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» Business plan for pig breeding: profitability of the enterprise. Pig farming in Russia: areas where animals are raised. Approximate calculation for clarity

Business plan for pig breeding: profitability of the enterprise. Pig farming in Russia: areas where animals are raised. Approximate calculation for clarity

Based on Rosstat data. The materials of the article include statistical data on the number of pigs, pork production in 2013-2016, including by category of farms, by quarter.

The Russian pig industry in 2016 is characterized by high rates of growth in meat production. A significant increase in the number of pigs and pork production in the Russian Federation in recent years was facilitated by a drop in import volumes, which occurred as a result of the devaluation of the ruble, as well as restrictions imposed on the supply of pork from a number of countries (since August 2014).

Pig number in 2016

The pig population in Russia in 2016 in farms of all categories as of October 1 totaled 23,256.8 thousand heads. The growth of the livestock for the year was 4.5% or 1,003.0 thousand heads. Over 2 years (relative to data as of October 1, 2014), the pig population in the Russian Federation increased by 12.3% or 2,543.5 thousand heads, over 3 years - by 14.6% or 2,963.6 thousand .heads

In the structure of the pig population, 81.5% came from agricultural organizations, 16.5% from households, 2.0% from peasant farms. farms.

Pig population in 2016 by region

The region with the largest number of pigs is the Belgorod region - 4,240.2 thousand heads, which is 5.4% or 217.5 thousand heads more than on October 1, 2015. The region's share in the all-Russian pig population was 18.2%.

The second place is occupied by the Kursk region, where the pig population as of October 1, 2016 increased compared to the same date in 2015 by 7.7% or by 103.6 thousand heads and totaled 1,447.4 thousand heads. The region's share of the total livestock population in the Russian Federation was 6.2%.

In the Tambov region, the pig population amounted to 1,010.6 thousand heads, which is 3.0% or 29.1 thousand heads higher than the figures for the same date in 2015 (3rd place in the ranking of regions of the Russian Federation). The share in the all-Russian livestock was at 4.3%.

In the Chelyabinsk region in 2016, the pig population increased over the year by 11.0% to 922.3 thousand heads. According to this indicator, the region is in 4th place in Russia (4.0% of the total pig population in the Russian Federation).

As of October 1, 2016, the Pskov region took 5th place in the ranking. The pig population there totaled 805.9 thousand heads. The region's share in the all-Russian livestock was 3.5%. Over the year, the livestock increased by 35.4% or 210.6 thousand heads.

6. Voronezh region - 804.8 thousand heads, share in the all-Russian livestock - 3.5%.

7. Krasnoyarsk region- 656.2 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Altai region- 619.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.

9. Omsk region- 610.0 thousand heads, 2.6%.

10. Lipetsk region- 583.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

11. Tver region - 511.9 thousand heads, 2.2%.

12. Republic of Tatarstan - 497.6 thousand heads, 2.1%.

13. Republic of Bashkortostan - 481.4 thousand heads, 2.1%.

14. Rostov region- 457.2 thousand heads, 2.0%.

15. Kemerovo region - 438.2 thousand heads, 1.9%.

16. Krasnodar region- 432.8 thousand heads, 1.9%.

17. Novosibirsk region- 407.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

18. Stavropol region- 403.9 thousand heads, 1.7%.

19. Tyumen region - 364.5 thousand heads, 1.6%.

20. Republic of Mordovia - 354.3 thousand heads, 1.5%.

As of October 1, 2016, the pig population in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 totaled 7,207.4 thousand heads (31.0% of the total pig population in Russia).

Pork production in 2016

Pork production in Russia in January-September 2016 amounted to 2,357.0 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight (3,030.6 thousand tons in live weight). Compared to the same period in 2015, production volume increased by 10.9% or 231.9 thousand tons in slaughter weight. Over 2 years, compared to January-September 2014, the increase in production amounted to 16.5% (333.2 thousand tons), over 3 years - 23.2% (443.9 thousand tons).

