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» What does gray goods mean. What is Rostest and is it possible to buy a gray phone. Mobile phone certification

What does gray goods mean. What is Rostest and is it possible to buy a gray phone. Mobile phone certification

What are gray smartphones, where do they come from and whether they can be used - the answers to these questions can be found in this article.

In Russia, they began to talk about gray smartphones more and more often. The real surge began after Rossvyaz announced that it was collecting all uncertified gadgets by creating a database of IMEI codes for all Russian mobile devices that were imported illegally. According to Rossvyaz, this will reduce the theft of phones, as well as completely eliminate the use of counterfeit mobile devices. If the law comes into force, the person who bought the gadget on AliExpress will have to complete the purchase and pay all taxes, otherwise the device will be blocked.

It is difficult to predict how the situation will turn out, but first you need to clearly understand what gray smartphones are and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

The difference between white and gray phones

Before buying a gadget or other equipment, we often go to a variety of resources where you can compare prices in different stores. The first thing that catches your eye is the difference in the cost of a gadget (especially Chinese) of several thousand rubles. Here you need to understand the difference between certified devices and "gray" ones.

In fact, all products must be certified, from children's toys to appliances. Previously, the PCT sign was put on certified devices, but recently it was replaced with the EAC. Such marking is used in the member countries of the Customs Union. It is its presence that confirms that the product is subject to service at the manufacturer's service centers on the territory of the Customs Union, the product has a guarantee and its use is safe both for health and for the environment.

In fact, gray smartphones are not something dangerous. It's just that initially they were produced for another country, and there may not be an EAC seal. For example, if a purchased non-certified gadget breaks down, it will not be possible to repair it at the manufacturer's official service center under warranty - you will have to pay for repairs. In addition, some devices may lack the Russian language (very rarely).

Gray smartphones are simply imported into the country illegally, without paying customs duties for them, and the devices themselves are not certified. But this is not a fake device, it is no different from a certified one, the only difference is the price. On average, in Russia, gray devices cost 10-20% less than certified analogues.


The undoubted advantage of the gray device is its price. For example, at the moment the cost of the official Samsung Galaxy S8 in stores is about 49,000 rubles. After reviewing the offers on Yandex.Market, you can find the same flagship for 37,000 rubles - the benefit is obvious.

The official warranty from the manufacturer to the buyer of a gray smartphone does not shine for the user, but there are stores where you can purchase such devices, often give their own warranty for up to one year.

Disadvantages and risks

Unfortunately, there are many more disadvantages. These include the lack of an official guarantee, which is why if you find a factory defect, you are unlikely to be able to exchange the gadget for a new one.

Some non-certified smartphones may have poor signal reception, and sometimes even lose it altogether. Some devices have problems with Russification, but today such a problem occurs extremely rarely - almost all gadgets have Russian.

How to distinguish a gray smartphone?

Visually, there is no difference, but sometimes smartphones with logos of foreign operators come across. Its presence directly indicates a cunningly brought gadget. In addition, the box with the official device should contain instructions in Russian.

A clear indicator of a gray device is an interface in some foreign language that appears when you first turn it on. It also speaks of a gadget created for a different market.

Another interesting fact is that on some smartphones that were originally designed for Japan or South Korea, it is impossible to turn off the sound when taking a photo or video. This was done on purpose, since according to the law of these countries it is impossible to sell gadgets on which you can completely turn off the sound in order to exclude the “photo hunt for skirts” that began to flourish after the appearance of cameras on devices.

Is it worth buying a gray smartphone?

There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on why you need the device, and whether you are ready to “engage” with it. With a calm soul, it can be purchased by those who understand gadgets, know how to reflash them, make various unlocks, and so on.

If you need a smartphone for comfortable use without firmware and various settings, it is better to choose a certified device. Even if there are any problems with it, you can contact the service center and get warranty service.

Equipment imported into Russia illegally is called "gray", and equipment that has passed through customs and certification is called "white". But how to distinguish a contraband gadget to an ordinary consumer? Life hack for smartphone owners - at the very end.

Which technique is “white” and which is “gray”?

“White” devices and equipment that are officially sent by the manufacturer to Russia for sale, firstly, go through customs control and are subject to duty. Secondly, they receive a Customs Union certificate of suitability for use in Russia and the following RosTest marking:

The exception is gadgets ordered by you personally on. They are not marked, but they go through border control - they are just parcels from abroad, but in no case are smuggling.

All other equipment is gray. Even officially sold in Russian stores, but received through illegal channels. What does this mean for the consumer? We will understand all the advantages and disadvantages of "gray" devices.

Pros and cons of "gray" technology

Of course, the main disadvantage of the "gray" gadget is that it is contraband. But in most cases, its use does not threaten the consumer with any unpleasant legal consequences: this is a conflict exclusively between sellers and the state.

