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» Crisis in the kremlin tips. Tips for the game. Experience in mass political work

Crisis in the kremlin tips. Tips for the game. Experience in mass political work

Description: The third part of the guide to the basics of the game deals with the economy.

Part 3 - Economy.

The most important part of the game is definitely the economic one. You can still live without allies, but not without money. The economy in the game "Crisis in the Kremlin" is worked out multifaceted and on a very large scale, including all areas - from the smallest and most insignificant to large-scale and strategically important.

Let us consider in detail the economic component of the game.

3. Economy.

So, on our table, in addition to a radio, a telephone, a folder with the KGB coat of arms and a globe, there is also a calculator. It is with its help that we decide how much money can be allocated for specific purposes.

We click on it.

The list of cost items is on the left, the calculator with which we adjust costs is on the right. Other positions can be viewed by clicking on the arrows in the lower right corner.

Do not forget that indicators such as corruption and registrations greatly affect the economy! Control finance. flows and don't let a lot of money stay in one place if you don't want it to be stolen.

Let's go through all the indicators:

  • Armament- determines the cost of SA. The more - the more weapons the soldiers will have, the greater the strength of the army.
  • Providing soldiers- the more funds allocated for this - the greater the loyalty of the soldiers and the more willingly they will follow orders.
  • State mechanism- the cost of maintaining the bureaucracy. The main thing here is to find the "golden mean" - too low expenditures cause an increase in discontent (which develops into separatism in the republics of the local leadership), while too large - an increase in corruption. From a certain point, injections here will no longer help the fight against corruption. These costs are strongly interconnected with spending on agriculture, industry, infrastructure and services - along with them, it is necessary to increase the costs of the state apparatus so that corruption does not start to grow.
  • law and order- How much money is spent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The more - the better they fight crime, and the more satisfied the population (there is no banditry, "my police protect me").
  • KGB- expenses for the State Security Committee. The more - the better it works, the stronger the Soviet state security. In addition, if more than 100 are invested in the KGB, then it will also take over the fight against registration and corruption, but the "increased tyranny" will cause dissatisfaction among the intelligentsia.
  • cultural enlightenment- expenses for museums, theaters, palaces of pioneers, etc. The more - the stronger quite the population. However, they are linked to the incomes of the population itself - if they are small, then people will not be able to satisfy their cultural needs.
  • Religious organizations- expenses for the functioning of churches, mosques, etc. If you adhere to the policy of "scientific atheism", then these indicators will not exist at all, but the growth of the role of the Church, in case of relaxation, will necessitate their increase.
  • Military technology- how much money goes to design bureaus working for the defense industry. This affects the generation of science points and the combat capability of the SA.
  • Nuclear technologies- generates science points. In addition, the same article reflects the costs of nuclear power plants, it is undesirable to lower them below 80 - there will be an accident.
  • Computerization- generates science points, in addition, allows you to increase control over document flows, which will seriously complicate the life of corrupt officials and fraudsters.
  • Civil technology- also generates science points. In addition, this indicator is responsible for such indicators as the Competitiveness of goods and the Services sector, i.e. affects government revenue.
  • The introduction of medicine- expenses for the maintenance of medical infrastructure and personnel. The more, the better people's health. If you refuse the Anti-Alcohol Campaign, you will have to increase expenses. Keep in mind that the growth of the population of the USSR will also cause the need to strengthen medicine.
  • Education- how much money is spent on the functioning of the educational infrastructure and personnel. The more - the more educated population, the more science points are generated. Moreover, it allows you to better deal with hostile propaganda.
  • Envelopes left wing- how much money goes "to the left" for support from the factions of conservatives, Stalinists and Trotskyists in the Supreme Soviet. You can invest no more than 40 in envelopes - otherwise corruption will begin to grow. If you do not invest, the deputies will get angry and will arrange polemics in the Politburo demanding your resignation.
  • Right wing envelopes- similarly, but about the factions of moderates, reformers and liberals.
  • Envelopes for generals- how much money goes to the generals as "aid". This affects the level of their loyalty.
  • Envelopes for KGB officers- similar, but affects the KGB.
  • Envelopes of the intelligentsia- how much money the intelligentsia spends so that they do not write all sorts of nasty things about Soviet power. It is not worth angering this public - otherwise they will start bombarding the Politburo with letters demanding "glasnost" and "reforms", and, in case of refusal, muddy the waters in the republics.
