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» Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best. Magic world! Believe in miracles

Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best. Magic world! Believe in miracles

They expect a miracle from doctors and teachers, and when a miracle happens, no one is surprised. Maybe that’s why miracles happen less and less in these areas?

Well, no miracle happened! So now... Don't trust wizards?

She is a small miracle. We may not be together, but every new year I will make a wish for her to always be happy.

A miracle comes when you least expect it.

Let there be MIRACLES in life... and always a streak of LOVE, GOOD LUCK, SWEET DREAMS, and no other streaks!

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.

We live in hell, and every moment we live is a miracle.

They told you... miracles don't happen? Do not believe! They just didn't see them...

Be realistic. Plan a miracle!

“Are there miracles in the world?” - they asked, according to legend, Blessed Augustine, Bishop Aurelius Augustine. The answer came immediately: “They do. The sunrise is a true miracle."

If a miracle is destined, then it will happen. Believe it or not)

What are you waiting for? you woke up. you are alive. you are breathing. isn't it a miracle?

Children's love can work wonders...

Thank you for the fact that there are miracles in the world, and they should not be subjected to chemical analysis.

Disappointment is the bitter companion of any miracle...

But we must always remember that the devil also works miracles...

“I live without expecting a miracle, But my veins swell with shame, - Every time I want from here, To escape somewhere.”

There is no miracle. It fills the mind with expectations and treacherously does not happen.

Miracles always happen despite everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

And they also say that miracles don’t happen! Then why do new jeans, a fashionable handbag or boots looming on the horizon so often suddenly turn into a children's jacket or a new toy?)))

IN bad situations a person hopes for a miracle. But being disappointed in him, he begins to act on his own. All you need is motivation.

While I'm waiting for a miracle, it is already learning to walk and speak its first words.

You can live as if miracles don't happen, and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

Never interfere with someone who sincerely believes in miracles...

Childhood ends when small miracles stop happening in a person’s life...

Romance is the mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary...

Opportunity is given to those who dream... Miracle is given to those who believe...

There are people who every now and then bring something wonderful into the treasury of the day. I wish everyone to meet such people as often as possible! ;)

One MIRACLE on New Year's Eve still happens all the time... The refrigerator becomes dimensionless for several days!))

If you don’t believe in a miracle, then it won’t happen...

There are miracles! you just need to believe! never give up and go towards your happiness, despite all life's obstacles!

Dreams make a person do miracles!!!

All the miracles you seek in life are actually deep inside you...

Miracles - they exist, they just happen very rarely... That's why they are called miracles.

- You're a miracle!!! - You are also a miracle, only with the ending “-vische”

Believe in miracles and life will sparkle with the flame of love...

What a strange creature man is. His whole life is a complete miracle, but it’s precisely in miracles that he doesn’t believe.

Do you want to meet a Miracle!?! Create yourself so that It... rushes towards.

It can be called a miracle when people, for some unknown reason, by some joke of fate, meet and then love each other all their lives...

They don't train for miracles.

Miracles happen. But they happen at a moment in life when you are not able to accept this miracle, because in anticipation of it you managed to “make a miracle” earlier...

Believe in a miracle!!! And it will definitely happen!!!

If you wait a long time for a miracle, but it doesn’t happen, change the magic wand.

Don’t give up, because you risk doing it a minute before a miracle happens.

Children see miracles because they believe in them.

Amazing New Year holiday! Even adults begin to make wishes and believe in miracles!

Everyone has their own eighth wonder of the world.

Miracles happen, the main thing is to believe in them... So YOU ​​- yes, exactly - YOU are also someone's MIRACLE...

There is nothing more monstrous than what we can inspire ourselves.

Get out of the house more often. The likelihood of miracles and adventures increases from this.

Miracles are created by the souls and hands of real people)))

If you are always in a hurry, you may miss the miracle.

Life is a strange game, sometimes YES, sometimes NO. Then again YES. But sometimes... miracles happen in her...

