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» How to cover the front door after installation. How to seal an opening in a wall with plasterboard - tips for a beginner. How to seal openings after installing the front door

How to cover the front door after installation. How to seal an opening in a wall with plasterboard - tips for a beginner. How to seal openings after installing the front door

Often, when remodeling a house or apartment, it becomes necessary to move interior doorways. In such cases, it is necessary to seal the old openings. There are several ways to close them, but the most common is sealing them using drywall. Therefore, the problem of how to sew up a doorway with plasterboard is very relevant today.

What you need to get started

Like any change of layout, this process requires official permission to carry out such work. If the structure of load-bearing walls is violated, this is strictly prohibited. And with simple ones interior partitions it is quite possible. After receiving the relevant documents, you can immediately begin work.

Before you start work, you need to make sure that all the required tools and materials are prepared in advance. Before installing the frame, the door frame is first dismantled, so you need to consider the tools that may be useful during disassembly.

So, to get started, you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • crowbar or other pry bar;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal or grinder;
  • construction or regular sharp knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • level and plumb;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • putty knife.

Necessary materials that are best taken in reserve:

  • several sheets of drywall;
  • rack and guide profiles;
  • insulating wool;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening drywall;
  • self-tapping screws for connecting the profile;
  • polyurethane foam;

Removing the door frame

First you need to remove the trim, if any. Then remove the door leaf from the hinges and begin disassembling the frame itself. First, it is sawed with a hacksaw, and then piece by piece it is torn off from the end of the passage using a crowbar. The entire surface of the passage is cleaned of dust and loose plaster; if necessary, all irregularities are puttied.

Construction of a metal frame

How to seal a doorway with plasterboard so that as a result it does not differ from the background of the wall? To do this, it is better to carefully measure and mark everything. GKL sheets will be attached to a frame made from a profile; therefore, you need to take into account their thickness and note their total distance from the edges of the wall on both sides.

The next task is to assemble the base of the frame, made from a guide profile. The complete structure will look like two frames that cover the same wall, but in different rooms. To do this, the first thing you need to do is cut two pairs of NP blanks with a length equal to the height of the opening. Then the profile is attached to the wall using dowels and screws, using a level and plumb line.

The distance between the holes should not exceed 0.4 m, and it is important not to forget to leave space for drywall, moving the profile from the edge of the wall to the thickness of the sheet. The recommended sheet thickness for installing the partition is 12 mm.

Next, you need to cut 12-14 pieces from the rack profile equal to the width of the passage. They play the role of crossbars connecting the elements from the guide profile. On both sides of the structure, cuttings of the joint venture are attached close to the upper end, and also in relation to the floor. The distance between each element should not exceed 50 cm. To make the partition more rigid, you can strengthen it by fastening the partitions with vertical elements to the middle of the doorway to form a lattice.

Installation of gypsum board sheets

There is nothing complicated about installing gypsum boards. The main thing is to measure the size correctly and cut it carefully. This is done using construction knife: First, cuts are made along the marked contour, after which the sheet is folded along the cut line. And so on along the entire cut line. There should be two such sheets. First, you need to seal the opening on one side and secure it along the entire edge with an indentation of 1.5-2 cm, as well as along the transverse elements. This is done using self-tapping screws screwed in with a screwdriver. The distance between the fastenings should be no more than 15 cm, and the heads of the screws should not stick out, but, on the contrary, should be slightly recessed deep into the gypsum board.

When the first sheet of plasterboard is installed and secured, you need to move to the adjacent room to close the second side. But before this, you need to fill the void with insulating material, and it is advisable to blow out the gap between it and the frame polyurethane foam. Then apply the next piece and screw it with self-tapping screws. If there are small gaps between the ends of the wall and the gypsum board, they must be covered with putty.

Finishing work

In principle, the opening in the wall is already completely closed, all that remains is to bring it into proper shape. To do this, you need to align the drywall in the wall so that they are on the same level. For these purposes, putty is used, which is used to rub over all joints, cracks and recesses at the fastening points.

A primer layer is first applied to the gypsum board sheet. When the primer layer has dried, you can begin to putty.

