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» What to do when you burp rotten eggs. Causes of burping rotten eggs. Where does the rotten smell come from?

What to do when you burp rotten eggs. Causes of burping rotten eggs. Where does the rotten smell come from?

Belching with rotten eggs and diarrhea: this combination of clinical symptoms is often found in food poisoning, a pathological condition that develops after consuming toxic substances or spoiled foods. Poisoning can be caused by microbes present in food. These are protozoa, as well as staphylococcal flora, E. coli, strains of Clostridia, Klebsiella, Citrobacter and their toxins. The sources of such microbes can be both people (sick or healthy carriers) and animals.

Bacteria and their final waste products enter our gastrointestinal tract with food, in which they are able to actively live and reproduce.

The toxins of many microorganisms (for example, staphylococcal infections) are resistant to high temperatures, so the danger of poisoning does not disappear even after boiling food. In most cases, spoiled food reveals itself: it smells unpleasant, its taste, color and consistency change. One of the clear signs that a product is unsuitable is the fermentation of food, that is, the appearance of gas in it.

In case of food poisoning, in addition to belching rotten eggs, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • abdominal pain, nausea, severe diarrhea (watery, foul-smelling, with remnants of undigested food);
  • increased temperature, fever, headache;
  • weakness.

At the first signs of poisoning, assistance must be provided immediately. If the intoxication is minor, then belching of rotten eggs during poisoning goes away within 1-3 days, the symptoms gradually fade away.

Belching rotten eggs and vomiting

The causative factors for belching rotten eggs, along with vomiting, can be the poisoning described above, or stenosis of the pylorus - the digestive sphincter that separates the stomach from the duodenum. The role of the gatekeeper is to control the physiological flow of digested food from the acidic environment of the stomach cavity into the alkaline intestinal environment.

Pyloric stenosis can occur due to the formation of scars on an ulcer of the pyloric canal or anterior duodenum. This process can develop after several acute periods of peptic ulcer disease, as well as with an untreated or undertreated ulcer. The scar contributes to the narrowing of the pyloric lumen, which provokes stagnation of the food mass in the stomach and the development of corresponding symptoms.

If the pylorus is narrowed slightly, and food still passes from the stomach further along the digestive tract, then belching rotten eggs can only be a problem periodically. There is vomiting of foods eaten the day before (especially after overeating), heartburn, and heaviness in the stomach.

If you do not provide assistance to such a patient, then soon the fermentation reactions in his stomach will be replaced by rotting, the metabolism will be disrupted, and the patient will lose weight to the point of exhaustion. Urgent hospitalization with surgery will be required.

Bloating and belching of rotten eggs

Belching rotten eggs against the background of bloating often occurs when the acidity of the gastric environment decreases.

The stomach needs hydrochloric acid to fight bacterial flora that enters the body with dirty and stale food, as well as to process food. When acidity decreases, these processes are disrupted, which inevitably provokes the development of microbes in the digestive environment, stagnation of food and inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

If gastritis in combination with low acidity continues for a long time, the following symptoms may develop:

  • belching rotten eggs;
  • putrid metallic taste in the mouth;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating food;
  • diarrhea or difficulty defecating;
  • dull pain in the abdomen soon after eating;
  • increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • general signs of vitamin deficiency in the body (brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss);
  • signs of anemia (pale skin, decreased hemoglobin levels).

People suffering from low acidity often want to eat some sour product, or something that will stimulate the production of acid in the stomach: a piece of dark bread, cookies, sauerkraut, apple, lemon, etc.

The chronic form of the inflammatory process in the stomach is characterized by periods of relief and exacerbation of the disease. When the level of acidity decrease is not very pronounced, the above symptoms may disappear. With the onset of exacerbation, they reappear with renewed vigor.

Nausea and belching of rotten eggs

Unpleasant belching of rotten eggs along with nausea can be a symptom of pancreatitis - an inflammatory reaction in the pancreas. This disease can be a consequence of infectious or inflammatory pathologies of the abdominal cavity: pancreatitis often accompanies cholecystitis or gallstones. Pancreatitis also appears everywhere due to poor diet and lifestyle: from exposure to the mucous membrane of alcoholic beverages, nicotine tars that we swallow with saliva, from significant food overload (overeating and excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods), from taking large quantities of certain medications. This disease most often affects older people and those who are overweight.

