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» Black mulberry: description and characteristic features. Mulberry or mulberry tree: cultivation and main types Mulberry tree description

Black mulberry: description and characteristic features. Mulberry or mulberry tree: cultivation and main types Mulberry tree description

Here is information about Mulberry from Wikipedia:

Botanical description

In its youth, it is a fast-growing tree, but gradually slows down its growth and rarely grows above 10-15 m. The leaves are alternate, simple, often lobed, especially on young shoots, jagged at the edges. The fruit is complex, consisting of drupes, fleshy from the overgrown perianth, 2-3 cm long, from red to dark purple or white, edible - in some species it is sweet and has a pleasant smell. Mulberry lives up to 200 years, less often up to 300-500.


It has an edible fruit, from which the filling for pies is made, wines, mulberry vodka and soft drinks are made.

Red mulberries (native to North America) and black mulberries (native to southwest Asia) have a pleasant aroma. White mulberries (native to East Asia) have a different odor, often characterized as "tasteless."

The ripe fruit contains large amounts of resveratrol, which is a strong plant antioxidant.

Two species - white mulberry (Morus alba) and black mulberry (Morus nigra) - are widely cultivated, including in the south of Russia. White mulberry juice cleanses the skin well from black mulberry juice.

Mulberry leaves, especially white mulberry, are the main source of food for silkworm larvae, whose pupa is used to produce silk.

In addition to the silkworm, the larvae of the green moth (Hemithea aestivaria), linden hawk moth (Mimas tiliae) and maple moth (Acronicta aceris) also feed on mulberry leaves.

Mulberry wood is highly valued. In Central Asia, it is used to make musical instruments.

It is used as a construction and ornamental material in carpentry and cooperage due to its properties - dense, elastic, heavy.

At the beginning of the 20th century, mulberries were planted in St. Petersburg, where one 100-year-old tree has survived to this day.

I have no doubt that it is quite possible to grow mulberries in the Pereslavl district of the Yaroslavl region.

Mulberry, aka mulberry tree

Mulberry or, as it is also called, the mulberry tree, was known back under Tsar Ivan 4. Then, for the first time in Russia, the royal manufactory began to cultivate beautiful natural silk for the royal court.

Mulberry leaves provided food for the silkworm, from whose cocoons silk was obtained.

Peter I was very fond of mulberry; by a special decree, he prohibited the cutting down of mulberry trees. In many countries, to this day, mulberry trees are used to make real silk, but in Russia such production is not developed.

Mulberry belongs to the mulberry family, which is represented by a genus of tall trees and shrubs. Its berries are not actually berries, but clusters of mini-nuts with fused pericarps.

In our country, white and black mulberries have gained their fame, but the forage mulberry, also known as satin mulberry, also grows in the wild, and in America the inedible red mulberry grows with valuable wood.

White mulberry is the same one that silkworm caterpillars fed on in China. Its leaves are delicate and the silk produced is of the highest quality. The fruits are usually white, yellowish or pinkish, juicy, sickly sweet, however (!) they can also be dark.

White mulberry is quite frost-resistant and widespread. The tree has thick gray bark.

Breeders have bred about 400 varieties of mulberry trees.

The black mulberry, which came to us from the South, from Iran, is not suitable for food for capricious silkworms - its leaves are too coarse. But for people, its purple-black fruits are of undoubted gastronomic interest.

Sweet, sour, outwardly reminiscent of blackberries with oblong berries. The flavor nuances are richer than those of white mulberry. The tree is heat-loving, although frost-resistant varieties also appear. The bark of the black mulberry is red-brown.

Mulberry cultivation

A mulberry tree can reach 35 m in height, but in a garden it is necessary to form the crown so that the tree is no higher than 2-3 m. The mulberry lives for an extremely long time, 200-300 years.

You can expect a harvest 5 years after planting, and even earlier from grafted trees. A 10-year-old tree produces up to 100 kg of fruit,

Mulberry plants can be either self-pollinating (monoecious - on one tree there are male and female flowers in the same inflorescence) or have a female and a male plant (dioecious), depending on this, one tree or always a pair (male and female) is planted.

