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» Prices for autonomous gasification with a vertical gas tank. Vertical gas tank: overview of models and turnkey installation features Options for underground placement

Prices for autonomous gasification with a vertical gas tank. Vertical gas tank: overview of models and turnkey installation features Options for underground placement

Unlike conventional gas holders, such as AvtonomGaz gas holders, vertical gas holders have a vertical orientation - their height is greater than their length. A good example a vertical gas holder can be produced by the Italian company Antonio Merloni.

The dimensions force vertical gas tanks to be buried deeper than horizontal ones. The bottom of a vertical gas tank can be located at a depth of four meters underground. Companies that sell these tanks consider this quality an important advantage.

Why is the depth at which the gas tank is located important? In winter, it is colder near the surface than deep underground. Technical standards adopted in Russia require burying household gas tanks to such a depth where even in severe frost the temperature does not drop below zero. This is necessary in order to prevent condensation of the liquefied gas.

Gas holder plate Antonio Merloni

Such requirements in equally apply to both horizontal and vertical gas holders. However, vertical gas tanks sink deeper than horizontal ones. This gives their suppliers a reason to claim that vertical tanks withstand frost better than horizontal ones.

Indeed, European manufacturers vertical tanks promise uninterrupted operation of its products at temperatures down to -40°C. However, can their promises be trusted? If we are talking about Russia, the answer will be a resounding “no.”

Vertical gas tanks can withstand this temperature only when using special fuel, which is not available in Russia.

Sellers of vertical gas tanks never mention this important detail. If in Europe for autonomous heating While pure propane is used in houses, in Russia houses are heated with the same gas mixture that fuels cars. In addition to propane, it contains a significant amount of butane.

The problem stems from the fact that propane and butane have different partial pressures. In a vertical gas holder, this leads to the fact that the components of the gas mixture evaporate in turn: first only propane, and then only butane. Since pure butane requires different boiler adjustments, once the propane evaporates, the boiler will likely shut down.

Horizontal gas tanks, such as the AvtonomGaz gas tank, do not have this disadvantage. The fact is that a horizontal tank has an average gas evaporation surface area that is approximately three times larger than a vertical tank of the same volume. Big square accelerates the evaporation of butane and prevents the supply of pure butane.

European vertical gas tanks are not designed for the cold winters of the Moscow region, nor for the specific composition of the fuel available in our latitudes.

A good alternative is AvtonomGaz gas tanks. They are designed taking into account all the features of operation in Russia, starting with the cold climate and ending with typical problems during transportation and installation. .

Country life every year it becomes more and more popular and about buying, if not a cottage, then at least summer cottage, probably dreamed of at least once in every family. Modern technologies, allowing the use of gas where there is no main gas pipeline - make the dream even more accessible.
The topic is no less attractive for today’s owners country houses– it’s no secret that even around large cities and regional centers, private sector, often, does not have a gas pipeline within easy reach. In this case, the idea of ​​storing and further using large volumes of liquefied gas comes to the rescue.

While use is clear, storage raises a number of questions and concerns. And it’s completely in vain - large storage containers gaseous substances(methane, propane, butane and their mixtures) - gas holders, which will be discussed further, are many times safer than old gas pipeline pipes and gas cylinders familiar to everyone. But let’s take a closer look at what a gas tank is and whether it is safe.


To put it quite simply, the gas tank is the same one known to everyone gas cylinder, only with a larger capacity and installed for several decades. The design is as follows - a container made of steel sheets with a thickness of at least 6 mm, painted in several layers of paint with the addition of epoxy resin to increase tightness and strength. The filler neck is located at the top of the tank. The higher it is, the higher the protection of the gas tank from precipitation and freezing. What does the shut-off valve consist of:

  1. safety valve;
  2. level gauge (gas fill indicator);
  3. condensate drain valve;
  4. filling valve;
  5. pressure gauge;
  6. two-stage reducer (allows you to regulate the working pressure).

Is it possible for several neighbors to connect to one tank? Of course, if its volume is sufficient to support all buildings. But in in this case It will be quite problematic to share the costs of refueling.

