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» Dishes with ingredients from the human body. Eating human flesh, cannibalism, placenta pie recipe. Extreme Cuisine Cooking to eat female human meat

Dishes with ingredients from the human body. Eating human flesh, cannibalism, placenta pie recipe. Extreme Cuisine Cooking to eat female human meat

It sounds creepy, but the cannibals were gourmets. They cooked human meat with chili peppers, pumpkin seeds and Mexican seasoning. The remains they left uneaten have survived to this day and revealed recipes for preparing human meat that cannibals passed down from generation to generation.

Recently, information has surfaced that cannibals did not just devour their captives and, on the sly, each other. They had and passed down recipes for cooking human meat from generation to generation.

This discovery was made by scientists who found the remains of the population of Mexico, who died as a result of skirmishes with cannibals and were eaten by them. Cannibals passed on their recipes for cooking meat to each other. Just as now every housewife has her own recipe for borscht, then every cannibal had his own recipe for human flesh. It sounds strange, but human dishes were prepared in a very civilized manner.

Not far from the capital of Mexico, archaeologists have found the bones of people who died in 600 BC. These are fragments of the bodies of two dozen adults and even children, which very clearly show that the bones were broken after physical death, and the meat was cut off evenly. That is, people were not tortured to death - they were just quickly stabbed to death.

Scientists became very interested in how cannibals prepared human meat. Were seasonings used in creepy cooking? How was the meat prepared - fried or boiled? Something has become known.

It is clear that the meat was processed together with the bones, and only then separated from them. So, most of the remains had either a scarlet or light orange color, quite saturated. The orange hue came from Mexican seasonings - pumpkin seeds, chili and traditional annatto. When scientists cooked veal meat on a bone with the same set of spices, it turned yellow, and the meat became very tasty.

But the scarlet color of the bones came from the fact that the meat was fried over a fire. Due to the very high temperature, blood was absorbed into the bone and it remained red forever.

It must be said that the cannibals’ menu very much reminded scientists of Mexican cuisine. Well, at least modern Mexicans don’t eat people...

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This is a step-by-step instruction for cutting a person into edible pieces of meat.

and in any other area, these are just some options, so you
you can consider this opus more as advice than as direct
guide to action.

Before we get started. It should be noted that cutting up a human carcass requires a lot of effort, space and time.
the reader does not want to bother with a whole carcass, then the best solution for
it is as follows: just cut off one or both legs slightly
below the groin. After refreshing these parts, it is enough to cut them into
chops (thickness as desired by the cook).
And now you have it ready
material for several dinners, without much fuss or fuss.
Human being (also referred to in culinary history as a long
pig or hairless goat, in relation to younger individuals) is very
rarely considered as a food source.
human structure and skeleton, it can be seen that the animal is not created
for growing for meat, a person cannot give as a percentage
as much meat as a pig or cow can produce (for example, at 409
kg. the total weight of several carcasses is only 176 kg. meat,
suitable for use. Complex pelvic structure and wide shoulder blade
prevents the separation of the best pieces. The advantage is expressed in another way,
individual weighing 40-80 kg. can easily be cut alone by a person with good

Here you should remember the cautions in
choosing your meal. It is VERY IMPORTANT to remember that animals raised for
slaughtered animals are kept in artificially created conditions and their diet is strictly
regulated. Things are different for humans.
The point is not only
that each person has his own special taste, in addition, a person
also the object of a huge number of various diseases,
infection, chemical imbalance, as well as bad habits and with age
things are getting worse and worse. Also, with age, a person’s meat loses
tenderness, it becomes fibrous and tough. Ideal for animals
slaughter age 6-13 months. When choosing a person you should adhere to
that a young but physically mature individual is needed,
undoubtedly in good health. Not a large amount of fat, even
preferably, it makes the meat juicy.

The best choice: man
20-30 years old, nationality doesn’t really matter, it’s all up to you
discretion. The butcher will need quite a lot of space to work and
large table, for direct cutting, best indoors
indoors. A hook or any other device for hanging a carcass,
must be strengthened in advance. Large basins or tanks for blood and excess
parts should be at hand, as well as a source of water. For
work you will need short and long sharp knives, an ax (or
cleaver) and hacksaw.

Body preparation: Selecting the entire object
depends on your taste. For best results, a healthy and
fresh person. A living person before cutting is the best situation,
however, it is not always possible to have one on hand. If there
the ability to ensure that the subject does not eat for 48 hours,
however, he could drink plenty. This will remove most of the toxins.
from the body, bleeding will also be easier.
Ideally, the person should be stunned unexpectedly. Quick, short blow to
head is best, it is better not to use tranquilizers, they can
affect the taste of meat. If this is not possible without arousing
animal or cause a response (this will be too
high blood pressure and too much adrenaline in the blood), one bullet
in the center of the forehead or in the back of the head would be the best solution (However, you
lose such a glorious trophy as Prim's skull. Translator).

Hanging: How
Once the animal is stunned or dead, it can be hanged. At first
raise your legs, then your arms, your head should hang down all the time. This
called Hein Configuration. The carcass can be tied with ordinary
ropes to the beam under the ceiling. Or by making an incision behind the tendon
Achilles, you can hang the carcass on a special butcher's hook by the ankles.
The legs should be spread slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms should be straight
parallel to the legs. This will make it easier to access the pelvis and arms after gutting
can be easily removed. Ideally, the feet should be
just above the butcher's head.

Bleeding: Put
a large, open vessel for the animal's head. Use a long knife to
along the neck from ear to ear, right under the jaw. This will open up the inner and
external arteries, including the carotid artery, main blood vessels,
carrying blood from the heart to the head, face and brain. If the animal has not yet
dead, it will be a quick death, and the blood will easily flow out of the carcass. After
the first strong onslaught of arterial blood, the blood will be
guide it and let it go down the drain. Flow can be controlled
massaging towards the incision or pressing and releasing, rocking,
belly. An adult should contain about six liters of blood. For
this substance has no purpose unless some ritual
waiting for sacrificial blood. Blood works great as an emetic when
the person is drunk, but it should be noted that it is possible to accidentally bump into
HIV-infected person, therefore it is strongly advised not to use
blood, unless you know for certain that the person is absolutely healthy.
Nothing is known about how the flesh of an HIV-infected person is prepared
affects the body, one way or another, it is better to double check.

