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» What parents should know about the Unified State Exam. Federal news. Exam dates

What parents should know about the Unified State Exam. Federal news. Exam dates

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Unified State Exam participants 107 graduates of MBOU Central Educational Institution No. 27 are participating in the Unified State Examination procedure in 2018 © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Regulatory legal acts of the Unified State Exam - 2018 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1400 dated December 26, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 923 of August 5, 2014 “On amending the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400" Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 1701-10 dated 09/04/2014 "On establishing the minimum number of unified state exam points required for admission to undergraduate and graduate programs specialty programs" © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Regulatory framework regulating the conduct of the final essay (presentation) Order of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 “On approval of the procedure for conducting the State Examination for educational programs of secondary general education” as amended: Order of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 2015 No. 9 “On amendments to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for general education programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400”; Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated October 17, 2016 No. 10-764 “On sending updated editions of methodological documents recommended for use in organizing and conducting the final essay (presentation) in the 2017-2018 academic year.” Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 2017 No. 1487 “On approval of the procedure, as well as the procedure and timing for checking the final essay (presentation) in the Tula region in the 2017-2018 academic year” © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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* Graduates of the current year Students of secondary vocational education Graduates of previous years Those who did not pass the State Examination in previous years Categories of participants © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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* The final essay (presentation) is carried out in educational organizations. For students with disabilities, it is possible to organize PPE at home; Venues for the final essay (presentation) © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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* The dates are the same for all subjects of the Russian Federation: December 6, 2017 – taken by students, internally displaced persons; February 7, 2018 – taken by IDPs, re-admitted students; May 16, 2018 – taken by IDPs, re-admitted students. Duration: 235 minutes Duration increases by 90 minutes for students with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people studying at home. Timing and duration of the final essay (presentation) © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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Thematic areas of the final essay (presentation): “Loyalty and betrayal”, “Indifference and responsiveness”, “Goals and means”, “Courage and cowardice”, “Man and society”. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Features of the final essay (presentation) The topics of the final essay will become known only on the day of the exam - 15 minutes before the start (they will be published on open federal information portals on the Internet, on the websites: ( ru) (Unified State Exam portal) (FCT) (website of the Ministry of Education TO) (regional information processing center TO) © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Conducting the final essay (presentation) The final essay (presentation) begins at 10.00 local time. The briefing consists of two parts: The first part - until 10.00 local time - informing participants about the procedure for conducting the final essay (presentation), the rules for preparing the final essay (presentation) , the duration of the final essay (presentation), the time and place of familiarization with the results of the final essay (presentation), as well as the fact that entries in drafts are not processed or checked. The second part - no earlier than 10.00 local time - familiarization of the participants of the final essay (presentation) with the topics of the final essay (texts of the presentation), filling out the registration fields of the forms © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Desktop of the participant in the final essay (presentation) ALLOWED: PROHIBITED: Registration forms and notes Pen Identity document Medicines and nutrition (if necessary) Spelling dictionary (Essay) Spelling and explanatory dictionaries (Exposition) Communications Photo, audio and video equipment Reference materials Written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information Own spelling and (or) explanatory dictionaries Literary materials (works of fiction, diaries, memoirs, other literary sources) © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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Completion of the final essay (presentation) 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the final essay (presentation) inform the participants of the final essay (presentation) about the imminent completion of the final essay (presentation) and the need to transfer the written essays (presentation) from drafts to forms records. After the time for completing the final essay (presentation) has expired, they announce the completion of the final essay (presentation) and collect registration forms, recording forms, and drafts from the participants in the final essay (presentation). Members of the commission of the educational organization: Place a dash “Z” on the fields of the registration forms that are left blank (including on its reverse side), as well as in the additional registration forms issued, and fill out the “Number of forms” field. Fill out the appropriate reporting forms. The collected registration forms, entry forms, drafts, as well as reporting forms for the final essay (presentation) are transferred to the head of the educational organization. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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* Checking the final essay (presentation) Checking is carried out by experts of the PA Commission with the right to attract independent experts, or by expert commissions formed at the regional/municipal levels Experts carry out checks based on copies of forms Check results are entered by experts into copies of registration forms The responsible person transfers the check results from the copies forms in originals © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Requirements for the final essay (presentation) Requirement No. 1. “Volume of the final essay (presentation)” Essay: Recommended number of words - from 350. If the essay contains less than 250 words, then a “failure” is given for failure to comply with requirement No. 1 and a “failure” for work in general. Presentation: The recommended number of words is 250-300. If the presentation contains less than 150 words, then a “failure” is given for failure to comply with requirement No. 1 and a “failure” for the work as a whole. Requirement No. 2. “Independence in writing the final essay (presentation)” The final essay (presentation) is completed independently. Copying an essay (presentation) from any source is not allowed. If the essay (presentation) is recognized by the expert as not independent, then a “failure” is given for failure to fulfill requirement No. 2 and a “failure” for the work as a whole. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Criteria for evaluating the final essay (presentation) Compliance with the topic. Argumentation. Attraction of literary material. Composition and logic of reasoning. 4. Quality of written language. 5. Literacy. Contents of the presentation. Logical presentation. Using source text style elements. Essay: Presentation: Criteria No. 1 and No. 2 are the main ones. To receive a “pass” for the final essay (presentation), you must receive a “pass” for criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (a “fail” for one of these criteria automatically leads to a “failure” for the work as a whole), as well as a “pass” according to one of the other criteria (No. 3-No. 5). © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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* RCIO ensures the placement of scanned images of forms on regional servers Participants and universities get access to images of forms through the website Access to forms of the final essay (presentation) © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING THE GIA IN 2018 An application for passing the exams, indicating the form of passing the state (final) certification and the list of subjects, is submitted by graduates no later than February 1 of the current year to the educational institution. