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» A sense of tact in communication: signs of a tactful person and why it is necessary to develop them in yourself. Tactfulness in communication

A sense of tact in communication: signs of a tactful person and why it is necessary to develop them in yourself. Tactfulness in communication

Each of us, listing the traits of an ideal friend, interlocutor, colleague, will definitely mention tact. And you can’t object here, because tactfulness is, in fact, one of the most remarkable character traits. A tactful person attracts others to him, he knows how to make people feel good with him. He will never be intrusive and will not organize a spiritual striptease himself, burdening you with his revelations. He will not tire you, will not offend you, and will not even make an inappropriate joke.

Delicate attention, deep respect for inner world those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can give them pleasure, joy or, conversely, cause them irritation, annoyance, resentment - this is the essence of tact.

Tactfulness is also a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, it is the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person experiences undeserved offense, grief, and sometimes pain.

A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances when communicating: differences in age, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers.

Surely everyone has examples of tactless attitudes, and they occur every day in one form or another. At work, someone listening to a report or a colleague’s speech at a meeting may say briefly: “Nonsense, nonsense!” This often happens to management too. A colleague who unceremoniously discusses someone out loud, a friend who pesters you with questions about personal matters - is it really possible to list them all?!

They also say about tactless people: “Nature has given him so much respect for people that he only has enough of it for himself.” But self-respect without respect for others inevitably degenerates into conceit, conceit, and arrogance.

A tactful person will not unceremoniously examine a stranger or acquaintance, making comments about his appearance, will not give advice when he is not asked for it, will not publicly criticize anyone or anything without reason.

But how does a tactful person know how to act in a given situation and determine that very sense of proportion that distinguishes him from the rest? He is helped by his inner instinct and upbringing. Such people are called subtle, delicate, sensitive.

Every person can learn to be tactful. Here it is appropriate to remember Confucius: “Do not do to other people what you do not wish for yourself.” If people begin to “try on” their actions, jokes, and behavior more often, they will undoubtedly learn to understand the feelings of other people.

Despite the fact that all people are different, we also have plenty in common, and what you don’t like, most likely, the other person won’t like either, what you’re offended by will offend someone else too! If you learn to feel this, to empathize, that is, to respect others no less than yourself, there will definitely not be accusations of tactlessness against you.

Tactfulness and sensitivity also presuppose the ability to quickly and accurately determine the reaction of interlocutors, and in the event of a mistake or careless words, self-criticism, without a sense of false shame, apologize for the mistake made. This will not only not damage your dignity, but, on the contrary, will strengthen it in the eyes of others.

Tactfulness is the basis of trust, good relations between people. This applies not only to strangers and colleagues, but also to those closest and dearest. Although they forgive more easily, they are also vulnerable and sensitive. Protect those around you from insults and grief, and they will answer you in kind!

We all live in society and from childhood we begin to understand that everything is divided into good and bad. First of all, this applies to the people themselves, or rather to their character traits. There are positive ones, there are negative ones, there are neutral ones.

Tact is a very subtle concept that is not accessible to everyone. It seems that everyone knows that it is somehow indecent (in fact, tactless) to ask a person personal questions about health, relationships, but, nevertheless, some consider themselves to have the right to be interested in such things even from unfamiliar people.

Tact – the word goes back to Latin roots and literally means “touch”.

How should a sense of tact be demonstrated in communication?

Accordingly, treating others with tact means “touching” other people’s feelings carefully and respectfully. What does a tactful person mean?

  • He does not ask people he doesn’t know about personal matters; he asks permission from those close enough to ask permission to inquire about personal problems.
  • Knowing someone's problem, he will not discuss it with others, will not ridicule or condemn it.
  • Will not comment on anything in a negative way if it hurts the feelings of someone present.
  • Will not give unsolicited advice to everyone.
  • He will never come to visit without an invitation.
  • Tact cannot exist without inner intuition. You need to be able to feel what you can ask and what you cannot ask of each specific person.
  • Will not put the other in an awkward situation, will not make others feel embarrassed, will not set them up.
  • Does not interfere in other people's affairs and problems unless asked to do so.
  • Always polite and helpful.
  • In communication he maintains the “golden mean”.
  • Able to communicate correctly in any company.
  • He will never intentionally offend anyone.
  • Always watches his speech and words.

