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» What is more harmful than a cigarette or a hookah for a person. Hookah harm. Dangers and delusions. Debunking Filtration Myths

What is more harmful than a cigarette or a hookah for a person. Hookah harm. Dangers and delusions. Debunking Filtration Myths

Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes not only negatively affects muscle growth (in fact, they are not compatible), but also has serious complex harm to health. However, many believe that hookah is a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes, since the water in the flask cleans the smoke from harmful impurities.

Unfortunately, in reality, hookah is much more harmful than cigarettes in a number of ways. It is also important that flavored tobacco makes the smoking process more enjoyable and prolongs the process. As a result, a 60-minute session of hookah smoking can be equivalent to smoking 100 regular cigarettes (1) .

But isn't natural tobacco better?

Despite the fact that hookah tobacco differs for the better from cigarette tobacco, it is the nicotine content that is one of the main quality characteristics. At the same time, if cigarette tobacco undergoes careful control and certification, then the requirements for hookah tobacco are different.

Water filtration of smoke in a hookah has both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, water retains about 60-80% of nicotine and about 30-50% of tar and small solids. On the other hand, chilled smoke penetrates deeper into the lungs, causing more harm.

Hookah harm

Cigarette packs do not indicate the physical content of nicotine in tobacco, but the amount that a smoker is likely to receive when smoking. However, it all depends on the mechanics of smoking - squeezing the cigarette and taking quick puffs raises the temperature and increases the nicotine output.

The same applies to hookah tobacco. The actual numbers will depend solely on how you prepared the hookah, what kind of coal you used, how much tobacco you smoked and how deeply you inhaled the smoke. If you smoked indoors, this will significantly affect the numbers.

What is harmful hookah:

  • contains more nicotine
  • delivers more carbon dioxide to the body
  • may contain chemical vapors
  • flask from a hookah can carry infections

Hookah and heavy metals

Modern cigarettes have a mechanical, carbon or other filter that traps a certain amount of harmful substances. Naturally, the water in the hookah flask cannot fully perform the filtering function - in fact, it only cools the hot smoke.

The dangers of hookah smoking for the lungs

When smoking a hookah, people inhale its smoke deeper and more often - in an average session of 40-60 minutes, almost two hundred times more carbon monoxide enters the body than when smoking one cigarette (2) . With this smoke, as already mentioned in the article, it penetrates much deeper into the lungs.

Since hookah is most often smoked indoors, this increases the harm from carbon monoxide due to passive smoking. It is important to understand that due to higher doses of harmful substances, hookah smoking can lead to the development of various types of cancer and other diseases much faster.

Hepatitis "A" and tuberculosis

One of the main problems of hookah smoking is that since the flask cannot be washed completely, pathogenic bacteria can begin to multiply in it. Experts believe that hookahs are responsible for the increased incidence of tuberculosis and hepatitis A (2) .

Despite the fact that in hookahs they give out a plastic nozzle on the mouthpiece, it is difficult to imagine that after each smoking session the flask is thoroughly disinfected with chlorine or an alcohol-containing liquid, and then dried. In the best case, the water is simply replaced with fresh water.

How harmful is hookah?

Summing up, we can say that a hookah definitely cannot be considered a safe alternative to cigarettes - for an average smoking session, hundreds of times more carbon monoxide enters the body, dozens of times more nicotine and various carcinogens that cause cancer and other diseases.

A separate problem of hookah is the fact that joint smoking can transmit many diseases - from tuberculosis, herpes and hepatitis "A", ending with the common cold. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria can remain in the flask not just for hours, but for days and weeks.


Smoking hookah is much more harmful than smoking regular cigarettes. A hookah smoker receives tens and hundreds of times more carbon monoxide, nicotine and various harmful substances (including coal smoldering products). Joint smoking of hookah is also the cause of the transmission of many diseases.

Scientific sources:

  1. Myth and Facts about Shisha,
  2. Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Health Effects,

For many, hookah is one of the ways to have a good time. But people often do not even think about what this activity really is and how dangerous it can be. Let's try to figure it all out.

What is a hookah anyway? In fact, this is a vessel intended for smoking various mixtures, with its help the smoke inhaled by a person is moistened and cooled. The hookah is filled with water, spirits, milk or other liquids, which creates the necessary taste and filters the smoke. A small tube is placed inside, through which the smoke enters the liquid and is discharged through a second tube, located slightly higher. Then, with the help of a long cord, the smoke enters the respiratory tract.