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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PROCEDURE FOR CARRYING OUT GIA IN 2018 Graduates with disabilities, when submitting an application, submit an original or a copy of one of the following documents: conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, certificate confirming the fact of disability, issued by the federal state institution of medical and social examination © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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The Unified State Examination is conducted in 14 general education subjects Russian language Mathematics (Basic level) Mathematics (profile level) Physics Chemistry History Social studies Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) Biology Geography English German German French Spanish Literature © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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PROCEDURE FOR CARRYING OUT THE GIA IN 2018 Mastering the educational program of secondary (complete) general education ends with mandatory state (final) certification in the Russian language and mathematics. Graduates take exams in other general education subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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PROCEDURE FOR CARRYING OUT THE GIA IN 2018 The decision on admission to the state (final) certification is made by the pedagogical council of the educational institution and is formalized by order no later than May 25. State (final) certification begins no earlier than May 25 of the current year. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Categories of graduates entitled to early (no earlier than April 20) state (final) certification in the form of the Unified State Exam: graduates of evening (shift) educational institutions, graduates drafted into the ranks of the Russian Army, graduates traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, olympiads and training camps graduates traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Categories of graduates entitled to early (not earlier than April 20) state (final) certification in the form of the Unified State Exam: graduates sent for medical reasons to treatment, preventive and other institutions for medical, health and rehabilitation measures during the period of the state (final ) certification of graduates of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Categories of Unified State Exam participants in May-June 2015 graduates of general education institutions in 2018, students of educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education who have mastered the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education within the framework of basic professional educational programs © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Draft schedule for the Unified State Exam 2018 May 28 (Mon) geography, computer science and ICT May 30 (Wed) mathematics B June 1 (Fri) mathematics P June 4 (Mon) chemistry, history June 6 (Wed) Russian language June 9 (Sat) foreign languages ​​(oral) June 13 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral) June 14 (Thu) social studies June 18 (Mon) biology, foreign languages ​​(written) June 20 (Wed) literature, physics June 22 (Fri) reserve: geography, computer science and ICT June 25 (Mon) reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P June 26 (Tue) reserve: Russian June 27 (Wed) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(written) June 28 (Thu) reserve: literature, physics, social studies June 29 (Fri) reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral) July 2 (Mon) reserve: in all academic subjects © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Categories of citizens who have the right to take the Unified State Exam in July 2018; graduates of the current year who missed taking the Unified State Exam on the main deadline for good reasons; graduates of the current year who received an unsatisfactory result in one compulsory subject at the state (final) certification and, for good reasons, did not take advantage of the right to retake it on reserve days of the main exam period © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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The Unified State Exam starts at 10:00 Bring with you: a passport or other identification document, a gel or capillary pen (black ink) The birth certificate of the Unified State Exam participant is not an identity document. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Duration of the Unified State Exam in general education subjects Russian language Chemistry Biology 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes) Mathematics (profile level) Literature Social science Physics Computer science and ICT History 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) Mathematics (basic level) Foreign language (written part) Geography 3 hours (180 minutes) Foreign language (oral part) 15 minutes © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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Notification for the Unified State Exam Participants in the Unified State Exam receive a notification within the main deadline before May 10 from the administration of their educational institution or at the place of registration for the Unified State Exam. Unified State Exam participants receive additional notice from June 20 to July 5 at the place of registration for the Unified State Exam. The notification for the Unified State Exam indicates: Unified State Exam subjects, addresses of examination points (hereinafter referred to as PPE), dates and times of the start of exams, codes of the educational institution and PPE, other information © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Scheme of admission to the PPE Organizer: checks the passport, the presence of the Unified State Exam participant in the distribution lists; reminds of the need to hand over communication equipment and unnecessary things to accompanying persons; informs that the next inspection will be carried out using a metal detector © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Before the start of the exam, the Organizers: remind the Unified State Exam participants of the rules of behavior during the exam and the performance of exam work; Print out the KIM in the presence of Unified State Exam participants; distribute individual packages with exam materials to Unified State Exam participants © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Before the exam: the organizers record the start and end times of the exam on the board; Participants begin to complete exam tasks. Time spent on preparatory activities before the start of the exam is not included in the exam itself. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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During the exam, the Unified State Exam Participant does not have the right to: communicate with other participants, walk around the audience and PPE, have with him and use any means of communication, use any electronic computing devices (except for officially approved ones), use reference materials (except for approved additional devices and materials) © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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During the exam, the Unified State Examination Participant has the right to leave the classroom only for a good reason (to the toilet, to the medical room): accompanied by one of the organizers, having previously handed over the Unified State Examination forms to the responsible organizer © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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During the exam If the rules of conduct during the exam are violated and the organizers refuse to comply with them, the USE participant will be removed from the exam. At the end of the exam, in the presence of the Unified State Examination participants, the examination papers must be sealed. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Violations and sanctions - availability of communication means, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, removal of examination materials on paper or electronic media from classrooms and PPE, photographing them, providing assistance to Unified State Examination participants , including the transfer of the specified funds and materials to them © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Removal, cancellation and retake Removal by a member of the State Examination Committee for violation Cancellation for a violation (including those identified during re-checking) Cancellation in case of violation by the organizer or another person (including unidentified) In case of stopping the exam by a member of the State Examination Committee (in agreement with the chairman of the State Examination Committee ) in individual classrooms or in the entire PES All decisions on approval, change or cancellation of the results of the Unified State Exam are made by the chairman of the State Examination Committee individually Without the right to retake this year With the right to retake © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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List of additional devices and materials the use of which is permitted for the Unified State Exam in mathematics - ruler in physics - ruler and non-programmable calculator in chemistry - non-programmable calculator in geography - ruler, non-programmable calculator, protractor © Lidia Petrovna Fokina

