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» Birch tar: in the vegetable garden, at the dacha from pests. The use of birch tar against insects, ants, aphids, wireworms, onion flies, mole crickets, and ticks. Birch tar against onion and carrot flies Treatment of potato tubers with birch tar

Birch tar: in the vegetable garden, at the dacha from pests. The use of birch tar against insects, ants, aphids, wireworms, onion flies, mole crickets, and ticks. Birch tar against onion and carrot flies Treatment of potato tubers with birch tar

Today we publish detailed instructions how to use birch tar in the garden against pests, because all kinds of phytophages in the garden and vegetable garden cause a lot of trouble for summer residents. Insects that have taken a fancy to the plantings of your plants can nullify all efforts to grow most crops: fruits, berries, vegetables, and ornamental ones. In order not to use hazardous substances on the site environment and human health, chemical insecticides, many owners of garden plots use proven products of plant origin, which include birch tar.

How best to use birch tar in the garden against pests

Judge for yourself, not a single insect will fly to the smell of fire, right?

What insects are effective against using products containing birch tar?

Using tar in the garden will allow you to protect your plants in a natural way from the following pests:

  • cabbage fly;
  • cabbage butterfly (white butterfly);
  • pale-legged gooseberry sawfly;
  • codling moth;
  • cherry moth;
  • plum moth;
  • carrot psyllid;
  • gooseberry moth;
  • sprout fly;
  • sea ​​buckthorn fly.

The most effective recipes with birch tar against dangerous insects

Tar and soap concentrate against the Colorado potato beetle and more

Dissolve 50 g of liquid or grated laundry soap and 10 g of birch tar in a bucket of lukewarm water. Potato plantings are sprayed with an insecticide before flowering, during the appearance of buds and during the period of intense color. The composition is used to treat eggplant plantations, vegetable pepper and tomatoes in cases where the Colorado potato beetle appeared on these plants in search of food.

The same solution is effective against carrot fly, attacking carrot planting during thinning. Before removing excess seedlings, it is enough to spray the plantation with the composition from a spray bottle and pour the medicinal mixture into the beds. Treatment with this product helps pumpkin crops against the sprout fly, plums against the plum moth, apple trees during the flowering period against the codling moth, cherries against the cherry sawfly, gooseberries and currants against the moth (before flowering).

Tar solution against wireworms

Treatment planting material potatoes before sowing and moistening the soil in planting holes - effective remedy, preventing wireworm invasion. To prepare the solution, a tablespoon of tar is dissolved in a standard bucket of water. Potato tubers are soaked in the medicinal liquid for 60-90 minutes, and the planting grooves/holes are also shed with it.

Tar from cabbage whites

Pegs placed in the garden bed, wrapped at the ends with tow soaked in birch tar, help to scare away the butterfly and prevent the deposition of eggs on cabbage leaves.

In addition to insects, birch tar is used against rodents that feed on the sprouts and bark of your plants in winter time. In particular, mulching the trunk circles of shrubs and trees with sawdust soaked in a tar solution (15 g/10 l of water) eliminates the invasion of mice, and adding the product to the composition for autumn whitewashing (10 l of fresh manure, 1 kg of ready-made whitewash and 50 g of tar dilute birch with water to the consistency of thick kefir) helps prevent hares from eating the bark in winter.

Tar from garden pests

We have already written how to use tar against garden pests in the article about protection against codling moths. We won’t repeat it, we’ll just post another photo with soda caps with gauze soaked in tar attached. We hang 2 lids on a tree in the spring, and in the summer we soak the gauze again with a pipette:

If you have not yet tried the miraculous birch tar to protect your plants, then it’s time to go to the nearest pharmacy for a few bottles of medicinal composition. The use of birch tar in the garden gives tangible results, be sure to try it - it’s cheap and cheerful.

Stay tuned to us by subscribing to the article announcement newsletter and you will learn a lot folk recipes plant protection without the use of chemicals.

Tar from birch bark (or Russian oil) is a product of dry distillation of bark (pyrolysis process). This thick, oily black mixture has a sharp, specific odor and contains a lot of paraffin.

Birch tar has long been widely used in gardening to combat pests and diseases. garden crops. There are 2 types of tar: birch and birch bark. In the second case, young bark is used as a raw material. The result is the purest product, used to treat skin diseases in humans.