  • Envelopes for republican officials- influences the leadership of the Union republics. If there is little money there, the "pro-Soviet" leaders will quickly change their colors into "democrats" - and it will begin.
  • State. propaganda- how much money is spent on the work of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU and its structures. This affects the loyalty of the population to Soviet power and the fight against bourgeois liberalization.
  • UN support- Responsible for supporting the actions of the USSR by the UN and the intelligentsia. True, it is not worth investing too much here - the Americans will begin to suspect that "the USSR bought the UN", which will worsen the already tense relations.
  • Diplomatic missions- expenses for the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The more - the greater the influence of the USSR on the socialist camp and the stronger the pro-Soviet sentiment in the world. This will also improve relations with France and China.
  • Ecology support- how much money is spent on the environment. It depends on how long it will be possible to delay the accident at the nuclear power plant, and whether it will happen at all. Ecology must be maintained at a high level, otherwise an ecological catastrophe will occur - you have to pay for everything, and for the development of industrial production - too.
  • Agricultural crops How much money is spent on agriculture. The more - the more income, the happier the population and the better agriculture develops. This is one of two ways to stay in surplus after the Oil Crisis. It is desirable to allocate 200.
  • LCD development How much money is spent on construction. The more - the more houses are built, the more satisfied the population. However, this also causes an increase in postscripts, which can be avoided by increasing spending on the state apparatus. As the population grows, these costs will have to increase.
  • Infrastructure How much money is spent on infrastructure development. The more - the more trade with foreign countries develops. The second way to stay in surplus after the Oil Crisis, however, after we are embargoed by France, trade revenues will start to fall. The only way to get out here is to strengthen the CMEA or bring the Gaullists to power in France. At least 150.
  • Light industry- expenses for light industry. The more - the more TNP [TNP - consumer goods] produced, the happier the population. The problem is corruption with too large deposits. As a rule, 160 is enough.
  • heavy industry- expenditures on heavy industry. The more - the stronger the industrial power of the USSR, the more goods it can put up for export, indirectly affects the military-industrial complex. But again - registration and corruption, which must be regulated, in addition, the growth of heavy industry negatively affects the environment and medicine. 100 is enough.
  • military-industrial complex- defense spending. The more - the more weapons are produced, the stronger the SA. If there is not enough money, reduce the cost of the military-industrial complex only as a last resort. Too large contributions here also have a negative effect on the environment and medicine.
  • Services sector- expenses for domestic trade, small handicraft shops, etc. The thing is necessary, because. influences the mood of people and such a problem as "deficit", but control is also needed here - the positions of liberals can strengthen on this topic, in addition, corruption is especially developed here.
  • Import of agricultural goods- if your capabilities are not enough, as a way out, you can allocate money for imports. Corruption is especially developed in the sphere of imports. For the first time, you can allocate money for this, but keep in mind that this strengthens the performance of the US Economy.
  • Import of consumer goods and luxury- if you do not have enough of your own - you can buy.
  • Import of medicines- same. As the industry develops, you have to spend money on it.
  • Import art It's better not to buy them. This causes an increase in pro-Western sentiments, hence a drop in loyalty.
  • Fight against corruption- How much money is spent on fighting corruption. And here there is a very interesting thing - right according to Zadornov: "Corrupt officials stole money allocated for the fight against corruption." Allocate too much - they will steal immediately.
  • Social spending- payments to people of the entire nomenclature of social. expenses. The focus here is similar to salaries - the more - the better, up to a certain point, after which good turns into evil. So don't overdo it. Naturally, the decrease causes discontent and a decrease in the standard of living, as a result, and the loyalty of the population.
  • Official salaries- how much money goes to officials for salaries. It is better not to touch this indicator.

This is how the system turns out.

Let's put down the calculator, let's go back to the office.

To the right of the window, there is an information board of indicators.

At the top, we see a year, a month, and half a month (1 "move" here = 2 weeks). Below them are 10 indicators:

  • Next DEFCON- a scale invented by the Americans, reflecting the combat readiness of their army. Peacetime DEFCON - 5, 4th means that the work of special services is intensifying, 3rd - increasing combat readiness, changing radio ciphers, 2nd - maximum combat readiness, 1st - full combat readiness, the threat of a large-scale war in the near future. Historically, the US Army, during the Cold War, was at DEFCON 4, the 3rd was declared during the Doomsday War, the 2nd during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the 1st was practiced at NATO's "Experienced Archer" exercises in November 1983.