The entire increase in production occurred due to agricultural organizations. Thus, over 3 years (in January-September 2016, compared to January-September 2013), the volume of pork production in agricultural organizations increased by 562.8 thousand tons or by 39.4%. At the same time, in households it decreased by 113.8 thousand tons (25.3%). In peasant farms there is also a decrease in indicators - by 14.6% or 5.2 thousand tons.

The structure of pork production in January-September 2016 was distributed as follows: 84.4% came from agricultural organizations, 14.3% from households, 1.3% from peasant farms.

Pork production in 2016 by region

The Belgorod region, with a pork production volume of 450.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight and a share in all-Russian production of 19.1%, is in first place in January-September 2016 among the regions of the Russian Federation for this indicator. The growth compared to January-September 2015 was 4.1% or 17.8 thousand tons.

The Kursk region is in second place in terms of production volume with a share of 7.0% of the total pork production in Russia (165.7 thousand tons). In the Kursk region, compared to January-September 2015, production increased by 11.4% or 16.9 thousand tons.

The third place is occupied by the Tambov region - 110.6 thousand tons (4.7% of the total volume in Russia). The region also observed an increase in production volume compared to the same period in 2015 by 9.7% or 9.8 thousand tons.

In the Pskov region, with a share of 3.7% (86.2 thousand tons), the increase in pork production compared to January-September 2015 amounted to 46.9% or 27.5 thousand tons.

In the Voronezh region in January-September 2016, 81.9 thousand tons of pork were produced (3.5% of the total pork production in Russia). In the Voronezh region, compared to January-September 2015, production increased by 40.2% or 23.5 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions, the TOP 20 regions of pork producers in farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Lipetsk region (production volume - 65.4 thousand tons, share in total pork production - 2.8%).

7. Chelyabinsk region (65.1 thousand tons, 2.8%).

8. Krasnoyarsk Territory (59.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).

9. Tver region (57.3 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Omsk region (54.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

11. Republic of Tatarstan (54.1 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Krasnodar region (51.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Altai Territory (50.0 thousand tons, 2.1%).

14. Republic of Bashkortostan (45.8 thousand tons, 1.9%).

15. Rostov region (40.0 thousand tons, 1.7%).

16. Sverdlovsk region (38.6 thousand tons, 1.6%).

17. Bryansk region (38.1 thousand tons, 1.6%).

18. Stavropol Territory (36.4 thousand tons, 1.5%).

19. Republic of Mari El (36.0 thousand tons, 1.5%).

20. Novosibirsk region (34.8 thousand tons, 1.5%).

The total production of pork in January-September 2016 in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 amounted to 735.6 thousand tons (31.2% of total pork production).

Pig farming is a branch of livestock farming, the intricacies of which are of interest to both owners of large farms and residents of the private sector. The interest in breeding and raising pigs is easy to explain: the sale of high-quality meat and lard brings high profits to farmers, and the production of just one pig feeds an entire family for six months. To successfully fatten and breed pigs, you need to delve deeply into pig farming and learn everything about pigs.

Of course, no scientist can name the exact date of domestication of the first pig. It is known that primitive people tamed wild animals, gradually changing their nighttime to daytime routine. People ate hearty pork, shields were made from pig skin, and household items and weapons were made from bones.

The domestication of wild boars began in the Middle East and China, from where the animals were brought to Europe. Introduced pigs interbred with each other for centuries, which led to the displacement of Middle Eastern genes from the blood of animals. Starting around the 18th century, breeders and amateur pig farmers began developing new breeds with improved characteristics. This is how the Yorkshire, large white and a number of other breeds appeared. Today there are about one hundred varieties of pigs in the world, which differ as appearance, and the direction of productivity.

What breeds of pigs are considered the best?

When you decide to start a farm, you should find out everything about piglets before purchasing. If the goal is to obtain fatty meat with an impressive layer of fat, then you should pay attention to the so-called “”. These include the Hungarian down mangalitsa, Vietnamese, chinese pig"Meishan" and white steppe Ukrainian.