Note! Hookah, being created in India, soon gained popularity among Muslim countries. In Europe, they became interested only after the fashion for everything oriental came.

In fact, a hookah is a fairly primitive device in which the filter is a liquid. Many of his fans have no idea if he is harmful, in fact, they do not even try to figure it out. The hookah is especially popular among young people, for them it is a completely harmless and, in a sense, even useful thing.

Compare hookah and cigarettes

Supporters of the hookah assure: its main advantage is that you do not get used to it. But this opinion is not true, because even the special tobacco used for this contains nicotine (there is about 0.05 percent of it). This means that, for example, in a 100-gram package of tobacco there is about 0.05 g of nicotine, and such a package is usually enough for eight to ten treatments. So it turns out that in each such dressing there is approximately 6.2 mg of nicotine, and in a regular cigarette it is no more than 0.8 mg. We conclude: compared to cigarettes, hookah tobacco contains eight times more of the described substance.

Tobacco in a cup - photo

Note! Nicotine is an addictive alkaloid with powerful neurotoxic effects. Indeed, because of nicotine, hundreds of thousands of smokers are unable to overcome a bad habit, and all attempts to quit cause severe discomfort (both physically and morally).

You can argue that a hookah has a liquid filter that traps all harmful impurities, but, logically, you can come to the conclusion that cigarettes also have a filter, moreover, a more efficient one (coal), but it still does not retain nicotine. And water is not the best filter, because it is unable to clean the smoke at the proper level.

So, when smoking a hookah, nicotine still enters the body, therefore, over time, dependence on this alkaloid appears. Therefore, even if people who do not respect smoking become addicted to hookah, they become addicted. And here the transition to cigarettes is only a matter of time. Indeed, smoking a hookah too often will not work, because this requires money and time, and cigarettes are more affordable, they are always there.

Even hookah adherents say that there are much fewer carcinogens in tobacco for it than in cigarettes. Another myth, because there are a lot of dangerous impurities in smoking mixtures, although most smokers do not even know about it, because it is not always possible to find the composition or information about possible dangers on the packaging. In addition, adherents talk about allegedly less harmful tobacco - it is wet and sticky, does not burn, but seems to dry and smolder. There is an opinion that because of this, the smoke contains fewer harmful substances, but in reality, both nicotine and other poisons, say, benzapyrene, get into the lungs anyway. Who does not know, this is an extremely dangerous carcinogen, formed during the combustion of any substance, regardless of its (substance) state.

Note! Even in the smallest amounts, benzapyrene is very dangerous, because it tends to accumulate in the body over time, which is why smokers get cancer. In addition, benzapyrene is mutagenic, it provokes DNA mutations that are quite stable and can even be inherited.

Video: Compare cigarettes and hookah

What else is dangerous hookah?

When tobacco is burned, metal salts, CO and CO₂ (carbon oxides) are released, and all these substances, respectively, remain in the lungs. Moreover, there is a possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, because of which it must be released using a special valve every fifteen minutes.

Oxygen combines with incoming carbon monoxide, in connection with which oxygen starvation begins. Human tissues are deficient in the required substances (including oxygen), which is dangerous for the heart and brain. Blood vessels constrict, and oxygen does not enter at all to those parts of tissues that are located remotely, which is why the heart beats faster, the volume of blood pumped increases, the lungs work more actively, but at the same time they inhale carbon dioxide. In a word, a vicious circle is created.

Despite the assurances of hookah adherents that the smoke that passes through the liquid is enriched with oxygen molecules, studies show that in reality nothing of the kind happens. Because of this, the heart has to work at a frantic pace. According to statistics, hookah fans are more likely to suffer from cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases than cigarette lovers.

Risk factors

So, we found out that hookah smoking is not harmless, and sometimes dangerous. Consider the key hazards of such an occupation.

  1. There is much more nicotine in the smoking mixture than in ordinary cigarettes, therefore, dependence on a hookah will develop several times faster.

  2. Smoking hookah provokes the development of heart disease, what can we say about those smokers who already have a sick heart.

  3. When coals and tobacco burn, powerful toxic substances are released. These substances accumulate in the human body over time and can cause cancer.
  4. Also, the described occupation is fraught with passive smoking, since even non-smoking people who are in the same room with a hookah get their own dose of carbon monoxide and carcinogens.