Mulberry is often used in landscape design due to its excellent fruiting and good vitality within the city. It looks great in group plantings and as hedges.

Nowadays they choose more decorative forms of mulberry, for example, weeping, the branches of which gently bend towards the ground. Low mulberry trees with a spherical crown have also gained popularity.

In group plantings, a pyramidal or narrow pyramidal crown is most often used. The height of such trees can reach 6 m.

Mulberry propagation


The seed method is used by breeders to adapt mulberries to harsh northern regions or to grow rootstocks for grafting. To do this, take seeds and stratify them for 2 months.

If you sow without stratification, you should soak them for 3 days before planting. Sowing is done in early spring.


Mulberries can be propagated by shoots, layering (for the weeping form), green cuttings, and grafting.

Cultivars are usually propagated by grafting using budding. White mulberry is used as a rootstock. The bark of the rootstock should separate well, and the buds of the scion should ripen well - this means they are ready for grafting!

Mulberry planting

It is preferable to plant mulberries on sandy loam and loose loamy soils. If you plant a mulberry on sandy soil, it will begin to form additional roots (adventitious) in order to fix the sand.

It can also grow on saline soils.

Decide in advance whether you will form trees with a trunk or use a bush form, which is very convenient in the garden.

In the bush form, the distance between plants in a row should be about 0.5 m, and about 3 m should be left between rows.

The distance between mulberry trees is about 5 m, and about 4 m is left between rows.

Otherwise, the planting process follows the general recommendations for planting trees and shrubs. Just keep in mind that mulberry roots are very fragile and must be handled with care.

Mulberry care


In order for the tree to withstand frosts well, in the first half of summer until July, the mulberry must be watered and nourished with mineral and organic fertilizers, and starting in July, you need to stop fertilizing and watering the plant.

This will help the mulberry, being in a dormant period, to tolerate temperature changes and frost well.


The tree is formed with a trunk of 0.5-1.5 m, the height of the crown will be 2-4 m, and its shape will be broom-shaped or spherical.

Young growths from last year are often frostbitten because their bark is still weak and it loses moisture very quickly, unlike old shoots covered with cork bark. In this case, they need to be trimmed; this operation will not affect the harvest.

Harvesting and using mulberries

Mulberries, depending on the climate and variety, ripen from late May to August. Ripening is very uneven; on one branch there may be completely ripe berries that are just beginning to grow.

Ripe berries fall off quite easily, so when they begin to ripen, place a cloth or film under your mulberries in advance to make harvesting easier.

Traditional medicine in many Asian countries has been using mulberries for a long time as a cure for many diseases.

When brewed, mulberry bark is a powerful anthelmintic., infusion of berries helps with cough. Berry juice helps cope with stomatitis, sore throats and many inflammations of the mucous membrane. An infusion of leaves is a godsend for hypertensive patients.

But eating berries raw or in cooking does not in any way detract from the merits of this wonderful delicacy.

Mulberry varieties

White mulberry "Black Baroness"

Here's a paradox: although she is white, she is still black. The variety was bred in the Rostok gardening; the berries are large, up to 3.5 cm long and up to 1.5 cm in diameter, sweet with a faint aroma. The yield is high, harvested in June-July.

The tree can withstand frosts down to -30 °C, and if it does freeze, it quickly restores its shoots and the yield practically does not drop.

Black mulberry “SHELI No. 150”

This variety and two more below belong to Leonid Ilyich Prokazin from the Poltava region. Shelly berries are very large, up to 5.5 cm, with high taste, the variety is very high-yielding. It is considered one of the best and most famous mulberry varieties.

One leaf of mulberry Shelly 150 reaches half a meter in length with a petiole!

White mulberry “White tenderness”

Very tender and large watery white fruits up to 5 cm long. Not transportable. The harvest is very high, fruiting is extended.

White mulberry “Luganochka”

The fruits are creamy pink, sweet, up to 5.5 cm long, the yield is very high.

I am publishing the third piece of information about growing Mulberries:

The mulberry or mulberry tree is a southern plant, and the climate of the Moscow region is not entirely suitable for its cultivation.