If you plan to fatten a pig for meat, then you should pay attention to piglets of the Belarusian, Urzhum or Mirgorod breeds.

The most popular is pork of the bacon-type of productivity: the carcass contains at least 70% meat with a thin layer of fat.

During heat treatment, the lard melts, saturating the meat with flavor and moisture. This kind of pork is popular with consumers: fattening bacon-type animals for the purpose of selling products in the future pays off with interest. Universal breeds or “bacon” include Yorkshire, Landrace and. Therefore, when clarifying when is the best time to buy piglets, it is important to decide on the breed of animals.

Where to keep domestic pigs?

IN warm time year, the issue is not as acute as in frosty weather. If we're talking about For suckling babies under 2 months of age, you should take care in advance of a special place where the piglets will be warm and where they will not be disturbed by drafts. If there is no barn or pigsty, even a corridor or utility block will do. Subsequently, for successful rapid growth, the piglets will need an enclosure for walking, where you can build an impromptu pond and put a few logs: pigs love to dig the ground under them and scratch their backs.

Can pigs swim? Eyewitnesses natural Disasters they say: the flood forces the pigs to swim, which they do masterfully. But wallowing in the mud is a more pleasant activity for these animals, so even a primitive pit with water will interest them. In addition to the pond, a shelter is often installed in the pen, where the pigs hide from the heat and sleep. Therefore, many owners who keep animals in the warm season strive to build a pen for pigs.

On small area in 6 or less acres, keeping one or more pigs is considered ideally simple, which is why summer residents buy piglets in early spring and fattened until the cold weather. Raising a pig in six months is a reality if you purchase, for example, a Landrace pig. This Danish bacon-type breed has conquered the whole world: Landraces on balanced and rich food gain 100 kg in just six months.

A plan for breeding purebred pigs or fattening them year-round will require financial investments from the owner of an individual farm. Without a permanent pigsty with several pens and a water supply, things won’t work, and caring for the pigs will be significantly more complicated. The following cage sizes for pigs are recommended: 2.5 by 1.9 meters. A pen or pen of this size is ideal for caring for a farrowing sow. If there is a shortage of space, the size of the pen can be reduced to 1 by 2 meters, which, however, will complicate the maintenance of the pigsty and limit the freedom of the animals.

How to keep piglets in winter? It's not that difficult: just keep them warm and out of reach of harmful drafts. It is recommended to insulate the premises for pigs during the construction stage. Not only the walls or ceiling are insulated, but also the floor: under concrete screed foam sheets are laid. Thus, the floor will never be icy, thanks to the insulation, and concrete surface Pigs can't handle digging.

Hay and straw - natural materials, which are used on the floor as a warm bedding. Natural insulation is also installed in the attic of the pigsty. It is advisable to cover the walls with wood. All these measures are necessary to ensure that pigs do not become hypothermic in the cold and do not get pneumonia, a disease that is fatal without the use of an appropriate treatment regimen.

The most common diseases of pigs

While learning everything about pig farming, you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the most common animal diseases. This will allow you to avoid loss of livestock, and thanks to timely contact with a veterinarian, quickly cure the pig. In addition to the above-mentioned pneumonia, pigs suffer and often die from infectious diseases: plague, erysipelas, rabies and dysentery.

Outbreaks of infectious diseases are also frequent: pasteurosis, salmonellosis, lawsonia and parvovirus. Invasive diseases (coccidiosis or strongylatosis) caused by worms inhibit the active growth of pigs and cause serious harm to their health.

Pigs, despite their omnivorous nature, are prone to disorders caused by poisoning.

A common cause of poor animal health is food left in the trough, especially if it was prepared using a wet method.

Experienced pig breeders and veterinarians advise thoroughly cleaning feeders from food debris after each feeding. Poisoning table salt This is also a common occurrence in pigs. Excess salt (for example, in fish or pickles) can even kill a pig: half a gram of salt per 1 kg of animal weight is enough. The so-called “salt fever” gets worse if the pig does not get the required amount clean water. Read about diseases of domestic pigs and methods of treating them.

