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» Zinnia sowing. How to grow zinnia from seeds? When to plant and how to care? Where to plant a flower bed for zinnias

Zinnia sowing. How to grow zinnia from seeds? When to plant and how to care? Where to plant a flower bed for zinnias

Zinnia (zinnia) is a beautiful flower that will effectively decorate a garden or garden. It is used as a cut flower for vases and bouquets. Seeds sown in early spring produce flowers of varying colors until late autumn. Tall and dwarf types of zinnia allow you to enjoy beautiful compositions in every garden or in a pot on the windowsill.

Zinnia delights with its richness of colors. These flowers look best in large numbers, so it is worth sowing seeds for seedlings in sufficient quantities. You will learn in this article how to properly grow zinnia from seeds at home and when to plant seedlings in open ground.


Zinnia is an annual plant, comes from the Asteraceae family, which has about 20 species of annual herbs and shrubs. Zinnia came to Europe from Mexico in the 18th century. These beautiful flowers are easy to grow in the garden. The botanical name of the plant is zinnia in honor of Professor Johann Zinn, sometimes the flower is also called zinnia (with one letter "n"), majors.

These are plants with vertical stems covered with short hairs. Rough, heart-shaped, ovate-shaped leaves are formed on the stems on both sides.

Zinnia blooms from June to late autumn, decorating gardens with a variety of flowers in shades of pink, orange, red, purple and white. The size of the flower baskets is 5-12 cm. The most famous and most cultivated species is the graceful zinnia - Jacobin, which delights with its numerous flowers.

Photo of zinnia flowers

The most popular variety of zinnia reaches 30-100 cm, at the ends of hard shoots it produces flowers collected in characteristic baskets. There are dwarf varieties that grow up to 24-40 cm. Plant height, depending on the variety, is 20-100 cm.

The majors are so diverse that several groups are distinguished, depending on the type of inflorescences and the height of the plant.

  1. According to the characteristics of the inflorescences, the following types are distinguished:
    • chrysanthemum;
    • dahlia;
    • needle or cactus;
    • anemoneaceae.
  2. By height:
    • Californian giant;
    • dwarf.

Photo. Dwarf Majors

Worth mentioning is the narrow-leaved zinnia (Zinnia angustifolia), which has ligulate, yellow or brown flowers with a yellow spot at the base. There are also varieties with double flowers.

Planting and care

Zinnias are fabulously colorful flowers. They are quite demanding, but in the right conditions they look very beautiful. To get a beautifully blooming flower bed, you need to know how to properly grow zinnia and how to care for the plant. Growing requires a lot of attention and work, but it is worth it when the plants begin to bloom with beautiful flowers.

Which position is best for growing?

When deciding to grow zinnia, you need to remember that these plants are very demanding and delicate. For proper development, flowers need a sunny, quiet place, protected from the wind. Zinnias bloom less in shady areas. Majors cannot stand cold, cold wind.

Soil selection and preparation

Both zinnia seeds and seedlings need fertile, humus-rich, permeable soil with high humidity and a pH of 7.0-8.0 to be able to grow properly. Zinnia does not tolerate poor soils, such as loam, so the soil for growing them must be properly fertilized and rich in nutrients. A good way is to water the flowers after planting with liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. Before planting majors, poor quality soil should be mixed with compost.

How and when to plant?

Zinnias are propagated in 2 ways:

  1. seeds directly into open ground;
  2. seedlings sown from seeds.

Zinnia can be planted in the company of other flowers and plants, such as berry bushes. Plants do not interfere with each other, provided that the necessary growing parameters are provided:

  • adequate lighting;
  • Fertility is maintained;
  • sufficient soil moisture.

Sowing in the ground

The easiest way is to plant zinnias directly into the ground in late spring. Zinnias can be sown in open ground in mid-May, when the last return frosts have passed. The flower is susceptible to frost.

Zinnias planted in the ground will bloom much later (July-August) than those grown from seedlings; their flowers will not be as impressive.

