Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» How to remove the smell of white spirit from clothes. How to get rid of solvent odor quickly and effectively? Getting rid of odor caused by white spirit

How to remove the smell of white spirit from clothes. How to get rid of solvent odor quickly and effectively? Getting rid of odor caused by white spirit

IN summer season is becoming more and more topical issue caring for things, especially children's things, and cleaning them from difficult spots, for example, herbs, berries. Especially for Russian consumers, LG Electronics has developed and introduced universal solution– new, even more affordable, washing machines FH0H4ND0, FH0H3LD1, FH0G6SD2, FH0H3SD1, FH2G6TD2, FH0H4NDS0, FH0H3NDS1 and FH2G6WDS* series in Mega Touch design with a convenient touch control display. Wide choice of 11 models...

In May, a new batch of detergents for children's clothes from the World of Childhood brand went on sale. Concentrates (washing gel and conditioner-rinse aid) are suitable for washing clothes and linen from the first days of a child’s life. The products are manufactured using Israeli technologies at a modern Russian enterprise located in the Moscow region. Experts recommend using special means. The main difference between children's household chemicals and “adult” ones is...

Good evening everyone! Please help me with advice. I need a good environmentally friendly cleaning product, I have Small child, I don’t want it to breathe chemicals. I tried to give up cleaning products for floors, windows, etc., but I realized that this was not an option. So I decided to look for options, I saw pigeon and Meine liebe, burti, frosh. Has anyone used these? I’m really looking forward to your answers!!


I used Burti powder and really liked the smell (dark purple packaging with a rose), but I’m not sure that it would also be suitable for children’s clothes. That's why I chose Meine Liebe for children's underwear. The smell is slightly perceptible, without streaks, and removes medium-sized stains well. The composition does not contain aggressive components

What I liked most about MeineLiebe washing powder and plumbing cleaner. The product will remove all dirt well, the powder does not spoil clothes, makes them soft and has a pleasant smell after washing, I even stopped buying conditioner, and when things dry, the smell disappears, just what I need. Who else has used it?

Offer of the week on Japanese household chemicals part 2.

Powder "TOP Platinum Clear" contains 3 types of strong enzymes, the balanced action of which removes old, difficult to remove stains from clothes: - Lipase (a fat-dissolving enzyme); - Protease (fat-dissolving enzyme); - Stainzyme (amylolytic enzyme that destroys food stains on clothes). High power purification, thanks to a component of plant origin - sodium ester of alpha-sulfo-fatty acid, obtained from the fruits of the coconut palm. - An environmentally friendly product...

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We remove clothing stains from dolls.

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iHerb - household chemicals. Part 2 Continued.

Biokleen – I only discovered this brand on Iherb. In addition to what is in the photo, their washing gel is also on its way to me - I’ll try to compare it with Ecover and share it. This, in my opinion, is one of the most successful products - oxygen bleach + stain remover, added when washing any laundry. A huge jar, lasts a long time and is inexpensive. If there is no other stain remover, then you can apply it directly to the stain (after mixing with water), it has been tested - it works even on strong and...

How to get rid of solvent odor quickly and effectively?

After carrying out any work where a solvent is used, a problem may arise with a residual unpleasant odor in the room, on clothes, in the car, etc. And there is nothing strange here since everyone knows perfectly well that the solvent has a sharp, bad smell, so manufacturers warn in advance that you need to work with it in well-ventilated areas. But still, the problem of removing an unpleasant odor exists, so let's figure out how to get rid of the smell of a solvent using acetone as an example?

Acetone is a volatile, easily mobile, flammable liquid with a pungent odor. It is transparent and colorless. This substance is widely used in repairs, as well as to remove various consequences of repair and construction work. This could be dirty things, dirty hands, or the surface after using paint on any basis. But after using it, an unpleasant odor always remains. To remove this remaining acetone odor, a number of complex procedures must be carried out.

In this case, you cannot do without the following components: water, vinegar, cotton pads, medical alcohol, washing gel, liquid detergent, cream, lemon juice, synthetic detergents, microfiber cloths.

To remove the smell of acetone from already cleaned objects or things, you need to place them in the open air in sunny weather. The smell should completely dissipate within 24 hours. After this, the product must be washed or washed. in the usual ways using synthetic detergents. At the same time, if we're talking about about clothes, then during the last rinse it is recommended to add a double amount of conditioner-rinse aid.

If you do not know how to remove solvent odor from non-washable items, then the following information will be very useful for you. Stains on such products need to be treated, and then simply hang them on fresh air. After a day, it is recommended to wipe all areas that were stained with acetone with a cotton pad previously soaked in medical alcohol. After processing, things need to be hung outside again for a day. This method will help to completely get rid of the unpleasant odor of acetone even without subsequent washes, since this substance evaporates due to intense exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If you have painted any surfaces, and there is a very strong smell of acetone inside the room afterward, then you need to open all windows and doors. The apartment is ventilated with through air flows throughout the day. It should be noted that acetone paint dries quickly enough on any surface, but its smell dissipates much more slowly.

To completely remove the smell of acetone from the surface, you need to pour about seven liters of water into a bucket, add one tablespoon acetic acid(70%), moisten a clean microfiber cloth with this solution, and then wipe all painted surfaces. This method will help you completely get rid of the sharp and unpleasant smell of acetone.