Although the tree is able to survive cold weather when the thermometer drops to 30°C below zero, its roots are not frost-resistant and, in the absence of snow, can die when the soil cools to -7°C -10°C.

Therefore, when planting mulberry seedlings in the Moscow region, their root collars must be slightly deepened. And for the winter, it is better to cover the root system of the plant with an additional layer of mulch.

The second problem for mulberry growth in the Moscow region is the short duration of daylight hours.

Therefore, it has spring and autumn growing seasons. For most exotic trees, this would cause death, because in the fall they would not have time to prepare for winter.

But the mulberry has one amazing feature that allows it to survive an unexpected drop in temperature. The mulberry tree is capable of rejecting non-viable shoots.

This phenomenon is observed not only in autumn, but in summer during short-term cold snaps. Next year, with the beginning of the growing season, new shoots will appear from the lateral buds closest to the dead part.

Therefore, the plant does not suffer from severe frostbite on young branches.

In the southern regions, mulberry grows as a tall tree. In the Moscow region it is advisable to grow it in bush form. This will allow, if necessary, to completely cover the mulberry for the winter and thereby save it from frost.

When planting mulberry seedlings, they must be positioned so that there are no tall trees 6-7 meters away from them that will create shade at different times of the day.

In addition to proper care, you also need to know which mulberry seedlings to buy for the Moscow region.

Varieties of mulberry seedlings for the Moscow region

The following mulberry varieties are suitable for growing in the Moscow region:

Red mulberry “Vladimirskaya”

Tree over 6 m high with a wide crown. The plant can be grown as a bush, because... very actively produces lateral shoots from below. The fruits are sweet polydroplets of dark purple color, up to 3 cm long.

If you cut the central conductor at a certain height, the tree will acquire a weeping shape, this will give it a special decorative appearance, and it will be more convenient to harvest.

Advantages of the variety:
- frost resistance;
- self-pollinating.

White mulberry “Staromoskovskaya”

A deciduous tree with a spherical crown, the trunk height can reach 10 m. It can also be grown as a bush or by cutting off the central conductor to give it a weeping shape. The berries are sweetish in taste, dark purple, almost black in color, ranging in size from 2 to 3 cm.

Variety advantage:
- winter hardiness;
- self-fertility.

Mulberry "Royal"

The medium-sized tree grows quickly in a variety of soils, does not require abundant watering, and is characterized by the most delicious berries. Characterized by high fruiting. The berries are black, 3 cm long.

The tree can be trimmed and shaped into a ball. It tolerates cold well and does not need shelter in winter. This variety is partially self-fertile; other pollinating plants need to be planted next to it.

Advantages of the variety:
- frost resistance;
- high productivity;
- good transportability of fruits;
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- bark and berries can be used for medicinal purposes.

Mulberry "White Honey"

Deciduous fruit-bearing tree with a wide crown. The berries are sweet, difficult to transport, and can be stored fresh for no more than 6 hours. The variety is partially self-fertile.

Advantages of the variety:
- high productivity;
- frost resistance;
- grows in a variety of soils and does not require special care.

Mulberry "Black Prince"

A medium-sized tree with a wide crown, characterized by high productivity. The berries are large black, 5 cm in size, with a high content of vitamins and microelements. The variety is not picky about soil and tolerates drought well. The plant is not self-fertile.

Advantages of the variety:
- winter hardiness;
- high productivity.

Mulberry "Black Baroness"

A deciduous tree with a spherical crown, characterized by abundant fruiting. Grows on any soil. The berries are black, juicy, 4 cm in size, have low transportability, and can be stored for only 12 hours. The plant is partially self-fertile.

Advantages of the variety:
- frost resistance.
- high productivity.

Mulberry "Ukrainian"

The large tree is characterized by low fruiting, but the berries are sweet and without acid. An infusion of fruits and bark is used in folk medicine for asthma, bronchitis, and constipation.

Advantages of the variety:
- frost resistance;
- decorativeness;
- undemanding to the soil;
- beneficial properties of fruits.

Prices for mulberry seedlings for growing in the Moscow region

Prices for mulberry seedlings depend on the age of the plant: an annual tree can be purchased for an average of 500 rubles. Six-year-old seedlings cost about 15 thousand rubles.

