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» What does it mean to be able to forgive. Essay on the topic “The ability to forgive. Several interesting essays

What does it mean to be able to forgive. Essay on the topic “The ability to forgive. Several interesting essays

Relationships between people develop differently. We do different things: good and bad. We help each other in business, fulfill wishes, fulfill requests. But it happens, we lie, we cannot do what we promised, we act contrary, we quarrel. We often offend our loved ones, in the heat of the moment we say things we don’t mean at all. We hurt a person and offend him, perhaps without noticing it. If he is dear to us, we need to try to make amends and apologize.

Which of us has not been offended? Who hasn't offended himself? There are simply no such people. What distinguishes us from each other is the ability or inability to forgive. “They carry water on an offended person” - this proverb shows a negative attitude towards a person who is unable to forget grievances. And it’s hard for the offended person to carry his resentment within himself. Therefore, it is worth learning to forgive people.

All people are different, with different characters and temperaments. Everyone is offended, forgives and knows how to ask for forgiveness in their own way. Vulnerable, sensitive people get offended quickly. They take even little things that are not worth attention, jokes seriously. But just as quickly, they are able to understand and forgive the offender, because they have a hard time withstanding negative emotions. It is difficult to offend people who are cold, dry, and stingy with emotions. On the one hand, this is good: they are protected from unnecessary worries. On the other hand, such people themselves can greatly offend.

The ability to ask for forgiveness and forgive is a sign of a strong personality. After all, this is overcoming your anger and admitting your own mistakes.

It is necessary to forgive grievances. When we are offended, our mood is spoiled, there is no smile on our face, and our tone is reduced. And in a depressed state, we ourselves can cause pain. "Sorry…". Sometimes this word can calm down the most intense conflicts. It can penetrate to the very depths of our soul if it is said with sincerity. “Forgive”... Having said this word, we seem to be freed from the shackles that were so painful. From this word all the storms in our soul subside, the blizzards freeze. And the heart seems to come to life from everyday life and sadness.

How to learn to forgive? You need to imagine yourself at least for a minute in the place of the offender. It’s hard, unpleasant and insulting for him that they don’t accept his apology. In addition, we must not forget that we have offended someone more than once and felt anxiety and guilt. You need to forgive forever and from the heart. If this is not so, then there was no forgiveness. If you remember the offense, it means you have not forgiven. If you forgive, you shouldn’t take credit for it. You just have to forget.

There are many examples in fiction where the theme of forgiveness is heard. For example, in Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. Bolkonsky falls madly in love with Natasha Rostova, but something tells him that their happiness is impossible. Natasha also loves Bolkonsky, although he seems dry, disappointed, and lonely to her, while she herself is an energetic, young, cheerful girl. Natasha does not understand why the prince postponed their wedding for a whole year. With this delay he provoked her betrayal. Pride does not allow Andrey to forgive Natasha or understand her. In a conversation with Pierre, Bolkonsky said: “I said that a fallen woman must be forgiven, but I did not say that I can forgive, I cannot.” A cruel egoist appears before us. Bolkonsky forces himself to forget about Natasha.

The theme of forgiveness is reflected differently in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by Lermontov. Faith plays a big role in revealing Pechorin's character. Vera is the only person who fully understood the essence of Pechorin, loving him with all his advantages and disadvantages. Pechorin himself could not help but appreciate this insight and fidelity to feeling: “She is the only woman in the world whom I would not be able to deceive,” and only she alone evokes real and sincere feelings, albeit fleeting. Vera's feelings are so strong that she forgives all the suffering brought to her by Pechorin, continuing to love him, knowing that they will never be together. In the image of Vera we see humility, sacrifice, she does not have a pronounced sense of self-esteem, she again confesses her love to Pechorin after he has already left her once. The author needed all this to show the hero’s selfishness, his attitude towards others, the fear of losing freedom - the main thing, in his opinion, in life.

