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» What not to do for stage 1 scoliosis. What is contraindicated for scoliosis? Is running allowed?

What not to do for stage 1 scoliosis. What is contraindicated for scoliosis? Is running allowed?

The quality of life with scoliosis deteriorates significantly. The physiologically correct shape of the spine is restored by exercises that strengthen the muscular corset of the back. But not every sport is useful. In this article we will answer the question of what you can and cannot do with scoliosis.

With small deviations from normal indicators, which fit into the category of the first stage, intense physical activity is beneficial.

When prescribing sports contraindications for scoliosis, the specialist must take into account the following factors:

  • stage of the disease;
  • complexity of the course;
  • aggressiveness of the disease.

If scoliosis progresses very quickly, then sports restrictions should be introduced as early as possible.

General contraindications

What should you not do if you have scoliosis?

  • perform body twists;
  • visit the gym;
  • perform body turns;
  • tumble.

Stretching is also contraindicated for scoliosis. People with stages 2-4 of the disease are advised to avoid any exercise that puts vertical pressure on the torso.

Pay attention! If there is constant pain in the back, this may indicate a pinched nerve root. The presence of pain is a strict contraindication to any physical activity.

Undesirable sports activities

The table lists the types of sports activities that contribute to the aggravation of the clinical picture.

Type of sports load Why not

The load on the spine increases. Most of the movements are sharp and asymmetrical.

You cannot lift dumbbells or perform barbell presses. This increases the load on the spine.

There is a lot of jumping during the game. This adversely affects the condition of the intervertebral discs.

All movements increase the load on the spine.

This is a very traumatic sport. Even minor bruises of the spine are unacceptable.

The game involves sudden movements and a high risk of injury. The load on the spinal column may be uneven.

The main contraindication is poor posture. The movements are asymmetrical and abrupt. The spine is exposed to very strong impacts. There is a risk of even greater deformation.

Both rhythmic and artistic gymnastics are prohibited.

Working out isn't for everyone

With stage 1 scoliosis, you are allowed to play tennis. At level 2, only table tennis is allowed.

You can play with caution:

  • water polo;
  • bowling;
  • golf.

Regardless of the degree of pathology, it is not recommended to play handball.

Undesirable stress for children

Table 2. Undesirable sports for children:

Type of sport Why not

Performing sharp turns, running, twisting the body. There is a risk of injury.

High vertical load on the spine. Training involves performing sharp, rapid lunges.

A dangerous sport. During training, the torso twists, the load on the spine increases.

Exception to the Rule

Elements of sports training included in the stop list are permissible in the following cases:

  • they have been modified and simplified;
  • they do not last long;
  • their implementation is controlled by a doctor.

Somersaults are allowed in the water. can be done using a fitball or other support.

Is it possible to play sports with scoliosis? The correct answer to this question can only be obtained in the office of an orthopedist. The doctor determines the stage of the pathology and selects the most suitable sport.

The instructions required for all patients with scoliosis are as follows:

  1. Physical activity should be performed regularly. The pace of the exercises is moderate. Their goal is to strengthen various muscle groups.
  2. You should choose symmetrical sports.
  3. If a person led a passive lifestyle, then one should start getting acquainted with sports with gymnastics. Morning and evening exercises are very useful.

Professional sports are contraindicated for scoliosis. Otherwise, due to the heavy load on the spine, the clinical picture may worsen. Only . can help the patient.

What sports can you do if you have scoliosis? The plate lists the permitted sports for patients with a slight degree of curvature.

Type of sport Description Nuances

The safest sport. Recommended style: breaststroke. You should not dive from the pier and use the “aggressive swimming” technique. Slides should be smooth and long. You can swim both in the pool and in a natural body of water. Thanks to swimming, the spine receives natural relief. Asymmetrical muscle functioning is leveled out. The muscle corset of the back is strengthened, coordination improves.

The main task is to strengthen the back and pectoral muscles. Regular exercise of the muscle corset helps relieve the load on the spine. The main requirement is synchronous execution of exercises. The right and left sides of the body are used equally. During the first 12 months of training, the load should not be too heavy.

Fitball for scoliosis helps relieve chest deformation. This helps prevent the development of vascular, cardiac and respiratory failure. The rhythm of movements is gentle, moderate.

Allowed only for stage 1 scoliosis. Prohibited for lumbar scoliosis, regardless of the stage of the pathology.

You should play sports with scoliosis both for the treatment of a slight curvature and for prevention purposes. Recommended sports are listed on the sign.

Table 3. Sports activities for children:

Type of sport Description

Children, like adults, are recommended to swim breaststroke. This technique allows you to use all the muscles of the body and relieve the load on the spine. You should not jump into the water or swim crawl. It is not recommended to roll over onto your back.

This is a symmetrical sport. When skiing, the center of gravity moves to the middle of the foot.

Exercises contribute to the formation of correct posture. Gymnastics also has a beneficial effect on the general tone of the child’s body.

Is running allowed?

Some sports activities are acceptable with certain reservations. People suffering from lateral spinal deformity wonder whether it is possible to run with scoliosis?

It all depends on the stage of the disease. Against the background of minor deformation, light running with scoliosis brings benefits to the body. Interval running, like swimming, uses all muscles. This has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Pay attention! It is advisable to run on soft ground.

Is it possible for patients with stage 3-4 scoliosis to run? If the curvature exceeds 25 degrees, this sport should be abandoned.

The combination of “running and scoliosis” is undesirable for patients with degree 2. You can replace this sport with Nordic walking.

Other sports activities

The table shows the types of sports activities with which you should be careful.

Table 4. Other sports activities:

Type of load Can It is forbidden
Is it possible to jump rope if you have scoliosis? This type of load is allowed only after strengthening the back muscles. Jumping rope increases the axial load on the spine. They can only be performed after consultation with an orthopedist.

Allowed at stages 1-2. Performing this exercise helps stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the abs and back muscles. It is not recommended to perform the exercise if there is a pronounced inflammatory process of internal organs. Another contraindication to hoop rotation is pain.

