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» The White Temple of Thailand (Wat Rong Khun) is a beautiful fairy tale in the flesh. White temple in thailand

The White Temple of Thailand (Wat Rong Khun) is a beautiful fairy tale in the flesh. White temple in thailand

The Black Temple in Chiang Rai is one of the creepiest attractions in Thailand.

Even finding your way here isn't that easy.

How to get to the Black Temple in Chiang Rai

The easy option is to tell the taxi driver Baan Dam or Black House. A more difficult option is to rent a bike and drive there yourself (the main thing is not to miss the right turn from the road). We hope the map helps.

For those who are visiting Chiang Rai for the first time, it will be interesting that the creator of the Black Temple, Thawan Duchanee, is a famous sculptor, artist and architect, also known for the fact that he built it with his own money (with the support of sponsors ) one of the most unusual temples in Thailand is the White Temple.

When you find yourself in the Black Temple (which is the least like a temple in the world), the feeling is eerie. It seems that all this was invented by a person with a clearly sick imagination.

Here you will find bones and skins, creepy skeletons, ostrich feathers, horns and dark, dark wood.

Alas, a bus full of Chinese tourists arrived with us at the same time - the main curse of holidays in Asia (in Europe they are the British, if you believe rumors), so we ran away from them as best we could. opposite direction. The crocodile was clearly on the run...

There are many objects in the Black Temple that are difficult to associate with Asian culture - for example, similar wooden totems.

A toilet with phalluses and wooden cups will not leave anyone indifferent. By the way, he is active.

Architecture, like music, is one of the most striking ways of expressing oneself. Perhaps, in the case of the Black Temple, this is felt in every building.

To say that Tavan Duchani is eccentric is to significantly understate the extent of his “obsession.” In the good sense of the word. You have to be an incredibly brave person to do things like that. By the way, an open-air workshop

There is a shower and toilet nearby - I decided to freshen up a little and used the shower - very cool!

The first associations with the bottom photo are that he stuffed a whole hedgehog or porcupine into the tube. I hope not after all.

Impromptu feast. He should make horror films... Or the ball scene in The Master and Margarita.

There are a lot of phalluses - wooden, metal, bones. Looks like the topic of men's pussies is more relevant than ever

Big metal fish

Many objects are closed, apparently for security - on the territory of the temple there is security only in large halls, and you can walk around the perimeter without much control. Although sometimes the guards notice that you are going somewhere where you shouldn’t go, and then they start gesticulating desperately and saying in all languages ​​that you shouldn’t go there.

Hello friends. We have prepared for you a story about a very unusual place. This is the White Temple in Thailand. People don’t come here for prayer and there are no monks here yet. This is an object of art that reflects the variability of our world. Here you will see the interweaving of Buddhism with Thai architecture, elements of science fiction and pop art. Unusual combination, Truth?

Thai millionaire artist Chalermchai Kositpipat believed that modern people Buddhism will be difficult to understand. To facilitate this task, he decided to reconstruct the Wat Rong Khun Temple ( Wat Rong Khun) or White temple, located near it hometown Chiang Rai.

So, in 1997, using his own funds, he began implementing a grandiose project.

For several decades now, a team of artists has been working on the implementation of this project. And tourists are already showing unprecedented interest in this place. And this takes into account the fact that it is not located in a tourist-active area.

The work is planned to be completed by 2070. However, the government does not allocate money for this work.


Every smallest detail of the complex has its own meaning, designed to tell visitors to the complex about Buddhism, to help them look at familiar things differently.

The external appearance of the building is formed by two textures: white alabaster and fragments of mirrors.

The fragments are superimposed on alabaster and in sunny weather this mosaic reflects so much light that you want to close your eyes. This is how an artist shows superiority spiritual world, the purity of the Buddha and the goodness that we are all capable of reflecting and bringing into the world.

When decorating the territory, many other colors are used: red, green, gold.

