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» We are making a roof over the top floor balcony. Roof over the balcony of the top floor Balcony make a roof and glaze

We are making a roof over the top floor balcony. Roof over the balcony of the top floor Balcony make a roof and glaze

Most apartments in multi-story buildings have balconies, but not all of them have roofs. Due to their absence, rain, snow, and sun can negatively affect the wall of the building, resulting in its destruction. Therefore, it is worth considering the process of how to make a roof on a balcony with your own hands. Below we will list all the building materials suitable for its manufacture, what types of roofs there may be and what you should pay attention to at the very beginning of the process.

First of all, you need to understand what benefits a roof on a balcony has in general. Here are a few positive points:

  • Sun protection;
  • dust protection;
  • protection from dirty stains on the wall, as well as from rain;
  • protection against icing in winter;
  • protection from conflict with neighbors.

If you decide to make a roof on the balcony with your own hands, then it is worth settling this issue with the competent authorities. For example, one or another roof structure can disrupt or spoil the design of the entire building. Therefore, it is important to first draw up a drawing of the roof, with which to go to the housing office. And then act based on the decision of the Housing Office.

By installing a roof on the balcony, you will have the opportunity to get several additional square meters of living space by glazing the balcony.

Attention! You should be extremely careful, as working at heights involves the risk of falling. It is extremely important to carefully consider each of the stages.

It is worth highlighting roofing materials that would be ideal for such a purpose, namely:
  • ondulin;
  • polycarbonate;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting

Let's look at each of them, getting acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages.


It is a super durable material. Its structure is a transparent cellular polymer. Moreover, the weight of one sheet reaches 10 kg, while its dimensions are as follows: width - 2.1 m, length - 6 m, thickness 4 mm.


For a long time, this bitumen sheet enjoyed high popularity. But today experts do not recommend its use. It consists of many layers of paper impregnated with bitumen. Its color fades quite quickly, and if moisture suddenly gets inside, there is a chance that the ceiling will warp. Its service life is no more than 10 years. For these reasons, there is little demand for it, even though its weight does not exceed 6 kg.

Corrugated sheet

Corrugated sheeting – galvanized corrugated steel. It is perfect for covering the roof of a balcony. In addition, an additional advantage is that its structure has greater coating rigidity. For example, the value NS 16 indicates a corrugation height of 16 mm. And this is quite enough to create a reliable and durable roof.

Metal tiles

It is a universal material with a protective coating. Its main advantage is its good resistance to temperature changes. Its thickness is 0.7 mm and its weight is up to 5 kg. As for coverage, there are several types offered:

  • zinc;
  • aluminum-silicon;
  • aluminum-zinc;
  • plastisol;
  • iron-zinc;
  • polyester;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyvinylidene fluoride;
  • acrylate;
  • polyurethane;
  • polymer in various colors.
The balcony is always exposed to wind and precipitation. As a result, with significant temperature changes there is a possibility of icicles forming. As a result, the roof may become deformed or even collapse. To prevent this, you should seriously think about the type of roof construction. The choice of type of construction is affected by the slope of the roof of the house. Here are the options:
  • if the roof is flat, then the canopy over the balcony must have a slight slope with a height to length ratio of 1 to 3.
  • In the case where the roof of the building has a slight slope, the roof will be its continuation.
  • The structure can be attached to the wall or the balcony itself.

Canopies may differ in installation method and shape. For example, the shape can be straight or semicircular, and the installation can be dependent or independent. Now let's look at the whole process in more detail.

Installation of a dependent structure requires a lot of effort and investment. A frame is assembled, which is made of plastic, wood or metal. After it is mounted, all that remains is to put the roof on it. Advantages of this design:

  • glaze or enlarge;
  • strong construction (the roof will not be blown off by the wind);
  • the ability to create different forms;
  • does not affect the weight and size of the material used.

Installation of an independent roof is carried out to the wall. In this case, a stand and frame are not constructed. Its device is simple and does not require serious effort. The roof is secured with dowels, but such a simple design still has many disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to insulate the balcony;
  • during the period of snow melting, due to the large weight, the entire structure may collapse;
  • deformations of the structure are possible (if the balcony is wide);
  • If a lightweight material is chosen for the roof, then with a strong gust of wind there is a risk of it breaking.


As a result of the complexity of the design, it is very difficult to create one yourself. Therefore, you have to purchase a ready-made form. It is produced by different methods: heating the polymer, gluing fiberglass or bending metal.


The simple design has become especially popular. To make a roof for a balcony, we recommend thinking through a preliminary design. It must indicate the type of material, as well as calculate its consumption. Next, decide on the installation method - independent or dependent, and also how the balcony will be insulated.

