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» What to do with wedding. wedding candles

What to do with wedding. wedding candles

No wedding ceremony is complete without wedding candles. The candles that burn in the hands of the newlyweds are not just a simple flame dancing on the tip of a wax stick. They are the embodiment of the pure and mutual love of the couple, their faith, their prayers and requests addressed to God. But what further fate wedding candles, after they have fulfilled their main role? More on this and more.

What to do with wedding candles after the wedding and how to store?

According to old customs, wedding candles must be brought home, carefully wrapped in a clean handkerchief and placed behind the icon, with which the mother and father blessed the future newlyweds for marriage. Based on the fact that all objects have the ability to store the energy of the person who held them in their hands, one should take seriously their protection from strangers. The fact is that there are people who, with their help, can both bring spouses together and divorce them, using for this magical powers. Therefore, the place where candles are stored should be inaccessible to others.

After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds must bring candles to the house. According to signs, they become a talisman of this family, a guarantee of its well-being and happy life. It is best to keep this family relic behind the icons with which the mother and father blessed their children for marriage. Candles should be wrapped in a cloth or handkerchief. They can also be hidden under the glass of the icon. This is necessary so that dust does not fall on them.

wedding candles after divorce

The ministers of the church are not advised to invent anything about these wedding attributes, namely, about their mystical power. All this is just superstition and distorted ideas about the true meaning of these wedding attributes. Therefore, you should not place hopes on them that they will be able to return a spouse to the family if there is no reciprocity between them.

Many are wondering what to do with such candles if the fates of the spouses diverged and they had to get a divorce. The most important thing is not to give them to anyone. They can be burned in front of the icons or taken to the temple and lit there. The last idea is very sensible, where they were born there and should sink into centuries, and you can still ask the health of each of the spouses for the future from God. Let go of people with good thoughts!

When are they lit?

wedding candles endowed with the power of prayer, which the priest read during the ceremony of the heavenly marriage. That is why it is appropriate to light a candle when difficulties begin in the family. For example, a baby gets sick or a marriage is about to fall apart. At this moment, it is worth asking for help from your spiritual patrons, only bright and kind should be appeals. Yes, you say - let them hear you.

Also, some priests recommend lighting them in honor of some significant event for the family. For example, the birth of a baby or getting rid of a serious illness. To do this, candles must be lit in front of the icons with which the parents blessed the spouses for a long and happy marriage, and be sure to read the prayer. How many candles to light (one or two) does not matter. After all, the young are now a single whole. They are members of the same family and the candles belong to both of them.

Wedding candle and their signs:

In the people there are many signs regarding wedding candles. Here is some of them:

  • if the flame of the candles is even, then the life of the newlyweds will be prosperous, full of love and happiness;
  • if the candles crackle and emit soot - to a difficult and troubled life filled with troubles and troubles;
  • based on the duration of the burning of candles, one can judge how long each of the spouses will live (whoever has a candle that burns less will live longer);
  • a bad sign if one of the candles goes out during the wedding - this may portend the early death of one of the newlyweds;
  • if the candles burn out in the same period of time, then the young will live the same way;
  • which of the spouses holds a candle higher during the ceremony, then he will rule in the house;
  • in order to live life together and die on the same day, candles must be extinguished at the same time;
  • in order to protect the house from lightning during a thunderstorm, you need to set fire to a wedding candle;
  • to reduce the agony of a dying person, you need to light a wedding candle near his bed;
  • this ritual attribute, if lit, can even stop a fire.

What to do after death with them?

After one of the couple dies:

  1. can be left as a reminder of the day they got married;
  2. take it to the church and let it burn there;
  3. put one of them in the coffin along with the deceased.

Napkins for wedding candles

So that the young ones do not get smeared and burned with melted wax, napkins are used to hold the candles. When choosing them, first of all, preference should be given to white products or at least light colors. This attribute can be handkerchiefs or cloth napkins, lace napkins, with or without embroidery. In the shops located at the church, special pot holders are often sold for this purpose. The cost of such pleasure will cost young people from $ 1.1 to $ 5.2 per couple.

How much do wedding candles cost?

