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» Do-it-yourself log house. Do-it-yourself log house Build a do-it-yourself log house

Do-it-yourself log house. Do-it-yourself log house Build a do-it-yourself log house

It's the 21st century, but people who are tired of the bustle and environmental problems of big cities are increasingly thinking about how to build a wooden house with their own hands and move to the bosom of nature.

What is needed for this, where to start, what kind of knowledge you need to have - these are just a small part of the huge list of questions that confront a person. In order to make it easier to determine the type of house, we present some data.

Types of wooden houses: wooden from timber, from profiled timber, from hewn logs, rounded logs, from profiled glued timber, frame houses.

If you want to learn how to build a wooden house from a log, you should consider this building more carefully.

log house

  • Such a building is built from solid logs, peeled of bark with an ax, such tree species as cedar and pine are used.
  • Thanks to manual work, resin remains on the logs, protecting the building from bad weather and other external negative factors.
  • Such houses look beautiful, pleasant and safe to live in.

Despite all these advantages, there are also disadvantages.

  • The building dries out for a very long time (from 2 to 5 years), it takes several years for it to shrink.
  • Materials and finishing work are quite expensive.

If you have chosen another option, but do not know how to build a wooden house from a bar, it is necessary in this case to provide for all the pros and cons.

Timber house

  • An ordinary rectangular beam, unlike a profiled one, it has joints (grooves and spikes), has an affordable price. Temporary and summer buildings are built from thin, houses designed for permanent residence are made of thick timber 200 X 200 mm.
  • Advantages - ease of construction, naturalness.

Unfortunately, there are much more disadvantages - these are cracks and cracks during drying, additional thermal insulation work, complex finishing, drying of the material up to a year.

In order to have a complete picture, you should learn how to build a wooden frame house with your own hands.

  • In this case, a frame is erected from a glued beam, which is then insulated.
  • The advantage of this type of building is the quick assembly of finished parts and the reduced price.
  • Among the disadvantages are the use of a truck crane and the difficulty in storing parts if the site is small.

You are still thinking about how to build a wooden house with your own hands - let's go through all the necessary steps.

If you have no idea how to do this, it's best to start with the simplest option.

Do-it-yourself log house

The first thing to remember is to choose larch, cedar or pine for your building.

Another important issue is the foundation. Usually, in cases of self-construction, a columnar foundation is used, but a screw version is also used.

In order to have a better idea of ​​how to make a log house at home, photos on some sites will definitely help with this.

Operating procedure

  1. We prepare the beams (15 X15) and treat them with a special antiseptic.
  2. We install the wreath, lay the beam "half a tree", fasten it with wooden dowels. To do this, we pre-make holes in the beams.
  3. After laying the crown, the beam is also laid on the floor with a crown. A sealant is placed on the beams placed at the end, then a beam and again a sealant.
  4. We must not forget that the floor board (40 mm) also depends on the step of the beams (0.7 m).
  5. Another important point is that it is best to use a jute cloth as a sealant.
  6. The first floor is built to a height of about 3 meters.
  7. If you do not do the sheathing, you need to think in a timely manner about drainage with the help of chamfers.

The easiest way to build

If you are still tormented by the question of how to build a log house at home, you can use ready-made projects of wooden buildings. This situation has its merits.

  • As a rule, assembly is carried out very quickly.
  • You will invest a minimum of money in construction, doing only reconciliation of the markings of the bars.
  • Since the logs are manufactured in standard sizes at the factory, the assembly is of high quality and without overlays.

Just like how to build a wooden house, photos and instructions on this subject can be found on many thematic sites.

And you can also fulfill the dream of your child, and maybe your long-standing childhood desire and equip a tree house.

magic house

For such a construction, you will need a tree with a thick trunk and powerful roots, optimally - oak.

The building should not be located high for safety reasons - one and a half meters, no more. To work, you will need the most simple tools and bolts.

Are you intrigued? If you want to learn how to build a tree house, photos of such houses will give a boost to your imagination and will certainly inspire you to build.

How to build a wooden frame

A log as a building material has been used for a very long time, and does not lose its popularity to this day. In addition to environmental friendliness, log houses attract with their appearance and relatively low cost. In this article, we will analyze in stages how to build a log house yourself.

Many companies are engaged in the construction of turnkey wooden houses today. They are also engaged in the preparation and production of logs. The price of a turnkey house depends not only on the size of the house, but also on the diameter of the logs used and the method of their production.