With pancreatic disease, patients note pain in the abdomen (under the stomach), nausea, dry mouth, hiccups and belching of rotten eggs. With exacerbation of pancreatitis, an increase in temperature, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and clammy sweating may be observed. Nausea may progress to profuse, repeated vomiting. This condition requires mandatory hospitalization of the patient.

If your stomach hurts and burps rotten eggs

If belching rotten eggs is accompanied by abdominal pain, it is important to determine where exactly the pain appears: in the stomach, pancreas, small or large intestine.

If you have pain in the stomach, you can suspect a chronic form of gastritis with low acidity; belching of rotten eggs in this case is provoked by stagnation or putrefactive processes in the stomach, which is associated with the inability to digest food. The latter can be observed with a complete deficiency of hydrochloric acid (achlorhydria) or with its deficiency (achylia). Regardless of the reason for the stomach pain, belching of rotten eggs will appear only when food stagnates in it.

When belching rotten eggs is combined with pain in the pit of the stomach, one can suspect acute pancreatitis - an inflammatory process in the pancreas.

Pain in the intestines combined with belching of rotten eggs may indicate irritable bowel syndrome - a pathological condition that occurs with signs of digestive disorders. This syndrome occurs with prolonged stress, with prolonged diets and consumption of unusual foods, with disorders of the endocrine system and dysbiosis. The disease is associated with changes in the sensitivity of intestinal receptors, which significantly affects the functional ability of the intestine. Irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by abdominal pain (more around the navel or below), which decreases slightly after bowel movements or passing gas. Stool disorders can be either diarrhea or constipation. Gas formation in the intestines increases in the afternoon. The disease is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach, as well as belching of air or rotten air. Such phenomena are inherent in intestinal atony - the absence or weakness of intestinal motility.

Belching rotten eggs and fever

There can be many reasons for belching rotten eggs and fever. These can be nutritional disorders and inflammatory processes. There are cases when these symptoms arose against the background of neuroses and extreme psycho-emotional states. Indeed, eating disorders and stress are, unfortunately, frequent companions in everyday life. However, if belching and fever appear simultaneously with acute abdominal pain, this is an alarming signal that cannot be ignored. You should immediately consult a doctor or even call an emergency room.

Acute pain in the abdomen is often accompanied by rotten belching, bouts of vomiting and fever. This may indicate pancreatitis, gastritis or acute poisoning. In such situations, it is better not to take any medications, especially analgesics, so that upon arrival the doctor can establish the correct diagnosis.

The following signs should also alert you:

  • rancid belching and fever accompanied by sharp cutting pain in the abdominal area;
  • belching with rotten eggs and fever accompanied by bloody diarrhea;
  • belching rotten at the same time as high temperatures, feverish condition.

If you have such symptoms, you should definitely call an ambulance and wait for the doctor to arrive, if possible without taking any pills yourself.

One of the signs of disturbances in the state of the digestive system is belching with a smell, which occurs after eating. Belching itself is a natural reaction that allows you to free the stomach from gases accumulated in it. Occurring immediately after eating, it may smell like the food eaten, which is normal and does not cause alarm, but belching, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, especially if it occurs frequently, should be one of the symptoms that requires special attention.

The release of gases or air accumulated in the stomach from overeating or after eating foods that cause increased gas formation is considered normal. But if this happens constantly, belching with an unpleasant odor occurs regardless of food intake, then, most likely, some pathological process is developing in the digestive system. A similar condition occurs when there is a disturbance in the functioning of the stomach caused by insufficient production of enzymes, as a result of which food remains in it for a long time and is subject to rotting and fermentation. Due to an insufficient number of enzymes, the breakdown of food into proteins, fats and carbohydrates does not occur completely, resulting in stagnation in the upper parts of the small intestine.

A lack of enzymes necessary for digestion occurs for the following reasons:

  • Failure to follow the rules of rational nutrition or overeating;
  • Eating large amounts of fatty, spicy or sweet foods;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Dietary disorder.

Pathologies of the gallbladder and inflammation of the pancreas are accompanied by pain, digestive disorders, and disturbances in the condition of the stool. Changes in these organs occur over a period of time, from several weeks to two to three months, and belching with an odor occurs with advanced diseases.

Odorous burps may be harmless if they occur after drinking carbonated drinks or foods with a distinctive spicy taste, such as peppers, garlic or onions.