It seems to me that everyone needs to forgive everything, even the betrayal of a friend. Resentment and revenge destroy us. They can be convincing today and destructive tomorrow. Or rather, they are always like this. They bring only momentary pleasure. We have no right to judge. Let life decide everything. There is no point in keeping heavy thoughts in your heart. Only bright, noble feelings should settle there. Forgiveness is generosity. Let's be generous and maybe the world will become a kinder place!

“They carry water on an offended person” - the proverb focuses on the negative attitude of people around them towards a person who is not able to forget grievances, who is always sulking and is constantly dissatisfied with the attitude of his loved one. Indeed, it is quite difficult to communicate with such people. But, you can believe it yourself It is no less difficult for the “offended” to carry a grudge in his soul. Therefore, you need to learn to get rid of such a burden. Both for friendly relations with other people, and for yourself. Even in situations where the grudge is really great. So what does the ability to forgive mean?

What can forgiveness give?

As doctors say, the ability to forgive can even be beneficial for health. In particular, a constant state of resentment contributes to the development of various heart diseases. This is supported by recent research in England, which found that people who have hostile attitudes are four times more likely to develop heart disease and more than six times more likely to die at a young age than balanced individuals.

Also no less important is the ability to forgive in order to preserve a person’s psychological health. As psychologists define, forgiveness is that state of mind that makes the apologizer a free person, and also saves him from the inevitable picking at personal wounds. This is a good way to break the circle of hatred and fear; the ability to forgive is very important for every person.

What does it mean to be able to forgive? Doctors say that forgiveness is changing a negative attitude towards the person who offended you. Such a change in mood makes it possible to stop the brain’s continuous production of fairly strong hostile impulses that send doses of dangerous hormones - cortisol and adrenaline - into the blood. It is not at all necessary to personally see the person you are going to forgive, just as you do not need repentance or an apology from him. Forgiveness is always within you, so you don't need anyone else to forgive.

Why is it so difficult to forgive someone?

The whole point, initially, is in our own opinion of ourselves - the feeling of ourselves as an independent and independent person who, of course, will never allow herself to be hurt. For this reason, the first reaction that occurs is to offend the person in return. However, after some time, a person begins to react more adequately and objectively to the current situation. It is very difficult for an ordinary person to move from a feeling of revenge to a feeling of sincere forgiveness, since for this it is necessary to develop in one’s soul feelings of empathy or, in other words, the ability to relate thoughts, feelings, and actions to oneself (even if in your opinion they are wrong) another person, which is inherently a very difficult task, the same as the ability to forgive.

Empathy cannot arise also because the actions of the person who offended us are altered in our minds, and we perceive him only as a negative person. In addition, we are completely sure that the offender intentionally humiliated or insulted us. Psychologists call such actions “attribution of motives.” At the same time, we can evaluate our mistakes differently, since we know that we were not driven by negative emotions towards a specific person, but by circumstances independent of us, while the misdeeds of other people in our minds always have deliberate reasons. However, if you look objectively, then both circumstances and personal controlled desires are equally to blame for the actions of each of us.

What do you need to do to forgive the person inside you?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that coming to the forgiveness of another person is not only not easy, but also quite long. The first step is to distance yourself from your own personal experiences that cloud your reason and common sense. The best option is to simply start thinking about something else that is in no way connected with the person who offended us. And this must be done until you clearly understand that you can sincerely forgive the person.

Professional psychologists advise doing one simple exercise - as soon as you do this, you must immediately start thinking about something pleasant and positive. As a last resort, you can fill your thoughts with prayer or repeat a nursery rhyme or simple rhyme to yourself. However, it is best to come up with some pleasant memory for yourself, so that when you start to get angry, you don’t have to feverishly remember your life in general, and its positive moments in particular. If you still managed to extinguish negative emotions in yourself, then you can safely congratulate yourself, or even give yourself a small gift for your self-control.