If you removed paint residues or any other contaminants from your face and hands with acetone, then you should immediately wash your face and hands with the most common washing gel or any detergent(preferably liquid). After this, you need to wipe the skin with vinegar, only with a concentration of no more than 6%. If you don't have vinegar, then you can use lemon juice. To prepare this juice, you need to squeeze one lemon, dilute it in a ratio of one to two with water, and then apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the skin. When 5 minutes have passed, the skin should be rinsed again with water and cream applied to it.

Now you know how to remove solvent odor from any type of surface or room. We looked at the steps that need to be taken when removing the smell of acetone. But such operations should be performed when working with any solvent. Almost all solvents can be easily volatilized using the methods listed above.

After renovation of the apartment, the painted surfaces are pleasing to the eye fresh color and cleanliness, but the characteristic smell of solvent or paint does not allow you to relax. There are several effective ways you can get rid of it.


The easiest way to remove paint smell after renovation is to ventilate the room. Long-term ventilation will help remove solvent vapors, but one open window will not save the situation either during painting or immediately after the repair is completed. It is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively:

  • Reduce humidity. A moisture absorber and dehumidifier are suitable for this.
  • Raise the temperature. You can use heating devices or air conditioning.
  • Provide ventilation. Open all doors and windows to create a draft. You can also use a fan, installing it near open window so that the air is blown out of the apartment.


Cleaning will help quickly remove paint smell from the room. A layer of solvent remains on painted objects after drying. Its molecules rise into the air and settle on all surfaces in the apartment, so after thorough ventilation it is necessary to clean with special solutions that neutralize the unpleasant odor. To do this, use improvised means:

  • dry mustard, which is dissolved in warm water(1-2 tbsp per 10 l);
  • ammonia or table vinegar, which must be diluted in cold water(1 tbsp per 5 l).


If even after good ventilation and quality cleaning you cannot completely get rid of the unpleasant odor, adsorbents will come to the rescue. These are substances that are able to absorb and retain surrounding chemical elements. They can be purchased specially in a store (Track, Optimum) or found at home in the kitchen and medicine cabinet. Using homemade adsorbents is not difficult: you just need to sprinkle (or pour) a small amount of substances in several plastic trays or saucers and place them in the corners of the apartment.

The adsorbent needs to be changed a couple of times a day: throw away the old one, and pour in the fresh one. The more trays are placed, the faster the smell of solvent will disappear in the room. Suitable adsorbents:

  • coffee grounds that remain from drinking natural ground coffee;
  • baking soda;
  • crushed activated carbon;
  • sea ​​or rock salt;
  • table vinegar.

After carrying out any work where a solvent is used, a problem may arise with a residual unpleasant odor in the room, on clothes, in the car, etc. And there is nothing strange here since everyone knows perfectly well that the solvent has a sharp, unpleasant odor, so manufacturers warn in advance that they need to work with it in well-ventilated areas. But still, the problem of removing an unpleasant odor exists, so let's figure out how to get rid of the smell of a solvent using acetone as an example?

Acetone is a volatile, easily mobile, flammable liquid with a pungent odor. It is transparent and colorless. This substance is widely used in repairs, as well as to remove various consequences of repair and construction work. This could be dirty things, dirty hands, or the surface after using paint on any basis. But after using it, an unpleasant odor always remains. To remove this remaining acetone odor, a number of complex procedures must be carried out.

In this case, you cannot do without the following components: water, vinegar, cotton pads, medical alcohol, washing gel, liquid detergent, cream, lemon juice, synthetic detergents, microfiber cloths.

To remove the smell of acetone from already cleaned objects or things, you need to place them in the open air in sunny weather. The smell should completely dissipate within 24 hours. After this, the product must be washed or washed using conventional methods using synthetic detergents. At the same time, if we are talking about clothes, then during the last rinse it is recommended to add a double amount of conditioner-rinse aid.

If you do not know how to remove solvent odor from non-washable items, then the following information will be very useful for you. Stains on such products need to be treated, and then simply hang them out in the fresh air. After a day, it is recommended to wipe all areas that were stained with acetone with a cotton pad previously soaked in medical alcohol. After processing, things need to be hung outside again for a day. This method will help to completely get rid of the unpleasant odor of acetone even without subsequent washes, since this substance evaporates due to intense exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If you have painted any surfaces, and there is a very strong smell of acetone inside the room afterward, then you need to open all windows and doors. The apartment is ventilated with through air flows throughout the day. It should be noted that acetone paint dries quickly enough on any surface, but its smell dissipates much more slowly.

To completely remove the smell of acetone from a surface, you need to pour about seven liters of water into a bucket, add one tablespoon of acetic acid (70%), moisten a clean microfiber cloth with this solution, and then wipe all painted surfaces. This method will help you completely get rid of the sharp and unpleasant smell of acetone.

If you removed paint residues or any other contaminants from your face and hands with acetone, then you should immediately wash your face and hands with the most common washing gel or any detergent (preferably liquid). After this, you need to wipe the skin with vinegar, only with a concentration of no more than 6%. If you don't have vinegar, then you can use lemon juice. To prepare this juice, you need to squeeze one lemon, dilute it in a ratio of one to two with water, and then apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the skin. When 5 minutes have passed, the skin should be rinsed again with water and cream applied to it.

Now you know how to remove solvent odor from any type of surface or room. We looked at the steps that need to be taken when removing the smell of acetone. But such operations should be performed when working with any solvent. Almost all solvents can be easily volatilized using the methods listed above.