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» How to fertilize bushes and trees in spring. Feeding fruit trees and shrubs in spring. Mineral mixtures for feeding the garden in autumn

How to fertilize bushes and trees in spring. Feeding fruit trees and shrubs in spring. Mineral mixtures for feeding the garden in autumn

With proper and timely fertilization, fruit crops pamper us with their harvest for a long time. How can you properly fertilize plants with the least amount of effort and time?

At each dacha there is an area set aside for a garden, in which apple trees, pears, cherries, cherries, apricots, and peaches are necessarily grown. For normal development and timely entry into fruiting, fruit trees need nutrients that enter the root system from the soil.

The types and doses of fertilizers applied to trees depend on many factors, including:

  • the type and natural fertility of the soil, its physical condition;
  • age of the fruit crop;
  • climatic conditions.

The correct use of organic and mineral fertilizers will not only provide fruit crops with the necessary nutrients, but will also significantly improve the physical condition of the soil:

  • soil moisture capacity will improve;
  • its breathability will increase;
  • the soil will become looser.

On fertile soils, organic fertilizers can be applied after 1-2 years, but in no case should you switch to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers only. Most of them increase soil acidity. At the same time, the composition of soil microflora deteriorates, which negatively affects the development and formation of fruiting.

How to feed a young garden

Before the first fruiting, the garden is considered young and fertilizing it does not require a significant investment of time. When planting a garden Usually rotted manure, humus or mature compost is added to the soil; the seedlings are not fertilized the following year. On depleted soils, seed and stone fruit crops begin to be fed from the first year of planting in a permanent place.

In March 1-1.5 buckets of organic matter (humus, compost, peat) are scattered in the trunk circles of 2-3-year-old trees (in 1-2 years of growth). Organic fertilizer is scattered around a circle with a diameter of 1-2 m and dug to a depth of 12-15 cm or half a spade bayonet.

At the beginning of June When increased growth of shoots begins, young seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers. During this period, it is important for them to have all the basic nutrients in the soil, so it is better to add nitroammophoska, nitrophoska or a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to the tree trunk circle.

In order for fertilizers to reach the root system of fruit crops faster and more evenly, a groove 5-10 cm deep can be made along the perimeter of the tree trunk circle and full fertilizer can be sprinkled on its bottom at the rate of 20-40 g/linear meter. Then the groove is covered with earth and watered along with the soil in the tree-trunk circle.

in autumn(before the leaves fall) the seedlings are fed again. Only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied to the ditch, which will have a positive effect on the maturation of shoots, which will help them survive harsh winter weather. The rate of phosphorus fertilizers is 10-20, and potassium - 15-30 g/linear meter.

From 3-4 years of age simultaneously with organic fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied during autumn digging, the dose of which is 90-100 and 30-50 g per tree, respectively. In the spring, without going beyond the diameter of the crown, enclose the tree trunk circle along the edge with a roller and scatter 100-150 g of ammonium nitrate. The fertilizer is mixed with a rake into the top layer of soil and filled with water.

We feed fruit-bearing trees

As the seedlings grow, the tree crown increases annually by approximately 0.5-0.6 m, and the root system grows. Starting from 3-4 years and up to 10-12 years of age, the amount of organic fertilizers per tree is increased by 1 bucket annually. There is a need for additional application of mineral fertilizers.

From the age of 4-5 years, fruit trees begin to produce fruit. From now on, you need to be very careful about applying fertilizers. If a tree that has begun to bear fruit has an annual growth of young shoots of less than 20 cm, it means that it is on a “starvation ration” and in order to plant a good harvest it must be provided with nutrients.

By this time, the root system of fruit crops had already grown in the soil at a sufficient depth. Therefore, on fertile soils it is now enough to add organic matter (manure, humus, compost, bird droppings, etc.) once every 2-3 years, as usual, in the fall for digging. Poor soils still require an annual application of organic matter at the rate of 0.5 buckets of organic fertilizer per year of tree life. That is, for a 6- or 8-year-old tree in the fall, 3 and 4 buckets of organic matter are added into the tree trunk circle for digging, respectively. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added.