Causes of burps that smell like rotten eggs

Belching with the smell of rotten eggs is formed as a result of the processes of rotting and fermentation of food in the stomach, which occurs in the event of disturbances in one of the digestive stages. Digestion is a complex process in which the entire digestive tract takes part, and the digestion of food in the body occurs as follows:

  1. The initial breakdown of food occurs in the oral cavity under the influence of enzymes in saliva. When chewing, a signal is sent to the brain to excite the digestive system.
  2. Through the esophagus, food enters the stomach cavity, where proteins and fats are broken down under the action of gastric juice.
  3. Moving through the duodenum, the contents of the stomach are exposed to enzymes secreted by the pancreas, gall bladder and liver, where complex carbohydrates are broken down and all nutrients are absorbed into the blood.

Occasional gases with the smell of rotten eggs often occur due to overeating, snacking on the run, and also in case of individual intolerance to certain foods. Belching with such a smell is felt by those who abuse foods consisting of complex proteins; the cause may also be the use of certain medications that contain sulfur. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in belching, reminiscent of the smell of rotten eggs, is a side effect of these medications.

Belching facilitates digestion by expelling excess air and gas released during the breakdown of food. But in some cases, these manifestations become a sign of pathological changes occurring in the body, for example, belching with the smell of acetone.

Such symptoms are often evidence of dangerous diseases, especially if they are systematically repeated. Most often, such clinical signs are caused by the following factors:

  1. Diabetes. The appearance of an acetone smell during belching is in most cases caused by this disease. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms, patients develop a serious complication - ketoacidosis, in which the amount of glucose in the blood increases, metabolic processes are disrupted and dehydration occurs.
  2. Violation of correct nutritional principles. Such symptoms with the appearance of acetone belching more often occur with poor nutrition and if strict diets are followed. Due to the lack of incoming substances necessary for the body, an imbalance of micronutrients occurs. The body seeks to compensate for this deficiency using its own resources, while emitting the smell of acetone.
  3. Kidney failure. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys in case of kidney disease leads to a delay in the removal of toxins from the body. For this reason, changes occur in the functioning of many organs and the general condition worsens, including the digestive system.
  4. Pathological changes in the condition of the thyroid gland. Violations in its functions lead to hormonal imbalance in the body. When this gland begins to secrete an increased amount of hormones, metabolic processes also accelerate. The cause of belching with the smell of acetone is considered the most serious pathology, since in severe cases of the disease the patient’s breath also acquires the smell of acetone.
  5. Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Belching with an acetone smell can occur when intestinal motility is impaired, since in this case stagnation of its contents occurs with the development of rotting processes. The same effect occurs in pathologies in the secretory functions of the liver and pancreas, when an insufficient amount of enzymes secreted by them is not able to completely break down the incoming food.

Each case of acetone belching is a sign of serious pathological processes occurring in the body. Under no circumstances should such symptoms be ignored in the hope that they will go away on their own. It is necessary to immediately consult with specialists, undergo the examinations prescribed by them and begin treatment.

Belching with the smell of vomit

Belching accompanied by vomiting most often indicates some kind of disorder in one of the digestive organs. These symptoms usually appear after eating, but can also occur on an empty stomach. This kind of belching may be accompanied by additional symptoms, namely:

  • Increased gas formation and symptoms of flatulence;
  • The appearance of diarrhea;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Attacks of dizziness;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Signs of illness.

If these symptoms appear, you must visit a gastroenterologist to establish the correct diagnosis and identify pathological changes.

The appearance of the smell of vomit in belching can be caused by the following reasons:

  • The possibility of cholelithiasis or pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which manifests itself with salt abuse;
  • In case of overeating;
  • If you abuse foods with a high glucose content;
  • With high cholesterol due to frequent consumption of fatty, smoked or fried foods;
  • Due to the consumption of expired and low-quality products;
  • In case of stagnation of food in the case of a late dinner before bedtime;
  • Due to the development of vitamin deficiency due to insufficient nutrition;
  • When following strict diets for weight loss;
  • In case of increased physical activity immediately after eating;
  • In the absence of breakfast, when the main meal occurs in the second half of the day.

In addition to eating disorders, belching with vomiting can be caused by more serious causes such as pathologies of the central nervous system, alcohol abuse and strong coffee.

