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» Do the navy hire girls? Naval Academy: admission and programs. Ready for anything

Do the navy hire girls? Naval Academy: admission and programs. Ready for anything

The Kuznetsov Naval Academy in St. Petersburg is the oldest secular university in our country. In recent years, the number of people wishing to become cadets at this prestigious higher educational institution has increased significantly. This article is devoted to the history of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy, admission rules and educational programs.

VMA named after. Kuznetsova: how it all began

VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" is the heir to the famous Moscow Navigation School, established by the Highest Decree of the reformer Tsar Peter the Great in 1701. In 1715, its senior classes were transferred to St. Petersburg, where the Maritime Academy was created on their basis.

An important milestone in the history of the university is the establishment of the Officer Class at the Naval Cadet Corps by order of Emperor Nicholas I, which marked the beginning of academic naval education in the Russian Empire. In 1862, it was transformed into the Academic Course of Marine Sciences by decision of Alexander II.

In 1907, a special building with classrooms and laboratories was built in St. Petersburg, where the academy was transferred.

Pre-revolutionary history of the first maritime university in Russia

In 1910, the Naval Academy, which received the name Nikolaevskaya, became an independent scientific and educational institution. The position of head of the university was also established with the rank of vice admiral, who was directly subordinate to the Minister of the Navy. At that time, the academy had 4 faculties or, as they were called then, departments:

  • naval;
  • mechanical;
  • hydrographic;
  • shipbuilding

During the first years of World War I, there were no training sessions at the Naval Academy. The next recruitment took place only in 1916.

Since 1919, classes at the university resumed in full, and in 1931 it was named after K. Voroshilov.

During the Second World War, the academy was relocated to Astrakhan and Samarkand and returned to Leningrad only in 1944. At the same time, she was awarded the Order of Lenin for her services in training personnel for the fleet and the heroism of graduates.

After the end of the war, on the basis of the artillery, hydrographic, mine-torpedo, shipbuilding and communications departments of the Naval Academy. K. Voroshilov was created by VMAKV. The Naval Academy of Shipbuilding and Weapons occupied a building on the Bolshaya Nevka embankment, and it was named after Academician A. Krylov.

However, in 1960, due to a reduction in the number of the USSR Armed Forces, the Military Medical Academy named after. K. Voroshilova was merged with several other educational institutions of the same profile. The new university became known as the Naval Academy of the Order of Lenin, and in 1968 it was awarded First Class.

In 1990, the Academy was renamed again. From that time on, she began to bear the name N. Kuznetsov.

How the university developed after the collapse of the USSR

In 2008, in accordance with the presidential order on the formation of a promising network of military universities, the federal state military educational institution “Naval Academy named after. Admiral N. Kuznetsov." It was the result of the reorganization of the State Educational Institution of Military Medical Academy named after. N. Kuznetsov by joining such educational institutions as:

  • Baltic VMI named after. Admiral F. Ushakov, stationed in Kaliningrad.
  • St. Petersburg Naval Engineering Institute.
  • VMI Radioelectronics named after.
  • Pacific VMI named after. S. Makarova (Vladivostok).
  • Marine Corps of Peter the Great and others.


In 2009, branches of the Kuznetsov Naval Academy were created in the cities of Vladivostok and Kaliningrad, as well as three in St. Petersburg. In addition, since 2012, specialized centers for training submariners have been operating as its structural divisions in the cities of Obninsk and Sosnovy Bor (located in the Kaluga and Leningrad regions).

Each of the Russian training academies has made a significant contribution to strengthening the combat power and defense capability of our country. They all have their own history and keep long-standing traditions.

Admission rules

The admission procedure to the Naval Academy (St. Petersburg), including its branches, is a complex of various measures for selecting candidates for training as cadets who meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the procedure for admission to Russian universities.

In order to enroll the most capable and prepared young people, based on the results of entrance examinations, a competition is held.

The number of candidates who can be enrolled as cadets in the first courses in each specialty is determined annually by the State Medical University of the General Staff in agreement with the State Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for applicants depending on the study program

Candidates for enrollment in institutes, including branches of the VUNTS Navy, are Russians who meet the requirements for citizens who enter military service on a contract basis, having a secondary general education, and belong to one of the following age groups:

  • from 16 to 22 years (for persons who have not completed military service);
  • under 24 years of age (for those in military service by conscription);
  • under 27 years of age (for contract military personnel who are not officers).