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List of additional devices and materials the use of which is permitted for the Unified State Exam. Anything that is not included in the approved list and specification of the Unified State Exam KIM for the subject is prohibited from having and using during the exam, including: mobile phones or other means of communication; photo and video cameras; any electronic computing devices and reference materials and devices. In case of violation of these rules and refusal to comply with them, the organizers, together with an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee, have the right to remove the Unified State Examination participant from the exam © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Unified State Exam results Russian language project 36 points; mathematics 27 points. physics 36 points; chemistry 36 points; computer science and ICT 40 points; biology 36 points; history 32 points; geography 37 points; social studies 42 points; literature 32 points; foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish) 22 points. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Unsatisfactory result If a USE participant receives a result below the minimum number of points in any of the subjects, it will be possible to take the USE again only next year. Exceptions are only for current year graduates. If a graduate of the current year receives a result below the minimum number of points in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language or mathematics), then he can retake this exam in the same year. This can be done on special additional days in the current year, which are established by order of Rosobrnadzor. If a graduate of the current year receives results below the minimum number of points in both the Russian language and mathematics, he will be able to retake the Unified State Exam only next year. Thus, the graduate will not receive a certificate this year. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Good luck on the Unified State Exam © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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All-Russian testing work Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025 On monitoring the quality of education In accordance with the Rules for monitoring the education system, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2013 No. 662, as well as for the purpose of implementing the Concept of teaching Russian language and literature in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 9, 2016 No. 637-r, and a Set of measures aimed at systematically updating the content of general education based on the results of monitoring studies and taking into account modern achievements of science and technology, changes in demands students and society, focus on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in real life conditions, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2016 No. 1598 © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

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Regional control work In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Tula region dated March 24, 2017 No. 440 “On conducting regional control work and verification work in educational organizations of the Tula region within the framework of federal state control of the quality of education, state accreditation of an educational organization in the 2017-2018 academic year ”, in pursuance of the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Tula Region dated October 30, 2017 No. 16-01-15/11421 “On conducting regional testing in the Russian language in 11th grade”; Order of the education department of the Tula city administration No. 515-a dated November 7, 2017 “On conducting regional control work in the Russian language” and in order to assess the quality of education, compliance of the preparation of 11th grade students with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard in the academic subject “Russian language” in organizations carrying out educational activities according to the state accredited general education program of secondary general education, on November 29, 2017, a regional test in the Russian language is carried out for 11th grade students, in the form of electronic testing in the Moodle3 system © Lidiya Petrovna Fokina

The head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Sergei Kravtsov, held an All-Russian meeting with parents for the third time, during which he answered questions about the Unified State Exam, final certification in grade 9, All-Russian testing, research on the quality of education, and conducting a final essay.

Opening the meeting, Sergei Kravtsov told what exams and tests await schoolchildren this academic year: all-Russian tests will be held in the spring for students in grades 4, 5, 6 and 11, and in October a national study of the quality of education in biology and chemistry in 10 will be conducted classes. One should not expect any significant changes in the conduct of the Unified State Exam and the final essay this year. “We don’t have any major changes in terms of the unified state exam; stability is important to us,” said the head of Rosobrnadzor.

Parents' questions related to changes in the Unified State Examination system that may occur in the future. Sergei Kravtsov said that a foreign language should become a compulsory subject on the Unified State Examination for 11th grade graduates from 2022. A roadmap of activities has now been developed, the implementation of which will precede this innovation, and work is underway with teachers and schoolchildren. As for history, the question of its inclusion among the compulsory subjects will still be discussed.