Sowing seedlings

The seedling method is more labor-intensive; preparing seedlings takes several weeks:

  1. Zinnias are sown for seedlings in March-April in cassettes and boxes. The temperature should reach 18-20 °C. At the right temperature, seeds germinate in 5-7 days. Seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight and watered moderately.
  2. When the seedlings produce their first leaf, they should be pricked (transplanted) into containers at intervals of 5 × 5 cm or individually into pots.
  3. Seedlings grown in pots should begin to be hardened off from the beginning of May. On warm sunny days, the pots are taken out onto the balcony (street) first for half an hour, then the duration of hardening the flower seedlings in the air is increased.
  4. Zinnia seedlings are planted in open ground or balcony pots in the second half of May.

An interesting technique for flower growers

At the same time as picking, the remaining zinnia seeds are sown directly into the ground. Some plants will bloom earlier - in July, others will appear later, decorating the flower beds until October.

Sowing in pots

You can sow seeds directly into pots. Sowing is carried out at the end of March, the first shoots appear a week later.

  1. keep flower pots in a warm place;
  2. avoid direct sunlight;
  3. control the level of moisture.


When planting majors in the ground, you should ensure the correct pattern so that the plants do not grow too densely.

Zinnias are planted according to the following scheme - 15-25 × 20-40 cm with differences by variety:

  • high varieties - every 30 cm;
  • short, dwarf - every 15 cm.

If necessary, majors need to be thinned out; high density negatively affects the growth and flowering of plants.

The time from sowing to flowering is 12 weeks.

Outdoor care

Growing zinnias requires time and effort to care for the growing flowers. Despite the attractive flowers, not everyone likes the majors, as they have a rather specific structure and high requirements for cultivation. In cold, rainy weather or on dry, weak soil, the flower quickly loses its beautiful appearance and gets sick. The flowers become small, poorly colored, unattractive, the leaves curl, dry out, and are affected by fungal diseases.

The following activities are required:

  • regular watering after planting to prevent the flowers from drying out; majors do not tolerate drought and should be watered regularly during dry periods;
  • fertilizing with liquid fertilizer to provide the required amount of minerals;
  • you need to weed the planting;
  • it is necessary to mulch the zinnia planting site;
  • Faded inflorescences should be removed regularly.

Attention! Care should be taken not to “overwater” the flowers; excessive humidity causes various diseases in seedlings.

Common diseases and pests

Diseases that affect zinnia:

  • sclerotinia - rot occurs if seedlings are in too wet soil;
  • gray mold - infects the plant during very rainy and humid summers;
  • Alternaria - affects the leaves, gray-brown spots appear;
  • powdery mildew - the leaves are covered with a powdery white coating.

Pests love zinnia:

  • scoops;
  • snails;
  • broomrape fly phytomiza - as a result of feeding phytomysa larvae, thin lines appear on the leaves of plants, forming patterns. By placing the leaf against the light, you can see tiny larvae gnawing into the center of the leaf blade.

Application in landscape

Zinnia flowering begins in June (narrow-leaved varieties bloom in July) and continues until late autumn, decorating the garden for a long time. Zinnia works great as a cut flower for vases and can last 2 weeks. The flower is used for ridges, flower beds, and planted near a pond. Majors do not interfere with other flowers or small berry bushes - they do not block the sun, and do not absorb many minerals from the soil.

Zinnias can be planted in borders and perennial flower beds.

Depending on the height of the variety, I use flowers in different ways:

  • Low varieties are suitable for borders and for planting in containers. They look beautiful in rural and naturalistic gardens.
  • Tall varieties are suitable for cut flowers.

The graceful zinnia boasts especially rich colors, having many attractive varieties with white, yellow, pink, red, orange, burgundy and purple flowers, and even multi-colored and variegated ones.

Zinnia flowers develop individually on tough, thick, rough, branched shoots covered with several pairs of large, heart-shaped, green leaves, so the plants look a little "cluttered." For this reason, they look better in groups of the same species or in naturalistic gardens than in flower arrangements with other flowers.

