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» Eggplant diamond description. Eggplant Diamond: description, cultivation and care. Characteristics and description of eggplant variety Diamond

Eggplant diamond description. Eggplant Diamond: description, cultivation and care. Characteristics and description of eggplant variety Diamond

Many gardeners love to grow eggplants on their plots. Even though these plants love warmth, they are still very popular.

There are a great many varieties of this crop, as well as others. But the classic among eggplants is “Diamond”. This variety is well known and loved by everyone.


It is worth saying that in cold climatic conditions The plant feels very bad and does not bear fruit. However, there is a way out. Due to its relative short stature, it is quite possible to grow the crop under a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. It is usually not necessary to pinch the bush, as it does not send out unnecessary shoots.

Eggplant is a very capricious plant and growing it from seedlings- this is a whole thing. He is afraid of drafts, temperature changes and shadows. For good development and strong seedlings, it is necessary to create almost ideal greenhouse conditions.

A way out may be to purchase ready-made seedlings at markets or nurseries, but this also has its risks, since the plants sold are usually infected with diseases or pests. Also, purchased seedlings do not take root well when planted in open ground, since, as a rule, no one hardens them.

Another problem may be the immediate I am transplanting into the ground. Before sale, the plants are dug up and taken to the market, while the seedlings are exposed to unfavorable conditions for a long time. After the purchase, she also transported to the site. As a result, the seedlings get sick and do not take root well, and also enter the fruiting period for a long time.

In warm climates, it is recommended to plant early ripening eggplant varieties to give them the opportunity and time to adapt. In cold climates, eggplants stop bearing fruit completely, but the Almaz variety is early ripening and adapts well, so in the Northern regions you can also have time to grow the crop.

Eggplant "Diamond": description and characteristics of the variety

A very high-yielding variety that allows you to collect more than seven kilograms of fruit from 1 square meter. As mentioned earlier, in the Southern regions this crop is planted in open ground, and in the Northern regions it is grown in greenhouses.

The height of the plant does not exceed 60 centimeters, but the eggplant fruits themselves are close to the ground. The cups are completely free of thorns, which could cause injury during fruit picking. Many varieties have these thorns.

Eggplant fruits are quite large, can reach a length of 18 centimeters and a weight of 150 grams.

  • The fruits are very tasty
  • no bitterness
  • their flesh has a green tint.
  • The harvest ripens 110-115 days from the planting date
  • ripe fruits have a contrasting purple color.

Growing eggplant "Almaz"

There are two ways to grow Almaz eggplant:

  • landing in the ground;
  • seedling method.

In the case of seedling planting, the seeds must be sown in containers for seedlings already in mid-February, and in the first cultivation option it is necessary be sure to wait for it to warm up soil up to 15 degrees Celsius.

Growing and caring for eggplant seedlings

First, it is necessary to carry out mandatory seed antiseptics. To perform antiseptic use hydrogen peroxide. 3 ml is diluted in 100 grams of water, after which the mixture must be heated to 40C. Before sowing in the ground, the seeds are soaked in this solution for about ten minutes.

The land for sowing seedlings must be previously prepared. It needs to be loosened well and the acidity level brought to normal. In order to achieve this, you need to mix the fertile layer of soil with fertilizers and sand in equal parts. To enrich the soil, you can also add peat.

You can plant seeds either in separate cups or in one common container. When planting seeds in a common container, later diving will be required.

The soil must be well moistened before planting. If planting is done in separate vessels, then 2-3 seeds should be planted in one, and when the seedlings emerge, only one will need to be left - the strongest of them.

If planting occurs in one common container, then the seeds needs to be drilled into the soil no more than 1 centimeter with a distance between them of about five centimeters. After planting, it is necessary to carefully water the future plants and put them in a warm place. The air temperature should ideally be +23-+25 degrees Celsius.

The first shoots will appear after a week. After the bulk has sprouted, containers with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of about +18 degrees Celsius. Good illumination of seedlings will strengthen the roots of plants.

