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» What happens to your body when you eat unhealthy foods? Nutritionists explained why women want junk food. If you want pizza, what's missing?

What happens to your body when you eat unhealthy foods? Nutritionists explained why women want junk food. If you want pizza, what's missing?

How to understand what the body lacks if you crave... sweet, salty, chocolate, fatty foods, pasta and bread. The thesis that a pregnant woman needs to eat for two has long since sunk into the past. But I want to eat. Read how to help yourself during bouts of gluttony and how to recognize what you might actually be missing if you crave junk food.

Honestly, sometimes a donut is just a donut and no amount of substitutes or vitamins will stop you from wanting to head to the nearest grocery store.

We love it when women learn to listen to their bodies and desires during pregnancy. How often do you ask yourself: what do I want right now?

Sometimes it's enough to stop for a second and listen to what's going on inside. Realize what feelings, thoughts and sensations are running through your head right now.

We believe that being aware of your body helps you choose the best food for you. Sometimes it's hot chocolate with a croissant, sometimes it's green spinach with almond crumbles.

During pregnancy, for 75% of women, the task is significantly simplified by toxicosis in the first 12 (or even longer) weeks: a heightened sense of smell, quick reactions of the body to food and high selectivity help to learn to hear your inner voice and respect your desires.

Often the choice of food is related to a woman’s emotional state. Knowing and noticing your preferences can be very useful.

    What do you eat when the autumn blues hit?

    What dish did your mother cook for you when you were sick?

    What happened at any holiday in your family?

    What do you prefer when working on a new project?

    What foods and drinks help you relax after a hard day?

    What do you eat when everything around you is incredibly beautiful?

Why do I want chocolate?

Because it invigorates, increases serotonin levels and temporarily relieves fatigue. Especially when combined with a high dose of sugar. Magnesium deficiency may be another reason for your love of chocolate.

How to help yourself:

Include greens in your diet (spinach, cilantro, parsley, arugula, chard, corn), figs, red rice, bananas and... dark chocolate!

How to understand what the body lacks if you crave... sweet, salty, chocolate, fatty foods, pasta and bread. The thesis that a pregnant woman needs to eat for two has long since sunk into the past. But I want to eat. Read how to help yourself during bouts of gluttony and how to recognize what you might actually be missing if you crave junk food.

Honestly, sometimes a donut is just a donut and no amount of substitutes or vitamins will stop you from wanting to head to the nearest grocery store.

We love it when women learn to listen to their bodies and desires during pregnancy. How often do you ask yourself: what do I want right now?

Sometimes it's enough to stop for a second and listen to what's going on inside. Realize what feelings, thoughts and sensations are running through your head right now.

We believe that being aware of your body helps you choose the best food for you. Sometimes it's hot chocolate with a croissant, sometimes it's green spinach with almond crumbles.

During pregnancy, for 75% of women, the task is significantly simplified by toxicosis in the first 12 (or even longer) weeks: a heightened sense of smell, quick reactions of the body to food and high selectivity help to learn to hear your inner voice and respect your desires.

Often the choice of food is related to a woman’s emotional state. Knowing and noticing your preferences can be very useful.

What do you eat when the autumn blues hit?

What dish did your mother cook for you when you were sick?

What happened at any holiday in your family?

What do you prefer when working on a new project?

What foods and drinks help you relax after a hard day?

What do you eat when everything around you is incredibly beautiful?

Why do I want chocolate?

Because it invigorates, increases serotonin levels and temporarily relieves fatigue.

Especially when combined with a high dose of sugar. Magnesium deficiency may be another reason for your love of chocolate.

How to help yourself?

Include greens in your diet (spinach, cilantro, parsley, arugula, chard, corn), figs, red rice, bananas and... dark chocolate!

Why am I craving salty foods?

Sometimes this is a symptom of mineral deficiency. And sometimes - fluid that a woman loses through sweat in the gym or during toxicosis, for example.

How to help yourself?

To restore your electrolyte balance, drink a glass of coconut water (fresh coconuts are sold in large supermarkets in Moscow).
- Download the Water Balance app to help you drink enough water.
- Add more nuts and seeds to your diet, drink goat's milk and pay attention to fatty fish.

Why can't I live without sweets?

Your blood sugar may be unstable. With each new candy, the imbalance only increases. Sometimes you crave sweets when the body lacks chromium or magnesium, less often phosphorus, sulfur or even tryptophan. Dehydration increases the desire to eat something sweet.

