Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Read e-books online without registration. electronic library papyrus. read from mobile. listen to audiobooks. fb2 reader. Read online the book “The Boutique of the Hands-On Lady with the Chewing Gum”

Read e-books online without registration. electronic library papyrus. read from mobile. listen to audiobooks. fb2 reader. Read online the book “The Boutique of the Hands-On Lady with the Chewing Gum”

King Pea Dollars
Dontsova Daria

What a day! First, Dasha Vasilyeva, leaving Lozhkin, came across a flock of... penguins! In the summer, in the heat! They led her to an overturned van, in the cabin of which there was a wounded driver, Sergei Yakunin. He asked her to give an envelope with money to some Clara...

And then it turned out that a terrible hurricane swept away the roof of Dasha’s house, and she and her family moved into a terrible shack with an eccentric owner. But everyday difficulties do not prevent Dasha from looking for the mysterious Clara. And at this time terrible things begin to happen...

45 caliber smile
Dontsova Daria

Dasha Vasilyeva is invited to a party with Professor Yuri Rykov. Imagine her indignation when the next morning the Rykovs accused her of stealing a golden egg by Faberge, which was supposedly their family heirloom. The tabloid newspaper “Ulet” published an article where Dasha was also called a thief. To protect her reputation and help return the egg to its rightful owner Amalia Korf, private investigation enthusiast Dasha Vasilyeva begins her own investigation. And then one after another...

Wszystko czerwone / Everything red
Chmielewska Joanna

Bilingual. Polish language with Joanna Chmielewska. Ilya Frank's reading method.
The book offers the work of Ioanna Khmelevskaya “Everything Red,” adapted (without simplifying the original text) according to the method of Ilya Frank. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that memorization of words and expressions occurs due to their repetition, without memorization and the need to use a dictionary. The manual promotes effective language acquisition and can serve as an addition to the curriculum. Designed for students...

A slightly shocking figure
Dontsova Daria

You want to do the best, but it turns out... A terrible story! I, private detective Evlampiya Romanova, agreed to help my client play the role of Professor Antonov’s niece and got myself into a terrible situation. I was accused of murder! The lady who ordered it is, of course, cunning, but the Lamp is not cut out for it either. I’ll find out for free where the legs are coming from in this matter... But then, completely inappropriately, all the appliances in my house went off! Now you can’t cook food, watch TV, or boil tea... But in...

The ugly duckling's hobby
Dontsova Daria

Fatal bad luck in the family of Dasha Vasilyeva began after the weekend that they all spent at the stud farm of their acquaintances, the Vereshchagins. There was another respectable couple there - Lena and Misha Kayurov, owners of two horses. True, six months ago, when Dasha met the Kayurovs, they were just beggars. And Lena, who then threw a rag doll from the window onto Dasha’s car, was completely insane. Now she seemed completely healthy... Then Daria overheard a quarrel between the Kayurovs, and later Lena was found...

A fish named Bunny
Dontsova Daria

Guard! Ivan Podushkin is in time trouble! Not only that, his owner and owner of the Niro detective agency went to Switzerland to learn to walk again after surgery. She also instructed her secretary to renovate the entire apartment before her return. And now unfortunate Vanya, like a pathetic little bob, rushes around the shops in the heat in search of super toilets, musical washbasins and bathtubs. Naturally, during the renovation he had to go live with his mother, which in itself is not a problem, and then they also have to...

Auntie's House of Lies
Dontsova Daria

Truly life is full of miracles! Especially from the lover of private investigation Dasha Vasilyeva. Grieving over the sudden death of Poly, the daughter of her friend, Dasha came to the morgue to pick up the body. And there she was told that the girl... came to life. It turns out that she was simply in a comatose state. And laughter and tears! Now an unclaimed coffin has appeared in Dasha’s country house, in which... a pit bull is sleeping. And then a terrible thing happened - Polya died after losing control of someone else’s car. And Dasha immediately starts searching...