By following all the rules for applying fertilizers, you can easily grow a large garden of fruit trees and get a rich harvest from them.

The main purpose of fertilizers is to make fruiting regular and abundant from year to year. After all, after the harvest period there is a lull; trees and shrubs do not produce as much fruit as gardeners would like. In addition, the nutritional and taste qualities of the fruit are reduced. This occurs due to soil depletion. The duration of lean or low-yield periods is 2–3 years. This is quite a lot for farms. Therefore, it is recommended to use various fertilizers for fruit trees.

Types of fertilizers for feeding fruit trees

The type of fertilizer and its amount depends on the plant variety, soil composition, and time of year. There are special agronomic tables for professional plant care in certain regions. Using them you can calculate dosages for each variety of fruit trees.

For amateur gardeners, the basic rules for using fertilizers will be enough: when to apply, how much and what kind of fertilizers.

The most important and necessary elements for plants are potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, vitamins. Fertilizers are divided into mineral and organic, organic-mineral, bacterial, and microfertilizers. The most commonly used are mineral and organic. Both are necessary for fruit-bearing trees and shrubs at certain times of the year.


Organic fertilizers are considered the most environmentally friendly. If it is possible to regularly use bird droppings, cattle manure, compost, peat, then you should definitely use it. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers is carried out 3–4 times during the fruiting season.

Organic matter also contains trace elements such as nitrogen, calcium and potassium. But their quantity is not enough for full growth and fruiting. Therefore, organic fertilizers are often mixed with mineral ones.

The advantage of organic additives is that they contain bacteria that have a positive effect on the composition of the soil.


Mineral fertilizers are:

  • potassium;
  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus.

Nitrogen promotes the formation of leaves and new shoots, therefore there will be more oxygen in the wood tissues, which will have a positive effect on the fruiting of trees.

Phosphorus increases resistance to disease, makes fruit plants more resistant to climate and weather conditions, as well as to pests. A kind of immunomodulator for trees.

Potassium forms a powerful root system and participates in the process of synthesis of chemical elements in fruits. In other words, the taste of fruit directly depends on the presence of potassium in the soil.

Feeding fruit trees and shrubs works according to the principle - it is better to underfeed a little than to overfeed. This is especially true for young seedlings.

Fertilizers for fruit and berry plants should be applied at the roots and on the foliage., that is, to produce root and foliar feeding.

As for organic matter, it needs to be added in the warm season. Better in autumn or spring. The poorer the soil, the more often fertilizing is required - at least once a year. For young plants, a gradual increase in substances is desirable. For example - in the first year do not feed, in the second - 1/3 of the required amount, in the third - do not feed, in the fourth - 1/2 of the dosage. And so on.

Potassium is needed by fruit and berry plants depending on the period of development. At the stage of formation of the root system, the application of potassium fertilizers is mandatory.

At the stage of formation and ripening of fruits, nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied, as they promote the growth of branches and leaves, which means there will be insufficient nutrients for the fruits

Nitrogen is best used in a mixture with other trace elements - for example, potassium. The ratio of substances is such that it does not interfere with the ripening of fruits, but at the same time strengthens the plant. And potassium performs the function of feeding trees and shrubs.

Where to apply fertilizer

Feeding of fruit trees is carried out in the area around the trunk circle. To do this, dig a groove across the width of the crown and pour the prepared mixture into it. For mature trees, 2–3 ditches should be dug; for young seedlings with a crown radius of 1–2 m, 1 is sufficient. Potassium fertilizers must be diluted with water.

Organic fertilizers are applied as follows: dig up the tree trunk circle at a distance of 50 cm from the trunk, along the perimeter of the crown. Depth - 40 cm. Apply a ready-made mixture of mineral or organic fertilizers diluted with water. For an adult plant, liquid with nutrients is diluted in containers with water. Approximately 3 – 4 buckets of the mixture are consumed for each tree.

Rules for applying mineral fertilizers

  • on sandy soils in spring or summer during flowering, because the substance is quickly washed into the lower layers of the soil;
  • on clay ones - in the fall after harvesting.