It is known that any character trait, any feeling always has its antipode. And in in this case this is tactlessness. Tactlessness is determined by the lack of a sense of proportion in a conversation, the inability to remain silent at the right moment, and asking personal questions that do not concern anyone except certain people.

Examples of tactless questions and phrases

  • “Well, when will you get married?”
  • “When are you going to have children?”/“When are you going to have the next one?”
  • “It’s time for you to get married - you’ve been around too long! And kids for sure"
  • “Why are you limping/blinking/stuttering/etc.? You need to go to the doctor!”
  • “Why did you dye your hair that color?”
  • “Why do you let your husband go to his friends? Suddenly he goes on a spree!”
  • “Why did you name the child that? In honor of someone or just to stand out?

As can be seen from the examples, tactlessness usually results from immeasurable curiosity, based not on knowing the problem and helping in some way, but on ordinary stupidity and lack of restraint. Ill-mannered people are tactless. The justification “such a character” shows their limitations in development and narrow-mindedness.

Often a tactless person inadvertently or deliberately insults the feelings of others, because for him it is a trifle that means nothing. These people simply do not know how to control their behavior and their speech.

A sense of tact distinguishes educated and well-mannered people who are accustomed to communicating decently and politely. Tactful is the one who follows the basic rules of human communication, called etiquette.

The benefits of tact in communication

  1. You will never find yourself in an awkward situation.
  2. You will be valued in any society, everyone will always be glad to have your company.
  3. Success in business is also guaranteed to tactful people.
  4. There will be no difficulties in the relationship between spouses.
  5. You will never say too much and will have a good reputation as a reliable person.
  6. You will be respected in society.
  7. It will be easier to establish any contacts and make the necessary acquaintances.

Video on the topic of the article

Tact– from Latin tactus- touch, feeling, feeling. A sense of proportion, suggesting the correct attitude, approach to someone or something; the ability to behave appropriately.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Tact- this is a sense of proportion that must be observed in a conversation, in personal and work relationships, the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words or actions, resentment begins in the person with whom we communicate. |

  • Tactfulness is the ability to point out the mistakes of others in such a way as not to hurt or offend them; or not indicate at all.
  • Tactfulness is a person’s natural intuition combined with good upbringing, a large amount of knowledge and respect for people.
  • Tactfulness is the structure of a person’s mental organization, which does not imply belittling others and emphasizing one’s own merits.
  • Tactfulness is sensitive and careful attention to the mental state of the people around you.

The benefits of tact

  • Tactfulness gives you the opportunity to ignore mistakes and cultivate people’s virtues.
  • Tactfulness gives liberation from rudeness and straightforwardness.
  • Tactfulness provides a platform for working on oneself in order to change the entire world around us for the better.
  • Tactfulness develops attentiveness - towards the world and towards people.
  • Tactfulness gives strength - for decent behavior in any environment and in any situation.

Manifestations of tact in everyday life

  • Communication. A respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, a lack of desire to rise above others, competent speech and impeccable politeness indicate a tactful person.
  • Education. A teacher who treats students attentively and with respect shows tact.
  • Family relationships. Parents who never “show things up” or make disrespectful statements about people in the presence of their children are showing tact.
  • Professional team. A person who is in no hurry to publicly point out a mistake to a colleague, but does it in private and in a friendly manner, demonstrates tact.

How to achieve tactfulness

  • Family education. Tactful parents, by their own example, instill in their children politeness, sensitivity and a sense of tact.
  • Reading. The wider a person’s horizons, the better he is familiar with classical literature, the simpler and more natural it becomes for him to demonstrate tact.
  • Interest in culture. People of art are often distinguished by their spiritual subtlety; By becoming familiar with culture, a person develops tactfulness, among other things.
  • Religion. Religion is essentially suffused with benevolence and tact; truly religious people certainly have tact.
  • Considerate attitude towards others. A person who sincerely tries to feel the mood of his interlocutor, his state of mind, cultivates tactfulness.

Golden mean



Over-caution, over-respect

Catchphrases about tactfulness

A drop of tact is more valuable than streams of wit. - English proverb- With the help of tact you can achieve success even in cases where nothing can be done with the help of force. - John Lubbock - We must develop a sense of tact, otherwise, having earned the favor of people, we can easily lose it. - Goethe - Tact is an unwritten agreement not to notice other people's mistakes and not to correct them. - Erich Maria Remarque - There is a moral tactfulness that a humane person has in all his actions and which an evil person does not have. - Denis Diderot - James Herriot / From the memoirs of a rural veterinarian Selected works of an English writer. Among the short stories is an interesting and instructive story “Tact is the best medicine.” A well-bred woman or the ability to behave with tact at home and in society Second-hand book edition. A set of rules of social etiquette intended for women.

