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» What to plant in April. Work in the garden and garden in April What can be planted in early April

What to plant in April. Work in the garden and garden in April What can be planted in early April

April is the time to sow cold-resistant crops in open ground, primarily greens. As soon as the temperature outside the window is above zero, you can safely plant sorrel, lettuce, dill and celery, spinach and mustard. Radishes and radishes should also be prepared first for planting. At +3-4 degrees you can plant early varieties of cauliflower, carrots and beans. But the potatoes need to be kept to +5-8 degrees.
As soon as the soil has thawed and dried in April (this is easy to check - it does not stick to the shovel), you can make beds. Cold-resistant vegetable crops are sown when there are no longer significant sub-zero temperatures at night and the soil warms up to approximately 3-6 degrees at a depth of 5 cm.
First of all, seeds of radishes and summer varieties of radishes are sown in open ground (to obtain an early harvest), then carrots, parsley, parsnips, dill, lettuce, spinach, vegetable peas and beans, turnips, nigella onions, perennial onions, and also Onion sets are planted. Carrots can be sown later, but it is important that the emergence of seedlings does not coincide with the flight of the carrot fly, which usually begins in the second half of May. Its larvae spoil the root crop by gnawing tunnels in it. Keep in mind that carrot, parsley and dill seeds do take a long time to germinate. To speed up the process, they can be pre-soaked - then the essential oils that inhibit germination will be washed out. The main thing is not to forget to change the water periodically.

What to sow in April

All month we sow cold-resistant green crops in a greenhouse or under film in a warm bed, as well as white cabbage and broccoli for seedlings for open ground.
In the first half of April, we continue to sow seeds of indoor plants, we also sow cucumbers, vegetable physalis, ultra-early varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, and eggplants for seedlings for growing in a greenhouse. We sow cauliflower, late varieties of white cabbage, and broccoli as seedlings for planting in open ground.
In the second half of the month, we sow in separate containers and grow heat-loving green crops without picking before planting in open ground: lemon balm, hyssop, savory, marjoram, basil, tarragon. We germinate dahlia and gladioli tubers.

We sow for seedlings the seeds of heat-loving ornamental annuals: ageratum, amaranth, Chinese aster, carnations, annual dahlia, heliotrope, petunia, salvia brilliantis, tagetes (marigold), fragrant tobacco, castor bean, purslane, celosia, zinnia and others.
In the last ten days of April, we sow cold-resistant vegetable and green crops in open ground: borage, lettuce, watercress, mustard, arugula, chard, spinach, sorrel, radishes, peas, onions, dill, parsley, early and late carrots.

What to plant in April at the dacha

In early April, you can begin planting many cold-resistant crops. If the soil has warmed up to +8 degrees, and at night the air temperature does not drop below a couple of degrees with a minus sign, then you can plant radishes, peas, dill, seedless cabbage, lettuce, rhubarb, carrots, leaf celery and parsnips. Closer to the middle of the month, you can start planting regular and leaf beets (chard). The end of April is a favorable time for planting early ripening cabbage.

What to plant in open ground in April

Cold-resistant crops such as peas, radishes, lettuce and others can be planted in open ground in April. Moreover, this month is very favorable for planting tomatoes in open ground with seeds. If the air temperature is 10 degrees during the daytime and does not drop below zero at night, then you can safely plant tomatoes. It is worth noting that tomatoes grown in this way are more resistant to all kinds of diseases, the plants are incredibly strong and produce a good harvest. If the weather at night drops to -5 degrees, then in this case it is quite possible to plant spring garlic and onions with seeds, as well as parsley and sorrel (just do not soak the seeds before planting).

What to plant in a greenhouse in April

In the month of April, you can plant absolutely all of the above crops (parsnips, sorrel, lettuce, beets, etc.) in a greenhouse; you can also sow early carrots. The only difference between planting these crops in open ground and in a greenhouse is that in the latter, the first harvest can be harvested much earlier.