The cost of this attribute for a church ceremony depends on their length, on the presence of carving or molding, on the complexity of their manufacture, on the presence of candlesticks, flowers, bows and other decorating details. So the cheapest will cost future spouses about 93 cents apiece. The most expensive can pull from the budget of $ 60 each. We recommend buying classic long candles directly in the church. And it is better to buy a beautiful candle for the ceremony of a family hearth, which in the future can be lit for all solemn holidays or romantic dinners of future spouses.

But interesting video how to make a church attribute at home.

Wedding candles are an obligatory attribute of the ceremony. They differ from the usual ones in greater elegance and sacred meaning, which the rite gives them. They are chosen carefully, preferring the most beautiful and largest candles, believing that the toni will ensure a long and happy life. family life. However, they do not have time to be completely used up, what do you take off to do then?

Signs about wedding candles

Many people pay attention to how wedding candles burn during the ceremony. It is believed that if they burn evenly, then the life of the spouses will be long and happy, and if they smoke and crack, then the young will experience many difficulties in life.

One of the signs speaks of the duration of their burning. The spouse whose candle burns the longest will live the shortest.

Wedding candles after a wedding or divorce, the opinion of the holy fathers, when to light, what should be, how to store, if broken, what is it

Many priests recommend lighting wedding candles at especially solemn or difficult moments for the family. For example, if a child gets sick, or spouses are on the verge of divorce. You can also use them at the birth of a child, recovery from a serious illness.

It is better to store them separately, wrapping them in a clean towel or scarf, placing them next to the icons. Sometimes candles break, then they can be cut into pieces that will be lit separately.

Wedding candles after the death of one of the spouses of the husband or wife what to do with them

After the death of one of the spouses, wedding candles can be kept as a memory of a joyful event, but you can also light them if necessary. You can also take them to church.

What are wedding candles in magic for?

Any object that a person holds in his hands carries part of his energy, which is important for magic, so wedding candles can be used in magical rites both for a positive purpose - to return spouses to the family, and for a negative one - to turn them away from each other. Therefore, it is desirable that candles be stored in a separate place that is not accessible to outsiders.

Wedding candles to return the husband to the family, in case of discord in the family

In case of discord in the family, you can use wedding candles, light them in front of the icons with which the spouses were blessed by their parents, and read prayers. After a couple of days, the discord will be forgotten, and the spouse will look with new eyes at family life.

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Vika Dee May 31, 2018, 21:06

The sacrament of a wedding is a serious, responsible step, one of the church rites that unites spouses in life and after death. You should prepare for it spiritually and physically, because this is a step towards family life until death separates the spouses. However, in recent times some couples recklessly decide to get married without realizing the seriousness of this action. Such relationships are often short-lived. Unfortunately, marriage often breaks up. Divorce statistics in Russia are very disappointing - more than half of registered relationships end in divorce.

How to get a divorce if the spouses were married?

In practice, debunking does not exist. Spouses get divorced in the registry office, according to the laws, and live separately. If one of the spouses wants to marry again, then he needs to apply to the bishop for permission to remarry.

This procedure is called "debunking", although in reality it is receiving a blessing for a subsequent marriage.

Thus, the answer to the question is it possible to get married a second time after a divorce - yes, you can, with the permission of the church. You can get married up to three times. But the reasons for the dissolution of a marriage, according to church charters, must be weighty. An excuse like “they didn’t get along” will not work.

Sep 12, 2018 at 12:27 PDT

The church is extremely negative about any divorce, considering it a tragedy and a kind of death for the family. Especially if it's a married couple. But in any case, if family life is impossible for one or both spouses, then divorce is inevitable.

The consequences of such a difficult decision can be severe, but this is a matter of conscience for each of the spouses. The Church does not impose any contempt or punishment on the divorced - it's a private matter for everyone and they will answer to themselves and to God. An important question that people who are about to get a divorce should ask themselves is whether it is possible to save a family or not.

How does a church divorce happen?

Since there is no such thing as a church divorce after a wedding, there is only the concept of obtaining permission to remarry, then this issue should be considered from the point of view of receiving a blessing.