But what are the real disadvantages of devices imported illegally:

  • They are often fake.. A “gray” iPhone brought to a Russian counter from China, bypassing customs, can be either a real Apple device or a cheap fake Android.
  • They are not adapted for use in Russia. For example, Google Play will be blocked in an Android smartphone from China, because it is prohibited in China. Or the gadget will not catch 4G LTE, because different frequency bands are used in different countries -.
  • They void the manufacturer's warranty.. Warranty repairs and returns are not provided for them, because the seller did not expect that they would be used in Russia. In addition, it is more difficult for them to buy original consumables and spare parts if they break, except perhaps the same smuggled ones.

This battery for Xiaomi is original, but "gray".

Nevertheless, "gray" equipment continues to be imported and bought. Why does the consumer still vote for it with the ruble?

  • "Gray" devices are cheaper- due to the absence of customs duty in their price.
  • You can buy a model that is not yet on the Russian market. There are many of them - for example, intended only for the European or Asian markets.

Warranty is not an indicator

Many stores indicate the warranty period in the description of even gray equipment. This should not lull your vigilance: just take an interest in the terms of the warranty. Most often it turns out that the store cooperates with one of the service centers, which allegedly provides repairs in warranty cases. But this warranty has nothing to do with the manufacturer's warranty: the conditions are completely different, and not in your favor. After all, the "left" service center does not need to fight to maintain customer loyalty to the brand, so you will be blamed for the breakdown.

How to define "grey" technique

"Gray" technique differs from "white" even purely visually. Here are common signs of a gray device:

  • Lack of Russification. The smuggled device will have inscriptions on the body, menu, graphical interface, and buttons on the keyboard in a foreign language.
  • Lack of Russian-language instructions. There can be twenty languages ​​in the booklet attached to the device, but if there is no Russian, then it is “gray”.
  • No RosTest marking on the packaging. Except for the case already mentioned. Or the label with the marking may be crooked, inaccurately pasted, poorly printed - most likely, the seller forged it.
  • No manufacturer's warranty card. If it is not there, then the gadget came to Russia unofficially.

A BlackBerry smartphone in Russia must have a Russian keyboard.

Life hack: how to determine if your phone is “gray”

If you cannot visually distinguish the contraband, then you can use the services of checking the device by serial number or IMEI. The serial number of the device is usually printed on the case or located in the settings in the "About the device" item (denoted by the letters S / N), and we told how to find out the IMEI

One is grey, the other is white… Not geese, really, but telephones. And they are exactly the same. And not at all gray, and not at all white, but the labels are already pasted. Many are confused in such definitions: if the phone is “gray”, then is it stolen? Or maybe a fake? Or is it assembled according to the manufacturer's drawings by some leftist enterprise? From time to time, scandals with “gray deliveries” that surfaced in retail chains were voiced in the press, but today sellers do not take risks, but the topic has not lost its relevance - online shopping is the reason for this. When purchasing a new smartphone in an online store, and even at a nice price, many are then disappointed - they got on the “gray”. How to secure your choice - we understand together.


Gray” phone - a device that has not been certified by Rostest and which is not intended for sale in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Official, or "white", phone - certified for sale in Russia.


It is worth noting right away that “gray” phones are not initially criminal at all. They are not stolen, they are not resold under the guise of new ones, they are not faked by well-known brands. Technically, these are the same devices as those that have reached the shelves in an honest way. Only now the import into our country occurred with violations: the need for inventions is cunning, and scammers are more inventive every day.

What should you pay attention to in order not to become the owner of a “gray” phone? First, on the cost. In a market economy, the belief that sellers work at a loss out of altruism is nonsense. So a phone bought at a price several tens of percent lower than indicated on the price tags in mobile communication stores will almost certainly turn out to be “gray”, if not completely criminal. Well, or, at best, patched up. So the first sign of a gray phone is a low price.

Secondly, “gray” phones are “gray” because they did not go through official Russification. Or their suppliers didn't bother with one at all. And this means the absence of Cyrillic characters where they should be. And if there are, then they are clearly not original - stickers or engraving over the Latin alphabet. However, for modern smartphones with touch input, such troubles are in the past. Their localization lies in the localization of the operating system: not every supplier of gray electronics will bother with updating the OS. Therefore, if the Russian language is absent in the menu or very clumsy (non-professionals can try) - alas, ah.

A huge number of “gray” phones were originally intended for some mobile operator, but ended up in free retail. These devices should only work with one SIM card, but skillful hands help them get rid of the shackles. Sometimes at the cost of the health and disability of the phone, but only the buyer will know about it. Outwardly, such phones can be distinguished by unknown logos on the case and box or when loading the operating system, as well as the presence of proprietary operator software.