What to plant in April from flowers

Most gardeners in the spring, as soon as the ground warms up to a depth of 10 centimeters to +7 degrees, plant crocuses, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths, believing that these are the only flowers that are suitable for planting at such an early date. However, there are other quite beautiful flowers that can also be planted in April. These include irises, phlox, peonies and monardas.

Earliest cultures

The seven earliest crops to be planted are:

  1. Radish, radish. Prepare the first beds for them. You can sow radishes many times during the season, but the first time is as soon as the ground thaws. To eat fresh radishes all summer, carry out each subsequent sowing when the first leaves appear in the previous one. During the season, three crops can be harvested from the same beds.
    Select large, full-bodied seeds, dip them in a saline solution and discard the floating seeds. The sowing distance is 2-4 cm from each other, the depth is about 1-2 cm. Radishes and radishes love moist and thoroughly loosened soil.
  2. Sorrel. This is one of the earliest vegetable crops; its shoots appear as soon as the snow melts. If your garden does not have this useful perennial, you can sow its seeds in open ground at almost any time, but the sooner the better - sorrel likes the ground to be fairly moist. It is advisable to fill the soil with organic fertilizers.
  3. Salad. If you did not sow it before winter, start sowing as early as possible. Lettuce is unpretentious, and if you plant it in fertilized soil, it will thank you with a special harvest. Spring varieties are early ripening and should be planted first. The seeds of this cold-resistant crop germinate in 5-7 days at a temperature of 5 C. Young plants tolerate frosts down to -6 C. If you want to grow lettuce throughout the season, renew the crops every two weeks.
  4. Carrot. Its hard-shelled seeds germinate slowly, and if you are late with sowing, you will have to water the carrot beds abundantly every day. In parched soil, seeds may not sprout at all. It is better to sow carrots in rows rather than scatter them so that there are clear row spacings. She loves to grow in open, well-lit areas.
  5. Celery. It is best to plant seedlings, but they had to be prepared from February. Bury the roots so that only leaves remain on the surface. Celery root crops are planted sparsely (with 45 cm and 30 cm between rows) because the bulb-like stems sprout on the surface of the soil. When grown by seeds, sowing begins early, as soon as the soil warms up. Before sowing, the sprouted seeds are lightly dried and mixed with sawdust - 1 part seeds to 5 parts sawdust. The seeding rate is 1 gram of seeds per ten square meters. To get a high yield, add manure and compost to the bed prepared for celery, lightly loosen the soil and plant seedlings or seeds after two weeks. Plants are not afraid of frosts down to 5-6 degrees.
  6. Dill. This is perhaps the most popular crop in a summer cottage from early spring to late autumn. To ensure that young greens are always on your table, sow dill during spring and summer at intervals of 10-15 days. And the first sowing in open ground is possible immediately after the soil thaws.
  7. Parsley. It is sown in two terms: in early spring and in autumn - in October. Parsley seeds are hard and when sowing in spring they should be pre-soaked and germinated. This crop requires deeply loosened soil and is not afraid of shade. It does not accept too much humidity: at the same time, it loses a lot in yield and becomes unsuitable for storage. And on dry soils it grows thin and lacks vitamins. Seeds are sown in furrows to a depth of 3 cm. Good predecessors of parsley are white and cauliflower, early potatoes, and cucumbers.

Cabbage and celery get along well with each other. It stimulates the growth of celery, and it drives away white butterflies from cabbage. But it is not recommended to plant celery next to corn, potatoes, parsley, and carrots. Dill also does not like being next to carrots and parsley, as well as celery, but cabbage is the best companion for dill.

What seedlings are planted in April? How to choose the right seedlings? When to plant plants? Garden work in April.

In April, as the top layer of soil dries, loosen it with a rake. Dig up heavily compacted soil, as well as soil that has not been dug up since the fall. Before digging along the projection of the crown (preferably in ring ditches or holes), add organic fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium (if they were not covered in the fall), nitrogen - superficially.

Prepare material for smoke piles (last year's leaves, pine needles, cut branches of fruit trees and berry bushes) to protect early flowering varieties from frost. Carry out early spring water-recharging watering of the garden if the moisture supply in the soil is insufficient.