Candidates for admission to programs with secondary GSP are Russian citizens under 30 years of age who have a certificate of secondary general education.

Preliminary selection of candidates for admission to the Naval Academy of St. Petersburg. Kuznetsova

To be admitted to the competition, applicants are checked for compliance with the following criteria:

  • the level of education;
  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • health status;
  • professional suitability.

Learning programs

The St. Petersburg Naval Academy organizes training in accordance with higher education standards in the following areas:

  • Military administration.
  • Electronics and radio engineering.

The duration of training is 5 years. Upon graduation from the university, cadets (with the exception of the “Military Administration” direction) are assigned the specialty of engineer.

In addition, training is provided there in secondary vocational education programs in the following areas:

  • Management in technical systems.
  • Shipbuilding equipment and technologies.
  • Informatics and computer technology.
  • Operation of ship power plants.
  • Nuclear energy and technology.
  • Electronics and radio engineering.

The duration of training is 34 months. Upon graduation, cadets are awarded the title of technician with the appropriate specialization.

Naval Academy: faculties

The main divisions of the Military Medical Academy named after. Kuznetsov at the moment are:

  • Command and Staff Faculty. It was created in 1896. Currently he is training officers for naval formations in several specialties. All current Russian leaders are graduates of this faculty.
  • Command and Engineering Faculty. Subjects such as physics, geodesy, meteorology, hydrography, shipbuilding theory, organization of ship technical support and ship repair, optics, radio engineering, lighthouse lighting system, etc. are taught.
  • Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining.

Research activities of the Kuznetsov Naval Academy

The university has great scientific potential for solving any issues related to increasing the power of the Russian Navy.

Among the most significant results in this area are draft program regulations and other important documents, the development of theoretical foundations for the use of forces and means as part of groupings of forces consisting of several types of troops, scientific justification for the development of certain types of military equipment and weapons of the navy , as well as all types of security.

In addition, university specialists participated in the creation of all the latest submarines of the Russian Navy, including the Yasen and Borey submarines, as well as surface ships, weapons systems and modern weapons, including the Bulava, Caliber, etc.

All this multifaceted activity is carried out in close cooperation with enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex, the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations.

University teaching staff

The teachers of the Naval Academy are naval officers who have an academic education and practical experience of serving on ships and in headquarters at various levels. Among them there are many teachers who have academic titles and degrees, including in the field of natural and technical sciences.

A feature of the educational process in this educational institution is the large-scale implementation of e-learning. Particularly noteworthy are the efforts of the university’s scientific and teaching staff aimed at creating the most modern learning environment, as well as the use of the latest information technologies.

Now you know when the Naval Academy was founded and what educational activities it conducts. The importance of this university for the Russian Navy can hardly be overestimated, so we can only hope that in the future it will be able to achieve even greater heights in the training of highly qualified command and scientific personnel.

This was one of the most curious formations of the First World War. 35 cheerful, short-haired young ladies in sailor uniforms learned the formation, crammed the regulations, listened to the detached commander and dreamed of dying for their Motherland. On the ribbons of their caps there was an inscription in gold: “Naval Women’s Team.”


On July 1, 1917, Assistant Minister of the Navy Captain 1st Rank Boris Dudorov received an interesting petition. “True patriots,” the organizers of the circle “Russian women, unite,” wrote to him. They demanded the formation of a women's naval team that would selflessly serve the fleet and the Fatherland.

Such extravagant reports were periodically received by the Minister of War and Navy. Either the ladies asked to organize shock units “to fight anarchy in the villages,” or to create a “women’s regiment of black hussars.” But to take aim at the holy of holies - the Russian fleet?!

At any other time, the caperang Dudorov would not have attached any importance to the strange paper. But the time was explosive, the Southwestern Front was trying to organize an offensive, while laziness and defeatism reigned in the rear. And just a week ago, Maria Bochkareva’s disorganized “death battalion” set off for Kreva to show the men how to fight.

Alexander Kerensky tore his throat at rallies, shouting about the “female factor” and the benefits it should bring. Commander-in-Chief Alexei Brusilov and commander of the Petrograd Military District, Lieutenant General Pyotr Polovtsov, also welcomed the formation of female units. Dudorov had no choice but to approve the petition.

He had little idea what women could do in the navy. But they themselves knew this very well: to serve on an equal basis with sailors, to be, if necessary, “both sailors and laundresses.”


