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» What to do if eggplant leaves wither? Why do eggplant leaves wither in a greenhouse? How to save eggplants from wilting?

What to do if eggplant leaves wither? Why do eggplant leaves wither in a greenhouse? How to save eggplants from wilting?

06 06.18

Why do eggplant leaves turn yellow and wither? Eliminating the causes!


Eggplant is a very capricious and delicate vegetable that loves a lot of attention and care. Many gardeners try to grow it, but they often see an unpleasant picture: for some reason the seedlings suddenly begin to weaken, turn pale, droop and finally wither. Very young shoots can also begin to dry out for some unknown reason. According to agronomists, in this case, in order to understand why this is happening, you will need to carefully examine your garden bed and figure out what is wrong with it. This may be the result of several factors.

Eggplant is a southern plant and requires sufficient warmth and sunlight. This is a prerequisite for normal growth and development. In order for fruits to appear, in addition to suitable weather, it needs fertilizing, protection from pests and diseases.

Lack of mineral elements

One of the reasons for the death of seedlings may be a lack of substances necessary for plants in the soil. If there are not enough nitrogen compounds, then the leaves of the seedlings begin to dry out. And although such a picture is not uncommon in garden plots, owners do not always pay attention to it in time. Nitrogen promotes the uniform distribution of microelements from the soil necessary for life throughout the plant.

When the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, it can be assumed that there is a lack of substances such as potassium, iron and copper. If such a sign is present, the application of complex fertilizer will be required.

If the reason for the weakening of the seedlings is a lack of essential minerals, then after a while it will again become green and noticeably stronger.

Excess moisture

Excess water can also lead to weakened seedlings. In case of flooding, you should almost completely stop watering them, because bacteria and fungi multiply very quickly in acidified water. It is recommended to change the soil.

Of course, eggplant seedlings can die if there is a lack of moisture. The leaves become thinner, wither, droop and dry out. However, their color does not change. If the soil is very dry, it is necessary to water it.

Sun rays

Blue ones, of course, are a southern plant. However, it does not tolerate excessive prolonged exposure to rays. They destroy chlorophyll and destroy seedlings. Noticeable yellow increasing specks form on the leaves, especially on the side facing the sun. In the open sun, eggplants grow poorly and begin to dry out quickly. For those who grow them on windows, advice: during solar activity, the shoots should be covered. If possible, adult bushes should be protected from scorching rays.

Unsuitable temperature

Another reason for blue leaves drying out can be cold soil. This is not uncommon in cool regions with unstable weather. If water is not heated by the soil to a suitable temperature, the process of its supply to the vegetative organs of the plant may be disrupted even with abundant watering. For eggplant, a comfortable temperature at night is at least 13°, and during the day – approximately 23-24° C. It is best to grow the vegetable in a greenhouse. They should be watered with heated and settled water.


Eggplant has large but very tender leaves. If agricultural practices are not followed, the leaves may begin to wither.

Most often, eggplant leaves wither for the following reasons:

  • transplanting seedlings into the ground;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • soil acidification;
  • plenty of sunlight;
  • fungal infections: verticillium and fusarium wilt.

What to do if eggplant leaves wither

  1. If the leaves wither immediately after replanting the plant, then there is no need to worry too much: this is how the process of getting used to the new conditions takes place. After a couple of weeks, the eggplants will get stronger. It is better to plant seedlings on a cloudy but warm day. To reduce stress for plants, harden the seedlings before planting and shade the bed from the sun for the first time.
  2. With sudden changes in temperature, eggplants begin to wither and become sick. Often, eggplants begin to be planted when the air temperature is already quite high, and the earth has not yet warmed up. This can lead to the fact that even if the plant does not die, it will either not produce a harvest, or the fruits will be small and few in number. Plant eggplants only when the threat of frost has passed and there will be little temperature variation between day and night.
  3. With too much watering and stagnation of water in the soil, the soil begins to acidify and the leaves wither. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil. To reduce soil acidity, it is recommended to use dolomite flour (a glass of flour per 1 sq.m.). Dolomite flour will not only reduce acidification, but also enrich the soil with calcium and magnesium.
  4. Eggplants love the sun and cannot thrive without it, but too much sunlight causes the leaves to become limp. If eggplants “come to life” on cloudy days, then the plantings need to be shaded. Place the eggplant beds in areas where the sun will illuminate them in the morning or evening.
  5. Fungal infections cause leaves to wilt. The most common are: verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt.