The head of Rosobrnadzor did not rule out changing the deadlines for filing applications for participation in the Unified State Exam in the future. This may become possible due to the widespread use of technology for printing exam materials directly in the Unified State Examination classroom, which will reduce the time spent preparing for exams. “This academic year, the deadline for submitting applications will remain the same – until February 1, 2018,” he clarified.

Parents were also interested in what aids and resources are best to use when preparing for the Unified State Exam, how to pass exams while serving in the Russian Armed Forces, and the specifics of examination procedures for graduates with disabilities.

The parents of two 300-point students, graduates of 2017, who managed to score 100 points on the Unified State Exam in three subjects at once, shared their experience of successfully preparing for exams. According to Olga Kamzeeva, the mother of a three-hundred-point student, the main thing is the student’s attitude to study from grades 1 to 11, support and understanding from parents.

Several questions were asked about the final interview in the Russian language, which should become admission to the final certification in grade 9. Sergei Kravtsov said that in the current academic year the testing and refinement of the examination model will continue, and the final interview will most likely become standard as an admission to GIA-9 in 2019.

Parents were interested in whether school graduates from national republics would be able to take the oral exam. Director of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) Oksana Reshetnikova explained that there are no plans to introduce special interview forms for individual regions. “This will be a feasible procedure for your guys. Don’t worry, we will try everything together, we will carefully analyze all the results of testing before introducing the interview into a regular mode,” she assured.

Also, the head of Rosobrnadzor and the head of the Center for National and International Research, Sergei Stanchenko, answered a number of questions related to the conduct of all-Russian verification work and national studies of the quality of education.

Parents of schoolchildren from different regions of Russia sent their questions to Sergei Kravtsov for several weeks to a special mailbox and to

Memo on the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2018 (for the information of Unified State Exam participants/parents (legal representatives)

General information about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam:

In order to ensure security, maintain order and prevent violations of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, PPEs are equipped with stationary and (or) portable metal detectors; PES and PES classrooms are equipped with video surveillance equipment; By decision of the State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (GEC), PES are equipped with communication signal suppression systems. The Unified State Examination in all academic subjects begins at 10.00 local time.

The exam results for each academic subject are approved, changed and (or) canceled by the chairman of the State Examination Committee. Changes in results are possible if examination papers are re-checked. Additional information will be provided regarding the re-inspection. Cancellation of results is possible if violations of the State Examination Procedure are detected.

The results of the State Examination are considered satisfactory if the State Examination participant in compulsory academic subjects (with the exception of the Unified State Examination in basic-level mathematics) scored a number of points not lower than the minimum determined by Rosobrnadzor, and when passing the Unified State Examination in basic-level mathematics received a mark not lower than satisfactory (three points).

The results of the Unified State Examination are approved by the chairman of the State Examination Committee within one working day. After approval, the results of the Unified State Exam are transferred within one working day to educational organizations, as well as local government bodies that manage the field of education, for subsequent familiarization of Unified State Exam participants with the Unified State Exam results they received.

Familiarization of Unified State Examination participants with the Unified State Examination results in an academic subject approved by the Chairman of the State Examination Committee is carried out within one working day from the date of their transfer to educational organizations, as well as local government bodies exercising management in the field of education. The specified day is considered the official day of announcement of the results.

Unified State Examination results are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

Responsibilities of the Unified State Exam participant as part of participation in the Unified State Exam:

On the day of the exam, the Unified State Exam participant must arrive at the training center no less than 45 minutes before the start. Entrance of Unified State Exam participants to the PES begins at 09.00 local time. Admission of USE participants to the PES is carried out if they have documents proving their identity and if they are on the distribution lists for this PES. If a Unified State Exam participant is late for the exam, he is allowed to take the Unified State Exam in the prescribed manner, and the end time of the exam is not extended, which is reported to the Unified State Exam participant. In the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​(written part, section “Listening”), late participants are not allowed into the audience after turning on the audio recording (except if there are no other participants in the audience or if the participants in the audience have finished listening to the audio recording). Personal listening is not carried out for late participants (except if there are no other exam participants in the room). Repeated general instruction for late USE participants is not provided. The organizers provide the necessary information to fill out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms.

If, for objective reasons, a student does not have an identification document, he is admitted to the PPE after written confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the educational organization.

If a graduate of previous years does not have an identification document, he is not allowed into the PPE. Repeatedly to participate in the Unified State Examination in this academic subject in additional. within the specified time period, participants in the Unified State Examination can only be admitted by decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee.

4. On the day of the exam (from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam) in the PES, Unified State Exam participants are prohibited from carrying a notice of registration for the exams (must be left in the place for storing personal belongings, which is organized before entering the PES, or give to an accompanying person from the educational organization), communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, remove written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information from the classrooms, from It is prohibited to take out examination materials, including KIM and drafts on paper or electronic media, or take photographs of examination materials.

It is recommended to take only necessary things with you to the exam. Unified State Exam participants are required to leave other personal belongings in a specially designated place in the building where the PPE is located, before entering the PPE, for storing personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants. The specified place for the personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants is organized before the established frame of a stationary metal detector or before the place where authorized persons carry out work using a portable metal detector.

5. Unified State Exam participants occupy workplaces in the auditorium. in accordance with the distribution lists. Changing the workplace is prohibited.