In the garden, the most useful are the low varieties of zinnia (20-30 cm tall, midget and dwarf), which, due to their small size and compact bush shape, can be used to create flowering borders and lawns.

Tall varieties of zinnia (60-100 cm) are ideal for cut flowers, as they are not only very decorative, but also durable (they remain fresh in water for up to 2 weeks).

Photo. Majors look best in their own neighborhood

So that the flower stands in water for a long time! Flowers with fully developed inflorescences are cut for vases. The buds in the vase do not open, turn yellow, and wither. You can extend the life of zinnia by immersing the stems in a small amount of water in a vase and removing the lower leaves. Shoots located deep in water will quickly rot.

Why should you grow zinnia?

Under favorable conditions in warm summers, zinnia blooms profusely all summer from June until the first frost. Due to the high requirements for cultivation and care, many do not like majors. Zinnia fans adore these plants for the extraordinary beauty of their colorful flowers. If the garden conditions are right, it is worth trying to grow these interesting plants. Long-lasting and beautiful flowering is undoubtedly their great advantage, which should be used when decorating summer flowers.

An original and not quite ordinary flower is zinnia. The second name is majors. Bright inflorescences decorate flower beds throughout almost the entire growing season, capturing autumn until the first frost.

Flower culture, despite its grace, is undemanding to care. It is an annual plant and produces an abundant supply of seeds. To design a garden flower bed, it remains to clarify when to plant zinnia seedlings and which variety to choose for cultivation.

Botanical description of the species

Zinnias have been used as decorative flowers for quite some time. The name was given in honor of the discoverer - the German scientist (medical, botanist) Zinn Johann.

This happened in the 18th century. The botanist brought an unstudied species from Central America. The flower quickly spread throughout Europe and began to occupy a leading place in cultivation in flower beds of that time.

Zinnias can be noticed immediately, as the bright color and unique shape of the inflorescence attracts attention. The culture belongs to the Asteraceae family. Characteristics of the type:

  • stem: straight, branched;
  • leaves: oval-shaped, planted without petioles;
  • apex pointed;
  • inflorescences: a basket with double or simple petals.

Feature of zinnia: the stem and foliage are covered with small hairs that are quite sharp. Inflorescences can be of different diameters (depending on the species). Minimum diameter: 5 cm, maximum – 15 cm.

The plant is heat-loving, not demanding, and not capricious. At the same time, it does not like drafts and does not develop well in the shade. Quite often, zinnias are confused with some varieties of chrysanthemums or dahlias.

Benefits of growing a flower from seeds

A positive aspect of germinating seedlings from seeds at home is that the grains are not damaged by pests in the spring. It is after waking up that insects most actively seek food. A young plant that begins to break through the soil layer is an excellent treat for beetles, worms, and ants.

Do not forget about the spring spread of soil and plant diseases. With the arrival of heat combined with high humidity, fungal spores can kill any crop, even with strong immunity. The sprout is not able to resist infections and viruses. Therefore, most of them die.

Germinating zinnia from seed at home gives confidence in germination and strengthening of the root system. You can always feed it and check for vitality.

Plus, the florist will be able to create a floral design from selected varieties and choose a color combination with other crops in the flowerbed.

Popular varieties for growing seedlings

There are more than 22 types of zinnia in nature, but only 4 types with numerous varieties are suitable for decorating a garden plot:

  • linearis;
  • finely flowered and graceful;
  • narrow-leaved.

Studying varieties and natural qualities makes it possible to choose a variety that will thrive in the region where the grower lives.

Read also: When to plant beets for seedlings: planting dates and cultivation details


Such zinnias are called miniature. The varieties are low-growing with narrow leaves. Due to the structure and shape of the reed inflorescences, graceful species are divided into groups:

  • pompon and chrysanthemum flowers;
  • fantasy and dahlia flowers;
  • Scabioseflowers and Gaillardioraceae.

Only two types are popular: pompom and dahlia zinnia. Fantasy also ranks high in sales. Used as decoration for gardens and parks.


Foliage: sharp, thin. It can be confused with other species, as it is small in size - maximum 40 cm, more often 30-35 cm. The bush branches, and the inflorescences are spherical with reed flowers.