They are a symbol of everything worldly and vicious. This is also evidenced by sculptures of terrible demons, skeletons, hanging heads and other attributes of the mortal world. All this is not to intimidate, but for edification and reminder - this is how the author makes it clear the difference between the consciousness of an enlightened and unenlightened person.

The temple is surrounded by a fish pond. You can feed them.

In addition, on the way to the building you will come across interesting installation objects:

  • hell pit
  • gate to heaven

Hell here is symbolized by thousands of hands reaching out from the pit. These are our passions.

By giving up all these desires, you may find yourself at the gates of heaven. They are guarded by two sculptures: Death and Rahu, who controls the destiny of man.

Behind the bridge is a statue of Buddha and the temple itself.

Inside the temple

This is where a surprise awaits you. The images that decorate it are, oh, how far from religious paintings and attributes typical of Buddhism. But they fit perfectly into the concept of a diverse and limitless reality.

Inside the building you will see two statues of Buddha calmly contemplating merciless fight good and evil depicted on the opposite wall.

Modern heroes appear here in the image of good - Superman, Batman, Terminator, Avatar, Keanu Reeves' hero from The Matrix.

Some of the walls have not yet been decorated, but there you can see sketches of planes crashing into the twin towers.

And in the middle of the temple there is a sculpture of a monk. She is so realistically made that she can easily be confused with a living person.

Next to the White House is the Golden House. Everything is concentrated here worldly life. Namely: an art gallery, a hall for prayers and sermons and... a golden toilet.

After you have visited both buildings, you can stroll through the park, relax on benches, admire the fancy fountains and comprehend what you have seen. Or buy souvenirs at the souvenir shop.

Working hours

The complex is open from 8:00 to 18:00.

What is the price

Free admission

How to get there

The temple is located 15 kilometers southwest of Chiang Rai.

You can get from Chiang Rai to the place where the temple is located by bus from the bus station near the night market in the center of Chiang Rai.

Such a trip will cost 20 baht.

Address: San Sai, Mueang Chiang Rai District

To take your time, you can stay for a day or two in the city.

Where to stay in Chiang Rai

Now many housing options in Chiang Rai have appeared on the service AirBnb. We have written how to use this service. If you do not find a free hotel room, then look for accommodation through this booking site.

We offer good hotel options in Chiang Rai

White Temple on the map

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Wat Rong Khun is a Buddhist temple 13 kilometers from the city of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand. Because of its unusual appearance Wat Rong Khun is often called the "White Temple". The construction of the temple in 1997 was started at his own expense by the famous Thai artist Chalermchai Kositpipat (b. 1955), who decided to refuse the help of the state and sponsors so that no one could infringe on the freedom of his creativity. A total of nine buildings are planned to be built in the temple complex. Construction is still ongoing, but Wat Rong Khun is already attracting a large number of tourists.

According to the artist's plan, White color The temple symbolizes the purity of Buddha. The windows through which light enters the temple symbolize the light of Buddha's wisdom illuminating the world.

The temple itself is a symbol of nirvana, which can only be achieved through suffering. Therefore, under the bridge leading to the temple, there are sculptures of unfortunate sufferers - Narakas, who are punished for their sins in the Buddhist purgatory - Narakas. Narakas raise their hands, sometimes with begging bowls, in the hope of help and salvation. The circle with fangs is the mouth of the demon Rahu, who, according to myths, swallowed the Sun and the Moon.

In the territory temple complex there are other sculptures of other mythological characters of Buddhism and, of course, images of Buddha.

On the roof of the temple you can see four animals, symbolizing the four elements: The elephant is a symbol of earth, the swan is wind, the mythological naga snakes are water and the lion is fire.

Inside the temple there are paintings on the theme of the struggle between good and evil, which in Buddhism is personified by the demon Mara, who at one time tried to lead the Buddha himself astray from the path of enlightenment. The painting depicts the tragedy of September 11 in a unique way; you can also see such modern heroes, like Neo from The Matrix or Spider-Man.