Monitoring the behavior of individuals will prevent the development of infections and stop epidemics in time. A healthy animal eats food actively and willingly. A sick animal is not interested in the contents of the trough and prefers to lie on the floor of the pigsty. It is not uncommon for a sick pig to develop a fever. What temperature should pigs be if they are healthy? A body temperature of 38 to 40 degrees is considered normal for pigs.

A pig's teeth are another factor that helps determine the animal's well-being. If a pig squeaks with them, it should be examined. Beginning pig farmers often wonder if pigs sweat. No, pigs cannot sweat due to their lack of sweat glands. Sweat can form on your pig's snout, so when it's hot, she likes to hide it in a puddle to cool off.

How to raise piglets?

The development of pigs is usually divided into periods. The milk period is the initial stage in the life of babies. In the first three weeks, they feed on high-calorie mother's milk, and the signal for the start of complementary feeding is their interest in the contents of the mother's trough. Piglets can experience a lack of milk even at a week of age, if the offspring number more than ten pigs.

How to raise piglets and accustom them to solid food? You should start with porridges cooked with whole milk or 0.5% skim milk. When pigs learn to eat porridge, it needs to be enriched with grated vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets and herbs. When the offspring learns to cope with vegetables chopped into a puree, you can move on to cutting boiled vegetables into cubes. The diet needs to be fortified charcoal– a useful natural supplement for activating the rapid growth of piglets.

The milking period ends when the piglets reach 2.5 months and 20 kg of live weight. The growing period begins - the most important stage for the development of gilts and their transformation into healthy and well-fed animals. For rearing pigs, thick porridge is cooked from crushed grains, filling it with food waste and skim milk. Chalk, salt and vitamin A are the main additives in the daily diet that affect the rapid growth of gilts. Walking on fresh air in the paddock are also extremely important for the development of young animals. Interestingly, the lifespan of a pig is up to 15 years at good care, but livestock rarely live that long. The average life expectancy of pigs, for obvious reasons, is only 1-1.5 years.

When gilts reach 4 months and weigh 50 kg, The final stage their growth and development - fattening. Caring for pigs at home is simplified at this stage. The main condition is to feed the gilts as much as possible, but not to overfeed them with corn, which causes the replacement of muscle mass with fat. This is especially true for owners of meat and bacon livestock. The weight of a pig of 100-110 kg allows the animal to be slaughtered. The pig's live weight and yield, that is, slaughter weight, depend on the breed of the animal. So, if a standard boar produces up to 75% of production, then landrace produces 79-80%.

It is not necessary to do it yourself. If the animals were raised for sale, you should contact private buyers or contact a representative of the nearest meat processing plant. Purchase prices for live weight pigs can be found on the company’s website or by phone. If we are talking about buying an animal, then the cost of live weight of a pig in small farms starts from 100 rubles per 1 kg.

Buying a cow and pigs for a private farm is an excellent solution. Moreover, starting a household is more important today than ever. The cost of living is rising, and producers do not bother to improve the quality of the meat and dairy products they offer. So why not get some pork highest quality for your own family? Or not to do it profitable business for fattening and breeding pigs? Business consultants believe that pig farming is a relatively free niche for implementing your own project. And the profitability of the pig farming business is calculated at 35%. Worth thinking about!

Pig farmingin Russia- one of the most important industries livestock farming Farms specializing in fattening piglets are usually profitable. Pig farming currently accounts for about 20% of the total gross livestock production in the Russian Federation. In our time, support for farmers specializing in raising piglets is also provided by the state.

How profitable is this business in Russia today?

The profitability of this type of livestock farming in the Russian Federation is currently determined by several factors. The introduction of sanctions against Russia, of course, became a serious cause of various kinds of economic upheaval. However, at the same time, this political situation played into the hands of to domestic producers food products. As a result of the imposition of sanctions, Russian livestock farmers were able to occupy vacant niches in the country’s food market without much difficulty and fierce competition.