Head cutting: How
Once the bleeding slows down, decapitation can begin.
Continue the throat cut along the entire larynx, right along the line under
jaw, to the back of the head. Once all the muscles are cut, the head is fashionable
easy to remove by grasping it with both hands and pulling it towards you, slightly
twisting. Other body parts should be removed using the same method: first
cut with a knife to the bone, then with a hacksaw. Keeping the skull as a trophy
undesirable for two main reasons.
Firstly: the skull may cause unnecessary suspicion towards its new owner.
Secondly: cleaning the skull is very difficult due to the large brain mass, which is difficult to remove without opening the skull.
not very good for food consumption (here I disagree with the author.
Note Translator). If you still decide to keep the skull, here are a couple
advice: the most effective way is to remove the tongue, eyes, remove the skin and put it in
anthill or cage. The cage allows little scavengers like
ants and ground beetles, freely clear the skull of flesh, and the cage is not
allows the skull to be carried away by large scavengers such as dogs and children :-).

After the basic cleaning, you can simply boil your trophy to remove any remaining bits of flesh.

Flaying: After
After removing the head, thoroughly wash the rest of the body. Due to the fact that
there is no open market for the sale of human skin, there is no special need
remove in one large piece, due to this fact this stage of work is not
very complicated. The skin is essentially a large organ and by removing it you not only
expose the muscle mass you need, and you also remove all hair
cover and tiny, nasty pores that secrete sweat. For this
operation you will need a knife with a short blade so as not to damage
muscles and entrails.
The skin consists of two layers: the first, thin layer, covering the second, thicker layer.
when cutting, always examine the surface to be sure that
Don't slash too deeply. Separate pieces of skin along the muscle line,
separate slowly, not into large pieces, which are not difficult to handle
address. Pull the skin a little with one hand, and slowly with the other, holding
knife at right angles to the skin, remove connective tissue.
are not particularly difficult to process. The male must be cut off
penis and testicles, and in the female it is enough to simply remove the anterior genitalia
lips. It is very important at this stage not to touch the anus, leaving around it
circle of skin. There is no need to burden yourself with skinning your palms and feet,
unless you are going to make soup from these parts (different
tribes, palms and feet, contrary to the author of the article, were considered a delicacy.
Note Translator). You can throw away the skin or make cracklings out of it.

Gutting: next
An important step is gutting the carcass. To begin, make a deep cut from
central part of the solar plexus, at a point between the central part
ribs and stomach, almost to the anus. Be very careful if you
accidentally cause intestinal contraction, the surrounding area will
contaminated with bacteria and feces (if this happens, everything must be
remove thoroughly). A good way to avoid this is to stick
knife into the abdominal cavity, with the blade towards you and slowly make a cut towards yourself.
Make a cut around the anus and tie it to string. it's the same
will avoid contamination from feces that may have been in the
intestines. Use a hacksaw to cut through the pubic bone. The lower part of the carcass is now
is completely open and you can begin to cleanse the body of internal
organs and cut off unnecessary mass from the inside of the carcass.
upper torso, first cut the diaphragm from the inner
sides of the carcass. This is a muscular membrane that divides the upper, or
thoracic, and lower abdominal cavities. Remove the brisket by cutting
ribs from sides to collarbones. Some people prefer to cut straight across
middle, it depends on what pieces you want to end up with.
Now you can remove the heart and lungs, then cut the throat to
remove the larynx and trachea. Once all internal organs have been removed,
remaining blood vessels or remaining parts can be removed
connective tissue from the inside of the carcass, then rinse thoroughly.

Hand removal: Now it's time to move on to the actual
cutting up the carcass. Cut the arm from the armpit to the shoulder and remove the arm bone
from the humerus, collarbone and scapula. Chop off your palm two centimeters
above the wrist. Here the main part of the meat is concentrated between the elbow and
shoulder, there are more muscle groups here, and there are two bones in the forearm, which
makes it difficult to separate meat from bones. Another way to separate is
to cut the deltoid muscle from the upper arm, near the shoulder
(leaving it attached to the body) before removing the bone. It cuts
amount of meat suitable for consumption, but makes it easier to remove meat from
shoulder blades. It's entirely a matter of personal preference. Cut off the unnecessary
forearm and now two pieces of meat from each hand are ready for
consumption. Human flesh must always be right and good
prepared before use.

Body cutting: Now
you can cut the main part of the body. Some prefer
saw the body straight along the spine from the cervical vertebrae to the buttocks.
This leaves intact the part of the muscle that covers the ends
ribs Anyway, this part is very difficult to cut, since the meat
fits very tightly to the bone, so it is more profitable (if at all)
use) will cook soup from it.

Split body: half
carcasses can now be placed on the cutting table if there is enough
long. If there is still not enough space, you can cut the carcass in half between
chest and pelvis. Now is the time to think how you want
cook the flesh because it depends on which parts you should
cut off. It also depends on the physical condition of your chosen
individuals. First, cut off the feet at a point 10 centimeters above the ankle. IN
where the leg connects to the foot the bones are very thick.
you should divide the meat into two main portions: ribs and shoulder, and pelvis
and leg. Pieces near the belly can be used for fillet or steaks if
the carcass is full enough, but if not, then a place can be made from this
bacon, if thinly sliced. Thin and wide pieces of flesh can be rolled and
fry later as a side dish. Decide for yourself whether you will use
steak rump and cut it accordingly.