Be sure to schedule a visit White Temple Wat Rong Khun. This is a very unusual, beautiful and impressive building. It can be called a Buddhist temple only for the general similarity of its forms with classical Thai temples, but in all guidebooks in Thailand it is called that way.

In the photo: tourists at the White Temple in Thailand

You can go and admire the White Temple on your own by renting a car, or you can buy a standard one-day excursion from Chiang Mai.

How to get to the White Temple and what to see

Find White Temple It’s not difficult, you need to go from Chiang Mai along highway 118, through Doi Saket. The White Temple is approximately located at 168 km. This is about ten kilometers before reaching Chiang Rai. From the road, the turn to the temple is very noticeable - this is a tourist place and there are always a lot of buses with tourists.

In the photo: the entrance to the White Temple in Thailand

Upon entering the territory White Temple All tourists first rush to the copper bell.

In the photo: installation in front of the White Temple in Thailand

The passage between two pits with many outstretched arms symbolizes the movement of a person through a series of life's temptations on the path to enlightenment. The most sophisticated tourists manage to throw coins into the cauldrons of the suffering.

In the photo: the entrance to the White Temple in Thailand

The temple decorations look very intricate and stylish. All decorative elements buildings and most of the sculptures in the White Temple are made of alabaster and inlaid with small mirrors. IN sunny weather The surfaces of the White Temple sparkle with hundreds of reflections of the sun.

In the photo: we go around the main building of the temple

Inside White Temple Thais forbid taking photographs. The wall paintings have not yet been completed, but you can see them. Subjects of painting interior walls chosen in an extremely mysterious way. The impression is as if the artist is trying to explain the whole essence of Buddhism, using only teenage comic-book visual symbols. There was a place for the Matrix, Spiderman, Avatar, space and much more...

In the photo: decor of the White Temple of Thailand

The decorations of the White Temple amaze with their imagination, craftsmanship and organic nature.

In the photo: The White Temple of Thailand in all its glory

The garden that surrounds White Temple , small and very well maintained. There are several ponds with plump white and red fish. Separately standing trees especially emphasize the airiness and sophistication of the White Temple.

In the photo: tourists near the White Temple in Thailand

The beautiful alley next to the White Temple is no less popular among tourists. If you come to the White Temple on your own, you will have much more time to sit pleasantly here on the benches next to the Temple and watch.

In the photo: Golden Toilet next to the White Temple

A very Buddhist mockery - the no less majestic Golden Temple was erected next to the White Temple public toilet. Tourists cannot always clearly answer which of the two buildings impressed them more.

In the photo: at the Golden Toilet, next to the White Temple

The golden decorative lettering decorating the roof and walls of the Golden Toilet clearly competes with the decor of the White Temple. Perhaps this is another hidden message for tourists... :)

In the photo: one of the sculptures near the White Temple in Thailand

Among other sculptures, there is also a mythical winged turtle that guards the southern approach to the White Temple :)

is not only a popular resort with a hot climate and exotic landscapes. In addition to its tourist beauties, this country also attracts with its unique architecture and a peaceful atmosphere.

Many people come here to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life, relax, and also enjoy amazing temples , each of them combines traditional elements Buddhist culture, but, nevertheless, amazes with the originality and uniqueness of the architectural design.

Today, perhaps, the most unusual and memorable temple in Thailand can rightfully be called Wat Rong Khun, who is better known as White Temple. Compared to many other architectural ones, it is one of the newest. Moreover, its construction continues to this day .

The first stone in its foundation was laid in 1997. The idea of ​​this complex belongs to the Thai artist Chalermchai Kositpipat. In order not to depend on sponsors, he invests his own funds in the creation of the temple. The main assistant in this matter and, concurrently, Chief Engineer - brother artist.

Why is the White Temple so famous throughout the world? First of all, its white color, thanks to which it received its second name. Everything in this place, from the flooring to the decorative elements, is done in shining white. In addition, the walls are covered with a mosaic of mirror pieces.