  5. Due to the wide popularity of hookah smoking, the number of people suffering from hepatitis and tuberculosis has increased, because the pathogenic bacteria remaining inside the pipe can be destroyed only with the help of special disinfectants, and, as you know, no one usually uses them. Especially dangerous is smoking in special hookah establishments!

Note! In the United States, studies have been conducted that have shown that water filters tobacco smoke very poorly. This was also confirmed by the research of scientists from Germany dealing with cancer.

It is also necessary to remember that hookah tobacco is not tested for compliance with quality standards, which means that there can be no guarantees of safety. People have no idea where tobacco was grown, how it was stored, and how dangerous it is.

But young people do not usually care about this, since the main thing for their representatives is to have fun, relax and just have a good time, although such a pastime may negatively affect their health in two or three years. As a result, erectile dysfunction occurs in men, and hormonal disorders in women, which affect both appearance and the menstrual cycle.


Hookah, also known in narrow circles as "gorlyanka", "bori" or "narghile" - is gaining more and more popularity in recent years. People, especially young people, believe that relaxing with a hookah is much safer than ordinary cigarettes. And the process of inhaling fragrant hookah smoke is more pleasant.

To understand what is more harmful than hookah or cigarettes, you should know exactly how hookah smoke affects the respiratory system and what it consists of. Although the WHO representatives say with confidence that hookah use cannot be a safe alternative to regular smoking, let's understand.

The impact of hookah on the body in terms of harmfulness does not differ from smoking cigarettes

The experts of the World Health Organization during several meetings of the WHO raised and considered in detail the problem of hookah hobby. Hookah, born in African and Eastern regions, is gaining more and more new fans in Russia and Europe every year.

The percentage of distribution of hookah in the countries of the world

During the XVI session of the WHO, held in the UAE (Abu Dhabi) and dedicated to smoking and health, expert Eduard Tarshan said the following words:

« In total, a single breath of hookah smoke is almost the same in volume as the volume of smoke that a smoker inhales after smoking a whole cigarette. And the whole process of using a hookah is identical to smoking 25-30 cigarettes at a time. Based on our research, we came to the conclusion that».

According to the unanimous opinion of the experts of the Health Organization, the widespread fight against tobacco addiction must necessarily unite the fight against the hookah hobby. Especially given the general predilection for hookahs of young people.

Aromatic inclusions that are part of hookah additives are a powerful way to lure new young smokers into the “tobacco networks”. According to statistics, young people under the age of 24 are mostly fond of modern hookah.

WHO experts also remind lovers of fragrant hookah vaping that the smoke from combustible coal, which is used to heat the smoking device, contains toxic toxins. The conclusions of experts unambiguously say that hookah passion has a negative impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a person.

What is the difference between hookah and cigarettes

The modern hookah is somewhat different from its eastern progenitor. This fashionable smoking device consists of a flask where liquid is poured, pipes with a built-in mouthpiece, a special shaft and a bowl for tobacco.

Hookah device

Liquid for hookah. Most often, ordinary pure water is used. There are lovers to smoke hookah on natural juice or green tea. It is believed that tea relaxes the hookah user well and gives the evaporation an exquisite aroma.

Tobacco. The choice of tobacco blends for hookah smoking is much more diverse. Three types of tobacco additives are most commonly used:

  1. Tombak. Classic tobacco, without flavorings and additional impurities.
  2. Zhurak. Tobacco blend with the inclusion of fruit and aromatic oils.
  3. Moissil. Tobacco for smoking, diluted with glycerin or honey.

The tobacco mixture is heated and passes through a flask with liquid, then it enters the mouthpiece through a rubber hose. This is how smoking happens.

Harm of hookah smoke

Contrary to popular belief, the fragrant smoke from a hookah is not at all safe. In terms of its toxic properties, it is in no way inferior to cigarette. And the liquid used in the process of "sessions" is not able to filter out carcinogens.

Hookah smoke is no less harmful than cigarette smoke

It has been established that hookah smokers inhale much more smoke during smoking than when smoking a cigarette. After all, some hookah gatherings can stretch for several hours.