Allowed only for 1st degree. The bicycle handlebars should be raised to the maximum height. The spine should not be allowed to arch. This leads to the development of kyphosis, which worsens the clinical picture.

Allowed only at stages 1-2. With the help of regular pull-ups, the abs are strengthened and various muscle groups are developed. This leads to the development of a muscular corset around the spine.

Hanging on the horizontal bar can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. It is advisable to perform pull-ups with a wide grip. In order to improve the work of the back muscles, it is recommended to alternate grips.

It is forbidden to do pull-ups at stages 3-4.

You should not perform grips if pain occurs.

Pay attention! Cycling is allowed only if the abdominal muscles are sufficiently developed. Otherwise, the risk of abdominal sagging increases. This increases the load on your back.

Other sports

The combination of “Scoliosis and hand-to-hand combat” is permissible only for stage 1 of the disease

Boxing, kickboxing and martial arts are allowed. At grade 3-4, the combination of “hand-to-hand combat and scoliosis” is categorically unacceptable. Against the background of blows and falls, the clinical picture worsens.

Pay attention! With the rapid progression of scoliosis, there is a risk of growth of the rib hump.

The combination of “kickboxing and scoliosis” is possible only after stabilization of the muscle corset. In order to prepare the spine for such serious loads, strength exercises are allowed. This can only be done while lying down.

Against this background, there is a uniform development of the muscles that serve the spine. Once strengthened, they will be able to eliminate the distortion in the bone structure of the spine.

The combination of “boxing and scoliosis” is unacceptable in case of lateral curvature of the spinal column. Otherwise, the risk of soft tissue injury increases. Also, you cannot throw a shot and do wave wrestling.

Benefits of Fitness

Fitness classes for scoliosis help strengthen the upper part of the muscular corset of the back. This prevents spinal displacement.

Fitness for scoliosis is beneficial only if the following principles are followed:

  • relaxation and tension of certain muscle groups;
  • good workout of muscles that are in a state of hypertonicity;
  • optimal training intensity to avoid shortness of breath;
  • regular push-ups.

The benefits and harms of Pilates

Can I do Pilates if I have scoliosis? According to many experts, this workout helps strengthen the back, groin and abdominal muscles.

Exercises help relieve the discomfort caused by the curvature. At grade 1, it is possible to reduce the degree of curvature.

Some orthopedists believe that scoliosis is a consequence of a hereditary predisposition and is provoked by insufficient neurological development. In their opinion, Pilates for scoliosis can be harmful. Regular exercises contribute to the worsening of the pathology.

Only the attending physician can give an exact answer to this question.

Spinal straightening

During conservative treatment of scoliosis, the patient may be prescribed massage sessions. But this requires knowing which muscles are tense during scoliosis and which are relaxed.

According to some experts, tension is present on the side of the concavity of the spine. Some doctors believe that there is tension on the side of the convexity.

How to straighten the spine with scoliosis at home? In order to correct the lateral curvature, it is allowed to exercise on exercise machines. The best models are presented in the table.

Table 5. Best simulators:

Model Description Price

Intended to improve the functioning of the cardiac, respiratory and vascular systems. 1900-2790 rubles.

Strength training machine "Twist"

Intended for the formation of hyperextension. Regular training helps relieve deformities in the middle part of the back. 13400-13700 rubles.

Strength trainer "T-pull"

Exercises can be performed while in an upright position. 18000-19000 rubles.

The benefits of dancing

Is it possible to dance with scoliosis? Orthopedists recommend giving preference to ballroom dancing.

This contributes to:

  • improvement of general condition;
  • development of plasticity;
  • improving joint elasticity.

Dancing is especially beneficial for children and teenagers. You must attend classes at least 3 times in 7 days.


Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, the patient's sports regimen may be changed. The video in this article will tell you more about how to deal with scoliosis.

Is it possible to play sports with scoliosis? This question is asked by almost all people who have a lateral curvature of the spinal column.

Meanwhile, there is no clear answer to this question.

It is necessary to clarify what kind of sport we are talking about and what is the degree of curvature of the spine.

Sports for scoliosis

If you suffer from scoliosis, you simply need to visit an orthopedic doctor. He must determine the degree of the disease and answer the question of which sports are suitable for you with scoliosis.
General recommendations regarding physical activity for spinal curvature are as follows:

  • loads should be regular and gentle, aimed at strengthening various muscle groups, including the back muscles;
  • preference should be given to symmetrical sports;
  • Gymnastics at the amateur level, as well as dancing and bodybuilding, have a positive effect on a curved back.

If scoliosis does not progress, then the following is allowed:

  • go to the gym;
  • exercise on the horizontal bar (hang, pull up with a reverse grip);
  • swim.

However, remember that if the degree of scoliosis is high, you must undergo a preliminary examination.

It is possible that before starting classes it will be necessary to wear a corset for some time or strengthen the muscles on the side opposite the bend.

And after that, consult with your doctor about whether scoliosis and the gym are compatible in your case and whether it is possible to hang on a horizontal bar with scoliosis. As for professional sports, it is not recommended to choose this path for yourself if you have scoliosis. Professional sports are fraught with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, even for a healthy body. For a person with a curvature of the spine, this can become an unbearable burden with serious consequences and lead to surgery.

Sports for scoliosis in children

Children's scoliosis, as a rule, is still weakly expressed and has a mild degree.

Children with spinal curvature benefit from sports such as:

  • swimming in the breaststroke style. It relieves the spine, strengthens the muscle corset, using all the muscles of the body. Swimming is the main sport indicated for scoliosis. At the same time, it is prohibited to swim in the crawl style or jump into the water. While the back muscles are still weak, you cannot swim on your back;
  • skis. A symmetrical sport, during which the center of gravity is in the middle of the foot;
  • gymnastics. Forms correct posture, has a positive effect on the overall tone of the body;

Children with scoliosis are not recommended to engage in asymmetrical sports (tennis, badminton, fencing) associated with vertical loads on the spinal column (bicycling, horseback riding, running), as well as those that are traumatic (judo, wrestling, boxing). As for football and volleyball, these sports are acceptable if the child sometimes plays them in the yard. But playing football and volleyball at a professional level is not advisable.