All parts of zinnia are thin and graceful. Height: 50-60 cm. Stem – geniculate with a red tint. The flower is formed small (up to 2-3 cm). Color: purple.

Haage or narrow-leaved

The bush reaches a height of 40 cm. Branched and erect. Leaves: arrangement sessile, elongated. Difference from other species: small inflorescences that reach a maximum of 3-4 cm. Color: only two options: red-orange or pure orange. The petals are semi-double, but can be single.

There are a lot of hybrid varieties of different colors on sale:

  • brown or yellow petals - Candy Strip or Persian Cuppet;
  • with white, yellow or orange flowers - Classic and Stabrich;
  • Haaga is a shrub with an interesting color: a yellow-orange flower with a border.


Refers to the chrysanthemum-shaped forms of zinnia. The inflorescences are white, yellow or purple. The most common ones are bright red. Height – 50-55 cm. The green part is large.

The buds are formed in the form of a half ball. The petals are terry and curly. Diameter – up to 10 cm, but not less than 5 cm.

Lilliputian or pompom

Pompon zinnias are dwarf varieties. The maximum height of an adult flower is 50-55 cm. The foliage is small, bright green. The inflorescences are formed in the form of hemispherical rounded inflorescences, double.

The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 4 cm. Color: varied. When planted correctly, the species blooms profusely throughout the entire period.


It differs in shape - a powerful bush. It can be either compact or spreading. Height – up to 90 cm. Large foliage (10-12 cm). Inflorescences: double, hemispherical in shape. The color is varied (depending on the subspecies). So:

  • with purple flowers - Violette, and lilac - Levendel;
  • cherry blossoms - Purple Prince or Cherry Queen;
  • the yellow inflorescences may be Golden Dawn or Canari Bird.

Interesting fact! Most zinnias are crossed or hybrid forms. Quite recently, botanist breeders have developed a new species of green dahlia zinnia - Envy.

How to collect seeds?

For the chaotic growth of zinnia in the garden, gardeners leave the plant's inflorescences unharvested for the winter. If you need to create design projects, then the instructions for collecting seeds are as follows:

  1. At least 2 months must pass from the moment of flowering for the boxes to ripen.
  2. Do not cut, but leave the flower heads until they are fully ripe.
  3. Wrap with gauze to prevent the wind from blowing the seeds.
  4. Carefully cut off the inflorescences and place them in a warm place to dry.
  5. Remove the gauze and pour the seeds onto it.
  6. Store in a glass container. Be sure to sign the species and variety.

For planting zinnias next year, only large inflorescences are left.

Preparing seed material for sowing

Recommended soaking in solutions to disinfect or improve the immunity of the future plant is not a necessary measure. And yet: a weak solution of manganese will help the flower grow and develop better. The soaking liquid should be a pale pink color to prevent the substance from burning the seeds.

Read also: When to sow lobelia for seedlings: planting dates, growing rules, care recommendations

Manganese warns and serves as a prophylactic against all types of rot, blackleg, and other fungal infections. If you are not confident in such a remedy, then general strengthening fungicides will come to the rescue.

Required soil composition

Zinnias do not have any particular preference for soil quality. The flower will grow in any place and type of soil. Abundant flowering will be ensured if the crop is planted on slightly acidic or neutral soil.

There is no special selection of ingredients for making a soil mixture. A purchased version of soil for seedlings or flower crops is suitable. You can bring soil from the garden. It is first fertilized and disinfected.

Sowing dates

The timing of sowing seed material is calculated taking into account botanical characteristics. Data on climatic conditions is added to the derived figure.

Some try to confirm the favorable day for sowing zinnia and planting the seedling in the ground with the lunar calendar.

Zinnias have a growing season (from sowing to flowering) of 2-2.5 months. Seedlings are kept at home for a maximum of 6 weeks. It is allowed to transplant as early as 4 weeks of development.

Select date by region

When to sow zinnia seeds for seedlings, the region where the flower grows will tell you:

  • continental climate - planting should take place in the first ten days of June;
  • moderate - late March - early April;
  • in the southern regions the seedling method is not required.

