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» How does a barrel differ from a barrel? The difference between a jug and a barrel. Preparing a new product

How does a barrel differ from a barrel? The difference between a jug and a barrel. Preparing a new product

An oak jug is the best alternative to an oak barrel.
Do you want to get delicious homemade alcoholic drinks, but don’t want to spend money on an oak barrel yet? - the jug is the best choice.
Everyone knows that it is impossible to produce a high-quality alcoholic drink such as whiskey, Calvados, cognac and many, many others without skipping a very important process - aging.
An oak jar is an ideal solution for storing alcoholic beverages: cognac, wine, moonshine or mead. This product will decorate any interior and can be used both at home and in themed bars or cafes. It is easy to transport such a container, and a convenient stand made of oak provides stability.

The stainless steel from which the hoops are made decorates the product and will remain durable for a long time.
The jug is ideal for aging strong distillates, for purifying them and giving the drink a new, multi-faceted taste and aroma, as well as for obtaining the desired color of the drink. All this is achieved through the use of high-quality oak and internal firing of the product.

The taste of a product aged in a jug is the same as in an oak barrel! The main difference between a jug and a barrel is direct riveting (the planks from which the jug is made do not need to be bent), which significantly reduces the complexity of production and, ultimately, the cost of the jug.

Advantages of an oak jug from Rost Firm:
1. Savings
The jug is cheaper, and the drink obtained after aging is not inferior in taste to that aged in a barrel
2. Natural oak
Made from natural oak, which is considered the highest quality wood, ensuring reliability and long service life of the product.
3. Stainless steel
The hoops are made of stainless steel - a durable material that is not subject to corrosion.
4. Great appearance A product made of noble oak wood is perfect for the interior of an apartment, country house, restaurant, bar, cafe. The spectacular appearance of the oak jug will definitely attract the attention of your visitors or guests.
5. Unique aroma
Oak wood contains tannins, which give a noble taste and unique aroma to the drink.
6. Ease of use
The cylindrical shape significantly saves space.
Tips for using the jug:
Barrels of the drink must be stored under certain conditions:
humidity 80-85%, temperature about 12°C for wine and about 16°C for spirits. When the temperature decreases, the process of ripening and aging of the drink is slowed down or stopped.

With insufficient humidity and high temperature, the “angel's share” increases - the percentage of alcohol that evaporates through the pores of the staves.

Distillers who do not have the opportunity to store a barrel in ideal conditions buy beeswax and treat the barrel with it to minimize the percentage of evaporation. Your barrel comes with a wax candle for processing if you need it.

Over 50 years old
Only selected oak, over 50 years old, is used for production.

Medium firing

This is the golden mean for aging most drinks

500 flavor elements
The jug has more than 500 flavoring and aromatic elements

We are the manufacturer
We have been producing high-quality oak products for more than 9 years

Experts and experienced winemakers are convinced that aging alcohol is the main step in obtaining a quality drink. At all times, much attention was paid to cooperage products, because this is the most effective way of refining!

Traditionally, such containers are made from oak due to its unique properties. Wine, Calvados, cognac, grappa, whiskey and other drinks acquire a characteristic taste and aroma during aging and long-term storage. This is the result of the interaction of wood, oxygen and alcohol. Oak has the correct porous structure and is saturated with extractive substances, due to which it is able to change the quality of the drink and give it special shades of taste, color and aroma.

Unlike glass, clay, plastic, steel, which are also used to make containers, wood can “breathe,” as a result of which the alcohol itself is transformed. Many people are accustomed to the fact that aging is mainly carried out in oak barrels. However, there is a wide variety of such containers. They are different in shape, size, thickness, length, etc. In this regard, there are several types of ordinary barrels, for example, anchor and jug.

They all have the same purpose and are used for aging or transporting alcohol, vinegar and other liquid and bulk substances. You may ask, what is the difference between a jug and a barrel or an anchor? In fact, it’s small, but there’s still a difference, let’s try to figure it out.

Barrel- a cooperage product that is suitable for permanent or temporary storage of something. Usually the container has a cylindrical shape, with convex walls and round bottoms.

Ankerok - This is a wooden oval barrel that is slightly extended upward, that is, flattened. Previously, it was intended for long-term storage of fresh water on boats. It was also used as ballast when sailing, and on ships for transporting wine, vinegar, etc. A container, just like a barrel, used for aging and refining strong alcoholic beverages.

Zhban- This is a cooper's product of conical shape. Initially, it was a wooden mug, slightly tapering at the top. Capacity
small volume - only 1.5-2 liters - was equipped with a lid. It was used exclusively for kvass or mash, and the expression “blowing a jug” or “jug” meant drinking a lot.