Many years of medical practice and conducted research give the right to assert a serious detrimental effect of hookah on human health. The fascination with the antique smoking appliance comes along with many dangers:

  1. Hookah smoke is filled with a large amount of carcinogens and toxic compounds. It consists of chemicals, heavy metals, resins, carbon oxides. Hookah users inhale far more carcinogens than cigarette smokers.
  2. According to statistics, those who are fond of hookah risk 3 times more likely to encounter oncology of the oral cavity and lungs and heart disease.
  3. Smoking a hookah no less than a cigarette supplies the human body with nicotine. This hobby also causes tobacco addiction.
  4. Hookah smoke is also dangerous and passive negative impact on others. In this, it is absolutely not inferior in terms of harmfulness to cigarettes.
  5. Hookah aromatic mixtures irritate the oral mucosa. Hookah users have a higher risk of developing oral cancer compared to cigarette smokers.
  6. Hookah mouthpieces and hoses also pose a threat. In public hookahs, they are never completely cleaned and sterilized. There is a high risk of catching an infectious disease, especially during the spread of epidemics.

Nicotine Free Blends

But what about the use of hookah mixtures without nicotine content. They are heavily advertised as a harmless alternative to smoking. So the hookah can become harmless? After all, nicotine, the main killer of human health, is absent there.

Hookah smoke, even in a nicotine-free mixture, is very unhealthy

Not everything is so rosy. Long-term studies of the effects of smoke on the body prove that the smoke evaporation generated during combustion contains a large percentage of carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide (or carbon monoxide), even in small concentrations, is a deadly substance for humans.

Such a compound has the ability to react with hemoglobin. These cells, which are part of the blood, carry out the function of transporting oxygen and nutrients to all internal organs.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Interacting with hemoglobin, carbon monoxide forms a heavy compound - carbohemoglobin. This substance stops the normal functioning of the hematopoietic system and provokes the development of oxygen starvation.

In addition to carbon monoxide, hookah smoke contains a lot of other toxic substances. Its composition (in addition to nicotine) includes:

  • sulfur;
  • methane;
  • phenol;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • formaldehydes;
  • hydrogen cyanide.

As well as more than 4,500 components that are toxic, carcinogenic substances. These compounds belong to the group of active carcinogens, that is, they have the ability to accumulate in the human body. Carcinogens also contribute to the development of lung diseases, oncology and cardiovascular diseases.

What is worse hookah or cigarettes

So what is more detrimental - to get involved in the usual cigarettes or smoke fragrant hookah smoke? In all cases, the body receives a shock dose of carcinogens and toxic chemical compounds.. And there is not much difference in how harmful substances enter: there is no through a hose or a cigarette filter.

Both the hookah man and the cigarette smoker are at the same risk zone. They run the risk of encountering dangerous diseases because of their passion:

  • diabetes;
  • aortic aneurysms;
  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease);
  • ophthalmic nature (cataract, loss of vision, blindness);
  • oncology (lungs, oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, stomach may suffer);
  • erectile dysfunction (formation of arterial plaques and impaired blood flow).

According to a study by the American Lung Association (American Lung Academy), hookah addiction is 150 times more dangerous than smoking cigarettes. In substantiating their conclusion, ALA specialists adhered to the following proven facts:

  1. In one hour of hookah smoking, a person produces about 200-220 puffs. And during the smoking of one cigarette, the smoker takes about 20 puffs.
  2. The concentration of smoke entering the lungs during hookah smoking is approximately 90,000 ml. When using an ordinary cigarette, the smoke volume ranges from 550-600 ml.

But do not think that cigarettes are safe. Modern products no longer contain real, pure tobacco (it can only be found in cigars or smoking mixtures). Cigarettes are made from artificial nicotine, the production of which is not controlled by anyone..

Smoking is dangerous in all uses

But "pure" tobacco leaves contain a large amount of a radioactive substance - polonium 210. This element is the main provocateur of the appearance of cancerous tumors. Therefore, the harm from artificial tobacco and natural is identical.

Both cigarette lovers and hookah lovers are subjected to a deadly nicotine "blow". When smoking cigarette products, the smoke primarily affects the upper lung lobes. Hookah penetrates into the middle and deep sections.

Analyzing all of the above on the topic of what is better than hookah or cigarettes, you can ask the following: “Which is safer - jumping from the 11th floor or from the 16th?” It would be better, instead of looking for a non-existent answer to this topic, to ask yourself, what is more important - addiction or freedom, illness or health?