Verticillium wilt often develops on soils where excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers and unrotted manure have been applied. It is characterized by leaf wilting from the edge to the center and affects eggplants at all stages of development. In the soil, fungi live on plant remains.

To prevent Verticillium wilt from infecting your eggplants, remove weeds regularly and do not overfeed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers. An infected plant can be treated with Vitaros or Previkur. A heavily infected plant should be burned.

Fusarium wilt develops with excessive watering and during periods of prolonged rain. With Fusarium wilt, it is mainly the lower leaves that wilt.

To prevent infection, be sure to disinfect gardening tools and seedling pots. Before planting, it is recommended to keep the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Provide air circulation at the roots - this will reduce the risk of infection.

Leaves of eggplants wither in a greenhouse

Due to the difficulty of meeting all the conditions when growing eggplants in the ground, summer residents are increasingly choosing a greenhouse for this. In the greenhouse, eggplants will be protected from drafts, cold nights, frequent rains, and scorching sun. But it is in the greenhouse that eggplant leaves begin to wither due to high air humidity, excessive watering and lack of air.

Therefore, when growing eggplants in a greenhouse, you must follow several rules:

  1. To protect eggplants from sudden temperature changes and drafts, do not plant eggplants at the exit of the greenhouse.
  2. Since eggplants love air, ventilate the greenhouse regularly.
  3. Maintain moderation in watering and fertilizing.


Problems with eggplant seedlings cannot be avoided. Every gardener who independently grows eggplant seedlings at home knows that eggplant is a rather capricious vegetable that needs special care. Its seedlings are more tender compared to tomatoes and peppers, so difficulties with cultivation are inevitable. If vegetables turn yellow or wilt for no reason, do not rush to draw conclusions and have a detrimental effect on the plants with a large dosage of fertilizers. First, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the appearance of the seedlings, which will indicate the possible reason for the wilting of the seedlings.

If wilting of the leaves of eggplant seedlings occurs during the daytime under the influence of sunlight, and in the morning they are in normal condition, there is no need to worry. But if this process occurs despite normal watering and regardless of weather conditions, there are several reasons. Factors influencing eggplant seedlings:

  • Hypothermia, low soil temperature.
  • Recent pick or transplant.
  • Fungal infection or insufficient watering.

Cold soil

Through the conductive system of the plant from the root system to the vegetative organs of eggplants, moisture heated by the soil. If the soil temperature is not high enough, the liquid transport processes are disrupted. The plant becomes dehydrated even with sufficient watering. Eggplant is a heat-loving plant.

In order for it to grow and develop well, it is necessary to maintain its optimal temperature - not lower than 13° at night and 22-26° during the day. You need to find out if there are any drafts or cold air flows from the street that cool the soil. And also measure the air temperature.


If watering is insufficient, the appearance of the leaves will be sluggish, thinned, and they will fall down under their own weight. The changed color of the vegetative parts of the seedlings does not indicate a lack of moisture. The need to change the watering regime will be indicated by the presence of dry, lump-shaped soil.

Do you think the main reason for the wilting of eggplant seedlings is...

Fungal diseasesIrregular watering


If, after picking or transplanting, the cotyledon leaves of eggplants wither, this is considered an acceptable phenomenon. The strength lost by the plant during adaptation to the new environment and damage to part of the roots can lead to the death of the old lower leaves. The reason for the dried out top of the plant is not a change in soil.


Early symptoms of fungal diseases often manifest themselves as simple wilting of eggplants.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

The most dangerous disease is verticillium wilt, which is diagnosed quite late and is almost incurable. You can avoid seedlings being damaged by fungi by using a green cut from the root part of the stem.