Wooden containers are the best way to store and age alcoholic beverages. Over a certain period of time, the homemade distillate, in the process of contact with wood, is saturated with a wealth of natural components, which has a positive effect on the taste, color and aroma of the finished product. Jug and barrel are the most popular vessels of this type. In the article you will learn how these two containers differ and what their operational features are.


What is a jug? This is a wooden product made in the form of a cone or cylinder. Most often used for storing liquids, especially homemade alcoholic drinks. Mostly this vessel is made of oak wood. This option is very popular among distillers, as the tannins of this breed penetrate into the alcohol. After storing the drink in a jug, you can get a completely different taste and aroma. You can clearly see what a jug is in the photo.

In terms of volume and appearance, this vessel is very similar to a barrel, only not in a vertical position, but lying on a special tray. In most cases, the product is equipped with a small tap, which is a huge advantage and simplifies use. The average volume of a jug ranges from 5-10, maximum up to fifty, liters.

What is a barrel? This is a cylindrical container that is used for storing and transporting alcoholic beverages, pickles and other products. Products can be made from different materials, but they are more popular. They have beneficial properties that positively affect the taste of the stored product. The capacity of such products can reach several hundred liters. The barrel is characterized by a complex production process in which each stave is processed and bent separately.


Knowing the definitions of vessels, we can easily find out how a jug differs from a barrel. Since the first one is most often made of oak wood and is used for storing strong and weak alcoholic beverages, let’s consider how it differs from a barrel of the same purpose:

An oak barrel or jug ​​is perfect for storing and aging alcoholic beverages. The second option, due to its compactness, is very convenient for home infusion of moonshine, beer, wine, kvass, cognac, etc. Small products up to 10 liters have an attractive appearance, and will look quite aesthetically and colorfully as a decoration for a large dining room or living room in a private house.

It is impossible to give an exact answer as to which is better, an oak jug or a barrel. Each owner determines the degree of convenience of the product independently. We have tried to give the most understandable definition of the meaning of each vessel and their differences. The choice is always yours.

The best wine or any other alcoholic drink is stored and aged in a wooden container. In the process of contact of a homemade distillate with natural wood, the drink is saturated with unique components that positively affect the taste, color and aroma of the finished product.

Of all the variety of wooden utensils, jugs and barrels are most often used for the production and storage of alcohol. What is their difference and is there a difference in which of the vessels contains the product?

What are they?

A jug is a wooden product, which is a conical or cylindrical vessel with a lid. The container is usually made of oak. But other types of wood can also be used.

Initially, a large-volume mug was called a jug. It was used for drinking and pouring various drinks. Today it is quite difficult to determine the meaning of this word. After all, a large barrel located on a special base is now also a “jug.”

The jug is used for storing and aging alcoholic beverages. For ease of use of the contents, the vessel is equipped with a special small tap. With its help, you can empty the jug of the drink exactly in the volume that is needed in a particular case.

A barrel is also, as a rule, a vessel made of wood. May be supplemented with a lid or without it. The use of the vessel is much wider. The barrel is suitable not only for storing and transporting homemade alcohol. It is customary to pickle cabbage, cucumbers, mushrooms and other products in it.

What are the differences

Identifying the differences between the vessels from each other will help you determine what is in front of you, a jug or a barrel. If we talk about the jug, then this is the capacity:

  • It has a conical shape, tapering towards the upper base;
  • Limited use - only for alcohol content;
  • Has a special part - a tap for pumping;
  • Located on a stand suitable in size, equal to the height of the jug;
  • It holds, most often, several times less than some barrels;
  • It is made mainly of oak, but linden or aspen wood can be used as a material;
  • It is located permanently and is rarely used for transporting drinks.

A distinctive feature of the jug is also the low cost of manufacturing work. The process goes quite quickly, without any complex manipulations. This has a positive effect on the cost of the product. True, there is an exception here. If the jug is made for the purpose of decorating a room (cafe or bar), then the price of the product increases.

What to choose?

Are you involved in winemaking and don’t know which wooden container to choose? Focus on your acquisition goals. In general, the barrel and the jug are similar. They are wooden, “breathe”, release beneficial substances to the drink inside, and allow you to store the contents for a long time. The shape does not affect the taste of the contents at all. It all depends on the aesthetic views and preferences of the winemaker.

However, it is more advisable to purchase a jug if you:

  • You are engaged only in winemaking, so the vessel will no longer be needed for any other purposes;
  • We decided to be original and install the product as a useful decorative element in the living room or kitchen;
  • Produce drinks for personal purposes, without semi-industrial scale;
  • You are not going to transport the container, i.e. use as a vessel for transporting drinks.

