences, conservatism, constraint, conventions and traditions are alien to her. In a partner, she is attracted not so much by physical advantages as by intelligence and relaxedness. In bed she “loves with her ears”, she needs compliments and words.

It is easier for an Aquarius woman to understand her brothers in the Air element - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The union can be very creative and non-trivial, however, in the search for new experiences, you can miss important everyday issues. Marriage with representatives of the element of Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - can completely turn her life around. These are real experimenters who reach the heights of knowledge. Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn fetter the Aquarius woman. Marriage can be successful in the second half of life, when it is not feelings and passions that come to the fore, but everyday and family problems. Pessimism and emotional instability of Aquatic Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces makes an alliance with them unlikely.

♓ Pisces February 18 - March 20

Indecisive, extremely receptive and impressionable, she prefers to listen more than talk. The Pisces woman is very responsive and often takes the solution to other people’s problems onto her shoulders. A tendency towards melancholy often prevents her from achieving her goals; she observes more than acts. Has intuition.

In a partnership, he seeks, first of all, mutual understanding and emotional intimacy.
She sees a man as a reliable and faithful protector, capable of protecting her from the storms of life. In a relationship, romance is very important for a Pisces woman, no matter how many years they have lived together.

She can give a man endless tenderness and affection. Such a woman knows no restrictions in bed, but demands subtlety and naturalness. Does not tolerate rudeness, naturalism, or cynicism in intimate games. She completely dissolves in love.

The union with the Water signs - Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces - is built on a solid foundation of complete mutual understanding and trust. In such marriages, self-sacrifice of one spouse for the sake of the other often occurs. Physical intimacy and mutual complementarity of temperaments strengthen relationships with the signs of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Marriage can be lasting. It will not be easy to build a family with Fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Pisces will always have to fight for independence. Children of the Air element - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - are too fickle and this often hurt Pisces.

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