What to do

If the leaves wilt, even with sufficient watering, you first need to check whether the soil is acidifying as a result of excess moisture. A clear sign is the presence of a musty smell and rotting of the root system:

  • You need to get a plant with a lump of earth. Healthy plants will have young roots that are shaggy and white. If their color changes, it is necessary to switch to smaller and more frequent waterings.
  • The cause of wilting is the difference in the temperature of the soil in the pot and the temperature of the air that surrounds the leaves. This happens due to the fact that cold air from window slits or an open vent cools the root system of the plant. At the same time, the leaves above, under the rays of sunlight, actively evaporate moisture, and the cold roots cannot keep up with them. All this leads to imbalance. To balance the temperature difference between the ambient air and the soil, it is necessary to raise the containers with seedlings by 15-20 centimeters. For this purpose, you can use any stand.

  • A possible reason may be a lack of air in the root system of the seedlings (the soil is too tight or overwatered, there are no drainage holes or they are too small). To correct this problem, you need to thoroughly loosen the top layer of soil, widen the drainage holes and reduce watering. Also, seedlings may lack potassium. In this case, adding ash to the top layer of soil will help.
  • If the seedlings wither due to hypothermia, which occurs when the seedlings are hardened, you need to water the plants generously with warm water (30ºC).


To reduce the risk of possible wilting of eggplant leaves, all working tools and containers used to store seedlings must first be disinfected.

They also use a prepared solution of potassium permanganate, in which the seeds are kept for some time.

To avoid oversaturation with moisture, it is necessary to use a drainage layer.

One of the reasons for seedling wilting is blackleg. It is almost impossible to cure an infected plant. Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to preventive measures:

  • Before sowing seeds, always carry out the soil disinfection procedure.
  • Do not allow the crops to become dense and carry out regular thinning.
  • The temperature and humidity in the room should not be too high.
  • Control the frequency and volume of watering.
  • Loosen the soil in pots more often and ventilate the room.
  • After watering, sprinkle the soil with dry sand.
  • Remove infected plants along with the soil in which they grew, also including several nearby plants. Treat the place where they grow with a manganese solution (1.5 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water).

It is necessary to find the reasons for the change in the condition of eggplant seedlings, establish the correct diagnosis and provide emergency assistance to the sick plant. All these actions will help you get a rich harvest. To do this, you need to observe the seedlings every day and fulfill simple but necessary requirements.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you what the main problems eggplant seedlings have.

Typically, yellowness on plant leaves is a sign of improper care or the development of a fungal disease. In the absence of competent actions on the part of the summer resident, the seedlings will die. Therefore, it is important to know why leaves fade and how to prevent it. This is exactly what our article is about today.

The green part of the seedlings withers for many reasons. Knowing them, you can understand how to solve the problem.

Excess sunlight

Eggplants require sunlight, but an overabundance often leads to leaf wilting. This is easy to detect if the green part of the plants begins to “come to life” in cloudy weather. To avoid such a problem, eggplants are grown in places where direct sunlight reaches only in the morning or evening.

Soil acidification

Soil acidification occurs when it is watered frequently. As a result, moisture stagnates on the surface, which causes plants to wither. To prevent the problem, the soil is regularly loosened and dolomite flour is added to it - it lowers the acidity of the soil and reduces the risk of the spread of rot and mold.

Temperature changes

One of the main mistakes of beginning gardeners is planting seedlings into the ground early. With a sharp change in temperature, the vegetable crop begins to wither, and dies during night frosts. Therefore, seedlings are planted in the garden when stable warm weather sets in and the soil warms up to +15°C.


Most often, eggplants are affected by fungal diseases.:

  1. Verticillium wilt. Usually provoked by large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. Signs of the disease - wilting from the edges of the leaves gradually moves to the center.
  2. Fusarium wilt. The leaves wither and dry, then this process covers the entire plant. The reasons are increased humidity, soil acidity, temperature above +25°C.

If most of the crop is affected, get rid of diseased plants so that the disease does not spread to other bushes.

Wilting immediately after transplanting seedlings

The wilting process immediately after picking seedlings associated with the adaptation of culture to new conditions. To help the eggplants tolerate transplantation normally without experiencing stress, work is carried out in warm but cloudy weather. Seedlings are pre-hardened by taking them out into the open air.

