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» Flower - cornflower. Cornflower, notes from an observation lesson in kindergarten Fairytale story about the cornflower flower

Flower - cornflower. Cornflower, notes from an observation lesson in kindergarten Fairytale story about the cornflower flower


Introduce children to the plant and its features.
To consolidate knowledge about the concepts of “weed”, “honey plant”, “medicinal plant”, “species”.
To cultivate curiosity, interest in native nature, the ability to see its beauty.

Progress of observation:

The head is blue and the stalk is long.
Well, who doesn’t know him! This...

You, of course, recognized the cornflower. Cornflower has a huge number of relatives. Scientists say: “There are many types of cornflower.” Among them there are some that are not blue at all: they are reddish, pinkish, yellow, blue and almost white. People look at cornflowers - they admire them, collect bouquets from them, and weave wreaths.
But farmers are not very happy about such beauty: cornflowers deplete the soil, when there are many of them, they destroy crops. This is why cornflowers are called weeds.

Cornflowers are also harmful to animals - cows, horses. If they eat cornflowers, they may even die.

And yet it would be wrong to condemn this flower: there are no useless plants in nature. Cornflower is also beneficial. There is a lot of honey in its flowers: bees and bumblebees hover over them. Cornflower is a honey plant.

Traditional healers believed that tincture of cornflower flowers helps against colds, abscesses, eye diseases and some other diseases. And modern medicine uses the healing properties of cornflower. Cornflower is a medicinal plant.

Previously, blue and cyan dyes were made from cornflowers.

Since ancient times, cornflowers have been grown in gardens. These charming violet-colored ones are especially in demand. blue flowers were used by city women who decorated their hairstyles with them, pinned them to their clothes and decorated their homes. Many types of cornflowers look very attractive, so they are grown as garden plants and for cutting for bouquets. Such plants are called ornamental.

The scientific name of this plant is associated with the centaur Chiron - an ancient Greek mythological hero - half horse and half man. (You can show a picture of a centaur). The centaur Chiron had knowledge of healing properties many plants and with the help of cornflower he was able to recover from the wound inflicted on him by the poisoned arrow of Hercules. This was the reason for calling the plant centaurea, which literally means “centaur.”

The Russian origin of the flower's name is very interesting. "Cornflower" means "royal flower". And the word “cornflower” itself comes from the Russian name Vasily, which is translated from ancient Greek as “royal”. And if you look closely at the petals of the flower, you will notice that each one resembles a crown.

Popular names for cornflower: commotion, ringing grass, blue flower, patchwork, cyanosis. Why do you think this plant got these names? (Children's answers). In Ukrainian, cornflower is a hair. Ukrainian women wove cornflowers into wreaths and decorated icons in churches with them.

There is a proverb about cornflowers: “You sow rye and the cornflowers will grow on their own.”

Rye is spiking in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.

Listen to the tale of the blue cornflower.

The Tale of Cornflower

Once upon a time there lived in the same village a poor widow with her only son, Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy, and many girls looked at him. But Vasil paid no attention to any of them. From morning to night he worked in his field, and when returning home, he went down to the river to wash, relax, and admire the sunset.
He didn’t even know that there was a mermaid living in that river, who looked at him every evening, parting the leaves of her water lilies. He looks and sighs quietly.
“Ah,” the mermaid whispers, “if you loved me, we would live with you in the depths of the river.” Look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful it is under the water!
When Vasil saw the mermaid, heard her words, he flatly refused to leave his land, his field, and did not even want to look at the mermaid’s beauty.
“Then,” the beauty got angry, “don’t let anyone get you!” Become a flower in your field!
A flower swayed among the rye. He was blue, like Vasil’s eyes, like deep water in a river! And people called that flower cornflower - in memory of the disappeared young man.

And believe the fairy tale or not, but one thing is true in it: blue cornflower grows only among rye, and if it is found in another place, it means that there was once a rye field here. In those countries where rye was not sown, they did not even know about blue cornflower, for example, in Ancient Egypt.

In Crimea, in addition to blue cornflower, many other types of cornflower grow:
meadow cornflower
Spiny-headed cornflower - with thorns under the flowers.
Cornflower tilted.
Spreading cornflower - with white flowers.
Cornflower flattened.
Sunny cornflower - with yellow flowers.
Let's try to think about why these cornflowers got their names.

Didactic game “What do the names of plants say?”