After the first leaves appear on the seedlings, they must be planted in separate containers. The size of the containers should not be very small. And after diving, the transplanted seedlings need to be placed in the shade for a couple of days.

Plants need to be fertilized weekly. It is best to use urea in a proportion of 15 grams of urea per 1 liter of water. If the stem becomes too elongated, the plant should receive potassium fertilizer. After two to three months, the seedlings are completely ready for planting in a permanent place in open ground or a greenhouse.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place in open ground. Before planting seedlings, the soil must be well loosened or dug up and fed. You can use compost. The seedlings need to be well watered so as not to damage the root system when transplanting. In 1 square place you need to plant two eggplants. It is imperative to ensure that so that monthly sheets remained above the soil surface.

After planting, it is better not to water the eggplants for about a week to strengthen the root system. Subsequently, they are watered twice a week.

To avoid diseases, leaves need to be inspected and diseased, yellow ones should be removed. The Colorado potato beetle is often not averse to eating eggplant. Therefore, you need to regularly destroy these pests and inspect the bushes.

Due to the fact that the eggplant fruit heavy enough for sure You need to tie up the bushes to avoid breaking off the plant.


It is very important to harvest eggplants on time. If you keep them on the branches, the fruit may begin to rot. When the air temperature reaches 13 degrees, the fruits stop growing and the harvest can be harvested.

It is better to remove unripe fruits too, since without additional heating and lighting they will still spoil on the branch.

In conclusion, I would like to note that all the advantages in the description of the Diamond eggplant are not at all exaggerated. It is the favorite variety of eggplant among many Russian gardeners. This is a very productive, tasty variety of eggplant.

Although this is a capricious plant, if you follow all the rules in planting and care, you can get a very good harvest.

Almaz eggplant has been the leader in all stores in terms of purchase rates for several years. To some extent, it is already considered a classic variety.


Eggplant variety "Almaz" - the result of the work of breeders, was officially recognized in 1983 and recommended for cultivation in many regions: the Urals, Far East, Middle Volga region, Nizhnevolzhsk, Central Black Earth Region, Western Siberia, Northern Caucasus.

It is easy to prepare seed material from your own eggplant fruits in the required quantity for the new season yourself from overripe specimens.

The “Almaz” variety is mid-season, can be kept and bears fruit well in open ground; in the northern regions it can be grown in hotbeds or hothouses. Harvesting is possible 150 days after planting the seedlings in the soil.

The variety is perfectly adapted to drought and various weather conditions. Harvesting can be mechanized.

The eggplant bush is neat and compact and grows up to 55 centimeters in height. Early and compact branching, medium-sized green leaves of a wide oval shape with green-violet veins.

The petioles are green without thorns, the corolla is light purple. The fruits ripen on the lower part of the bush, up to 30 centimeters from the ground.

Let us describe the “Almaz” variety according to its main characteristics:

  1. mid-season variety;
  2. high productivity;
  3. ease of care;
  4. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests.


The surface of Almaz eggplants is glossy, cylindrical in shape, up to 17 centimeters long and up to 6 centimeters wide. Color ranges from dark purple, almost black to brownish brown.

The flesh under the skin is pale green, relatively dense, and there is no bitterness to be tasted. The average weight of one eggplant reaches 150 grams.

Up to 8 kilograms of crop are often harvested per square meter.

Eggplants are actively used in cooking, for preparing appetizers, salads, hot dishes and canning.

Features of cultivation

Eggplants develop well in beds after carrots, onions, cabbage, pumpkins or zucchini.

Eggplants are grown either from seeds or seedlings.

At the end of February or beginning of March, they sow seeds for eggplant seedlings. Sowing can be done in boxes, or directly in separate cups, which increases the survival rate of bushes and yield.

Containers with sowing are covered with film or glass until the first shoots appear. Mini-greenhouses are placed in a warm and bright place for 10 days. During this time, a good root system is formed. Eggplants do not tolerate picking well. After about two months, seedlings with four leaves will be ready to be transplanted into the ground.