Another option is to try keeping a forgiveness journal throughout your life. People look at the same situation differently at different times, so write down in a journal the thoughts and feelings you experience every day. Write down there everything that you think can lead you to harmony and restore justice. According to researchers, people who have diaries cope with resentment much easier and come to forgiveness faster.

Over time, the entries in the diaries become less angry, and the main reasons emerge there that, in the opinion of the offended person, could prompt the offender to act in this particular way and not otherwise. Memories also help well when the person himself offended someone. How did you feel at that moment, what emotions overwhelmed you? Put yourself in the shoes of the offender, and think about how he feels and whether he wants to change the current situation. Look at situations from a philosophical point of view, and simply forgive the offender for his imperfections, since we are all human and can make mistakes for which we are then ashamed. But are there perfect people?

How to revive the ability to forgive in yourself?

It all starts small, so if you want to learn to forgive major grievances, then you need to learn to relate more easily to small imperfections. Eg:

  1. Choose people you don't know for your training sessions. If your car was scratched by an inexperienced driver, or you were pushed in line, then try to gather your will into a fist and do your best to suppress the sudden wave of anger.
  2. Try to forgive “in advance.” That is, in the morning, after waking up, tell yourself in the mirror: “Nothing bad happened, but I owe everyone around me for everything good.”
  3. There is no need to try to completely forgive a person in an instant. Try to give him forgiveness for at least one minute a day. Then try to increase this time to two minutes or more. And then see what comes of it
  4. Start by forgiving yourself. As soon as we manage to perceive ourselves objectively, without paying attention to our shortcomings or merits, we become more restrained in relation to the imperfections of other people around us.

It is difficult to forgive a person who has greatly offended you, which is why forgiveness is one of the most difficult volitional efforts known to humanity. The ability to forgive is acquired as one realizes the need for forgiveness for the sake of preserving oneself and one’s loved ones. In this article, I propose to address the issue of forgiveness more deeply than is customary in the traditional understanding - forgive and forget.

I'll start with the parable "About two friends."

Two friends were traveling through the desert. During the journey, an argument occurred between them, and one of them hit the other in the face in a rage. He was offended. Without saying a word, he knelt down and wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend hit me in the face.” They continued on their way and soon came to an oasis. There was a lake there and they decided to swim. The friend who was beaten slipped on the mud, choked and went to the bottom. But a friend saved him literally at the last minute. Having come to his senses, the comrade who had swallowed water took a stone and carved on it: “Today my best friend saved my life.” The friend who beat him and then saved him was very surprised and asked: “When I hurt you, you wrote about it in the sand, and now you are carving words in stone. Why?" Another friend replied: “If someone has offended or offended us, we should write it down in the sand so that the winds of forgiveness can destroy these words without a trace. But when someone does good for us, we can engrave the memory of it on stone, so that no wind can ever erase it.”

Unfortunately, our daily life is designed in such a way that grievances are remembered longer than good deeds. But the ability to forgive lies in concentrating on the “pluses” of a person and a situation, and “expressing everything offensive in our lives in the sand” and letting it go with the winds of forgiveness, as described in the parable “About Two Friends.” In the Vedas, the ancient scriptures, concentration on the positive is called the vision of a bee, that is, the ability to see “nectar,” everything sweet that is in a person. But it definitely exists, it’s just sometimes very deeply hidden, because we are all spiritual beings. In contrast to the consciousness of a bee, the Vedas describe the consciousness of a fly, that is, the vision, first of all, of “feces” - the negative qualities and actions of a person. The consciousness of a fly is inherent in each of us, no matter how much we want to admit it in ourselves, since the consciousness of a bee, that is, the ability to forgive, is one of the traits of a Holy person. But, nevertheless, the desire for the consciousness of a bee is the path to true forgiveness.

Another way to achieve true unconditional forgiveness is described in detail in Colin Tipping's book, Radical Forgiveness.