Before the buds swell, be sure to cut out dry and dead branches. Clean, disinfect and cover with garden pitch (petrolatum) all wounds, hollows and gnaws. Cut and remove branches with ringed silkworm eggs. At the beginning of the month, hang up new ones and clean out old titmouses and birdhouses.

At the end of April (before the buds open), plant seedlings of apple and pear trees, if this is not done in the fall. At the same time, plant cherries, plums and apple tree seedlings on weak-growing rootstocks. Young trees need to begin to form a crown. New trees should be planted in place of fallen trees.

Strawberries. Clear old bushes. Cover the exposed roots with soil. At the end of April, plant the seedlings.

On fruit-bearing plantations, in early spring, after stable warm weather has established, you need to rake and burn dry and dead leaves (do not touch green leaves).

To speed up the ripening of berries, plants should be covered with plastic wrap after the snow melts.

Blackcurrant and gooseberry. In the third decade of April, you can plant seedlings, water them, and mulch the soil around the bushes.

Plants planted in autumn or spring should be heavily pruned, leaving two to four well-developed buds above the soil surface for each shoot.

In the third ten days of the month, apply nitrogen fertilizers, and loosen the soil around them to seal in moisture and incorporate fertilizers. Before the buds open, be sure to remove dry, broken and weakened branches and ends of gooseberry and currant shoots affected by powdery mildew.

Raspberries. You should plant pure-quality seedlings that are not damaged by pests and diseases, deepening the soil at the base of the stem by 2 - 3 cm. Water the soil around the plants and mulch with peat or plant residues. Then trim the bushes at a height of 40 cm. Untie the raspberry shoots that have been bent for the winter and trim them to the first unfrozen bud.

Remove broken shoots, those with signs of disease, underdeveloped shoots and excess shoots. If left, tie them to a wire (or stakes) until the buds awaken. Before tilling the soil, add fertilizer.

From 1 to 15 April heat-loving green crops are sown for seedlings: lemon balm, basil, tarragon, hyssop, savory, marjoram and others. Each crop is sown in a separate box and grown without picking before planting in open ground.

From the first days of April start preparing potatoes for planting.

From 10 to 15 April Cucumber seeds are sown as seedlings for greenhouses. Hybrids: Farmer, Lord, TSHA-805, TSHA-442, Virenta, Aprilsky, Zozulya, Relay (they are productive, disease-resistant, and also good for pickling).

From 10 to 20 April They also sow several seeds of zucchini, pumpkin and squash for seedlings.

From 15 to 20 April Cucumber seeds are sown for seedlings for open ground. Hybrids: Farmer, LORD, TSHA-805. Varieties: Electron, Aquarius. Seedlings grow on the windowsill for no more than 25 - 27 days.

From 20 to 25 April sow curly leaf, root parsley, leaf celery, dill, coriander (cilantro), sorrel.

From 20 to 25 April sow carrots for early consumption. Varieties: Nantskaya-4, Vitaminnaya-6 Losinoostrovskaya-13.

From 20 to 25 April in a sunny and windless place in the garden, make a warm bed (for cucumbers) from plant waste: leaves, pine and spruce needles, moss, sawdust, shavings, chopped straw, etc.

From April 25 To obtain an early harvest, radishes and turnips are sown. The soil should not be allowed to dry out so that the plants do not bolt. The soil needs to be loosened and the plants hilled up.

In the end of April preparing a greenhouse for cucumbers and a greenhouse for tomatoes. They stretch a new film, prepare the beds, and disinfect the soil (1 tablespoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters of boiling water). If old film is used, it must be washed with warm water and powder or soap.

Gardening in April

In April, soil preparation for planting begins. Some crops can be sown now. If there is still snow, it must be scattered so that it melts faster. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to freshly thawed soil.

Perennial vegetables should be covered with a film on the frame, then the harvest from them will be earlier, and fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

When the daffodils bloom, you can sow beets and cabbage seedlings (white cabbage, cauliflower, savoy, kohlrabi). When the crocuses bloom, you can sow onions, and after a few days - parsley and carrots. When the viburnum blooms and the buds of the peonies appear, you can plant late cucumbers and corn. When the lilacs bloom, it's time to plant head lettuce and early cucumbers.

