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» Doing a water well drilling business: useful tips. Well drilling is a promising business

Doing a water well drilling business: useful tips. Well drilling is a promising business

Many entrepreneurs have thought about getting into well drilling. But there are many nuances to this issue. For example, before you start taking concrete steps, you need to create a good business plan. Drilling wells cannot be done anywhere and without modern expensive equipment. The same applies to high-quality advertising, thanks to which people actually learn about you. But this is not all the important points.

Business plan: well drilling

As noted a little above, everything needs to be thought out in advance. What exactly does a business plan include? Firstly, this is the preparation of all documents, and there are quite a lot of them. You should contact a professional for help. This way you can save not only time, but also your own nerves. The next point is purchasing equipment and advertising. Don't forget about the staff. Another important point is the optimal process technology.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that for one well approximately 20-30 meters deep you can earn from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, which, in principle, is decent. But keep in mind that orders can be different - both large and not very large. Let's look at each point of our business plan separately.

Equipment price

So, the most important thing is purchasing a drilling rig. Its price starts from 40,000 rubles. In addition, a DC generator is needed, since it is impractical to power the drill from the mains. This is another 20,000 rubles. You probably know that all work is performed using drill pipes. A meter of material will cost 1200-1500 rubles.

If you are going to make good money, then you need to buy quality equipment. For example, a high-quality pico-drill and a high-performance motor pump. This is another 20,000 rubles. As you can see, the initial costs are relatively low. 150,000 rubles will be enough for everything. Basically, these are one-time expenses. You buy everything and are ready to go. Naturally, in the process you will need to repair equipment, buy fuel, etc.

Well drilling as a business

It has not yet been said that it is advisable for you to acquire a roomy car. This is necessary in order to easily transport the drilling rig. As for the staff, there is no need to say much here. You are not opening a factory, so two or three people will be enough.

This is due to the fact that the drilling rig itself has a decent weight (about two hundred kilograms), so a team of three people is the best option. If you look for potential clients on your own, well, great, if not, then you will need a professional marketer who will find so many people willing to drill a well that there will definitely be no downtime. You can advertise online or post flyers in your city. It is also advisable to get business cards.

Well, now let's move on to the next stage and figure out the technology. There is nothing complicated here, but the sequence of actions must be strictly followed.

About technology

This is one of the most significant points included in a business plan. Drilling wells without the right technology is simply impossible. The first step is to examine the area for the presence of groundwater. At the next stage, their quality is determined, after which they begin directly to work.

Everything here is extremely simple. Once you find water, you need to drill a hole and drive a pipe into it. If you have access to electricity, then the joints of the structure are connected by welding. If not, then you can use a coupling. Next, the sealant is treated and the pump is installed. The last one should be at the top of the pipe.

Let's consider drilling wells manually. The technology is a little different here. It is necessary to use a plug filter and a spigot. The only negative is that it is difficult to get a depth of more than 15 meters. And the advantages are low cost, which is due to the fact that the equipment can be rented.

You will drill a well where the owner of the site will show you. This is due to the following factor: underground there is water everywhere, the only question is at what depth. If we are talking about groundwater, this is approximately 5 meters. If you fail, the loss will be only about 2,000 rubles, which is not so significant.

Business payback

If you are still wondering whether it is profitable to drill water wells, then we will give a clear answer: this is a business that can generate a lot of income. I would like to immediately note that within a month or two you will fully recoup all costs. And this takes into account the fact that there will be no more than 2-3 orders per week.

The business of providing services for drilling water wells is considered seasonal. The main customers are owners of country houses, summer residents, owners of cottages in the private sector. The benefits that the customer receives after drilling a well are the ability to independently obtain water on their land plot.

There is an urgent need for drilling water wells in places where there is no central water supply. However, this business has seasonality in orders.

As you can see from the statistics, the peak of drilling occurs in May. Demand for the service begins to increase significantly from the beginning of March, and a sharp decrease is felt at the end of August. Using this data, you can understand what time of year is best to plan drilling. Without unnecessary research, it is clear that it is necessary to plan the organization of opening this kind of business in the fall or in January-February; in another period of time you may not be able to meet the peak of demand. Pre-orders begin to intensify and arrive in March (you must take into account your geographic location).

Water well drilling technology: Video

It is worth paying attention to the number of requests on this topic. It can be seen here that many potential clients begin to look for a contractor long before the work season. You, in turn, need to master as many working free Internet tools as possible before March.

Income and expenses of a well drilling business

Let's consider the financial part of this business.

Let's start with the following data:

  • 1 meter of water well costs on average 1,800 rubles;
  • The average length of a well is 21 meters;
  • 37,000 rub. commercial price of a well.