The main condition for planting in open ground is that the temperature does not drop below +3. The readiness of the seed for planting is considered only after disinfection and drying.

After a preliminary calculation of work with planting material (direct sowing), it is recommended to check the lunar calendar. It can be purchased at any bookstore.

If you didn’t have time to buy such a hint, it’s worth remembering that the activities for sowing and planting majors in a permanent place should be carried out on the waxing moon (first ten days).

Direct planting in open ground

When carrying out his plans, the florist must take into account important points. First: the seedlings cannot tolerate frost and die. Second: zinnias are difficult to tolerate the process of transplantation and picking. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth fertilizing the soil to quickly restore the seedlings.

It is advisable to take care of the drainage layer in advance. This is necessary for better nutrition of the plant.

Site selection and preparation

Zinnias are flowers that love a lot of sunlight and warmth. The windy side is not suitable for planting. Neighborhood with other flower crops plays an important role.

Favorable and unfavorable neighbors

Low-growing plants are suitable as neighbors for majors. These were: marigolds, sorrel, nasturtium. Low carnations, pansies and ground cover roses are quite suitable. Any “creeping” crops look impressive next to zinnias.

Protecting seedlings from insect pests and frost

The scourge of young animals at all stages of development is fungal infections. The drugs recommended are Maxim, Topaz, Abiga-Pik.

These substances are an excellent help after planting zinnia seedlings in the ground and the growth period from seed to seedlings. They additionally protect against pests (aphids, mites), snails, slugs Groza and Imidor.

Sowing in pots and germination at home

The preparatory stage for obtaining good zinnia seedlings does not only involve processing the seed material or soil. Select convenient containers and germination method. Suitable:

  • individual pots. Low, but voluminous;
  • peat tablets or pots;
  • landless option.

Zinnia, more popularly known as major, is an elegant plant with many large and bright flowers. Growing it will not cause you any particular problems, and its beauty will delight your eyes from the beginning of summer until the autumn frosts. Today we will talk in detail about the only way in which zinnia - growing from seeds. We will also be sure to clarify when to plant seeds in open ground and for seedlings.

Most often, zinnia becomes an element of decor made in a rustic style. Often these flowers are used to create more modern floral arrangements. It is in your power to create a truly unique flower garden featuring a unique zinnia!

Zinnia is a charming gift from nature!

To begin with, dear summer residents, let us briefly consider the main characteristics of this popular ornamental plant. Zinnia is an annual. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, can range from 20 cm to 1 m; the colors of the flowers can be found in a wide variety of colors.

Zinnia is very thermophilic, and even the slightest frost can destroy it. In view of this, in regions where spring frosts often do not subside until summer, it is grown only through seedlings. Zinnia seeds germinate well, and the plant develops quickly and enters the flowering phase on average after 2.5 months.

Growing seedlings

In order for the flowers to turn out fantastically beautiful, it is necessary to pay due attention to each stage of cultivation. It is very important to know how to prepare seeds for planting, when to plant them, how to care for seedlings and adult plants.

When to plant seeds? Even if you want zinnia to please you with its flowering as early as possible, you should not be too hasty in sowing seeds for seedlings. The most suitable period for this event is mid-April. If you start planting in March, then by the time of planting the seedlings will have outgrown, and therefore will not take root well in the new place. In addition, large branched plants are easier to break during replanting.

How to plant zinnia seeds? To plant, you will need a large box with a depth of at least 10 cm. Lower the seeds to a depth of 1 cm. Leave 2 to 3 cm between them, since the seedlings will actively grow before picking. When planting is complete, water the soil generously and cover the box with film. With the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to immediately remove the shelter.

When to make a pick? In order for zinnia to develop properly, it is necessary to plant the seedlings in separate spacious containers in a timely manner. It is best to do this when they reach a height of 10 cm.

Valuable advice from flower growers:

When picking, deepen zinnia seedlings to the cotyledons to form more roots.
Having taken the plant out of the common box, shorten the main root by 2-3 cm, and only then plant it in a separate pot or glass.