Don't give up on Hope!!! She can work miracles!

Everything becomes visible when it is brought into the light, and whatever is presented to the light becomes light itself.

Miracles don't believe in me.

How charming and beautiful a pregnant woman is...)))))

The woman is still a miracle of heaven!!! "After all, she inspires a man to do beautiful things... Beloved and unique, she gives oxygen...))))))

Miracles are not expected - they are accomplished by obsessed and talented people.

We believe in miracles so much, we are so mired in dullness.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens.

Only wizards make us truly happy. The rest are just pathetic magicians.

Try to see the miracle in everything.

A woman with makeup is a work of art, a woman without makeup is a miracle of nature.

Euthanasia. Grants the right to death, depriving the right to a miracle.

Faith works miracles. Based on the principle of reciprocity.

Everyone expects a miracle from me! I have to disappoint: I am not a sorceress, but a person of flesh and blood...

We keep waiting for miracles and don’t savor the simple joys of life...

There are miracles in our lives, but most often they happen to those who deserve them.

I'm waiting for miracles. I can’t wait and do something weird myself. So be careful!

An unbeliever will not see a miracle.

After you work long and hard, the most unexpected miracles happen with amazing ease.))))

You don't need to want a big miracle. A big miracle is already a MONSTER!

Don’t expect miracles from life, create miracles yourself and life itself will be filled with unique miracles...

I completely stopped believing in miracles! But tonight the snow began to fly in big flakes... I scolded myself and ran to catch it with my palms...

A complete being knows without studying, sees without looking, and achieves without doing.

It’s so easy to get the holiday feeling from children, because children are the holiday!

What about teleportation and levitation? If only someone could invent a washing powder energy concentrator!

Miracles don’t happen... But what a line there is for them!

Miracles are not for believing or not believing in them... Miracles are for HAPPENING when you no longer believe in them!!

Let miracles become the norm in your life!

Money is such a magical thing that even when it is there, it is not there.

Believe in miracles. It, of course, will not come true, and you will die. And no one will give a fuck about you. And you will rot in your grave. What am I talking about? Oh yes. Believe in miracles.

Waiting for you is like waiting for a miracle...

Success in love takes away no less strength than failure.

I don't believe in coincidences or accidents. But I believe in miracles.

A beautiful miracle made with your own hands!

Every moment, from an uncountable number of particles, life recreates us. There's no reason not to be happy, right?

Each of us is a miracle, only each in his own way.

Springs conceal within themselves healing power. Cold, clear water brings health, strength, relieves troubles. Springs are a mystery of nature.

Life consists of big and small miracles. Nothing is boring because everything is constantly changing.

Yeah!!! You can't wait to see these wizards!!! It's time to take the magic wand into your own hands and create Miracles!)))

The human soul is bottomless, like a rabbit hole... And there, who can know, perhaps a personal wonderland!)))

Miracles are so afraid of words that they can go away forever...

Well, how can you not believe in Miracles when your beloved Man periodically turns into a Goat...

Even the most complicated story can have an ending and unite two destinies together. You just need a little patience and faith in miracles.

Statuses about miracles about miracles and miracles

Who said that miracles only happen in fairy tales? Maybe you just don't notice them? You just have to look around and you will understand that there are many miracles around. Look at the flowers, at the trees, isn’t this a miracle of nature?

Everyone understands miracles in their own way. But everyone will agree that children are a real miracle. It seems that they came into this world as wizards, because they give happiness and fill life with real meaning. A woman begins to believe in magic when she is pregnant. Pregnancy is a time when you live in anticipation of a miracle. Are you convinced that miracles exist?! You don’t need to look for them, they are around you, and sometimes inside you.

Most people believe in miracles in winter. Snowy trees new year holidays, gifts, meetings with family... In winter, everything around reminds of a fairy tale. What's it worth? New Year! On this holiday, not only children, but also adults make wishes and dream. And even though they know that Santa Claus does not exist, they expect their loved ones to fulfill all their wishes. Warmth, understanding and love are a real miracle, and you don’t have to be a wizard to give it. You just need to love and be loved!