The reasons for for the church to invalidate the marriage:

  • betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • change of religion of one of the spouses;
  • entry into another marriage;
  • abortion of a wife without the consent of her husband in the absence of medical indications for termination of pregnancy;
  • sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, syphilis and so on;
  • an attempt to encroach on the life of another spouse;
  • the disappearance of one spouse for more than 3 years;
  • inability to have children due to self-mutilation;
  • severe form of drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • if the spouse is sentenced to imprisonment for serious crimes.

Cause must be proven relevant document or other evidence or certificate.

Spouses must be divorced at the registry office before getting permission

To apply, you need to contact the local Diocesan Office, where they will tell you how to make a request and in whose name.

The application must be accompanied by a certificate of divorce and other documents confirming the reason for the divorce. If the bishop considers the grounds for divorce valid, he will give permission for a second wedding. However, if the spouse, through whose fault the divorce occurred - treason, entering into another marriage, and so on - wishes to get married again, then he will most likely be denied such a request, since he is guilty of the collapse of his past family. You need to understand that just like that, they don’t give blessings for a wedding.

If you have any doubts about the best way to proceed, you can always consult with your confessor or with the same priest who performed the wedding ceremony. In the case when this is not possible, you can contact the nearby temple and talk with the priest. Most likely, he will answer all questions and help with advice on what to do in this difficult situation.

What to do with wedding candles after a divorce?

Candles that young people hold in their hands during a wedding are called wedding candles. After performing the sacrament bring home and keep along with the icons with which they blessed the young for marriage.

Wedding candles are not a shrine, so no special rites need to be done.

Candles can burn for prayer or take it to the temple. It is not forbidden to leave them and store them in a box or next to the icons. Do not throw them away or give them to someone else. Although the omens and superstitions associated with candles are mostly fiction, they should be put to better use.

Towel (towel) you can also donate to the temple if it unpleasantly reminds you of a broken marriage.

Towel left after divorce

What to do with wedding icons after a divorce?

wedding icons called paired icons with the image Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ, with which the spouses are blessed during the sacrament of the wedding.

Icons can be donated to the temple, indicating that they are wedding. But the icons do not depend in any way on when and under what circumstances they were acquired. Nothing prevents also praying in front of them and lighting candles.

If wedding icons do not evoke any sad associations, then let them remain in the house, along with other icons, if any.

As for the wedding ring and dress, then again, you can keep them or donate a ring to the temple, alter the dress or give it away, or maybe even throw it away. A dress, a ring are just things, memorable, but not possessing any mystical power. They in no way affect a person's life after a divorce.

You can donate a ring to the temple

Divorce is always a tragic event, even if it frees the spouses from an unhappy family life. Before legitimizing repeated relationships, you need to weigh everything and take remarriage seriously. Despite the fact that the church allows you to get married more than once, you should not use this permission lightly, especially if this is not the first wedding for the newlyweds.

In order for the wedding ceremony to be remembered only with positive emotions, it is important to prepare for it in advance.

Of course, the most important thing is the spiritual component of the sacrament, but we must not forget about the wedding attributes that will be needed in the church.

Making a shopping listThe best way don't miss anything.

It is useful to find out in advance what kind of donation after the ceremony is made to the church fund in the place where you decided to get married.

What to buy

wedding candles

Which is better to choose

Candles are sold in the church shop: they can be bought there on the day of the celebration or in advance.

Candles of a certain design can be found in online stores: from the most ordinary wax ones to products of various colors, shapes and sizes, decorated with small bouquets, patterned molding, ribbons, rings, hand or factory painting, glitter (sparkles), decals (images with paper base), in a package or with candlesticks, etc. Their choice is a matter of taste, the main thing is that these are wedding candles.

What do you need

Wedding candles are obligatory "participants" of the wedding ceremony. This is a sign of the joy that lovers experience from meeting each other. The candles burning in the hands of the newlyweds embody the chastity of the young, the fiery and pure mutual love that they must cherish from now on, as well as the abiding grace of God.

After the sacrament candles remain with the newlyweds. They should be kept at home near the icons or in another secluded pious place and light the symbol of the marriage union in connection with some important and joyful events, on the days of the anniversary of the marriage, or, conversely, if difficult times. There is a belief that wedding candles can alleviate difficult childbirth.