The meaning of radical forgiveness is to accept a person’s responsibility for his life when something happens to us, but we ourselves attract teachers into our lives who teach us to look at life in a new way and change our perception, internal state, attitude towards oneself and the world. The author of the book suggests seeing in the behavior of the offender an encrypted message about our negative beliefs, which led to the creation of a learning situation for us. And as soon as this message becomes clear to us, the desire to blame the offender changes to a feeling of gratitude. But radical forgiveness does not free us from responsibility. Actions that harm other people entail certain consequences (shame, fine, criminal liability, curse, etc.) and are life lessons.

Thus, we can conclude that true forgiveness implies that a person who has experienced mental and physical suffering has learned a positive lesson from an unpleasant life situation, let it go and was able to consider the positive qualities in the offender. This approach to forgiveness makes it easy to free yourself from negative emotions, old grievances and live in the present.

  • What does it mean to forgive

The ability to forgive is a very useful quality, which is closely related to the ability to live a full life and love. If we are talking about some insignificant detail, then for the most part it is enough for people to give up on what happened and accept a banal “sorry.” However, many people harbor a large number of old grievances, the reasons for which could be the betrayal of a loved one or dissatisfaction with themselves. The fact is that these mental wounds can heal quickly enough and not disturb a person. But this requires him to leave the past behind. Practice shows that getting rid of the burden of old grievances can significantly improve the quality of life and health.

Why you need to learn to forgive

Medical research confirms the fact that people who do not know how to forgive are much more likely to experience illnesses that are caused by stress. The reason for this is that the human brain sends signals to the endocrine system to produce an additional dose of the so-called stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure increases and additional muscle tension occurs. A person often experiences back pain. Also, such phenomena are accompanied by an accelerated heartbeat and a significant weakening of the immune system. Naturally, the stronger the resentment, the more difficult it is to cope with it. Many people do not even have the desire to forgive the offender. At the same time, it is the offended party who loses first of all.

People who understood how to learn to forgive, realized the power of forgiveness and completely got rid of the feeling of resentment - these are those who consciously decided not to create health problems for themselves. Such people are in a more advantageous position than those who continue to react to stimuli with constant insults. It has been noticed that those who know how to leave old grievances in the past are less susceptible to depression and various types of stress. Experts say that the thinking of such people is clear, such people can control your emotions and choose a more effective behavior model. The point is that you should not give in to unpleasant thoughts and experiences that bring you back to an unpleasant event or situation.

What does it mean to forgive

There is a misconception that forgiveness is one of the methods of justifying an act that has no justification as such. Also, some believe that a banal “sorry” removes responsibility for the offense committed from a person. If you also think so, then this is your way of coming to terms with the fact that some people may allow themselves to insult you. Thus, your offenders escape deserved justice with impunity. You should understand that no one can change events that are in the past.

Forgiveness is a change in your personal attitude towards the current situation and towards your offender. Most often, a person reacts to a negative event according to the following algorithm: denial, rejection, depression, enlightenment. Forgiveness represents a momentary transition from the stage of denial to insight, a kind of intention to abandon the problems of the past and the desire to enter into a new reality, while accepting the current state of things. An offended person continues to live in the past, unconsciously thinking about a situation that happened a long time ago. Naturally, this behavior and way of thinking is extremely unproductive.

A conscious person should accept the fact that it is impossible to find consolation in revenge and hatred. At the same time, at first it seems as if all this matters. Even if you take revenge, it will not bring you the expected satisfaction. The avenger, in fact, takes the position of a tyrant, which is only the other side of the position of the victim. Obviously, a person who has chosen the role of a victim cannot be happy. Learning to forgive means giving up fear, anger and the desire to hurt others, including yourself.

It is very important to be able to forgive a loved one who is dear to you. To forgive means to stop focusing on people's mistakes and shortcomings. It is much more effective to try to put yourself in the other person’s place and try to understand him. Forgiveness towards a loved one is a combination of compassion and tenderness. This is what makes a couple happier and more united.