Why do eggplant leaves wither in a greenhouse?

Many gardeners grow eggplants in a greenhouse: there are no drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations. Despite this, plant leaves often begin to wither. This happens for various reasons:

  1. High humidity levels. Since the space in the greenhouse is very limited, evaporation of water gradually increases the humidity level to levels unacceptable for the crop (above 75%).
  2. Improper watering. If the humidity level in the greenhouse is high, the eggplants will need less water.
  3. Lack of air. Due to the limited space in the greenhouse, young seedlings simply do not have enough oxygen. Therefore, they create high-quality ventilation by regularly airing the room.

In the open ground

During cultivation Vegetables in open ground wither if not properly cared for.: lack of light, too frequent or rare, non-compliance with crop rotation.

Advice. Eggplants are planted only where perennial herbs, peas, and cucumbers were previously grown, and only after at least three years.

Fungal diseases lead to leaf wilting. In this case, the green mass first slowly turns yellow, then withers and falls off, and the bushes themselves die.

Why do the leaves of seedlings wither?

If the leaves wither during the day, but in the morning or evening they are in normal condition, this means that this is how the plant reacts to the sun’s rays. If the process is delayed, despite good watering, regular fertilizing and weather conditions, withering is provoked by such factors:

How to save the harvest

Control methods depend on the cause occurrence of wilting:

  1. If wilting begins after planting, it is usually caused by plant adaptation. Within 1-2 weeks the eggplants will get stronger.
  2. The crop is planted when it is warm but cloudy outside. To reduce the stress of the bushes, at first the bed is shaded.
  3. Eggplants are afraid of sudden temperature fluctuations, so they are planted when the threat of frost has passed.
  4. The problem of stagnant water is solved by regularly loosening the soil and adding dolomite flour to it.

Other methods will help in the fight against fungal infections. To combat Verticillium wilt, they often weed the beds, remove weeds, and do not overfeed the plantings with nitrogen fertilizers. To avoid damage by fusarium, the crop is moistened moderately.

If the seedlings are still sick, they are treated"Vitaros" or "Previkur".

Prevention measures

To prevent leaf wilting follow the basic rules of agricultural technology for growing crops:

Plantings are regularly inspected in order to notice signs of damage in time.. When symptoms of fungal diseases are detected, plants are treated with special preparations.

Advice. Eggplant is a rather demanding crop, so it is important to create comfortable conditions for its cultivation.

Choosing a variety helps a lot to avoid leaf wilting., suitable for cultivation in the region, taking into account its climate and weather conditions.

This the crop is demanding on soil: Grows best in sandy or loamy soils. In other cases, it grows more slowly, produces a small harvest, and requires more careful care.

Many summer residents do not grow seedlings in peat pots: despite the fact that they provide plants with nutrients, seedlings in them often wither.

When planting eggplants in open ground, you should not:

  • thicken the plants: this will not only lead to wilting of the leaves, but will also significantly reduce the yield;
  • overdry the bushes;
  • loosen the soil deeply so as not to damage the roots.

For prevention, all tools and containers are disinfected for storing seedlings.


Leaf wilting is a common problem in eggplant cultivation. It is associated with improper care of capricious crops (insufficient shading of plantings, frequent watering, excess fertilizer, unsuitable soil composition), and disease.

It is important to follow the agricultural practices of growing plants and regularly inspect the seedlings in order to begin “resuscitation” measures in a timely manner.

Eggplant is difficult to care for, so to reduce the influence of unfavorable factors, cultivation in a greenhouse is practiced. The method is used in areas characterized by drafts, strong winds, temperature changes, prolonged rains, and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. But even with reduced environmental exposure, it happens that the leaves of eggplants in the greenhouse wither. It is necessary to accurately determine the cause and eliminate it; delay can negatively affect the yield.

Causes of leaf wilting

When symptoms appear, you need to determine why it is happening. You should pay attention to the color of the aboveground part of the plant, the presence of yellowing, and necrotic lesions. It is important to consider how long ago the crop was planted.

Eggplants in a greenhouse wilt due to:

  • transferring seedlings to a new location;
  • high ambient temperature;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • large amounts of fertilizers;
  • acidic soil;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • using cold water for irrigation;
  • low humidity;
  • contracting an infection.