White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) is a symbol of the purity of the Buddha, which incorporates the best traditions of Buddhist art and modern design approaches. It looks even more magical and mysterious during the evening sunset and morning sunrise. Bright rays hitting thousands of mirror fragments create a simply magical sight. Many people compare it with residence of the Snow Queen .

The entrance to Wat Rong Khun starts from the passage through the gates of Hell . This is the path called the path of doubt and suffering. She is surrounded on both sides by the hands of sinners reaching out from under the ground - Narakov. According to legend, they serve punishment for all sins in the Buddhist purgatory, which is called Naraka. The spectacle is both frightening and fascinating.

Next you need to go through the huge sparkling horns that symbolize the mouth Rahu– mythological serpent - a demon that devours the Sun and Moon during eclipses. Then the path leads to a bridge over small pond, which symbolizes the river that separates the worlds of the dead and the living.

By the way, it’s worth knowing that for ideological reasons, traffic on the bridge is only one-way. However, you definitely won’t forget about it, since a special person with a megaphone stands next to it and constantly warns visitors about it. At the end of the bridge in front of the chapels you can see sculptures of Buddha in the lotus position.

The roof of the temple is decorated with statues of four animals, which are symbols of the four elements:

  • Earth symbolizes the elephant,
  • water- fabulous snakes are naked,
  • wind- swan,
  • fire- a lion.

Also on the territory of the complex you can see many other sculptures of various types. mythical creatures and especially the Buddha. In general, there are so many different figures, sculptures and other decorative elements here and they are so thought out to the smallest detail that you can look at and study them for hours.

The temple itself is not large in size when compared to other temples in Thailand. But it is worth considering that this is just part of a large complex, the construction of which is still far from completion.

What surprises the temple inside?

Many tourists, based on the external beauty of the temple and the first impression, anticipate that something incredible and otherworldly will be waiting for them inside Wat Rong Khun. But many may be disappointed and even a little shocked. The inside of the temple is far from snow-white . Moreover, all its walls are painted with colored graffiti, which uniquely illustrate world events and modern heroes. For example, the tragedy in New York on September 11 was presented in a very interesting interpretation.

You can also see on the walls:

  • Spiderman
  • Neo from the movie "Matrix",
  • Batman,
  • Superman,
  • Jedi from "Star Wars".

Another wall depicts a modern interpretation of the end of the world, showing the catastrophes of the Earth. There are two Buddha statues in the temple and a large picture of him on one of the walls.

The painting is constantly supplemented by various events and phenomena from modern life. The idea is that in the future it will be clear when these paintings were created. Side walls not yet fully completed.

The figure of a monk, which is also located inside the temple, is a little scary. According to some sources, this is a wax figure, and according to others, it is the embalmed body of a real monk. In any case, it looks very plausible.

Taking photographs and filming videos inside is prohibited. In addition, you must take off your shoes when entering.

Where is the White Temple in Thailand

There are several ways to get to Wat Rong Khun. It is located at a distance 14 kilometers from Chiang Rai city center . The first and most comfortable option is take a bus at the old bus station, which can be found in the city center, next to the night bazaar. The cost of a ticket will cost a tourist about 20 baht. You don’t have to take a return ticket, because you can go back. Hop on any passing bus.

Second option - rent a moped and go on your own. In this case, the traveler needs to go straight along the highway towards Chiang Mai, the temple will be on the right side, and there will definitely be a sign there.

Third way - use local cheap transport , which is called knock-knock. In addition, there are always taxis and travel agencies that are ready to quickly and comfortably show tourists any sights.

  • Temple opening hours from 6.30 to 18.00. Entry is free for everyone.

The white temple of Wat Rong Khun is a real find for those who appreciate art that combines ancient religious and mythological motifs with contemporary art. But it will be interesting and ordinary people who just want to relax and enjoy divine beauty creations of human hands.