The prepared solution is applied in a thin layer over the entire surface of the partition, extending onto the walls. If necessary, you can apply several layers pre-treated with primer. Now you can start finishing finished wall. It is not recommended to paint it, since after a while cracks will appear at the joints with the wall. The best option Tiling is considered. Wallpaper is also suitable for this purpose, but this is only until the next renovation.

As it turns out, sealing a doorway with plasterboard is not a tricky business. The main thing is to prepare everything in advance and take all the measurements correctly. As the wise proverb says - measure twice, cut once! And the availability the necessary tool will make the whole process much easier. This design is easy to implement and does not take much time. In addition, it is distinguished by its efficiency.

But there are also significant disadvantages. It is not durable, and any stress can destroy drywall over time. In addition, he is afraid of dampness and moisture. So the construction of such partitions near bathrooms is undesirable. It is not recommended to attach heavy objects to such a wall, which could lead to its deformation. However, the wall can be blocked with some large-sized furniture. Another disadvantage is poor sound insulation.

How to make an opening in an apartment

During the operation of buildings and individual premises, their owners often face the question: “How to properly seal doorway?. This is due to the need to liquidate or move it to another location.

The choice of material depends primarily on where exactly it is located. If, as shown in the photo, a street entrance is being sealed, then, if possible, you should use the same material from which the building was constructed.

But in any case, it will be either a brick or wall blocks made of concrete. Well, inside this problem can be solved much easier by sewing up the opening with plasterboard. Together with the video in this article, we will understand the intricacies of this work.

When sealing openings, brick, like construction material, It has undeniable advantages. With its help, you can wall up a passage both in the load-bearing exterior and in interior wall. Moreover, there is not much difference whether these walls are brick or panel. Although we note that in panel houses Rarely are they allowed to transfer.

As for partitions, brick is more often used for sealing. The reason is that the thickness of asbestos-cement, plaster, or gas-block structures does not always correspond to half a brick. When the thickness differs, differences are formed, which can create certain problems during plastering.

Selection of material according to the thickness of the partition

But there is almost always a way out - you just need to try to choose the material that best fits the width. The same brick, but only solid, can be laid not flat, but on an edge, which is important for those cases when the partition has minimum thickness(7.5-8 cm).

  • You can see how it looks in the picture below, and the difference of 1 cm can be easily removed by increasing the thickness of the plaster coating. If, for example, the thickness of the partition is 9-10 cm, you can take not a single brick, but a one-and-a-half brick, which has a height of 88 mm, and also place it on the edge.
  • If the wall is to be plastered, then let better thickness the “patch” will be less than the thickness of the main structure. If the masonry protrudes beyond the plane of the wall, then in order to smooth it you will have to spend more plaster on the entire surface, which will entail unnecessary costs.

How to seal the opening

  • Before sealing the passage with piece masonry material, you need to properly prepare the base and end surfaces. The base below should be level, without a threshold or floor covering. Usually this concrete slab, on which it is advisable to lay a strip of roofing material under the first row of bricks.
  • So that the new masonry can firmly adhere to the old one, notches need to be made on it. If the wall is brick, you can simply remove part of the mortar from the end seams, or even slightly knock down the corners of the products to create peculiar grooves. Then the dust is carefully removed, the surfaces are thoroughly moistened with water - and you can begin sealing the opening.

Masonry is underway in the usual way, with ligation of stitches. For reliability, some craftsmen hammer long nails into the seams of the old masonry so that their free end can be placed in the new one. But by and large, this is not necessary.

Plasterboard sealing

When it comes to moving a door, the owner of the premises is rather faced with the task of how to decorate the opening, since neither the strength nor other physical and technical properties of the structure are here of great importance Dont Have. For interior renovations, plasterboard is perhaps the best material.

In any case, it is much easier to eliminate the opening in the partition using dry plaster mounted on a frame of profiles yourself - and the price of these Supplies not tall. We think that the instructions we offer will help solve this problem without any problems.