Building a house from a log with your own hands will be much cheaper than ordering turnkey construction. The cost of building materials is comparable to the cost of work. That is, the price of a finished house ordered from a turnkey company is twice the cost of building materials.

Types of logs

Logs are made from softwood, mainly spruce, pine or larch.

According to the method of production (harvesting), a log can be:

- debarked

- scraped

- planed

- rounded

The debarked log is one of the commonly used materials for building houses. Not significant processing helps the tree to keep all its protective properties, which significantly increases its service life. At the price of a house made of debarked logs, they are not expensive, but require additional finishing.

From a barked log, by removing the underbark (bast) with the help of scraping and polishing, a very durable scraped log is obtained. In the process of processing, the logs are adjusted to each other, all irregularities, knots and other flaws are removed. The price of a house made from such a log will already be higher than from a debarked one, since additional processing requires a lot of time. A log house made of a scraped log does not require additional finishing work, but on the contrary, due to the uniqueness of each log, it looks very worthy.

The name itself - "planed log" speaks of the technology of its production. With the help of an electric planer, a small upper part is removed from the logs, and all irregularities are eliminated. Thus, fairly even logs are obtained. Just like with a chipped log, planed logs fit together. Houses made of planed logs are very warm, durable and do not require additional finishing work. The price of such turnkey houses is much higher than that of the above options.

The rounded log is obtained as a result of processing the log on a rounding machine. Due to this, perfectly even logs are obtained along the entire length, which do not require adjustment. As a result of processing, the protective layer is removed from the tree, which can subsequently lead to cracking of the log and rapid damage to the log house (rotting). Houses from such a log are assembled quite quickly, they look beautiful without additional decoration. The price of turnkey log houses is not high, but it is quite difficult to get a high-quality log house from such material.

Project selection

After determining the material from which the house will be built, you can begin to select its project. You can design a small house yourself or find a free project on the Internet. But you should not experiment with the project of a two-story large house. It is better to purchase it in the appropriate organization, which, most likely, will help with obtaining a permit for its construction.

When independently designing a future home, it is necessary to take into account the maximum possible length of logs, which is 6 meters. The height of the future house is calculated based on the diameter of the logs, which is different for everyone, with the exception of the use of galvanized logs.

Foundation for a log house

The foundation for a house made of solid logs must withstand heavy loads. The most suitable is a tape shallowly buried foundation. The price of this type of turnkey foundation in construction companies is quite high, therefore, it is also better to perform this stage of construction on your own.

Before erecting a foundation for a log house, it is necessary to mark the site. To do this, pegs are driven into the corners of the future house, and a string is stretched between them, indicating its contours. Next, a trench is dug with a depth of 60-70 cm and a width equal to the width of the foundation, and it depends on the diameter chosen for the construction of the log. It is desirable that the foundation would protrude beyond the wall by 5 cm from the outside, and by 10 cm from the inside. The internal protrusion is necessary for a more stable and high-quality fit of the floor logs.

A layer of sand (sand cushion) is poured at the bottom of the trench, which is well compacted.

The next step is the assembly and installation of the formwork. It is made from boards or plywood, by assembling shields. The shields are installed on top of the trench opposite each other and are well fastened together.

Reinforcement is placed inside the formwork, which is connected to each other into one single frame. For the foundation for a log house, reinforcement of at least 12 diameters is used, in several rows.

After the formwork and reinforcing frame are installed, concrete can be poured. When buying concrete at the manufacturer, it is necessary to order concrete grade M250. With self-pouring, the proportions are as follows: 1 cement (400): 3 sand: 4.5-5 crushed stone.

Important! In the foundation, it is necessary to provide holes for ventilation of the subfloor. The height of the foundation from the ground should be less than 50 cm.

wall technology

Before laying the first crown of the log house, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation by laying waterproofing material on it (roofing material, hydrostekloizol).

For the first crown, choose the largest log in diameter and the most resinous.

You can also use larch logs, but its price is quite high. To give greater stability to the log, part of it is removed, making a flat area. Treated with an antiseptic solution and laid on the foundation.

For a high-quality fit to each other, a longitudinal groove is selected in the logs. When ordering a finished log house made of logs, this groove is already made at the factory. In all other cases, the groove is made manually.

Video. How to make a longitudinal groove manually:

Logs are stacked groove down on top of each other. For a tight and warm connection, moss or tow is laid between the logs. The logs are connected to each other with the help of wooden dowels, which are inserted vertically into pre-drilled holes.