6. During the exam, Unified State Exam participants are prohibited from communicating with each other, moving freely around the audience and PPE, or leaving the audience without the permission of the organizer.

When leaving the classroom during the exam, the Unified State Examination participant must leave exam materials, drafts and writing materials on the desktop.

7. Unified State Examination participants who violate the specified requirements or other violations of the Procedure for Conducting State Final Certification (SFA) are removed from the exam. On this fact, the persons responsible for conducting the Unified State Examination in the PPE draw up an act, which is submitted for consideration to the chairman of the State Examination Committee. If the fact that a participant in the Unified State Examination violates the procedure for conducting the State Examination is confirmed, the chairman of the State Examination Committee makes a decision to cancel the results of the Unified State Examination participant in the relevant academic subject.

8. Examination work is performed with a gel capillary pen with black ink. Examination papers completed with other writing materials will not be processed or checked.

Rights of the Unified State Exam participant as part of participation in the Unified State Exam:1. When performing work, the Unified State Examination participant can use drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE is organized, and make notes in the KIM (in the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”), drafts are not issued).

Attention! Drafts and CMMs are not checked and entries in them are not taken into account during processing.

2. A Unified State Examination participant who, for health reasons or other objective reasons, cannot complete the examination work, has the right to take the examination materials early and leave the classroom. In this case, the USE participant, accompanied by the organizer, goes to the medical office, where a member of the USE is invited. If a medical professional confirms that the health status of a Unified State Examination participant has deteriorated and if the Unified State Examination participant agrees to complete the exam early, a Certificate of Early Completion of the Examination for objective reasons is drawn up. The organizer puts the appropriate mark on the registration form for the Unified State Examination participant and in form 05-02 “Protocol for conducting state examination in the classroom”. In the future, the Unified State Examination participant, by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee, will be able to take an additional exam in this subject. deadlines.

3. Unified State Examination participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule may leave the PES. The organizers accept all exam materials from them.

4. If a student receives unsatisfactory results in one of the compulsory academic subjects (Russian language or mathematics), he is admitted to the State Examination Examination in this academic subject again in the current year in additional terms (no more than once).

Students and graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result in academic subjects of their choice are given the right to take the State Examination in the relevant academic subjects no earlier than a year later in the terms and forms established by the Procedure.

5. Students who have not passed the State Examination, or who have received unsatisfactory results in the State Examination in more than one compulsory academic subject, or who have repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects in the State Examination in additional terms, are given the right to pass the State Examination in the relevant academic subjects no earlier than September 1 of the current years in the terms and in the forms established by the Procedure. To pass the repeated State Examination, students are reinstated in the organization providing the education. activities for the period required to pass the State Examination.

6. The Unified State Examination participant has the right to file an appeal about a violation of the established Procedure for conducting the State Examination and (or) about disagreement with the assigned points to the conflict commission.

The conflict commission does not consider appeals on issues of the content and structure of assignments in academic subjects, as well as on issues related to the assessment of the results of completing exam assignments with a short answer, violation by students, graduates of previous years of the requirements of this Procedure and incorrect execution of the examination paper.

Unified State Examination participants are informed in advance about the time, place and procedure for considering appeals.

The student, a graduate of previous years and (or) his parents (legal representatives) are present during the consideration of the appeal if desired.

Appeal about violation of the established Procedure for conducting State Examinationthe Unified State Examination participant submits it to the State Examination Member on the day of the exam without leaving the PPE.

When considering an appeal about a violation of the established Procedure for conducting State Examination, the conflict commission considers the appeal and the conclusion on the results of the inspection and makes one of the decisions:

dismissal of the appeal; or to grant the appeal.

If the appeal is satisfied, the result of the Unified State Exam, according to the procedure of which the Unified State Exam participant filed an appeal, is canceled and the Unified State Exam participant is given the opportunity to take the exam in the academic subject on a different day, provided for by the unified Unified State Exam schedule.

Appeal about disagreement with awarded pointssubmitted within two working days after the official day of announcement of the exam results in the relevant academic subject. Students file an appeal of disagreement with the given scores to the educational organization that admitted them to the State Examination, graduates of previous years - to the places where they were registered to take the Unified State Exam, as well as to other places determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out state management in the field of education (hereinafter – OIV).

When considering an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission requests printed images of the examination work, electronic media containing files with digital audio recordings of the oral answers of the Unified State Exam participants, copies of examination protocols. work of the subject commission and the KIM of the Unified State Exam participants who filed an appeal.

The specified materials are presented to the participants of the Unified State Exam (if he is present during the consideration of the appeal).

Before the meeting of the conflict commission to consider an appeal about disagreement with the assigned scores, the conflict commission establishes the correctness of the evaluation of the examination work of the student, a graduate of previous years, who filed the appeal. For this purpose, subject matter experts are involved in the consideration of the appeal. commission on the relevant academic subject. If the experts do not give an unambiguous answer about the correctness of the assessment of the examination work, the conflict commission contacts the Commission for the Development of KIM for the relevant academic subject with a request for clarification on the assessment criteria. Based on the results of the consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the assigned points confl. the commission decides to reject the appeal and maintain the assigned points (no technical errors and errors in the evaluation of the examination work) or to uphold the appeal and change the points (presence of technical errors and (or) errors in the evaluation of the examination work). Points can be changed upwards or downwards.