Nitrogen fertilizers are more effective in combination with potassium and phosphorus. Signs of a lack of nitrogen in the soil are slow growth of young branches and impaired chlorophyll production. The leaves on the trees in the garden will be pale or yellow-green.

It is better to apply phosphorus fertilizers to the soil in the fall, since phosphorus is poorly soluble in water and it takes a long time for plants to absorb it. It is necessary to apply to the depth of the roots with the obligatory sealing with a layer of soil.

On clay soil, fertilizer is applied once a year in autumn or spring. Better - once every three years. If applied together with manure, then the dosage must be reduced so as not to damage the root system.

Phosphorus deficiency can be determined by the color of the foliage - it turns red or purple.

The most commonly used potassium fertilizers are potassium chloride and potassium sulfate. The choice depends on the type of soil. If the reaction is acidic, add potassium chloride. Sulfate is more applicable in greenhouses.

On gray soils, potassium fertilizers are not used, or are applied in minimal doses

Potash substances are used in autumn and spring to ensure frost resistance of trees and shrubs. It should be remembered that not all shrubs grow well in chlorine soils. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the dosage of potash fertilizers.

Foliar feeding

Produced by spraying leaves. Foliar feeding of garden trees and shrubs in the summer saturates the plants faster and more effectively, so all nutrient mixtures must be diluted with water. It is best to use ready-made formulations for these purposes.

Both organic and inorganic fertilizers are used for the foliar method:

  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • urea;
  • copper sulfate;
  • phosphorus;
  • potash fertilizers.

Video: how to get a large harvest of apples using foliar feeding

Foliar feeding of trees in the fall protects the plant from pests and increases survival in winter. Fertilizers for fruit trees using the foliar method should have a weaker composition so as not to damage the foliage.

Schedule and organization of plant feeding

You can start adding soil amendments in the spring, immediately after the snow melts. Spring fertilizing is more necessary for plants, and autumn fertilizing is more necessary to improve the soil composition.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium chloride are suitable for the first application.

Feeding fruit trees in summer is done with potassium sulfate, nitrogen and organic fertilizers. The foliar method is also used.

In autumn, potassium and phosphorus are most important. At the same time, the trees are prepared for winter and fertilizer is applied to the soil.

Fertilizer calculation

When using ready-made solutions in combination with organic mixtures, the dosage is halved

General rules:

  • the concentration of fertilizers for young seedlings needs to be reduced;
  • using ash, it is not necessary to apply microfertilizers;
  • periodically it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil with slaked lime;
  • If fruit trees and shrubs have been pruned, then the dosage is increased for rapid shoot growth.

Calculation and timing of fertilizing using the example of an apple tree

In the spring, before flowering, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied to the digging under the tree. This could be manure, compost or droppings. You can use ammonium nitrate or urea.

The next stage is flowering. Potassium, phosphorus and organic - litter or manure. Total about 35 buckets per tree.

Fruit ovary – potassium. During this period, spraying with ash or urea helps.

Ripening of fruits and berries - potash fertilizers.

After harvesting - phosphorus, humus.

Typical feeding of fruit and berry plants

For use in the garden, you can take one-component additives and dilute them according to the instructions. At the same time, add those substances that are most relevant for a given period. It is easier to deal with ready-made mixtures, which only need to be diluted with water, since the percentage ratio in them has already been met by the manufacturer.

For stone fruits

When growing fruit plants in the garden - cherries, cherries, plums, apricots - you should stock up on manure. You need to take rotted manure, otherwise its effect will be delayed and the tree will not receive nutrients at the right time.

Organic supplements are poor in mineral compounds, and stone fruits require potassium and calcium in very large quantities. Therefore, before fruiting begins, you should treat the soil well and add all the necessary substances to it. They are introduced into the tree trunk circle to a depth of 10 cm.

If there is ash in stock, then less mineral fertilizers can be used. The ash contains lime, which reduces the acidity of the soil and has a good effect on the harvest.

Young stone fruit plants require more nitrogen nutrition than potassium.

For pomaceae

Apples and pears require more fertilizer than stone fruits. However, it is not recommended to fertilize trees in the first year of life. Only from the second - and then little by little. Phosphorus-potassium in the fall, nitrogen in the spring.