Corner connection can have several options: with and without a remainder.

When connecting logs with the rest, there will be an overrun of the material, since part of the log protrudes beyond the walls of the house. This method will increase the cost of construction.

The corner joint of the logs must be warm. It can be obtained by joining into a paw (when joining without a remainder) and by joining into a bowl (when joining with a remainder).

If the diameter of the logs is large enough, then, most likely, in order to build a house from a log, you will have to resort to the help of equipment: a crane or a manipulator.

It is easier to build a house from a rounded log than from a regular one. The log is even, all the necessary grooves and corner joints have already been made in production, all that remains is to assemble the designer.

Roof construction technology

After assembling the box at home, it must be protected from the effects of precipitation. To do this, you must immediately build a roof over it.

This will require boards 150 * 50 mm, from which the truss system is constructed. A roof slope of 30 degrees is optimal. The rafters are installed at a distance of 60-100 mm from each other and are attached to the wall in the lower part with long nails or metal corners, and in the upper part to the ridge beam. Roofing waterproofing is laid on top of the rafters, a counter rail is nailed to ensure a ventilated gap, and a wooden crate is equipped.

Roofing material is laid on the crate. In the case of flexible bituminous tiles, a solid plywood base is made. The price of a soft roof is higher than a metal one, but in certain cases (complex hip roofs), its use will be preferable and more expedient.

A log house with an arranged roof will have a beautiful finished look.

Important nuances

After the construction of the box of the house and the roof, the log house must be settled for at least one year. After its shrinkage, you can proceed to the finishing (pigtail) of window and door openings.

As described above, houses made of logs or planed logs do not require additional finishing, but protection of wood from moisture and insects is required. For this, wooden houses should be periodically treated with special solutions and paints. The quality of wood processing will determine how long a log house will last.

To reduce the heat loss of a log house, it must be well caulked.

To build a turnkey log house with your own hands, you need to purchase a suitable project, high-quality and affordable material and follow the technology at all stages of construction.

By choosing or drawing a specific project, and calculating how much building material is needed and how much money is needed to build this particular house, you will understand how much the price of the proposed finished houses in construction companies differs from the cost of building a house with your own hands.

Video. Construction of a house from a log.

19.04.2016 by
Categories: house

From time immemorial, our ancestors built houses from wood, using sanded logs for this. The need to use natural environmentally friendly materials for the construction of your own home is fully justified. Therefore, the latest methods of wood processing, helping to create rounded logs, immediately gained popularity, and the number of country houses built from this material is growing from year to year.

Our company uses the most modern wood processing technology, and the control system operating in the production rejects logs with wood defects. Therefore, the rounded logs produced by us fully comply with the regulations of GOST 8486 of 1986. As a result, an almost perfect wood cylinder with a smooth surface and design parameters is delivered to the construction site.

Construction of houses from logs

We divide the process of building a house from rounded logs into five successive stages, performed after familiarization with the results of engineering and geological studies carried out at the construction site: 1. development of a house project or selection of a standard project from our catalog; 2. foundation arrangement; 3. felling; 4. roofing works; 5. finishing works (if the customer wishes).

The choice of foundation design

The most important part of the house is its foundation. For log houses, the most economical and least labor-intensive is one of the strip foundation options: shallow; recessed (reinforced). The choice of the correct foundation design is carried out after analyzing the results of topographic surveys and geological surveys, taking into account the weather conditions in the region where the construction of the house is planned. The high quality of the foundations we produce is explained not only by the professionalism of its creators, but also by the refusal to perform the subsequent stages of work until the concrete reaches the standard strength.

felling technology

Houses made of logs are being built according to the technological maps developed as part of the project. The logs are delivered to the construction site marked, which makes it possible to exclude their manual adjustment from the assembly process, thereby reducing the construction time. During the assembly process, the created crowns are fastened using wooden dowels at the minimum acceptable distance. This technology eliminates the risk of wall distortion and guarantees the geometric stability of the structure being created. We use jute tape to seal the interventional space. This choice is explained by the high content of lignin in jute, which protects its fibers from decay.