How to harden zinnia seedlings? Hardening off young seedlings should begin two weeks before moving to the estate. Choose a method depending on the growing conditions: you can open the window all day, take the pots to the balcony or outside. But don't forget to cover them from the midday sun and strong winds.

How to plant zinnia in OG? It is customary to plant zinnia in an open area at the age of one to one and a half months. If everything goes according to plan, it will bloom in a month. When planting zinnia varieties that will have a height of 20-50 cm, leave only 20 cm between adjacent specimens. Place tall varieties of the flower less often - in increments of 30-40 cm. As soon as the zinnia gets stronger after transplantation, cut off its top so that later you get lush bushes.

Planting zinnia seeds in exhaust gas

Gardeners who are in no hurry to see zinnia in all its splendor and do not like to tinker with seedlings plant the seeds directly in the OG. As already mentioned, this plant does not tolerate even slight frosts, so planting should be postponed until the period when even the slightest night frosts have stopped. Therefore, for most areas, only the end of May will be suitable. It is easy to understand that flowering in this case will begin only at the end of summer. If you are willing to wait that long, this method of growing zinnia is right for you.

Sow the seeds in the holes, leaving the distance between them recommended by the manufacturer. Deepen by 5 cm. If you decide to plant several seeds in each hole, you will subsequently need to thin out. The uprooted seedlings can be used as seedlings.

The site for zinnia should be sunny (without the slightest shading) and windless.
Light and fertile soil will be suitable. It is extremely important that water does not stagnate in the ground. To improve the drainage properties of the soil, sand is added to it.
Immediately after planting seeds or seedlings of zinnia in exhaust gas, it is better to use covering material for a while to save the plant from possible frosts.

How to collect seeds?

In order to have high-quality planting material next year, select several zinnia bushes in advance to collect seeds. All side shoots should be cut off. After waiting until the flowers turn brown, they should be cut, dried and the seeds removed. The material should be stored in a dry place where there are no temperature changes.

Interesting! There is no need to collect zinnia seeds every year, because their germination persists for 3 or even 4 years.

So, now you know that the only way to have gorgeous zinnia on your site is to grow it from seeds. We have described in detail when to plant seeds for seedlings and in open ground. For those who forget, we remind you: the second half of April and the second half of May, respectively. Zinnia is a flower that is ready to give its beauty without demanding special respect. The most important thing for him is a lot of sun and no excess water. Otherwise, caring for zinnia is very ordinary.

Majors, also known as zinnias, decorate the flowerbed with bright, beautiful flowers throughout the summer season. Zinnias, which are easy to plant and care for in open ground, are grown by seeds and seedlings. After flowering, annual flowers produce good seeds, which, when collected, provide excellent planting material for next year. To get large inflorescences and lush bushes, amateur gardeners use several rules for caring for and growing these plants.

Where to plant a flower bed for zinnias

Proper cultivation of zinnia in open ground is impossible without a good place for planting. The plant loves sunlight and warmth, so choose an open place for it.

It is important that large trees that provide abundant shade do not grow in the flowerbed area.

Signs of a suitable place for a flower bed:

  • the soil is loose and fertile;
  • the place is well ventilated, but not subject to drafts;
  • the earth is well illuminated by the sun;
  • the soil allows water to pass through well without retaining it.

Water should not stagnate in the soil, otherwise the plant roots will rot.

If the soil is too dense, sand or turf is added to it. This will improve the drainage properties of the soil.

Boarding time

To correctly determine the time when to plant zinnias in open ground, they are guided by weather conditions. If the nights are cold and there are frosts on the ground, you should wait. If the soil warms up well and the temperature does not drop below zero, flowers can be planted. Depending on the planting method, the most suitable month is chosen. For example, the end of April is chosen for planting seeds in open ground. If ready-made seedlings are planted in the ground, choose a fine day in mid-May.