Cutting the top half: You
You can cut off the neck, or you can leave it in place. First Chief
step in this part: separation of the scapula and collarbone. The best and easiest
the method we found is to remove the blade along the contour, cutting off small
pieces of meat. To remove the collarbone, you just need to do a few
make cuts along the bone and pull it out. Depending on your breast development, you
you can identify it as a tasty morsel, but it should be removed before
cutting ribs. It is most convenient to cut the ribs in half and remove them
one by one. It is preferable to make a barbecue from this part, if
There is enough muscle mass, you can make steaks out of it.

Bottom section: Here
contains the bulk of the meat; man is an upright animal.
The greatest muscle mass is on the legs and rump. The pieces here are so
are so great that there are simply no limits to the imagination of culinary delights. Main
parts here? The buttock or rump and the upper leg or thigh.
The cutting process is as follows: first separate the leg, in the upper part of the buttock and
then removing the kneecap and all the muscle mass next to it.
Anyway, you may want to remove the shank before doing this because
that's the best part. The hip can now be used in any variations, we
We strongly recommend thick, round steaks. There must be rump
separated from the pelvis by a triangular incision. The legs are placed at the hip in front,
so there will be a little obstruction when you cut along the curve
pelvis The remaining meat will be on the thighs, in front of the pelvis.

Here, in
in general, that's all. A medium-sized freezer is sufficient for
location of meat. Garbages and other unnecessary parts should either be
bury it or give it as animal feed. Bones, after baking
them in the oven will be crumbly, so you can simply spray them.

In human civilization, cannibalism is one of the greatest taboos. But there are a few people who have tasted human flesh, and some of them have shared their thoughts on what human flesh tastes like.

10. Arthur Shawcross

In 1972, Arthur Shawcross killed a boy and a girl in Watertown. For this crime he was sent to prison, but after serving 15 years, he was released. In 1988, Shawcross moved to Rochester, New York, where he set his record. Shortly after moving in, Shawcross began killing prostitutes. He committed 11 murders before he was caught.

After returning to prison, Shawcross began boasting about the disgusting things he did to his victims, including several incidents of cannibalism. According to Shawcross, he first tasted human meat while serving in Vietnam, where he tracked down two women in the jungle, killed them, and ate them. However, there is no evidence that this is true. He also claimed to have eaten the genitals of four prostitutes and the heart of a 10-year-old boy he killed. By this time, the bodies of the dead had decomposed so badly that his words could not be verified. It has only been established that they were terribly mutilated.

According to Shawcross, human meat tastes like the burnt edge of well-done pork. In his letters to the writer Christopher Berry-Dee, Shawcross reiterates that human flesh tastes like pork, and suggests that people think about this when they are about to eat a piece of ham, bacon or a juicy pork chop.

9. Peter Bryan

Peter Bryan's long history of violence began when the owner of the store where he worked fired Bryan for theft. Brian responded by beating his 20-year-old daughter to death with a hammer and then attempting to commit suicide by jumping from a balcony. Brian was declared mentally ill, and in 1993 he was placed in a closed psychiatric hospital with a maximum security regime.

Nine years later, the regime was relaxed and Brian was transferred to another hospital, where he soon received permission to go out into the city without supervision. That same night, he left the hospital, went to the apartment of 43-year-old Brian Cherry and beat him to death with a hammer. Then, using a saw and several knives, Brian amputated Cherry's arms and right leg. When the police arrived, they found that the victim's brain was already in the frying pan.

Brian said he cooked the brains in margarine, which he tried and thought was "really delicious." He added that he also tasted meat from the leg and arm of the murdered Cherry, and that it tasted like chicken.

After his arrest, Brian was placed back in a psychiatric hospital. There he killed another prisoner in 2004. According to Brian, he wanted to eat the dead man, but he did not have time to cook it.

8. Alexander Selvik Vengshol

In 2010, 21-year-old Norwegian student and artist Alexander Selvik Vengshol underwent surgery to replace his femur with an implant. The operation was necessary because, due to a congenital defect, Alexander was confined to crutches and a wheelchair all his life. Wengshol managed to convince his doctor to allow him to take the removed bone with him after the operation. Wengshol himself did not yet know why he needed it, but he intended to somehow use it in his work.

When Alexander returned home after the operation, he threw the bone into boiling water to remove any remaining meat. Suddenly realizing that this was a unique opportunity, he decided to try a piece of flesh and came to the conclusion that “it’s delicious.” After that, he prepared a snack from the meat remaining on the bone. He laid out a handful of meat and baked potatoes on a platter, finishing the meal with a glass of wine. According to Wengshol, “It tasted like wild sheep, like you would cook a sheep that grazes in the mountains and eats mushrooms. It was obviously goat meat.”

7. Tobias Schneebaum

Tobias Schneebaum was an American artist who received a Fulbright grant in 1955 to study the art of Peru. He hitchhiked there from New York. Along the way, he heard about the Arakmbut tribe, who lived in the jungle and hunted with bows and arrows. Deciding that this was interesting, he went to look for them. Although the tribe had a reputation as fierce warriors, they accepted Schneebaum, who was delighted that homosexuality flourished in the tribe, since it was persecuted in New York. He soon decided to stay with them for the rest of his life.

Everything changed after he was invited to the “hunt”. The tribe's warriors attacked another village and killed six people. After the massacre, they roasted some of their enemies' organs while dancing around the fire. Schneebaum was scared, but was eventually forced to join the dance. Then they began to distribute pieces of human meat, and Schneebaum ate the offered piece. After the incident, he decided to leave the tribe and ultimately said goodbye to the Peruvian jungle.

Schneebaum's memoir, Keep The River On Your Right, has become a cult favorite. He tends to avoid questions about the taste of human flesh, explaining that he was too excited at the time to remember the taste and he doesn't want people to think of him as a cannibal. However, he once mentioned that the meat tasted like pork.

Omaima Nelson was born in Egypt and moved to the United States wanting to become a model. In 1991, she met 56-year-old William Nelson and they married two months later. The marriage was not happy; Omaima later accused her husband of beating and rape. Just three weeks after the wedding, she killed her husband during an argument. In an attempt to destroy evidence, Omaima dismembered his body, fried his hands, and boiled his head.