Tactfulness is a consequence of good and proper education. In a close-knit family, it is not customary to insult each other or raise your voice. Children follow the example of their parents, so watch your speech! At an early age, they unconsciously copy adults. And when they grow up, they adopt the habits and manners of their family members. Parents are obliged to instill in their child a sense of proportion, which must be observed in conversation. Tactfulness definition: to behave with dignity, not to stoop to insults, to be delicate, polite, modest and tolerant - these are the meanings of the word tactfulness.

People who have such wonderful character traits endear themselves to others. It's nice and comfortable to be with them. Tactful people attract others with their behavior; it is quick and easy to find a common language with them.

Tactfulness in communication

For cooperation with different people tact, tact and sensitivity are of great value. Such people will be respected in society and be successful.

Nowadays we often encounter tactlessness. Many young people are so used to this that they stopped noticing and paying attention to it. Unfortunately, not enough time is given to explain moral values and qualities. Nowadays, straightforward remarks about a stranger’s appearance are acceptable. And unceremonious teaching of life and advice on how to act are acceptable. The level of education has ceased to show good manners. Even close people and friends allow themselves to deliberately offend each other, considering it quite natural.

But all is not lost! We can change a lot, starting with ourselves. It is enough to want it badly.

Let's do an experiment

Compliance with the rules good manners- this is an essential sign of a well-mannered person And naturally, it is assumed that a well-mannered person should be tactful and delicate.

So what is tact?
This concept is interpreted differently in different sources. Based on my own observations and certain life experiences, I can say that tact is a sense of proportion, telling a person what is appropriate and what is not appropriate under given circumstances, what can be said or done and in what form, what should not be said or done.

Tact is sensitivity and modesty in behavior it is respect to others, respect for other people's opinions, careful attitude to comrades, colleagues, relatives, this calmness, self-control, the ability to remain calm in any situation.

Tactfulness is a sense of proportion, which must be observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words or actions, resentment begins in the person with whom we communicate.

It's not nice to be known as a tactless person..

In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth remembering some more often useful recommendations.

Tactful man

never boasts or emphasizes his superiority;
does not impose his opinion and taste;
does not allow himself to make rude, categorical judgments, such as “nonsense”, “nonsense”, “trash” (remember, do you use these words in a conversation with children, say, about fashion, about modern music?);
when communicating with people who have some kind of physical defect, he avoids everything that could remind them of this;
will never talk about the tragic event that took place, so as not to evoke difficult memories in people;
does not cover purely personal relationships, especially those of strangers;
does not read other people's letters, does not eavesdrop, does not look into other people's windows (and if suddenly he accidentally witnesses some scene, a conversation not intended for strangers, he will never allow himself to make it known to others);
never sorts things out with anyone in the presence of strangers;
will not put the other person in an awkward position, will pretend that he did not notice the mistake (remember how A.P. Chekhov wrote in a letter to his brother: “Good education does not lie in not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but in the fact that you won't notice if someone else does it");
knows how to spare the pride and dignity of other people;
We are tolerant of the shortcomings and weaknesses of others.

People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Akimov wrote in his article “On Good Manners”: “... A courteous attitude towards others does not cause any additional expenses, does not violate a person’s budget, and does not exhaust him with backbreaking work. This is true in every sense free application to life, and later, when it becomes a habit, it is produced automatically, without losing its beneficial effect.”

Can't be relevant or irrelevant mutual understanding, sensitivity, humanity, good manners.
This component universal human values by which man lives.

In our turbulent time of information, speed, high technology Very it is important to preserve the Human within you, that is, not to lose a sense of delicacy, humanity, not to lose the ability to feel the soul of another person and not to hurt him with a careless word, look, gesture...

In my opinion, not only the attitude and mood of the people who communicate with you depend on this, but also your state of mind and mood, for good multiplied by good is the joy of perceiving life, people, the desire to give people good, the warmth of your soul and the opportunity to warm yourself from this inexhaustible source of human kindness and understanding.