Waiting for a miracle, a selection of quotes and aphorisms

Do good deeds while waiting for a miracle. Then the miracle will not come to you empty-handed.

Do good and it will come back to you.

There are two ways to live life: the first is as if miracles do not exist, the second is as if there are only miracles around. If you’re going to dream, then don’t deny yourself anything, right?

It's better to be a dreamer than a pessimist.

Well, a miracle didn’t happen, so what now...Don’t trust wizards?

Or maybe try to become a wizard yourself?!

If a miracle is supposed to happen, then it will happen, regardless of whether you believe in it or not.

If fate wants to give you a gift, it will definitely do it.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​a “Miracle”. But only one “miracle” can call you dad and mom...

Children are a real miracle.

A miracle comes when you least expect it.

I’m not waiting, I’m not waiting at all... Why doesn’t it come?))

While I'm waiting for a miracle, it is already learning to walk and speak its first words.

If you have a child, then consider that you have the greatest miracle on earth.

Miracles still happen. Either with you or without you.

It's better, of course, when with you.

Living in a stream of miracles is much more interesting than being bored, ironic, and collecting disappointments.

You should never despair, you just have to believe!

She is a small miracle. We may not be together, but every New Year I will make a wish for her to always be happy.

Beloved person, isn’t this a miracle?!

Children's love can work wonders.

Moreover, she is the purest and most selfless.

What are you waiting for? You are awake, you are alive, you are breathing. Isn't this a miracle?

Appreciate what you have, for you it is a common thing, but for others it is a miracle...

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.

Believe and everything will happen!

We live in hell, and every moment we live is a miracle.

Appreciate and love life!

What a strange creature man is. His whole life is a complete miracle, but it’s precisely in miracles that he doesn’t believe.

That's what it's all about the main problem person.

Statuses about miracles

Amazing New Year holiday! Even adults begin to make wishes and believe in miracles.

Everyone wants miracles, and adults are no exception.

The eighth wonder of the world is different for everyone.

You have it, perhaps you just don’t notice it?

Any miracle is a response of the environment to the utmost concentration of will. To that very coherence that creates history and returns to man his essence taken away by capitalism.

Status for scientists))

It is easier to repeat a miracle than to explain it.

What if it actually works out?!)

Miracles are not necessarily grandiose, a miracle can happen in the most unexpected place; The most amazing miracles happen in the most ordinary surroundings.

You just need to learn to notice them.

Never interfere with someone who sincerely believes in miracles.

If you don’t believe it yourself, don’t break the dreams of others.

Opportunity is given to those who dream...Miracle is given to those who believe.

Believe, dream, and everything will be fine with you.

If you don’t believe in a miracle, then it won’t happen.

Faith is a great thing.

Dreams make a person perform miracles.

Dreams exist to be fulfilled.

Sometimes in order for a miracle to happen, you need to come to terms with the fact that miracles do not happen.

At the moment of disappointment, a miracle occurs as a reward for suffering.

Miracles always happen despite everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

Why aren't we living in a fairy tale?!

And they also say that miracles don’t happen! Then why do jeans, a fashionable handbag or boots looming on the horizon so often turn into a fashionable jacket or a new toy?))

I went to buy myself some new clothes, my entire salary was spent on children’s things, wouldn’t you say this is a miracle?))

Quotes about miracles are used to create essays, formulate statuses for social networks and just read to lift your spirits. They are preferred not only by romantics and people with a fine mental organization, but also by those who are tired of the dullness and routine of days. We offer quotes about miracles to awaken the belief that life consists of beautiful little things and surprises.