Roofing work in the construction of a log house is somewhat different from the technology used in the construction of buildings whose walls are made of other building materials. When covering a log house with a roof, it is impossible to connect rafters, girders and gables into a single rigid structure. In the process of natural shrinkage of the walls, the upper part of the roof will lower along with the ridge, reducing the angle between the mauerlat and the rafters. This will lead to a change in the geometry of the roof, which is fraught with a break in the crossbar or the appearance of cracks. Therefore, the truss system we create receives sliding connections to the pomauerlat and is completely independent of the gables. As a roof covering, we recommend to our customers the use of soft roofing tiles or metal tiles. These materials are characterized by relatively low weight, which reduces the load on the walls of the house and the foundation.

Some Conclusions

The use of rounded logs allows you to create a stable structure of the frame of the house. Hermetic corner and intervention joints, created in full compliance with the requirements of GOST 30974 of 2002, contribute to giving the walls an increased insulating capacity and help reduce heating costs during the operation of such a house. The surface of the walls is extremely smooth and in most cases does not need additional finishing.

Asking the question in what kind of house one would like to live, for some reason, a tower from children's fairy tales comes to mind. Why not? A wooden house has a wonderful internal climate: it is warm in winter and cool in summer, always dry, even in very humid areas, the wonderful rich aroma of wood creates not only comfort, but also a wonderful atmosphere for life and creativity. In search of the ideal housing, you inevitably come to the realization that no one has come up with anything better than log houses. They are beautiful, practical, do not require finishing, perfectly retain heat and are absolutely environmentally friendly, if not even healing. The construction of a log house is a very responsible and time-consuming business, although our ancestors overwhelmingly built such houses on their own, everyone knew the technology that was passed down from generation to generation, but today the thread of knowledge has been interrupted. There were very few good architects left, but industrial methods of building wooden houses appeared. Of course, you can choose turnkey log houses, but within the framework of this article, we will consider options for how you can build a log house with your own hands.

Rounded or planed (chopped) log - which is better?

In total, two types of buildings are called log houses: the first is from chopped logs, i.e. planed by hand, it is also called a "wild log house", the second - from a log rounded on a special machine. Let's see which option is better.

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, all log houses were exclusively "wild log". What does this mean? Everybody logs were processed by hand, from a freshly sawn tree, the top layer, the bark, was carefully removed, while trying to keep the bast layer intact, which protects the deeper layers of wood from moisture from outside. This provided amazing resistance to fungus and mold. It is obvious that the sawn log tapers from the lower end, which is closer to the root, to the upper end, which is closest to the top. Even after processing, this difference in diameter remains, the closer to the top, the thinner the log. A sufficiently tall tree can be sawn into 3 logs: the thickest, the end of which is located near the rhizome, is called a butt, the middle one is a friend, and the top one is a third or top. For construction, it was always the butt that was used, as the most durable, thickest and with a smaller change in diameter. To compensate for the difference in thickness, during the construction of the log house, the butt and the top always alternated. In one crown - the butt "looks" in one direction, and in the next - in the opposite direction. The selection of hand-cut logs is not an easy task, because it is necessary to create an even, solid structure from logs of various diameters.

To this day, the technology for building log houses has come down almost unchanged. Everyone also builds houses from different-sized logs, trying to fit them as perfectly as possible. Moreover, such houses are considered elite housing, and services for their construction are much more expensive than houses made of timber or even logs. This is dictated by the complexity, duration and laboriousness of the work. After the erection of a log house from a chopped log, it must necessarily stand for at least 1 - 1.5 years, during which time the wood will shrink by about 5 - 7%. Only after that you can finish the house: insert doors, windows, carry out communications, etc. In general, in addition to the colossal work of preparing and individually fitting the logs, a lot of waiting time will be required.

Thanks to modern technology, all the inconveniences of using planed logs can be avoided. On special machines in industrial conditions, logs are processed to a perfectly cylindrical shape, and a groove is cut out in them for further fastening into crowns. All dimensions are adjusted to the millimeter. This greatly facilitates the work during the construction of the log house, they simply resemble the assembly of the designer according to the instructions and the drawing.

A very light and convenient material for construction, but it has lost all the advantages of a planed log in production. The fact is that during the production process, not only the bark is removed from the log, but also all the upper layers, including sapwood, only mature and sound wood remains, which is not protected from external factors. Therefore, when used, a rounded log is treated with special antiseptics and other antifungal and antiseptic impregnations, as well as means that prevent insect damage. The result is: comfortable, beautiful, very smooth and less durable and environmentally friendly. In addition, the maximum diameter of such a log is less than 300 mm, while a chopped log can be of any diameter.