How to help yourself?

Eat small meals regularly.
- Carry a bag of dried fruits and nuts with you for snacking.
- Download the Water Balance app on your phone to help you drink enough water.
- Include fresh vegetables, cheese, berries, spinach in your diet.
- Try dried fruit candies.

Why do I crave fat?

Perhaps the body lacks polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3-6-9) or fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). Fatty foods are broken down more slowly, stabilizing blood sugar levels. This makes a person less anxious and changeable in his moods.

How to help yourself?

Pay attention to avocado, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame and other oils as salad dressings and sauce ingredients, almonds and almond paste, flaxseed meal and sesame as additives to regular food.
- Look at our recommendations about sweets.
- Explore omega 3-6-9 supplements in capsules. The purest ones are those made from krill. For vegans, flaxseed oil supplements are suitable.

Why do I only eat flour?

We usually crave carbohydrates when we are tired and especially when we haven't had enough sleep.

Sometimes this indicates a lack of nitrogen.

How to help yourself?

Pay attention to whether you have enough protein in your diet? Meat, fatty fish, legumes and chia seeds.
- Get enough sleep: go to bed before 10 pm, massage your feet with almond and lavender oil before bed.
- Invigorate your body so that the blood flows faster: yoga, a walk around the city, or having fun with your older child will help you wake up.

Why am I craving chips, crackers and crackers?

Perhaps the constant crunching helps to calm down or relieve irritation. But an imbalance in blood sugar again leads to mood swings.

How to help yourself?

Try chips made from vegetables and fruits dried in a dehydrator.
- Prepare celery and carrot sticks for yourself - they have a wonderful crunch, especially with the sauce.
- Try to meditate for 10 minutes a day.

Everyone knows that junk food is evil. We understand that poor nutrition can cause heart problems, high blood pressure and many other health problems. You must have even heard that fast food can cause depression. But if everything is so bad, why do you periodically have an irresistible desire to eat something harmful? Why do we continue to hamster chips, Big Macs, overcooked thighs, donuts and tons of who knows what flavored ice cream?

Let's look at the problem from a scientific point of view. Caution: the data may shock you!

Where does the desire to eat something harmful come from?

Steven Witherly, a renowned food scientist, has spent the last 20 years studying what makes certain foods more attractive and tasty. His research proves that when we eat delicious food, there are two factors that give us pleasure.

The first is the very sensation of eating food. What it tastes like (salty, sweet, sour), what its aroma and texture are. These “oral touches” can play a very important role.

Food companies spend millions to find potato chip flavors that will blow your mind.

Their scientists are struggling to find the optimal number of gas bubbles in a can of sweet pop. All of these factors together create the exact sensation that your brain associates with a particular food or drink.

The second is the actual amount of nutrients contained in the product: how much protein, fat, carbohydrates it contains. In the case of fast food and other types of junk food, manufacturers are looking for the perfect combination of salt, sugar and fat that would excite our brains and encourage us to return to this product again and again.

And this is how they do it ↓

How we are instilled with a passion for junk food

Scientists and food manufacturers use a range of tricks to make food more attractive.

Dynamic Contrast

Dynamic contrast means the combination of different sensations in one product. Stephen Witherly gives a good explanation for this phenomenon:

Food with dynamic contrast has an edible crispy shell or crust, underneath which lies something tender, creamy, with a very rich taste. This principle is used to produce many beloved but not very healthy products: caramelized or chocolate-covered ice cream, a slice of pizza, a chocolate bar - the brain perceives the game “crispy crust VS soft filling” as something exciting and original.

Increased salivation

Salivation is an integral part of eating. And the more food provokes salivation, the longer it will stay in your mouth and better coat your taste buds. For example, butter, chocolate, ice cream, mayonnaise - increase salivation, which helps cover more taste buds, which means it is better to taste the rich taste of the product. This is one of the reasons why many people like food flavored with sauces or glazes. Foods that stimulate salivation do a kind of tap dance in your brain. That's why we think they taste better than those that aren't topped with sauces or glazes.

Junk food “melts in your mouth” and seems calorie-free

Foods that are eaten quickly and literally “melt in your mouth” make you think that you are eating very little (when in fact, you are eating a lot). In other words, such food seems to “tell” your brain: “you’re not full,” even though you’ve already eaten a lot of calories. The result: you overeat.

The same Stephen Witherly explains the “disappearing calorie content” of junk food like this:

Chips are one of the most ingeniously created and truly satisfying foods on the planet. If something quickly melts in your mouth, your brain thinks that there are no calories in the product, and you can continue to eat it for an eternity.