Birch tar is effective against:

  • Colorado potato beetle on potatoes, peppers and eggplants (10 g tar + 50 g laundry soap + 10 l water);
  • onion fly (half an hour before planting the sets, place the bulbs in a plastic bag with a small amount tar and mix everything thoroughly; For 1 kg of sets, take 1 tbsp. l tar);
  • cabbage butterflies (install small pegs on the cabbage beds and wrap them with rags soaked in tar);
  • wireworm (before planting, lubricate potato tubers with tar solution; take 1 tablespoon of tar per 10 liters of water and leave for 1 hour);
  • cabbage fly (water the mulch around cabbage and other cruciferous crops with the solution from the previous point);
  • codling moths (dissolve 1 tablespoon of tar + 40 g of laundry soap in 10 liters of water and apply the resulting composition to the tree and under it before the butterflies begin to fly out);
  • hawthorn (the method is similar to the previous one, only the spider nests are first removed);
  • bird cherry weevil (the tree is treated with the same composition when the first leaves appear in the spring and at the beginning of the appearance of the ovaries);
  • spider mite and raspberry-strawberry weevil (same composition, processing until the budding stage);
  • mouse-voles (mulch the tree trunks with sawdust moistened with the tar solution from the previous paragraphs before the onset of autumn cold);
  • hares (whiten the bases of the trunks with whitewash consisting of 1 kg of whitewash, 10 kg of mullein, 50 g of tar and 10-12 liters of water);
  • ants (lubricate the trunks of diseased trees and shrubs with undiluted tar; you can also wrap the trunks with cloth soaked in tar);
  • aphids (dissolve 50 g of grated tar soap in 1 liter of boiling water, add 5 ml of tar and 20 liters of water to the composition; spray trees and shrubs affected by aphids with the product, repeat the treatment after a month);
  • ticks (in 3 l glass jar pour 500 ml of tar, and then boiling water to the top, and mix everything thoroughly several times; After cooling, apply the mixture to exposed areas, and ticks will not cling to you);
  • mole crickets (dissolve 10 ml of tar in 10 liters of water and spray young potato bushes with the resulting solution in May);
  • moles (grease small wooden pegs with tar and place them over the entire area of ​​the site at intervals of 4 m from each other);
  • mosquitoes (dissolve 5 ml of tar in 2 liters of water and lubricate exposed areas of the body with the solution).

In addition to pests, tar prevents and stops the development of a number of diseases. For example, to prevent scab on a pear when young leaves appear, treat the tree with a tar composition: 1 tbsp. l. tar, 40 g of laundry soap and 10 liters of water (repeat the procedure in a week).

With the arrival of the first spring days revival begins on land plots. For lovers gardening work You have to not only plant the seedlings, but also not allow insect pests to destroy them. Particularly great difficulties can arise in. After all garden pests Not only do they feed on the sap of plants and build nests in their roots, but they are also carriers of aphids - the most dangerous enemy of green spaces. But getting rid of pests is very difficult, since only working individuals come to the surface of the anthill. The main reproducer of the genus practically never leaves the nest. Birch tar from ants in the garden is one of the natural organic remedies that will help cope with this problem.

Features of the product

Birch tar is a dark, oily liquid of viscous consistency that has a rather pungent, specific odor. This product is made by processing birch bark, which is heated strongly in a hermetically sealed container. As a result of the oxidation reaction, tar is released, which was found today wide application in the garden and vegetable garden.

Tar soap is made from birch tar. It also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. They use tar soap against ants, codling moths, carrot flies and other insect pests.

How to use

Many summer residents, when they see one on their property, sound the alarm, and for good reason. Where these insects are present, there will certainly be another pest - aphids. After all, they live in a close, mutually beneficial union. An attack by these small insects can cause serious damage to green spaces. Therefore, tar against ants and aphids is one of the most popular means pest control.

  1. Quite often, birch tar is used to control ants on trees. To do this, wide bandages or pieces of gauze soaked in the product are wrapped around the trunk of an apple tree or other fruit tree. This option protects the wood from pests throughout the season.
  2. You can also apply tar to the tree trunk with a brush at a height of 3-5 cm from the ground. The width of the tar layer should not exceed 5 cm.
  3. Spraying with tar solution will help protect the bushes. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 0.5 pieces of tar soap in a 10-liter bucket of water. Then you need to add 5 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. tar. The resulting soap solution is sprayed onto the bushes using a spray bottle. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the late afternoon.
  4. If so, you can use this recipe. Pressed sawdust is generously moistened with birch tar and poured with boiling water. Then you need to wait until the wood chips swell. The resulting tar substrate is laid out on ant nests or between beds of already planted seedlings.
  5. The use of tar also involves washing the leaves of the plant. To do this, grated tar soap (50 g) is dissolved in a liter hot water. The mixture is stirred periodically. After all the soap flakes have dissolved, add 5 ml of tar and 20 liters of water to the mass. The trunks, branches and leaves of plants are treated with this solution every month. For convenience, you can use a spray bottle.