What happens during a grudge

The causes of anger and resentment often overlap. First of all, we are offended by the harm that has been done to us. It doesn't matter whether it was done intentionally, by accident, or to teach an important life lesson. We can also be offended by those who have views on some aspect of life that are radically opposed to ours. For example, if you are a vegetarian, you may be offended by how people around you actively consume meat. Any attacks towards your interests can also cause you to be offended. Researchers are confident that ten discrepancies are enough for a person to form a resentment in his head. Another cause of resentment may be unjustified expectations. For example, a girl was expecting to receive a ring as a gift, and her fiancé took her to a restaurant.

People who can't cope with resentment, react to it differently. Some begin to come up with a plan for revenge, while others become disillusioned with reality and begin to replay in their heads a happy ending that is not destined to come true. And some even begin to blame themselves for everything or, worse, become completely disappointed in people. What all scenarios have in common is the accumulation of negative emotions.

In order to cope with the burden of grievances every day, a person has to spend a lot of energy. Obviously, in this situation you simply do not have enough vitality to achieve goals, success, happiness, etc. And this means that touchiness is a quality that primarily harms you.

First, you must realize that you really want to give up grudges. You don’t want to be in the ranks of the offended, who, according to the saying, “carry water”? You do not need to cross paths with your offenders and demand an apology from them. Nevertheless, psychological practice confirms the existence of such a phenomenon as “attribution of motives.” It lies in the fact that people tend to assume that their abuser carefully planned everything, although in fact this is a completely unfounded assumption. That is why, if you still have the opportunity to discuss a specific situation with the offender, you should not ignore this chance. Use it to find out the true reasons for an action. You will be surprised, but in most cases everything turns out to be completely different from what you initially thought. Try, as the British say, “try on the shoes of the offender,” that is, stand in his place. Think about the fact that you, too, have had situations in your life where you unintentionally hurt someone. Didn’t you really want to be forgiven as quickly as possible?

Psychologists are confident that the inability to forgive is more a consequence than a problem. In reality, a person is not able to forgive himself for his shortcomings, which means that he cannot afford to forgive them to others. Knowing how to properly respond to an insult, you can use this tool primarily for your own benefit. It is worth understanding that there are no perfect people. Become more loyal to those around you.

Now you have a general idea of ​​how to learn to forgive. Using this skill, you can get rid of many burdens that take away your vital energy.

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Medical research confirms the fact that people who do not know how to forgive are much more likely to experience illnesses that are caused by stress. The reason for this is that the human brain sends signals to the endocrine system to produce an additional dose of the so-called stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure increases and additional muscle tension occurs. A person often experiences back pain. Also, such phenomena are accompanied by an accelerated heartbeat and a significant weakening of the immune system. Naturally, the stronger the resentment, the more difficult it is to cope with it. Many people do not even have the desire to forgive the offender. At the same time, it is the offended party who loses first of all.

People who understood how to learn to forgive, realized the power of forgiveness and completely got rid of the feeling of resentment - these are those who consciously decided not to create health problems for themselves. Such people are in a more advantageous position than those who continue to react to stimuli with constant insults. It has been noticed that those who know how to leave old grievances in the past are less susceptible to depression and various types of stress. Experts say that the thinking of such people is clear, such people can control their emotions and choose a more effective model of behavior. The point is that you should not give in to unpleasant thoughts and experiences that bring you back to an unpleasant event or situation.

What does it mean to forgive

There is a misconception that forgiveness is one of the methods of justifying an act that has no justification as such. Also, some believe that a banal “sorry” removes responsibility for the offense committed from a person. If you also think so, then this is your way of coming to terms with the fact that some people may allow themselves to insult you. Thus, your offenders escape deserved justice with impunity. You should understand that no one can change events that are in the past.

Forgiveness represents a change in your personal attitude towards the current situation and towards your offender. Most often, a person reacts to a negative event according to the following algorithm: denial, rejection, depression, enlightenment. Forgiveness represents a momentary transition from the stage of denial to insight, a kind of intention to abandon the problems of the past and the desire to enter into a new reality, while accepting the current state of things. An offended person continues to live in the past, unconsciously thinking about a situation that happened a long time ago. Naturally, this behavior and way of thinking is extremely unproductive.