Is it possible to run with scoliosis? This question is often asked by people suffering from lateral curvature of the spine.

The truth is that running should be excluded in stages 3 and 4 of scoliosis, as well as during the period of growth of the body.

With mild degrees of lateral curvature, it is sometimes possible to jog at a slow or moderate pace. At the same time, try not to run on asphalt surfaces.

Nordic walking for scoliosis can be a good replacement for running. This type of walking involves the use of special poles for additional support, which reduce the load on the curved spine. At the same time, the muscle corset is strengthened, and the overall benefits for the body and posture are invaluable.

Read this article on how to choose Nordic walking poles...

Swimming for scoliosis

Swimming is the safest sport for scoliosis if the right style is chosen. It is recommended to swim breaststroke with long slides.
Thanks to swimming, you can get multiple positive effects on the body:

  • natural unloading of the spine;
  • alignment of asymmetrical muscle function, including vertebral muscles;
  • strengthening the muscular corset of the back and limbs;
  • improved coordination.
  • significant instability of the spine (when the difference between the angles of curvature in a lying and standing position exceeds 10 degrees);
  • diathesis;
  • skin infections;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart disease;
  • colds in the acute stage.

Scoliosis and bodybuilding

The main exercises performed for curvature of the spine are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and chest. Some of them are performed on simulators, some with regular weights.

Thus, simultaneously with working out the muscular corset of the back, you can relieve the spine.

The main thing when performing bodybuilding elements is to follow the rule of synchronicity. Both sides of the body should be equally involved. It is also important to follow the rule of consistency: during the first year of training, weights should be minimal. Otherwise, you will harm yourself instead of helping yourself.

Scoliosis and fitball

With the help of exercises on a fitball, it is possible not only to prevent pathological changes in the chest, but also to avoid the appearance of respiratory and cardiovascular failure.

Horseback riding for scoliosis

Horseback riding with scoliosis is only permissible in the first degree of the disease. Children's scoliosis, which has just begun to develop, can even be stopped with the help of horse riding.

However, if we are talking about scoliosis of the lumbar spine, then horse riding is prohibited altogether (regardless of the stage) in order to avoid aggravation of the condition.

Yoga for scoliosis

Yoga asanas have a positive effect on a curved spine, even when the disease has reached degree 3. When practicing yoga, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • you should always sit, stand, and lie in the correct position.

    To perform the asana correctly in a standing position, you need to pull in the lower abdomen, as well as the buttocks.

    At the same time, expand your chest and keep your head vertical. You only need to sit with your back and neck straight;

  • smoothness of movements. The muscles of the torso should be relaxed;
  • any movement should end with a slow stretching of the spine along the vertical axis.

Watch the video for a set of exercises for scoliosis:

Charging for scoliosis

Exercise is very useful for spinal scoliosis. Exercises selected by an orthopedist taking into account the specifics of the disease can improve the condition of the spine of an adult and a child. You should be extremely careful about the exercises you perform, because they should correct the situation, compensate for the curvature, and not worsen it.

Read more about therapeutic exercises for scoliosis here...

A set of exercises should be performed daily to have an effect. You need to start with simple elements, gradually complicating the exercises every day.
There is a certain algorithm for performing exercises for scoliosis.
First, exercises are performed to prepare the muscles for the load. This is followed by movements performed while lying on your back. Then - lying on your stomach, and finally, in a standing position.
A universal, effective exercise for adults and children is the plank for scoliosis.

It is done as follows. You need to lie on your side with your legs straight, stacked one on top of the other. The arm is bent at the elbow, the elbow is located under the shoulder joint. The lower ends of the shoulder blades need to be brought together. Neck, spine, hips are straightened in one line. As you exhale, we tense our abs, the tailbone moves forward, we lift our knees and hips off the floor, focusing only on the foot of the lower leg. We linger in the position for 10-30 seconds, slowly lower down.

This exercise can be done first, leaning on the palm, and only then move on to resting on the elbow.

Exercise equipment

To treat lateral curvature of the spine, 2 types of simulators are used:

  • cardio equipment, the action of which is aimed at improving the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • strength training equipment.

Strength training equipment is varied.
These include models such as:

  • Twist simulator. Designed to form hyperextension. Twist exercises can eliminate strains in the middle part of the back;
  • The T-pull machine allows you to perform exercises while sitting or standing. It is a lever mounted on a hinge on one side. On the other side there are “pancakes”.

Strength training models allow you to:

  • pull-ups for scoliosis from a horizontal block;
  • traction to the chest, behind the head, if the thoracic region is curved;
  • hyperextension (trains the extensor muscles adjacent to the spine);
  • trapeze with dumbbells, barbell.

A set of exercises can correct spinal deformity, but caution should be used. Women with stage 2 scoliosis are strictly prohibited from lifting a barbell weighing more than 10 kg, men - more than 20 kg.
The exercises must be performed under the supervision of an instructor.

Thus, sports for scoliosis should be selected carefully, after consulting with an orthopedist. Only he can assess the condition of a particular patient and recommend certain activities taking into account the individual clinical picture. And then you can improve the condition of the spine by stopping the deformation or eliminating it altogether. The main thing is to do no harm.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Read about the prevention of scoliosis in this article...

Spinal scoliosis in adults: symptoms and treatment

Scoliosis in adults is quite rare. These spinal curvatures are usually the result of changes early in life. The disease has a great impact on the quality of life, and in adulthood it can acquire advanced and pronounced forms. But, just as in childhood, the pathology can be successfully cured in adults. Depending on the stage of the disease and a person’s health, there are various methods to combat scoliosis.