Mulberry begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting, so it is better to buy three-year-old seedlings. They are significantly cheaper in price than four-year-old trees.

I’m thinking of purchasing two or three annual Mulberry seedlings to start with.

I am going to buy mulberry seedlings and berries.

I invite everyone to speak out in

Dwarf mulberry

Dwarf mulberry - candy from a branch

For many years now I have been growing a wonderful tree - the mulberry, the royal berry, as it is called in the East. First, out of resentment: why in Ukraine does it grow like a waste tree, not particularly cultivated by anyone, found in every public garden, but here, very close, no one has even heard of it?!

Planted it. I listened to ridicule, even this kind: “What is this? Mulberry?"- “How delicious!”- “Well, it won’t grow here!”

And in one case it doesn’t grow- if you don't plant it. I recently read a note from one northern “producer” of mulberry seedlings and felt sorry for the tree. Firstly, the price: 700 and even 1000 rubles for such an easily propagated plant is, to say the least, immoral and absolutely not justified by anything other than his greed. It also has the color of its berries: red, white, black- all on the same tree and they differ not in the color of the berries, but in the color of the bark of the tree itself. Yes, and it grows up to 30 m- These are the main absurdities of the article.

I would like to make it clear: it may grow up to 30 m, but this happens in the south, in the subtropics, and moving north, the mulberry paid for it with its size: already in Ukraine- it is a 6-7 meter tall, spreading tree. In Central Russia you will not find more than 5 m, but you can grow a dwarf one. Here's how we did it: we rooted cuttings of a 5-meter- the plant grew only 2.5-3 m. They began to take root, they are 8 years old, they are the size of a short person (1.50-1.60 m), and they begin to bear fruit literally in the second year.

And the color of the berries: they really first appear on one tree of all colors, but this is only a gradation of their ripening and only on a tree with black berries in the end. Red ones do not reach the black stage- turn into juicy red, almost burgundy, and white ones increase in size and at the end turn into yellow, the sweetest- real candy from a low branch!

I hand my neighbor’s granddaughter one berry through the net. - she takes it with caution (after all, she looks very much like an overweight caterpillar), with no less caution she puts it in her mouth, and only because she sees how I eat them,- and then he boldly extends his hands: “Sweetie! Come on, Aunt Nina, more!”

This plant is unpretentious, almost weedy (it’s not for nothing that in the south it is used to form snow strips, parks and squares) and exceptionally frost-resistant- in laboratory conditions, the mulberry branch remained alive even after minus 60 degrees. And she also has one plus- This is the ability to withstand changes in winter temperature from above zero to deeply below zero. In 2006, for example, our temperature stayed at minus 43 degrees for a month. There have been winters, even this one, when the honeysuckle bloomed in January, and then there was frost again. So, of all the garden crops, mulberry was the only one that never suffered frost damage or attacks; even the flower buds were not damaged. In a word, it is the only crop that bears fruit in the garden every year and abundantly.

Especially white. You'll come in the morning- there is nowhere to step, everything is white under the tree, and in the hollows there are berries in 2-3 layers- whole drifts swept away overnight!

For 12 years now I have been growing and sending this wonderful plant throughout Russia, as well as to Siberia and the Urals, and even to Yakutia, and not a single gardener has ever written to me that it has not taken root or has frozen out. This means that it lives there and bears fruit!

Many people ask about agricultural cultivation techniques. So, I believe that there is no need for any! What kind of agricultural technology does, say, an oak tree in the forest have?! Any fertilizers only weaken the natural vitality, pamper- give it the opportunity to grow and develop as nature intended; there is no need to artificially spur and stimulate rapid growth and fruiting. I dug a hole, straightened the roots, planted it and watered it. And I watered it again until it takes root, and then you can forget it until it blooms.

What vitality can a pampered, greenhouse tree give to a person? After all, in nature it grows on rocky screes, poor soil without artificial stimulants, and from this soil it draws vital and healing power, which it extends to us- Take advantage, they say, people, be treated with my fruits!