Frame and sheathing

Considering the size standard opening, four UD-28 guide profiles, three or 4 meters long, may be enough. Mount it along the entire inner perimeter of the opening in two parallel rows. The profile is fastened to the wall with 6*40 mm dowel nails, and with self-tapping screws with a press washer.

  • Your task: to remove the surface of the area to be sealed. To do this, the guides are installed with an indentation from the edge, taking into account the thickness plasterboard sheet- the minimum is 12.5 mm.

  • Then, sections of the CD 27/60 profile are placed across, to which, in fact, the sheet of dry plaster will be attached. The distance between the crossbars must be at least 60 cm. As a result, a kind of spatial frame is formed, which must be filled with any slab insulation, which will provide the structure with proper sound insulation.

Note! It is better to cut the facing part of the new opening from a single sheet, but if you have pieces left over, for example, after covering the walls of the previous room, it is quite possible to use them. The main thing to remember is that they need to be joined in the places where the cross members are located.

Just keep in mind that if you don’t have an edge plane to chamfer at an angle, you won’t get normal joints - and then they need to be properly sealed.

DIY liquidation

  • If you don’t have any remnants of gypsum board, you will need to purchase two sheets measuring 2.5 * 1.2 m, and cut out solid fragments from them. This is done using a knife with a reinforced blade. According to preliminary markings, the plasterboard shell is cut, and then the sheet is refracted. All that remains is to cut the cardboard with reverse side- and you're done.
  • Next, drywall should be attached to the frame, and fasten with self-tapping screws, making fastenings every 20-25 cm. You need to tighten tightly, but without excessive force, so that the fasteners do not break through the shell and damage the core of the sheet. If the cladding was assembled from pieces, then the next step would be to seal the joints between them.
  • To do this you will need a primer, putty and reinforcing paper tape.. After the seams have been treated with a primer, they are half filled with gypsum putty, and while it retains its plasticity, the tape is pressed in. In conclusion, the opening should be plastered over the entire area - and it is ready for finishing(cm. ).

Decorative niche

  • Usually, an opening sealed with plasterboard, like the entire wall, is covered with wallpaper., but you can finish it in a more interesting way. For example, you can cover this section of the wall with photo wallpaper with some interesting plot, and even frame it with the same platband as on a real door.

If the wall in which the opening needs to be sealed is thick enough, you can leave a recess in it. You will get a niche that can be decorated in any way you like: with the same wallpaper, fabric, decorative plaster, make lighting.

During repairs there is often a need to move front door one of the premises to a new location. How to seal a doorway with plasterboard so that after redevelopment it does not stand out against the background of the wall, you need to know home handyman starting this work.

It must be remembered that any change in layout is possible only with the permission of the relevant inspecting authorities in the presence of an agreed project. In this case, weakening the load-bearing walls of the building is strictly prohibited. With lungs internal partitions everything is much simpler. If you have resolved organizational issues, you can begin work.

The first step is to clean the doorway from the trim, remove the door from its hinges and remove all dirt and plaster.

It is quite possible for one person to securely and beautifully cover a doorway with plasterboard within a few hours. But it’s more convenient to work together. What will it take?

Tools and materials

Before you start, you should prepare everything you need:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer drill with a set of drills.
  • Grinder or metal scissors.
  • Construction knife.
  • Level.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Montage.
  • Brush with hard bristles.
  • Putty knife.
  • Guide (PN) and rack (PS) profiles in the required quantity.
  • Two sheets of drywall.
  • Mineral wool.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  • Putty.
  • Primer deep penetration.

Preparatory work

First of all, the doorway is cleared of anything that could interfere with installation. The trim is torn off and removed from the hinges of the door leaf. Wooden beam door frame sawed with a hacksaw and dismantled using a crowbar. The entire perimeter of the opening is cleaned with a spatula and a brush to remove old flaking plaster and dust.

At this stage it is necessary to ensure the strength brickwork or concrete framing the opening. If major defects are found in them, restoration is carried out.

Installation of a metal frame

Plasterboard sheet does not have high rigidity. Therefore, it is possible to close a doorway with plasterboard only using a frame specially made for this purpose. It is assembled from a metal profile and attached to a reliable base.