For work you will need the following materials:
  • corner shapes;
  • metal square;
  • sheet of the selected coating, for example, galvanized sheet or corrugated sheet;
  • aluminum profile for drywall;
  • bars;
  • insulation;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • plastic profile for walls and ceiling;
  • antiseptic;
  • cement;
  • screws, dowels, etc.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • hammer;
  • pliers.

One cannot ignore the fact that the choice of visor directly depends on your capabilities and desires.

Dependent roof

This type of roof will be more reliable, unlike an independent one. This design can withstand heavy loads. It is also worth noting that dimensions and materials may vary:

  • racks are installed along the entire perimeter of the balcony, which can consist of PG, metal profile, square pipe, etc. In this case, you need to immediately cut off the racks of a certain height. If the roof is level, then they will all be the same; if not, then the edge of the balcony will be shorter, and near the wall – longer.
  • Using dowels, a metal form is installed to the wall. Then, using self-tapping screws or bolts, it is attached to the installed racks. They bear the heaviest load.
  • The edges of the truss and the top of the racks are connected using a profile pipe.
  • The sheathing is made in bars.
  • Depending on the type of flooring, the covering must be secured to dowels or nails.
  • We recommend blowing out the gaps formed between the stand and the wall with polyurethane foam. These cracks are puttied on the outside.
  • Next, all that remains is to simply secure the balcony, perform insulation, taking care of hydro- and sound insulation.
  • The final stage is covering the walls and flow outside and inside. All necessary finishing is carried out immediately.

Insulated room. Many people use the balcony to store important things, while others install heating and arrange a personal office. There are no restrictions in this regard.

Independent roof

This type of roof differs significantly from the one described above in its design. In addition, its installation is much faster and costs much less. Follow the following sequence of work:

  • A ready-made metal truss is attached to the wall. Places for drilling for fasteners are marked. In addition to farms, PG can be used. In the necessary places it is cut with a grinder, after which it is bent.
  • The truss is secured with an anchor. At the current stage of work, it is necessary to use gaskets 2 mm thick. This way, you will fill the gap well with foam or sealant.
  • The sheathing is installed on the installed timber truss.
  • The selected roofing material is measured by size. In this case, take into account the slight projection forward and to the sides.

Thus, the main work is being done to create roofs on the balcony located on the top floor. Now we will take a closer look at tips and recommendations for sealing, insulating and waterproofing the roof.

In order to prevent leakage during the spring-autumn period, it is worth waterproofing and sealing it. First of all, this is important if you plan to do the interior decoration of the balcony.

If we talk about sealing, then in this case all joints and seams between the window, walls or fence and the floor are closed. For this, a special sealant is used. If such joints are outside, then it is better to seek help from experienced climbers. A huge number of types of sealant are offered, for example, thiokol, silicone, polyurethane and acrylic. Each of these types has its own disadvantages and advantages.

If your neighbors’ balcony is not glazed, then there is a high probability that precipitation may penetrate into your area. That is why there is a need for the manufacture of high-quality waterproofing. If you are not going to glaze the balcony, then simply screed with a slight slope towards the street. After all, a roof without glazing cannot save you from rain and snow.

Typically, waterproofing is performed in two ways: using rolled material or mastic. As for the first, it cannot be called practical. Roll material is produced on the basis of bitumen or polymers. Typically, when using roll waterproofing built on a bitumen base, a gas burner is used, and when using polymer waterproofing, glue is used. The work is very labor-intensive.

It's another matter if you use special mastics. It is ideal for waterproofing slabs and canopies. This mastic is resistant to chemical and mechanical influences. It tolerates temperature changes and ultraviolet rays well. The mastic is applied using a brush or roller. When applied, it does not flow and forms a seamless and elastic coating. The service life of this waterproofing is 25 years.

To insulate the roof, it is worth using a double layer of penofol, foil-coated glass wool, polystyrene foam and other available materials. The installation process itself goes like this:
  1. The ceiling is covered with a layer of insulation along the entire perimeter of the balcony. If there are no windows, then the first layer goes down to the floor.
  2. The first layer is secured with screws and slats.
  3. From the top of the front windows, a second layer of insulation is laid through the ceiling to the other wall.
  4. It is attached using slats pre-screwed in several rows to the sheathing. If you don’t have them, you can get by with a regular stapler.
  5. Penofol is secured to the wall with slats or staples.
  6. At the final stage, the walls are finished. To do this you need to buy suitable decorative material.

If you decide to use special sheets for insulation, then the work will proceed according to the following principle:

  • Usually such sheets have non-standard dimensions of 1x1 m. Therefore, based on the parameters of the balcony, it is necessary to adjust them to size. If the width of the balcony is more than 1 m, then separate pieces must be added along the edges.
  • If there is lathing on the ceiling, you need to cut the pieces to size and then insert them between the beams. If not, then make the sheathing with a slight step so that you have to cut less sheets of insulation.
  • The sheets are secured using special self-tapping screws with washers.
  • All that remains is to install the facing material. Many people choose suspended ceilings or panels.