Of course, the easiest way to install a gas tank is during the construction of a house or at least during the installation of technical communications. Then you will be able to immediately not only comply with all installation rules, but also purchase all components of the system with the required characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of installing a gas holder are obvious - the presence of autonomous gas, independent of the main gas line, the versatility of the fuel - like electricity, gas can provide 100% of the needs of country housing - it can be used for the stove in the kitchen, and for heating water and for heating. big house through electricity or a diesel fuel boiler - extremely unprofitable.

The advantage of having a gas tank in comparison with main gas is also known to everyone who has used the latter for a long time - stable pressure in the pipe, no interruptions or shutdowns. It is no secret that the main gas supply systems are not properly maintained, the total length of the pipes is thousands of kilometers, the equipment is often so outdated that not even a week passes from breakdown to breakdown.

The sad experience of many owners of country houses heated using the main line has shown that at least a couple of times a season they will have to put up with a gas cutoff. And if someone is not in the house all the time, then there is a risk of freezing the system and ending up with a large sum of money to replace it. Gas holder for a summer residence ( country house) will ensure stable autonomous gas supply to your heating system even in your absence.

The main disadvantage is the rather impressive initial costs and the need to comply with safety requirements when placing a container for storing sludge on the site. For example, the distance to residential premises should be at least 10 meters, to high-voltage poles - 15 meters. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of gas supply (access roads for the gas carrier) and plan periodic maintenance of the equipment.

Types of designs

Reservoirs for autonomous gasification are primarily divided into two groups - underground and. The former exist in several modifications: European standard, with high pipes, with a high neck. In the harsh climate of Russian conditions It is preferable to use an underground gas tank.

What you need to know before buying a gas tank - features and selection criteria

Of course, first of all you need to know the amount of gas that you will consume during the year. The continuity of gas supply and its frequency depend on the correctly selected volume of the tank. Experts recommend making calculations and developing a gas supply project at the stage of building a house.

When choosing the tank volume, you need to pay attention to important point. The gas tank is never filled to the brim; its useful volume is usually no more than 85%.

Private residential buildings ( country cottages, dachas) it is enough to equip with tanks with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. On average, the size of gas tanks for private use varies from 2.7 to 10 cubic meters.

The choice of a sufficient tank size is influenced not only by the area of ​​​​all heated rooms. But also, importantly, the level of insulation of the building, the minimum and average annual temperature in the region. And also the power of the installed heating equipment and the presence of panoramic windows.

The frequency directly depends on its volume. However, if the house is planned for permanent residence– the storage unit will have to be refilled at least twice a year. This is due to the fact that summer gas has a different proportion of butane and propane from winter gas. And in order to stay warm in winter, you need to use the gas composition intended for this season.

One of the main problems associated with the maintenance of country houses - a cottage, a dacha - is the need to solve such a seemingly simple question at first glance: “How, with what resources can we ensure the process of cooking, heating the house and outbuildings in autumn-winter period to feel comfortable in your home?

"Old-fashioned methods" - using firewood for stove heating, coal or fuel oil have practically become obsolete. Electricity has become expensive. Now there is an opportunity to take advantage of such a less expensive and more accessible energy resource as gas.

In case the construction or acquisition Vacation home is located away from centralized gas networks, you can use the system. Its main element is.

It is a cylindrical or spherical tank in which liquefied gas (compressed hydrocarbon gas (LPG) - most often a propane-butane mixture) is stored, equipped with special shut-off and measuring equipment.

Complete installation of equipment

Today, many companies, when buyers of a vertical gas tank contact them, offer to install it on a turnkey basis.

This means that in addition to the actual delivery of the gas tank, the supplier company offers a whole range of additional services, including the following items specified in the Agreement:

  • A company engineer comes to inspect and take measurements of the site;
  • a gas container, filling equipment and elements related to the safety system for using this equipment are delivered;
  • earthworks are carried out - a foundation pit is dug, a concrete or sand base is installed;
  • install a gas pipeline (also underground) from the gas tank to the house;
  • a pressure regulator and other measuring instruments are installed;
  • fastening and installation of the entire system is carried out;
  • A warranty service contract is drawn up (at the client’s request).