There are a lot of cornflowers everywhere. They are not yet in danger of extinction. But anyway, please don’t pick flowers unnecessarily, it’s better to admire them alive. After all:

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower,
If you and I are together, if we pick flowers,
All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty!

Questions for consolidation:

1. How do you understand the expression: “There are many types of cornflowers”? What types of cornflowers are there?
2. Where did the name “cornflower” come from?
3. Why did cornflower receive its scientific name “centaur”?
4. Can cornflower be called a weed? Why?
5. Is it possible to call cornflower forage plant? Why?
6. Can cornflower be called a honey plant? Why?
7. Can cornflower be called a medicinal plant? Why?
8. Why did such a proverb appear: “You sow rye and cornflowers will grow on their own”?
9. What types of cornflowers growing in Crimea do you remember?

Additional material for the lesson:

Riddles about cornflower

In the grass, thick and green
he looks smart
But from the arable land, like a weed,
he is expelled mercilessly.
The head is blue and the stalk is long.
Well, who doesn’t know him! This...

Everyone, I think, will know
If he visits the field,
This little blue flower
A well-known...

Bright blue, fluffy
He will be born in bread,
Not suitable for food.

That's what they call little Vasya
And those flowers that are collected in the field.

We carried mushrooms in a basket
And another blue flower.
This little blue flower
Called himself...

Hiding in the ears of corn
Blue light,
It's blooming
In field...

Split - there are rumors -
Above the fields are the skies,
Their blue fragments -
Among wheat and oats.

Blue peephole
Take one look -
Yes, and he will hide
For the spikelet.

There is vole grass
blue head,
Along the edges of the crown -
Funnel cloves.

An eye like the sky, blue-blue.
Vasily looks at the light in the sky.
He's in the field where the rye grows,
And he was born and lives.

Poems about cornflower

On the lawn by the river
The cornflowers are turning blue.
Blue like the sky...
Blue like water...
At least one day you will see them,
You will never forget.
(N. Nekhaeva)

The blue sky fell on the meadow,
Everything around became blue, blue,
They bloomed in the meadow, by the blue river,
Like the blue sky, the flowers are cornflowers.
(N. Masley)

The cornflower is blooming
A fringed petal,
Like a blue light
The flower warms the look.
(G. Zelenkina)

Blue, fiery flower,
Apparently he lived in the blue sky,
I was friends with the rainbow-arc.
(S. Bakhrushina)

And the handsome cornflower -
Proud wildflower!
With a blue carved crown,
Like a king, but there is no throne!
(Natalia Maidanik)

All children love roses
And I am another flower.
Not an aster, not a mimosa -
An ordinary cornflower.
He is gentle and beautiful
field flower,
Lilac, bright blue,
Sky blue.
I picked my favorite flower,
I look with delight
And suddenly among the fibers
I find a miracle.
After all, in the middle is soft
The bug is moving
Of all the bright flowers,
He chose cornflower!
(Yu. Dulepina)

The rye is spiking -
you won't find anything more beautiful.
In golden rye
yes all over the border -
Miracle of carpets
blue cornflowers!
Right, miracles -
in the field of heaven!
(A. Alferova)

Thin long stem
And a blue flower.
The cornflower has blossomed,
I couldn't pass by!
Colors - blue sky,
I've never seen anything like this before!
I am a flower, I won’t pick it,
Tomorrow, we'll meet again!
And he came when the next morning -
It’s as if the sky has blossomed here!
There was a blue clearing
Where is my friend from yesterday?!
(A. Poletaeva)

To the golden field
Drops of the sky fell.
What it is -
Fairy tale or fable?
Yes, this is Vasilkov
Blue flowers.
In the middle of a field of spikelets
The sky makes dots.
(D. Room)

In a wheat field
In the morning dew
The cornflowers are shining
They make me happy...
I'll pick flowers
Festive bouquet.
Blue is the most
My favorite color is!
(M. Iskandaryan)

One morning at dawn
I went for a walk in the field.
Don't be surprised, children:
I found cornflowers there.
sky blue,
He grew up there by himself.
I decided:
I'll take it with me!
No, no, I better not take it,
Let it grow, let it bloom,
Let someone again
He will bring joy.