Beautiful quotes, statuses about miracles

  • “To believe in a miracle, you need not delve into the essence of what is happening.”
  • "A miracle is the merging of everything together. The beauty of a sunset, the wind in your hair, warm breath and trembling in your chest. Miracles are available, you just have to see them."
  • “The feeling of the unreality of what is happening, familiar to many, is an attempt by miracles to get into our soul.”
  • "He who believes in miracles cannot be unhappy."
  • “Two human qualities prevent you from believing in miracles: blindness and callousness.”
  • “And no matter how much life kills, the strong believe in miracles.”
  • “There is a miracle at every step. Some people just see it as a coincidence, while others see it as magic.”
  • “A person denies what he does not notice. So it is with miracles.”
  • "A miracle will never happen if it is not expected."
  • "Miracles love the patient."
  • "Miracles do not tolerate hypocrisy. They feel when they are not believed in."

Quotes about the New Year's miracle

  • “Believing in the magic of the New Year is giving yourself a chance to start over.”
  • "We noticed that no one waits like that New Year's Eve, as children? They actually believe in simple things that every adult can do. So why don’t we believe it ourselves?”
  • “When the chimes strike, even the most notorious skeptics believe in miracles.”
  • “We are rarely as happy as when we are decorating the house for the New Year. Maybe there is a miracle living in a box with garlands?”
  • "It's easy to believe in the magic of New Year's Eve. It's harder to enjoy the good things after."

Quotes about miracles and magic

  • “Adults often think that only children can believe in magic. They don’t understand that it exists when you want to believe in it.”
  • "A new day and dawn are already a miracle."
  • "Sorcery and magic have very little in common. The first is born in the soul, the second - in the deception of another."
  • “We are often deceived that not everything is possible. But it just happens. And how can we not believe in magic?”
  • "Magic is subjective. Some see it in the sparkling frost on the trees, others - in the kiss of a loved one."

Quotes about DIY miracles

Quotes about miracles can make you look at your life from a different angle. Consider the accidents in it that led to unexpected pleasant consequences. And believe that we ourselves are capable of creating a miracle.

  • “Each of us is a magician and wizard. You just need to remember this.”
  • “Kindness towards another person works better than a magic wand.”
  • “A person can’t explain everything. But he can give meaning to everything. It’s the same with miracles.”
  • “Hugging someone who is sad is giving them a little magic. Sometimes we don’t even realize what power lies within us.”
  • “Everyday life differs from a fairy tale in that the former loves to take, and the latter loves to give.”
  • “Belief in magic is a form of self-hypnosis. By directing our thoughts towards the fulfillment of our dreams, we miraculously attract them.”
  • “We endow many objects with mysterious powers. And we don’t even notice when they start working, attributing everything to coincidences and patterns. Or maybe, in reality, everything is not so?”
  • “You can choose for yourself which path to follow in life: believe that everything is around you - and be sure that miracles do not happen.”
  • “You don’t have to wait for a miracle, but give it to someone else. Then it will not come back to you empty-handed.”

Quotes about miracles can be used for other purposes. They are easy to include in a message to a person who is desperate and needs support. They can be made a reminder in your phone or part of a wish card. After all, they are easy to remember and remember in moments of weakness and sadness.