Since a sheet of drywall does not have the necessary rigidity, it must be installed on a pre-prepared metal frame.

The mounting plane is determined by guide profiles. They are attached with anchors or dowels directly to building structures, so they are located around the perimeter of the frame being created. The quality of the entire installation depends on the accuracy of their installation.

The rack-mount supporting profile forms the internal lattice. He takes on the main load. The location of its installation is selected in such a way that the joints of the drywall sheets, if they appear, fall on its central axis.

When closing a through hole in the wall on both sides, the installation of two structures is required, which do not need to be connected to each other.

To do this you need:

  1. Cut four pieces of guide profile equal to the height of the sides of the doorway. They are secured with anchors or dowels strictly vertically, stepping back inward from the edge of the wall to the thickness of the purchased sheet of drywall. Typically, in such cases, 12 mm gypsum board is used. To do this, you need to press each piece of the PN against the wall one by one and use a hammer drill to drill a hole 10 cm from its upper edge. A dowel is inserted into it. Using a building level or plumb line, the verticality of the profile is checked and a second dowel is installed 10 cm from the floor. The remaining dowels are attached along the entire length of the PN in increments of 30 - 40 cm.
  2. Pieces are cut from the rack profile along the width of the doorway so that they connect the opposite vertical parts to form a single flat frame. They are secured at the joints with self-tapping screws. The outer horizontal elements of the frame should be pressed close to the upper and lower ends of the opening, and the internal ones should be located between them in increments of 40 - 50 cm from each other.
  3. If it is necessary to increase the rigidity of the structure, additional vertical posts can be made from the rack profile to form a lattice structure.

Installation of drywall sheets

Before sealing the opening in the wall with plasterboard, it is measured, according to which the gypsum board sheets are cut. The material is cut with a sharp knife and broken at the point of the cut.

The drywall is attached to the profile using self-tapping screws. They are twisted in increments of 10–15 cm, retreating from the edge of the sheet by 15–20 mm. The head of the fastener should be recessed into the material to facilitate further surface finishing.

First you need to cover the opening in the wall with plasterboard on one side. After that everything inner space the opening is filled with sound and thermal insulation material. Experts recommend using mats for this mineral wool. The gaps between it, the frame and the wall can be sealed with polyurethane foam. It also covers the voids between the end of the drywall and outer wall. After drying, excess foam is cut off with a knife.

Seam sealing and finishing

All joints and irregularities on front side plasterboards are leveled with the approach to the walls using putty. Before applying it, the surfaces are treated with a deep penetration primer, which promotes good adhesion of the leveling solution. The putty is usually applied in two layers with an intermediate primer. In this case, all screw heads must be completely closed.

It is not recommended to use dyes as a finishing touch for the room in which the opening was sealed. Over time, cracks may appear in this place. You can hide this defect by using wallpaper or wall tiles.

Reducing the doorway

If it is necessary not to completely close the doorway, but only to reduce its width, a volumetric frame is made from the profile and fixed, corresponding in size to the section of the wall being built up. In plan it will look like the letter “P”. To do this, parallel lines are drawn on the floor inside the opening, which are a continuation of the walls. The boundary of the end of the future wall is drawn perpendicular to it.

Stepping back from it and the first two lines 12 mm inward, we find a U-shaped installation border metal frame on the floor. A guide profile is attached to the floor along it. Strictly vertically above it, the same structure is created on the ceiling. Two more guide profiles are installed vertically from floor to ceiling along the edges old wall opening.

The corners of the letters “P” of the floor and ceiling are connected by vertical posts made of a supporting profile. To increase the rigidity of the structure, they are connected to guide profiles nailed to the wall, with several horizontal jumpers in increments of no more than 50 cm. After this, part of the doorway can be covered with plasterboard and the cavity filled with noise-proof material.

Sometimes it is necessary to seal the opening above the door with plasterboard. In this case, two frames are installed there, consisting of a guide profile attached with anchors to the walls and ceiling. The lower edge of each frame forms a horizontal supporting profile, which is connected at its edges to vertical guide profiles. Both frames are also covered with plasterboard, and the interior space is filled with stone wool.