The area for growing eggplants is chosen to be light and richly fertilized. Planting is carried out while maintaining a distance of 50 centimeters between plants, both in open ground and in greenhouses. The maximum number of bushes per square meter is 6 pieces. It is better not to bury seedlings.

Seeds for open ground are first soaked in warm water, then placed in the holes. At the same time, on the same plot of land, experienced gardeners sow radishes between the rows of eggplants, which at the very beginning will perform a protective function against weeds.

The soil. Eggplants prefer soft and loose soil with an abundance of microelements for nutrition: turf, sand, peat. Its neutral or slightly acidic environment increases the yield and improves the development of bushes.

Garter. Eggplants are heavy fruits; the branches need help in the form of timely garters.

Pinching and molding. No pinning required. Eggplant bushes are formed into three stems, the remaining shoots are removed.

Mulching and loosening. Weeding and loosening are extremely important for eggplant roots; this ensures access to oxygen.

Feeding. During the seedling period, eggplants are fed once every two weeks. Three weeks after planting, feed again. The third feeding is done after another three weeks. Urea with superphosphate is the best fertilizer before fruit appears, then organic matter is used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let us list the positive qualities of the Almaz variety:

  • high and stable productivity,
  • unpretentiousness to content,
  • excellent taste, no bitterness,
  • good transpontability.

The existing disadvantages of the “Almaz” variety: a large number of seeds in eggplants, the lower fruits are located low, in contact with the ground.

Tip: spread straw or hay under the bushes to protect the fruits from bacteria and rotting from the soil.

Pests and diseases

Eggplant variety "Almaz" is resistant to viral and phytoplasma diseases characteristic of nightshade crops: mosaic, stolbur.

He has average immunity to fungal infections: late blight, fusarium, verticillium, blossom end rot.

The main pest of eggplant plantings: the Colorado potato beetle. Regular inspection of bushes is recommended. In the case of Colorado potato beetles, detection is carried out by treatment with chlorophos or other available means.

Eggplant is a vegetable plant that is grown in summer cottages. The eggplant variety Almaz is an unpretentious and capricious crop. By providing proper care, gardeners receive a rich harvest. The vegetable has an exotic color and is used in the preparation of first and main courses. Excellent taste, content of macroelements and vitamins, low calorie content have made eggplant one of the most favorite vegetables.

Almaz is a proven variety of eggplant. It is considered reliable and versatile compared to other types. Residents of warm regions grow vegetables in open ground. If it is a city with a cold climate, greenhouses or greenhouses are used. Characterized by mid-season ripening.

It can reach a height of 65 cm. Eggplant fruit formation occurs in the lower part of the stem. The calyx of the vegetable has a light green tint. It is not covered with thorns, which makes the harvesting process easier.

Diamond produces fruits of a classic oblong shape. The length of eggplant ranges from 13 to 18 cm, its diameter reaches 6 cm. It has a pleasant taste of pulp, which is covered with a dense skin on top. The flesh is beige in color with a green tint and is devoid of bitterness. The variety is suitable for preparing hot dishes, snacks and preserves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are:

  • ease of care;
  • excellent taste;
  • excellent technological properties;
  • transportability over long distances;
  • high yield.

Compared to the advantages, the disadvantages of eggplant do not seem so serious. The lower fruits are in contact with the ground. As a result, a light spot is formed, under which there is hard pulp. Each vegetable has a large number of seeds, which some people smell in their food.

Rules for growing a plant

Vegetables can be grown in two ways - seedlings and sowing in the ground. The first option is considered the most effective for eggplant. If you sow seeds in open soil, you may not get a harvest due to weather conditions. The ripening period of the fruit is also taken into account.

Landing dates

Work with planting material usually begins in the second half of winter. Planting in open ground is carried out after the age of the eggplant reaches 65-70 days. Start growing in open ground after late frosts. In addition, the soil must warm up well for the eggplant seeds to sprout strongly.

Preparing the soil for planting

Land for vegetables can be purchased at a specialized kiosk. She has already undergone the disinfection procedure and does not need preparation. The soil is saturated with nutrients and loosening substances. If it’s not difficult for a person, you can start preparing the land yourself.