Nina Aleksandrovna Vyazemskaya , Lipetsk region

(Gardens of Siberia, No. 7, 2014)

Mulberry, popularly called the “mulberry tree,” has been known since time immemorial. Belonging to the mulberry family, this plant in nature is represented by shrubs and tall trees. Mulberries are not actually mulberries: they are infructescences of mini-nuts with tightly fused pericarps.

The most popular among domestic consumers are black and white mulberries, but in America a completely inedible mulberry grows, highly valued for its wood. There is also a forage species that grows in the wild.

This delicious mulberry!

The leaves of the plant are the main food for the silkworm, whose cocoons are the main material for producing silk. By the way, black and white mulberries differ from each other not in the color of the berries, but in the color of the bark of the branches: in white mulberries it is light, in black mulberries it is an order of magnitude darker. The fruits of this plant, loved by adults and children, contain a large complex of vitamins, which makes consuming this product not only pleasant, but also healthy. Black mulberry is the basis for delicious preserves, jams and compotes; fermentation of the berries produces excellent wine; distillation produces mulberry vodka. Of course, fresh mulberry fruits are most in demand.

Black mulberry: description

Black mulberry, whose homeland is Iran, is very loved by many people for the sweet, slightly sour taste of its purple-black, blackberry-like berries. Its leaves are not suitable for feeding silkworms, because they are too tough for such capricious caterpillars.

Mulberry, planting and caring for which does not require special knowledge, is a heat-loving plant; can reach a height of 3.5 meters; In garden conditions, for ease of picking berries, it is recommended to form the crown in a timely manner so that the height of the plant does not exceed 2-3 meters. The lifespan of mulberry is quite long - several hundred years; The harvest can be expected 5 years from the moment of planting, from grafted trees - a little earlier. On average, a 10-year-old tree can produce about 100 kilograms of high-quality sweet fruits.

Plants can be either self-pollinating (have flowers of both sexes in one inflorescence) or not. In the second case, a pair (male and female trees) will need to be planted on the site.

Mulberry as an element of landscape design

Black mulberry is often used in landscape design; The tree looks impressive in group plantings and is used to form hedges. Its decorative forms are becoming increasingly popular, for example, weeping, characterized by original branches bending towards the ground. Low mulberries with a spherical crown are also quite popular when decorating plots.


Black mulberry can be propagated in several ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

The seed method is most often used by breeders to adapt the plant to northern regions or when growing a rootstock for grafting. The seeds, which are very small (1000 pieces weigh about 2.5 grams), must first undergo stratification for 2 months. Sowing is done in early spring, incorporation into the soil is shallow. Crops need to be mulched to protect the top soil layer from drying out. During the season, young seedlings should be weeded several times, destroying the weeds located around them. By autumn, with good care, large seedlings will appear, the fruiting of which will begin at 5-6 years of age.

Vegetative propagation of mulberries is carried out by layering, grafting, green cuttings and shoots. Cultivated varieties are often propagated by grafting; white mulberry is used as a rootstock.

It is recommended to grow mulberries on loose loamy or sandy loam soils. For bush planting, it is recommended to maintain a distance between plants of at least half a meter with a 3-meter row spacing. The interval between mulberry trees is at least 5 meters with a 4-meter row spacing.

Features of care

The main factors in mulberry care are watering and pruning. It is recommended to water the tree very abundantly in the first half of summer for the purpose of the upcoming winter. The plant will also need to be well fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Feeding and watering should be stopped in July, then the mulberry will be easier to tolerate temperature changes and frosts.

The ripening of berries occurs from May to August; it lasts very unevenly: one branch can be densely strewn with ripe fruits, while some of the berries are just beginning to grow. Ripe berries fall off easily. Therefore, at the beginning of fruit ripening, it is recommended to lay film or fabric under the tree to facilitate harvesting.

Mulberry in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has appreciated the medicinal properties of mulberry. A decoction of tree bark is an effective anthelmintic. The juice of the fruit helps cleanse the blood, helps with stomatitis, sore throat and other inflammations of the mucous membranes, an infusion of the berries will cure a cough, a decoction of the branches of the plant helps with rheumatic pain, a decoction of the leaves is used as an antipyretic. Even the roots of the mulberry tree are useful, a decoction of which provides an expectorant effect when sputum appears.