She didn't know where she was going, she just walked and thought about him. Probably any other girl, if her boyfriend had left her, would have found someone else, but Nastya was not like everyone else. I think it's time to tell you what happened.
Nastya was 15 years old when Dima appeared in her life - the man she fell in love with. She lived alone. There were no parents, but she considered herself the same as everyone else. She had many friends and studied well. But as soon as she had her boyfriend Dima, she gave up on everything. She gave all her free time to him. She loved him, but it was impossible to say whether he loved her as much as she loved him. They devoted the whole day to each other: they walked, listened to music, went to school. But days, months passed, and now a year has passed. He stopped loving her and he is not going to hide it. He thinks it would be better to tell her everything now, because there is still one more day and it will be even more painful for her to part with him. That day was her birthday, and instead of a gift, she only heard: “Sorry, but I think that nothing connects you and me anymore and it’s time to stop dating.” She could not answer anything; for her it was the strongest blow. He left, and she was silent. He expected her to shout something at him, “stay with me.” But in response she only remained silent. It was difficult for her to say anything now.
From that day on, she began to not really like celebrating birthdays. Time flew by, but she still waited and dreamed that someday he would come and say that he was wrong, that he would return. But this did not happen.
Now, as always, she walked and thought about him. She remembered how good she felt with him. They played on headphones, but sometimes Dogma Kz sounded there - this was his favorite band, she loved it too. On their song “Locked Up,” at the beginning of the last verse, she always started crying with the words: “Sunny, forgive me, my love, I can’t live without you...” She asked herself, “Why? Why did he leave me?” but couldn't find the answer. They never quarreled, she always adapted to him:
he loved breakdancing and she loved it. He probably got bored living with her. He wanted new sensations, and she did not want to lose the old ones. She remembered how nice it was to hear his voice, to be with him, and with every second she realized more and more that it was time to change something. It seemed to her that when she was with him, they simply flew away. There where there is no one except the two of them.
She walked and thought about it for a long time. And suddenly I noticed that I was standing on the road, cars were rushing around at breakneck speed. One of them flew straight at her - that's all she remembered. She woke up in the hospital, bright sunlight enriched the gray hospital ward with colors. She thought she was in heaven, but no. She tried to get up, but someone put a hand on her legs. She raised her head and saw a young man of about 17. He looked at her carefully and sadly with his big blue eyes, and it seemed as if he was about to cry with happiness.
“Hello...” he whispered quietly.
- Hello. But how do I...
Before she could finish speaking, he interrupted her: “A car was rushing towards you, but I managed to push you to the side. You weren’t hurt, but you need to get a good night’s sleep.”
- Thank you, but where did you come from? “I didn’t seem to see you around,” she said.
- You see, I’ve known you for a very long time from friends - they talked about you. I know where you live and what you like to do. And very often I followed you as if guarding you, so that nothing would happen to you. And as you can see, it’s not in vain. - he answered.
- But why didn’t you come and meet me earlier? - a question arose in her head.
- I was just afraid. I was afraid that you would send me away, that you wouldn’t like me. I've had my heart broken many times and I don't want it anymore...
Later, from their conversations, she learned that his name was Max. For his 17 years, he looked quite mature. Black bangs slightly covered one eye. With a pierced lip, he seemed strange to her, but at the same time somehow unusual, special. Yes, he was emo, but that didn't bother her.
Soon Nastya was discharged from the hospital and she and Max spent days walking the streets of the city. They didn't care what others said about them, the main thing was that they were together. They fell in love with each other and everything continued as before, she did not want to let him go, she simply could not. And he... She was like a drug for him, which he tried and could no longer leave her...
It was love, they simply could not tear themselves away from each other, every day, every hour, every minute was precious to them, as if they were afraid that they would not have enough time to be together.
A year later they got married, and a little later their daughter was born. Yes, everything worked out in Nastya’s life, but she did not forget about Dima - once her first love. And although not everything was so good for them, first love remains forever, albeit with pain and disappointment. And I want to say that love comes when you no longer hope to find it, as it happened with Nastya. There is no need to think that the whole world is against you just because you have not yet found your loved one, you need to wait and believe.
Nastya lived with Max happy life and no longer regrets at all that she broke up with Dima then. Now she looks at everything that happens completely differently. Previously, Nastya thought that love for life was a fairy tale. But for Nastya this fairy tale turned into reality. And now she can say for sure that miracles do happen! You just have to really believe in them...

We all, one way or another, believe in miracles. Especially on New Year's Eve J

We bring to your attention aphorisms and quotes about miracles and miracles famous people of this world:

1. There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is as if there are only miracles all around.

Albert Einstein.

2. When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Dalai Lama.

3. Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they occur.

Denis Diderot

4. Let's accept life as it comes. It rains, but there are also miracles.

Evgeny Shvarts.