Soil for eggplant is collected from a plot of land on which vegetables and fruits grow. Forest soil collected near the village is also suitable. The collected amount is mixed with peat or sawdust and humus. The last component is wood ash. You will need a glass for a bucket of mixture.

The earth is the habitat of insects and their larvae. Before sowing eggplant seeds, it must be disinfected. This can be done in any available way:

Seed preparation

One drawback should be mentioned here - the large number of seeds in the fruits. On the other hand, this feature of Almaz makes it possible to collect seed material for sowing the next season on your own. To improve the germination of eggplants, it is recommended to prepare them.


For the procedure, ordinary potassium permanganate is suitable. The solution should have a light pink tint. Eggplant seeds are immersed in warm liquid for 20-25 minutes. After this, the solution is drained and the seeds are washed with running water.

Top dressing

The method has a positive effect on germination. It is necessary to prepare a nutrient medium. As a rule, this can be a special preparation or wood ash. For 1 liter of water you will need 1 tsp. fertilizers The seeds are soaked in it and left for 24 hours.

Hardening of seeds

Hardening has a positive effect on the further growth of young plants. After processing the planting material, it is placed on gauze and allowed to dry a little. Eggplant seeds are placed in the lower sections of the refrigerator for a day. Then the hardening procedure is repeated and the seeds are placed in the refrigerator again. As soon as the stage is completed, the seeds are immediately planted in the ground.


It is recommended to sow seeds in separate cups. The Almaz eggplant variety does not tolerate picking well, and this approach will protect it from unnecessary stress. The fragile root system of eggplant can be damaged during picking, as the seedlings have to be separated from each other. Growing in separate containers has a positive effect on the seedlings themselves; they turn out strong and healthy.

2 or 3 grains are planted in each glass. This is a kind of reinsurance, since not everything sprouts. If 2 or 3 sprouts appear, choose the strongest one for further transplantation. Eggplant seeds can be planted in large containers. At the same time, maintain a distance of 6-7 cm between landing sites.

The seed material is immersed in the soil to a depth of 2 cm. In order for seedlings to appear as early as possible, certain conditions are created. In the room where the future seedlings are located, the temperature is set to 22 °C. Cover the top with film to create a greenhouse effect.

How to care for culture

Greenhouse conditions are abandoned when seedlings appear. For normal shoot development, the temperature is reduced to 15 °C. A low rate will slow down the stretching of eggplant stems and help the root system to form. After 1-2 weeks, the temperature is increased to continue the development of the above-ground part of the plant.


Seedlings, just like adult plants, need regular watering. It is better to take settled water, but not too cold. The watering procedure is carried out as the earthen clod dries out. As practice shows, once every 3 days is enough.

Top dressing

In addition to watering, young eggplant sprouts need fertilizer. Feeding is carried out every 2 weeks. Urea is used for organic growth. Potassium is indicated when the green part is sharply stretched. As a top dressing, you can use organic fertilizers: mullein, bird droppings, slurry.


Diamond is an eggplant variety that is not particularly demanding. But before planting in the ground, preliminary hardening of young seedlings is necessary. The procedure is simple and does not require the use of any tools. The gardener needs to take pots of herbs outdoors.

The first eggplant hardening procedure takes 15 minutes. Every day the interval is increased by 2-3 minutes. Weather conditions outside must be favorable so as not to freeze the crop. Warm air and sun rays are another requirement.


The plant will better tolerate transplantation and take root in a new place if it has at least 5 leaves. With the appearance of this number of leaves, sufficient development of the eggplant root system occurs. After the sprouts appear, count 70 days and transplant the crop into open soil. The landing time falls at the end of May and continues until the beginning of June.

This period is favorable for planting, as the ground has time to warm up and there are no frosts. Before planting seedlings, water the soil, loosening it. The root is deepened by 7 cm, planting the sprouts in rows. Between plants you need to maintain a distance of 30 cm, and between rows - 65 cm. Per 1 sq. m of soil, it is enough to plant 6 eggplants.

Protection from diseases and pests

The pest actively reproduces in regions with a humid climate and high air temperatures.