  • What is scoliosis?
    • Causes of scoliosis
    • Diagnosis of scoliosis
    • Manual therapy
    • Massage
    • Breathing exercises by Katharina Schroth
    • Surgical intervention
    • Therapeutic exercise
    • Sports for spinal curvature
    • Corsets and belts
    • Lifestyle change
    • Traditional methods of treatment

What is scoliosis?

At its core, scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spinal column. But it can only be lateral in the early stages of the disease. Subsequently, the disease progresses, and the spine begins to curve in all planes. The most severe case of scoliosis in adults is the twisting of the spine around its axis.

Scoliotic curvature of the vertebrae can lead to severe symptoms - displacement of internal organs - lungs and heart, changes in the ribs and chest. Cardiac and respiratory failure appears. At the same time, the symptoms of spinal curvature affect not only the physical health of patients. They also affect the mental side, causing neuroses and depression.

Causes of scoliosis

The causes of this disease are not yet fully understood. There are several factors that provoke the development of scoliosis:

  • Poliomyelitis and rickets.
  • Constant poor posture.
  • Heredity.
  • Diseases of bone and connective tissue.
  • Weakness of the back muscles and ligaments of the spine.
  • The result of injuries.
  • Improper development of the musculoskeletal system.

Diagnosis of scoliosis

Diagnosis of the disease in adults is very important. Moreover, the diagnosis is directly established by characteristic symptoms and appearance. But determining the stage of curvature is of great practical importance in choosing a treatment method. Taking into account the classification of scoliotic curvature according to severity, 4 groups are distinguished, taking into account the angle of the main curvature, which is determined from an x-ray.

It is also important to resolve the issue of mobility or stability of scoliotic curvature. The more mobile the deformity, the greater the chance of successful treatment even with conservative therapy. For an accurate prediction and determination, it is necessary to identify the deformation stability coefficient. Scoliosis in adults usually has a high coefficient, which indicates a poor prognosis.

Scoliosis in adults can be cured if there are two factors: the experience of a doctor who knows how to do it, as well as the patient’s desire to be cured and his diligence. Today, the treatment of scoliosis consists of such methods.

Spinal scoliosis in adults: treatment and basic methods

Manual therapy

This is a set of treatment procedures that affect the patient’s internal organs and joints. It is considered an effective method for correcting the curvature of the spinal column, and requires extensive experience of the doctor. It is impossible to achieve absolute correction of scoliosis using this method, but it is possible to significantly reduce the pronounced signs of the disease and relieve pain. Sometimes scoliosis is caused not by disorders directly in the spinal discs, but by unnatural muscle work. In this case, manual therapy can completely cure the person.

The treatment uses light techniques without power and impact techniques, carried out together with therapeutic exercises. Manual therapy does not aim to quickly cure curvature of the back that has lasted for years, therefore procedures are carried out no more than once a week, which upon completion are strengthened by electrical stimulation of muscles, massage and physical therapy. Contraindications to therapy include oncology, spinal tuberculosis, severe metabolic disorders and regular connective tissue problems.


This method of treatment is characterized by a complex effect, while strengthening the entire musculoskeletal system and muscles, activating metabolic and circulatory processes. For scoliosis, the massage technology is as follows:

The first sessions are characterized by intense massage, which triggers reparative processes and tones the body, as well as its soft variety, removing dystrophic changes and local hypertonicity. The next stage corrects the curvature and consolidates the result. The last stage uses intense and deep techniques that stretch tense muscles and tone them.

Breathing exercises by Katharina Schroth

Simultaneously with the use of exercise therapy, breathing exercises are used to treat scoliosis, which have a strong effect on the chest and help correct it. This type of gymnastics has proven its effectiveness, the meaning of which is to influence the rib bones, which are concave on one side and protrude on the other. These curvatures are present in patients in the second stage of scoliosis. If this pathology is not corrected, a hump begins to form.

During the development of the technology, the fact was taken into account that patients with scoliosis, when inhaling, unconsciously use the convex part of the chest, without using the other side. By doing this, they further aggravate the disease. The solution to the problem is to carry out breathing exercises. The gymnastics course is carried out for a month and is repeated several times every year. The session is designed for 2 hours per week. The exercises involve the sunken part of the chest in the breathing process, so the deformation begins to gradually level out.

Surgical intervention

Indications for surgery in adults with scoliosis are constant pain that cannot be relieved by conservative methods, increasing deformation processes in the spine, various types of insufficiency and neurological disorders. Most often, if the deformity is less than 45°, surgery is not performed. Curvatures greater than 100° are quite rare and are considered life-threatening because they have a physical effect on the organs that are located inside the chest.

Surgical treatment is performed in the following cases:

Surgery to correct spinal curvature helps solve the following problems:

  • Stops progressive curvature;
  • Protects the spine from damage;
  • Rigidly fixes the spinal discs in their normal position;
  • Removes pressure on the nerves of the vertebrae.

Therapeutic exercise

Physical therapy exercises for spinal curvatures in adults are necessary, although an excellent effect from this method of treatment can be achieved only in the initial stages of the disease. Exercise can slow the progression of the curvature. With dedication and desire, spinal alignment becomes effective. The main goal of the complexes is to relieve the disease.

Sports for spinal curvature

Scoliosis is a type of musculoskeletal disease, which means that its treatment requires special physical exercises. In addition, there are strict contraindications that can aggravate the disease or simply cause harm. Sports for scoliosis:

If there is a curvature of the spine, unsymmetrical loads cannot be applied. Thus, it is forbidden to engage in fencing or martial arts when, with tension in one part of the body, another begins to relax. Wrestling, high jumping and weightlifting will have a strong compression effect on the curved spine, and gymnastics or tennis will cause undesirable sharp turns.

Corsets and belts

Special belts distribute forces from one vertebral region to another. The right brace can help you maintain correct posture. There are two types of bandages:

  1. Hard, used in the last stages of the disease.
  2. Soft, used in the treatment of disease at stages 1–2.

But bandages also have disadvantages, the main one being that the belts take on part of the load that falls on the spine, unloading the spinal muscles and contributing to the appearance of atrophic pathologies in them. And when the bandage is removed, the weakened muscles cannot hold the back in a normal position, and as a result, the situation may worsen. Therefore, wearing belts must be carried out with simultaneous exercise therapy.