The murder became even more bizarre when it turned out that Omaima had cut the ribs from her murdered husband's body, covered them in barbecue sauce and cooked them "restaurant-style." According to the psychiatrist, Omaima told him that when she took a bite of meat from the rib, she screamed with delight: “It’s so cute, it’s so tasty... I love it!”

When Omaima asked her friend to help her dispose of the body, he called the police. She was ultimately convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. She later stated that she did not eat her husband, but this happened while she was applying for parole, which does not apply to people convicted of cannibalism.

5. Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer, a Milwaukee cannibal who roamed the city between 1978 and 1991, killed 17 people. Dahmer never spoke openly about cannibalism, but after his arrest he discussed it briefly with the FBI. He said he cut off pieces of meat, usually from a bicep or thigh, or took some internal organs. He then cut the meat or organs into tiny pieces and fried them in a frying pan.

When asked about the taste of the meat, Dahmer replied that it was similar to filet mignon, cut from the thin edge of a beef tenderloin. This is considered the most tender cut of beef and is often called the “king of steaks.”

Dahmer was sentenced to life in prison in February 1992 and killed by a fellow inmate two years later.

4. William Seabrook

William Seabrook, a New York Times reporter, became famous for his books about unusual travels. One of his most famous works, published in 1931, is called "Jungle Roads." The book details a trip to West Africa, where he encountered the Guere tribe, which ritually consumed the flesh of recently deceased tribesmen. Out of curiosity, Seabrook decided to try what human meat tasted like.

There are two different stories about Seabrook's taste of human flesh. According to Seabrook himself, or rather according to what he described in “Jungle Roads,” he simply joined the Guere tribe. Another story claims that this did not happen, and that in fact Seabrook committed an act of cannibalism upon his return to France, where he convinced a hospital intern to cut him a piece from a fresh corpse.

Regardless of how he obtained the meat, Seabrook was likely a genuine cannibal and he described its taste in detail. “It resembled veal, not young, but not yet beef. At the same time, it is unlike any meat I have ever tasted. But still it is so close to veal that I think no other person with ordinary, normal sensitivity could distinguish them.”

3. Jorge Negromonte Da Silveira

In April 2012, Brazilian man Jorge Beltrao Negromonte da Silveira, his wife, Isabel Cristina Pires, and his mistress, Bruna Cristina Oliveira da Silva, were arrested on suspicion of murdering a homeless woman. After being taken into custody, they confessed to killing two more young women. In all three murders, the trio dismembered the bodies and sold the meat.

During interrogation, da Silveira compared human meat in taste and consistency to beef. Since this meat was similar to beef, Silveira's group had three different recipes for preparing it. The first was a Mexican stew in which meat is simmered over low heat. The second option was a Brazilian cassava-based dish known as macaxeira. But the most popular were the traditional Brazilian meat pies, which the trio often sold to unsuspecting neighbors.

Da Silveira was given 23 years in prison, while his wife and mistress received 20 years each. Da Silveira was glad that he was in prison, because otherwise he would, of course, continue to kill.

2. Issei Sagawa

One of the most famous cannibals in recent history was the Japanese Issey Sagawa. While Sagawa was studying in Paris, he began dating 25-year-old Dutch student Renee Hartevelt. On June 11, 1981, when Renee arrived at Sagawa's apartment, he shot her in the back. After she died, Sagawa ate parts of her body for two days.

In his memoirs, Sagawa wrote that he first ate raw meat from her buttocks. In his opinion, the meat had no taste or smell, but melted on his tongue like raw tuna sashimi. He fried the meat cut from the thighs in a frying pan, describing it as quite decent, but tasteless. He also baked Hartevelt's breasts, but didn't like them because they were too fatty. His favorite was the meat from the upper thigh, which he called "excellent."

Sagawa was arrested three days later when witnesses saw him hiding the remains of the body. He was declared insane and admitted to an asylum. In 1985, he was deported back to Japan, where he was declared healthy and put on trial. However, French authorities refused to release evidence necessary for the criminal trial. Since the Japanese authorities declared him healthy and could not convict him as a criminal, Sagawa was released. After his release, he wrote a book and became something of a celebrity in Japan. However, in a later interview, he retracts some of his earlier statements: “In my book I wrote that it was delicious, but that was not true; I would be more than happy to eat beef. But because I wanted to try human meat for a very long time, I convinced myself that it would definitely be tasty.”

1. Armin Meiwes

The German cannibal Armin Meiwes posted an ad on the Internet with the text: “need a well-built 18-30 year old man for slaughter and subsequent consumption.” More than 200 people responded to the ad, Meiwes said. At first, Meiwes met with the young man, but he refused. He then found 41-year-old Bernd Jürgen Brandes, who agreed to be eaten. On March 9, 2001, they met and had sexual intercourse. Meiwes then cut off Brandes' penis to eat it. They first tried to eat it raw, but it was too rubbery. Meiwes then tried to fry it with garlic and butter, but the dish ended up burning.

By the time Meiwes killed Brandes, he had been bleeding for 10 hours. Meiwes hung his body on a meat hook and began cutting off pieces of meat. Over the next 10 months, he ate about 18 kilograms of human meat in the form of either steak or minced meat. Meiwes later said that he fried the steak with salt, pepper, nutmeg, and garlic. He placed potatoes and Brussels sprouts with green pepper sauce on the sides. He preferred to wash it down with a glass of South African red wine. As for the meat, Meiwes said it was a little tough, but overall not bad. It tasted like pork, but with a stronger, slightly bitter taste.

Meiwes insisted that Brandes' death was a suicide, not a murder. He was initially sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for manslaughter, but after a review of the case, the sentence was changed to life imprisonment. Now he is a vegetarian.