    In the game, the Americans announce a new DEFCON in response to the actions of the USSR. You can answer either by refusing to detente (lowers relations with the USA), or by agreeing to detente (-50 from our treasury), or by rapprochement with the West (need reformers / liberals in the Armed Forces, improves relations with the USA), or by using AO [AO - atomic weapons] on the imperialists (we need a coalition of Stalinists / Trotskyists in the Armed Forces, either purely Trotskyists, or liberals / Trotskyists, or purely liberals).

  • Relations with China- shows the level of relations with the southern neighbor. If they are low - expect provocations on the border that can be beaten off by the SA (weakening of the army if the strength of the army is below 40 - PLA [PLA - People's Liberation Army of China] will start a full-scale invasion, and game over). It is possible, if there is friendship with the United States, to oppose China jointly, or to buy off the Chinese with a long-term loan.
  • Soviet budget How much money is in the budget (in millions)
  • KGB loyalty- how loyal the State Security Committee is to you. If loyalty is below 40, don't expect them to follow your orders.
  • Profit- shows income/expense for the month.
  • army strength- SA power. Depends on spending on armaments, military-industrial complex and studied military technologies. In no case should it fall below 40 - get either a Chinese invasion or a NATO invasion, and that's it, game over.
  • Political Authority Points- how much is available. The increase is automatic, it can be accelerated by strengthening the KGB and the SA, increasing the political prestige of the USSR, or giving the General Secretary more powers.
  • Loyalty of the General Staff- the level of loyalty of the generals. The higher it is, the better the army fulfills your orders. If it drops below 40, the generals will refuse to obey you.
  • Science points- how many science points are available. The speed of their generation depends on the cost of science. They can be spent on technology research.
  • Population- shows how many people live in the Union. The more - the more you have to invest in housing construction, salaries, scholarships, social. expenses, the more people can be recruited for military service / sent to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special services. If during your reign the population decreases greatly - game over the genocide ending.
Now let's turn to the USSR Ministry of Finance (we call there by phone).

For 100 points, you will be able to change the economic policy in terms of:

  • Economy type What is the economic system in the country? What it will be at the beginning of the game depends on your decision on the Kosygin reform of 1965 (aka the Lieberman reform - according to the author) - if you carry it out, then it will be "Gosplan with elements of self-government", if not, then just "Gosplan". You can go to the state capital, to a mixed economy, return to the NEP or self-government of the Hungarian or Yugoslav model, or even to the market according to the Western model, or militarize the economy according to Trotsky (available under the Trotskyists in the Armed Forces).
  • Price policy- Will there be price regulation by the state? You can either release prices "according to Gaidar", or you can switch to a card system.
  • Five-Year Plan Bias- determines what will develop in the five-year period - military-industrial complex, agriculture, science or industry - heavy / light. You can only change it once every five years (after the event "The end of the five-year plan").
  • Trade policy- import and export policy. From complete import substitution to "free trade" - you can choose whatever your heart desires.
  • labor freedoms- workers policy. Either switch to a 4-hour working day and an irregular work schedule, or tighten the screws.

Now - the State Statistics Service.

We have already talked about the influence of politicians (follow the arrow in the lower right corner), now pay attention to the table. Here are the expenses and income.

The expenses are:

  • Subsidized- expenses for subsidies to the republics and member countries of the socialist camp.
  • Administrative- the cost of maintaining the bureaucracy.
  • International trade- payment of duties, customs fees, etc., bribes, whoever needs it, at customs.

The level of losses from corruption is also shown here.