5. The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.

Gilbert Chesterton.

6. If a person’s soul thirsts for a miracle, give him this miracle. New soul he will have it, and you will have a new one.

Alexander Green.

7. True miracles are not noisy, and the most important events are very simple.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

8. If you are always in a hurry, you may miss a miracle.

Lewis Carroll.

9. We are so similar: we value the same, love the same and believe in the same miracles.

Dmitry Nagiev.

10. I believe in miracles that are associated with great passions. If a person is very passionate, has great strength- he is capable of miracles.

Renata Litvinova.

11. Nothing is more characteristic of a miracle than the inability to explain its nature by natural causes.

J. Buffon.

12. The miraculous disappears as soon as it is explored.

F. Voltaire.

13. I know for sure that the Lord does not make mistakes. He does miracles. And I am one of these miracles. You too.

Nick Vujnich (“Life without Borders”)

14. Here it is - a miracle. In every breath. Mixed with the evening scent of freshness and cut grass, with the aroma of roses. It is in every leisurely movement of smiling old men. In the gentle singing of birds hidden in the leaves of trees. You remember every moment with special poignancy, because this is the moment of your happiness, your victory.

There it is - faith. It seems to you that the whole globe is spinning just with your belief in what is about to happen. This is a moment of divine power. When you don't think about falling. He's gone. Because there is only this moment of taking off into the heavens.

Jordie Rivers ("The Dandelion Era")

15. People - interesting creatures. In a world full of wonders, they managed to invent boredom.

Terry Pratchett

16. Oh miracles, miracles! They happen everywhere. And they depend on the circumstances. If I take a photograph of you, it will be a rather boring courtesy. If I go into the South American jungle and photograph a wild man, he will think it is a miracle and may even be afraid that I have stolen part of his soul. But the dog simply doesn’t know what it looks like, and therefore won’t react to its picture. A miracle is something for which people cannot find an explanation.

Robertson Davies ("The Fifth Character")

17. True miracles should not happen suddenly, as in the tales of Scheherazade. In order for a real miracle to happen, it can take a long time, as much as it takes to grow a crystal, change your worldview, wait for the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The main thing is to be careful so as not to miss anything.

Ken Kesey ("Sailor's Song")

18. Miracles happen in life! They just don't happen by magic. People make them themselves, for example, for those they love.

...... I am 100% sure that every person, one way or another, believes or wants to believe in miracles, it’s just that some admit it, while others do not. And then, a miracle is not necessarily something global. This has nothing to do with tricks or demonstrations of all sorts of “psychics”. This is the smile of a person passing by, this is the look of a child, this is a call from a friend whom you have not seen for half your life. In fact, each of us is able to perform a small miracle both for ourselves and for those around us, for example, by providing timely support to someone or even simply giving a kind word...

Oleg Roy

19. Some say that miracles do not happen. What about books? They are real. Run your fingers across the page. Squeeze the cover in your hands. You can even try a cardboard corner on a tooth, like a coin. No scam! Magic lives there. Time stops there. You don't have to die there. So don’t listen to some - each of us has encountered a miracle... on the other side of the book.

Nadeja Yaminska (“Book Harmony”)

20. Miracles always happen despite everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

Grace McClean ("The Fairest Land in the World")

21. We are all in a hurry for miracles,

But there is nothing more wonderful

Than that earth under the heavens,

Where is the roof of your house?

Yuri Antonov

22. No matter how much we laugh at miracles, while we are strong, healthy and prosperous, but if life is so wedged, so flattened that only a miracle can save us, we believe in this only, exceptional miracle!

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

23. Life is a miracle, but it doesn’t create miracles.

Erich Maria Remarque

24. Do not forget that miracles do not belong to you, but you belong to them. Even when we're talking about about the miracles that you yourself perform.

Max Fry ("Obsessions")

...Miracles happen not to the chosen few, but to just anyone. A miracle cannot be begged from fate, but it is also impossible to get away from it.