Making repairs with your own hands is doubly pleasant. After all, this allows you to enjoy the process and gives you the opportunity to really get what you want. And independent actions are an opportunity to save money. As a result, this approach is very popular among us, but many suffer from it. After all, any repair involves certain difficulties that have to be overcome. And very often unforeseen circumstances or unusual situations arise. For example, there is a space above the door that needs to be filled. What is the best way to do this? What tools and materials should I use? How to properly lay the opening above the door?

Let's try to answer all these questions, using photos for clarity.


What could be the reasons for this situation? Essentially there are two of them:

  • design features;
  • inaccuracy of measurements taken.

In the first case, there are situations when the door opening corresponds to the height of the ceiling. Quite often you encounter this in bathrooms, storage rooms and even living spaces.

Is it worth calling a specialist?

The opening above the front door can be sealed by a specialist. However, such an action involves the need to pay for his services. If the budget allows, there is such a desire, then, of course, it is easier to call a master who will independently decide what technology and materials to use, and also carry out everything necessary actions. Moreover, many provide guarantees.

We will not choose this path, but will try to do everything with our own hands.


So, let's look at what options there are to seal the opening above the front door. Much, of course, depends on the material of the walls:

  • construction of a plasterboard structure;
  • use of wooden boards and bars;
  • brickwork;
  • use of available materials.

Construction of a plasterboard structure

For this we need metal profiles or wooden blocks, the drywall itself and screws, primer and putty. Tools - a hammer drill (if the walls are not wooden), a screwdriver, a tape measure, a pencil, a level, a spatula, a roller, sandpaper and finishing material, which could be wallpaper, paint or other options.

First you need to build the structure. To do this, you need to carefully correlate this element with the parameters of the wall, taking into account that drywall will also be attached to the structure. It is necessary to consider the placement of elements to ensure proper rigidity of the structure.

Next, you need to secure the drywall using self-tapping screws. Moreover, they need to be pressed in a little so that they do not protrude higher plasterboard surface. These places, like the joints, must be sealed using putty. When it dries, the surface should be treated sandpaper, after which you should coat it with a primer using a roller.

After this procedure, you can start finishing. To do this you will need: either wallpaper, or paint, or another option. Of course, since this area will be part of the wall, the finish should be identical. It's good if the rest of the part is not yet lined. If there are already wallpapers on the walls of the room, you will need to select the same ones or supplement them with some other option.

Using wooden boards and bars

This option is especially relevant if the repair is carried out in wooden house or in those apartments where they are used as floors wooden boards in combination with plaster.

In this case, it is important to calculate everything correctly so that the resulting structure does not differ in size from the rest of the wall. You will need a minimum of tools: tape measure, pencil, building level, screwdriver, saw. The materials you will need are screws, putty and finishing material.

First you need to take measurements, and then act. After this, it is necessary to perform finishing operations.


Blocking the opening with bricks is the most difficult option. Therefore, to close the opening in this way, you should think carefully; it is better to avoid it. If the decision is made, then it is necessary to organize the base - make a crossbar on which bricks can be laid. For this you can use metal corners or channels. It is important to “weave” the bricks into the existing masonry to ensure sufficient strength.

Without the proper qualifications and experience, it will be very difficult to perform such actions. Therefore, it is still recommended to find an alternative.

Using scrap materials

For example, an old door leaf may be suitable for this purpose. It must be cut to size and then secured in the opening. This is perhaps the simplest and affordable option. And if in other cases you can perform the actions yourself, then here you will need an assistant.

So, we figured out the options for how to seal the opening above the door. Each is good in its own way and has its own shortcomings, so the choice must be individual. It is only important to act consistently, take into account the recommendations, then the opening above the door will be completely identical to the rest of the wall.

You can learn even more about the possibilities for sealing or filling an opening above the door by watching the video provided.