After transplanting the seedlings to a new growing location, a wilted state for a week is considered acceptable. Plants need to get used to new conditions, adapt to the soil and microclimate in the greenhouse.

Pre-hardening the seedlings will help reduce stress.

When grown in open ground, eggplants wilt due to dry air and direct sunlight. In greenhouse conditions, the opposite situation may arise when the humidity is too high and the temperature reaches unacceptable levels. Already at +28-30°C the crop will begin to gradually fade.

Eggplant seedlings need constant ventilation, and it is not advisable to plant them near the entrance to the greenhouse. Preliminary soil preparation is required. Increased acidity or applying too much fertilizer will cause damage to the tops. A lack of nitrogen is manifested by wilting and yellowing of the lower tier.

Violation of the watering regime

With a lack of liquid, the leaves wither and gradually dry out. It is important to pay attention to their color. If the main color is green, most likely the eggplants have suffered due to poor watering. The water temperature should be equal to or slightly higher than that in the soil. When using cold liquid for irrigation, the same phenomenon occurs.

Please note: if the humidity in the greenhouse is high, less water is needed. After the procedure, if necessary, loosen the resulting crust on the surface of the earth so that the root system of the plants receives enough oxygen.

Low humidity

The problem is not typical for growing eggplants in greenhouse conditions; usually the opposite situation occurs. But in the presence of low humidity, the leaves actually wither and dry out, as the liquid evaporates from their surface into the environment. If the temperature regime is disturbed, unfavorable factors will lead to weakening of the plants and infection with various types of infections.

Viral or fungal diseases

Infection of eggplants, which causes leaves to wither, can be diagnosed by additional signs - changes in color, the appearance of spots of a different color, changes in structure. Wilting is typical when a crop is infected with diseases:

  • – a fungal infection, manifested by blackening and thinning of the root collar, possibly the appearance of a gray coating. The plant withers when heavily infested. Favorable conditions – high humidity, dense plantings, sudden temperature changes. Affected seedlings should be removed immediately, the remaining seedlings should be treated with Fitosporin. You can pour Bordeaux mixture or a light solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle the soil with ash and copper sulfate.
  • affects the vascular system, caused by fungi. When Fusarium wilt disease occurs, the roots rot first, then the infection rises along the stems to the leaves. The lower tier is the first to wither, while the edges of the remaining leaves become watery and light green and yellow spots appear. The vessels of the petioles weaken, the leaves hang along the stem. The provoking factor is sudden changes in temperature and humidity, lack of nutrients in the soil. Remove and burn diseased plants. For prevention, spray with Fundazol.
  • – the lower leaves wither, turn yellow, and the entire plant gradually becomes infected. In the early stages, the drugs Previkur, Vitaros or Topsin-M should be used for treatment; in the later stages, infected specimens should be removed and burned.
  • White spot the root system is affected. A whitish coating appears on the stem, the above-ground part first softens, then withers and dries. The disease appears on soils that have not been properly prepared, as well as with high acidity. It is provoked by watering with cold water. The disease has no cure.
  • manifests itself as light brown dry spots on the foliage with a dark edge. The size of the damage increases, they spread to the fruits, the plant withers and dies. The disease cannot be treated, so the bush must be immediately removed from the greenhouse and burned.
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Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with its consequences. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for growing eggplants:

  • Before planting seedlings, thoroughly clean the soil from plant residues, deoxidize if necessary, and apply fertilizer.
  • Before transferring to the greenhouse, young seedlings are hardened off for 2 weeks, gradually increasing the time spent in natural conditions.
  • Maintain the temperature in the greenhouse no higher than +25°C and ventilate as often as possible.
  • When watering, take into account air humidity and use warm water. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, especially for a long time.
  • Plantings should be periodically inspected for signs of infection or pest damage.
  • If plants wither, determine the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

Eggplants are very demanding to care for and require the creation of favorable growing conditions. Even a slight deviation from agricultural technology can have serious consequences for the harvest. A crop withers for several reasons; eliminating them at the initial stage of damage will help avoid undesirable consequences.