The material was prepared by Dmitry Oskin - based on an article from

Copyright site © - This news belongs to the site, and is the intellectual property of the blog, is protected by copyright law and cannot be used anywhere without an active link to the source. Read more - "about Authorship"

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It is difficult to bite off the flesh of a raw person, and the penis is tasteless and difficult to chew. All human experts agree on this. Otherwise, its taste depends on the method of preparation and consumption, the age and gender of those eaten, as well as the parts of the body chosen for cooking.

William Seabrook
got meat from the morgue

In the 1920s, an American occultist, researcher and journalist came across a tribe of cannibals in West Africa. In his 1931 book Jungle Paths, Seabrook described how he entered it to taste human flesh.

“It tasted like good veal, not from the youngest calf, but not beef either. The meat had a mild taste without any spiciness or specific characteristics, such as goat or pork. It was a little tough and fibrous, but edible. The fried piece, in color, texture, smell and taste, strengthened my confidence that veal, of all the types of meat we are familiar with, is the closest analogue of human flesh.”

Seabrook later admitted that he tried human flesh not in Africa, but in Paris. An intern he knew brought him from the hospital a fragment of the body of a man who had died in an accident.

William Seabrook with actress and war reporter Lee Miller. Photo: Man Ray / National Center for Art and Culture Georges Pompidou /

Albert Fish,
kidnapped children

As a child, he enjoyed beatings and floggings, loved to push needles into his body, and consumed urine and feces. With age, masochistic tendencies degenerated into sadism.

On June 3, 1928, Fish, disguised as an employer, came to the house of Edward Budd and tricked his sister, 10-year-old Grace, away. Only 7 years later, the parents received an anonymous letter from which they learned about the girl’s fate:

“...I strangled her and then cut out the soft parts to cook and eat. How sweet and pleasant is her little ass, roasted in the oven! It took me 9 days to completely eat all of her meat.”

The letter led the police to Fish's trail. After the death sentence, he spoke about another victim - 8-year-old Francis McDonnell. In 1924, Fish raped him, strangled him and cut out body parts:

“I put strips of bacon on each buttock and popped it all in the oven. After a quarter of an hour I poured a pint of water into it and added 4 onions. The meat was regularly poured with fat from a wooden spoon. So it became soft and juicy. Everything was ready in 2 hours. I've never had a roast turkey that tasted half as good. But I couldn’t chew the pee-pee and threw it into the toilet.”

The maniac was executed in the electric chair.

Police mugshot from 1905 when Albert Fish was arrested for theft. Photo: New York Daily News/Wikipedia Fish enjoyed hurting himself. An X-ray of the killer's body showed 29 needles. Photo: New York Daily News/Wikipedia

Issei Sagawa,
ate his girlfriend

While studying comparative literature at the Sorbonne in Paris, the Japanese Issey Sagawa fell in love with a Dutch student, Renee Hartevelt. The girl chose friendship over a romantic relationship.

"Perhaps if we had dinner together again, I wouldn't eat it," Sagawa recalled.

On June 11, 1981, Renee came to visit Sagawa to read German poems on tape and was shot in the back. Sagawa stripped the body, raped him and dug his teeth into the buttock, but was unable to bite through. With a cleaver, he cut off the buttocks, thighs and chest, put the meat in the refrigerator and ate it for the next two days. The oven-baked breast seemed too fatty to the cannibal. He liked the upper thigh better. Issei said that this meat had no specific taste or smell and melted in the mouth, like raw tuna sushi.

Sagawa was arrested but declared insane. In 1985, he was deported to his homeland. In Japan, he spent 15 months in a psychiatric clinic and was released. He became a TV star, artist and writer, author of restaurant criticism.

Issei Sagawa under police escort, June 17, 1981. Photo: Dominique Faget / AFP Rene Hartevelt's remains in Sagawa's kitchen. Source: Sagawa's kitchen. Source:

Armin Meiwes,
ate a volunteer

“I am looking for a well-built young man between 18 and 30 years old, willing to be killed and eaten.”

This announcement was posted in 2001 by Armin Meiwes on the blog The Cannibal Cafe. Berlin IT specialist Jurgen Brandes responded to him. According to colleagues and acquaintances, he was prone to masochism. The meeting at Meiwes's house was recorded on video. Brandes insisted that the party host bite off his penis. It didn't work out. Armin then cut off Jurgen's penis with a knife. I couldn’t eat it raw - it seemed “too rubbery.” While Jurgen bled to death in the bathtub, Meiwes fried his genitals with salt, pepper, wine and garlic. But the penis burned, and Meiwes fed it to his dog.

Jurgen then took a large dose of alcohol and painkillers. Meiwes cut his throat, hung his body on a hook, dismembered it, packaged it and froze it. Over 10 months, he ate about 20 kilograms of Brandes. According to the cannibal, the meat was harsh, tasted like pork, was slightly bitter, but overall was quite tasty.

“I seared the steak with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg. It was served with potato croquettes, Brussels sprouts and green pepper sauce.”

Meiwes was arrested in 2002. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and became a vegetarian in prison.

Website for a cafe with dishes whose names and designs refer to the theme of cannibalism. But they don't serve human flesh there.

When I talk about how, after the birth of my son, I took home the placenta and the next day served it to the table in the form of a pate made from his flesh, listeners either simply do not believe it or recoil in horror from me as a cannibal. My dictionary defines this word as “a person who eats human flesh” and “an animal that eats members of its own species.”

Eating human flesh, cannibalism, placenta pie recipe. Extreme cuisine.

I suppose that technically I can be called a cannibal, but I feel a huge difference between my own situation and historical examples of cannibalism involving natives with bones through their noses who boiled hapless missionaries and white hunters in cauldrons.

Here's how things stood. I was married with a daughter and living in London when my wife gave birth to our son in a private clinic near our home. As far as I remember, I told the doctor that I wanted to take the placenta home immediately after my son was born. The placenta is an organ attached to the lining of the uterus and provides nutrition to the fetus. After the birth of a child, the placenta is rejected by the female body. And as a rule, it is thrown away, at least in developed countries. In some places, however, including our London flat, the placenta is treated as an edible product that is unwise to be thrown into the trash along with bloody bandages, used medical gloves and other materials.