Those who have already used this method of fighting insects leave positive reviews about birch tar.

Birch tar is an excellent remedy for ants. After just a couple of days, the insects were blown away by the wind.

Alexander, Donetsk

You can buy birch tar at any pharmacy kiosk. A 40 ml bottle costs between 50-150 rubles (depending on the manufacturer and region).

The desire of people to eat not just fruits and vegetables grown on their own land, but also environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables, has led to the fact that gardeners began to disappear from the medicine cabinets of chemicals, and appear natural, and often quite unexpected. So the hero of our article today - birch tar - is very effective in the garden, although few people know about it.

Birch tar: use in the garden

Tar repels pests with its pungent odor. In scientific language, it has repellent (repelling insects), but not insecticidal (killing insects) abilities. If you read somewhere that tar “kills insects”, don’t believe it. Tar doesn't kill anyone, it just stinks, so insects won't want to lay eggs on smelly plants, or they'll move away from it.

There is one more problem: tar from pests in the garden It was the gardeners themselves who came up with the idea of ​​using it. You will not find any reliable instructions on how to treat potatoes, or strawberries, or trees with insect tar, and there is no one to ask them from. Some people pour 100 ml onto a three-meter bed, others add two spoons of tar per liter of water for spraying, and some claim that 1 spoon per bucket is enough. That is, everything is subjective, everything is personal experience. Therefore, you will have to experiment a little and question all the information about the use of tar in gardening. By the way, tar is used not only to repel pests from plants, but also.

And one last point. Birch tar in the garden against pests should almost always be diluted in water. However, it does not dissolve in water, but forms a film on the surface of the water. Spraying with such an emulsion is inconvenient and ineffective, so before mixing the tar with water, it is mixed separately with laundry soap (40-50 grams of soap per tablespoon of tar). In addition, soap helps the solution stick to the leaves and stems of the plant. You don’t have to dissolve the tar with soap, but in this case, use a broom for processing or do it in the lid plastic bottle holes for irrigation. A regular spray bottle will quickly become clogged with oily tar.

Birch tar against pests on various types of vegetable and garden crops

Treatment of potatoes with tar

Against the Colorado potato beetle: add a tablespoon of tar to a bucket of water and spray the potato seedlings.

Treating potatoes with tar before planting : potatoes are dipped into a container with the mentioned tar solution. If possible, water the holes/furrows with the same solution before planting the tubers to protect them from wireworms.

Treating strawberries with tar

Strawberry pests will not settle on the plant if, before the buds appear, they are treated with a tar solution with a concentration of 20 g per bucket of water.

Treating onions and garlic with tar

It does not tolerate the smell of tar, so even before planting, the seedlings are soaked in a tar solution for a couple of hours (10 g per liter of water). Spraying and watering with a tar solution (20 g per bucket of water) two or three times (with a 10-15 day interval) during the flies’ oviposition will help to expel the onion fly from the garden bed.

Treating cabbage with tar

Cabbage fly, cabbage butterfly and cruciferous flea beetles will not annoy cruciferous plants if the plants, starting from the seedling stage, are watered several times with a tar solution with a concentration of 10 g per bucket of water.

Treatment of carrots and beets with tar

Treatment with tar against pests carrots and beets - carrot flies, psyllids, wireworms, beet aphids, flies and flea beetles - is carried out with the same emulsion: 10 g per bucket of water.

Treating berry bushes with tar

Berry bushes are treated with tar against pests before and after flowering. The solution helps get rid of currant and gooseberry sawflies, aphids, moths, raspberry-strawberry weevils, and spider mites. Concentration - 2 tbsp per bucket of water. You can also hang small open bottles filled with tar to repel pests.

Treating trees with birch tar

Plum and apple moths, gray pear weevil, cherry sawfly, sea buckthorn fly, hawthorn, bird cherry weevil, and aphids on trees do not like tar. Treating the garden with tar carried out during the blooming of young leaves at the rate of 1 tbsp per bucket of water. As with shrubs, you can hang containers of tar on trees.

Tar in gardening and gardening: how else can it be used?

- make tar mulch . To do this, sawdust is soaked in the prepared solution (10 g of tar per bucket of water). Mulch can be spread over trunk circles trees, under bushes, in cabbage, carrot, strawberry and other beds - pests will bypass them.