In mid-July 1917, the Main Naval Headquarters officially announced the formation of the Women's Naval Team. Problems immediately arose. There are orders, there are more than enough people willing to join the team, but the fleet is against it.

“Under current circumstances, we consider the presence of women undesirable,” naval crews responded to Dudorov’s requests. It is not known how all this would have ended, but suddenly an encouraging answer came from the Kola Naval Base: the boss is ready to accept a female team for positions... cooks, laundresses, typists, cleaners.

But no sea!

The Kola base was called “the country of flying dogs” - because of the constant winds that made life in this disastrous place completely unbearable. Many "sailors" hastened to withdraw their applications. Even the high salary promised by the ministry was not seducing - 90 rubles a month, the salary of a junior non-commissioned officer in the fleet!

As a result, there was an embarrassment: it was planned to recruit 150 people, but by mid-August there were only 35 applications. But there was no turning back: it was necessary to prepare brave women for service. They were placed in Oranienbaum, in a specially designated room, and were enrolled in the pay of the Naval Shooting Training Team. The first thing they did was choose an official representative for the team committee - Evdokia Merkurievna Skvortsova, a teacher and, according to the directory “All Petersburg,” a hereditary noblewoman.


In that alarming summer, exactly between the February and October revolutions, another revolution took place - in military equipment. For the first time in European history, women wore men's uniform trousers. Until now, Russian society ladies got by exclusively with breeches (while riding a bicycle) and riding breeches (while riding horseback). Breeches, however, were worn by both Maria Bochkareva’s subordinates and the personnel of the 1st Petrograd Women’s Battalion.

But trousers were considered an indecent form of clothing - both commoners and aristocrats agreed on this. However, the Naval Ministry decided: since the young ladies will be sailors, then they should wear a sailor’s uniform - caps, vests, work blouses, pea coats, overcoats and trousers. So in the navy, where traditions are reverently respected, “women in pants” appeared. At the beginning of August, all those who arrived for service were given a full set of uniforms. Blouses, trousers, boots and caps were sewn to order by tailors specially hired from Kronstadt: not a single workshop had “women’s sizes”.

The young ladies were extremely pleased with the new uniform, especially the wide sailor trousers with a “lapel” - a folding flap in the front. And they posed for the photographer with great pleasure, not forgetting to move the “imp” to the back of the head and light a “cigarette”. The sailors turned out just right.

But trouble came to them from where they did not expect.


“We, the sailors of the Naval Shooting Training Team, are protesting against the formation of women’s naval teams,” began the angry message from the sailors to their colleagues. The sailors tried to succinctly explain why women have no place in the navy. "A woman in the sea - woe to the team!" - we also remembered the old saying. And in many ways the sea wolves were right. The young ladies had just fluttered out of the walls of the gymnasium, did not know even a bit of maritime art, and were absolutely not prepared for service. In addition, their presence could arouse unnecessary thoughts, which also prevents men from fulfilling their military duty.

The sailors politely offered an alternative: “Unite not into naval women’s teams, not into shock battalions, not into battalions of death, but into battalions of labor and mutual aid!”

The young ladies carefully read the message and sent a copy of it with indignant comments to the Main Naval Headquarters. Dudorov reprimanded the head of the Naval Shooting Training Team, after which he spoke with the sailors in a language they understood. The rebellion in the team died down.


Meanwhile, there was intense correspondence between the Main Naval Staff and the head of the Naval Shooting Training Team: what should the sailors be taught? And should they, for example, be given rifles for rifle techniques? In the end, they agreed on the military minimum: walking in formation, turning, saluting.

The girls' daily schedule resembled that of a sailor. We woke up at 7.30, washed, dressed, cleaned the room and drank tea. After prayer, classes began at nine o'clock - gymnastics, drill training, literacy. At 19.00 - dinner, at 21.00 - evening prayer.

Classes lasted until mid-September. After which the Naval Team... was disbanded due to its small numbers, and those who learned to type a step were distributed among the ground units. And only six Amazons, dressed in army field uniforms, went to the Kola Naval Base - “bread bakers”. They continued to proudly call themselves the “Naval Women’s Team” until the October Revolution...

The strange female formation seemed to many to be a whim of Kerensky. But today this project is perceived differently. The naval women's team is the first, albeit naive, attempt by women to fight for the right to serve in the navy. They will conquer it much later. Today, thousands of women serve with dignity in the Russian Navy. Seven feet under the keel!


How many women are serving in the navy now?