Lifestyle change

Effective treatment is impossible without changing lifestyle. Some will need to stop participating in “heavy” sports or make changes to their program. You need to develop the correct gait, stance and posture, and reconsider your sleeping place. At first it will be quite difficult, since self-control is necessary every minute. Moreover, it must be remembered that without this control, any type of treatment is ineffective.

Traditional methods of treatment

With scoliosis in adults, pathological processes occur in the back muscles: in one place the muscles are tense, and in another they are very stretched, this leads to the development of pain. Traditional methods of treatment have the ability to relieve such symptoms in the form of compresses and baths:

Scoliosis in adults, unlike infectious diseases, does not develop in a short time. Accordingly, its treatment will take months, and often years of hard work. Achieving the desired effect requires daily exercises, lifestyle changes, manual therapy courses, wearing a bandage, massage and other procedures. In this way, the curved spine is gradually corrected. The effectiveness of treatment will depend entirely on the patient’s desire to be healthy, and the doctor can only help with this.

For people with lateral curvature of the spine or scoliosis, special gymnastic exercises are recommended. Doctors consider physical therapy to be the main treatment for scoliosis. However, it will not help everyone: there are a number of cases when, with the help of gymnastics for scoliosis, you can completely overcome the curvature, but with an advanced disease, sometimes even sports activity will not help much. It will be better to perform exercises to prevent the disease and at the first hint of scoliosis, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can perform massage, use corsets and other additional means. Corrective gymnastics for scoliosis will also help.

When is gymnastics useful?


During rapid growth in childhood and adolescence, there is a huge risk of developing spinal curvature. It is during this period - especially from 10 to 15 years - that special gymnastics for the treatment of scoliosis is indicated for children.

It is extremely important for a child to strengthen his back muscles and develop good posture. Since children often have to sit at a desk during school – in fact, from morning to evening – a curved back can become a constant problem. Most often, with this schedule, children develop right-sided scoliosis.

The second negative factor is the lack of sports activity in children, which leads to weakness of the muscular corset of the thoracic and spinal regions. Sometimes sports stress can be a factor in the development of curvature, especially when many movements are performed with one hand: risk areas include basketball, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, badminton and other sports.

Correct exercises (necessarily individually selected, for example, for right-sided scoliosis) can not only smooth out spinal problems, but also become an effective measure for the prevention of scoliosis.

Children's scoliosis is most susceptible to treatment!

And gymnastics for scoliosis in childhood is both fun and useful for the growing body.

The spine of adults is less susceptible to changes, but with properly selected exercises, over a considerable period of practice, you can put any back in order. When combined with additional measures such as massage and special corsets, good results can be achieved. True, the effectiveness of gymnastics for recovery from scoliosis will depend on the degree and type of curvature of the spine.

Scoliosis degree

The usefulness of gymnastics for scoliosis will greatly depend on the degree of progress of the disease. Often, congenital curvature, diagnosed, for example, in an infant, can be more difficult to treat than acquired scoliosis:

With scoliosis of the 1st degree (1-10 degrees of curvature) and 2nd degree (11-25 degrees), significant results can be achieved, including complete recovery. It is especially important to tackle childhood scoliosis right away, since it is easier to treat than in adults;

With scoliosis of the 3rd degree (26-50 degrees) and 4th degree (more than 50 degrees), you may not see any results at all. Most often, gymnastics in such cases is used to stop the progression of spinal curvature and correct the situation by at least a few degrees.

Scoliosis form

There are three types of curvature: C, Z, S. Scoliosis form C is standard, with one curve of curvature. Standard exercises for scoliosis may be suitable for him. However, for the Z and S shapes (with three and two arcs, respectively), the usual set of exercises will not work.

The selection of exercises should be carried out by a specialist, especially for Z- and S-shaped ones; all complexes are created individually in accordance with the shape and degree of curvature. The complexes that are posted online are universal, and this is the wrong approach to the treatment of scoliosis. The authors of the video do not know whether you specifically need exercises for a widespread right-sided curvature, for a curvature with several arcs, or for a 3rd degree curvature. Of course, some of the exercises for adults and children may differ. Additional measures may be necessary: ​​massage, medications, corsets, etc. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Principles of gymnastics

To effectively combat scoliosis, you need to follow some rules. They will be valid for any set of exercises chosen by the doctor:

  • the complex is performed with a low load with a gradual transition to more complex exercises;
  • therapeutic exercises are performed at a leisurely pace;
  • exercises for the spine and lower extremities should alternate;
  • gymnastic complexes are performed regularly, ideally every day;
  • You cannot exercise through pain; if unpleasant sensations appear, you need to stop exercising;
  • You can use descriptions of exercises, photos or videos only to understand how to properly perform the complex at home. Exercises should be selected by a doctor based on the results of the child’s examination and diagnosis;
  • Hanging on the bar is prohibited, as are jumping and twisting exercises;
  • massage can be an additional treatment measure.

Gymnastic complexes

Let's move on to a review of sports exercises against scoliosis, which were chosen specifically for adults and children suffering from spinal curvature. This information is intended for those who have consulted with a doctor and only want to clarify any information about the prescribed treatment. It is strictly prohibited to select the complex at home.

Gymnastics by Katharina Schroth

Breathing exercises from Katharina Schroth are widely popular. This complex is used all over the world by people suffering from scoliosis. Schroth is especially grateful to her fellow Germans, for whom gymnastics according to the Katharina Schroth method is a service included in the compulsory health insurance system.

The main exercise that the patient has to do is to work on uneven breathing. Schroth believed that an organism with scoliosis is like a ball with a concave part. If you pump air into the ball, the cavity will straighten out. So, if you breathe on one side of the thoracic region, the curvature can be straightened. Under the supervision of a doctor, the patient learns the correct body position that he will have to maintain throughout the day. First, patients learn to breathe on one side of the chest - always under the supervision of a specialist. This is done in a lying position, and then with a change of position.