In contact with

Hookah smoking has gained enormous popularity due to its exoticism and apparent safety for health. And if everyone knows about the dangers of cigarettes, then a lot of controversy flares up about the dangers of a hookah. What is more harmful - hookah or cigarettes - doctors say that both types of smoking pose a threat to human health.

Myths about hookah smoking

Hookah smoking has acquired a lot of myths - it's all because of the obsessive advertising of entertainment establishments that claim that this fun can become a safer alternative to smoking regular cigarettes. However, studies conducted by the World Health Organization debunk these myths.

  • Myth No. 1. Tobacco passes through a water filter, thereby being cleaned of harmful substances. Debunking a myth. The filter retains only a small part of the hazardous compounds. An analysis of hookah smoke at the outlet confirms the presence of such harmful impurities as nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, benzene, nitric oxide and heavy metals. The smoke from charcoal, which is used to ignite the tobacco mixture, also makes its negative "mite". Carbon monoxide mixes with tobacco fumes, increasing their harmful effects.
  • Myth No. 2. When using a hookah, a smoker absorbs fewer hazardous compounds. Debunking a myth. To drive the hookah smoke through the water, the smoker takes a deep breath. At this time, the lungs are filled with moist smoke containing salts of heavy metals and carcinogens. For an hour of smoking a hookah, a person takes from 40 to 200 deep puffs, and each of them “saturates” the lungs with a liter of smoke.
  • Myth #3: Hookah is not addictive. Debunking a myth. Hookah contains nicotine, therefore, is addictive in the same way as cigarettes. The negative effect is enhanced by alcohol vapor, which in some cases is used in the preparation of liquid filters in a hookah apparatus. Alcohol vapors enter the lungs and blood, contributing to the formation of alcohol dependence.
  • Myth number 4. Nicotine-free hookah tobacco is not dangerous to smoke. Debunking a myth. Chemical analyzes of nicotine-free mixtures and hookah herbs have shown that the smoke from them contains carbon monoxide and toxins that poison the lungs, heart and blood vessels. Passive smokers are also at risk during their stay in the room where they smoke a hookah.

Hookah tobacco blends, with their variety of flavors and pleasant smells, are a real lure for the younger generation, who have never smoked before and do not have addiction. The pleasant aftertaste and enticing aroma mask dangerous tobacco secretions, thus creating the illusion of "safe smoking". In this case, nicotine addiction is formed even faster.

Thus, the answer to the question “which is safer - a hookah or cigarettes” can be unequivocally: there are no safe types of smoking, even when using nicotine-free mixtures.

To justify hookahs, it can be noted that most users of these devices are casual smokers who do not have nicotine addiction. They tend to look for new aromas, tastes, new environments and savor the hookah only superficially, without inhaling the smoke to the fullest. If dependence is observed among them, then it is more of a behavioral or social nature. However, in any case, it is dangerous to abuse such new sensations.

Hookah harm

What is the difference between a hookah and cigarettes in terms of harm to health, a simple comparison will help to understand:

  • During an hour of hookah smoking, a smoker inhales 100-200 times more smoke than when smoking a cigarette.
  • When smoking a hookah, less nicotine enters the lungs, but 40 times more carbon monoxide, it enhances the feeling of euphoria, dilates blood vessels and causes a state close to alcohol intoxication.
  • The harmful tars in hookah smoke are in a moist state and settle on the surface of the lungs much faster than cigarette smoke, causing more extensive and faster damage to the alveoli.
  • Due to the deep inhalation of smoke, all parts of the respiratory system suffer - both upper and lower, the lungs open more fully during inhalation and absorb more toxic compounds.
  • The presence of synthetic flavors carries an additional threat due to the little-studied composition and dubious origin.

These are the main reasons why hookah is more harmful than cigarettes. A separate danger is the very tradition of hookah smoking. As you know, smoking usually takes place in a large company, when the pipe of the hookah apparatus is passed in a circle. At the same time, even the use of individual tips does not provide proper hygiene and cannot protect against infection. Some of the saliva gets not only into the tube, but also into the hookah flask, turning into a source of dangerous infections. Through a hookah, pathogens of tuberculosis, herpes, influenza and hepatitis B can be transmitted by indiscriminate salivation.

Harm of cigarettes

Cigarette smoke contains about 400 different chemicals and compounds. Of these, nicotine, benzapyrene, arsenic, cyanide, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, benzene and polonium are considered the most dangerous. Their destructive effect covers almost all human organs and systems.