Income is:

  • From oil- how much money comes to the budget from the sale of oil to the capitalists. Before the start of the Oil Crisis, this is an effective source of income, but the crisis will deprive us of it. Its consequences can be mitigated by investing more in trade and agriculture. Keep in mind that the price of oil is also affected by events in other countries involved in oil production, especially wars. Over time, the crisis will pass, and income from here can be received again. Regulation of oil production is a very effective mechanism.
  • From taxes How much do people pay us in taxes? The better developed the industries from which the income comes, the greater the welfare of the population, the more taxes we receive. There is a mechanism for regulating taxation in the game, but it must be used very carefully - high taxes will cause an explosion of popular indignation with far-reaching consequences.
  • Export- income from exports. You can get more by investing more in infrastructure and expanding trade within the CMEA. Gradually, they will increase.
  • Other- all sorts of things (like income from the sale of alcohol).
gold reserve is our reserve. Using the buttons on the right, you can add more funds to it. When we run out of them, the country will live precisely at the expense of the gold reserve, when it runs out, we will have to cut costs. With a large amount of funds in the State Reserve, tax revenues increase slightly and inflation falls.

inflation rate- in fact, for a socialist economy, this is not scary, but if you move to the market, you will see how inflation starts to grow, devouring your budget. It can be controlled by cutting costs.

public debt is how much we owe. It is paid out of the gold reserve. You can borrow even more money, but you will also have to pay more. Please note that you can take a loan only if you are not yet bankrupt - if there are no funds in the treasury, no one will give money.

Everything about the economy.

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Crisis in the Kremlin. The profession is honorable, respected.


Hurrah, comrades! Thanks to the united actions of citizens from the Russian studio Kremlingames we can safely praise the domestic game industry! Project "Crisis in the Kremlin" will allow you to get a great and versatile experience of political work. It came out in March on a capitalist digital service Steam so forward to great things!

But seriously, Crisis in the Kremlin really turned out to be a very original game, where you can really spend many hours. Fortunately, there is something to do here.

Unforgettable page of history

"Crisis in the Kremlin" will allow an ordinary citizen to feel the full weight of the burden and responsibility of the leader of the people. The game at the very beginning will offer you several options for the development of events. In the start menu, in the settings tab, you can choose the difficulty level. Do you want to build a utopian future, are you ready to hold back the fierce onslaught of the West and the opposition, or do you like the state of affairs and finances in the pre-war state? All in your hands!

Or maybe you like the figure of a certain politician? Maybe you always wanted to understand what it was like for Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev as head of state, or what would have happened if Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov had taken the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU? Then Crisis in the Kremlin is exactly the game you've been dreaming about. Your desire to control the fate of the great USSR will be fully satisfied, and you will enjoy all the power in the most powerful superpower on the planet.

Are you dissatisfied with party politics? The authors of Crisis in the Kremlin foresaw this as well. Without any problems you can create a general secretary in your own image and likeness, inspire him with the desired line of behavior and endow him with your firmness of character.

However, don't expect everything to be easy. Under your leadership will be all the power of the Soviet army, all the insight and secrecy of the KGB, all the political, scientific and production capacities, and it is easy to make a mistake and make the wrong decision. The West is only waiting for you to show weakness.

Oil prices are falling, union republics are threatening to secede, the Americans are announcing new missile developments, and an endless bloody war is raging in Afghanistan. Together with your country, you will experience its moments of glory and numerous crises.

Everything depends on your decisions in Crisis in the Kremlin. You can make every victory public or hide scientific breakthroughs from the public. Take, for example, the landmark landing of the first man on Mars. Is it worth stating this to the press in order to grind American space ambitions to dust? Or withhold information in order to send forces to explore the Red Planet without NATO oversight?

Your momentary political decisions will come back to haunt you in months and even years of government. Introduce democratic elections - and in a few years, in the midst of a crisis, it may cost you your position. This is the whole Crisis in the Kremlin.

Experience in mass political work

But the adoption of important government decisions is not so bad. Apparently, the creators sincerely believe that the main thing in their game is variety and attention to detail. You have to not only leaf through documents from a folder with important reports, but also manage the treasury, manage ministries, appoint people to ministerial positions, determine the political course of the country and even select the frequency on the radio.

You are free to invest the entire state budget in the political race, as well as eliminate and bribe competitors, but be prepared to face an educational and industrial crisis. In pursuit of scientific achievements, you will inevitably abandon domestic politics and not notice how the opposition begins to storm the Kremlin. A wise leader always thinks a few steps ahead, remember this.

The game does not limit you in anything! Lead the country on your own political course or experiment, watching the reaction of the state and the world community to the threat of a nuclear war to the States. Fight terrorism in Pakistan or fund subversive activities in America. Break up the Soviet Union a dozen times and then do it again. In the end, achieve the power of the Trotskyists and arrange a nuclear apocalypse. And if someone protests, provide “military support” and crack down on those who disagree.