After all, this is the organ that fed our unborn child. And although the baby no longer needs it, the placenta remains a valuable source of protein, vitamins and minerals. My wife was due to return home the next day, and my plan was to boil the placenta, make a pate from it and offer it to the guests invited to admire the baby. The doctor received my request with amazement, but did not object, saying that there was nothing dangerous in my idea if the placenta was kept cold and I prepared it correctly. The flesh will likely taste like liver, he said.

Then the question arose of how to deliver the placenta home. Clinics, unlike restaurants, do not keep special thermal containers. The choice fell on a large plastic bag, like those used for garbage. At four o'clock in the morning I was walking home with a bag on my shoulder and couldn't help but wonder: what would I say if a policeman suddenly stopped me and asked me what was in my bag? Fortunately, I didn’t meet a single policeman. When the day came, I fried the placenta with garlic in butter, then cut it into small pieces, which I used a blender to turn into a dark brown paste. Ay! I forgot to separate the blood vessels, and therefore there were small elastic inclusions in the paste.

This was a serious culinary blunder on my part. Nevertheless, I served the dish to the table. Chilled, with wheat crackers and thin slices of raw onion as a garnish. To my surprise, several guests tried the treat. To some, my idea of ​​placenta pate may seem like an eccentricity, conceived with the sole purpose of shocking guests, or something that only hippies could afford. My wife and I really belonged to this movement at that time. We don’t regret it at all.

In fact, from a historical perspective, there was nothing unusual in our action. Eating human flesh does have a long and not always dark history. Since then, when Neanderthals roamed the earth, from the southwest of what is now the state of Colorado to the southeast of modern France, fried human leg has long been considered a normal food.

There is enough evidence. In 1981, archaeologist Tim White from the University of Berkeley in California discovered in Ethiopia the skull of a human ancestor who lived 60 thousand years ago with traces of deep marks on the cheekbones and eye sockets. It was as if the meat had been cut from them with a knife. The marks have been identified as "evidence of cannibalism", distinguished from battle wounds, domestic trauma, traces of funerary rituals and the effects of animal claws and teeth. White compared the skull with the bones of twenty-nine inhabitants of an ancient Anasazi Indian village in Colorado, a unique rock settlement now turned into a tourist attraction.

Carbon dating of the bones, tools and pottery dated them to the 12th century. After examining 2,106 bone fragments under an electron microscope to identify nicks, burned areas, etc., White proposed a new version of the damage, which he formulated as “pot gloss.” Referring to the smooth abrasions on the ends of the bones, which he believed were caused by stirring the meat in the pots. White concluded that the Anasazi people ate the bodies of their relatives, removing their skin and cutting their muscle tissue into pieces. Which were fried on, baking the long bones, crushing the small ones and then placing it all in pots to cook over the fire with constant stirring.

The research begun by White was continued in 2000 by Richard Marlar, a pathologist at the University of Colorado, who announced in the journal Nature the discovery of meat cutting tools with traces of human blood. As well as scattered split human bones with signs of their processing with these tools. In addition, remnants of human myoglobin were present on the walls of the cooking pot, as well as in human coprolite, ancient feces. The consumption of human flesh continued for centuries.

Thus, in China, starting from the Tang dynasty and especially during the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties (in total from the 7th to the 18th centuries), when conventional medicines no longer helped a dying parent, a daughter or daughter-in-law (less often a son) was cut from their own thighs, a piece of flesh and cooked broth from it, which they gave to the dying person to drink. Despite the facts, people believed in the possibility of miraculous healing. The use of human flesh as medicine is called koku or gegu in Chinese literature. The origins of the tradition probably lie in the legend of Princess Miao Shan. The human incarnation of the goddess of mercy Kuan Yin, who sacrificed her eyes and hands to save her dying father.

The theme of flesh is also present in stories about past incarnations of the Buddha, which affirm the Buddhist principle of compassion. Most evidence of cannibalism today comes from explorers, missionaries, and others in the Western world who discover it in primitive societies. They invariably interpret this as proof of the savagery of the natives. In literature, a similar attitude can be traced back to the Greek myths about Saturn devouring his children and the Cyclops devouring the companions of Odysseus.

Cannibals are a kind of “spicy spice” to many narratives. From the tales of the Arabian Nights, with their shipwrecked Sinbad the Sailor and rescued by a king who fed him human flesh, to the stunning memoirs of Marco Polo. Which contain a story about the warriors of Kubla Khan who ate those who fell on the battlefield.

“I assure you,” wrote Marco Polo, “that they kill people every day and first drink their blood, and then greedily eat the rest.”

The 18th-century satirist Jonathan Swift, best known as the author of Gulliver's Travels, used the same image in his essay "A Modest Proposal" (1729). He jokingly wrote that the food problem in England and Ireland could be solved by eating a certain number of children. The famous novelist Robert Stevenson, who lived in the Marquesas Islands at the end of the 19th century, wrote that he saw “the last cannibal on Nuku Hiva.” He allegedly walked along the ocean shore with a human hand on his shoulder and shouted to passers-by. “This is what Kooamua does to his enemies!”, he tore pieces of flesh out of his hand with his teeth.

Missionaries returning from Latin America told similar stories. One author, describing representatives of an African tribe of cannibals, mentioned that they have sharp, fox-like teeth. The fact that he had never been to Africa and provided no reliable evidence to support his claims was unimportant. The Spanish conquerors said that the Caribs salted and dried the flesh of their enemies. Although in those days the islanders did not know how to salt food. Much of what they frightened the average person turned out to be nonsense. Only a few stories were, although remotely, similar to the truth.