How to plant zinnias with seeds in the ground

The method of planting zinnia in the ground with seeds is more suitable for the southern regions of Russia. The climatic conditions of the regions contribute to the rapid warming of the soil. In order for the seeds to sprout strong shoots on time, gardeners use the following planting algorithm:

  • 5 days before planting, seeds are wrapped in a warm cloth soaked in epin solution for germination;
  • choose a well-lit place for the flowerbed;
  • prepare the soil - loosen it, add fertilizers () and sand to improve drainage properties;
  • determine the planting pattern, most often the seeds are sown in a figured way (in the shape of a circle, heart, chamomile);
  • on the day of planting, remove all weeds and stones from the flowerbed;
  • Furrows are made in the soil and the hatched seeds are planted.

The groove for majors should be made 4 cm deep, and the seeds should be placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. In this case, the majors grow larger and bushier. If the seeds are placed too close in a row, the flowers will be smaller and weaker.

Prepared seeds germinate well. If they are not germinated in advance, half of the planting material may not sprout. After planting, the flowerbed is watered through a sprayer so as not to clog the soil. The next watering is done after the sprouts appear.

Planting zinnia seedlings

The second method is to plant zinnia seedlings in the ground in the spring. This method is suitable for any region, as it gives a guaranteed result. Seedlings are grown in advance and planted when good temperature conditions are established. The algorithm of actions is the same as when planting seeds. The difference is that the seedlings are placed at a distance of 35–40 cm from each other, buried by 5–6 cm. After planting, the seedlings are well watered.

When replanting young plants into a flowerbed, you must not damage the roots and shoots. If the plant was in a peat pot, then there is no need to remove it - it is better to plant it directly in the pot.

When planting zinnia in open ground is completed, the flowers are cared for - watered abundantly, weeds are removed and applied.

How to care for zinnia

Caring for grown-up major seedlings consists of five procedures:

  • abundant watering;
  • loosening dried soil;
  • weed removal;
  • pinching shoots;
  • applying fertilizers.

To ensure that planting and caring for zinnia in the open ground gives good results, the flower bed is well watered. Instead of frequent but shallow watering, the plants are provided with regular and abundant watering. This way they have time to be well saturated with moisture, while the soil has time to dry out between waterings, which prevents the roots from rotting.

You need to water the flowers at the root. If water gets into the axils of the shoots, they will begin to rot. If water gets on the buds, they will lose their aesthetic appearance.

The soil between the flowers turns into a dense crust. This happens regularly after good watering, when the soil dries out and hardens. The resulting crust does not allow air to reach the roots of the plants, which is why they develop worse. Therefore, between waterings, the soil is loosened, providing air access to the root system.

It is necessary to regularly remove weeds only while the majors have not bloomed. Small plants are not able to absorb all the nutrients and moisture from the soil if weeds are growing nearby. It takes away nutrients, grows quickly and depresses the flowers. But once the zinnias have grown, they are not afraid of weeds.

So that zinnias, the planting, care and flowering of which are important for the gardener in the open ground, grow as a lush bush. their tops need to be cut off. If the goal is to grow a large flower on a long stem, the side shoots are cut off, but the top one is not pinched.

It is necessary to fertilize only if the flower bed with majors does not bloom for a long time or has a depressing appearance - yellow leaves, sluggish shoots. It is better to take liquid formulations with an antifungal effect. For example, “Gumat” or “Gumax” are suitable.

Collection and storage of seeds

Planting zinnias and caring for them in open ground before winter differs from regular care in collecting seeds and preparing the bed for the new season. The ripening of the seed capsule lasts quite a long time - 50-60 days from the moment of flowering. If during the period of caring for plants, flower growers cut off wilted flower heads, then during the period of harvesting seeds, the seed pods of strong and large plants are preserved. They can only be picked when they are fully ripe.

It is better to collect seeds from the top large flower. It is cut with scissors after ripening and dried. Afterwards, the seeds are put into an envelope, signed and stored during the winter.

Zinnias are the main decoration of a flower bed. If you care for them correctly, they look royal, bloom profusely and grow quickly to the delight of the gardener.

Video about planting zinnia seeds in open ground