By the way, there are a great many methods of reprisals against the opposition. You can roll out the rebels on caterpillars or scare them with a regular army, or you can send the KGB to storm the opposition headquarters or try, referring to your political authority, to settle the matter peacefully.

In the fight for a lasting peace

Surprisingly, it doesn't take a big budget to create an addictive political strategy. Yes, "Crisis in the Kremlin" can scare away the graphics, but that's not the point. More importantly, Kremlingames, with all the variety of crazy game situations, really turned out to be an exciting strategy.

Thus, "Crisis in the Kremlin" proves that a rotary phone, a globe and a calculator will be enough for you to govern the state. And this is not a joke - it all really works, and it works great. You will be quite surprised when you discover that behind the wall of humor hides good gameplay.

This game, using simple and understandable examples, explains how difficult it is to govern a country and how easy it is to destroy a huge state with your own hands, because of your own stupidity or shortsightedness. "Crisis in the Kremlin" at first relaxes with unlimited power, and then, at every opportunity, reminds of the mistakes made by another crisis or a sudden outbreak of war.

"Crisis in the Kremlin" is one of the most interesting Russian projects of recent times. And even a comparison with a relatively good The Wild Eight it withstands with dignity, because we have already seen enough of isometric “survivors”, as well as “survivors” in general, but boasting to the United States of the first in the history of the Moon base or creating a Soviet segment of the Internet is far from possible in every game.

All citizens of Russia have an ambiguous attitude towards the USSR. Some have nostalgia and warm feelings, others vaguely remember “643” with a ballpoint pen in their palm, a 3-hour line on the street at -30 C and empty shelves when they still managed to break into the store. But be that as it may, the historical period is extremely important. Therefore, it is not surprising that a fairly serious game was dedicated to him. Moreover, at a very interesting intersection of genres: geopolitical strategy and ... a text quest.

Before talking about the gameplay itself, we can not help but dwell on the visual aspect. Just take a look at this awesome picture! No, we do not criticize, but admire, and sincerely, without sarcasm. You could, of course, pull yourself together and give out something similar to Europa Universalis or Crusader Kings II - but why? After all, the Soviet entertainment program for computers should look bad - like any consumer product in the USSR. Well, this is not a nuclear missile or a tank: you don’t need to impress strangers, but your own will be killed anyway.

We go into the game - we create a new general secretary. We set several parameters relating mainly to the conservatism of the government and how totalitarian the system should be. Depending on the combination chosen, “Crisis in the Kremlin” itself tells you who you get: Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, or maybe even Leiba Davidovich Bronstein (better known as Trotsky).

Your task is not only to prevent the collapse of the USSR, but also not to hit the kumpol with an ice ax yourself. However, first things first. You find yourself in a terry office. On the table is a folder with documents, a “curculator” and a red rotary telephone. On the wall is a map of the world. All of the above are your main instruments of power. This, so to speak, is the power, the scepter and the hat of the monomakh of the CPSU.

Once at a massive oak table (probably Czech - in the USSR they completely forgot how to make furniture), remember: the credit of trust given to you by the Communist Party is not endless. If you do not justify the hopes of high-ranking Comrades (it would be better to call them gentlemen, but all the gentlemen - allegedly - were put against the wall in 1917), you will be quickly replaced at one of the next congresses of the CPSU.

But there are still military and special services. If you get carried away with this rotten Western liberalism and become an overly pacifist, generals and KGB men will quickly remind you where you belong. Even the rotten intelligentsia, which in the same 1917 was not suffocated by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, is able, with its “soft power”, to arrange a newfangled impeachment for you. In general, there is enough headache even in terms of simply staying in power.

At the same time, we still need to try to revive the neglected economy. Remember the calculator and phone? Budget reduction, calls to the Ministry of Finance, major economic decisions that directly affect the country - it's all up to you. There is no question of prosperity here (very realistic in relation to the USSR) - if only the famine did not come. Because then everyone will freak out: from party members and the KGB to the liberal intelligentsia and the common people.