Attention! When choosing insulation, you should pay attention to its quality. It is important that it does not absorb moisture.

Most people living in apartment buildings - especially on the top floor - need a high-quality roof for a balcony or loggia that does not leak and will protect them from all kinds of weather. Very often you can see that the roof over the balcony is presented in the form of a reinforced concrete canopy, which is not always appropriate. How to properly make a roof with your own hands? Let's start in order.


When a roof is being erected over a balcony, the most important thing is safety. Often work is carried out on the top floor, so any carelessness or shortcomings can lead to dire consequences. But installing a roof from scratch should begin with welding the support, laying the sheathing and corrugated sheeting. This should only be done on the ground, after which everything is secured at the required height.

The presence of a roof is important for balconies on the top floors


Before you make a roof on the balcony with your own hands, you need to coordinate all the details with the service company or local administration. By failing to do this, they may force you to carry out dismantling for a number of reasons. For example, the commission will point out that the roof over the balcony spoils the overall appearance of the building, and this, in turn, is confirmed in the relevant regulatory act.

Take a closer look at the neighboring houses, look at how everything is done on their top floor. It is quite possible that no one will notice the alterations, but it’s not worth the risk, because installing a roof on a balcony is difficult and takes a long time.

Design features

When relying on any specific engineering solution, it is worth taking into account many operational nuances and design methods. First, think about whether the balcony is suitable for glazing or not.

However, at present, a balcony with a roof is made with your own hands in various variations, so it is impossible to take into account all the points; it all depends on each specific case.

The basis of an independent roof can be a metal frame

Independent type

This type of roof is not suitable for glazing; it looks like a canopy and is light in weight. The material used is polycarbonate. The structure is attached to the main wall and assumes the absence of vertical supports. Even despite the cost savings, this option is not very suitable for the top floor, and all because the surface is not strong enough and will not withstand large accumulations of snow.

There are several cases when an independent roof on a balcony would be appropriate: the first - if winters in this region pass without a large amount of snow, the second - if the balcony is initially small in size and has a small projection.

There are also two more undesirable outcomes: windage of the structure, if strong winds prevail; Balcony leaks when it rains heavily.

Dependent type

The roof over the balcony and the interior space will be used more efficiently. At the moment, there are two options for fixing the roof with your own hands: in the first case, additional racks are attached to the wall; in the second, vertical supports predominate, which is significantly more expensive, but is perfect for a balcony that is planned for glazing.


  • The ability to turn free space into a full-fledged room.
  • Suitable for glazing.


  • Great cost.
  • Complexity of work.

Materials suitable for the roof

Wood roofing

Low cost, ease of processing, small number of tools - all this applies to wood. But there are also significant disadvantages. Since the roof is installed from the outside, it is affected by moisture, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation, and if the roof is not treated in advance, the balcony simply leaks. Another thing is moisture-resistant plywood; it does not leak. But before using wood boards, they are pre-painted with special compounds that do not include a water component.

Please note that the roof above the balcony will be subject to wind load. When fastening with your own hands, you need to use not only self-tapping screws, nails and bolts, it is advisable to use additional reinforcement elements, namely: plates, corners and others.

As you know, steel structures are strong and heavy. For fastening, it is recommended to use pipes that do not have a round profile, but a rectangular or square cross-section. The roof over the balcony made of duralumin pipes, which weigh little and are protected from corrosion, has especially good performance. The structure is assembled only using bolted (screw) connections.

It is advisable to purchase metal profiles with a small wall thickness so that the structure weighs less.

Metal profile is an excellent material for a balcony roof

Roofing made of profiled sheets

The main disadvantage of profiled sheets is noise from dripping water, birds, etc. The advantages include low cost and the ability to choose different sheets.

Roofing with metal tiles

The strength, durability and corrosion resistance of the loggia or balcony are guaranteed. One cannot help but notice the relatively low cost. In winter, snow easily slides off such a covering, and in summer, the roof above the balcony reflects thermal radiation.

Roof with double glazed windows

One of the most expensive materials that are installed as a roof is tempered glass.

Long service life, reliability, strength, thermal insulation, protection from moisture - all this can be said about double-glazed windows. The owner does not have to bother with installation, since when ordering glass, the company provides workers who will carry out the installation. For a balcony or loggia, a transparent roof will come in handy.

In addition to the materials described above, in specific cases, you can make a roof from slate, ondulin, bitumen tiles and others.