A conscious person should accept the fact that it is impossible to find consolation in revenge and hatred. At the same time, at first it seems as if all this matters. Even if you take revenge, it will not bring you the expected satisfaction. The avenger, in fact, takes the position of a tyrant, which is only the other side of the position of the victim. Obviously, a person who has chosen the role of a victim cannot be happy. Learning to forgive means giving up fear, anger and the desire to hurt others, including yourself.

It is very important to be able to forgive a loved one who is dear to you. To forgive means to stop focusing on people's mistakes and shortcomings. It is much more effective to try to put yourself in the other person’s place and try to understand him. Forgiveness towards a loved one is a combination of compassion and tenderness. This is what makes a couple happier and more united.

What happens during a grudge

The causes of anger and resentment often overlap. First of all, we are offended by the harm that has been done to us. It doesn't matter whether it was done intentionally, by accident, or to teach an important life lesson. We can also be offended by those who have views on some aspect of life that are radically opposed to ours. For example, if you are a vegetarian, you may be offended by how people around you actively consume meat. Any attacks towards your interests can also cause you to be offended. Researchers are confident that ten discrepancies are enough for a person to form a resentment in his head. Another cause of resentment may be unjustified expectations. For example, a girl was expecting to receive a ring as a gift, and her fiancé took her to a restaurant.

People who cannot cope with resentment react to it in different ways. Some begin to come up with a plan for revenge, while others become disillusioned with reality and begin to replay in their heads a happy ending that is not destined to come true. And some even begin to blame themselves for everything or, worse, become completely disappointed in people. What all scenarios have in common is the accumulation of negative emotions.

In order to cope with the burden of grievances every day, a person has to spend a lot of energy. Obviously, in this situation you simply do not have enough vitality to achieve goals, success, happiness, etc. And this means that touchiness is a quality that primarily harms you.

How to learn to forgive

First, you must realize that you really want to give up grudges. You don’t want to be in the ranks of the offended, who, according to the saying, “carry water”? You do not need to cross paths with your offenders and demand an apology from them. Nevertheless, psychological practice confirms the existence of such a phenomenon as “attribution of motives.” It lies in the fact that people tend to assume that their abuser carefully planned everything, although in fact this is a completely unfounded assumption. That is why, if you still have the opportunity to discuss a specific situation with the offender, you should not ignore this chance. Use it to find out the true reasons for an action. You will be surprised, but in most cases everything turns out to be completely different from what you initially thought. Try, as the British say, “try on the shoes of the offender,” that is, stand in his place. Think about the fact that you, too, have had situations in your life where you unintentionally hurt someone. Didn’t you really want to be forgiven as quickly as possible?

Psychologists are sure that the inability to forgive is more a consequence than a problem. In reality, a person is not able to forgive himself for his shortcomings, which means that he cannot afford to forgive them to others. Knowing how to properly respond to an insult, you can use this tool primarily for your own benefit. It is worth understanding that there are no perfect people. Become more loyal to those around you.

Now you have a general idea of ​​how to learn to forgive. Using this skill, you can get rid of many burdens that take away your vital energy.

Sayings of great and successful people about forgiveness

“Forgive your enemies, but do not forget their names.” Kennedy D.

“If there is anything unforgivable in the world, it is the inability to forgive.” Azhar E.

“Don't think about what your forgiveness means for your opponents, those who have wronged you in the past. Enjoy what forgiveness does for you. Learn to forgive, and it will become easier for you to go towards your dreams, unencumbered by the baggage of the past.” Vujicic N.

“Whoever takes revenge sometimes regrets what he did; he who forgives never regrets it.” Dumas A.

“From a young age, learn to forgive the shortcomings of your neighbor and never forgive your own.” Suvorov A.

“If you happen to be angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, at least for the fact that you managed to get angry with someone else.” Gogol N.