Return of the Prodigal Boomerang
Kalinina Daria

Arriving in a small village to visit their friend Anka, Kira and Lesya were most afraid of boredom. But in vain! This is where they had to show their detective abilities to the fullest. On the second day after arriving, someone stabbed Niko, Anya’s husband’s uncle, with a knife. The couple lived in perfect harmony for five years. But the uncle still did not recognize his daughter-in-law. The old man’s character was quarrelsome, but that’s not what people kill for. Then three more murders occurred one after another. Add to this complicated love affairs with a criminal overtone, the search for...

March cat's benefit
Dontsova Daria

Dasha Vasilyeva has catastrophic luck with corpses!.. Only she agreed to go to a classical music concert with an impressive man, Stas Komolov, and now he is already a corpse. During the intermission, Dasha ran for water and drops for him, she thought he was feeling bad from the stuffiness, but he would just die. And the next day the cops showed up at her house. They clearly suspect Dasha of murder. What to do? Of course, run! And now she’s already at the Kursky station with a suitcase in one hand and a pug, Hooch, in the other. Behind the lover's back...

Cinderella in chocolate
Dontsova Daria

How can I, Evlampia Romanova, stay away if a friend gets sick? Terrible: Vovka Kostin has no stomach! This is exactly the diagnosis that was made at the paid clinic. Nonsense, the doctors are lying, he eats with such appetite! They lie to get money for treatment. The wrong one was attacked! It’s not for nothing that Mrs. Romanova is an employee of a private detective agency! So I’ll go and deal with the farriers who make such diagnoses for that kind of money!

By the way, where did you get it from the head of the clinic department...

How did children play and have fun when there was no Internet, mobile phones and tablets? You can learn about this from the book! The exciting summer adventures of the eight-year-old girl Lilia and her friends will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

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Vladimir Filippovich Tokarev, doctor, health care organizer of the highest category with 37 years of practical experience as the head of medical institutions. In 2006, the publishing house “House of Printing - VYATKA” published his book “Return to the Origins. Humanology.” New book “Ringing the bells. Hear!” is a logical continuation of the theme of Man as a Personality in its original form, consisting of Spirit, soul and body.

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Evil awaits us everywhere. Lives in the dark halls of secret societies, hides at altars for human sacrifice, rushes past the stars on wings of darkness. Who can resist him and not allow humanity, frozen on the edge of the abyss, to fall into the abyss? Only he, a hero, equally good with a sword and firearms, a man who was endowed by higher powers with the ability to travel between worlds!

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Vika is an ordinary teacher. She has been married for a long time. Pavel is wild and cruel. He is Vika's former student and has long been obsessed with her. There is no strength to resist him. Vika is drawn into the whirlpool of passion and madness. Between them there is pain and an unhealthy craving for each other. They are tightly stuck between Vika's husband and the murders in which Pavel is suspected. What will win this war? Reason or sick passion? Attention! 18+ The book contains: realistic description of sex, cruelty, the heroine is older than the hero, profanity. Contains obscene language.

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Can a good girl suddenly pull the stop valve and jump out of the train of someone else's dreams? Will he regret this when his pockets and stomach are empty, guilt gnaws at the soul, and there are only obstacles on the path to love? Will a man be able to forget his pain and open his heart to love? Cover by: conrado (shutterstock).Contains strong language.

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A book of poems, songs about love and life. We catch the connection between delirium and reality, like a moth. She is fragile, just like him. And just as amazing. Attempts to keep her close are justified by our inexperience. The naivety we keep. And which protects us...Photo and collage by Iolanta Sergeantova.

Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is being conducted by an amateur - 20

All names and surnames in this book are fictitious. The events described in the novel never happened in reality. Any similarities are random. However, anything can happen in life, even things that are hard to imagine.

Chapter 1

The most evil dogs are of the human breed. However, now I am being unfair to four-legged animals. A dog, even the most rabid one, can never compare with people in terms of meanness.

If some male dog comes at you, he will not hide his desire to tear you to rags. He will not hide his intentions under a sweet smile, will not pretend to be a friend, a fluffy, affectionate lap dog, will not give the wrong advice, and then falsely exclaim: “Who thought that this would happen! I wished you well, you know it yourself!”