Most often, such belching occurs when consuming a large amount of protein products, the decomposition of which produces hydrogen sulfides. They may be the following:

The majority of healthy people do not experience any unpleasant symptoms or discomfort when consuming these products and dishes made from them. The smell of hydrogen sulfide in burps occurs in those who constantly overeat or do not chew food thoroughly enough, although the process of its breakdown begins already during its grinding in the oral cavity by the enzymes that saliva contains.

Following the rules of rational nutrition will help to get rid of such an unpleasant manifestation of belching with odor. When creating a menu, you need to be especially careful about the individual characteristics of your digestive system and take into account the possibility of an allergic reaction to a certain type of food, as well as the level of production of enzymes necessary for digestion.


If a disturbing belching occurs, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to undergo an examination for the possibility of developing a pathological process in the digestive organs. To do this, laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics are carried out:

  • General and biochemical blood test;
  • Examination of stool and scraping for the presence of an infectious process in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Ultrasound of organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • Examination of the stomach using X-ray;
  • FGDS;
  • Determination of stomach acidity level;
  • MRI and CT scan of the stomach;
  • Conducting a test for the presence of antibodies against the Helicobacter bacterium.

Based on the results of the studies, the gastroenterologist will be able to make a diagnosis and make the necessary prescriptions aimed at eliminating the disease that is the cause of belching with odor.


If any symptom appears in the form of belching with a characteristic odor, you must visit a gastroenterologist. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis, identify the cause of the pathology and prescribe the necessary medications and other methods to help get rid of the disease. The techniques used in the case of pathological changes in the organs of the digestive system usually involve strict dietary restrictions. If belching is caused by high glucose levels, insulin levels are leveled and this indicator is further maintained at normal levels.

It is important that if you have acetone belching, you should never delay visiting a doctor; with such manifestations, it is important to promptly identify the cause of the negative condition and take steps to eliminate it. It is unacceptable to use any methods of self-medication or not to deal with this problem at all, as this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Folk remedies

If a visit to a gastroenterologist does not reveal serious diseases, and belching is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet, then such manifestations can be eliminated by using folk remedies. Moreover, the methods that will be used depend on the symptoms manifested and how much discomfort the belching with the smell causes. Most often, problems can be resolved using the following means:

Before using any of these recipes, you must first consult a gastroenterologist. Only after its approval can you begin treatment, strictly following the recommendations received.


You can get rid of the possibility of belching with a smell by following certain rules that serve as a preventive measure against disorders of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Avoid eating low-quality and stale foods;
  • Do not eat foods that increase gas formation;
  • Do not engage in intense physical labor immediately after eating; after eating, you must take a break for at least half an hour;
  • Do not get carried away with fried, spicy and salty foods;
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly;
  • Avoid snacking on the run;
  • Don't overeat;
  • Do not abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking.

The appearance of episodic belching is not yet a cause for concern, especially if all the factors that provoke it are excluded. As a rule, this helps to completely eliminate this manifestation and serves as a reliable preventive measure against gastric disorders.

When to see a doctor

The need to contact a specialist arises when all provoking factors have been eliminated, but the symptoms of the pathology in the form of belching with the appearance of an odor remain. In addition to belching, the patient may be bothered by other signs of disturbances in the condition of the digestive organs, namely:

  • Pain in the epigastric region;
  • Stool disorders in the form of diarrhea, especially with blood or dyspepsia;
  • The appearance of migraine, which is not eliminated by medications;
  • Increased blood pressure.

When contacting a specialist, it becomes possible to assess the symptoms of the disease and choose the direction of dietary nutrition. In addition, if necessary, it may be proposed to undergo an objective diagnosis to identify more serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, manifesting itself in the form of belching with an unpleasant odor.

Belching rotten eggs occurs as a result of the formation of hydrogen sulfide gas in the stomach. The reason for this is the vital activity of sulfur bacteria or as a consequence of low production of gastric secretions, which leads to stagnation of the food bolus in the stomach. Such belching can also be observed during pregnancy, here it is due to physiological reasons.

This symptom indicates a disease of the digestive system. Proteins in undigested food begin to ferment and release a lot of hydrogen sulfide. This process is similar to rotting eggs. Therefore, the smell of the resulting colorless gas evokes associations with spoiled eggs.