Slugs cause massive damage to crops, gnawing not only leaves, but also shoots. The least affected species are aphids, mole crickets and whiteflies. Periodic treatment of eggplant with insecticidal preparations protects the bushes from pests. The soil also needs disinfection. The row spaces are sprinkled with slaked lime or wood ash.

To reduce the number of treatments of plants with chemicals, competent preventive measures are carried out and the stages of agricultural technology are followed.

Harvesting and storage rules

The fruits are ready for picking when they turn dark purple. You need to constantly remove eggplants from the garden because the crop only partially ripens. Garden shears or pruning shears are suitable for cutting Diamond. This will allow you to carefully remove the fruits without damaging the bush.

Eggplants should not be left on the branches if they have already ripened. Overripe fruits change skin color from purple to brown. After this, the eggplants become poisonous. Eating such fruits causes digestive problems and negatively affects the ENT organs.

A garden crop such as eggplant is quite in demand. Breeders have developed many varieties of this plant. They differ in shape, color, taste, growing characteristics, and ripening period. The Almaz variety is in particular demand among summer residents. Detailed characteristics and description of the Almaz eggplant variety, its main advantages, as well as the features of cultivating the vegetable - all this will be described in the article.

Many beginners wonder whether eggplant is a dicotyledonous or monocotyledonous vegetable. In order to answer the question, you first need to understand what is the difference between dicotyledonous plants and monocotyledonous plants. The main difference is the number of cotyledons. A crop that, after germination, has a pronounced tap root, is dicotyledonous. Representatives of monocots are grasses. So eggplant belongs to the class of dicotyledons.

Description of the Diamond variety

Among the mid-season varieties, the Almaz eggplant stands out, time-tested; it is cultivated on an open plot of land.

But if the dacha is located in the northern regions, it is preferable to build film shelters or greenhouses. Usually the harvest is harvested 110-150 days after full germination.

Knowing how eggplants grow, what the strengths and weaknesses of this vegetable are, there is a great chance of getting a rich harvest. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the features of the Almaz variety.

A brief description of Diamond eggplant is given below:

  • The shrub grows 0.5 meters in height.
  • Branching is early.
  • The color of ripe fruits is dark purple, the surface is glossy. The shape resembles a cylinder.
  • Each vegetable weighs from 100 to 160 grams.
  • The pulp is dense in structure and lacks a bitter aftertaste. Its color is white.

Among the advantages that distinguish the Almaz eggplant variety are the following:

True, there are also some disadvantages. For example, fruits contain a lot of seeds. Although, this can also be considered as an advantage. After all, since there are a lot of seeds, the summer resident will not be tormented by the question of where to buy eggplants of this variety. Seeds from mature fruits can be used to germinate and grow a new plant. One of the disadvantages is that the fruits are located low and come into contact with the soil.

How to grow the Diamond variety?

Typically, Almaz eggplants are grown in one of two ways: directly in open ground or by seedlings in a greenhouse.

The first option is implemented when the soil warms up to a temperature of about +15 degrees. Growing seedlings involves sowing seeds. The procedure is usually carried out in early March or mid-February. Much depends on the climate of the region.

How Diamond eggplant seeds are prepared is described in detail below:

How to plant Almaz eggplants on an open plot of land in the Moscow region is presented below:

  1. Prepare the site: dig up, fertilize with compost.
  2. Water the seedlings generously.
  3. Place the plant in the garden bed. In this case, you need to maintain distance. 2 seedlings are placed per square meter.
  4. Sprinkle with soil.

The farmer’s further actions are how to properly care for the Almaz eggplant variety. It involves irrigating the crop every 3 days. On dry days, the frequency of watering is increased. Weeds are also removed and the soil is loosened. If the plant is tall, tie it up. It is also necessary to engage in the formation of bushes. Fertilizing is carried out a month after planting. Fertilize with urea solution. Fertilizers are applied a second time a month later. In this case, superphosphate is added to the urea. As soon as the first fruits appear, use a mullein solution.

Special grade Diamond