Black mulberry: varieties

Shelly No. 150 is a high-yielding variety. The creator of this variety is the Poltava breeder L. I. Prokazin. Shelly berries are very large, about 6 cm in length, and are characterized by high taste. The length of the leaf with petiole reaches half a meter. This is one of the best varieties of mulberry, which is appreciated by domestic consumers.

Black Baroness. The variety is tall, high-yielding, and frost-resistant. The ripening of large and sweet fruits occurs in June-July.

Black Pearl. Characterized by very large berries with a pleasant sweet taste, about 4 centimeters in length. The height of the tree is about 3.5 meters. Fruiting begins in June and lasts 1.5-2 months. The berries are large and characterized by a pleasant sweet taste.

Mulberry has been known since the time of Tsar Ivan IV. By 550 AD, Christian monks had already mastered industrial espionage, having successfully carried out a special operation: taking grenades from the Chinese - silkworm eggs and the secret of making silk.

Therefore, during the time of Ivan the Terrible, for the first time, the royal manufactory began to produce natural silk for the royal court. The silkworm, from whose cocoons the silk was obtained, was supposed to be fed mulberry leaves.

Peter I also loved mulberries very much. To prevent mulberries from being cut down, a special decree was issued. Many countries still use mulberry trees to produce natural silk.

Mulberry belongs to the mulberry family; it is represented by fairly tall trees and shrubs. Mulberry berries only look like berries, but upon careful study, they turned out to be infructescences of mini-nuts, with fused amniotic pellets.

Mulberry fruit

White and black mulberries are popular with us. In the wild, fodder mulberry (satin) is known; in America, an inedible species of red mulberry grows, which is valued for its valuable wood.

White mulberry

This is the same tree whose leaves fed silkworm caterpillars in China.

The silkworm is no less beautiful than a silk scarf

It has the most delicate leaves - the silk obtained is of the highest quality. Its fruits, usually white, come with yellowish or purple hues, and sometimes dark. This is a frost-resistant tree that has a wide growing area, also due to its thick bark. The bark of the mulberry is gray, sometimes with a green tint.
Around 400 varieties of mulberries have been bred by breeders around the world.

White mulberry, Black-browed variety - even in the sun there are spots

Black mulberry

This is a tree that came to us from Iran and other southern countries, so the tree is heat-loving. The bark is red-brown.

Picky silkworms will not eat its tough leaves. But people really like its delicious purple to black berries. They are oblong in shape, reminiscent of blackberries, sweet with a slight sourness, their taste is richer than that of white mulberries. Recently, frost-resistant varieties have been developed.


Mulberry trees can reach up to 35m in height. Such a giant would not be appropriate in the garden. Try to form a tree about 2-3 meters high. Choose your planting site carefully, mulberry is a long-liver, 200 years is not the limit for it. Three-hundred-year-old specimens have been noted. It begins to bear fruit in the fifth year, and grafted trees even earlier. From a ten-year-old tree you can get up to 100 kg of tasty and healthy fruits.

I distinguish between monoecious and dioecious plants. Monoecious - self-pollinating, when the same plant has male and female flowers in the same inflorescence. Dioecious - have only male or female flowers. Depending on this, either one tree or a pair is planted.

Mulberry trees are very often used in landscape design. They are good because they tolerate urban conditions well and look great in group plantings or as a hedge. Gives the designer a choice: you can choose a tree that bears fruit, and if you don’t want to look at the crushed berries on the path, plant a male plant.

Plant male plants near paths

Mulberry tolerates pruning well, you can shape the crown at your discretion.
Recently, decorative varieties have become very popular. For example, a weeping plant that hangs its branches all the way to the ground. Low-growing varieties with a spherical crown are in demand. For group plantings, narrow pyramidal or pyramidal crowns are used, with tree heights up to 6 m.

Propagation by seeds

Breeders use the seed method mainly to acclimatize mulberries in the northern regions or to grow a rootstock for subsequent grafting. Before sowing the seeds, they are stratified for 2 months. Sowing without stratification is carried out after three days of soaking. Seeds are sown in early spring.