Diagnosis of burping rotten eggs

To get rid of belching, you need to identify the causes of the disease, the symptom of which is belching. For this purpose the following studies are carried out:

  1. Coprogram. The number of pathogenic bacteria is estimated
  2. Manometry. Assessment of intestinal motility
  3. Irrigoscopy
  4. Colonoscopy
  5. General and biochemical blood tests
  6. Analysis of stool for the hidden presence of blood
  7. Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract
  8. Ph-metry, assessing the level of acidity of gastric juice
  9. X-ray of the stomach
  10. Gastroduodenoscopy or fibrogastroscopy. Collection of bile and gastric juice.

Unfortunately, there are some restrictions on research during pregnancy.


It should be done to determine the volume of the stomach, the reasons for the delay in digestion of food and the speed of its passage into the small intestine. To do this, the patient drinks a solution containing a contrast agent - barium sulfate, which tastes like chalk. Then, on the device’s screen, the doctor will be able to monitor the progress of the contrast through the gastrointestinal tract and take pictures in key places. This allows you to identify existing diseases.

If the patient is intolerant to barium, it is replaced with an iodine solution.


Ultrasound together with computed tomography helps to identify tumors, determine various deviations in the size of organs and find out why fluid is retained. Ultrasound can also be done during pregnancy.

Cause of burping rotten egg

Typically, burps that smell like rotten eggs are a result of slow digestion. Its most common causes:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Decreased enzyme secretion caused by chronic inflammation in the pancreas
  • Weak contraction of the gastric walls
  • Decreased bile secretion
  • Salmonellosis.

But these could also be bacterial diseases:

  • Giardia that entered the body with unwashed vegetables and fruits or unboiled water
  • Increase in pathogenic microflora
  • Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and the formation of peptic ulcers.

During pregnancy, belching is caused by:

  1. Malfunctions of the nervous system
  2. Pressure of the enlarging uterus on the digestive organs
  3. Hormonal imbalance.

Burping with the smell of rotten eggs during pregnancy often leads to the same symptom in the newly born baby.

In a child, belching has a completely different origin. A child’s digestive system is formed by the age of 12. Until this time, the secretion of bile may be irregular, which is why the fats in the food bolus that enter the small intestine are not broken down and absorbed into the blood. In this case, the stool looks shiny with fat. A symptom indicating problems with the gallbladder is pain in the right hypochondrium, aggravated by physical effort. Uncontrolled secretion of bile irritates the intestinal mucosa. Hence the pain in the abdomen and dark brown diarrhea.

Belching rotten eggs and diarrhea

Since the stomach and intestinal tract are interconnected, diseases of the former lead to the development of pathogenic microflora in the small intestine. It is here that food is broken down into its component parts with the help of enzymes produced by the pancreas, stomach and small intestine itself. Insufficient production of bile acids is the reason for slowing down the breakdown of fats and reducing the peristalsis of the small intestine (which, for example, is already low in a small child). As a result, the progress of the food bolus slows down. Its fermentation begins with the release of hydrogen sulfide.

The presence of blood in diarrhea in combination with elevated temperature, severe loss of energy, bloating and vomiting is a possible symptom of granulomatous enterocolitis (Crohn's disease) and requires calling a doctor.

This is where most of all the substances the body needs, as well as toxins contained in food, are absorbed. Undigested components are not absorbed by the body. This is why dysbacteriosis occurs and, as a consequence, diarrhea accompanied by flatulence. In this case, for treatment you need:

  • Take 5–8 tablets of activated carbon
  • Drink more fluids, tea, still mineral water
  • Do not drink sugary drinks - this will increase fermentation
  • If it is strong, they may prescribe Loperamide.

Treatment of dysbiosis is complemented by adding fermented milk products and yoghurts with dietary supplements to the menu. The following medications are usually prescribed:

  • Copibacterin
  • Linex
  • Bactisubtype.

Green diarrhea (more common in children), occurring more than 6 times a day and accompanied by an increase in temperature, is a probable symptom of salmonellosis. Therefore, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of belching with rotten eggs

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor depending on the diagnosis.

Belching of rotten eggs in pregnant women, the cause of which lies in physiological characteristics, is alleviated only by following a proper diet. After the birth of the child, their condition should normalize in about a week, when the volume of the uterus is reduced to its original size. If the symptom is caused by a disease, treatment is carried out by a doctor. During pregnancy, you can take Allochol or Holosas, which are of plant origin and will not harm the baby.

