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» What is Russian cutting: technology and varieties. Types of manual cutting, Russian, Canadian, Norwegian cutting Russian cutting in a bowl

What is Russian cutting: technology and varieties. Types of manual cutting, Russian, Canadian, Norwegian cutting Russian cutting in a bowl

Today there are many construction technologies wooden houses, including very modern ones (like frame house construction using laminated veneer lumber). But the oldest and most traditional technology- This log houses. In this case, a wooden log house is created by hand cutting.

What is the essence of technology?

In Rus', in this way, since ancient times, they built not only residential buildings, but also churches, storehouses, and other outbuildings that had stood for decades and did not need repairs. They were distinguished by a level of solidity and strength to which modern log cabins, say, from a rounded log or frame houses still very far away.

It is no coincidence that in the harsh conditions of Siberia, entire cities and fortresses were built using exactly this method, fortunately building material there was plenty at hand. Moreover, all this was built using almost only an ax.

However, these days there are not many specialists who are fluent in the craft of manual cutting. It is quite difficult to perform and requires certain qualifications.

Such log houses are assembled along the perimeter of the building from formations of round logs. Everything seems pretty simple. The only difference between the methods is how the corner joints of these logs are formed.

There are several options for corner connections. The most common are:

  • with a remainder (for example, in a bowl), in which the logs protrude beyond the joint;
  • without residue (for example, in the paw), in which the logs form an even angle;
  • end-to-end;
  • T-shaped, which are mainly used to connect walls and piers.

What is Russian cutting like?

Corner joints, which are called Russian cutting, belong to the category “with remainder”. There are even special GOSTs that determine its parameters. In particular, in accordance with GOSTs, the amount of residue for such cutting starts from 1.4 log cut diameters.

The most traditional for our country can be considered the Russian cutting with a bowl “in the okhlop” (or “in the okhlupen”). Sometimes it is also called the Siberian bowl, since this method was widespread in the regions of Siberia.

The Russian bowl cutting is, moreover, considered the most practical connection, which, in fact, explains its widespread use throughout the country for many decades. Distinctive feature The bowl used in Russian cutting is its semicircular shape.

When such a log frame is made, the bowl ends up located below the top log. A bowl is a special groove, which is cut out in a special way at the junction of logs so that their fit to each other is as tight as possible. Depending on the technique, the size and depth of the cup, as well as its location (top or bottom) become different.

The Russian felling “in the okhlop” has long been well-deserved recognition, since both the bowl and the longitudinal inter-crown groove are turned down and, as a result, are protected from any precipitation. The technique is believed to have received its name because of the characteristic “pop” sound that is heard when the logs are adjusted.

There are other varieties of Russian cutting

One of the simplest and long-known methods in wooden architecture is considered to be cutting in lower bowl(or “to the oblo”). He requires a lot less effort, since there is no need to turn the crown over during operation (as happens when cutting “in the middle”).

An interventional groove and a semicircular bowl are cut down on top of the log, and then the next log is laid on it.

This method has a significant drawback: since the bowl and grooves face upward, there is practically no protection from precipitation. This means that the joints will constantly get wet, which can lead to rotting of the log house. You will have to regularly change the insulation and additionally caulk the joints.

You can combine these two methods (“in okhlop” and “in oblo”) using the bowl chopping method. With this technology, a longitudinal groove is cut out in one side of the log, and a bowl in the other, opposite side. The result is a fairly protected joint, and less effort is required.

Traditional Russian felling has a lot of advantages, which is proven by well-preserved log houses built even a couple of centuries ago. Such log houses are strong, stable, sufficiently protected at the joints, providing warmth and comfort indoors.

Russian cutting technology originated in Ancient Rus', when most buildings were built from wood. Until now, it is the simplest and least labor-intensive way to assemble a box at home.

Main nuances

Russian felling of a log house has its own characteristics:

  • The house is built from round logs with minimal processing. Some of them may even differ from each other in diameter.
  • The walls protrude beyond the corner of the building at a distance of about 20-40 centimeters on each side.
  • Laying crowns (logs) can be done in several ways: bowl up, bowl down, or more modern method– a bowl with a tongue and groove.
  • The need to caulk the building. The wood shrinks, so cracks may form. They are filled with jute, linen or other materials. It is necessary to caulk the house 2-3 times a year for 10 years, until the box completely settles.

In regions where it falls a large number of precipitation, it is recommended to use a Russian log house with a bowl at the bottom of the log, when the crowns “slam” each other. This technology is also called “Siberian felling” or “clawing”. It is believed that this arrangement minimizes the ingress of precipitation onto the insulation and inside the joints.