How to choose the right seedlings

It's time to look at fruit tree seedlings. They can be purchased from large enterprises or small private nurseries. It is best to buy seedlings from local gardeners; their varieties are more adapted to given environmental conditions. There is no guarantee that imported crops will take root in your area.

For planting, it is best to choose seedlings 100-150 cm high (one-year-olds). The trunk should be no more than 1.4-1.5 cm in diameter. The roots should not be dry; When you bring the tree home, immediately wrap it in a damp cloth.

Many novice gardeners prefer to buy large trees (two or three years old), thinking that they require less care, but in reality such seedlings take root less well.

April - the beginning of planting seedlings in the ground

After April 20, seedlings of early varieties of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli can be planted in open ground.

For planting you need to choose a sunny place. First of all, you should form the beds, and then fertilize the soil: a bucket of humus and 2 tbsp. spoons of the following fertilizers: “Capiro supermarket”, “Mortar”, “Nitrophoska”.

The holes for planting are not made too close to each other, there should be at least 30 cm between them. First you need to water the ground with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then plant the plants, deepening them to the cotyledon leaves. The first two days the cabbage should be shaded. You need to water by splashing water on the leaves. After a week, watering is carried out once a week. Fertilizers should be fed once every two weeks.

When to pick

Picking should be done on the waxing Moon, best of all - in the days of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces for deciduous crops, in the days of Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo for root crops, in the days of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius for fruit plants and in the days of Libra and Gemini for flowers. Picking in the days of Aquarius is not shown. In addition, it is not carried out on the days of the waning Moon, and especially when it passes through this air sign.

When to graft plants

The lunar calendar advises vaccination on the waxing Moon. It is especially successful on the days of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, and Capricorn. When the Moon passes through the sign of Capricorn, rootstocks can be planted for further regrafting.

When to plant

Plants need to be planted on the waxing Moon. The exception is all vegetables that can go to waste. It is better to plant them on the days of the waning moon, when it passes through the signs of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. For a good harvest of root crops, they must be sown or planted on the waning Moon.

Ornamental shrubs and trees should be planted on the days of water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). The same applies to cabbage, lettuce and other leafy vegetables. It is best to sow grains during the waxing Moon, especially in the days of Aries and Sagittarius, as well as in the days of Leo. You should not do this during the waning Moon, especially when it passes through the signs of Pisces, Capricorn and Cancer. Otherwise, the stems will be weak and susceptible to diseases and pests. If you are planting a plant with the goal of getting a rich harvest of ground fruits, the most suitable days are for fire signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries. If you are a lover of turnips, carrots and beets, remember the days of Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. It is good to plant potatoes on the third day after the full moon, when the Moon passes through the sign of Pisces. If you plant plants on Leo's day (in any phase), they may dry out.

To determine what and when to plant in April, you can use folk signs:

  • The crocuses have bloomed - it's time to plant carrots.
  • The birch trees have turned green - plant potatoes.
  • The daffodils have bloomed - it’s time to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground.

In March, not all summer residents have time to visit their dachas, but in April only the most indifferent postpone work in the garden. It is necessary to harrow the soil dug up in the fall as quickly as possible, sow early vegetables, install temporary film covers, sow fast-growing cold-resistant (mustard, phacelia) green manure in the beds that will be occupied by heat-loving vegetables.

Preparing warm beds for early sowings

If it is possible to “get” fresh horse or sheep manure, you can quickly create warm beds for growing seedlings and early vegetables.

We loosely fill the groove dug on the bayonet of a shovel (it should not be narrow, at least 80-90 cm wide) to the top with fresh manure, and throw a twenty-centimeter layer of soil on top, into which we will sow the seeds.

Warm greenhouse with horse manure.

We cover the top of such a bed with non-woven material on arches. To ensure that the seedlings have enough light, it is better to take a new non-fabric or wash the old one.

If there is no manure, we will make do with a solar heated greenhouse. Now they sell collapsible greenhouses of various sizes. They are installed over the prepared bed in a few minutes.