To close the doorway, you need to get rid of door leaf. If it has already been removed or is missing, then there will be less work. Not in all cases the door itself is removed. Sometimes the doorway is partially closed to reduce it, for example, if they install new box smaller than previously installed. Completely close the opening when remodeling an apartment. You can cover it with the material from which the walls themselves are made or with plasterboard.

There are several reasons why an opening in a wall is sealed. Based on the reason, they choose suitable materials for work. To completely fill the opening, you will need reliable and high-quality material. It must not only close the existing entrance, but also have sound and heat insulation qualities.

Reasons why you should seal a doorway:

  • Redevelopment of living space in an apartment;
  • Replacement old door for a new model;
  • Reducing the passage space into the room;
  • Decoration.

Redesigning a space is a common reason to move the entrance to a room to another location. Preference in in this case should be given to brick or drywall. Brick can be used to lay the entrance quickly and inexpensively. Drywall sheets are easy to work with because they are lightweight and can be cut. You can sew up the opening after removing the door leaf and dismantling the frame itself.

When replacing doors, a problem arises: the new door is smaller than the old one. Therefore, there is a need to partially seal the passage so that it can be installed new door exactly and in the right place.

The passage into the room can be large. You can reduce it yourself using small bricks or foam blocks. Doorway decor in studios is common. It is not necessary to close it completely: you can partially close it or cover it with decorative elements.

Based on the reason why it is worth removing or reducing the opening, we select necessary materials, tools and work stages are determined.

Choosing a material: how to seal a doorway in the wall

Many apartment owners have encountered inconvenient home layouts. The doorway may not be convenient or less functional if one room is isolated and the other is a passage room. To close the doorway, use a blind seal.

This can be done using:

  • Brick;
  • Drywall;
  • Foam blocks.

The first two materials are inexpensive and do an excellent job of this task. You can close the doorway yourself. To do this, you need to level the opening with the wall and make the entrance to the room in another convenient place.

Sometimes, you can enter the back room by walking diagonally across the entire living room. You need to go the same way to get to the bathroom, toilet, kitchen or hallway. This layout is not convenient if the family has children and they live in the back room. You can move the doorway to another part and separate the nursery from the living room or parents’ room. You will have to get rid of the old opening.

Foam blocks are good material for this purpose. Their cost is slightly higher than that of the first two materials. They are suitable for sealing openings in panel houses.

How to close an opening instead of a door: stages of working with bricks

Brick is used to completely seal the opening. Laying with bricks or foam blocks is radical method. The choice of material depends on the thickness of the wall itself into which there is an opening. The material is suitable for covering open space in load-bearing wall. Substances are added to the cement-sand mortar to strengthen the masonry.

Stages of work:

  • Put away flooring to the stove;
  • Make a fortification;
  • Mix the masonry mortar;
  • Carry out the laying (in parallel, do the dressing with the main wall).

Reinforcement is used as a connection to the wall, which serves as reinforcement. You need to apply the solution to each row, then level it evenly and remove the excess.

If the wall is brick, several bricks are taken out of it and the masonry is made from new ones. They are the connecting element with the bricks that cover the opening.

How to seal an opening above a door with plasterboard: steps

You can seal the opening with a sheet of drywall. This material is often used in construction and decoration. Drywall has many advantages. It's inexpensive. The sheets are light in weight. Working with this material will take a little time and effort.

To work with drywall, you will need a minimum of materials and tools: a hammer drill, dowels, self-tapping screws, cross strips, profiles, putty, tape measure.

Step-by-step work on sealing the opening above the door:

  • Take measurements;
  • Make a three-dimensional frame;
  • Cut off a piece of the desired size from the sheet;
  • Fix the sheet to the profile with self-tapping screws;
  • Fill the joints with putty;
  • Perform final finishing.

There is another simple option: do not use a frame, but attach the trim to liquid nails. This option is less reliable than the first.

How to seal a doorway with plasterboard (video)

You can close the opening in the wall yourself. To do this, you need to decide on the purpose and materials. Removing the door and continuing the wall instead is much easier than making the opening itself. The work will take time and effort. You need to prepare the room, materials, tools and clothes for work in advance. The work itself is dusty, but the result will please you.