Seed plants must be sprayed with microfertilizers, Copper sulfate is especially important. This protects trees from fungal diseases. The lack of phosphorus in the soil is compensated by spraying. In dry summers, the garden may need manganese, boron, and zinc.

Proper and timely application of fertilizers is the key to the harmonious development of seedlings. However, many gardeners are poorly informed about when and what fertilizers to apply. This article will help you understand all the intricacies of an important process aimed at increasing the productivity of plant growth.

Proper fertilization of the soil will create favorable conditions for the existence of crops and will avoid problems in the future. But it is necessary to fertilize competently. Uncontrolled application of organic matter or complex fertilizers can be harmful. So, how to feed the seedlings?

Young plants primarily need phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Usually they are the ones that are lacking in the soil, which means they need to be compensated for. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon are no less important components of “excellent health”. If the nutritional value of the soil leaves much to be desired, then the seedlings will lack these elements of the periodic table. But calcium, sulfur, magnesium, manganese require a minimum amount at the beginning of the journey.

The need for certain fertilizers depends on the type of crops you planted. So, pears and apple trees are in greater need of organic matter. Cherry and apricot - in minerals.

How to find out what exactly is missing?

If the seedlings do not take root well, you should take a closer look at them. With a thorough visual inspection, you will definitely find characteristic signs of a deficiency of one or an element.

Thin, weak stems and small pale leaves indicate that the seedlings lack nitrogen. Are the leaves drying out at the edges and turning yellow or brown? Need potassium. An acute lack of magnesium manifests itself in the form of pale leaves, which subsequently turn yellow and fall off.

Small and almost black foliage, mainly in the lower part of the plant, is a signal that it should be fed with phosphorus. A lack of iron is indicated by intense wilting of leaves and shoots. Most often, raspberries, grapes, apple trees, and plums need iron. But when there is not enough copper, the leaves at the tips lighten, become lethargic and soon die.

Phosphorus and potassium: what you need to know

Experts advise adding phosphorus and potassium only in the 4th year after planting. It is better to do this in the fall, because... Such complexes contain difficult-to-digest substances. An exception is made for fruit-bearing plants - they are fed in the spring.

Many people apply such fertilizers during fruit set. And they do it right - it has a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of the harvest.

So what fertilizers for seedlings containing potassium and phosphorus should be applied first?

  • potassium sulfate used as a basic fertilizer for fruit-bearing crops. The content of the main active ingredient is 50%. It is applied mainly in spring;
  • potassium salt. Universal fertilizing is suitable for any type of crop. The content of the main substance is 40%. Apply in autumn;
  • superphosphate. Fertilizer in granules. Phosphoric acid content - up to 20%. It is applied at the rate of 35-40 g/m2;
  • phosphate rock. Not only a valuable fertilizer, but also an effective neutralizer of increased soil acidity. Phosphorus content varies from 15 to 35%. Focused on feeding any fruit trees.

There are special mixtures containing other substances in addition to potassium and phosphorus. For example, nitrophoska and diammofoska include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen in different proportions.

Nitrogen: when and how to apply?

If the soil was fertilized with nitrogen during planting, then the first fertilizing is practiced in the 3rd year after planting. Most of the nitrogen is applied in the spring, less in the fall. It is calculated as follows: 20 g/m2 (for poor soils) or 10 g/m2 (for fertile soils). If you plan to add nitrogen, you should use:

  • urea (carbimide). Contains quickly digestible nitrogen. Young plantings can be fertilized with urea in two ways: by digging the dry mixture into the tree trunks or by spraying the trunk and leaves with a solution (for this, 0.5 kg of urea is dissolved in a bucket of water);
  • ammonium nitrate. Fertilizer in granules is well absorbed by seedlings. Nitrate can be used in dry (15 g/m2) and liquid (25 g/bucket of water) form;
  • compost, bird droppings and manure. Designed to feed soil of average fertility. Contains a small amount of nitrogen. Optimal as an addition to other mineral complexes.

Immature seedlings cannot be fertilized with nitrogen. This will significantly extend the growing season and reduce resistance to frost.