You can simply cover the bed with a frame covered with film, or insulate the area with film on the arches. The simplest shelter will allow radishes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, onions sown with nigella, and kohlrabi to sprout earlier than in open beds.

Seeds of cold-resistant crops begin to germinate at low positive temperatures, but if the microclimate is warmed by several degrees, seedlings will appear faster and plants will develop more actively.

Deep warm bed for planting early greens.

What crops are planted in April?

We sow peas as early as possible: they sprout and develop better in cool weather. Its seedlings are not afraid of morning frosts.

Let’s try to sow an early variety of turnip: we must try the “grandfather’s” vegetable. Maybe it will be possible to grow root vegetables before the heat comes.

The soil in April is still wet, but before sowing we spill the furrows with water warmed in the sun, and cover the seeds with loose soil. After sowing, lightly compact the surface of the beds.

They begin to sow in open beds in April, when crocuses bloom in the garden.

A small greenhouse can be equipped for sowing seeds and picking tomato seedlings. You can sow dry tomato seeds directly into the garden bed and cover the arches with film.

The result will be low film tunnels that will provide favorable conditions for friendly shoots and at first will protect the seedlings from changes in April weather.

On warm days, such shelters can be slightly opened or removed, accustoming the tomatoes to direct sunlight and wind, and in May they can be removed altogether.

Potatoes are planted in April

At the beginning of April, we continue to prepare potatoes for planting: while inspecting the tubers, we remove diseased, unsprouted ones with thread-like sprouts. We change the tubers in places, achieving their uniform illumination (to make them greener better), but remember that direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

Some summer residents germinate cleanly washed tubers in plastic bags, having previously made holes in them. In more humid conditions, not only eyes, but also roots begin to develop on the tubers. It’s just important not to break off both during transportation and landing.

Immediately before planting (and we usually plant potatoes in the 1st-2nd decade of April), the tubers can be sprayed with extrasol solution: tbsp. spoon per 100 ml (half a glass) of water, consumption - per 10 kg of tubers.

This is done in order to suppress the development of fungal and bacterial diseases and stimulate the development of the root system of future plants.

Preparing potatoes for planting.

When warm weather sets in (the birch trees turn green), we plant potatoes, even if the eyes of the tubers have not reached the required centimeter length: the tubers become more active in the soil faster.

Where is the best place to plant potatoes?

It is very important to choose the right area for planting potatoes and prepare it. Compliance with crop rotation sharply reduces the likelihood of potatoes becoming infected with fungal and bacterial diseases.

Winter grain crops (rye, wheat) are considered good predecessors for potatoes. Favorable soil conditions are created for potatoes by fallow (areas that were rested last season).

Potatoes should not be planted after nightshade crops (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) tubers are more severely affected by scab in areas where carrots and beets grew before potatoes.

Prepare the soil before planting

Of course, it is better if the area for planting potatoes was dug deep in the fall. If this has not been done, you will have to wait until the earth “reaches” and will crumble during digging without forming lumps.

They dig with a shovel: the root system of the potato, which is mainly located at a depth of 20-25 cm, should develop in a loose layer, well provided with moisture and air. In over-compacted soil, potatoes are severely affected by fungal diseases.

On light cultivated soils, tubers grow tasty and accumulate more starch. It is advisable to improve heavy soils for potatoes by adding organic fertilizers (humus, compost).

Planting cabbage

In the second half of April we plant in the beds - Brussels sprouts, Peking sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi. You can navigate by the flowering of early daffodils growing in the sun.

In cool April weather, cabbage takes root well and begins to intensively grow leaves. In case of severe cold weather, it is necessary to provide temporary cover for plants with non-woven material or film.

Planting tomato seedlings

When the soil in the greenhouses at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 14 degrees, we plant them in unheated greenhouses. To plant seedlings or sow cucumber seeds, we will wait for more warmth. Cold soil is fraught with root rot for these heat-loving plants.

In April we are preparing a greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings.