How much are
On average, a set of candles costs from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Handkerchiefs for candles

Which is better to choose

First of all, they should be white or light colors. These can be handkerchiefs or cloth napkins, with lace, embroidery or simpler. Often in church shops you can buy specially made potholders.

What do you need

The tradition of covering hands with a handkerchief is not one century. But this is done more for practical reasons - so that they do not get dirty and burnt with wax.

How much are
The cost of special tacks is approximately equal to 800-1000 rubles. Ordinary handkerchiefs or cloth napkins are much cheaper.

What icons are needed for a wedding

Which is better to choose

These must be the faces of the Savior and Mother of God- individually or in the form of a fold, i.e. a folding icon from two parts. The choice of such icons, it turns out, is also diverse. They differ in size (from 7 × 12 and more), shape (arched or rectangular), design (in a plastic, wooden or other frame; brass, metallized, gilded, etc.; with embossing, silk-screen printing, enamel, velvet; in a case and without it, etc.).

What do you need

With their help, the priest blesses the bride and groom. In the old days, images were brought from the parental home and so passed home shrine from generation to generation .

Today, the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God are purchased in advance by the parents of the newlyweds in the church shop and given to the priest before the ceremony begins. If the parents do not participate in the marriage, the young do it themselves.

How much are
The price range is quite wide. The cost depends on the size and materials and ranges from 50 to 20,000 rubles.

Wedding towel - "foot"

Which is better to choose

The towel, which the newlyweds will climb at the altar, should be white or pink.

In the past, the bride and groom could only kneel, nowadays they usually stand on the towel with their feet, because there is a belief that you should not choose a wedding towel with the image of rings or a pair of birds as a wedding towel: it is better to opt for a geometric pattern or floral ornament along the edges. And the center of the canvas - the symbolic place of God - must be "clean".

A towel with hemstitch or lace is not suitable for marriage: they deprive family life of integrity. The canvas should not be interrupted in the same way as the joint life of spouses should not be interrupted.

What is it needed for

This attribute of the wedding ceremony is a symbol of the unity and purity of married life. It spreads out at the lectern and serves as a footstool for the bride and groom, on it the young, like on a cloud, rise to the Kingdom of Heaven to bless their marriage.

After the ceremony, the towel most often remains with the newlyweds: it is kept in the family as a memory and decorates the house on anniversaries and anniversaries.

What is the price
A wedding towel with embroidery costs an average of 500 to 2000 rubles, a simple towel costs less.

What rings are needed for a wedding

Which is better to choose

Traditionally, the rings of the bride and groom should be made of different precious metals: he has gold, she has silver (then, during the sacrament, the young will exchange them). This difference is symbolic.

Nowadays, this rule is not always observed, and wedding rings can even be precious stones. Therefore, the choice of jewelry completely depends on the taste and financial capabilities of the groom: according to traditions, it is he who should buy rings - preferably on the same day and in one place.

What do you need

Rings are the central attribute of a betrothal. Before the beginning of the ceremony, they lie on the holy throne on the right - in front of the face of Jesus Christ. Thus, having touched the holy throne, they receive the power of sanctification and the ability to bring down God's blessing on the newlyweds. And the fact that the rings lie side by side means mutual love and spiritual unity of the bride and groom.

This is a multi-valued symbol. Firstly, a sign of the inseparability, infinity and eternity of the marriage union. Secondly, the incarnation of the sun, to which the husband is likened; the silver one personifies the moon - a smaller luminary and radiating light reflected from the sun.

The actions performed with the rings during the sacrament are also of great sacred importance. So, the exchange of jewelry speaks of love and willingness to sacrifice everything and help all your life - on the part of the groom, and about love and devotion, readiness to accept this help throughout your life - on the part of the bride.

How much are
Price wedding rings will depend on the metal from which they are made (do not choose a combination of metals, as this is considered bad omen) and the presence or absence of gems.

Wedding set

Which is better to choose

The range of wedding sets today is also very wide. They differ in the number of items, style and cost. The set usually includes a towel, towels, napkins for wedding rings, potholders for candles.

What is it needed for

Buying a wedding set will save the bride and groom from the need to purchase all textile wedding accessories separately, selecting them according to color and design, and will save them valuable time .