Polycarbonate roofing

A polycarbonate balcony is the best solution, since it does not weigh much, is easy to install, and the price is affordable. It is worth choosing polycarbonate of the cellular type, otherwise heat and a large amount of light are guaranteed.

If there is a need to insulate the room with thermal insulation material, then this method is not suitable.

On an open balcony you can make a canopy roof made of polycarbonate

Installation rules

There is more than one scheme according to which the frame is assembled; in each specific case it should be done differently. It will not be difficult for an experienced person to understand this matter, but in any case it is worth paying attention to some features and rules so that in the future you will not have to repair the balcony roof because it is leaking or unstable.

If the house has a pitched roof, then you need to make the same one on top of the balcony, maintaining the angle; if it is straight, you can choose almost any angle. It is optimal to correlate the height of the visor with its width with the protrusion (1 to 2.5). To make the structure more reliable, its load-bearing components must be attached to the wall. In all cases, only anchors are suitable.

Is it worth insulating?

It is worth it if the roof over the balcony is made in a dependent design. Most often, PVC panels or lining are used as ceiling cladding; in these cases, penoplex is recommended. But it is not advisable to use mineral wool for the last floor, since it is not indifferent to moisture.

Interior and exterior finishing is the last stage. For interior use lining, siding or drywall; for exterior use lining, siding and others. The main thing is not to forget about resistance to external influences.

Roof installation example

In order for the reader to understand all the points in more detail, below are instructions on how to make a roof on a balcony with your own hands. First you need to get:

  • profiled sheets;
  • pre-welded support trusses from corners (60), the number selected taking into account the length of the balcony and a step of one meter between them;
  • 10 centimeter anchors;
  • beams, used as lathing;
  • sealant;
  • gaskets and screws;
  • antiseptic for wood treatment;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • cement;
  • scissors or a hacksaw for cutting metal.

Sequence of work

  1. Fastening metal trusses with anchor bolts. Drive the bolts 8 cm deep.
  2. Installation of lathing from wooden bars on top of metal trusses.
  3. Treating wood with an antiseptic.
  4. Cutting profiled sheets, but not with a grinder.
  5. Laying and fastening sheets to the sheathing, using spacers and screws.
  6. Filling the resulting cracks with polyurethane foam, the outer parts where the joints are located - with a solution of sand and cement (3 to 1). Sealant treatment.
  7. The balcony for glazing must additionally be equipped with bars for frames.
  8. During glazing, fill the cracks located between the roof and the frame with foam. Waterproof the outside using sealant.
  9. Insulation with mineral wool or other thermal insulation on the underside of the roof, and then covered with a vapor barrier film.
  10. Insulation with membrane waterproofing on top under profiled sheets. If the balcony is planned to be used as a room attached to the apartment.

The most annoying thing is to notice at the end of the work that the balcony is leaking. Therefore, tight joining of all materials - including insulation - is mandatory. For a completely sealed balcony you need a ventilation hole at the top of the roof. Carefully check the fastening of corner frames, sheathing and roof.

For the exterior finishing of the roof on the top floor balcony, several types of materials can be used:

  • Corrugated sheeting painted or galvanized smooth metal covering;
  • Soft flooring, represented by soft and rolled roofing;
  • Polycarbonate flooring or impact-resistant glass.

Profile sheet is considered a very advantageous, stable and durable material in terms of quality and cost. It has sufficient elasticity and is able to withstand wind loads, snow accumulation and other negative external factors without the risk of damage to the roof. It is important to remember that when choosing a profiled sheet as a roofing covering, you must additionally take care of the soundproofing of the balcony. We use 3 mm Guerlain self-adhesive tape, coated with foil.

Using a soft roof requires the construction of a rigid frame, but you will not have to spend additional money on soundproofing the space of a balcony or loggia.

Make a roof on the top floor balcony

Polycarbonate flooring guarantees structural strength, protection from mechanical stress and preservation of an attractive appearance when exposed to ultraviolet sunlight.

Installation technology

Specialists of the ElitBalcon company will perform the entire range of work on installing a roof on a balcony in Moscow and the Moscow region. We will organize a visit from a specialist to assess the complexity of the project, take measurements and determine the estimate. Our specialists have sufficient experience and qualifications and carefully follow the work technology:

  • Fastening a steel structure to a wall base using anchor or chemical bolts.
  • Installation of steel sheathing to lay the selected roof covering on a steel truss
  • Measuring and cutting of roofing according to pre-calculated parameters.
  • Laying and fixing the roofing material onto the installed sheathing system using self-tapping screws and special washers, rubberized with bolts.
  • Eliminating gaps at joints using strips, silicone or other sealing compounds.

The final cost of the work is determined individually, because we do not work on standard projects. The estimate includes the price of heat and vapor barrier, and also takes into account the features of the roof, the type of covering and the complexity of the work.