In the meadows along the banks of the river,
In the fields, where the grass is thick,
In the hot summer the cornflowers bloomed,
Arguing with the sky whose blue is blue.
Good angel from heaven canvases
He cut these stars for us,
So that the earth is full of flowers
Scattered it across the meadows and fields.
The girl has blue eyes.
They are so light and so deep!
Heaven gave this color,
And maybe even cornflowers...
(M. Petrovskaya)

Outdoor game for middle preschool children “Mowers”

According to the counting, 3 drivers are selected - mowers, the rest of the players are flowers. Each player receives a colored ribbon representing a flower: yellow ribbon – dandelion, white ribbon – chamomile, blue – cornflower. Ribbons are attached to the back of the players' belts. The drivers agree in advance who will pick which flower. The players pronounce the text and imitate the movement: the flowers, standing still, sway, move their leaf-like hands, and grow. The mowers make energetic movements with their arms to the side and forward and walk between the flowers across the field.

Flower words:

The meadow is green, green, everything is blooming around,
And the dew shines, and the braid rings.
Dandelion, cornflower and chamomile grow here.

Words of the mowers:

I will cut the grass with a scythe and pick a bouquet.
One two Three…

To the words: “One, two, three...” - the flowers scatter, trying to reach the appointed place. The mowers pluck ribbons of only their own color from the fleeing people, since according to the agreement, each mower collects either only dandelions, or daisies, or cornflowers. The one who picks the most ribbons of the corresponding colors wins.

Irina Vyacheslavovna Mozzhelina

Blue like the sky flower - cornflower

And among the ears of rye,

Where the moths fly

Yes, the grasshoppers are playing,

They give a friendly look

Blue cornflowers.

S. Drozhzhin

According to ancient Greek legend, "flower of the Centaur", or Centaurus, hence the Latin name cornflower - Centaurea(scientific name cornflower blue - Centaurea cyanus, was in the healing arsenal of the centaur Chiron, who raised him in a deep forest young hero hidden from the bloodthirsty ruler. The old centaur had the gift of healing, he treated with ointments, herbal infusions, and one of his favorite plants was “centaurea” - cornflower blue. He found that juice cornflower, especially Centaurea jacea, has the precious property of healing wounds, and with it he healed the wound inflicted by the poisoned arrow of Hercules. This was the reason for naming the plant Centaurea. As for the second half of its name - “cyanus”, in Latin it simply means “blue”, a color that is characteristic of our flower.

In one of the ancient Roman legends say that this flower got its name in honor of a blue-eyed young man named Cianus, who was amazed by its beauty, collected these blue flowers and wove garlands and wreaths from them. The young man even dressed in a blue dress and did not leave the fields until everyone he loved cornflowers were not collected completely. A beautiful young man was once found dead in a grain field, surrounded by cornflowers. Having learned about this, the goddess Flora, for such constancy and as a sign of special affection for him, turned the young man’s body into cornflower, and that's all cornflowers began to be called cyanuses (cyanus means blue).

One day the sky reproached the cornfield for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, forests - mysterious whispers, and only you do not express gratitude, although no one else, namely I fill the roots of cereals with rainwater and make them ripen ears of grain." “I am grateful to you,” answered the field. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in the fall I cover it with gold. I don’t know how to express my gratitude in any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.” “Okay,” the sky agreed, “if you can’t come up to me, then I’ll come down to you.” A miracle instantly happened: magnificent blue flowers, similar in color to the sultry sky, grew among the ears of corn. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the breeze, bend towards the messengers of the sky - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.

The great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov loved these flowers very much and in his last will he asked to be placed in his coffin cornflowers. "...we present the history of the fable written by I. A. Krylov" cornflower", dedicated to Empress Maria Feodorovna. The fable begins So:

"Bloomed in the wilderness cornflower

Suddenly he withered, withered to half

And, bowing my head on a stalk,

Sadly awaiting death..."

Since 1968 cornflower blue is the national flower of Estonia. In some European countries it is known as the German flower. (a flower with a German character). Of all the peoples of Europe, the most loved and popular cornflower used and is used by the Germans. It became especially dear to them since it became the favorite flower of Emperor William I and his mother, Queen Louise.

. cornflower came to us from ancient times. During excavations of Tutankhamun's tomb, many items from precious stones and gold. But a small wreath found in the sarcophagus Vasilkov shocked archaeologists. The flowers dried out, but retained their color and shape.