According to the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Navy, in the period from 2009 to 2010, about nine and a half thousand representatives of the fair sex served in the fleet, while five thousand had the positions of petty officers and sailors, four thousand were warrant officers and midshipmen, more than five hundred had officer ranks . According to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 2015, about 700 female cadets are studying at military universities; in the summer, military universities should receive another 210 girls, and cadet corps - about a thousand students.

However, as in 1917, Russian women do not serve on ships, but work at coastal facilities in the rear and military medical services, and in communications units. Only one female captain served in the Russian Navy - Vera Kurochkina. For 13 years she “navigated” the hydrographic boat BGK-28. But in September 2013, she received a dismissal order “due to a change in the terms of the employment contract.”

In total, according to the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 2015, 35 thousand women serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Among them are 2,600 officers, of which 900 are senior officers. There are 72 women in command positions.

Photos of the 1st Naval Women's Team are published for the first time.
The author sincerely thanks the head of the reading room of the Central State Academic Agricultural Library, Lyubov Nikolaevna Pyzhova, for her help in finding illustrations.

Photographer Viviane Coilards was born and raised in the Netherlands. In 1995, she received a master's degree in communications from the University of Nijmegen, and in 2009 she successfully graduated from the Photo Academy in Amsterdam. Vivian says that all her work is dedicated to people. She likes to meet people, preferably in places that are new to her: she is fascinated by their self-awareness, their external image, their views on life or death.

The photo project, entitled “Behind Her Uniform,” is dedicated to the girls who serve in the Dutch Navy.

“People in uniform always stand out from the crowd and make an impression, but we tend to forget about the humanity that lies behind the uniform.

The first time I encountered such a feeling was when my young neighbor grew into a completely independent woman and joined the ranks of the Navy. Now she holds the rank of officer, and if I see her in uniform, I cannot believe that she is the same person as the cheerful girl I have known since childhood. It sounds stupid, I agree, because she is still a very bright and lively girl. It's just that the shape has such an effect on my perception.

This idea intrigued me, and I decided to take some portraits of girls serving in the Dutch Navy in two different situations: first in uniform near their barracks, and then in civilian clothes at their home,” said Vivian.

A revolutionary event for the Russian Navy: for the first time in more than three hundred years of its existence, women were granted equal rights with men. The testing ground for the experiment was the Baltic and the Far East.

A revolutionary event for the Russian Navy: for the first time in more than three hundred years of its existence, women were granted equal rights with men. The testing ground for the experiment was the Baltic and the Far East. In the Far East, 18 female cadets were admitted to the Pacific Naval Institute named after Admiral Makarov. In the Baltic, 27 girls joined the ranks of the Nakhimov Naval School.

As they lined up on the parade ground in honor of the first bell, they all looked determined, and some of them looked very stern (in the new ladies'-style naval uniform, from which even hints of coquetry were emasculated). A dark skirt below the knee, black low-heeled shoes, a white beret with her hair carefully tucked under it. No braids, bows or miniskirts, which, for example, police school cadets like to flaunt.

They address the “new recruits” as equals, like men: “Nakhimovets so and so.” However, they were not allowed to ring the bell - the ship's bell, announcing the beginning of the new school year. This honor traditionally went to the youngest of the new entrants - 11-year-old boy Gleb.

There were, of course, crowds of happy relatives around the girls. We talked with one of the mothers, history teacher Irina Ilyushina.

“Our girl was born on the shores of the Bering Strait, in Chukotka,” Irina Vasilievna proudly said. — It was below minus forty then! Where have my husband and I served? In Kamchatka, in the Primorsky Territory, on Dikson in the Arctic, in Kazakhstan. Finished service in the Leningrad Military District. We were in the Pacific Fleet and in various branches of the military.

Now Irina Ilyushina teaches at a school in the village of Vaganovo, near Vsevolozhsk. There she also runs the school museum of the military glory of the Red Banner Ladoga Flotilla and the North-Western River Shipping Company.

“And our Victoria,” Irina Ilyushina continued enthusiastically, “was an activist of the museum for seven years.” Our girl is very energetic. She was also the vice-speaker of the high school students' parliament. At regional competitions, her research articles on the history of the fleet took first and second places. Her entire school biography is connected with sailors - veterans of the Ladoga flotilla. She was also involved in cleaning fraternal military graves on Ladoga. Her destiny is the fleet and the sea!