We only sorted out our own country a little, but after all, this stupid map of the world still hangs on the wall, it is an eyesore. Annoying with the fact that only one sixth of the land (well, China with its Great Pilot) is red-red, and the remaining 5/6 dare to wear stars, stripes, maple leaves, tricolors and all other rubbish.

It is necessary to fight for the global establishment of the correct ideology. Where to send the diplomatic mission, and where to send the Red Army. Conflicts are resolved automatically and depend on the number of troops: a strategic multi-move, as in the same Europa Universalis, cannot be played here. Well, right, otherwise too complex conflicts would distract from the main and most interesting part of the game.

The folder with cases in the center of the table is the text quest that we mentioned at the very beginning. Almost every day in the life of the Secretary General there are interesting events that you can personally influence by choosing one of the three or four proposed options for action. These events in Crisis in The Kremlin are a whole sea. And all of them are either realistic or completely copied from real ones.

For example, a serious incident at a nuclear power plant. What to do? To honestly admit the existence of a catastrophe and spend huge funds to eliminate the consequences? Or is it still possible to hush up this story and expel the Chernobyl pioneers on May Day in just shorts (against a fucking cloud of micro-roentgen background) - they say, nothing happened? The choice is yours. Either a terrible blow to the economy or reputation.

Or, say, the notorious Afghan issue. If the contingent is kept in the country too long, then the Soviet citizens will get tired, and relations with America will deteriorate completely. At the same time, it is also impossible to withdraw troops too early: even before any ISIS (*banned in the Russian Federation), the Caliphate was formed in the 80s, and it would begin to organize terrorist attacks around the world.

There are also "fun" moments. For example, Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign - it can be carried out in your own way. Instead of a complete ban, we raise the price of alcoholic beverages. Popular discontent, as it was in real life, is growing stronger - but at least the state money is dripping into the treasury. Or, for example, the cult of computers. Yes, indeed: there was such a thing in the USSR, but then it was strangled by workers and peasants. You can, contrary to the proletariat, spend impressive funds on this, but then you won’t have to buy computers from the damned IBM.

The Cuban question, “Kuz'kina's mother”, corn, de-Stalinization, leaderism, the thaw - everything you remember (or know) about the USSR is present here. Well, at a certain moment, a certain brilliant frame appears on the internal stage. Young, promising, from the provinces - everything, as they love in the Party. And his name is Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. About Belovezhskaya Pushcha, we think, many still remember (or know). Well, you need to prevent it!

In general, the game is quite specific, but history lovers will be interested. You can be the last leader (or new hope) of the USSR on Steam for only 229 rubles. Do not push, comrades: electronic copies are not sausage. Enough for everyone!

Beginning of the game

  • In the pre-game events, choose options that match the policy you are going to implement (for example, playing as moderates, do not send troops to Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring, but simply put pressure on Dubcek). The same applies to the Council of Ministers.
  • When distributing the budget, focus on the fight against corruption, industry (especially the service sector when playing as a faction to the left of the reformers), the loyalty of the union republics, the army and the KGB.
  • Choose research branches in the Academy of Sciences wisely. Following the path of market reforms, you do not need to implement the OGAS, improving relations with the United States, you should not launch nuclear weapons into space.
  • Don't forget to look at the situation in the world. Perhaps it is worth immediately entering your military base in Bulgaria, as well as proceeding to resolve the Afghan issue