Have you ever met a Rottweiler who, when drunk, beats his wife and puppies? Have you ever seen a spaniel drive his grandmother out of the house because she had lost her mind from old age? Maybe you have encountered a Great Dane who constantly lies to his owners? That's it! Only man is capable of some “wonderful” deeds...

Why did I fall into philosophical reverie? Maybe I just don't feel like working?

This, however, is understandable. It’s the beginning of June, the weather outside is rare for Moscow: neither hot nor cold, no rain, but the hot sun is not baking, no piercing wind is blowing and no smoke is spreading from the burning peat bogs of the Moscow region. It seems that this summer you will be able to soak up the gentle rays of the sun.

Completely delighted with the wonderful day, I went out into the street, sat down at a table under a striped awning and began to look at the passers-by. Still, capitalism has its charms. Just yesterday there was no hint of a summer veranda in this place, but in the morning the owner of the restaurant looked out the window and instantly gave the order to equip it. By the way, the coffee here is good and the ice cream is good.

I stuck a spoon into the white ball covered in jam. Generally speaking, I am now supposed to be at work and wait for clients. But people do not yet want to use the services of a private detective; people rushed en masse to their dachas to fry kebabs and heat the bathhouse. Already on Thursday evening you can easily move around Moscow in a car, and on Friday, after the “Time” program, there is no trace of traffic jams left - everyone who managed to, drove into nature, creating traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road. And today is Saturday, well, judge for yourself what kind of clients they are, huh?

I probably should have taken a day off, but I rushed to the office at the crack of dawn for one reason: I have everything at home (I don’t mean my own mental health, but the presence of family members in the apartment). Kiryusha and Lizaveta are preparing for exams, so they seem to be obliged to pore over their desks, Yulechka and Seryozhka decided to take a day off, Kostin was unexpectedly lucky with time off. Katyusha was alone at the clinic, but by noon her friend would return after working for a day. Right now he’s probably already riding in the elevator to his home floor.

If we intend to idle on Saturday, then I suggest we go to the store and finally buy a new TV for the living room,” Yulechka suggested yesterday. - We have put off the trip until now only because everyone has their own idea of ​​a new “box” and it makes sense to purchase it in its entirety. Personally, I am for a plasma panel.

Why plasma? - Kostin became worried. - Better…

“It’s already begun,” Yulechka chuckled. - So, it’s decided, tomorrow we’ll head to Doom.

No way for gingerbread! - Seryozha soared. - In Duma, equipment is more expensive, you should go to Teleland.

“We have a discount card from Uni,” Kiryushka reminded, “they’ll discount ten percent there!”

Nonsense, - the older brother did not give in, - they sell junk at Uni!

But they give cool gifts for free,” Lizaveta joined the fight.

What kind of person have I ever had to pretend to be while investigating crimes? But I really didn’t expect that I, Evlampia Romanova, would be forced to play the role of... a “hanger.” Or, in other words, fashion models. And this is with my appearance! But what won’t you do for the sake of the client... True, all I need is to find a scoundrel who is trying to make Irina Shulgina, the manager of a fashion boutique, look like a thief. You could say it's a piece of cake! And so I twirl in front of capricious customers in chic outfits, and in the meantime I conduct an investigation. As soon as I found the villain, I just realized why she was plotting her intrigues, when they took her and killed her, in the language of the fashion business. Ha ha! Joke! I immediately grabbed the killer’s hand with a bloody knife clutched in it. But wait, not everything is that simple. She is not a criminal at all! Who?..

Darya Dontsova

Boutique of iron fists

All names and surnames in this book are fictitious. The events described in the novel never happened in reality. Any similarities are random. However, anything can happen in life, even things that are hard to imagine.

Chapter 1

The most evil dogs are of the human breed. However, now I am being unfair to four-legged animals. A dog, even the most rabid one, can never compare with people in terms of meanness.