Let’s assume that our drilling equipment is a drilling rig RB 50/220 (220 volts, weight 150 kg, drilling depth 50 m). With the necessary set for work (two drills, a motor pump, rods, hoses), such an installation costs approximately 180,000 rubles. These will be your capital expenses. Now let’s estimate the costs of consumables:

  • Casing pipe – 7,500 rub. by 21 meters;
  • Well filter RUB 4,000;
  • Salary for 2 jobs 2,000 rubles;
  • Transport costs will be 1,000 rubles.

The final calculation of expenses for one well is 14,500 rubles, income is 37,000 rubles. The net profit from one well is 22,500 rubles.

According to this calculation, it is necessary to carry out drilling according to 8 orders. You can drill 2 wells per week. The investment will pay off within one month, subject to two clients per week.

According to the calculations, everything turns out very tempting. But do not forget that this is all just a calculation model. If you decide to organize such a business, then you should not forget the characteristics of the region where water well drilling services will be provided. Study the drilling equipment well and become familiar with the nuances of the various models in operation. A lot depends on the cost of a well per 1 meter and on your ability to offer and sell this service.

Well drilling is a seasonal business, the main clientele of which are homeowners in the private sector, summer residents and cottage owners. For them, the value of the service lies in the ability to extract water from the ground within their legal territory.

The main area of ​​work in the drilling business involves drilling traditional artesian wells. Actually, this service accounts for more than two-thirds of the total number of orders. The remaining 30% of the work volume involves digging wells and drilling sand wells. Due to the fact that there are quite a large number of single, non-professionals working in the drilling services market, most people prefer to order services from companies.

A noticeable increase in demand for well drilling begins in March, its peak occurs in May, and a significant decrease occurs in August-September. Therefore, it is best to open a drilling company either in the fall or at the beginning of the year, otherwise there is a high probability of getting into the off-season. The bulk of pre-orders occur in the spring months. Despite the pronounced seasonality, technology and equipment make it possible to drill wells in winter.

Specifics of the drilling business

Today, drilling wells and digging wells is the most profitable business in those areas where cottage development mainly prevails.

If standard requirements are met, the final result will not be long in coming - the output will be high-quality water without any contamination by sediment.

Immediately before drilling a well you need to:

  1. Conduct geological surveys to establish the location, strength and depth of the source;
  2. Examine the soil at the drilling site, since the choice of equipment depends on the physical characteristics of the soil;
  3. Draw up technical specifications to establish the final parameters of the well. The technical specification in this case is a drawing that depicts the structure of the well, as well as the equipment that will need to be installed;
  4. Based on the drawing, draw up an estimate that will give a specific idea of ​​the amount the customer will have to pay.

If you ignore this algorithm, you may not find water at all or fail to meet deadlines, which will entail additional waste of time and wear and tear on equipment. It is worth noting that water located close to the surface of the earth is suitable only for industrial needs. The use of such water in everyday life is strictly prohibited.
To provide water well drilling services, you must purchase:

  • Drilling rig;
  • Pumps;
  • Casing;
  • Caissons;
  • Bailers;
  • Filters.

A drilling rig is a mobile complex for drilling various types of wells. The most popular drilling rig is URB 2A2. The bulk of the cost of purchasing equipment will be the purchase of a drilling rig. The cost of URB 2A2 will be approximately 2.2 million rubles.
The cost of drilling currently amounts to 2.5-6 thousand rubles. per drilled meter. This price includes workers’ wages, equipment wear and tear, and company profits. The depth of the well, as a rule, is up to 100 m, and the cost is less than 2 thousand rubles. per meter can only be done by non-professionals who do not value time and equipment, or provide low-quality services.

Costs for consumables look something like this:

  1. Filter – 4 thousand rubles;
  2. Casing pipe - about 500 rubles. per linear meter;
  3. Fuel and lubricants – 2 thousand rubles;
  4. Salary of 2 workers – 4 thousand rubles.

The cost of drilling a well 100 m deep is about 60 thousand rubles. Thus, the profit, excluding taxes and depreciation of equipment, from drilling a 100 m well is 140 thousand rubles; when drilling a 30 m well, the profit will be approximately 35 thousand rubles.

Taking into account the rather large initial investments, amounting to about 2.5 million rubles, the estimated payback period for the drilling business is about 1.5 years.

Main target audience: summer residents, owners of cottages and houses in the private sector. Value for the consumer: providing the opportunity to extract water within their own area.


There is an objective need to drill a water well in places where there is no central water supply. This business has a pronounced seasonality. This can be easily seen in the Yandex Wordstat statistics for the query “water well” (follow the link and click “show”).