Thus, taking into account the above, it should be noted that the acquisition of a horizontal or vertical gas holder and its use is a rather serious step towards comfortable conditions life in a private house. Therefore, before purchasing it, it is recommended:

  • study consumer reviews on the Internet;
  • seek advice from specialists who will advise based on the characteristics of your home (number square meters, degree of insulation, number of residents, etc.), required volume, model and manufacturer of the gas tank;
  • When choosing a selling company, be guided by whether it has a federal license to provide services for the installation of autonomous gasification systems.

You can read reviews from unit owners on this page:

Watch the video, which shows in detail the stages of installing a vertical gas tank:

(Fig. 32.1 - 10 reasons why you
do not buy a vertical gas holder)

  1. The decisions of the company's Italian engineers seem weak to you "Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.A." ("Antonio Merloni"): in the field of autonomous gasification, compared to other manufacturers.
  2. Have you ever compared the weight of a gas tank with the weight of containers from other manufacturers? Its impressive weight, resulting from the thickness of the tank wall and the quality of the material, which is a clear criterion reliability and long service life does not tell you anything.
  3. You fell for the bait of advertising “Autonomous turnkey gas supply” and the difference in price categories not in favor of vertical gas tanks "Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.A.", and you do not pay attention to global differences in configuration.
    It doesn’t bother you that other manufacturers don’t have:
  • Two-stage reduction.
  • Three-component anode-cathode protection against the effects of stray and inductive underground currents.
  • Protective bag "Marsupio" made of durable electrically conductive polymer.
  • Concrete-alkaline base, not afraid of underground currents, loads and acid-base environment.
  1. It doesn't matter to you at what temperatures in winter time a horizontal gas tank will operate.

(Fig. 32.2 - Antonio Merloni leader
in the field of autonomous gasification)

  1. You do not trust photographs and articles about the cemetery of horizontal gas tanks (). You don't care about the reasons why people get rid of tanks after 10 years and stockpile them, thereby fueling the market for used horizontal gas tanks. You don’t ask yourself the question: “Why is there not a single used vertical gas storage tank on the market?”
  1. You are a persistent person and are not afraid of “pop-up” horizontal gas tanks. You are not afraid of work to eliminate “floating”.
  2. You are not afraid of additional costs for installing evaporators to horizontal gas tanks to evaporate gas at temperatures below -20º.
  3. You completely and completely trust your friends, neighbors and relatives who have installed horizontal tanks and claim that they have no problems with autonomous gas supply.
  4. The minimum payment today is important to you and the service life of the equipment purchased for this money is not important.
  5. You trust more promoted products - equipment with massive advertising, rather than equipment with the best technical characteristics.

These reasons divert our paths different sides, but if you still need a truly reliable and high-quality autonomous gas supply system, come back... and who knows, perhaps you will no longer find yourself on the list of reasons “AGAINST”.

Our company offers its customers installation of two types of vertical tanks:

Cost of a system with a vertical gas tank without a plastic casing

Vertical gas holders have an order of magnitude more advantages than their horizontal counterparts. The main advantage becomes obvious during installation: a container in this design will require much less area Location on.

The second advantage the “evaporation mirror” is considered to be more stable during the cold season. For a vertical gas holder, the lower point is located three meters deeper than for a horizontal one, and there the temperature zone in winter remains around 6 degrees or more.

This determines third advantage, when the consumer can safely connect a sufficiently powerful boiler to a tank with smaller dimensions. In particular, the gas tank vertical design a volume of 2700 liters will ensure the normal functionality of the boiler with a power of up to 40 kW. Its horizontal analogue has a “ceiling” of 20 kW.

Cost of a system with a vertical gas tank in a plastic casing

When choosing gas tanks, many experts recommend paying attention to vertical tanks, which can provide more operating comfort than their horizontal counterparts. Judging by the shape of such a gas tank, it is obvious that a deeper pit for it will be required, but the tank itself will take up almost three times less area on the site. Due to the greater depth, the tank body is less exposed to aggressive environment, making it less susceptible to corrosion, resulting in its service life exceeding 50 years!

Additional protection will be provided by the plastic casing of the gas tank., but this is reflected in the performance of the “evaporation mirror”. The casing material and air gap between the plastic and the metal walls of the container create obstacles to heat exchange, which reduces the volume of evaporation. Taking this nuance into account, we recommend selecting a boiler for a vertical gas tank in a plastic casing according to the same parameters as for a horizontal tank.