The state of pig farming in RussiaV Lately has improved significantly, including thanks to the federal policy of supporting domestic producers.Farmers today cantake toredits at competitive rates, win grants and even receive initial stages free assistance from the state.

Small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises today are usually registered as peasant farms. For such enterprises in the country, among other things, there is a fairly convenient system taxation.

Pig farming in Rus'

Another factor determining the profitability of this type of livestock farming in Russia is that it is traditional for our country. V RFWe have accumulated a wealth of experience in keeping and breedingpiglets.

History of pig farming in Russiaspans several centuries.Piglets on the territoryour countrydivorceyatsince ancient times. There is a lot of evidence of this. For example, the English poet Fletcher, who lived in the 16th century, mentioned in his notes that Russiansin areas bordering Turkic landskeep very few livestock. The exception to this ism, according to him,are piglets, since the Tatars and Turks raiding Rus',those who do not eat pork are not driven away.

The beginning of the rapid development of the industry

Breedingthese animals in our countryhave been doing for centuries. However, rapidly developingpig farming in Russia, like everywhere else in the world, I startedOin the 19th century. The first industrial exhibition, at which pig products were also presented, took place in St. Petersburg in 1926. According to surviving documents, at that time mainly Danish and Chinese piglets were bred in the country.

Later, domestic highly productive breeds began to be created in Russia. Cattle breeders in the southern provinces were the first to breed piglets well adapted to the harsh climate. In the 40s of the 19th century they managed to obtain, for example, breeds such as Mirgorod and Poltava.

Pig farming in Russia: areas for raising animals

Todaythis industrywell developed in almost all regions of Russia.But the greatest popularitypig farmingreceived in our countryOin highly developed agricultural regions specializing in the cultivation of beets, corn and sunflowers.

It is in these areas that farmers have the opportunity to not spend too much on feedfarms. Pig farming (Russiadue to sanctions, today a lot of domestic meat is actually required) as an area of ​​economic activity in the 90s of the last century in our country practically disappeared. However, today this industryreallyis feeling uplifted. This fact is also confirmed by statistical data.Meat production in the Russian Federation has increased significantly in recent years.

Distributedsamelivestock by district in Russiaapproximatelyin the following way(data for 2014):

    Central - 8260 thousand tons of meat per year.

    Privolzhsky - 2388 thousand tons.

    Siberian - 1631 thousand tons.

    North-West - 1124 thousand tons.

    Ural - 950 thousand tons.

    Yuzhny - 700 thousand tons.

    North Caucasus - 220 thousand tons.

    Far Eastern - 149 thousand tons.

    Crimean - 86 thousand tons.

Productivity indicators

Running a pig breeding business in Russia is profitable, of course, not only due to state support and sanctions. They determine the high degree of profitability of pig farms and the excellent productivity indicators of these animals themselves.Piglets reach a weight of 90-110 kg by 6-7 months. The slaughter weight of pigs averages 75-85%. For comparison: for cattle this figure is only approximately 55%.

Talsopig farming in Russia,as throughout the world, the business is profitable because these animalsare characterized by a high degree of fertility. A purebred queen alone can bring and feed up to 12-14 piglets at a time.

Farmers' profit

The main products of pig farms in Russia are meat and lard. Farmers make most of their profits from their sales. Many farms of this specialization also sell breeding young stock. Pedigree piglets are very popular in the Russian Federation and people buy them willingly.

In general, the profitability of a pig farm depends on the cost of feed and the price of meat. The latter figure in our country is quite high. Compared to food products from other groups, pork is quite expensive - around 200-400 rubles per 1 kg, depending on the region.

Approximate calculation for clarity

Pig farming in Russiatoday it can be considered quite profitable. To verify this, you just need to do simple calculations.One pig eats about 400 kg of feed before slaughter. The cost of a ton of the latter is about 20,000 rubles. Accordingly, it will cost approximately8 thousand rubles The slaughter weight of the pig is about 75%. That is, from a six-month-old pig you can get approximately 75 kg of meat. Multiplying this figure by the cost of 300 rubles, we get revenue in22.5 thousand rubles We take into account the cost of feed and get 14 .5 thousand rub. The farmer will have to allocate part of this money, of course, for staff salaries, veterinarian services, rent of premises, equipment maintenance, etc. But stillIn the end, the farmer makes a pretty good profit.