Under the battery of certified phones and in the accompanying documents, there must be information about Rostest certification, as well as assurances from the Ministry of Health about the safety of the device. If none are found, the model came from a batch imported and sold illegally. If you purchased the device from small entrepreneurs or from the hands - your problem. If in a large distribution network or a specialized store - their problem. Although today all consignments of goods are checked by sellers, an oversight still happens, and then most stores prefer to exchange the device for a white one with numerous curtsies.

You should also pay attention to the packaging. Manuals for official phones are necessarily translated into Russian and published in a typographical way. The warranty card is from the manufacturer, not the seller. And the warranty period itself is relatively short (and if it is long, it is not at all clear who and what obligations assumed).

Findings site

  1. The official phone is certified by Rostest, “gray” is not.
  2. Usually “gray” models are cheaper than official ones, sometimes significantly.
  3. Often “gray” devices do not have a Russian keyboard, the operating system is not localized.
  4. On the cases and boxes of "gray" phones there may be logos of telecom operators.
  5. Inside the case of the official phone and in its documents, the marks of Rostest and the Ministry of Health are required.
  6. The warranty for the “gray” phone is obscure and not from the manufacturer.

For the average buyer, the main difference between "gray" and "white" smartphones is the price. "Gray" devices are several thousand cheaper. But where is the catch here?

First, let's talk about what a "gray" smartphone is. This is the name of devices that did not catch the eye of domestic customs and were smuggled from abroad illegally, without the necessary certificates. Often they are imported by individual people, ostensibly for personal use, but in fact they are resold upon arrival in Russia.

But any sticker can be faked, and then printed and pasted. What external signs give out a "gray" smartphone?

  1. Chinese layout and many strange Chinese applications. If everything in a smartphone is in Chinese, this is clear evidence that customs rules were not observed during its transportation.
  2. The SIM card is not working. Most "gray" phones are not designed to work in another country, and many devices are locked to a specific, local, telecom operator, so they do not get along with other SIM cards.
  3. The instructions for the phone and the warranty card are printed on low-quality paper and with grammatical errors.
There is one simple way to find out exactly the "gray" device or the "white" one, if outwardly everything is in order with it, but the extremely low price and the seller are embarrassed.

Look up the IMEI number, a unique smartphone identifier. It is indicated on the box, on a sticker under the battery, and is also issued in the settings. Rewrite the IMEI, call the phone manufacturer's hotline and give the IMEI number to the operator. Then they will tell you for sure whether the smartphone is intended for sale in Russia or not.

"Gray" smartphone - is it good or bad?

Each buyer answers this question for himself. On the one hand, such smartphones are cheaper than their official customs-cleared versions, and therefore more preferable for some users.

On the other hand, such a phone cannot be used right out of the box: it may require an “unlock” or even a flashing of the device, which is very important for smartphones from China, which are full of applications that are unnecessary for the Russian user.

And yes, the warranty is tricky. If stores that have their own service centers can still accept a "gray" device for warranty repairs, then you are unlikely to find individual sellers in the event of a quick breakdown of the gadget.

You have most likely already heard about the so-called "gray" smartphones and phones that are sold in online stores. And you probably have a question, what is this “gray” device? We will answer this question.

A “gray” phone is a device that was imported unofficially (not to be confused with the word “illegal”, these are different things) into our country. What does unofficial mean? There are official deliveries from the manufacturer, while some companies or even small online stores import devices on their own.

What is it for? This approach allows you to reduce taxation, besides, although unofficial stores are chasing profits, they prefer to take a large turnover of funds, so the cost of "gray" smartphones and phones is often much lower than official devices (or "white" ones, as they are sometimes called). In some cases, a twofold difference in cost is achieved between a "gray" and a "white" device!

What threatens buying a "gray" phone?

In most cases, "gray" and "white" smartphones do not have differences. Take the same iPhone - there is no difference, even there is support for the Russian language. The only thing that can raise questions is the binding to a specific operator (in the West, selling smartphones with an operator contract is a common occurrence). However, stores are usually imported, that is, not tied to any of the operators, so they can be used in almost any country in the world.

Let's say more - many smartphones, including not the most well-known Chinese companies, are not officially supplied to Russia at all, so you can buy them on large sites like Aliexpress or in stores that offer them with a slight markup. An example of a smartphone that is not officially supplied to us (at the time of this writing) is OnePlus OnePlus3:

The guarantee in the latter case is from the store. Stores, as a rule, cooperate with service centers that perform warranty repairs, which means that there should be no problems with repairs. But when ordering at a foreign site, in case of problems, you will have to rely only on your own strength - look for a service center and pay for repairs ...

At the same time, it must be remembered that there are “gray” models in which there may be no support for the Russian language at all, but in “white” (PCT) there is Russian. However, this is rather an exception to the rule, since manufacturers are trying to add the maximum number of languages ​​​​to the firmware.

So, answering the question posed, we can say the following - you can save a lot on buying a "gray" phone, although if you have money, it is better, of course, to purchase a "white" device.