The Slavs also knew about the healing power cornflower and since ancient times this plant has been used to heal a number of diseases. WITH cornflowers the Slavs have two connections holiday: “the ear went to the field” - celebrated when the ears appeared in the field and “birthday sheaf” - was held at the end of summer before the harvest.

During the holiday, young girls and boys gathered on the outskirts of the village. They stood in two rows opposite each other, held hands, and along the hands, as if on a bridge, walked the harvested girl with cornflowers and ribbons. The couples moved from the last rows to the first until the girl walked along their arms to the field. At the cornfield, she went down to the ground, plucked several ears of corn and ran with them to the village, where her parents were waiting for her. The procession from the village to the fields was accompanied by singing: “The ear went to the field, to white wheat; rye was born for the summer with oats, with spruce grouse, with wheat.”

The “birthday sheaf” holiday was held at the end of summer, before the harvest of grain. Women housewives came out with bread and salt to reap the cornfields. Knitted the first sheaf and decorated it cornflowers and placed it in the red corner of the house. The first sheaf bore the name of the birthday boy.

Ukrainian fairy tale about Vasilke

Once upon a time there lived in a village a poor widow with her only son - Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy, and many girls looked at him. But I didn’t pay attention to any of them Vasil attention. From morning to night he worked in his field, and when returning home, he went down to the river to wash, relax, and admire the sunset. He didn’t even know that there was a mermaid living in that river, who looked at him every evening, parting the leaves of her water lilies. He looks and sighs quietly.

“Oh,” the mermaid whispers, “if you loved me, we would live with you in the depths of the river.” Look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful it is under the water!

When Vasil saw a mermaid, heard her words, flatly refused to leave his land, his field, and did not even want to look at the mermaid’s beauty.

Then,” the beauty got angry, “don’t let anyone get you!” Become a flower in your field!

A flower swayed among the rye. He was blue, like his eyes Vasily like deep water in a river! And people named that flower cornflower- in memory of the disappeared young man.

They say that in ancient times a mermaid fell in love with a young plowman Vasily, the only son of her mother. From afar, under the cover of reeds with early morning The mermaid incessantly watched the handsome young man, and when one day, having finished his work, Vasily went to the river to wash, she could not stand it and appeared before him in all her beauty. They fell in love with each other. And the mermaid began to call the young man to her native element, and Vasily persuaded her to stay on earth. They agreed on everything, but they couldn’t agree on where they should live together. And when the mermaid realized that the plowman would not leave her native land, in desperation, she turned it into a modest flower growing in the fields, but with a color reminiscent of her blue element. People, sympathizing with the good young man and his old mother, named the flower in memory of him after the young man’s name - as his mother called him - Cornflower.

Needless to say... the cornflower is beautiful, attracts everyone with its unusually bright blue color. There are also purple, crimson, bright blue and light blue flowers of this plant. And although it grows mainly in fields and is considered a weed, cornflower has many beneficial properties. In medicine, it is used as a diuretic for kidney and bladder diseases, as an antipyretic for colds, for rapid heartbeat, as an analgesic for intestinal disorders, and also as a gargle for sore throat. Used for conjunctivitis, for washing the eyes, for swelling and redness.

Cornflower flowers are used for cosmetic purposes, for example, as a remedy for dandruff and hair loss. To do this, take two tablespoons of dried cornflower flowers and infuse them in two glasses of boiled water. Rinse washed hair with strained infusion. A good effect is obtained by rubbing cornflower infusion into the scalp.

The infusion is used to wipe the face, especially when oily skin, to tighten pores, for oily face. It is advisable to store the infusion in the refrigerator and use only fresh. You can freeze it in cubes and wipe your face and eyelids if necessary.

In the cornflower-blue vastness of the field,
Far from big cities,
We want to get lost in the wild
Only under the canopy of the clouds.

Take a deep breath of the aroma
Forbs in the midday heat,
And, falling, drowning, as before
It only happened in childhood, sometimes...

Hear the lark's concert again
With a song flowing somewhere in the heights,
And in aching delight, the child
Feel happiness up close again!