Traditional methods of treating belching

Herbal infusions can be used to relieve belching as an addition to the main treatment.


If you have a disease accompanied by insufficient production of enzymes (this is especially common during pregnancy), you should limit foods that provoke fermentation and are rich in fats:

  • Plum, cherries, oranges
  • Peas, beans
  • Whole milk
  • Tomatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini
  • Sour cream, cream.

Also, to prevent an unpleasant symptom from appearing, you need to eat less foods containing sulfur:

  • Flounder, sea bass, catfish, sardines, pike
  • Turkey, pork, chicken, beef, rabbit
  • Canned fish
  • Liver
  • Red fish.

Women during pregnancy are also advised to adhere to the following tips:

  1. Do not accept an uncomfortable body position for a long time
  2. Do not wear tight, tight clothing
  3. Subject vegetables and fruits to heat treatment
  4. Don't drink carbonated drinks
  5. Eat often, in small portions.

To prevent burping of rotten eggs from occurring again, it is better to stick to a healthy diet all the time and not overeat.

Belching with the smell of eggs is a characteristic gastrological symptom that can be used to diagnose some gastrointestinal diseases

Rotten egg belching can be accompanied by various putrefactive and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The smell appears as a result of the formation of a specific gas - hydrogen sulfide. This volatile compound is produced in large quantities by pathogenic bacteria, which can cause infectious lesions of the mucous membrane. Among the most likely intestinal infections, belching a rotten egg can accompany salmonellosis and foodborne illness.

Among the nosological forms of a non-infectious nature, inflammatory processes in the cavities of the stomach, gall bladder, and duodenal bulb can be distinguished. Most often, the symptom is a clear sign of cholecystitis, cholangitis or duodenitis. Also, during an exacerbation, belching eggs may be accompanied by bulbitis.

Without treating the underlying disease, it is impossible to get rid of rotten burps on your own. It will appear periodically after a diet or eating disorder. Also, the chronic presence of pathogenic microflora will contribute to a decrease in immunity. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gastroenterologist after detailed preliminary diagnosis using endoscopy and ultrasound.

What causes burping of rotten eggs and diarrhea?

The mechanism for the occurrence of rotten belching eggs is based on the process of active long-term fermentation of the food bolus in the cavity of the small intestine. This is due to a lack of bile acids, which are responsible for the disinfection of food components and the breakdown of fat. Against the background of a decrease in bile production and its release into the cavity of the duodenum, the process of evacuation of the food bolus from the upper parts of the small intestine slows down. It is due to bile acids that peristalsis of intestinal loops occurs.

Taken together, this creates suitable conditions for the rapid proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Thus, the basis of egg belching is bile deficiency and dysfunction of the biliary tract. During the development of the process, rapid proliferation of bacteria occurs. Their waste product is hydrogen sulfide, which creates the smell of rotten eggs. These same bacteria provoke fluid retention in the cavity of the small intestine. This is how rotten belching of eggs and diarrhea develop.

Other reasons may include:

    pancreatitis in the stage of necrotic decay,

    intestinal dysbiosis,

    esophageal candidiasis,

    gastritis with low acidity,

    some types of gastrointestinal tumors.

Chronic sluggish pancreatitis can also produce rotten belching. This occurs due to a decrease in the amount of gastric juice produced and the digestive enzymes it contains. These substances are responsible for breaking down the food bolus and recycling neutral fibers. All this prevents stagnation, on the basis of which pathogenic microflora develops. Similar phenomena can develop with toxic liver damage after heavy drinking of alcoholic beverages and consumption of hepatotoxic substances.

How to distinguish diseases with this symptom?

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying symptoms and conditions for the development of the clinical picture. It is necessary to carefully analyze your diet for the last 3 days. It is also important to understand what other signs of disease are present in the affected person.

    Thus, in case of acute development with a rapid rise in body temperature and the appearance of vomiting, one should think about salmonellosis and food poisoning, in which bacteria affect the upper gastrointestinal tract.

    If the belching is persistent, one should look for chronic lesions of the gallbladder, bile ducts and liver parenchyma. This can be cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis and fatty hepatosis.

    The morning appearance of rotten egg belching indicates a deficiency of enzymes and gastric juice. In this case, it is necessary to exclude pancreatic pathology.