Taste sensitivity

The brain loves variety. When it comes to food, if you experience the same taste over and over again, you will enjoy the food less over time. In other words, the sensitivity of this specific taste sensor decreases over time. A few minutes are enough for this.

However, junk food can fool the taste sensor. These foods are rich in flavor just enough so that your brain doesn't get tired of eating them. At the same time, junk food deftly balances on the edge and does not provide unnecessary stimulation. Therefore, its consumption does not dull taste sensitivity.

Calorie content

Junk foods, in particular, are designed to convince your brain that you're not getting full, but just snacking. Taste buds in your mouth and stomach send information to your brain about how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates a certain food contains, as well as how nutritious it is for you. In the case of junk food, the brain seems to say: “Yes, this will give us a little energy, but not enough to feel full.” At first, there is an irresistible desire to eat this attractive disgusting thing, but it takes some time to get enough of it.

Memories of past taste experiences

This is where the psychobiology of far from useful products is specifically aimed at working against us. When you eat something unhealthy but tasty (like chips), your brain remembers that feeling. The next time you see that food, smell it, or even just read something about it, your brain will start remembering all the sensations you had when you ate it. These memories can trigger physical reactions such as salivation and increased appetite—what you feel when you think about your favorite foods or dishes.

Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusion:

Food companies spend millions of dollars to develop addictive foods.

But what can we do about it? Is there a way to resist all this junk food science?

How to break the habit of eating junk food

Immediately good news! Research shows that the less junk food you eat, the less you crave it. After you start eating right, you will gradually notice that you crave ice cream, chips, crackers or some kind of purple-green marmalade less and less. But it will take some time for you to reprogram.

Here are 3 methods that will help you transition to a junk food-free life with minimal waste:

Products without packaging and the 5-ingredient rule

Best strategy: Avoid purchasing packaged foods. Instead, choose whole foods that you can feel in your hands: fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, etc. Of course, not all packaged foods are harmful. However, by following this strategy, you will be able to avoid buying a lot of junk food.

Also follow the 5 ingredient rule when purchasing items at the store. If something has more than 5 ingredients in its composition, don't buy it. Avoid such products and try to choose natural and organic ones.

Eat a variety of foods

As mentioned above, the brain craves novelty. You can vary your diet so that you don't get bored with the foods. To do this, just add new spices and seasonings to your dishes. Then the food will sparkle with new colors and aromas, becoming more appetizing and desirable. Even if you dip an ordinary carrot in a creamy sauce, it will no longer seem so bland and boring.

Not necessarily - it's something bland or tasteless. Mix foods to create different flavor combinations and sensations. Believe me, it is not difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Find alternative options to deal with stress

One common reason why people eat so much junk food is to cope with stress. The fact is that stress stimulates certain areas of the brain to produce certain chemicals (in particular, opiates and neuropeptides). They can trigger something similar to a desire for fatty or sugary foods. In other words, when you're stressed, your brain craves something fatty or sweet—so you end up eating junk food over and over again.

Stressful situations are present in everyone's life. However, being able to cope with stress differently can help you overcome it. It can be anything: simple, physical exercise, or art.

The habit of eating junk food and fast food is harmful. These products are like drugs - they make you shoot them up again and again.

Agree that saying that you must show willpower, stop eating this garbage and start eating exclusively healthy food tomorrow will not work. It is much more important to understand the science of junk food, the psychology of its creation and promotion to the masses.

Have you ever wondered what is the reason for the craving for the forbidden? Why do we want to eat chocolate so much? Adhering to a strict diet, more than once girls have encountered such a problem as a craving for “sweets” and “forbidden things.” But if you allow yourself too much, it means breaking your diet! This emotional stress affects the general condition of the body! How to deal with this? Here is a list of reasons that can cause this craving; eliminate the reason and the desire will go away!

1. Why do you crave chocolate?

Research shows that when you feel the urge to eat chocolate, you need a mood boost. After all, serotonin levels actually increase in the body when you consume chocolate. So serotonin is one of the reasons for your cravings. That explains a lot, doesn't it?

2. Why do you want chips?

If you crave salty foods, then your body is actually deficient in minerals. People who are calcium deficient crave salty foods more than those who are normal. Why? Salt causes the body to increase calcium levels, although it actually does not. Therefore, with iron deficiency, there is also a craving for salty foods. The recommended daily allowance for salt is only 1500 mg per day! Take vitamin complexes and then you won’t have such cravings.