If the soil in the greenhouse has not been changed for a long time, it is generously moistened with extrasol solution: 10 g (tbsp.) per 10 liters of water, consumption - 7-8 liters of working solution per square meter. m. This helps to populate the soil with beneficial microflora and suppress pathogenic ones.

We continue with indoor crops

Around mid-April, at home or in a greenhouse, we sow cucumber and zucchini seeds in separate cups so that in May we can plant ungrown seedlings in open ground. For a large garden, you can sow the seeds of squash, pumpkin, watermelon, and melon in the same way.

Indoor sowing gives us a race in time (we'll get the harvest earlier), makes our work in the garden more rational and productive, allowing us to quickly plant seedlings at the required distance and immediately obtain exemplary beds without overseeding or thinning.

In addition, indoor sowing saves seeds: in cups under our supervision they germinate almost one hundred percent.

Caring for seedlings

We plant seedlings of nightshade plants (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) for open ground, feed them (1 g of complex fertilizer per liter of water), and begin to harden them in the open air. In April, it is not too late to sow tomatoes as seedlings - in small cassettes or cups, so that in May (without picking) they can be planted in open ground.

We try not to spoil the seedlings that have begun to outgrow: we lower the temperature (open the windows or take the plants out onto the loggia), water less, do not feed with nitrogen, and improve the lighting.

We are preparing for planting late crops in April

In April we prepare the beds for late crops.

First, we destroy the weeds

You will especially have to tinker where perennial weeds grow: dandelions, wheatgrass. By removing the dandelions (always with the roots), they can be dried to later be used for spraying against pests, or preparing green fertilizer.

Before planting, you need to clear the beds of weeds.

We dig up the beds where the wheatgrass has “arrived” with a pitchfork, carefully selecting the rhizomes. Digging with a shovel or, with even worse consequences, cultivating the soil with a motorized cultivator creates conditions for even more rapid development of wheatgrass: every piece of rhizome left in the ground gives life to a new plant.

We do not leave the area clogged with wheatgrass without attention later: we often loosen it, removing every sprouted young leaf. Spring sampling of wheatgrass rhizomes and careful weeding during the season allows you to free the soil from the malicious weed without the use of chemicals.

At the end of April, we dig up green manure (both overwintered and sown in spring) in areas allocated for planting seedlings of heat-loving crops.

Vitamins after winter

Let's take care of perennial vegetables. Let's loosen the soil in the beds of perennial onions, sorrel, and rhubarb. In order for vegetables to yield leaves faster, we cover the beds with non-woven material.

It is not necessary to feed vegetables on fertile soil; it is enough to mulch the warmed area with humus or compost, and in poor beds give the vegetables a little nitrogen (0.5 tablespoons of urea per sq. m). We feed the rhubarb and asparagus with complex fertilizer (a tablespoon per square meter).

As soon as the soil on it has warmed up, we will cover the bed with asparagus with a layer of humus or compost 20-25 cm thick. We will level the upper part of the mound so that later, in time, we will dig out the grown bleached shoots, cut them and serve them.

Don't forget about garlic

Don’t forget to take care of the garlic: loosen the soil in the garden bed, feed the plants with urea (a tablespoon per square meter). When the garlic begins to actively grow, we will provide it with more complete nutrition - 2 tbsp. spoons of complex fertilizer per sq. m.

At the beginning of April, it is not too late to plant the garlic remaining after winter in the garden, choosing well-preserved cloves. As a rule, sprouts have already appeared on them and roots have sprouted. Dried cloves with rotten bottoms should not be planted.

Spring is coming into its own more and more every day. March gave way to April, which brought new worries and troubles to all land owners. It’s not for nothing that they say that one spring day feeds you all winter.

There is practically no snow left, and the land freed from it begins to require increased attention in order to reward its owners with an excellent harvest in the fall, which will be presented by fruit, vegetable and flower crops.

Gardener's spring secrets

Every day of April brings experienced gardeners a lot of worries and troubles, and beginning gardeners have a large number of pressing questions. The most pressing question, perhaps, is: “What should I plant in April to get a decent harvest?” It does not arise in vain.