Organics: rules to remember

The most useful fertilizer for seedlings is manure. It should be added in the 3rd year. Chicken manure is especially valuable. They fertilize the ground in the spring at a rate of 5 kg/m2. To feed fruit trees, manure is diluted with water (1 kg/bucket of water) and left for 4-5 days. In autumn, the dosage of litter is reduced to 0.3 kg/m2. Manure from domestic animals is applied exclusively in a rotted state. Fertilize with manure once every 3 years. If the land is very poor, you can do it once every 2 years.

Another useful organic fertilizer is peat. Improves air permeability and soil structure. Furnace ash reduces the acidity of the earth. It is added at the rate of 100 g/m2. Mix with other organics or prepare a solution.

Compost deserves special attention. It is applied in the first year after planting. Increases the nutritional value of the soil, enriches it with humus and improves aeration. Contains substances necessary for seedlings to grow.

High-quality compost can successfully replace any mineral mixtures. At the same time, preparing compost is simple. To do this, dig a trench in the fall and fill it with leaves, grass, sawdust, tops, tea leaves and other waste. The compost pit is covered with earth and safely forgotten about until spring. Over the winter, everything you throw into it will turn into wonderful fertilizer.

The interval between feeding is 2 seasons. The optimal time for fertilizing with compost is September-October. Important: compost is lightly dug into the top layer of soil or simply laid out near tree trunks.

Don’t know what else to feed the seedlings? Ready-made fertilizers have proven themselves to be excellent - “Aquarin”, “Kemira”, “Ekofoska”, “AVA”, “Uniflor-rost”, “Florist”, “Ferovit”, “Uniflor”. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions (the composition of the drugs is different) and follow the dosage.

Feeding trees and shrubs in spring is one of the components of a high yield. It should be done taking into account the age of the plantings, soil quality and availability of irrigation. The three pillars of fertilizers for fruit bushes and trees are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Types of fertilizers

Feeding trees and shrubs in early spring is carried out either with mineral or organic substances.

They are divided into simple and complex. The difference between them is how many components are included in their composition. If there is one, then these are simple mineral fertilizers, two or more are complex. They are also divided into groups according to the main component in their composition - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The basis of organic fertilizers is rotten organic matter - manure, litter, compost and green fertilizers.

Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers

Feeding shrubs in early spring with mineral fertilizers requires a careful approach. The main thing in this type of fertilizer is moderation, otherwise you can harm not only the plant, but also the earth and people.

Nitrogen fertilizers include:

  • This substance acidifies the soil and does not dissolve well in it, so it is best to apply it in the fall. To improve the properties, you can add 1.5 kg of lime to 1 kg of ammonium sulfate.
  • Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is a rapidly soluble substance. The action is fast and effective on non-acidic soils. Plants absorb it well and react to it. If the soil itself is acidified, then it is better to dilute ammonium nitrate with limestone flour in a 1:1 ratio. This neutralizes acidity. This type of fertilizer can be applied both in spring and autumn at the rate of 150-200 kg per hectare, if this is the main component, and 100-150 kg for the same area in the form of fertilizing.
  • Another effective feeding of trees and shrubs in spring is urea (urea). This fertilizer is highly concentrated and very effective in increasing crop yields. It can be applied directly under the rhizomes of fruit bushes and trees at the time of loosening the soil or through watering, if you use a liquid form of concentrate.

The main requirement that must be observed when using nitrogen fertilizers is compliance with the instructions for use, correct dosing and safety precautions during storage and application to the soil.

Fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers help plants adapt to the external environment, making them frost-resistant and strong. They also affect the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Phosphorus fertilizers should be applied deeper into the ground, as they are poorly absorbed, and it is recommended to do this in early spring when digging the soil for the first time. The most popular phosphorus additives are superphosphate (based on sulfur and gypsum) and phosphorus flour, which is used on acidic soils.

Superphosphate is in greater demand due to its rapid absorption by the roots of trees and shrubs. When planting seedlings, it is enough to add from 400 to 600 g of superphosphate into each planting hole. For adults, the feeding rate is 40-60 g per 1 m 2 of tree trunk circle.

The property of phosphorus fertilizers is the rapid growth of the plant and the development of a powerful root system. You can also note qualitative changes in the taste of berries and fruits and the amount of harvest.