For ready-made log houses, the price depends on what kind of log was used: chopped or rounded. Log houses are more expensive. And although many say that they look less aesthetically pleasing, in reality they are not: from a hand-cut log, you can create a masterpiece according to your personal individual order, which will not look like any other house in the world. At the same time, the walls look primitive and unusual. It is much easier to build a house from rounded logs, especially on your own, since the human factor is almost completely eliminated.

Log houses: projects, technologies, cost

Any construction begins with the creation of a project, and the construction of a log house is no exception. You can take a ready-made project, or you can make an individual one by ordering it in a special bureau. You should not first pour the foundation, and then think about what kind of house you would like to build, because it will be quite difficult to fit it to the dimensions of the finished foundation.

The cost of a log house depends on its number of storeys, material and design complexity. Houses may have one floor, or two or three. The walls can adjoin each other at almost any angle, since a bowl of any shape can be cut into logs. Those. a wall in the form of a polygon for a log house is quite normal.

To date, log houses are built in two ways: logs are prepared directly on the construction site from chopped wood or a house is assembled according to a drawing from rounded logs pre-made and fitted at the factory.

In the first case, the forest is always of natural humidity, i.e. after the erection of the frame, they caulk and leave for a year and a half to shrink, and only then continue work. Installation of windows and doors is carried out according to two technologies: the first is to immediately cut the logs to the required length, leaving room for a window or doorway, the second is based on first letting the wood dry evenly, shrink, and only then, on the next year, cut openings. The second option is preferable, as it ensures the strength and durability of the log house, due to uniform shrinkage. But it's a waste of time. And the first option is faster, therefore it is used more often, albeit to the detriment of the log house itself.

The rounded logs are on sale as natural humidity, and dried up on production. The designer always assumes that all logs already have the final length, it remains only to assemble it. Companies involved in the construction of houses from logs rarely agree to build from raw logs, almost always the fitting and complete assembly of the house is carried out at the factory, then the log house is marked, disassembled and transported to the site, where it is assembled again.

How much a log house costs depends not only on the type of log, but also on its diameter, as well as on the related work that the customer asks to perform. For example, the erection of only a log house from rounded logs will cost approximately 280 - 350 USD. per 1 m2, from chopped logs - at 350 - 450 c.u. for 1 m2. If you order foundation construction, communications, home decoration, in general, everything, then count on 1000 USD from a construction company. for 1 m2.

How to choose the right wood for your log home

Most often, the construction of log houses is carried out from coniferous wood: pine, spruce, larch, cedar, but you can also use aspen, oak, ash and other hardwoods. Pine and spruce is the most affordable material, so it prevails. It is imperative to purchase logs cut down in winter, such wood has ideal moisture resistance indicators.

If there is an opportunity to choose, it is better to opt for northern coniferous wood, it is more resistant to negative influences. A good option is pine from the Baltic coast and Canadian spruce. But the wood harvested in the middle lane is also not bad if all the conditions of storage, drying and transportation are met.

Important! When choosing wood, please note that wood grown in different climatic zones will have completely different characteristics and density levels, despite the same processing conditions.

It is better to buy wood from a proven and reliable harvester. The strength of the whole house depends on this. Wrong with wood - money down the drain. The diameter of the logs is selected depending on the design of the house and the severity of the winter cold. For example, if the temperature in winter does not fall below -20 ° C, 200 mm logs are enough, if up to -30 ° C, then 220 mm logs, and if up to -40 ° C, then 240 - 260 mm. Of course, these calculations are purely advisory in nature. You can safely choose logs of greater thickness, up to 500 - 600 mm in diameter, or use 250 mm logs in a fairly warm climate, the tree compensates for temperature changes.

When you come to a sawmill or a wood storage base, pay attention to the following features:

  • The surface of the logs should be yellow or dark yellow.
  • The cut should be tight and even, without blue spots.
  • The core should occupy ¾ of the cut and have an even dark shade.
  • Resin pockets should be absent.
  • It is better if there are no branches. But even if they are, they should sit without gaps. If you observe such a picture, then the core is rotten.
  • When the ax hits the end of the log, there should be a ringing sound.
  • The maximum depth of an allowable crack in a log should be 1/3 of the cut.
  • Logs should not be twisted; in the construction of a house, they can only be used for floorboards and rafters, after dissolving them into bars.