If some male dog comes at you, he will not hide his desire to tear you to rags. He will not hide his intentions under a sweet smile, will not pretend to be a friend, a fluffy, affectionate lap dog, will not give the wrong advice, and then falsely exclaim: “Who thought that this would happen! I wished you well, you know it yourself!”

Have you ever met a Rottweiler who, when drunk, beats his wife and puppies? Have you ever seen a spaniel drive his grandmother out of the house because she had lost her mind from old age? Maybe you have encountered a Great Dane who constantly lies to his owners? That's it! Only man is capable of some “wonderful” deeds...

Why did I fall into philosophical reverie? Maybe I just don't feel like working?

This, however, is understandable. It’s the beginning of June, the weather outside is rare for Moscow: neither hot nor cold, no rain, but the hot sun is not baking, no piercing wind is blowing and no smoke is spreading from the burning peat bogs of the Moscow region. It seems that this summer you will be able to soak up the gentle rays of the sun.

Completely delighted with the wonderful day, I went out into the street, sat down at a table under a striped awning and began to look at the passers-by. Still, capitalism has its charms. Just yesterday there was no hint of a summer veranda in this place, but in the morning the owner of the restaurant looked out the window and instantly gave the order to equip it. By the way, the coffee here is good and the ice cream is good.

I stuck a spoon into the white ball covered in jam. Generally speaking, I am now supposed to be at work and wait for clients. But people do not yet want to use the services of a private detective; people rushed en masse to their dachas to fry kebabs and heat the bathhouse. Already on Thursday evening you can easily move around Moscow in a car, and on Friday, after the “Time” program, there is no trace of traffic jams left - everyone who managed to do so drove off into nature, creating traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road. And today is Saturday, well, judge for yourself what kind of clients they are, huh?

I probably should have taken a day off, but I rushed to the office at the crack of dawn for one reason: I have everything at home (I don’t mean my own mental health, but the presence of family members in the apartment). Kiryusha and Lizaveta are preparing for exams, so they seem to be obliged to pore over their desks, Yulechka and Seryozhka decided to take a day off, Kostin was unexpectedly lucky with time off. Katyusha was alone at the clinic, but by noon her friend would return after working for a day. Right now he’s probably already riding in the elevator to his home floor.

“If we intend to idle on Saturday, then I suggest we go to the store and finally buy a new TV for the living room,” Yulechka suggested yesterday. – We have put off the trip until now only because everyone has their own idea of ​​a new “box” and it makes sense to purchase it in its entirety. Personally, I am for a plasma panel.

– Why plasma? – Kostin became worried. - Better…

“It’s already begun,” Yulechka chuckled. - So, it’s decided, tomorrow we’ll head to Doom.

- No way for gingerbread! – Seryozha soared. – In Duma, equipment is more expensive, you should go to Teleland.

“We have a discount card from Uni,” Kiryushka reminded, “they’ll discount ten percent!”

“Nonsense,” the older brother did not concede, “they sell junk at Uni!”

“But they give cool gifts for free,” Lizaveta joined the fight.

– You are all wrong! - Kostin decided to “build” those present. – You are chatting, as usual, incredible nonsense. Truly high-quality equipment can only be found in Mitino, and that’s where we’ll go.

All names and surnames in this book are fictitious. The events described in the novel never happened in reality. Any similarities are random. However, anything can happen in life, even things that are hard to imagine.

The most evil dogs are of the human breed. However, now I am being unfair to four-legged animals. A dog, even the most rabid one, can never compare with people in terms of meanness.

If some male dog comes at you, he will not hide his desire to tear you to rags. He will not hide his intentions under a sweet smile, will not pretend to be a friend, a fluffy, affectionate lap dog, will not give the wrong advice, and then falsely exclaim: “Who thought that this would happen! I wished you well, you know it yourself!”

Have you ever met a Rottweiler who, when drunk, beats his wife and puppies? Have you ever seen a spaniel drive his grandmother out of the house because she had lost her mind from old age? Maybe you have encountered a Great Dane who constantly lies to his owners? That's it! Only man is capable of some “wonderful” deeds...