It is better not to use potassium fertilizers in their pure form, but to dilute them with zinc, iron or nitrogen substances. The most popular type of potash fertilizer is potassium sulfate, which does not contain chlorine and sodium harmful to plants.

Feeding trees and shrubs in the spring with potassium fertilizers ensures a good harvest. A lack of potassium in the soil affects the size of the fruit and its taste. Potassium sulfate can be added to any type of soil at a fertilizing dosage of 20-25 g per 1 m2. The best effect is achieved by a mixture of phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Feeding seedlings

The quantity and quality of fertilizers depends solely on the composition of the soil, but feeding garden trees and shrubs in the spring, especially before planting seedlings, is mandatory.

The presence of phosphorus in the soil is especially important for seedlings, since it affects their growth and rapid adaptation. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be applied before the seedlings are planted.

It is best to do this in a layer deeper than the hole, under a tree or bush. It is also important that fertilizers are immediately applied in large quantities, for several years. Feeding trees and shrubs with phosphorus in the spring is important only for young trees, as it stimulates their rapid growth.

Other fertilizers need not be given to trees under two years old only if the soil has not previously been completely depleted. Otherwise, it should first be thoroughly fertilized and restored, and only then a garden should be planted.

Fertilizing with organic matter

Organic fertilizers are natural and natural for trees and shrubs. They began to be used long before the chemical industry appeared. They enrich and improve the composition of the soil without harming it.

Feeding trees and shrubs with manure in the spring is the most common procedure among summer residents. This is the most accessible and cheapest type of fertilizer with a full range of components necessary for plants - boron, manganese, cobalt, copper and molybdenum. Horse manure and bird droppings are considered the best for feeding trees and shrubs. They are the most complete with the necessary microelements for plant growth and high yield. Most often, a liquid form of fertilizing fruit and berry crops is used.

To obtain a solution, fill any container halfway with manure and pour water on top, after which they should be thoroughly mixed. After a month, the resulting mixture can be used at the rate of 1 liter per 6-8 liters of water. If the soil is dry, then the solution should be made more liquid. A thicker fertilizer composition is applied to moist soil.

If you plan to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs in April, then, accordingly, you should lay the solution in March.

Feeding with compost

Peat and humus are types of organic fertilizers that can be used either independently or in the form of compost. Compost is made from manure, peat or various waste - food or fallen leaves and tops. These are fermented plant residues that have been artificially prepared for a year. To do this, you need to choose a place that is not flooded with water, and put all the components there mixed with soil.

As the compost heap grows, it should be moistened to promote decay. It is recommended to cover the compost with a black film, which does not allow moisture to evaporate and at the same time attracts solar heat. For better rotting, plant waste and manure can be sprinkled with layers of slaked lime, and in order to provide access to oxygen, layers of branches and straw are used, which allow the compost to “breathe”.

The finished composition can be used after 1-2 years. This is the purest and most useful fertilizer, which has an excellent effect on both the plants themselves and the soil.

Feeding stone fruit trees

Good nutrition is extremely important for the quality development and growth of stone fruit trees. Feeding fruit trees and shrubs in March is the key to a good harvest, as it helps the plants quickly recover from hibernation.

It is very convenient to give the first portion of fertilizers when there is still snow under the trees. As it melts, beneficial substances will enter the soil and feed the roots. If the stone fruit tree is young, then it is better to start feeding it in the 2nd year of its growth. To do this, it is enough to use urea at the rate of 20 g/1 m2. It should be applied only in spring. In the fall, you can add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

When stone fruit trees - cherry, plum, apricot and others - enter the fruiting season, up to 10 kg of manure or compost, 20-25 g of urea, 60 g of simple or 30 g of double superphosphate and 200 g of wood ash per square meter should be added.

Feeding pome trees

For pome trees, the best fertilizer in April will be nitrogen substances, which stimulate the growth of their shoots. If the tree produces a weak harvest, then it is additionally recommended to add urea in a ratio of 5 g/1 m 2 of the trunk circle. For mature trees, fertilizing is carried out along the perimeter of the entire crown.