For example, stories about the Aztecs eating thousands of their captives are greatly exaggerated. The Aztecs only baked bread from dough mixed with human blood and flesh, giving it the shape of their gods. As one contemporary writer put it, the deluge of chilling information was “not so much an indication of the widespread prevalence of cannibalism outside a highly developed society as evidence of a greedy interest in the topic.” Many traditions associated with cannibalism had deep cultural roots. They were based on the belief, prevalent in many parts of the planet, that eating the flesh of their ancestors would allow them to gain their support.

Or that a dish made from the flesh of enemies contains their strong qualities: the brain - wisdom, the heart - courage, etc. For this reason, the natives of the Hawaiian Islands killed Captain James Cook in 1779. The next day, they returned only a handful of bones and flesh wrapped in cloth to the surviving members of his expedition. They ate Cook’s meat and organs in the hope of gaining through them numerous knowledge and virtues of the great explorer. Even the tyrant Idi Amin, who ruled Uganda in the early 1970s, boasted at the table that he ate human flesh, justifying it as follows.

“In war, when there is no food and a comrade is wounded, you may well kill him and eat him in order to survive. This is how you absorb its power. His flesh will make you better and you will be able to fight fully.”

Perhaps similar circumstances caused the disappearance around the same time of Michael Rockefeller, a young adventurer and son of the American millionaire Nelson Rockefeller. His traces were lost in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, where he was supposedly eaten by one of the last remaining cannibals on earth. Not far from those places, on the Fiji Islands, cannibalism was practiced as early as 700. The natives, wanting to appease their warlike gods, sacrificed captured enemies to them. After the ritual of sacrifice, the victors ate them, as they considered this a necessary act of their final humiliation. Moreover, they believed that in this way their relatives would be neutralized for a long time.

The custom was so widespread - it lasted until the beginning of the 20th century - that most Fijians owned so-called cannibal forks. Carved from wood and similar to the usual forks of different sizes - for different parts of human flesh: for eyes, buttocks, etc. “Tender as human flesh” - this old Fijian expression can be heard on the islands today as a compliment to a harmless modern dish. It was Christianity that changed Western man's view of this kind of behavior, not the formation of the proverbial "civilized" society.

Spanish missionaries in Latin America began to change both the diet and the beliefs of the local population. Declaring both barbarism. But did they realize the strangeness of introducing “cannibals” to a religion, in one of the main rituals of which - communion - the parishioners, albeit in the form of a wafer and wine, are fed the blood and body of Christ? As one of the scientists, Jean Paolo Biasin, said, for Christians “cannibalism is metaphorical,” given that the Bible itself quotes such words of Christ.

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; But the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world... Verily, verily, I say unto you, unless ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him” (John 6:51-56).

Of course, a lot of human flesh has been eaten in the modern era. Not for the sake of eternal life, but out of the desire to preserve earthly life. There is a well-known story about how in 1846, on the way to California, American settlers, caught in a snowstorm at Donner Pass, ate their dead comrades. In similar circumstances, British explorers who tried in the 19th century to find the legendary “northwest passage” from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in the ice-bound north of Canada resorted to cannibalism. As it turned out, in a futile attempt to survive.

This fact is confirmed by the recent discovery of the remains of expedition members with traces of knife work on their bones. No less famous is the somewhat comical story of a gold miner named Alfred Packer, who in 1873 in Colorado found himself imprisoned in a shack in a snowstorm and survived only by eating his accomplices.

“You are a vile pervert and son of a bitch,” the judge was indignant, sentencing the cannibal to 30 years in prison. “There were only seven Democrats in Hinsdale County, and you managed to eat five of them!”

Not so long ago, in 1972, members of the Uruguayan rugby team who were involved in a plane crash in the Andes managed to save their lives by eating the remains of their dead comrades. Later, their story was described in the very popular book “Survivors” and depicted in the film of the same name. It is said that some South Vietnamese refugees who fled by boat from the advancing Viet Cong armies survived in the same way. Until recently, the Chinese authorities categorically denied that during the Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976, cannibalism against “class enemies” was widely practiced in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Zeng Yi's 1996 book, The Scarlet Memorial, or Evidence of Cannibalism in Modern China, quotes one official as saying that there were between 10,000 and 20,000 cases of people eating their fellow citizens in the area alone. Even later, information arrived from North Korea. Where mass famine in the period 1997-1998 forced people to eat relatives and neighbors who died of exhaustion. Other contemporary reports of cannibalism focus on grisly details. That's all the press seems to be interested in.

Several years ago in England, the story of the notorious Kray brothers, who controlled a significant part of the London underworld, was widely and very colorfully covered. Among other things, it was said that they ate the liver of their enemies. The American serial killer Jeffrey Damer, nicknamed the Milwaukee Cannibal by journalists, also butchered and ate his victims. Apart from the contents of the freezer, which contained human kidneys, intestines, liver and lungs, the police did not find any food in his apartment. Except for the spices. After his arrest in 1994, Deimer asked the prison doctor if there were others like him in the world, or if he was unique? No, of course not unique.

So, it is difficult to predict when and how people's attitudes toward eating human flesh might change. Even though what I offered to guests in 1972 in the form of pate in 1998 became a fashionable food among English yuppies. At the time, Esquire magazine interviewed some of those who had tried the flesh dish, as well as several professional chefs. One of the chefs suggested simmering the afterbirth over low heat and serving with herb dumplings. Another recommended cooking it with olive oil, onions, Vinsanto capers and anchovies, then pureeing it in a blender and spreading it on toasted crostini. According to him, they will make “wonderful canapés for an Epiphany party.”

Do you want to know why cannibalism has such a terrible attitude? It's all about the press. My archive contains hundreds of stories published in newspapers and magazines from 1994-2003. For example, about how in Brazil, eight people, without knowing it, ate the liver of a murder victim, which they were served in one of the bars in Rio de Janeiro, fried with onions and garlic. About a 76-year-old Moscow resident who was arrested because she first killed her husband, then ate part of his flesh, and rolled the rest into jars. About two men from northeast India who killed a neighbor who allegedly tried to kill them themselves using black magic.