Appeals about violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination and (or) disagreement with the awarded points can be withdrawn by the participants of the State Examination at their own request. To do this, the GIA participant writes a statement about the withdrawal of the appeal filed by him. Students submit a corresponding application in writing to the educational organizations by which they were admitted in the prescribed manner to the State Examination Institute, graduates of previous years - to the conflict commission or to other places determined by the General Educational Institution. If there is no application for revocation, no appeal has been filed, and the GIA participant fails to appear at the meeting of the conflict commission at which the appeal is considered, the conflict commission will consider his appeal in the prescribed manner.

I am familiar with the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam:

Unified State Examination participant_____/________/ “___”_______2018.

Parent/legal representative of a minor USE participant ____/_________/ “___”_______2018

Chinese schoolchildren take national examinations ("gaokao") two days in a row: on the first day they take compulsory subjects (Chinese, mathematics and a foreign language), and on the second day they take elective subjects (either three subjects in social sciences or three subjects in natural sciences). ). China's Unified Examination system is often linked to rising rates of clinical depression and suicide among young people.

In South Korea, planes do not land on the days of national exams so that their noise does not distract students. In Brazil, the standardized exam is paid and optional. In Germany, to enter universities, applicants take several dozen preparatory courses and pass four exams.

What do we have? But we have the Unified State Examination, and, you see, this is not the worst option compared to some exams for foreign schoolchildren. To successfully pass the Unified State Exam, it is enough to know the requirements and follow the changes of the current academic year. Methodologists from the Unified State Exam preparation center “Five with a Plus” tell you what you need to know about the Unified State Exam 2018.

What remains the same

The year 2018 is passing quietly, under the sign of stability: the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, said that the Unified State Examination procedure is already established, that everything is decided by knowledge, and no significant changes are expected.

The official exam schedule has been approved and, as before, will be held in three waves:

The full schedule for subjects can be viewed. Applications for participation in the Unified State Exam are submitted until February 1; For those who did not have time to submit an application, it is difficult to get the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam, but it is possible. But schoolchildren have nothing to worry about - the school took care of their timely registration.

As before, two subjects remain mandatory for school graduates - Russian language and mathematics (basic for a certificate, specialized for admission to a university). Demo versions of the Unified State Exam 2018 are available. Remember that the tasks from the demo versions will definitely not be on the exam forms, but they will be similar. And to draw up a preparation plan for exams, use codifiers from FIPI - they contain a complete list of topics necessary for study.

You can take into the room where the exam takes place:

  • medications and nutrition (if necessary);

    teaching aids (in mathematics - a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator);

    Unified State Exam participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities can take special technical equipment with them.

    You can check the 2018 Unified State Exam results using the official online service or on State Services.

Of the compulsory subjects, changes affected the Russian language, but mathematics did not present any surprises. Among the elective subjects, biology and history remained unchanged. In a foreign language, the changes are also minor and concern only the wording and evaluation criteria.

General changes

Examination materials for the Unified State Exam 2018 will be printed directly in the classroom, and not sent to schools before the exams. Examination forms and test materials will be black and white and one-sided. Exam participants only need to fill out forms on one side - the reverse side will not be checked.

Russian language: plus speech literacy

One task has been added on knowledge of lexical norms and the ability to recognize speech errors. Now there are 26 tasks. The wording has also been clarified in some places: for example, in an essay you now need to specifically formulate the author’s position. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 57 to 58.

Literature: plus one more topic

A fourth topic for a mini-essay (on the latest literature) has been introduced in task No. 17. For tasks with a detailed answer No. 9 and 16 you can now get 10 points, and for questions No. 8 and 15 - 5 points. All of these tasks now take into account speech errors. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

Social studies: plus logic

In social studies, the assessment system for task 28 (answer plan) has changed. It is recommended to pay more attention to tasks on the logical relationship of concepts, since in task No. 29 (essay) one point was added for logic, the relationship of concepts. CMM as such has not changed, the evaluation criteria have changed. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 62 to 64.

Physics: plus astrophysics

In the first part there are more tasks - 24 instead of 23. An additional task in the first part tests the mastery of the basic concepts of the elements of astrophysics. Correct completion of this task, recording the answer in the form of a sequence of numbers, is estimated at 2 primary points. Otherwise, the thematic affiliation of the tasks of the first and second parts and the system for grading tasks remains the same. The maximum primary score for completing the entire work has been increased from 50 to 52 points.

Chemistry: plus assignment

The total number of Unified State Exam tasks in chemistry has increased to 35 due to the addition of a sixth task in the second part. Tasks with a general context have been introduced: No. 30 and No. 31. Here, the assimilation of material on the topic “Redox reactions” and “Ion exchange reactions” is tested. But the maximum primary score remained the same due to changes in the grading scale - 60 points.

Computer Science: C++

In tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, the code examples are now written not in C, but in C++.