It is very useful to use row spacing in the garden for sowing cultivated grasses, such as meadow fescue and others. They should be mowed as they grow and left under the trees. In this case, you can not fertilize the garden with organic matter, but add only mineral fertilizers.

Feeding berry bushes

In order for the berry garden to produce good harvests, the land should be prepared and fertilized in advance. For example, black currants need moist places, and raspberries, red currants and gooseberries need well-lit, warm areas of the garden.

Fertilizers should be added to the soil in abundance. Manure, humus or compost is applied at the rate of 500 kg per 100 m 2. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are suitable for berry crops.

If the planting of the berry garden was carried out correctly, then the next couple of years can significantly reduce soil feeding.

To increase fertility and improve vegetation processes in plants, the soil in the garden must be fertilized periodically. Most effective root feeding of trees, however, to quickly saturate plants with microelements in the summer season, it is more rational to feed the garden using the foliar method (by spraying the crown). We will determine when and with what it is worth fertilizing the plantings for ideal development and fruiting, and also consider the main methods of feeding.

When should you feed your garden?

With the onset of warm days, the plantings begin to gradually wake up. At this moment, plays a very important role feeding trees in spring. The purpose of this procedure is to activate the growth and development of the garden. With the right flavoring composition, the plants begin to actively bloom and produce new shoots. Actually, the productivity of plantings in the future depends on the quantity and quality of greenery and branches.

Feeding trees in autumn is performed to improve the characteristics of the soil, saturating it with minerals and vital microelements for the plant body. During this period, mineral and complex fertilizers are applied. Only root feeding is used. As the garden begins to shed its leaves, the foliar saturation method is not possible. Feeding trees for the winter excludes the use of nitrogen-containing compounds. Autumn is the ideal time to introduce calcium, potassium and phosphorus into the soil.

Our experienced gardeners will help you select the composition of fertilizers and feed the plants. We will analyze the condition of the soil in each tree trunk circle, carefully examine each plant for a lack of microelements and, having determined the deficiency, we will formulate and apply a flavoring composition.

What to feed the plants?

One of the most popular ways to feed the garden is feeding trees with chicken droppings. This nitrogen fertilizer is applied exclusively during the growing season. They effectively fertilize the soil in the tree trunks of fruit trees (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, cherries, quince, chaenomeles, persimmons, peach, apricot) in the spring. When working with chicken manure, it is important to remember that undiluted fresh droppings can burn the roots. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it with it.

In order not to injure the plantings, tree fertilizer from chicken droppings should be made as follows:

  • Place about 1-1.5 kg of dry chicken manure in a 10-liter bucket.
  • Add about 3-4 liters of water.
  • Leave for 1-2 days to ferment.
  • Add water to the bucket until full and move it carefully.

This spring feeding of trees and shrubs will not harm your garden. When purchasing litter, give preference to dry litter. If fresh fertilizer is not stored properly, nitrogen turns into ammonia. It is impossible to determine by eye how high-quality the “fresh” product is. Nitrogen is completely retained in dry chicken droppings.

The second most popular feeding trees with manure or compost. There are also some nuances here. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be applied to the plant, only rotted manure. Unlike chicken manure, no matter how much you dilute fresh manure, it will still turn into an ammonia mixture. It takes about 2-3 years to transform “fresh” fertilizer into high-quality fertilizer. Rotted manure is excellent for apricots, plums, cherries and other stone fruits (apple and pear), as well as coniferous plants (pine, spruce, cypress, juniper, yew, thuja, spruce).

Feeding trees in summer carried out with the aim of saturating the garden with nitrogen and missing microelements. The foliar method is most often used. The leaves absorb flavoring compounds much faster than the roots. Therefore, when a deficiency of certain elements is detected, foliar feeding with special compounds is used.

Fertilizing trees with nitroammophoska is considered the simplest, most accessible and balanced. This is a complex fertilizer that combines several important components for feeding trees: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. Each granule contains all four components. However, the balance of microelements remains questionable.