During classes using the Katharina Schroth method, the patient learns everything about his scoliosis, and conscious sports activities begin. Now the trainee knows which muscles of the spinal, thoracic and lumbar region he needs to work and how to strengthen the position of his body. For effective treatment, you need to undergo several rehabilitation courses with a high-level physiotherapist. At the end of the course, you will need to do additional training at home to consolidate the results. This method is effective for both adults and children.

Now an additional measure is added to gymnastics according to the Katharina Schroth method: wearing a Chenot corset and sometimes a special massage.

It is worth noting that Katharina Schroth’s breathing exercises are undergoing changes; now her daughter, Christa Lenart-Schroth, is developing her mother’s business.

Corrective gymnastics

Physical therapy complexes or gymnastics for scoliosis to correct posture should also be performed under the careful eye of a specialist.

Increased physical activity during the treatment of scoliosis is prohibited, so you will not see any barbells in the complexes.

All exercises are symmetrical - this is very important for treating the disease. Asymmetrical exercises are prohibited. The complex can be performed at home after consultation with a specialist.

  1. First, the patient should feel the position with correct posture. In every exercise you should strive for exactly this feeling.
  2. Then several exercises are performed on large muscle groups (back, shoulders, abs, legs, muscles of the thoracic and lumbar region, and others).
  3. After this, attention is paid to correcting posture. These exercises must follow after working on general physical fitness.
  4. The complex is completed with an exercise to feel the correct posture.

Let's pay attention to the exercises of the 1st and 4th phases. In order to overcome curvature, you need to work on muscle memory. You need to check the wall - stand against it for a while, touching only your buttocks, the back of your head and your heels. Then you need to maintain this position for some time. There is also a reverse exercise - first take a pose with correct posture, and then check the wall. You can try holding some objects on your head (while trying to keep your back straight), and also walk in this position.

For the 2nd phase, you can choose any exercises that do not violate the principles of gymnastics against scoliosis. In the 3rd phase there should be exercises for the muscles of the back, thoracic and lumbar regions; they are strictly selected by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the curvature of the spine!

Exercise therapy complex

Back exercises for scoliosis are divided into warm-up exercises, exercises while lying on your back, exercises while lying on your stomach, and exercises while standing.

Here are examples of some exercises. The complete complex must be developed by a specialist. Warm-up exercises: walking on all fours to unload the spine (2-4 minutes), walking on toes and on heels. Exercises lying on your back to strengthen your abdominal muscles: bicycle, scissors. Exercises while lying on your stomach: imitation of swimming movements in the breaststroke style, scissors, simultaneous lifting of the upper and lower parts of the body with a deflection in the lumbar region. Exercises in a standing position: rotating your arms back, neat squats, standing against the wall.

Some exercises against curvature can be performed with a gymnastic stick. First, use a wide grip, and as you get used to exercises with a stick, the distance between your hands should decrease. All exercises must be symmetrical. It is customary to perform the following options: moving the arms with a stick back and forth, the arms with the stick rise up and back to a deflection of a maximum of 30 degrees in the lumbar region, the arms with the stick go up, the torso performs circular rotations around its axis.

Of course, the set of exercises and their complexity vary depending on the preparedness of adults and children, as well as on the phase of treatment. Massage can be used as an additional measure.

Pilates and yoga hatha

Some experts, for example, the founder of her school, Lana Paley, recommend selected exercises from modern sports complexes to correct 1-2 degree curvature of posture. Pilates was created for the recovery of soldiers after injuries, it combines gentle exercise with balance exercises and strengthening of the muscular frame, especially the thoracic and spinal regions. Hatha yoga is also considered a fairly effective exercise for those suffering from scoliosis; some asanas actually helped some patients. But since we remember that treatment must be individual, it is the doctor who must decide whether this or that complex can help your body specifically.


For some, physical activity can help to completely recover from scoliosis, for others it will only improve the situation slightly, but the possibility of such treatment should not be rejected in any case, since, for example, massage is only an additional measure for the treatment or prevention of spinal scoliosis, but often used as the main one. Perhaps additional means will help prevent scoliosis, but in the treatment of scoliosis you need to know that the basis is gymnastic exercises, but not massage, corsets, medications and other measures.

After completing the treatment, you and your child will be able to engage in either rhythmic gymnastics or tennis. The main thing is not to forget about preventive measures!

Thanks to exercise therapy, you can stop the curvature of the spinal column and generally return it to the correct position. But you need to know what exercises you can’t do if you have scoliosis. Any unnecessary movements or the wrong type of sport can cause the progression of the pathology.


Prohibited exercises for scoliosis

There are exercises that cannot be done with. This limitation is most relevant for deformations of the second, third and fourth degrees.

At the initial stage, you can do almost everything, but:

  • if you are hanging on the horizontal bar, you should not make too sudden movements and jump off the bar;
  • You should not perform exercises that require twisting and bending too much - they can worsen the condition of the spine;
  • If you feel pain while performing any exercise, you do not need to do it.

The second stage is a more significant deformation, where there are more restrictions. This:

  • push-ups;
  • hanging on the horizontal bar;
  • somersaults;
  • fast running;
  • jumping;
  • performing exercises with weights;
  • single-leg stands and any other similar maneuvers;
  • lotus pose (from yoga);
  • circular movements and twisting;
  • stretch marks.
  • running of any nature (both fast and slow);
  • all exercises that involve axial load;
  • stands in a vertical position for a long time;
  • deflections, bends;
  • fast pace in something.

The instructor and attending physician will tell you in detail how and what to do. To avoid mistakes and injuries, the first lessons should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist.

Answers to frequently asked questions

There are a lot of restrictions not only in the exercises, but also in the specific type of exercise. There are prohibited sports for scoliosis. We will try to answer the most common questions.