“Forgiveness from the heart turns an unhappy past into a happy future.” Luule V.

“Forgiveness does not mean forgetting.” Bernard S.

“He who did not forgive the enemy did not experience one of the most exquisite pleasures of life.” Lavater J.

“The ability to forgive is a great gift. Moreover, it costs nothing.” Smith B.

“Forgiveness does not at all require that you believe the person you forgive. But if he confesses and repents, then a miracle will happen in your own soul that will allow you to reach out and begin to build a bridge of healing between you. And sometimes this road can lead you to the miracle of completely restored trust. Forgiveness is needed first of all by the forgiver; it frees you from what is eating you alive, what kills your joy and ability to love fully and openly.” Young W.

“People who don’t feel love for themselves usually don’t know how to forgive.”

“As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look in his heart for someone to forgive.” Hay L.

“One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to grant forgiveness to all people every night before you go to bed.” Landers E.

“If you can't forgive people, you can't accept your wealth. If your soul is filled with hatred, love cannot find a place in it. You must get rid of the negative feelings that consume you and give you no peace.” Gage R.

“Pitiful words must certainly be forgiven.” Dostoevsky F.

“By forgiving those who revile me, I can always put myself above them.” Napoleon B.

“Forgiveness out of despair is no better than damnation.” Sinyavsky V.

“Forgiveness is a two-way street. When we forgive someone, we forgive ourselves at that moment.” Paulo Coelho

"I can't forget, but I can forgive." Mandela N.

“If you want to rejoice for a moment, take revenge; if you want to rejoice all your life, forgive.” Schubert F.

“Goodbye,” they say when they are unable to forgive.» Ivanovich R.

“We must forgive each other if we do not want to live like savages.” Zola E.

“The ability to forgive saves us from anger, hatred and waste of mental strength.” Mor H.

“By not forgiving a mistake, you make a mistake yourself. By forgiving a meanness, you help commit another. And stupidity does not require forgiveness at all. She, like the wind, does not depend on anything. It must be accepted as it is, and, while protecting itself from its harm, look for benefit in it.” Yankovsky S.

“Life has taught me to forgive a lot, but even more to seek forgiveness.” Bismarck O.

“...If I blame others for being the cause of my anger, irritation or envy, I will thereby resist the opportunity given to me to learn the necessary lesson. And this lesson will be repeated in life, but only more persistently and painfully. In my opinion, the main meaning of this provision is very simple: bearing personal responsibility for what happens inside me. By getting to know myself and the underlying causes of my own negative reactions, I can literally negate the mechanism of repeating cycles in my life. By refusing to blame others for my own lack of love and forgiveness, I can significantly reduce or even eliminate all suffering in my life.” Sharma R.

“It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.” Blake W.

“It’s both painful and sad when your loved one, who was not forgiven by you during your lifetime, leaves this world...” Semirjyan T.

“I hate people who don’t know how to forgive.” Nietzsche F.

“Vengefulness is the inability to forgive oneself for the mistakes of others.” Omurov S.

“The ability to forgive is a characteristic of the strong. The weak do not forgive." Gandhi M.


“A stupid person does not forgive or forget anything; the naive forgives and forgets; A smart person forgives, but does not forget.” Sas T.

“Beware of those whom you have forgiven: they will remind you of their generosity.”

“The ability to forgive does not come immediately, but as you realize that no one cares about your grievances...” Mamchich M.

“The smarter a person is, the easier it is to forgive stupid things.” Babayan O.

“It’s not difficult to forgive a person, it’s more difficult not to do something nasty to him in return.”

“Forgive everyone - you will be glad to have free time.” Bednova V.

“To understand does not mean to forgive, it means to judge by concepts...” Chernov V.

“Forgiving your enemies is the best way to make them angry.” Wilde O.

“You must forgive those whom you cannot take revenge on.” Davidovich A.

“A woman forgives everything, but often reminds her that she has forgiven.» Beauvoir S.