For ideal fertile soils, the use of nitroammophoska is an excellent option to get rid of headaches when choosing a complex composition. Regarding other soils (heavy, clayey, deficient in certain substances), it will not be possible to get by with nitroammophos alone. Feeding fruit trees will be effective only in combination with other fertilizers or by adding supplements in the form of missing substances. For deciduous plantings (larches, cedars, birches, maples, acacias, beech, hornbeam, willows, bird cherry, etc.) nitroammofoska can serve as the main top dressing, since you still won’t get a harvest from them. :)

Let us remind you that our professionals can help you choose the right fertilizer for your garden. Experienced gardeners will carefully study your plantings and their living conditions. Based on the data obtained, as well as the individual characteristics of the individual plant, we will select the ideal composition. Only in this case will fertilizing coniferous trees or a fruit-bearing garden bring the desired result.

Signs of micronutrient deficiency

If plantings lack certain substances, they begin to “signal” this: leaves fall or turn yellow, shoot growth weakens. If you identify a lack of microelements in time, you can restore the health of the entire planting or individual plants. For this purpose, foliar feeding of fruit trees is used. It will help restore the health of the garden as quickly as possible.

Our gardeners are people who have a sincere love for nature. We wish good health to every element of botany, therefore, we decided to make our contribution to the improvement of your planting. Especially for you, we have created a unique table in which we have included the main symptoms of deficiency of vital microelements. By using it, you will be able to notice the lack of substances in time and select necessary fertilizers for feeding trees in order to normalize the growth and development of plants.

Table of symptoms of deficiency of substances:

Ways to feed trees

To feed the greenery on the site, two methods of applying fertilizers are used:

  • root(saturation of soil in the tree trunk circle with fertilizers);
  • foliar(the flavoring composition is applied to the crown).

Root feeding of trees is applied in spring and autumn in order to improve soil characteristics and saturate plants with important elements. Flavoring compounds are gradually absorbed through small shoots of the root system. Absorption occurs over a long period of time (from 5-10 days or longer depending on the depth of laying and the amount of fertilizer).

To quickly saturate the planting with nitrogen and other substances, foliar feeding of trees is used. In just 2-3 days, the leaves completely absorb the substance applied to them.

Feeding the roots

In spring and autumn, root feeding of trees is carried out. Fertilizers are applied to tree trunk circles in one of the following ways:

  • The application of liquid formulations is carried out by pouring flavoring substances into special grooves artificially created in the trunk circle around the plant (see figure on the right). The more grooves, the more efficient feeding will be.
  • Solid fertilizers are introduced differently. The top layer of soil is removed (approximately 1-2 cm). Fertilizers are evenly distributed over the entire territory of the tree trunk circle, after which they are covered back with earth.

Winter feeding of trees, or rather, feeding before the onset of cold weather is usually carried out with the help of solid fertilizers. They will gradually penetrate deep into the soil by absorbing melted snow. Liquid formulations are used mainly in spring and summer.

Our professional gardeners will help you determine the most effective method of saturating your garden with nutrients and introducing them into the soil. One call to us gives you the opportunity to see how top-level specialists work, as well as get a chance to take a personal master class on the topic: fertilizing trees after flowering and before, rules for applying fertilizers, specifics of working with garden tools, etc. Please note, to gain real knowledge All you need to do is be present in the garden and be attentive. We work - you enjoy the work and at the same time learn from the pros! :)

Feeding through the crown

Most effective during the hot season foliar feeding of trees. Fertilizers in liquid form are applied over the entire surface of the crown. Essentially, the crown is sprayed with liquid compounds. Through greens, substances are absorbed and absorbed much faster.

Most often, urea is used as the main fertilizer. It not only saturates the plant with nitrogen, but also perfectly destroys many pests. Therefore, summer feeding of trees in August is carried out using diluted karbofos. Essentially, it is a fungicide and an insecticide – two in one, and practically harmless to humans (at low concentrations).

A high concentration of the active substance in water, instead of the expected benefit, can cause harm plants. Therefore, we have compiled a small fertilizer dosage table especially for you.

Congratulations! You have just completed a short course on the topic “Feeding Trees”. Having a theoretical foundation and armed with tables, it will become easier to increase the fruitfulness and productivity of your planting :)

Good luck in creating a beautiful high-yielding garden!

Feeding trees video