In regions with cold climates, crowns with a wide bowl are used. The worse the climate, the wider it is. It is believed that her big size provides good thermal insulation, as it increases the thickness of the wall at the joints.

Log production

For cutting into a Russian bowl, logs of various wood species are used - from pine to oak. The blanks usually have large diameter– from 200 to 800 millimeters. Their length exceeds 6 meters and can reach 15 meters.

The bark is manually removed from the workpiece. At the same time, the sapwood - the natural protective layer of wood - remains in place. After sanding the material, it is marked to create joints. A bowl of shallow depth is cut along the entire length of the log, longitudinally. It is needed so that the crowns fit well on each other and do not roll down. A deeper groove is cut at the corner joints. Both bowls should match the shape of the previous or next log. In 99% of cases they are made semicircular.

Connection Features

Russian felling of a log house involves the use of a bowl groove along the entire length of the workpiece, on top or below it. Upper or lower crown fits tightly into it, due to which a tight connection is formed. The groove is additionally filled with insulation to minimize heat loss. During shrinkage, the log shrinks slightly, so cracks form at the joints.

In places of corner joints, when cutting into a Russian bowl, deep grooves are formed. The crowns are simply stacked on top of each other, fitting tightly into them

Today, bowls are additionally provided with spikes, and on logs, with reverse side from them are grooves. This provides a more reliable and tight connection, and also eliminates possible rotation of the log. This technology is also called “fat tail”.

There are 3 options in total:

Construction technology

Russian felling involves several stages of building construction:

  1. Pouring a foundation - shallow, pile, strip, etc.
  2. Log production.
  3. Assembling the log house.
  4. Shrinkage of the log house within 1 year.
  5. Caulking walls.
  6. Finishing, communications, installation of doors and windows.
  7. Caulking until complete shrinkage.

    Chopping in a Russian bowl has its advantages:

    • environmental friendliness - the house is built from natural material; wood is breathable and creates a good microclimate;
    • simplicity of technology - it is the least expensive of all those used today;
    • reliability - the walls are very strong, and the house itself is durable;
    • resistance to external influences– it is enough to treat the walls with an antiseptic and fire retardant so that they do not rot and do not attract insects;
    • the need for minimal finishing - log wall looks attractive;
    • good noise and heat insulation.


The only drawback of the technology is that the crowns shrink strongly, resulting in the formation of cracks and crevices. But proper caulking allows you to minimize heat loss.

Russian felling of log houses is the simplest and reliable way construction from round logs. “ROYAL CEDAR” is a team of professionals that has been successfully working with round timber of various diameters since 2002.

Company advantages

First-class timber. We harvest timber on our own plots, which are located in places rare for Siberian forests - on the edges and in non-swampy regions. This location provides many advantages:

    Our cedar trunks are 15% smoother than the regional average, and their resistance to pathogenic bacteria increases by 10%;

  • We have the ability to harvest timber at any time of the year. All units of our equipment are equipped with special grips for transporting long lengths and exclusive items with embossed butt parts.
  • Our forest is characterized by high environmental performance. The Siberian region has not suffered from anthropogenic degradation of air and soil, so wood only emits useful phytoncides- it is not impregnated with carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.

Professional projects. The design section includes cutting maps and a diagram for laying the crowns. These documents are a guarantee of the identity of the sketches and the finished log house, the ability to rationally cut valuable wood and minimize waste. Detailed diagram Laying the crowns along the axes speeds up the process of assembling the house. A large log house at our site takes 2 months to cut, which is 20% faster than when assembled without diagrams.

Full guarantee for all types of work. We build turnkey houses and bathhouses and provide a guarantee for all types of work and for the log house in general. We have a well-organized work process and take care of motivating our employees. High salaries, high-quality materials, good technical equipment attract people to our company the best carpenters and finishers.

High-quality complete set of hand-cut log houses. We choose the best for our log houses! We are dealers for Remmers, Borma and Osmo. Our Customers purchase the entire line of these products at a preferential price. We are partners of factories - manufacturers of elite roofing coverings"Metrotile Europe", "RUUKKI" and "BRAAS". We cooperate with leading manufacturers of window and door designs"Rehau" and "Veka".