Why did I fall into philosophical reverie? Maybe I just don't feel like working?

This, however, is understandable. It’s the beginning of June, the weather outside is rare for Moscow: neither hot nor cold, no rain, but the hot sun is not baking, no piercing wind is blowing and no smoke is spreading from the burning peat bogs of the Moscow region. It seems that this summer you will be able to soak up the gentle rays of the sun.

Completely delighted with the wonderful day, I went out into the street, sat down at a table under a striped awning and began to look at the passers-by. Still, capitalism has its charms. Just yesterday there was no hint of a summer veranda in this place, but in the morning the owner of the restaurant looked out the window and instantly gave the order to equip it. By the way, the coffee here is good and the ice cream is good.

I stuck a spoon into the white ball covered in jam. Generally speaking, I am now supposed to be at work and wait for clients. But people do not yet want to use the services of a private detective; people rushed en masse to their dachas to fry kebabs and heat the bathhouse. Already on Thursday evening you can easily move around Moscow in a car, and on Friday, after the “Time” program, there is no trace of traffic jams left - everyone who managed to do so drove off into nature, creating traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road. And today is Saturday, well, judge for yourself what kind of clients they are, huh?

I probably should have taken a day off, but I rushed to the office at the crack of dawn for one reason: I have everything at home (I don’t mean my own mental health, but the presence of family members in the apartment). Kiryusha and Lizaveta are preparing for exams, so they seem to be obliged to pore over their desks, Yulechka and Seryozhka decided to take a day off, Kostin was unexpectedly lucky with time off. Katyusha was alone at the clinic, but by noon her friend would return after working for a day. Right now he’s probably already riding in the elevator to his home floor.

“If we intend to idle on Saturday, then I suggest we go to the store and finally buy a new TV for the living room,” Yulechka suggested yesterday. – We have put off the trip until now only because everyone has their own idea of ​​a new “box” and it makes sense to purchase it in its entirety. Personally, I am for a plasma panel.

– Why plasma? – Kostin became worried. - Better…

“It’s already begun,” Yulechka chuckled. - So, it’s decided, tomorrow we’ll head to Doom.

- No way for gingerbread! – Seryozha soared. – In Duma, equipment is more expensive, you should go to Teleland.

“We have a discount card from Uni,” Kiryushka reminded, “they’ll discount ten percent!”

“Nonsense,” the older brother did not concede, “they sell junk at Uni!”

“But they give cool gifts for free,” Lizaveta joined the fight.

– You are all wrong! - Kostin decided to “build” those present. – You are chatting, as usual, incredible nonsense. Really high-quality equipment can only be found in Mitino, and that’s where we’ll go.

- It sucks! - the schoolchildren shouted in unison.

“It’s complete idiocy,” Yulechka flushed, “to take expensive equipment from peddlers, without a guarantee!”

Vovka laughed:

– Have you been looking at the radio market for a long time?

“I’ve never been there,” Yulechka admitted honestly.

- Here! And you are performing! – Kostin shook his head.

“I read in the newspaper about the rules there,” Yulia insisted.

– Do you believe everything that is written? – Seryozhka squinted, going over to the major’s side. – What about the fences?

- Fool! – the wife stamped her foot and threw a murderous look at her hubby.

- This is not an answer. By the way, that’s why money doesn’t last in our family,” Seryozhka sighed. – After all, we can save money, but we don’t want to!

“We have a discount,” Kiryushka muttered.

- To Uni - over my corpse! – Vovka began to get angry.

At this stage, when a nice conversation about plans for the weekend began to spontaneously develop into a global scandal, I quietly got up and slipped into my bedroom.

And in the morning, around eight, trying not to make any noise, she plopped into the bathroom and was amazed to see Yulechka there.

- Why did you jump up at the crack of dawn? – she asked, yawning desperately.

- It's time to go to work! – I answered cheerfully.

- Aren't you coming with us to watch TV?

“No,” I answered with fake grief. – Alas, I really, really, really wanted to take part in choosing the model, I just dreamed of going with everyone, but the owner won’t let me go.