Feel free to reject logs with the above disadvantages. If you buy a project house made of rounded logs, be sure to include in the contract a clause obliging you to replace the substandard log at the expense of the company at the first request of the customer. Pay attention to the conditions under which the forest was stored, whether all the requirements were met, or maybe after a couple of months mold will appear on the logs.

Do-it-yourself log house

The easiest option for self-construction is a house made of logs. We will consider it further, since a log house will still require not only the ability to hold a tool in your hands, but also a decent experience in working with wood.

First of all, we order a project or a house according to an already finished project in a special company. After we have discussed all the issues, the factory produces a complete set of logs for our house, as well as floor beams, logs and rafters. In the same place, the house is assembled for the first time to make sure that all the logs are sawn correctly. Then the house is dismantled.

Our participation begins with an inspection of the wood kit. Then we have to prepare a place on the building plot for storing wood by equipping it with a canopy so that the tree does not get wet in the rain.

Log house foundation

Before building a log house, it is necessary to equip the foundation on which it will stand. Since a wooden house is a relatively light structure, the foundation can be made shallow. Most often, a pile-strip foundation is used, pile, slab, and less often buried tape.

Consider a pile-strip foundation.

  • We mark the site, then remove the top fertile layer and set it aside for landscape needs.
  • For the width of the strip foundation, we excavate the soil to a depth of 30 cm.
  • Along the perimeter of the building, with a step of about 2 m, we drill wells with a diameter of up to 180 mm, to the depth of soil freezing, i.e. 150 cm.
  • We fill the wells with a layer of sand and gravel.
  • We weld the frame from the reinforcement and lower it into the well.
  • We fill the well with concrete, then we ram it with a vibrator.
  • We install a wooden formwork for the strip foundation. It should protrude at least 50-60 cm above the ground level.
  • We weld the frame for the strip foundation and connect it with the reinforcement sticking out of the wells.
  • We fill the strip foundation with concrete, compact it and wait until it hardens.

After the foundation has completely dried, you can proceed to its waterproofing. This is especially important, since our house is wooden. We lay roofing material on the foundation in 3-4 layers and additionally coat it with mastic.

Construction of a log house from logs: building walls

Please note that this is extremely important, the first crown - a mortgage - cannot be installed directly on the foundation. Although you can meet such a performance, but know that it threatens that the mortgage crown will quickly become unusable.

So, for starters, we lay the so-called "lining" board made of linden on the foundation. It can be a beam with a thickness of about 50 - 100 mm, and a width of at least 150 mm. Then we begin to collect the log house:

Important! At the bottom of the mortgage crown, an end face with a width of at least 150 mm must be cut off from below. This is necessary so that the house is firmly supported on the plane of the end. If suddenly you notice that the logs of the mortgage crown have the same groove as all the others, contact the manufacturer and demand a replacement.

  • The first two logs of the mortgage crown are laid on opposite foundation walls parallel to each other, on a backing board. We carefully check their even location.

Important! All logs in the kit already have a groove for longitudinal connection made at the factory and a locking corner connection. Most often, this is a lunar groove and a “bowl” connection.

  • On the logs, which we will lay on the remaining two sides, we lay the insulation. We fill the entire groove and recess of the bowl with material for caulking. It can be moss, tow, hemp or jute. Most often, for caulking rounded logs, jute or linen tape insulation is used with a width corresponding to the width of the groove in the log. We spread the insulation so that at the edges it hangs 5-6 cm on each side. Fasten with a construction stapler.

Important! The recess must be completely filled with insulation. When the jute tape is spread, it covers the entire longitudinal groove, but in the bowl it passes only in the middle. Therefore, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bowl, it is necessary to insulate with two segments.

  • We install two logs on the transverse sides of the foundation, resting them on the mortgage crown. The bowls should fit neatly. We check that there is a required angle between the logs, for example, 90 °. We control the level of their horizontalness. The insulation should hang from the log.

  • We install all other crowns according to the same scheme, assembling as a designer.
  • For greater strength, some technologies involve fastening the crowns together not only with the help of grooves and bowls, but also with dowels. These are wooden slats made of denser wood. A hole is drilled in the logs to a depth of more than one log and a dowel is inserted into the hole.

  • The last two crowns are not fixed. This is necessary for proper shrinkage.

Important! All logs must be treated with antiseptics, otherwise they will rot in the first winter.