Development of pig farming in Russia: prospects

An increase in pork production in Russia, as already mentioned, is already observed today. Domestic statisticians draw this conclusion based on graphs recent years. The profitability of this industry has increased in Russia to 42%. Most researchers make positive predictions regarding further development industry. According to some data, pig farming in Russia may reach 100% self-sufficiency in the next few years.

The main goal of farms of this specialization today is not only to increase the number of livestock, but also:

    improvement of breeding qualities of animals;

    use of new promising growing technologies;

    usage modern equipment;

    improving the quality of veterinary care.

Improving the breeding qualities of animals will lead to a significant increase in their productivity. After all, purebred pigs, with lower feed requirements, usually gain more weight than ordinary pigs. The use of new growing technologies and the installation of modern equipment on farms certainly leads to a reduction in material and labor costs for maintaining animals. Improving the quality of veterinary care can prevent a decrease in livestock productivity due to disease and significantly reduce losses due to mortality.

Specialists of the Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center" have prepared the next one. Below are some excerpts from the study.

In 2016, pig farming in Russia showed positive dynamics in livestock growth and meat production.

Pig population

The number of pigs in Russia in farms of all categories as of January 1, 2017 totaled 22,033.3 thousand heads. Compared to January 1, 2016, the livestock increased by 2.4% or by 526.8 thousand heads, by January 1, 2015 - by 2.9% or by 614.1 thousand heads, by January 1, 2014 - by 12.7% or 2,487.2 thousand heads.

In the structure of the pig population, 83.4% came from agricultural organizations, 14.6% from households, and 2.0% from peasant farms.

Analysis of long-term trends shows an increase in the pig population over 5 years by 27.7%, over 10 years - by 36.1%.

In 2016, the number of pigs in Russia reached the level of 1995, but compared to 1990, there was a reduction in the number of pigs - by 42.5%. At the same time, due to the improvement in quality indicators (such as herd turnover), pork production during this period (when comparing data for 1990 and 2016) decreased slightly.

Pig population by region. Rating 2016

The Belgorod region is the leader in the number of pigs as of January 1, 2017 - 4,137.4 thousand heads. A year earlier, this figure was 3,954.4 thousand heads. The share of the Belgorod region in the total pig population in the Russian Federation is 18.8%.

In the Kursk region on January 1, 2017, the pig population totaled 1,480.9 thousand heads (6.7%), which is 8.1% or 111.1 thousand heads more than on January 1, 2016.

The third place is occupied by the Tambov region - 990.8 thousand heads, which is 9.1% or 82.9 thousand heads higher than the figures for the same date in 2016. The region's share in the all-Russian livestock was 4.5%.

In the Chelyabinsk region, as of January 1, 2017, the pig population totaled 751.1 thousand heads. For comparison, January 1, 2016 - 676.1 thousand heads. The region's share of the total livestock population in the Russian Federation was at 3.4%.

6. Voronezh region - 713.7 thousand heads, share in the all-Russian livestock - 3.2%.

7. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 618.7 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Lipetsk region - 567.3 thousand heads, 2.6%.

9. Altai Territory - 561.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

10. Tver region - 525.7 thousand heads, 2.4%.

11. Omsk region - 506.0 thousand heads, 2.3%.

12. Republic of Tatarstan - 465.1 thousand heads, 2.1%.

13. Republic of Bashkortostan - 450.5 thousand heads, 2.0%.

14. Rostov region - 411.2 thousand heads, 1.9%.

15. Kemerovo region - 410.1 thousand heads, 1.9%.

16. Stavropol Territory - 395.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

17. Novosibirsk region - 379.3 thousand heads, 1.7%.

18. Oryol region - 374.8 thousand heads, 1.7%.

19. Krasnodar region - 365.2 thousand heads, 1.7%.

20. Tyumen region - 342.4 thousand heads, 1.6%.

As of January 1, 2017, the pig population in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 totaled 6,748.0 thousand heads (30.6% of the total pig population in Russia).