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Secondary general education

Russian language. Line UMK ed. Shmeleva A.D. (VENTANA-COUNT)

UMK Merzlyak line. Algebra and beginnings of analysis (10-11) (B)

Line UMK V. P. Dronov. Geography (Wind Rose) (10-11) (basic)

How to take the Unified State Exam in 2018

We have answered the most pressing questions that parents ask about the Unified State Exam...

Everyone who took the Unified State Exam this year can relax: work has been checked, scores have been assigned, appeals have been filed and considered. Now it is the turn to worry for those who have just entered the 11th grade, as well as their teachers and parents.

For the Ministry of Education, schools, and experts, the Unified State Examination is an established annual practice, but for those who take the exams, it is always the first time, and therefore causes great excitement.

Especially for those who will have to take the Unified State Exam next year, as well as for sympathetic and concerned parents, we are giving a brief excursion into the general rules for conducting exams, talking about the innovations of 2018, how to motivate a high school student to prepare for exams and how not to “overdo it” in preparation for the main exams of the country.

Unified State Exam 2018: what's new?

Since the introduction of the Unified State Exam and the State Examination (now the Unified State Examination), at least something has changed in the exams every year - in terms of the grading scale, the forms of tasks, and the procedure. This article will focus specifically on the Unified State Exam, a unified state exam that graduates take in the 11th grade. Over the past three years, the ministry has announced many plans for changes to the Unified State Exam. Those who will have to take exams in 2018 are primarily interested in the following questions:

    Will the oral part be introduced into the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

    Will graduates take the mandatory Unified State Exam in Russian history?

    Is it true that the Unified State Exam in English will become mandatory for everyone this year?

    How many exams will schoolchildren take - three, four or six, as former Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D.V. once promised? Livanov?

All these questions were answered by the press center of the Ministry of Education and Science on April 24, 2017: “No changes are expected in the Unified State Examination in the coming years, all proposals for modernizing the exam must undergo preliminary broad expert and public discussion” (source - MIA Rossiya Segodnya) . At the moment there is no talk of any discussions.

Indeed, in recent months the press has actively discussed the idea of ​​making the Russian history exam universal and compulsory as soon as possible. The implementation of this idea will take place gradually. According to the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, The Unified State Examination in history will most likely become mandatory only by 2020.

As for the oral part of the Russian language exam, this innovation must first be tested in the ninth grade. On July 6, at a meeting of the Commission on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Olga Vasilyeva said that from 2018, ninth grade students will undergo an oral interview in the Russian language for admission to the State Duma (source - MIA "Russia Today").

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics (profile level): assignments, solutions and explanations

How is the Unified State Exam conducted?

At the moment, those who are about to take exams are interested in everything related to the content and procedure for passing the Unified State Exam. All minor updates to the content of the Unified State Exam will become known at the end of the summer: as promised in the press center of Rosobrnadzor, in August draft documents defining the structure and content of the KIM Unified State Exam 2018 will be posted on the FIPI website. From August to October there will be a wide discussion of these projects, and a final decision will be made to switch to a new examination model (Rosobrnadzor press center for the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency).

As for the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam, all the details are described on the official website of the Unified State Exam. Based on the site data, we answered the most pressing questions that parents ask about the Unified State Exam. Please note: before passing the Unified State Exam in 2018, changes may occur in the exam procedure - and then you can find out about them on the official Unified State Exam website or on the FIPI website. We kindly ask you to be suspicious of unofficial Internet resources: no one can guarantee that the information provided on them is complete and reliable.

How many USE exams should everyone take?

To obtain a certificate, it is enough to pass two main exams - in the Russian language and mathematics. To enter universities, each graduate has the right to take as many elective exams as he or she wishes. The list of elective Unified State Examinations includes 12 positions, among them: physics, chemistry, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, biology, geography, foreign languages, literature.

When does the Unified State Exam take place?

The Unified State Exam is taken by students in the eleventh grade (the exception is the Unified State Exam in Geography, which can also be taken in the tenth grade). The early period for passing the Unified State Exam takes place in March-April, the main period is from the end of May to the end of June, the additional period is in September-October 2018.

They say that the Unified State Exam is not held at the school where the graduate studies, but in some other specially designated place. What are these places and how to get to them?

Most often, special points for conducting the Unified State Exam (PE) are located in educational institutions. It may turn out that your school turns out to be your PPE. In any case, the organizers of the Unified State Exam must promptly inform all Unified State Exam participants where each exam is held.

All Unified State Examinations begin at 10:00 local time. Of course, you need to come to the PES in advance: admission to the building begins at 9.00. Participants get to the training center in an organized manner, accompanied by school representatives.

Organization of preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry: redox reactions

What can and cannot be taken with you to the Unified State Examination?

Standard list of things and documents that the exam participant must have with you:

    Pen, gel or capillary.

    Passport (must be presented at the entrance to the PPE).

    Bottle of drinking water. Necessary medications and food can only be carried with you with special permission.

Besides, allowed take with you to the exams:

    in mathematics - a ruler;

    in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator;

    in chemistry – non-programmable calculator;

    in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.