As you can see, the demand for drilling peaks in May. Significant growth begins in March, and a clear decline occurs at the end of August. This picture tells you exactly when to “prepare the sleigh.” It is quite obvious that if you decide to start doing this business, then you need to start organizing it in the fall or in January-February, otherwise you may miss the wave of demand. The surge in pre-orders for drilling begins in March (of course, the part of Russia in which you live matters).

Notice the volume of searches on the topic. This suggests that many potential clients are looking for a contractor on the Internet and you need to master everything by March.

Calculating the profitability of a well drilling business

Initial data

  • Average price for 1 meter of well: 1800 rubles
  • Average well length: 21 meters
  • The commercial cost of the well is 37,000 rubles.

Let's take a drilling rig (depth 50 meters, 220 volts, weight 150 kg). With a set of rods, two drills, a motor pump, and hoses, it will cost 180,000 rubles. These are capital costs. Now let's estimate the costs of consumables:

  • A 21-meter casing pipe will cost 7,500 rubles,
  • Well filter 4000 rubles
  • The salary of two workers is 2000 rubles
  • Transport costs 1000 rubles

Total expenses for one well are 14,500 rubles, income is 37,000 rubles. Net profit from one well is 22,500 rubles.

With this calculation, it is necessary to drill only 8 wells. This is 2 wells per week. If you find at least two clients per week, you will recoup your investment within the first month!

Looks tempting. However, this is an ideal vacuum model. If you want to engage in this business, then you should take into account the characteristics of your region and study the drilling equipment more closely. Much will depend on the price per 1 meter of well and your ability to sell this service.

Living outside the city is not always comfortable due to the lack of important utilities, so you can provide water well drilling, business plan It won’t be difficult here, but the business itself is very effective. Experienced entrepreneurs know how difficult it is to trust someone to come up with an effective business plan. You can create a business plan for drilling wells yourself; you don’t have to be a professional in this field. For the full functioning of the business, you will need equipment, as well as a team of workers who will do all the work. Naturally, drilling water wells, the business plan of which is drawn up in advance, is not carried out in a very short time; it is important to initially examine the site for the presence of groundwater and assess its quality. It is necessary to draw up a correct business plan, a well drilling business plan, which provides for the complete implementation of your own business from scratch.

As for expenses and income, the amounts are always different, it is important to take this into account when drawing up a business plan, a business plan for drilling wells provides for income of up to 20-30 thousand rubles from one well, the depth of which reaches 20-25 meters. We must not forget that purchasing drilling equipment is not always possible, so it is better to rent it for drilling water wells; the business plan in this case is greatly simplified. The cost of rent depends on many factors, the amount varies from 35 thousand rubles or more. Of course, this cannot be done without investments, but as the business plan provides, drilling wells will make it possible to recoup all expenses in the near future. You just need to draw up a truly effective business plan for drilling water wells.

This is where the money lies.

If you are close to the profession of a driller, you know that money lies in the ground, be it oil, water, precious metals and minerals; treasures of ancient civilizations or fragments of space asteroids.

Let's say you've never thought about getting into drilling. Let’s say even the phrase “drilling business” scares you. Think about the profit: it will fully pay for the maintenance of a team of specialist drillers.

With our equipment and skillful approach, you can start a business with high monthly income and excellent prospects for expansion.

You don’t even need advertising: you only need to drill one well, and within a week there will be applications for several months in advance. The execution of requests must be planned in such a way that the work sites are as close to each other as possible, and it is possible to complete at least 2 orders per day for the construction of a well. When a well-coordinated team works, the average turnkey construction time for a well with our installation is 7-12 hours, depending on the soil in your region.

Profitability calculation.

We get profit from an average well: 37,500 rubles. And our costs will be 12,200 rubles:

A total of 25,300 rubles is your net profit from one well.

The cost of our drilling rig starts from only 39,000 rubles in the basic configuration. In addition, most likely, you will need a 3-phase gas generator (drilling from a household network is at least unprofessional). We equip drilling rigs with suitable gas generators at the lowest price in Russia: 22,000 rubles (due to a discount, no markup and very large wholesale directly from the supplier). Drill pipes are also required (for example, our best drill pipe made of 40ХН steel at a price of 1,700 rubles/meter). 30 meters of pipe will cost 51,000 rubles. The chisel will cost 3,000 rubles (bladed pico-drill, spring steel). Let's say we are going to drill professionally and purchase the best available motor pump: Honda SEH-80T for 1000 l/min for 20,000 rubles and 2 hoses for it for 3,000 rubles each.

Total 39,000 + 22,000 + 51,000 + 3,000 + 20,000 + 6,000 = 143,000 rubles for a complete set for professional water drilling with the best drill pipes, which will serve you for several fruitful seasons. After 1-2 months from the date of operation, the investment is fully recouped, and profits begin.