Compound “with remainder” and “without remainder”

There are two ways to connect the crowns - “in the head” and “in the paw”. The “paw” method is the connection of logs in the corners without leaving any residue. This method is not used in our company because it has many disadvantages:

  • Ventilation of corners, large heat losses of the log house.
  • Unaesthetic appearance. Over time, the connections open up, which negatively affects the exterior.
  • The fragility of buildings. The decrease in service life is associated with disruption of the wood structure when cutting down the house and unprotected corners.

The only advantage This method saves from five to ten percent of wall timber. In our company, we achieve a similar result when choosing traditional cutting with remainder: using cutting cards from project documentation reduces lumber waste.

Russian cutting: technology features

  • The logs are connected in corner bowls. There are two options for the arrangement of bowls - “in the oblo” (bowl in the lower log) and “in the okhlop” (bowl in the upper crown). We practice cutting “in the okhlop”, which is also called the “Siberian bowl” or “okhlupen”.
  • In the top log a semicircular bowl is made to cover the bottom log. We chose the “Siberian bowl” because in this position no moisture gets inside. This increases the strength of the walls and reduces wear and tear over time. This type of hand-made log house is more durable.
  • Log releases extend beyond the walls. The dimensions of the outriggers depend on the diameter of the log. A longitudinal groove is made in the upper crown, which repeats the profile of the upper part of the adjacent log.
  • After the frame shrinks, the ends are cut off. Possible different variants trimming: straight, “running”, under a wedge or with a relief outline of the butt parts.
  • For structural rigidity the crowns are connected to each other using wooden “nails” - dowels. The ROYAL CEDAR company uses dry birch dowels that comply with GOST. “Nails” are hammered at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from each other in each crown.
  • The depth of the groove is equal to the radius of the log, after installation, the upper logs are raised above the lower ones by half their diameter. The selection of grooves and bowls at the ROYAL CEDAR company is carried out manually using an adze. The adze leaves the sapwood intact. The wood is cut along the fibers, in the process they are crushed, the pores and resin channels are clogged. This protects the wood from moisture and makes it durable.
  • The boundaries of the grooves and bowls are drawn with a squiber. This is a modern version of the carpenter's tool "dash". The squiber allows you to make marks when cutting and provides visual control over the horizontal and vertical positions of the crowns. The exact dimensions of the bowls and grooves guarantee a tight fit of the logs and tightness of the corners.
  • When assembling a log house all hidden places, including the surfaces of bowls and grooves, are treated with complex protective compounds "REMMERS", which have a long service life due to deep penetration inside the wood.
  • Environmentally friendly insulation “Klimalan” is laid between the crowns. This is a material based on sheep wool without synthetic fillers. It has high plasticity, does not rot and is not absorbed with moisture. After shrinkage, when the inter-crown gaps increase, the insulation straightens and fills the voids.

Russian cabin with a “lock” (“fat tail”)

A more durable connection is possible - “in the fat tail”. In this case, a special spike is made, which is located in corner connections. A groove is made in the upper log, and a tenon is cut out in the lower one. When installing the crowns, the groove is connected to the tenon and ensures a tight fit. The bowl can be oriented either up or down. This is a labor-intensive technology, but it is characterized by high performance indicators.

Russian felling "in a hook"

There are two hook cutting methods that are similar to each other.

  • In the first case, the bowl is selected to the middle of the log along the axis on one side. A semicircular groove is made in the upper log with a depth to the unselected area of ​​the bowl. This corner is completely sealed and reliably protected from blowing.
  • The difference between the second one is the need for cutting inside logs until they have internal straight walls at an angle of 90 degrees. It resembles a bowl with a cut. The difference is that the inside of the log is cut to a quarter of its diameter, and the tenons are made equal along the entire length of the joint.

The ROYAL CEDAR company offers customers three design options:

  • ready-made projects from our catalog;
  • individual design based on amateur sketches, pictures from a magazine or based on detailed story about the future concept of the house;
  • adjustment finished project in accordance with the Customer's requirements: minor changes in layout, choice of a different diameter.

Before developing a project or before adapting ready-made sketches For implementation on the Customer’s site, it is necessary to conduct geological surveys and make topographic surveys. It is not recommended to begin individual design of a bathhouse or house before a complete study of the land plot.

Our company employs experienced architects, which have their own methods for minimizing material consumption. Rational design of houses reduces the cost of construction and allows you to use unspent funds on finishing the log house or on its technical equipment. If you wish, you can take a walk around your future home or bathhouse using interactive 3D modeling.

Composition of the house kit

Construction time

Construction time depends on the complexity of the project, the diameter of the log and the workload of the production site.