Pork production in Russia in 2016

In 2016, Russia produced 3,388.4 thousand tons of pork in terms of slaughter weight (4,346.1 thousand tons in live weight). Over the year, production volume in slaughter weight increased by 9.3% or 289.7 thousand tons, over 5 years - by 39.6% or 960.8 thousand tons, over 10 years - by 99.4% or by 1,689.2 thousand tons. The volumes of 2016 exceeded the volumes of 1991 and were almost equal to the figures of 1990.

The structure of pork production in 2016 was distributed as follows: 80.5% came from agricultural organizations, 18.2% from households, 1.3% from peasant farms.

Pork production by region. Rating 2016

The main producer of pork in 2016 was the Belgorod region. The volume of production in the region in 2016 amounted to 613.9 thousand tons in slaughter weight (787.4 thousand tons in live weight). The share in all-Russian pork production is 18.1%. Compared to 2015, production increased by 5.1% or 29.6 thousand tons.

The Kursk region in 2016 is in second place with a share of 6.6% of general production pork in Russia (225.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight). Over the year, production increased by 11.1% or 22.4 thousand tons.

In 2016, the Tambov region produced 156.8 thousand tons of pork in slaughter weight (201.1 thousand tons in live weight). The region's share in total production is 4.6%. For comparison, in 2015 the region produced 147.4 thousand tons of pork.

In fourth place in the ranking of regions in 2016 was the Pskov region, where they produced 119.3 thousand tons in slaughter weight (153.0 thousand tons in live weight), which is 45.9% or 37.5 thousand tons more, than in 2015. The share of the Pskov region in all-Russian pork production was at the level of 3.5%.

The share of the Voronezh region in total pork production in 2016 was 3.4% or 114.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight (146.5 thousand tons in live weight). Over the year, production increased by 31.2% or 27.2 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions, the TOP 20 largest regions of pork producers in farms of all categories in 2016 included:

6. Chelyabinsk region (production volume - 108.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in total pork production - 3.2%).

7. Krasnoyarsk Territory (92.2 thousand tons, 2.7%).

8. Lipetsk region (88.9 thousand tons, 2.6%).

9. Altai Territory (81.4 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Tver region (80.8 thousand tons, 2.4%).

11. Omsk region (76.4 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Republic of Tatarstan (75.8 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Republic of Bashkortostan (66.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

14. Krasnodar region (66.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

15. Tyumen region (61.2 thousand tons, 1.8%).

16. Udmurt Republic (55.8 thousand tons, 1.6%).

17. Rostov region (54.9 thousand tons, 1.6%).

18. Novosibirsk region (54.6 thousand tons, 1.6%).

19. Sverdlovsk region (53.7 thousand tons, 1.6%).

20. Stavropol Territory (53.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of pork in 2016 in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 amounted to 1,089.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight (32.1% of total pork production).

Pork production is beneficial both for the family and for business development. In any economic situation, there will be a piece of meat on the table. With a small investment, you can start a pig breeding business in your own backyard. The unique animal will provide a stable income both when raising livestock for meat and when keeping sows for the sale of offspring.

Objective data on the effectiveness of keeping pigs:

  • rapid increase in marketable weight, during the year of keeping the live weight of a newborn piglet increases 140 times;
  • carcass weight compared to live weight is 85%, while for cattle it is 50-60%;
  • per farrowing, the queen brings up to 14 piglets, depending on the breed, each of which will bring 100-200 dollars in a month;
  • Pigs absorb up to 30% of the feed composition; in other domestic animals this figure does not exceed 20%.