After all, nature is just awakening, and the snow has not yet completely melted, so there is a danger of freezing some crops that are quite thermophilic. Or, conversely, you may not be able to wait for a decent harvest, being literally a few days late in planting plants that have a long growing season.

Spring. Summer resident's cheat sheet

Secrets related to land work have been passed down from generation to generation, dating back to ancient times. From time immemorial, wise ancestors noted all the nuances associated with agriculture, and based on them created rules tested by generations, making it possible to obtain a good harvest. And the answers to questions about how, at what time and what can be planted in open ground in April are based precisely on the experience of landowners.

First of all, in order to have a good harvest, all natural signs were observed. Among them - not only in ancient times, but even now, many summer residents adhere to the following:

  • Before the Annunciation, which is celebrated, any planting of both fruit and open ground was prohibited.
  • Noon - from 12 to 14 o'clock - is the most unfavorable time for any landings.
  • The best crops that can be planted in the ground in April without fear are garden greens: dill, lettuce, parsley, cilantro.
  • Up to 12 o'clock on a warm spring day is good for feathers, as well as sorrel.

Work according to the lunar calendar for April

The lunar calendar is also an indisputable hint for any amateur gardener in the question “What to plant in open ground in April?”

Here gardeners adhere to the following rules:

  • New moon period. It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants. You can do such work with the soil as mulching or loosening it, as well as thinning out the emerged plants.
  • What can be planted in April during the waxing moon period? This is the most favorable time for sowing seedlings of early ripening varieties of peppers and tomatoes.
  • Full moon. No plantings are recommended. You should take care of your gardening equipment.
  • Waning moon. What to plant in April at this time? The best thing would be to lay out potato tubers for germination, and also to free perennials, shrubs and trees from winter shelters.

The order of April plantings

The order of spring planting also plays an important role in the work of any summer resident. So, when deciding what can be planted in April, the priority crops are cilantro, spinach, garlic, carrots, dill and sorrel. These frost-resistant crops can be planted in freshly thawed soil without worrying that their seeds will be damaged by frost in the soil.

But after the possibility of significant April frosts has passed, it will be the turn of more heat-loving plants, such as beets, peas, radishes, corn and potatoes. But tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and eggplants are not suitable for early planting. The time for planting them in open ground will come only after the soil has completely warmed up. When planting early in April, film covers are required.

April: what gardening work is planned at the dacha?

The second month of spring becomes very “hot” for the gardener. There is absolutely no time to be lazy. The beginning of the season brings a lot of trouble. And besides worrying about what to plant in April, high-quality preparation of the site for upcoming plantings comes to the fore. And this is by no means a simple matter.

Here it is necessary to retain the moisture accumulated in the soil over the winter period, to loosen the soil, and to apply the necessary fertilizers. But who knows how many more worries a gardener has with the beginning of the season?! And everything needs to be done on time in order to have a good harvest in the fall. Still, the main task will be to prepare the seedlings.

Seedling method - we will ensure a rich harvest

This planting option for the northwestern region is considered the most reliable and capable of fully recouping all the summer resident’s investments. And not only financial, but also moral and physical. After all, it is with this cultivation of most plant species that you can get truly fabulous harvests.

This is where amateur gardeners are faced with the question of what can be planted as seedlings in April. The very first days of this busy spring month are suitable for planting seedlings of ultra-early ripening tomato varieties. In this case, they will have enough for ripening in open ground

From the middle of the month it is time to plant seedlings of zucchini, cucumbers, and squash. Many hobbyists grow heat-loving crops such as melons and watermelons on their plots, selecting for this purpose zoned varieties bred through many years of selection.

In April, cabbage seeds are planted for seedlings - one of the most popular vegetable crops not only for the middle zone. It can be grown with great success in any area, with the possible exception of the Far North or desert.

Vegetables in April. What conditions are needed for planting at this time of year?

In addition to the well-proven method of growing vegetables discussed above, many summer residents prefer to plant them in open ground. This method, if certain rules are followed, also turns out to be quite effective. In addition, thanks to it you can avoid problems with growing seedlings.