They cut his heart in half and ate it raw. How a Portuguese historian, researching the facts of atrocities and cruelty during the Second World War, discovered documents indicating that one of the hotels in Macau bought small children, fattened them, and then prepared dishes from their flesh that he served to his to guests. In 1995, it was reported that in a small Russian town in the Urals, police arrested four people who were selling human meat to restaurants under the guise of veal. Other information from the same year is about two Cambodians who were going to help a friend bury a stillborn child, but instead made soup from it (with the father’s permission!).

In 1997, in Hong Kong, a doctor cut off the head of a policeman whom he suspected of having an affair with his wife. When the police, at the tip of a policeman's wife, raided the doctor's office, they found a colleague's head boiled in a pressure cooker. From year to year my archive has been steadily growing. In 1998, a man in Thailand drowned his six-year-old niece because he believed that by eating her brain he could improve his mental health. And in Egypt, three brothers were sentenced to death for killing a man and drinking his blood. A year later, a man in London was sentenced to life in prison for murdering and eating part of the victim's thigh. In Ukraine, the same sentence was handed down for the fact that a criminal strangled his young mistress, boiled her head, ate her tongue, and kept the skull on TV.

In 2000, in Sri Lanka, a man who had killed and eaten his wife ten years earlier was arrested for doing the same to his father. The body of a Hong Kong woman who disappeared while traveling in Northern China has been found salted in a vat. A 22-year-old man was arrested in Kathmandu for eating his older brother's ear and claiming that he was drunk because he had an irresistible desire to eat meat. The topic of cannibalism made it to the front pages of the press. Included in CNN releases in 2001. Then it was reported that the Dayaks from the island of Borneo were engaged in cannibalism. They cut the bodies of their killed Madurese enemies into pieces and eat them, preparing them as animal meat. And they not only eat it themselves, but also sell it.

At the same time, in Kathmandu, two Brahmins ate the brains of the murdered King of Nepal and his assassin. After which they committed ritual suicide by throwing themselves off a cliff to “take the bad luck with them.” The following year, 2002, a German citizen confessed to killing and eating his homosexual partner, who allegedly wanted to be eaten. In Cambodia, two men accused of eating human flesh and washing it down with a bottle of wine were released by a provincial court due to a lack of legislation. In 2003, in Los Angeles, a young ambitious musician who dreamed of becoming a rap star was accused of murdering his partner. When asked why he ate part of her lung, the guy replied that in this way he wanted to create for himself the image of a “lawless man” and through this make his way to the Olympus of rap culture.

Cannibalism for sale.

Nowadays, cannibalism is one of the most prohibited social activities. At the same time, the topic is extremely attractive, which explains its use in the show business market. The most striking example of commercialization comes, naturally, from Hollywood. At one end of the spectrum are the overt exploitation of chilling plots in films such as Attack of the Cannibals (1954), Blood Feast (1963), The Grave Digger and His Crew (1967), Night of the Living Dead (1968, p. two sequels and one remake). “At the Red Wolf Inn” (1972, renamed “Horror on the Menu”), “Cannibal Girls” (1973), “Return of the Living Dead” (1985, with two sequels)…

This, believe me, is only a small fraction, just for example. At the other end are films with impressive budgets and more talented creators. The title of the novel on which the satirical film of the same name was based - “Soy-Lentil Greens” (1973) - indicated a dish made from the corresponding products. However, by the will of Hollywood creators, the hero of the film, detective Charlton Heston, finds out that this dish is made from human meat. In Jean-Luc Godard's satirical film Weekend (1968), the hapless terrorists, declaring that "the horrors of the state can only be answered with horror," demonstrate a return to an anti-industrial "natural way of life." Snacking on captivated townsfolk - picnic lovers.

In The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover (1989), an attack on the strict rules of behavior established in a fashionable restaurant, in its last scene a whole roasted human body is served on the table. The character in Thomas Harris's The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Hannibal (similar to cannibal) Lecter, like his lesser-known predecessor in Manhunter (1986) and his counterpart in the sequel Hannibal (1999). A disgusting ghoul who was put behind bars. In particular, for his passion for human liver, which he preferred to wash down with a glass of “good Chianti.”

Souvenir versions of traditional forks are still sold in Fiji today. They are made from local wood and submerged in black mud for several weeks. After which they polish or simply paint. Forks, as already noted, have different sizes. Small ones are for the eyes and brain, larger ones are for meat. You can also order “Cannibal Chutney”, a vegetable seasoning prepared according to the original recipe. Definitely served with meat at cannibal feasts. Finally, there are restaurants. In 2002, Ecuadorian restaurateurs allowed human thigh bones to be used in the process of preparing rich flesh broth for soups and stews.

Moreover, the bones removed from the graves were considered especially valuable. Because they were credited with having a “unique taste.” A year later, it was reported that in the Chinese province of Sichuan, female skeletons were being dug up from graves to make “ghost soup.” In another province, Hunan, one restaurant offered two dishes of abalone and snapper. Prepared using human milk (purchased from peasants). When the press reported this, orders came from Beijing and the restaurants were closed.

Recipe for human flesh pie. Pie with placenta.

6 strips of bacon.
170 g red wine.
1 egg.
Salt and pepper to taste.
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped.
2 shallots, finely chopped.
Green onions.
Pie dough.

Using a knife with a narrow blade and a sharp end, remove all blood vessels. By opening the placenta from the wide end, where the main vein can be easily found. It can be pulled out by applying a certain amount of force. Do the same with the remaining vessels. Cut the placenta into narrow strips. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper and soak in wine for at least 6 hours.

Make minced meat from about half the meat and mix it with chopped garlic and shallots. Line the mold with dough. Place bacon on the bottom and around the edges, then place the mixture of minced meat and remaining strips of meat into the pan. Cover everything with dough and spread it with egg. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for about an hour. Let cool. Serve with unleavened crackers. Garnish with green onions.

Based on materials from the book “Extreme Cuisine”.
Jerry Hopkins.