“All the girls here are from military families,” explained Elena Chernyak, a representative of the parent committee and the mother of Nakhimov student Yulia Chernyak. - They are from a variety of cities and fleets. My husband, for example, served in the Northern Fleet. Our girl is involved in orienteering and graduated from four classes of music school in piano. In our family everything is nautical. And the eldest son graduated from Nakhimovskoye, and now a naval university.

Mothers shared that they are not at all afraid of sending their daughters to barracks:

— Living conditions are very good. In the cockpit there are new beds, beautiful chests of drawers, wardrobes, mirrors. They have six meals a day. They will live separately from the boys and study together. They will take a high school course, master the basics of naval training, with which they will then go to either a naval university or a civilian one.

The head of the school, captain first rank Nikolai Andreev, was also in high spirits:

— We received more than 150 people. Everyone is wonderful! And we immediately praise the girls even for making such an interesting choice for themselves. And they created decent living conditions for them; many do not even have such a home.

- Nikolai Nikolaevich, how did the story with the boys end?

Let us remind you that in Nakhimovsky the holiday, alas, was overshadowed by the fact that about ten Nakhimov boys were left “overboard.” By a sudden decision of the Minister of Defense, all those entering the 6th grade were re-enrolled in... Suvorov School. Land.

“I am not authorized to comment,” said Nikolai Nikolaevich.

He said exactly the same thing two weeks ago, when the Minister of Defense issued a rather callous order. Those boys were also active and dreamed of the sea. But ministers do not know how to backtrack.


Upon admission, you will need to go through the following stages: collecting documents, entrance exams.

Required documents:

Personal statement of desire to study addressed to the head of the school;
-a notarized copy of the birth certificate;
- a copy of the document on Russian citizenship if you live outside the Russian Federation;
- characteristics of the school teachers, certified by the signatures of the school teaching staff, the director, and the official seal of the school;
- an extract from the candidate’s report card with grades for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd academic quarters of the 4th (8th, 9th) indicating the study, certified by the official seal of the school;
-four 3x4 photographs without headdress with space for printing in the lower right corner;
-copy of health insurance policy;
-medical, issued by the military medical commission;
- a certificate from the place of residence of the parents indicating the composition of the family and living conditions.

Participants in preferential admission include orphans and those without parental care - they are enrolled without exams based on the results of an interview and medical examination. And also those who have one of their parents serving under a contract, in places of hostilities, etc. Such applicants must provide the necessary documents confirming their right to receive benefits:

- certified copies of the death certificate and the father;
- certified copies of the court’s decision on guardianship/trusteeship;
- certificate of availability of assigned living space;
- a certified copy of the guardian/trustee’s certificate.
Other candidates enjoying the right to non-competitive admission provide:
-a certificate or extract from a personal file confirming the death of one of the parents;
-a certificate from the military unit confirming that the parent served under a contract;
-a copy of the divorce certificate, etc. that the child is being raised without a father/mother;
-a certificate from the military unit confirming the length of service of the parent;
- an extract from the military unit about the parent’s dismissal for any reason, subject to length of service.

You will need to submit all original documents to the admissions committee upon admission. The selection of applicants for enrollment is carried out within the time frame established by the management of the school.

After 8th or 9th grade, applicants take the same tests, but according to the 8th and 9th grade program, respectively. All results are assessed on a five-point scale.

Physical fitness also varies somewhat. The junior team undergoes pull-ups on the horizontal bar and a 60-meter run according to school standards. The middle team completes pull-ups, 60-meter runs, and 2000-meter cross-country events according to high school standards.

From time immemorial, the Russian officer corps was famous for its decency, professionalism, bearing, steadfastness and endurance. It was the officer corps that at all times maintained the controllability, stability and combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. So how to enter the higher military school to get officer's shoulder straps?


To enter, you must be from the Russian Federation and have a secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education. If you have not served in the military, you can enroll between the ages of 16 and 22. For those serving or having completed military service, the age limit rises to 24 years inclusive.

To be admitted to higher military service, it is necessary to submit a report (application), on the basis of which the applicant will be admitted to preliminary selection at the military commissariat at the place of residence. Admission to military educational institutions is carried out according to applications (reports) of citizens, on the basis of which they are admitted to preliminary selection at district or city military commissariats and professional selection at universities. The application must be supplemented with a reference from the place of work or study, an autobiography, a copy of the educational document and three photographs. A military ID, passport, as well as an original document of education are provided by the applicant to the admissions committee of the military educational institution upon arrival.