The right choice of breed and small investments will allow beginners to breed pigs at home to create successful business. To meet the family's needs for meat and lard, it is enough to buy two piglets in early spring. Kids don't need a lot of space to keep them. IN summer period animals grow quickly. With the onset of autumn, there is a lot of plant residues in the yard, which are a good food supply. For intensive feeding of pigs for two months before slaughter, it will be necessary to increase the consumption of protein feed. Apart from the labor of caring for the pigs, a year's supply of pork is cheap. You don't need a warm pigsty. But there are pig fattening requirements that must be met.

Keeping pigs at home requires the right approach to food choice. So a baby at the age of one month needs:

  • the predominance of dairy products and cereals based on milk or its substitutes;
  • the use of special premixes for piglets containing special sets of vitamins and antibiotics so that the babies grow up healthy;
  • maintain a feeding frequency appropriate to the age and size of the piglet’s stomach.

When fattening a pig from 2 to 4 months, do not include raw puree or jerky in the diet. It is better to give root vegetables boiled and chopped. It is healthier to feed raw grated carrots; the grass should be finely chopped and brewed with boiling water.

After slaughter, the pig carcass is processed blowtorch to remove stubble. Washing will help remove carbon deposits high pressure. Car owners have a compact car wash. The use of this processing method improves the presentation of the product.

Entrepreneurial activities for breeding and fattening pigs

Any business requires planning. A business plan for breeding pigs must include expenditure and income parts. Pig farming is profitable business only if the requirements for the conditions of keeping and feeding of animals are met.

Therefore, the main item in the cost estimate is the construction of a pigsty based on an area of ​​4 square meters. m per fattening unit and 6 square meters per sow. The premises should include a den, a walking area and a sun canopy. A bathing area must be provided for pigs. If feeding is carried out in a common trough, there should be enough space for each animal to approach.

The barn must be durable so that the pig does not escape into the wild as a result of digging. In the pigsty, provide:

  • a roof that prevents leakage;
  • natural and combined lighting;
  • capital walls that prevent freezing;
  • floor with waste disposal chutes and clean, dry bedding;
  • ventilation of the room.

There should be a walking area at the premises, and on it summer time pigs spend most of the time. In the fresh air, muscle mass increases faster and animals get sick less.

The expense portion includes the purchase of purebred animals. For commercial meat production, breeding pigs of the required breed must be carried out on the farm. This will reduce the cost of purchasing piglets externally and will allow you to obtain healthy offspring for the herd.

If piglets are purchased from other farms, they must be quarantined before the herd is formed. It is necessary to include in the cost estimate the vaccination of the herd at each stage of development. Without a certificate of veterinary control of the livestock, the legal sale of meat will be impossible.

The current cost item will be the purchase of special feed for pigs, premixes and vitamin complexes. However, food costs much less than meat. The cost of production is traditionally high. And if the cultivation technology is followed, the business risk is minimized, but this expense item needs to be planned.

With a large number of pigs, dry feeding is preferable. Increased feed costs will be repaid by greater weight gain and lower maintenance costs during fattening. It is important to provide animals with 6-8 liters of water per head per day.

The income part takes into account that one sow can give birth to up to 14 piglets, the fattening of which will provide up to 3 tons of marketable products. Distribute profits according to the time of receipt of products. If the resulting balance does not give the expected profit, the business plan for breeding pigs needs to be optimized. That is, find cheaper ones or suckers. Successful backyard pig farmers receive up to 1000% profit in 2-3 years.

In order for raising pigs at home as a business to be successful, you must follow the following rules:

  • observe hygienic conditions for keeping pigs;
  • do not miss the time of castration of wild boars;
  • conduct preventive actions against diseases and vitamin deficiency of livestock;
  • observe the time and frequency of feeding animals, ensure constant access to water.

You should not feed food with mold or signs of souring of the liquid food. Feeders should be periodically treated with boiling water.

When buying offspring from purebred pigs, you need to know about the structural features of the animals. You can get pork with a predominance of lard, bacon or meat from a specific breed.

Is it profitable to keep pigs? There is no other way to provide the family with meat at cost. To organize a business with a small number of heads, the sale of meat will take place without going to trading floors. Neighbors will become buyers. Livestock products are always in strong demand.

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