You should also inspect the skin and surface of the tongue. In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, the tongue is coated with a yellow or brown coating. Yellowness of the skin and sclera of the eyeballs may be present. With a long course of the disease, skin itching and the appearance of spider veins on the anterior abdominal and chest wall develop.

Why might a child burp eggs?

The main reason for the development of rotten belching eggs in a child is biliary dyskinesia. In this case, pain in the right hypochondrium occurs after physical activity. Eating fatty and fried foods in such children causes an attack of biliary colic, which is expressed in the emergency evacuation of bile into the small intestine. Symptoms include nausea, a burning sensation along the intestines, and loose stools with a lot of bile.

The second common reason is the development of intestinal dysbiosis after improper use of antibacterial agents. The damaged microflora is replaced by pathogenic bacteria. Against this background, gastritis, cholangitis, pancreatitis and gastritis can develop.

It has been noticed that belching eggs during pregnancy often provokes the development of this symptom in newborns and infants. It may be based on congenital mechanisms of dysfunction of the drainage of bile from the cavity of the gallbladder.

What to do if you have belching that smells like eggs?

If you have belching with the smell of eggs, you need to undergo examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Required research:

    bacterial stool analysis,

    bile studies,

    blood chemistry,

    Ultrasound examination of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

To quickly relieve symptoms, antibacterial therapy is necessary. Phthalazole is used 1 tablet 3 times a day for 5 days. You can also use a combination of trichopolum, 2 tablets 2 times a day, and amoxicillin, 0.5 g. 3 times a day. To improve the flow of bile, it is recommended to use holosas or allochol. For temporary relief of symptoms, strict adherence to the diet and intake of enterosorbents, which remove pathogenic microflora from feces, are necessary. The most available enterosorbenes are activated carbon, white carbon, smecta, neosmectite, polysorb.

If you do not see a gastroenterologist, rotten burps will haunt you for a long time. Moreover, untimely treatment can lead to the development of chronic forms of existing liver and biliary tract diseases.

Increased formation of hydrogen sulfide (together with ammonia) in the esophagus, various gastrointestinal pathologies, and improper dietary intake can provoke such an unpleasant symptom as belching with the smell of rotten eggs. Belching with hydrogen sulfide occurs due to the abnormal development of sulfur bacteria. They produce a colorless gas (hydrogen sulfide), which causes burping of rotten eggs.

The release of air from the stomach through the esophagus with an unpleasant odor is a signal of disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

general characteristics

If the functioning of the digestive system (one or more of its components) is disrupted, various unfavorable symptoms may occur, such as increased gas formation, constant nausea, vomiting, hydrogen sulfide belching with the taste of rotten eggs (the rotten taste of belching indicates a further deterioration of the condition and aggravation of the current symptoms).

Belching is the natural release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract (stomach/esophagus). A similar process is accompanied by a characteristic sound and smell (in addition, often during belching, there is pain in the abdominal area, especially pain is felt in the stomach). There are deviations from the usual belching of air, which occurs when consuming, for example, large amounts of mineral water. A strong, egg-like, foul-smelling belch that appears unexpectedly, is accompanied by an unpleasant rotten taste, indicates a violation of the usual state and requires medical diagnosis.

There are many reasons for the formation of such a pathology: from overeating and violation of the rules of a therapeutic diet to serious infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or poisoning.

Mechanism/causes of burping rotten eggs

Poor nutrition

An unbalanced diet is one of the most common causes of eating disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. Why? In the absence of a normal supply of BZHU (proteins-fats-carbohydrates), the body is not able to synthesize the substances it requires in abundance. There are deviations from the normal state: increased gas production, irregular bowel movements, weakness (due to impaired energy production), belching that smells like rotten eggs.

List of products

Food products that can provoke belching of rotten eggs are included in the diet of every person. You should control the quality and quantity of food consumed so as not to upset the balance and not provoke the formation of an unpleasant symptom (this means a complete transition to the principles of healthy eating to stabilize your own health):

  • chicken eggs (since protein products contain sulfur);
  • red meat;
  • coffee Tea;
  • bananas, avocado, watermelon;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (milk/kefir);
  • hydrogen sulfide food (this preservative can be added in various establishments);
  • whey protein;
  • legumes;
  • canned food;
  • fast food;
  • nuts, seeds and grains;
  • beets/garlic/tomatoes/sweet potatoes/cress lettuce.