Do not forget to constantly check the correct installation. The horizontality of the logs and the strict verticality of the log house are obligatory. Holes for window and door frames are provided in the set of houses made of logs. We carefully stack short logs and carefully fix them.

Mounting the roof of a log house

Log walls cannot be left without a roof, so immediately after the walls are erected, we cover the log house. Rafters and beams of overlapping are included in the package. The rafters can be installed immediately on the logs of the upper crown, or you can first lay the Mauerlat (beam for the rafters).

If the project provides for a veranda, then we insert special shrinkage compensators, because horizontally laid logs will dry out and shrink, while vertical ones will not. To prevent the house from warping, all vertical logs must be equipped with compensators.

We connect ridge logs with metal studs. We install the rafters in increments of 600 mm. We use for this timber 50x200 mm. We attach the rafters to the last crown on sliding supports. We lay a waterproofing film on top of the rafters. Then we fix the crate, the step of which depends on the selected roofing material. Lastly, we lay the roofing material.

After the walls of the log house are ready and the roof is mounted, all the insulation that sticks out of the logs should be carefully caulked. To do this, with the help of a caulk (tool), we wrap these 5-6 cm of insulation down, pushing the gap between the crowns inside. Then we make a pushing movement at the top of the gap and in the middle.

In this state: with the roof and walls caulked for the first time, we leave the house for a year to shrink.

A year later, we repeat the caulk, closing up all the newly formed cracks and gaps with tow, hemp or jute.

Important! Sometimes it is advised to make another caulk after the house has been operated for a whole year with the heating turned on in winter.

Installation of doors, windows, installation of ceilings and floors

All windows, doors and partitions are installed only after the maximum shrinkage of the log house, i.e. one year after construction.

Neither doors nor windows are placed directly into openings. To begin with, wooden casing boxes with compensatory fastening and already in them windows and doors. This precaution is due to the fact that wood is a plastic material. It expands from moisture and shrinks from its lack, moreover, the shrinkage of a wooden house lasts 5-6 years. And although a rounded log is less prone to shrinkage, still casing is necessary.

The floor logs of the first floor cut into the mortgage crown or into the next one. They must be firmly attached. Since the mortgage crown must be well ventilated so as not to rot longer, it is recommended to mount the floor on the logs with the crown higher.

At this stage, it is already possible to mount the heating system and other communications, install internal doors, slopes, skirting boards, plumbing and other finishes.

On this log house is ready, you can move in. In conclusion, I would like to note that logs of insufficient length can be joined, but it is important to make a connecting groove, and there should not be many such joints in one wall. In the foundation, ventilation should be provided for free ventilation of the underground. And do not forget, you can’t leave the log house uncovered with a roof or at least with a film, and also don’t treat it with an antiseptic. A rounded log can deteriorate even in one season.

Often, people who live in an area with round timber available for sale, the idea arises to build a house on their own: all the more so since almost all peasants owned this wisdom until recently, without knowing a single letter, without owning construction technology. Building a log house with your own hands is not a great science, but it still requires a deep understanding of the process and the ability to adapt old carpentry technologies to new conditions.

Materials and tools for building a log house

We are in a hurry to dissuade people who want to put up a log house, using modern power tools to save time. Unfortunately, the use of chainsaws and electric planes is not recommended, they can only be used for heavy work. Wood treated with power tools is more susceptible to mold and decay processes. For the construction of log cabins, a special carpentry set is used.
For work, in addition to axes, you will need a standard planer (as well as a sherhebel planer for finishing work) and a scraper (for removing bark), there is also a number of additional carpentry tools for cutting into a cup. To excavate the longitudinal groove, an adze is used - an ax with a rounded blade and an inverted ax handle. When processing wood with a hand tool, wood pores are naturally clogged, as a result, a hand-cut house will last much longer.

Carpenter's ax and its features: where to order and how to make

A round timber house is chopped with several types of axes, professional cutters order axes for cutting houses to order from high-quality hardened steel. In the simplest version, we recommend stocking up with an ax for rough cutting, which without the weight of the ax handle should carry about 1.6 kg, have a sharpening angle of 25 degrees, for convenience, use the length of the ax handle is 60 cm. And the second ax is used for fine cutting with higher accuracy, such the model will have a sharpening angle of 20 degrees, a mass of 0.9 kg and an ax handle up to 50 cm long.