One of the Roman legends says that the cornflower got its name from the beautiful young man Cianus, who was so captivated by the beauty of blue wildflowers that he himself dressed in all blue. He never left the fields while cornflowers grew on them, and endlessly weaved wreaths and garlands from them. Some time later he was found dead in a grain field among his favorite flowers. The goddess Flora, whom the young man loved more than others, for his constancy and love for her, as a sign of special favor, turned the young man’s body into his favorite flower, which has since received the name Cyanus.
The generic Latin name Centaurea was associated by the ancient Greek scientists Hippocrates, Theophrastus and Dioscorides with the mythical centaur Chiron.
Chiron was greatly revered for his wisdom and kindness; he was the teacher of such heroes as Theseus, Jason, Achilles, and also a skilled physician who taught Asclepius (Aesculapius) himself how to heal.
The centaur found that cornflower juice has precious properties to heal wounds, and with it he healed his wound, accidentally inflicted by the poisoned arrow of Hercules.
It was from then on that the plant allegedly received the name Centaura, i.e. Centaur flower. The centaur, as the legend says, subsequently sacrificed himself and, renouncing immortality, went instead of Prometheus to the kingdom of the dead. And only sky-blue flowers remind him of him every summer.

They say that in ancient times a mermaid fell in love with a young plowman Vasily, the only son of her mother. From afar, under the cover of the reeds, from early morning the mermaid incessantly watched the handsome young man, and when one day, having finished work, Vasily went to the river to wash, she could not stand it and appeared before him in all her beauty. They fell in love with each other. And the mermaid began to call the young man to her native element, and Vasily persuaded her to stay on earth. They agreed on everything, but they couldn’t agree on where they should live together. And when the mermaid realized that the plowman would not leave his native land, in despair she turned him into a modest flower growing in the fields, but with a color reminiscent of her blue element. People, sympathizing with the good young man and his old mother, named the flower in memory of him after the young man’s name - as his mother called him - Cornflower. In botany it was called “blue cornflower”. However, cornflower has a Latin species name Cyanus, which in ancient Greece associated with the name of the nymph Kiane, the daughter of the river god meander, who turned into a stream with dark blue water, which became a tributary of the Anapis River, which flowed near Syracuse. A type of flower that resembled the color of this stream was named Cyanus.

Drozd Natalya, Vasilki

CORNFLOWER(voloshka, Ukrainian) (Centaurea cyanus), presumably got its name in honor of the mythical centaur Chiron, who had the gift of healing people with medicinal plants. According to another version, this is Old Russian re-arrangement of Greek basilicon"royal" (flower, plant), derived from basileus"tsar".

A symbol of purity, friendliness and courtesy, modesty. Required element traditional Ukrainian maiden wreath.

Well, folk legends explain the origin of its name in their own way. There lived in the same village a widow with her only son Vasil. He was a handsome and hard-working guy. From morning to night he worked in his field, and then went to the river to wash and rest. A young mermaid saw him and fell in love. She began to call Vasil to her - look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful it is under the water. But Vasil flatly refused to leave his land, his field. He didn't even want to look at her.

The mermaid got angry - if that’s the case, then don’t let anyone get you, but forever become a flower in your field. A flower swayed among the rye. It was blue, like the boy’s eyes, and people named that flower cornflower in honor of him.

There are legends about the origin of cornflowers in Christian literature. Such interesting legends were recorded in the Kharkov region.

When they took down the body of Christ from the cross, they buried it in the garden, in a cave. And they ordered to bury the cross of the Lord in the mountain, level the place above it, and sow henbane seeds there. But God, seeing this malice, gave Vasily (who is unknown) the seeds of a fragrant potion and ordered him to sow it in the place where henbane was sown. When Queen Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, arrived in Jerusalem in 326 and wanted to find the Cross of the Lord, she could not find it for a long time and began to ask God to help her. Someone came to her and said: “Look for the fragrant potion of Vasily: where you find it, there you will find the cross.” They went to Mount Golgotha ​​and found him in a place overgrown with cornflowers. Since then the cross has been decorated with cornflowers.

Another legend tells that during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Vasily the Blessed, the holy fool, lived in Moscow. He walked around Moscow both in winter and summer barefoot, wearing only a shirt, with chains on his shoulders. He visited the royal and boyar chambers, and peasant huts. Spent the night most often in cemeteries

They decorated crosses in churches and placed them behind icons. On the Savior, cornflowers were blessed in the church along with ears of corn and bread baked from the new harvest. The cornflower motif was used in wedding towels, especially in the hospitable ones with which the newlyweds were greeted, in Ukrainian women's and men's embroidered shirts, usually with poppies and daisies. On Trinity Sunday it was the custom to decorate with wreaths as amulets against evil forces

and to increase the offspring and well-being of livestock: sheep, cows, horses.