  • Respiratory system. Harmful substances impede the work of the cilia of bronchial tissues, resins settle on the surface of the alveoli, and nitric oxide narrows the lumen of the bronchi. All this leads to difficulty breathing, reduces the efficiency of gas exchange and the removal of toxins from tissues. As a result, all inhaled substances, together with pathogenic microorganisms, are intensively absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body.
  • The cardiovascular system. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, carbon monoxide slows down the flow of blood through the veins and arteries, which in combination causes shortness of breath and provokes a lack of oxygen. Tobacco smoke increases the production of the hormone adrenaline and increases the heart rate. Thus, the heart and blood vessels wear out faster, performance decreases, health deteriorates, and the risk of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks increases.
  • The musculoskeletal system. Cigarette smoke reduces the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, disrupts the absorption of calcium. As a result, the bones become brittle, severe fractures appear even after minor injuries, and the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis increases.
  • Digestion. The risk of intestinal polyps, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and gastroduodenitis increases.
  • reproductive system. Cigarette smoking affects both women and men equally. Women have menstrual dysfunction, reduced fertility, anovulatory cycles, and early menopause. In men, the quality of sperm and seminal fluid deteriorates, the number of mobile viable spermatozoa decreases.

One of the most formidable consequences of nicotine use is cancer. Malignant tumors are most susceptible to the lungs, bronchi, trachea, esophagus, larynx, bladder, pancreas, kidneys, reproductive system and hematopoiesis.

Hookah or cigarettes: final comparison

It should be noted right away that all the negative consequences of smoking cigarettes apply to hookah smoking. Hookah smoke is just as dangerous to the respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive systems as cigarette smoke.

How harmful is hookah compared to cigarettes - just as much as more smoke enters the lungs.

To get a rough idea of ​​the dangers of a hookah, scientists suggest mentally evaluating the result of smoking a whole block of cigarettes in one hour. Exactly so many toxic compounds are received by a hookah fan in one session. In addition to poisoning with tobacco smoke, a hookah smoker is at risk of contracting infectious diseases.

Hookah is not a safe alternative to cigarettes because of the pronounced dependence. Dependence on a hookah develops not only on a chemical, but also on a psychological level. The hookah smoking session itself looks like a real ceremony, and through the use of aromatic additives, it enhances positive emotions. The presence of a cheerful company and a friendly environment leads to the fact that the addiction develops even faster. The need to smoke a hookah and at the same time communicate in a cozy environment appears regularly, and the destructive effects of toxins become more pronounced and dangerous.

Taking into account all these factors, it can be noted that the harm of hookah compared to cigarettes is much more noticeable. And even such tricks as water filters, disposable mouthpieces and nicotine-free mixtures cannot protect a person from the dangerous consequences of smoking. Only a complete rejection of bad habits will be the first step towards well-being and good health.

Hookah came to us from eastern countries, where it is smoked everywhere. Previously, people considered such a strange design a curiosity. Now hookah is offered in almost all bars, nightclubs, cafes and even restaurants. There are specially equipped establishments - hookahs, which offer their customers a pleasant time in a club of smoke. Due to the high popularity, people are addicted to aromatic tobacco, so they are wondering about the benefits and harms of hookah.

Features of the hookah mixture

Hookah is very popular due to the special smoking mixture, which has a pleasant aroma. The smoking technique itself is also impressive, when exhaling, a ball of steam is formed, which attracts attention.

Hookah tobacco is different from that used in cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos. The difference is visible in appearance, taste, the end result of the smoking process itself.

In general, the mixture resembles a sticky mass with a slightly oily texture. The smoking composition is produced according to the principle of molasses. Flavorings and flavor enhancers are additionally introduced if necessary.

Some believe that hookah smoking mixture is a collection of herbs, pieces of tropical fruits or berries. This is partly true, but for the most part, tobacco is also added to the composition. If we talk about tobacco-free smoking blends, they are the most useful.

An indispensable part of the hookah is a specific liquid, which is poured into the flask of the device. The basis of this composition can be water, herbal decoction, fruit or berry juice, carbonated drinks, milk, wine, etc. Sometimes esters are added, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times.