Many artels in their work use a restoration and carpentry ax, which was restored and made on the basis of old samples by A.V. Popov. There are many modifications of it, which are made by Popov himself. Approximately 90% of carpentry felling can be done with this tool. Popov's ax has a wedge-shaped shape, in fact, this ax is a half-cleaver, since its tasks include not only cutting, but also removing chips during operation. This requirement is achieved with a special tool shape.

High-quality axes for cutting log cabins are produced by a number of Russian forges. One of the most curious is "ToporSib". In this artel, you can purchase all the necessary tools for felling a log house in the form of ready-made sets.

Selection and preparation of logs for the construction of a log house

For the construction of a log house, a round timber is required. The thickness of the frame is selected based on the availability of materials. Usually, a house made of round timber is cut with your own hands from affordable and inexpensive materials. In Russian conditions, we are talking about pine round timber. There are 4 grades of round timber available for sale, experts recommend the 2nd grade:

  • Grade 1: butt part, without knots, used for high-quality woodwork;
  • Grade 2: assortment from the middle and butt of a pine trunk, there is a small number of knots and cracks;
  • Grade 3: round timber with a large number of knots;
  • Grade 4: wood with any flaws, except for rot.

Pine for the construction of a log house is chosen for budget reasons, in addition, this wood is soft and pliable in processing, has a small number of knots, does not require additional processing, the trunk run-off (difference in diameter) usually does not exceed 1 cm. Pine does not crack as much as spruce in processing, but has softness, so for the lower logs, which are closer to the ground, larch or oak is recommended. In this case, the salary crown can be made of pine, but its diameter should be 5-7 cm larger than the main log. In some cases, a high foundation can save from ground moisture.
Only fresh wood is used for felling a log house, ideally a log cabin is cut in the forest, where you can pick up material, and then transported to the installation site. Fresh material should be stored for no more than 2 weeks, for storage on the construction site, the round is stacked. For the northern regions with temperatures reaching -40C in winter, logs with a diameter of 21-24 cm are used, for the middle lane 15-18 cm is enough.


When building a house, it is better to start with small forms of buildings, for example, build a gazebo or a log cabin with a rest room and a bedroom. You can live in such a house before the construction of the main house, and then use it as a guest house. Usually a forest of maximum length is ordered, while it is possible to make accurate calculations based on the presence of windows, doors, partitions and select logs at the sawmill according to the required size.
In order to successfully and quickly build a house for yourself, it is better to hire an artel that is engaged in wooden construction, at least for the summer. This will help you understand the main points of manual felling of log cabins.

Foundation works: in the old days and now

The foundation for a wooden frame is made using tape technology or stone. The higher the foundation, the better the wood will be protected from ground moisture. A house made of round timber can be installed on a columnar and pile foundation. In the old days, the first rows of logs, the so-called uterine crown, were installed on stone shafts, they were called ryazhe. Such a decision made it possible to raise the house above the ground and firmly fix it.

We cut a log house with our own hands

Before starting work, prepare additional devices. First of all, the substrates for holding the logs, the fixation of the round timber is provided by cut wedges. Next, you need to prepare logs in size:

  • when cutting a log house “in the paw”, the logs are prepared according to the design dimensions of the house;
  • when cutting "into a bowl" 60 cm more.

Next, with the help of a scraper, the bark is removed from the trees, the log can be brought to a smooth state with a planer, but since the top layer of wood will be removed, the log must be treated with an antiseptic solution or tar oil.

At the next stage, the cutting of the obkladny crown is carried out with the help of log trimming. On the one hand, you should get a perfectly flat surface that will be in contact with the foundation. Next, a harness is constructed, it is done without much difficulty by cutting it into a bowl with your own hands, other technologies require skill.
Here is how to make a log house with your own hands video:

The algorithm for cutting a longitudinal groove can be different; professional craftsmen make it manually. A small graphic instruction will help beginners.

Logging can be carried out in a bowl, as well as using a number of other methods, which are illustrated in the figure.

Please note that there are Russian and Canadian felling technologies. The Canadian way of felling log cabins is better designed for log shrinkage and guarantees better thermal insulation.


Cutting a log house with your own hands is a very real goal, as a result of which you will become the owner of a beautiful and warm home. Building a wooden house will cost you relatively inexpensively, as labor-intensive processes will be carried out independently. The house will delight with its appearance, as well as create a healthy atmosphere inside due to the aroma of pine resins. The key advantage of this construction technology is the fact that you can cut down a wooden house at any time of the year. When using high-quality old wood, such a house will last at least 100 years.