List of things that a USE participant forbidden Have with you during the exam:

    notification of registration for exams,

    means of communication,

    electronic computer technology,

    photo, audio and video equipment,

    reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.

Of all the items required to pass the Unified State Exam, the most important is your document, that is, your passport: without it you will not be allowed to take the exam. If you do not have your passport with you for objective reasons, then you will be admitted only after written confirmation of your identity by an accompanying person from the school.

But what about all the other personal items - keys, phone? Can I take my talisman with me?

Exam participants can leave all their belongings in a specially designated storage area - this must be done before entering the PES territory. The administration of the building in which the exam is held is responsible for their safety. If you are worried about your things, it is better not to take them with you to the exam. Be careful when choosing a talisman: of course, no one will take it away from you, but it is important that it does nothing did not resemble a means of communication or other dubious item (calculator, gadget, notes, notebook, etc.).

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of tasks with a teacher
What to do if you are late for the start of the exam?

You cannot be late for the Unified State Exam: you will not be able to extend the exam period and repeat the instructions, including how to fill out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms.

What happens after participants pass through the metal detectors and enter the PES area?

Here, specially authorized organizers help exam participants: indicate classroom numbers, escort them to the door, etc. In the auditorium, the organizers re-check the passports of those submitting them and direct them to their workplaces (audiences and workplaces are determined in accordance with the automated distribution). Attention! Changing the workplace at the request of the Unified State Examination participant is not allowed.

This is followed by instructions (conducted by the organizers in each classroom). Then the participants begin to be given sets of examination materials. The task of those taking the exam is to carefully examine the package, make sure that it is intact and has not been previously opened. Each package contains a CMM (testing and measuring material), a registration form and answer forms No. 1 and No. 2. Form No. 1 is for the test part and tasks with a short answer, form No. 2 is for questions that require detailed answers and solutions.

Kits must be opened as directed by the organizers. After opening the package, check the number of Unified State Exam and CMM forms and inspect them for defects. If a participant finds extra or missing forms, or sees a defect, he must inform the organizers and his package will be replaced. Attention! If the participant did not have the package replaced or he noticed a violation of the order at this stage, he can file an appeal on the day of the exam about the violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam.

Filling out forms. All forms are filled out in block letters, under the guidance of the organizers. The registration form is filled out, then the registration areas of answer forms No. 1 and No. 2.

Additional form No. 2. It will be issued to the test taker upon request and only if both sides of the first form are completed. Answers entered in the additional form will not be assessed if the main form is not completely completed.

Drafts. You cannot use your own drafts for the Unified State Examination. Participants receive official drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on which the PES is located from the organizers. During the oral part of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages, drafts are not issued.

Listening. All tasks for the “Listening” section of the written part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​are recorded on audio media.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in English: assignments, reasoning, answer options

Why can someone taking the Unified State Exam be removed from the exam?

The basis for removing a participant from the exam may be a violation of the rules of conduct for the Unified State Examination or refusal to comply with them. Removal is recorded if an act on the removal of a Unified State Examination participant from the exam is drawn up and a mark indicating the fact of removal is placed on its forms. Work with such a mark is not allowed until verification.

So, during the exam, participants Absolutely forbidden:

    Remove examination materials from classrooms and PPE in any medium.

    Remove writing materials, notes and any other means of storing and transmitting information from the classrooms.

    Take photographs of exam materials.

    Talk to each other.

    Exchange any materials and items with other USE participants.

    Rewrite CMM tasks into drafts.

    Freely leave the classroom and move around the PPE without being accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom.

Naturally, USE participants can go to the toilet or to the medical room during the exam, but they do this only when accompanied by the organizer. Beforehand, the organizers check all exam materials left by the participant.

Having finished your work, you put the CMM in the envelope of your individual kit, put everything else on the edge of the table, the organizers collect the materials, check that you have filled out the forms correctly - and you are free!

Unified State Examination in History: reviewing assignments with the teacher

How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

To do this, you need to enter a single electronic database using your unique identification code or document number without a series. Exam participants receive codes at school (if we are talking about those taking the Unified State Exam for the first time).

How to file an appeal?

If you believe your exam score should be higher, you can appeal your score. The appeal is submitted within two working days after the official day of announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the relevant subject.

Please note that the conflict commission does not consider appeals regarding the content and structure of assignments in academic subjects, as well as issues related to the assessment of short-answer assignments and incorrect formatting of examination work. No later than a month before the start of the exams, information on the dates, places and procedure for filing and considering appeals is published on the official website of the Unified State Examination. The examination participant and/or his parents, as well as public observers, may be present during the consideration of the appeal.

If you failed to pass the profile Unified State Exam, what should you do? Is it possible to retake?

A retake is possible, but only next year. In this case, you will receive a certificate of secondary general education: for this it is enough to successfully pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, basic or specialized level. (A basic level is sufficient for the certificate.)

What to do if a participant missed the Unified State Exam due to illness?

You will need to provide the school with a medical report as soon as possible. The school will submit information to the State Examination Office, and you will be given another day to take the missed exam.

Alexandra Chkanikova