The consumption of the products presented above occurs day after day and each of them can provoke another attack (accompanied by diarrhea, increased gas formation, nausea/vomiting, discomfort/pain in the abdominal area).

Gastric dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a chronic digestive disorder. Main symptoms of dyspepsia:

  • attacks of nausea/vomiting;
  • bloating. Bloating can be painful and cause significant discomfort;
  • increased formation of gases;
  • constant pain/discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Mostly it hurts after every meal. The pain is localized in the stomach area.

If left untreated, dyspepsia causes belching of air that tastes like rotten eggs (most often, two accompanying symptoms appear: belching and diarrhea).

Peptic ulcer/gastritis

Most often, the primary manifestations of peptic ulcer or gastritis go unnoticed. The patient is not trying to get rid of a serious disease, because he does not even suspect it, and typical manifestations (nausea/heaviness/stomach pain) seem insignificant and isolated.

If these diseases are not treated, unfavorable processes occur in the body, inhibiting the natural microflora and destroying the immune system. The symptoms become pronounced and one of the obvious signs is belching of rotten food (sulphur). It is possible to minimize pathogenic symptoms only with the help of correct and timely treatment.

Insufficient enzymatic production

Violation of the enzymatic production of the pancreas negatively affects the digestion process. Abdominal pain occurs, increased gas formation develops (most often this symptom develops with accompanying diarrhea), belching of eggs with a rotten taste.

Violation of enzymatic production can be caused by:

  • uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • non-compliance with the rules of necessary food intake (the diet, compiled according to the patient’s individual parameters, should not be violated during the course of treatment);
  • depression of the general condition of the body in case of poisoning;
  • consumption of potent medicinal tablets.

Additional reasons

  • Uncontrolled food intake. Oversaturation with “harmful”, unbalanced food is especially harmful to the body.
  • Gallbladder stones.
  • Various infectious diseases: GERD, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, etc.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Poisoning.

Features of the disease in pregnant women

The body of a pregnant woman is more susceptible to pathogenic influences from the external environment. During pregnancy, a woman should reduce the risks associated with deterioration of the condition so as not to harm the baby, since bearing healthy children requires a healthy body.

A gynecologist who cares for a woman during pregnancy must constantly monitor her condition, regulate recommendations and instructions.

Why might a pregnant woman belch with hydrogen sulfide? The main reason is the suppressed protective function of the immune system. Additional:

Pregnant women are more likely to experience symptoms of digestive problems with frequent belching.
  • poor-quality treatment of infectious and bacteriological diseases (incorrectly selected tablets, change of therapeutic course, its ineffectiveness);
  • improper nutritional intake (a pregnant woman’s diet should be filled with healthy, balanced foods).

What to do after discovering the root cause? A pregnant woman will be prescribed specific treatment, the purpose of which is to help the mother and maintain comfortable conditions for the baby.

Diagnostic measures

Belching (its etiology) can be diagnosed by a therapist or gastroenterologist (in the future, they will treat the pathology). Making a diagnosis at home is prohibited. Why? Due to the incorrectness of such a diagnosis and the possibility of ineffective and unfavorable subsequent therapy. Diagnosis by a specialist consists of two stages:

  • visual examination of the patient (the abdomen, oral cavity, integrity of the epithelium, etc. are examined);
  • laboratory tests: tests, hardware/instrumental diagnostics.

After determining the symptoms described by the patient (for example, belching rotten eggs and diarrhea), the specialist determines a list of available diagnostic measures:

  • FGDS (gastroscopy - swallowing a special tube);
  • biopsy (sample of mucous tissue of an internal organ);
  • fluoroscopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • general biochemical blood test/immunological analysis.

What to do during treatment?

Immediately after the stage of diagnosing sulfur belching, the further therapeutic course is determined. Subsequent actions depend on the individual characteristics of the patient. Basic therapeutic manipulations:

Getting rid of aerophagia is impossible without revising your diet.
  • normalization of internal microflora;
  • taking special medications to treat the root cause of the pathology and accompanying symptoms (the drug must be prescribed by the treating doctor);
  • review of the current diet;
  • ban on folk remedies not agreed with the doctor;
  • the appointment of special hygiene products so that the unpleasant stench when belching air is eliminated;
  • prescribing painkillers if the patient suffers from frequent and severe pain;