Vegetative propagation

The vegetative method of propagation offers propagation by grafting, shoots, green cuttings and layering (for the weeping form).
Grafting is used mainly for cultivated varieties using budding. The rootstock is white mulberry. If the buds of the scion have matured well, and the rootstock separates the bark well, the time for grafting has come!


Decide in advance on the shape of the tree: you will have a plant with a trunk or a bush form convenient for the garden. In the first option, the distance between trees will be about 5m and 4m between rows. In the second case - 0.5 m and 3 m between rows. Otherwise, the user follows the classic recommendations for planting trees. It would not be superfluous to take into account that mulberry roots are very fragile and require careful handling.


Watering. In order for the plant to survive future frosts well, at the beginning of summer (until July) water and nourish with organic and mineral fertilizers. This will help the mulberry during winter anabiosis to withstand frosts and temperature changes, which most often occur in the middle zone. From July, fertilizing and watering can be stopped.


Form a tree with a trunk of 0.5-1.5 m, with a crown height of 2-4 m, spherical or broom-shaped. Old shoots are covered with corky bark, unlike young shoots. Last year's young growths often freeze over: they have thin young bark that quickly loses moisture. It is recommended to cut off frozen shoots; do not worry - this will not affect the harvest in any way. Otherwise, pruning is no different from pruning other trees.


Mulberry fruits ripen from May to August. Maturation occurs gradually. So on one branch there can simultaneously be fully ripe berries and those just starting to grow. Ripe fruits fall off very easily. For ease of harvesting, at the beginning of ripening it is recommended to lay film, agrofibre or some other fabric under the tree.

Mulberry occupies its niche in cooking and folk medicine in Asian countries. Its brewed bark is an excellent anthelmintic; an infusion of the berries will help with coughs. The juice of the berries is used for sore throat, stomatitis, and other inflammations of the mucous membrane. An infusion of leaves is useful for hypertensive patients. Well, we all eat raw berries with pleasure.


Black Baroness.

The variety was bred in the Rostok gardening industry. Paradoxically, it applies to white mulberry varieties. The fruits are large, up to 4 cm in length and 1.5 cm in diameter. Sweet, weak aroma. High-yielding variety, fruiting time: June-July. Frost resistance down to -30°C, after freezing it is quickly restored, with virtually no loss of yield.

Shelly 150

The variety belongs to L.I. Prokazin. from Poltava region. A variety of random seedling found by Prokazin. Characterized by strong and stable growth. Fruiting period: May-June, has no periodicity in fruiting. The berry is up to 5.5 cm in length, weighing 4-6 g, very tasty, transportability is average. This is the largest mulberry fruit in the CIS and Poland. It is rightfully considered one of the most famous and best varieties. Shelley 150 sheet with spine can reach 0.5 m.

White Tenderness

The variety is white and belongs to L.I. Prokazin. from Poltava region. Large and delicate fruits up to 5 cm, not transportable. The variety bears fruit abundantly, fruiting is extended.


White variety, belongs to L.I. Prokazin. Creamy pink, very sweet large (up to 5.5 cm) fruits. High yield.

Take care of the mulberry and it will take care of you.

Mulberry - mulberry tree | Near the househttp://site/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/22.jpghttp://site/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ш22-150x150.jpg 2014-11-17T22:28:46+00:00 Near the housePlant caregrowing, tree, weeping, gardening, mulberry, mulberryMulberry has been known since the time of Tsar Ivan IV. By 550 AD, Christian monks had already mastered industrial espionage, having successfully carried out a special operation: taking away from the Chinese grenas - silkworm eggs and the secret of making silk. Handmade silk scarf Therefore, during the time of Ivan the Terrible, for the first time, the royal manufactory began to produce natural silk for the royal court... .Near the house [email protected] Administrator Near the House

Mulberry has been cultivated for a long time. More than 150 of its species are known, and many fruit, fodder and ornamental varieties have been bred.

Mulberry varieties

Of the one and a half hundred species, barely a tenth of their total number has become widespread. We grow white, black and red mulberries. Satin (fodder) mulberry is found in nature. In America, there is a widespread variety that is of interest due to the high quality of its wood (the berries of the plant are inedible).