Playing with specific factions

  • Trotskyists are easiest to defeat with a nuclear strike. To WIN a nuclear war, you need to upgrade at least three technologies on the atom branch, as well as military space. It also requires high loyalty of generals, soldiers and the KGB. otherwise you will not be allowed to launch your weapon and overthrown. The game will stop. However, it is possible to complete the game as Trotskyists without a nuclear strike. To do this, at the beginning of the game, you should not pursue a truly Trotskyist foreign policy and require a lot of investment in Diplomacy (more than for any other faction), but when your economy rises, you should gradually militarize foreign policy and gradually make it more aggressive. However, the most aggressive doctrines can only be put in place with a very weak US. Otherwise DEFCON 1 and nuclear winter.
  • Stalinists are easiest to play in the mid and late stages of the game, but the beginnings for them are quite difficult. The Stalinists allow reforms to be carried out in the direction of tightening domestic policy and beat stagnation and liberalization. The Stalinists also allow penal battalions to be introduced in Afghanistan, to create a sharashka out of dissidents, to introduce allied mutual assistance and a single economy in the police department. This helps the economy grow. Also, the Stalinists in foreign policy are softer than the conservatives in some matters, but at the same time they pursue a noticeably tougher foreign policy in general.
  • Playing as moderates is best suited for beginners and is most flexible - moderates are softer than conservatives and do not lead the line of confrontation with the US and China so much, but at the same time they are noticeably tougher than reformers and oppose surrendering all positions. Carry out economic reforms in the form of introducing some market and / or self-governing elements into the economy, weaken control over the police department, pursue a policy of coexistence with the West or, if desired, New Political Thinking, open borders, weaken state control over the people, expand the rights of trade unions, introduce alternative elections and victory is in your hands.
  • The Reformers are by far the hardest faction to play. But, oddly enough, even for them you can build a strong country, keep the socialist camp and win. When playing for the reformers, it is worth gradually moving towards a socialist market economy, introducing equal coexistence of the Warsaw Pact countries, opening borders, improving relations with the United States, introducing a multi-party system and popular elections, and significantly weakening state control over the people up to complete liberalization. But beware of the Belovezhskaya collusion - the situation in the country must be stable so that you can arrest its instigators. As Reformers, it is critical to invest in Social Spending to offset the debuffs to Republic Loyalty from Mind Liberation. It makes sense to leave the opposition in the Supreme Council at about 25-40% in the face of tougher factions. Also get ready to spend finances to increase the loyalty of the republics and the strength of the KGB. Suppress liberalization worries and carry out reforms in your own way.
  • If you decide that it is time for the Soviet Union to stop being Soviet, then you should first of all liberalize foreign policy, then domestic, and only then the economy, since the transition to a market economy without freedoms will lead to a gigantic increase in corruption. Try to focus on playing as reformers, but make big reforms. Remember that the liberals are a tougher faction than the reformers (only the Trotskyists are tougher), they can pursue a tough foreign policy (up to a confrontation with the US for "correct capitalism") and use atomic weapons. But they can also give up.

Foreign policy

  • For whomever you play, losing the Afghan war is highly undesirable. This will inspire the terrorists and spur them to launch attacks on the USSR. In principle, if you have a strong KGB and high power parameters, you can try to fight back, but keep in mind that every successful terrorist attack hits the loyalty of the republics.
  • Some countries (before the fall of the USA) can be included in the CMEA / socialist camp only by event. You should not miss such a chance.
  • If you don't like DEFCON constantly going up and being charged -50 per defuse, increase your contributions to Diplomacy and the UN.
  • Don't rush into the Kashmir War and especially the Korean War - without proper preparation, the Indians and North Koreans will lose. First, study the left branch of the military techs in the Academy of Sciences and conclude a friendship agreement with China so that it does not help Pakistan (in the war for Kashmir) and helps the DPRK (in the new Korean war).
  • If you are carrying out liberal reforms, but want to maintain influence on the Eastern European countries, do not wait until the United States develops its activities there, but push them towards liberalization yourself and switch to the "European system of treaties" in the doctrine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Department of Internal Affairs will have to be dissolved, but if everything is done correctly, the CMEA will survive, and in Eastern Europe not pro-Western, but pro-Soviet liberals will come to power.
  • As soon as the ADKB is formed, do not rush to defeat it. Save up money and strengthen the KGB.
  • Remember that the collapse of China and Yugoslavia has a strong impact on the loyalty of the republics.


  • The general rule of the entire economic system of the game: a planned economy requires debugging, but ensures stable development, the market immediately gives a lot of money, but requires a carefully calculated introduction to curb corruption, automation is very expensive at first, but much more profitable in the long run, a semi-market economy combines and pros and cons of the plan and the market.
  • The militarization of the economy reduces the number of consumer goods, and liberalization reduces the level of Medicine and Education.
  • The MMC gives only a temporary effect in the form of an increase in Competitiveness and income, but after a certain time causes a noticeable increase in Corruption.
  • The growth of corruption in the market is blocked by a high level of Freedom.
  • In order to expand the sales market, include more countries in the CMEA, achieve the lifting of the French embargo and the opening of the Chinese market. At the same time, the Liberals in power in the CMEA countries are reducing trade with the USSR.
  • If you opened the Soviet market to the US and China, they will remain on it even if relations worsen.