Since the jug has additional elements - a lid and a tap, pay attention to the quality of the connection of the parts. Cracks may form near the tap, which will certainly lead to leaks in the future. The material used to make the part is the same as the jug itself. The best faucet is an oak faucet with a stainless steel ball valve.

To ensure that constant use of the tap does not lead to defects, the jug must have a stand. Therefore, check whether a stand is included with a specific model or whether you will have to purchase it additionally.

However, it’s up to you to decide what to prefer: a jug or a barrel. In any case, a properly prepared container, including its aging before use, will turn the most ordinary homemade alcohol into a unique high-quality drink.

The production of high-quality alcoholic beverages is a rather difficult and lengthy process. Often the finished product is aged for a certain time in order to refine it and give it a unique taste. And not the last role in this process is given to the selection of suitable containers. After all, alcohol that settles in plastic or metal containers undergoes oxidation and is not able to “breathe.” Whereas storing drinks in wooden vessels has a positive effect on their properties: taste, color and aroma. Let's look at the most popular products of this type and give a detailed answer to the question of how a jug differs from a barrel.


Zhban- cooperage product. This is a wooden vessel of a conical or cylindrical shape designed to store liquids. In most cases it is made from oak rich in tannins. Initially, this term denoted a voluminous wooden mug with a lid that tapered slightly towards the top. Its capacity was 1.5-2 liters. The product was used for preparing and consuming mash or kvass. This is where the expression “to drink” came from, meaning “to drink a lot.” Today, the vessel is increasingly used for settling alcohol (wine, cognac, whiskey, mead) both at home and on an industrial scale. The taste of the drink aged in it becomes an order of magnitude deeper and richer. Modern jugs are not at all similar to mugs. In terms of volume and appearance, they can be compared to barrels, but not standing vertically, but lying on special stands. For ease of use, the vessels are equipped with taps. The average volume of such containers is 5-10 liters, the maximum reaches 50.


Barrel– a cylindrical vessel designed for transportation and storage of various substances. It is a mobile product that can be rolled from one place to another. Also, the container is installed on the ends without any supports. This convex vessel has a wider central part in relation to the top and base. Wooden barrels are made from rivets - curved boards that form the side surfaces. The finished product is often tightened with hoops. Most often, wooden containers are used for settling wine and strong distillates (whisky, cognac, etc.). Today, barrels are also made from other materials, be it metal or plastic. They are widely used for transporting liquids (kerosene, alcohol, resin) and bulk substances (rice, sugar, glue, saltpeter). The capacity of such vessels can reach several hundred liters.



First of all, let's compare the products according to external parameters. Unlike a barrel, a jug often has a conical shape and tapers slightly at the top. It is located in a horizontal position, mounted on a special stand. For ease of use, the vessel is equipped with a small tap. As for the capacity of the container, it is not too large. The maximum volume of the jug is 50 liters.

The barrel has a cylindrical shape, very convenient for rolling. Having a wide central part, it is installed on narrower ends without the use of support. When it comes to storing drinks, the vessel can also be positioned horizontally and equipped with a tap, but this is rather rare. The capacity of the container reaches several hundred liters.

Another difference between a jug and a barrel is the scope of application of the products. The first is used primarily for settling alcoholic beverages. Jars are made exclusively from wood using a relatively simple technology using direct rivets. This makes them quite affordable in price. Such vessels are not intended for transportation. Barrels are made from a variety of materials, including plastic and metal. If we are talking about wooden products, then their production is quite painstaking work, because each stave is bent separately. Accordingly, the cost of such a product can hardly be called low.

It should also be noted that the scope of application of barrels is very, very diverse. Due to the mobility of the product, it is often used to transport liquids and bulk substances. Plastic, wooden and metal vessels are often installed in summer cottages for watering plants. And don’t forget about settling the drinks. Oak barrels are optimal for purifying and aging strong distillates. Even ordinary vodka poured into them will change its taste over time and acquire healing properties.

Let's summarize what is the difference between a jug and a barrel.

Zhban Barrel
It has a conical shape and tapers slightly at the top.Shape – cylindrical, the central part is the widest
Installed horizontally on special standsPlaced on the ends without support
In most cases it is equipped with a tapThe faucet is rather a rarity
Has a small capacityThe volume reaches several hundred liters
Made from oakCan be wood, plastic or metal
Used primarily for settling alcoholic beveragesHas many areas of application
Not suitable for transportationMobile container, convenient for rolling
Characterized by simple manufacturing technologyEach rivet is bent separately, which complicates the production process
Has a reasonable priceThe cost of a wooden product is much higher