What is the price
On average, a set of 4 items costs 1000-2000 rubles, and of 7 - 3000-5000 rubles.

Red wine

Which is better to choose

Traditionally, red fortified wines are bought as a drink for the “chalice of communication” ritual. Cahors or Sherry .

What do you need

The red wine offered by the young priest is a symbol of their true love: it should turn into a strong drink from year to year fresh water their true feelings.

What is the price
A bottle of good Cahors or Spanish sherry can cost from 700 to 7000 rubles.

What else do you need to bring to church?

In addition to all of the above, newlyweds should take the following documents and items with them:

  • Passports .
  • Marriage certificate(except for those rare cases when the wedding - in agreement with the priest - precedes registration in the registry office).
  • Pectoral crosses(they should hang around the neck).

How much does a church wedding cost?

A similar question interests everyone who is preparing to go to the altar, but it sounds fundamentally wrong.
It is important to understand: the sacrament of the wedding itself does not and cannot have any monetary value, that is, it is carried out absolutely free of charge.

Exists ancient custom after the ceremony leave a donation in the church. Previously, young people had to bring freshly baked bread wrapped in a linen towel to the temple as a token of gratitude.

Today, the gratitude of the young is more often expressed in terms of money - as much as they can. There are, of course, some approximate limits (from 500 to 1500 rubles).

It is better to clarify such a delicate moment with your priest: accepted Donations may vary depending on locality, specific church, positions of the local clergy, etc.

Everyone's financial situation is different, and sometimes newlyweds are not able to make a large donation for the sacrament. In any temple, this will be treated with understanding: after explaining the situation to the priest, the young people can leave the amount that is feasible for them.

church and wedding candles

The wedding process is one of the important and serious steps that a person takes only once in his life. The debunking of people who have gone through the wedding process can only be if there are very compelling circumstances for this, for example, treason. However, for this, permission from the diocese must also be obtained. Thus, people who want to get married should fully consider this act.

It is worth noting that the wedding process is quite beautiful. church rite. It means by itself that two people who have become spouses take an eternal oath before God that they will be faithful to each other.

One of the attributes of this process are wedding candles. So, having arrived at the temple, people stand in front of the altar. The clergyman gives a blessing to the young and hands them candles that personify the sacredness of the union. Throughout the wedding ceremony, the wedding candles are lit. It is worth noting that the wedding can be both in the temple itself and separately.

After the wedding procedure has been completed, many couples have a question - what to do with wedding candles? Many people prefer to keep them as a memory of this process. Among believers, there is also a belief that during difficult childbirth, wedding candles can help in the birth of a child.

Which were used in the wedding process, are a kind of amulet. According to beliefs, they store all the well-being and happiness of the newly created family. That is why, wedding candles should be forever preserved. They can be lit in case of difficult life circumstances, as well as during happy moments and family success. Also, they can be lit on the day of the wedding anniversary. Wedding candles should be kept near the icons of saints. It would be best to hide them in order to avoid getting dust on them, since it is quite difficult to remove it from the wax. Many people who have been married prefer to store candles in cloth. Also, they can be hidden under the glass of the icon of the saint.

Beliefs associated with wedding candles.

In the event that candles burn evenly during the wedding procedure, this indicates a happy life for the newlyweds, as well as the well-being of the family. If the candles smoke or crackle, then throughout the life of the newlyweds, peace will not haunt. If during the wedding procedure the candle went out, then this indicates great difficulties that await the family. Also, the husband or wife in this case may suddenly die.

Wedding candles carry the power of prayer, which is read by the priest during the wedding. Then, when the family has troubles in life, it will be appropriate to light one of the candles. Each wedding candle carries a symbol of a happy marriage and unity.

Today, and Orthodox goods "Inextinguishable lamp" offers its customers big choice wedding candles, which are fully suitable for the implementation of the wedding process. Each person has the opportunity to purchase wedding candles, both individually and in a set. In the event that a person has any questions about this product, then sales consultants who are competent in the issue of Orthodoxy can fully answer all the questions that the client has. When buying wedding candles in this online store, you can be sure that you will be satisfied with the purchased product and that they will not let you down during the wedding.