Is it possible for scoliosis?

  1. Do boxing. Any kind of wrestling is strictly prohibited for scoliosis of any degree. Here the direction is to make sharp turns, apply force, and you cannot do without jolts and blows. All this will contribute to the progression of the disease. People with scoliosis often suffer bruises, fractures, and displacement of the vertebrae.
  2. Skate. This type of sport is allowed if a person can ride without falling. This will strengthen your back muscles. Prohibited for grades 4 and 3 spinal column deformity.
  3. Jump on a trampoline. Any jumping, and especially on a trampoline, is not recommended even for the initial stage of scoliosis. The curvature may increase and injury may occur. Many children with scoliotic posture experience pain in the back after such an activity.
  4. Engage in powerlifting. 2, 3 and 4 degrees are those cases when lifting weights is contraindicated. Powerlifting is exactly the sport that you will have to forget about. Neglecting this limitation will lead to deterioration of the condition, severe pain in the back, intervertebral hernia and pinched nerves. If you have first-degree scoliosis, you can continue training, but with a lot of restrictions. Don’t forget to warm up first; hyperextension is required for scoliosis. Only after quality preparation can you begin the lesson. As mentioned above, you cannot lift weight that exceeds your own by 60 kg. All movements must be smooth, without bending. You should not lift dumbbells with one hand; we only work with two. Otherwise, the displacement will increase and scoliosis will progress. Consult your physician before starting powerlifting.
  5. Do rhythmic gymnastics. There is an uneven load on the spine, so you cannot engage in this type of sport. If you do not take this limitation into account, then there is a risk of getting not only scoliosis of a different degree, but also disability.
  6. Do deadlifts. Deadlifts are prohibited for scoliosis. There is a lot of stress on the spine. As a result, it bends even more. There will also be pain and discomfort here.
  7. Do physical exercise. Physical education is a must. This means medicinal. The doctor should select a set of exercises, taking into account the stage of the disease and the location of the spinal column deformity. The main rule is to perform exercises at a slow pace without jerking, twisting or lunging.
  8. Squat. It is possible with first degree scoliosis, but the back must be straight. In case of pain, the execution stops. In other cases, this exercise is inappropriate.
  9. Engage in wrestling. Wrestling is a prohibited sport that leads to increased curvature, fractures, bruises and displacements. If you have been diagnosed with scoliosis, you need to stop fighting and engage in a more gentle activity.
  10. Squat with a barbell. At the initial stage it is allowed, but you need to consult a doctor. In other cases it is prohibited. This is a very large load on the spinal column, which will contribute to its even greater curvature.
  11. Jump rope. Such jumps are prohibited with scoliotic posture. Sudden movements, jerks, and constant axial load have a negative impact on the spine.
  12. Ski. If skiing is carried out in the form of a walk, then there are no contraindications. On the contrary, it will strengthen the muscles and distribute the load on the spinal column. Alpine skiing is not suitable for such a disease due to systematic jerking and jumping - this is a significant load that can lead to irreversible consequences.
  13. Do dancing. There are a lot of styles in choreographic art that will not harm you with scoliosis of 1st and 2nd degree. The main thing is that there are no sudden and rhythmic movements or strong lunges. You will also have to talk with the choreographer so that he can adjust the classes in a particular case and not expose the sick child to unnecessary stress. Stages 3 and 4 scoliosis do not allow dancing.
  14. Do a plank. This is one of the exercises that is not advisable for scoliosis. Excessive load on the spinal column will lead to progression of the disease.
  15. Hanging on the horizontal bar. It is possible, but only at the very beginning of the disease. It is important here not to jump off the bar or make sudden movements. In other cases, this is prohibited. Excessive traction will worsen the situation.
  16. Do push-ups. Push-ups are contraindicated for scoliosis. A large load will contribute to even greater curvature.
  17. Run. Running with scoliosis is allowed at stages 1 and 2, but slow and steady. You cannot travel too long distances. If back pain occurs, the workout stops. At stages 3 and 4, even slow, insignificant jogging is prohibited. This will lead to severe pain and displacement.
  18. Pump up the press. This should not be done, especially for those who have a lateral curvature. By pumping up your abs, you pull weak back muscles in the opposite direction. This will lead to significant deformation and worsening of the existing curvature.
  19. Exercise on a fitball. Exercises on a fitball for scoliosis are allowed and even necessary. On the contrary, many doctors recommend exercising on a ball to correct scoliosis. The complex will be selected by a qualified specialist. You should not do anything on your own, because there are exercises that will lead to even greater displacement.
  20. Do stretching. Stretching is necessary because it improves well-being, relieves tension from the back and helps restore the spine. It is advisable to do it on a fitball, with a special roller, on a horizontal bar (at stage 1).

Each of the above cases has its own nuances and limitations. Each case is individual, so before you start doing any exercise or playing any sport, consult with an experienced specialist.


Physical therapy is, one might say, the basis of the treatment of scoliosis. But, there are those exercises that are either strictly contraindicated or have some restrictions depending on the degree of deformation. If you do not pay attention to contraindications, you can worsen the situation. The result is an increase in deformation, displacement of the vertebrae, intervertebral hernias, fractures and disability. Be careful, it's your health.

Many people believe that a trampoline is intended solely for entertainment purposes and does not provide any other benefit. But in fact, this is a fascinating activity that is very beneficial for the body. And today we will look at the main reasons why you should take up trampolining. But if you don’t have a trampoline at home, then don’t be upset, because you can sign up for a trampoline club on the website and visit it regularly.

Getting the most out of exercise

Some children do not enjoy various physical activities. But this does not apply to the trampoline. After all, many children love to damage furniture at home by jumping on it. And on a trampoline they will be able to jump much higher, in addition, it will be very useful for the child. And if you just can’t get your child to play a certain sport, then buy him a subscription to a trampoline club, as a result of which he will get maximum pleasure from physical exercise.