White mulberry varieties

White mulberry can have not only white, but also pink, yellow and even black fruits. The fact is that this variety got its name due to the light (grayish) color of the bark. Black mulberry has dark bark. Despite its southern origin, white mulberry successfully adapts to the conditions of the northern regions.

In China, this particular variety of mulberry was grown to breed silkworms (black mulberries have tougher leaves). Popular varieties:

  • Diana
  • Mashenka
  • Snow White
  • White tenderness
  • White honey
  • Dark-skinned girl
  • Luganochka
  • Black Baroness

Mulberry Black Baroness: variety description

One of the most popular varieties of white mulberry is Black Baroness. As the name suggests, the berries of this variety are black in color. The fruits are large (3.5 cm by 1.5 cm). The aroma of the berries is weak, the taste is sweet. The yield of the variety is high and stable. The ripening season is June-July. Plants can withstand winter temperature drops down to -30 °C.

Description of the White Honey mulberry variety

Another popular variety of white mulberry is White Honey. The plant is winter-hardy, self-pollinating, high-yielding. The juicy berries have a very sweet taste. Their ripening season is June-July.

Varieties of black mulberry

Iran is considered the birthplace of black mulberry. The berries of this variety have a sweet and sour taste (white fruits have fewer flavor nuances). The bark color of black mulberry is red-brown. Black mulberry is more capricious in terms of reducing temperature - the plants freeze slightly when there is a serious “minus”. Popular varieties:

  • Royal
  • Plodovaya-4
  • Staromoskovskaya
  • Black Pearl
  • Black Prince
  • Shelly-150
  • Hope

Mulberry Nadezhda: variety description

The tree of this variety reaches a height of 10 m. The fruits are very dark and large (5 cm in length). Ripening season is July. The berries stick well to the branches. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste. The yield of the variety is high and stable. Plants tolerate frost well.

Large varieties of mulberries

Small-fruited mulberry varieties often delight with the sweet taste of the berries, but they have a serious disadvantage - harvesting is quite difficult. Large-fruited varieties attract gardeners due to the size and taste of the berries, and therefore are a priority. The most popular large-fruited varieties:

  • Black Prince
  • Shelly-150
  • Black Pearl
  • White tenderness

Description of mulberry variety Shelly-150

This variety has gained recognition due to its large and sweet berries (5.5 cm in length, weight 4-6 g). The fruiting season begins at the end of May. The fruits are dark colored. The variety is productive. Transportability of fruits is average.

Decorative mulberry varieties

Decorative mulberry varieties are popular, such as Lasiniata (its distinctive feature is beautiful carved leaves), Aurea (with yellow leaves), Globosa (the tree of this variety has a beautiful spherical crown), Pyramidalis (the variety is characterized by a pyramidal crown shape).

Mulberry varieties for Russia

What varieties of mulberries are suitable for the Moscow region and central Russia? Many varieties can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, but it is worth considering that the roots of the plant freeze slightly at -7 ° C... -10 ° C. When planting mulberries in this region, the root collar of the seedling is buried, and the roots are mulched for the winter. Short daylight hours also interfere with the normal development of mulberries. In the Moscow region, it is recommended to grow the plant in the form of a bush, and not a tree, as in the southern regions. In the middle zone, white mulberry varieties have taken root; black ones tolerate low temperatures less well. Popular frost-resistant mulberry varieties:

  • Vladimirskaya
  • Staromoskovskaya
  • Royal
  • White honey

Description of the mulberry variety Staromoskovskaya

White mulberry Staromoskovskaya has a spherical crown. The plant can be grown in a weeping form. The berries are sweet, almost black, 2-3 cm in length. The plant is frost-resistant. When looking for a self-fertile mulberry variety, choose the Staromoskovskaya variety - the plant is capable of producing a harvest of berries without a pollinator variety.

Mulberry: the best varieties

It is difficult to say which mulberry variety deserves the title of best. If you prefer the rich taste of berries, opt for black mulberry varieties. If you love exquisite sweetness, plant white mulberry seedlings in your garden. If conditions are not favorable for plant pollination, order a self-fertile variety from the nursery. Choose large-fruited varieties and be sure to take into account the climatic conditions of your region.

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