This method is most relevant for that category of summer residents who do not have extra space on their windowsills, but they still have a desire to get a decent harvest. Using this growing method, it will be enough for heat-loving crops to prepare warm ridges or film shelters in the fall, which is done quite simply.

So, how and what can you plant in the ground in April? In addition to herbs and all kinds of garden greens, at the end of April you can plant the seeds of all those plants that are usually planted at this time for seedlings in open ground. Only this should be done using a covering material that will protect the hatching plants from possible frosts and cold snaps.

Experienced gardeners, in response to the question of what to plant in open ground in April, have an answer related to the signs of plant growth and development. If you are observant, you can avoid mistakes when choosing the right days for April plantings. And you won’t have to calculate certain numbers or compare them with the lunar calendar. These signs are quite simple:

  • The daffodils have bloomed - sow the hatched beet seeds and cabbage seedlings into the ground.
  • The crocuses are blooming - it’s time for onions, carrots and parsley.
  • Have the peonies put on buds and the viburnum bloomed? It is worth hurrying to plant late cucumbers and corn in the ground.

Knowing these signs, even an inexperienced summer resident will never be mistaken in the question of what to plant in April. Knowledge and observations, proven by centuries of experience, will help you always have a rich harvest.

When there is almost no snow left on the street and spring is breathing all around, you really want to go to nature, to the fresh air, to enjoy nature. In addition, sowing work begins in April, and it is not for nothing that it is believed that one spring day feeds the year. Let's figure out what is planted in open ground in April and start doing what we love.

What to plant vegetables and herbs in open ground in April

In April, cold-resistant plants are sown in the ground, that is, those plants that are not afraid of short frosts. In the last ten days of April you can plant:

  • different types of greens and green salads - cilantro, spinach, parsley, dill, borage, lettuce, watercress, mustard, arugula, chard, sorrel,
  • garlic, onion,
  • radish,
  • early and late carrots.

These frost-resistant crops can be sown in thawed soil in April without worrying about the seeds being damaged by frost in the soil.

It is better to move the planting of potatoes and beets to the month of May, they are more thermophilic. You can replant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and sow cucumbers in April only in greenhouses, or wait until the soil has completely warmed up. These are too heat-loving crops for such early planting.

To ensure quick germination of vegetables when planting in April, they must be covered.

What to sow in April in soil from flowers and ornamental grasses

In order not to waste time and space in the apartment on growing seedlings, it is worth sowing cold-resistant ornamental flowers and cereals in open ground in April:

  • bindweed tricolor,
  • Godetia,
  • gypsophila,
  • mignonette,
  • Iberis,
  • calendula,
  • decorative cabbage,
  • Clarkia,
  • scabiosis,
  • I'm making hair,
  • grandiflora flax,
  • poppies,
  • nigella,
  • phacelia,
  • matthiol,
  • lupine,
  • maned barley,
  • decorative millet.

To make the seeds germinate faster, you need to cover the plantings with covering material or polyethylene.

What other April gardening jobs are worth paying attention to?

At the end of April, from the 20th, grafted roses can be planted in the flower garden. Standard and self-rooted roses are planted only in spring.

The end of April is one of the best periods for dividing and replanting clematis in open ground. Moreover, you need to choose a period when the ground has already thawed, but the flowers have not yet begun to sprout.

At the same time, rhizomatous perennials are divided:

  • phlox,
  • daylilies,
  • astilbe,
  • chrysanthemums,
  • delphiniums,
  • host

Perennial flowers need to be divided before they begin to actively grow.

Very often, the time and definition of what is planted in open ground in April can be traced in folk superstitions that can be heard from grandmothers. They will tell you that the frosts have ended and that they are planting in the ground in April. You won't even need to look at the lunar calendar to find the best landing days.

  • If daffodils bloom in the garden, plant sprouted beet seeds in the ground and transplant cabbage seedlings.
  • The crocuses have begun to bloom - it’s time to plant onions, carrots and parsley.
  • The peonies have buds and the viburnum has bloomed, which means there will be no more frosts and you need to sow cucumbers and corn in the garden beds.