Construction stages:

  • Individual design: from 2 to 3 weeks;
  • Pouring the foundation: 1 month. It is done simultaneously with cutting;
  • Logging and creating a wall kit: 2-3 months;
  • Assembly of a log house on site: 1 month;
  • Shrinkage: 9-12 months;
  • Finishing, installation engineering systems: 4-6 months.

Russian felling of houses and baths is a reliable, time-tested method of making log houses. In its production, the RusLesGroup company uses round log highest quality and various diameters from such wood species as northern pine, larch or cedar.

Russian log house from RusLesGroup is:

  • First class wood, which is harvested on our own plots in winter time of the year. All timber is harvested in ecologically clean regions and only in those places that provide favorable conditions for tree growth, namely exclusively in non-swampy regions.
  • Thoughtful projects houses and baths, made by planners and designers who specialize specifically in log houses. If necessary, we will carry out the project according to individual wishes.
  • Extended Warranty for log house and all other types construction work– from foundation to landscape design.

Features of Russian cutting

The main feature of Russian felling is the connection of logs in corner bowls. There are two types of connection - a bowl in the lower log or a bowl in the upper log. Our company uses the second connection method (the so-called Siberian felling) since when using the upper bowl, the log house is less susceptible to moisture, which ensures a longer service life of the house.

When assembling a Russian log house, special outriggers are made with a longitudinal cut that follows the profile of the top log. There are several types of pruning - wedge-shaped, straight, relief and a number of others. It all depends on the project and the wishes of the customer.

For better structural strength, the logs are additionally connected to each other with special wooden nails - dowels. It is also worth choosing the depth of the grooves very carefully - so that their diameter exactly matches the diameter of the lower log. High precision in cutting bowls and grooves is a guarantee of the tightness of the future structure and its long service life.

Modern Russian felling is a combination of wood processing technologies that have been proven over centuries and modern materials, such as protective impregnations that treat bowls and grooves, as well as the latest, environmentally friendly insulation with high plasticity and 100% resistance to any changes in temperature and humidity. The main function of the insulation is to fill the gaps between the crowns of the logs after they shrink.

The RusLesGroup company carries out all types of Russian logging, including using the “lock-to-lock” technology. The peculiarity of this type of felling is that when making a log house, a groove is cut out in the upper log, and a tenon in the lower one. Their connection ensures a tight fit of the logs and additional rigidity of the structure. This type felling is more labor-intensive than classical Russian.

Russian felling is one of the construction options wooden house. Often the choice is made between Russian cutting, Canadian cabin And .When building houses using Russian technology, two main types of felling are used. By and large, they are similar, but each of these technologies has its own nuances. Varieties of Russian cutting:

  • In the paw(without remainder);
  • Into the bowl(with remainder).

When building a turnkey wooden house using Russian felling, all logs of the log house must be the same diameter. The thickness of the log dictates the size of the foot, while the ends do not extend beyond the corners. The first crown of the house is exemplary, so it is worth taking high-quality dense wood for it.

This type of house construction is very labor-intensive, as it requires builders high precision, but at the same time it saves material. After processing the wood and cutting out the paws, the log house is pre-assembled. - this is a fairly economical type of construction, while outside this structure looks very neat and harmonious. But this technology also has its disadvantages. The main disadvantage of felling is the large heat loss from the corners of the building, so to insulate a wooden house they use edged board, moss and jute. The final caulking of the log house is done only after a year.

When doing Russian chopping into a bowl, the logs in the corners are joined together with an overlap. On each side of the log house, the logs protrude into the bowl by about 25-30 cm, therefore the length of the walls is reduced, and, accordingly, effective area inside the house. However, it should be noted that it is the hand-cut openwork logs that are the main highlight of the bowl log, which give it a special charm and allure. A bowl is a special groove at the junction of logs. The width of the bowl depends on the climate; the colder it is, the larger the bowl.

Russian chopping into a bowl is more expensive than chopping into a paw, since there is an overconsumption of material. This felling gained its popularity due to its good stability and protection from wind and precipitation. The technology itself is quite simple and does not require special skills from carpenters. To stabilize the logs, dowels are tied at the joints. The paw can be located both above and below, but it is better when the paw is located at the bottom, so it is better protected from precipitation.

Advantages of Russian log cabins

  • Easy to manufacture and install;
  • Good air filtration and maintaining oxygen balance indoors;
  • Favorable microclimate inside the house;
  • The house is protected from the influence of the external environment;
  • Aesthetic appeal;
  • A chopped log requires virtually no finishing; it is enough to cover it with an antiseptic and fire retardants;
  • Strong and durable.