Stress relief

Jumping on a trampoline has a positive effect on the human nervous system as a whole. Therefore, if you are faced with long-term stress, we recommend that you try trampolining. Believe me, it's a lot of fun. And such activities will undoubtedly lift your spirits and allow you to forget about stress and other problems. And this does not happen by chance, because during exercise a person produces endorphin hormones, which are also called happiness hormones. And accordingly, this sport can charge you with energy for a long time.

Good alternative to running

Many people are well aware of the benefits running can provide. But at the same time they do not run for a variety of reasons. Some people cannot bring themselves to wake up early in the morning, and there are those for whom it is very difficult. If you want to get even more benefits than from running and want to put in a minimum of effort, then try trampolining.

The main disadvantage of running is that it can put a very high load on the knees and joints. And if a person is overweight, then the load increases even more. As a result, when running regularly, a person can face a lot of unpleasant consequences.

During exercise on a trampoline, the load on the joints is minimal, because when landing, the soft surface of the trampoline allows you to compensate about 80% of the load on the joints. In addition, scientists have proven that 10 minutes of trampolining can give you more benefits than 30 minutes of running.

Treatment of spinal curvature certainly includes physical activity, but not all sports for scoliosis have a positive effect. The choice of the type of physical exercise is influenced by various factors: the degree of curvature, age, sports training, etc. The main goals of sports in the treatment of scoliosis are to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and eliminate tension in the muscles.

What sports can you do?

When choosing a sport, you need to adhere to the basic rule: it is important that during physical exercise the load on the spine is distributed evenly and symmetrically. The following types of physical activity meet this criterion:

  1. . A universal sport, useful for any stage of scoliosis. In addition to strengthening the back, swimming has a healing effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, increases lung capacity, and improves blood circulation. This is one of the best ways to improve your posture.
  2. Dancing. Among the many dance styles, there are those that can be practiced with scoliosis. It is often recommended to practice ballroom dancing, because it develops flexibility and muscle strength. However, it is worth being vigilant when it comes to your professional career. Girls aged 10–16 years who dance ballroom dances are prone to developing right-sided thoracic scoliosis if not properly controlled. To avoid this, you need to monitor whether there is any asymmetry of the body (for example, the collarbones or ears are not located on the same line).
  3. and Pilates are excellent for working on the treatment of scoliosis; they develop flexibility and comprehensively heal the body. They have many types of exercises and asanas specifically aimed at curvature of the back.
  4. Therapeutic horse riding allows you to create a strong muscle corset, and the movement of the horse produces the effect of massaging the intervertebral discs. Equestrian sports are indicated for functional and dysplastic.
  5. Exercises in the gym. If scoliosis was caused by weakness of the muscle corset, then training on exercise machines is perfect for solving the problem. The main thing is to avoid heavy lifting and sudden movements.
  6. Classes. Hanging on the horizontal bar and using a reverse grip have a positive effect. However, this is permissible in the initial stages, but training on horizontal bars is prohibited.

You need to exercise regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. It is important to understand that sport should have a recreational function, and not be a professional activity.

The decision to choose physical activity for the treatment of scoliosis should be made together with your doctor. They may also be prescribed a special set of daily exercises. The composition of the complex depends on the type of curvature.

Sports contraindicated for scoliosis

Some sports, which under other circumstances would benefit the body, can cause harm in scoliosis and cause even greater curvature. Here are some of them:

  1. Team games, such as hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, etc. There is a high likelihood of injury in them, which can contribute to even greater curvature. In addition, you have to run, stand and jump for a long time, and this type of load is contraindicated.
  2. Cycling. Doctors sometimes approve of cycling, but more often they oppose it. The need to reach for the steering wheel makes the back round and leads to spinal deformation. A high handlebar may partially solve the problem.
  3. Sports in which force is applied to a specific part of the body, further exacerbating the curvature. For example, bowling, fencing, tennis, boxing. You will also have to give up badminton and golf due to sudden twisting of the body.
  4. Weightlifting. Lifting heavy objects is strictly prohibited due to the stress on the spinal column. For the same reason, bodybuilding should be exercised with caution.
  5. Sports and rhythmic gymnastics. Sometimes it is advised to do gymnastics to improve stretching and strengthen the back, but this is not the best solution. The loads that are necessary to achieve results in these disciplines are unlikely to be useful in the treatment of scoliosis.
  6. Some types of dances. It is contraindicated to engage in dances that contain complex gymnastic elements (break dancing, pole dancing) and twisting elements (oriental dancing).
  7. Running. If running is acceptable at the first stage, then in the future it is strictly contraindicated. Each time your foot lands, a strong shock wave is generated, which only worsens the curvature of the spine.

Exercises such as squats, leg lunges, body crunches, deadlifts, and somersaults are prohibited. Exercises performed on one leg have a negative impact, even if it’s just standing. It is important not to forget that any type of physical activity should begin with a warm-up consisting of permitted exercises.

Sports for scoliosis should not provoke pain; if this happens, then you should stop.

Sport as prevention

Having answered the question in the affirmative whether it is possible to play sports with scoliosis, it is worth considering physical activity as a prevention of spinal curvature. Usually, scoliosis comes from childhood and is the result of improper sitting at a desk and a backpack that is too heavy. According to statistics, now every third child has scoliosis. The data is scary, but there is a chance to improve the situation.

A young body readily responds to the influence exerted, so even if a child has already been diagnosed with stage 1 scoliosis, this can be corrected with the help of swimming, horse riding, skiing, etc. It is not so much the type of sport that matters, but the regularity of exercise and the habit of controlling body position.

Curvature of the spine also threatens in adulthood. It appears due to an uncomfortable workplace, weak muscles and bones, a habit of slouching, or as a result of injury. The treatment prospects for adults are not so bright, so it is better to immediately introduce the habit of regular exercise to form a strong muscle corset and healthy blood circulation. At work, you should monitor your posture, change positions when standing or sitting for a long time, and, if possible, set aside a few minutes for light exercises. An active lifestyle should be accompanied by proper rest and nutrition.