- prepare a coating for trees , which will protect them from rodents in winter. Take half a bucket of mullein and clay, add 1 kg of lime and 40-50 grams of tar, add water until it becomes a slurry and coat the tree trunks.

The smell of tar is strong and unpleasant, but it dissipates very quickly (to the human sense of smell). But if you still do not want your plants to come into direct contact with tar, you can coat long cloth belts with it and tie them to pegs stuck in the ground around the plantings.

Thus, tar in the garden is the first assistant. Like ammonia, it effectively repels pests, and treating plants with tar is an absolutely environmentally friendly measure. By the way, instead of tar, you can use tar soap - it also does a good job as a repellent (10-20 g of tar can be replaced with 30-50 grams of tar soap).

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

Fighting onion fly with tar

If we go deeper into history, our ancestors protected the harvest of fruit and vegetable crops without using pesticides, because they didn’t even know about their existence. Unfortunately, many methods have been lost.

One of the most dangerous pests Onion fly is considered to be an onion fly. This is a dangerous flying insect that looks like housefly. In spring, she lays eggs between the outer tissues at the base of the bulb. After 5–10 days, larvae emerge from them and feed on its fleshy leaves, which causes rotting of the bulb, wilting and drying of the leaves. In order not to apply chemicals you need to fight the onion fly with tar in the garden/vegetable garden.

To scare away the pest from the beds, half an hour before planting, 1 kg of onion sets must be placed in a tight container. plastic bag, pour 1 tbsp into it. l. birch tar and stir for a long time.

The second option for processing planting material before planting in the ground is a little simpler. You need to pour 1 liter of settled water into a container room temperature, 1 tbsp. l. birch tar and mix. Soak the onion sets in the resulting solution for 2–3 hours, with the tails pre-cut and, if possible, peeled.

The smell of birch tar is very specific, but it is what repels the onion fly. The product also has an antiseptic effect - it kills microbes, viruses, fungi that are in the planting material.

Tar from onion fly

If before planting the onion in open ground processing failed, need to pay attention appearance plants. When the feather reaches a height of 10 cm, the plantings should be watered with a special composition: 20 g of soap, 1 tbsp. l. tar per 10 liters of water. Repeated watering of the beds with a tar solution against onion flies is carried out after two weeks.

Birch tar against carrot fly

This is a reliable and environmentally friendly means of protecting root crops from carrot flies. These insects begin to fly early in the spring. At this time, they lay eggs at the base of young vegetable stems. At one time, the female can lay up to 120 eggs. The hatched larvae first damage the roots, and then make a large number of passages in root crops. Vegetables that have been gnawed by carrot fly larvae lose their taste, bitterness appears, change shape (become ugly), and become woody. Such root crops are not suitable for storage because diseases, such as white and black rot, quickly develop in them and they rot.

To prevent pests from appearing on carrot beds, it is necessary to shed the furrows with a solution of birch tar immediately before embedding the planting material into the soil. To prepare the composition, add 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. product and mix thoroughly.

The smell of tar reliably protects root crops from carrot flies. As the seedlings grow, you should look at their condition. If signs of the presence of a pest appear, it is necessary to re-water the plants at the roots with a solution of birch tar.

If the root crop is already growing in the garden, and there are carrot flies, you need to water the plantings twice during the summer (in June and August) with the following mixture: 20 g of laundry soap shavings, 1 tbsp. l. tar per standard 10-liter bucket of water.

From the comments:

In order for onions to grow well, before planting, you need to soak them in a solution the day before: for 1 liter of water, 2 handfuls of ash, half a piece of tar soap (grate on a coarse grater) and add potassium permanganate. Today you soak it, and tomorrow you plant it. And when the onions sprout, you can also powder them with ash, but I didn’t do that. I have been using this method for three years now, the onions grow clean and beautiful and are well stored when dried well.

Anton Aport
I place the bed with carrots from north to south, as long as it is long enough. I make it narrow, 50 cm, and plant 2 rows. But I don’t like multi-rows; vegetables always grow better from the edge, so I settled on the second method of planting next to each other in a narrow bed. A last years Anyway, I loosened it, planted it, I don’t even dig it. The carrots are not complaining, they have even become larger. In general, carrots are not potatoes, in loose soil does not need, and grows like that.
Regarding thinning, I plant carrots in a row every 5 cm in a group of 4-7 seeds, as it turns out. In general, I immediately lay down the distance. It then sprouts in bushes, after 5 cm. The strong ones are left, the rest are removed in the phase of 1-2 true leaves and are no longer thinned out until autumn.