3. Do you eat right?

Often, people who are on a strict diet tend to experience these cravings most often. Why? If you forbid yourself something, then, as a rule, you want it even more. The solution is to eat food in moderation and avoid crash diets. A healthy lifestyle that includes protein foods, whole grains, vegetables and fruits is the best way to combat these cravings!

4. What does your body need?

These cravings often occur because the body has exhausted the supply of substances it needs. For example, carbohydrate cravings occur when blood glucose levels are very low. Eat small meals throughout the day to ensure your blood sugar levels are not too high or too low. This will help regulate your blood sugar and even lose a few pounds!

5. Is this a bad habit?

Whatever the reason, start new habits, such as going for a walk after dinner or going for a run during your lunch break. Develop new healthy habits so they fit better into your lifestyle!

6. Does this come from a bad mood?

Emotions are often the cause of such cravings, since it is not always possible to control oneself. Fight your bad habits! Instead of eating away at your grief, go to the gym or clean the house. Believe me, after such a load, you will have more than enough good mood!

7. Why do we crave fried food?

If you eat quickly and leave large gaps between meals, you will definitely find yourself craving high-fat foods. Why? Fatty foods provide a large amount of calories so that the body can compensate for the lack of food for a long time. What is the solution? First, eat cheese, fruit, and protein foods to saturate your body with nutrients, and then start lunch.

Now that you know some of the reasons why you crave forbidden foods, you should be more conscious of what you eat.

In the evening, most people have a craving for sweet and fatty foods, there is an explanation for this. How to prevent night hunger from ruining your figure and mood?

Every person at least once in his life ate something harmful at night; many understand that this is not possible and feel remorse after such an act. Where does this unhealthy desire come from? Employees of the scientific publication “Brain Imaging and Behavior” conducted a whole study to explain the phenomenon of night hunger. The trial participants included 15 women of different ages, they were shown photographs of ready-made meals and their brain reactions were monitored using MRI. The test was carried out in the morning and evening, and the reaction at different times of the day was different.

Late in the evening, any food caused strong brain activity, calorie content did not matter. A particularly active reaction was observed in the striatum, this area of ​​the brain responds to incentives and rewards. Hence the conclusion - in the evening, the brain perceives food as a reward for things done during the day, which is why people are drawn to junk food. When consumed, floury and sweet foods provoke the production of the happy hormone serotonin, which is why most people crave them at night. The intense hunger that you experience at night has nothing to do with the real needs of the body, it is just a fantasy of your brain. Eating well during the day will reduce attacks of night hunger and give you better sleep.

If you skip main meals and replace them with the wrong snacks, your body will suffer from a lack of energy during the day, and in the evening it will try to compensate for this lack.

As a result, a person suffers from a lack of energy during working hours, and in the evening, when it’s time to rest, he overeats and, as a result, gets overweight, poor quality sleep and lack of appetite in the morning. If you eat irregularly, it is almost impossible to cope with evening hunger and lose weight, since the body works according to a program of saving and storing energy in the form of fat deposits. Rational nutrition implies the following division of the diet: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 15%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 10%, dinner - 15%.

Another reason for evening hunger is nervous tension; many people have the bad habit of using food as a cure for stress. If this applies to you, then try to find a substitute, for example, take a bath, do yoga or go for a massage. There are many ways to distract yourself from problems that do not involve the absorption of harmful foods.

In order to ensure quality sleep and a healthy appetite the next morning, you should eat dinner about three hours before going to bed. Follow this rule, and then you will not suffer from surges in glucose and insulin, as well as an imbalance of night hormones that work to restore the body. If it is too difficult for you to fall asleep on an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of kefir with a spoonful of bran; herbal teas help you relax.

The evening meal should consist mainly of protein products, with priority cottage cheese, turkey cheeses, these products contain not only a lot of protein, but also tryptophan, which is processed by the body into serotonin. Never skip breakfast, build your diet so that you eat small portions, but often. Make sure you drink enough water, sometimes people confuse hunger and thirst. Try to deprive yourself of temptations; if harmful products are not in the most visible place, your hand will not accidentally reach for them.

If you notice that your cravings for food at night are more than a bad habit, for example, if you begin to feel unwell without eating before bed, immediately consult a doctor and describe your symptoms. Flashes of hunger in the evening can be caused by hormonal imbalance, as well as a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, which is a deviation.