What is more dangerous - hookah or cigarettes

  1. When inhaling, a person creates much more effort than with ordinary cigarette smoking. As a result, all the smoke goes into the respiratory system and fills it. Poisonous compounds are also deposited there (yes, there are fewer of them, but they still exist).
  2. Not every establishment that serves hookah thoroughly cleans the device after previous customers. Due to this, bacteria and infections are easily transmitted to a new visitor. If hygiene standards are not observed, you can catch hepatitis or herpes if you soar a hookah without a special nozzle.
  3. On average, 1 person smokes a hookah for an hour, sometimes longer. During this period, about 180 mg is released. carbon monoxide. For comparison, one cigarette boasts 10 mg. In the composition of smoking mixtures for hookah, more beryllium, cobalt and nickel are concentrated.
  4. Hookah smoke inhaled by a person accumulates no less nicotine than cigarettes. This leads to physical and psycho-emotional dependence on hookah pipe soaring.
  5. In addition, avid hookah lovers poison the body with a large amount of carbon monoxide and smoke. To understand, just look at the cloud swirling around the table.
  6. Hookah smoke accumulates carbon monoxide, heavy metals, tar, and other toxic impurities. All this often leads to the development of oncological ailments of various directions. When smoking hookah, you risk getting cancer faster than from cigarettes.
  7. Hookah is harmful not only for heavy smokers, but also for passive smokers. A special negative effect is on the respiratory system, skin, hair, nails, heart muscle. When quitting smoking, a person becomes nervous and irritable.
  8. Smoking mixtures are more harmful than cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos. When they are inhaled, the lungs expand more strongly, therefore, more toxic substances are deposited in them.

  1. Hookah goes well with fruits, among which are peaches, bananas and apricots. As a drink, green tea or hibiscus is better. Keep in mind that hookah smoking should be done on a full stomach. A similar process increases the production of juice. On an empty stomach, you risk damaging the mucous membranes.
  2. It is forbidden to smoke hookah along with strong drinks. This combination causes alcohol poisoning. It is not recommended to fill the flask with red wine instead of water. Do not try to drink alcohol from a flask after smoking a hookah. It accumulates all the harmful compounds that remain after filtering the smoke.
  3. It is not allowed to mix cigarette tobacco with hookah tobacco. Otherwise, you can earn a serious burn of the larynx. Be hygienic when smoking, use a disposable mouthpiece.
  4. According to the rules of Eastern culture, you can not smoke simple cigarettes from hookah coals. Such action is considered disrespectful. It is forbidden to place a hookah on the table at which you eat. It is impolite to pass the handset from hand to hand, it must be placed on the floor.

The benefits of hookah

  1. Real hookah smoking looks like a full-fledged ceremony. The same cannot be said about our country. People do not seek to perform a so-called ritual in order to fully enjoy the ceremony.
  2. In the modern world, it is customary to smoke hookah just to relax and spend time with the company. There are some differences here. Some come to everything ready and order what they need in a cafe, which cannot be said about spending time at home.
  3. In the second case, people prepare in advance for such a process (ceremony). In this way, you can relax and enjoy the atmosphere. While smoking a hookah, a pleasant smell is felt, it can be attributed to aromatherapy.
  4. The benefit is that during the ceremony, a person is significantly calmed down and finds peace. To some extent, we can say that euphoria is felt. At this point, people do not think about the dangers of nicotine.
  5. The benefits of hookah are possible only with proper preparation. Instead of water and alcohol, pour a mixture of herbs into the flask in the form of a tincture. You can also eliminate natural tobacco from the bowl and replace it with a nicotine-free mixture. Thus, you will get a useful inhaler.
  6. This kind of smoking will have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person, but you should not get carried away. Unlike cigarettes, when you use a hookah, by and large, you inhale the vapor. It appears just at the moment of tightening.

  1. If we do not take into account the dubious benefits, we can say with confidence that the harm from such a ceremony is much greater. Any smoking cannot but affect human health, it is worth understanding this.
  2. Despite numerous disputes, it can be understood that hookah smoking is more harmful than ordinary cigarettes. Minor harm to health can be caused if hookah is rarely smoked. Provided that you are not addicted to cigarettes.
  3. Systematic hookah smoking leads to the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, you should no longer wonder whether such a procedure is harmful. The answer will be unequivocal.

Hookah is harmful to health in any form, in other cases, the positive impact is manifested only psychologically. You yourself say that in this way you relax, and you need such a process.

Video: harm from smoking hookah - answers to all questions!