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» We make a vacuum pump with our own hands. How to make a vacuum pump at home Do-it-yourself vacuum pump from a pump

We make a vacuum pump with our own hands. How to make a vacuum pump at home Do-it-yourself vacuum pump from a pump

What is a pump and what does it serve? Many people know from personal experience, but with regard to a vacuum device the situation is somewhat different. This specific equipment is manufactured industrially and the average person is not at all interested in where it is used. Still, it can serve well for personal purposes, but since high price If such equipment is inappropriate for use at home, then we will look at how to make a vacuum pump yourself, and for what purposes a home craftsman may need it.

Agree that experimenting just for the sake of experimenting is not a very good thing. Therefore, when designing such a device, you need to know for what purposes you personally need it. So, why do you need to spend time, effort and money creating this unit:

  • Many people are familiar with what vacuum packaging is. This cellophane bag with a valve helps store food, keeping food fresh, and protects against drying out and bacteria. The most primitive package provides that the air will be squeezed out of it, while more complex ones come complete with a pump. Having made a homemade unit, you can pump out air from any bag, you just need to manually ensure the seal of the package.

  • Vacuum packaging is good for storing clothes as they shrink in volume. This method is especially good when you need to pack a lot of things into a suitcase.

  • Those who work with wood products soak it in oil to give it an attractive appearance, but this process can be speeded up and made more efficient by keeping the container of oil in a vacuum chamber. In this case, the internal pressure of the wood will squeeze the air out of itself, absorbing the oil.
  • You can pump out liquid, but not directly through the pump, but using a receiver and a container for liquid.

What types of homemade pumps are there?

Depending on the purpose, they can be very different:

  • The simplest pump, designed to create a vacuum in small volumes, is very affordable, since it is an ordinary medical syringe. If it is not available, then you can buy a syringe at any pharmacy, selecting the required size.

  • You can remake an ordinary car pump.
  • A fairly large vacuum can be obtained using a compressor from a refrigerator.

There are times when more power is needed, so let’s look at how to make vacuum equipment with your own hands from scrap materials.

Making a vacuum pump

There are no problems with how to pump out air with a syringe, so let’s move straight to converting an ordinary pump into a vacuum one.

The method is simple, and there is no need to do irreversible actions. After unscrewing the cylinder cover, remove the rod from it, unscrew the cuff, rotate it 180 degrees and secure it in this position. This way, instead of pumping, it will draw in air. However, one more part is needed - a valve. In automobile and bicycle inner tubes, a spool serves as a valve, preventing air from escaping from it, and in the design of a vacuum pump a valve is needed that will prevent air from returning to the pumped out reservoir.

This part needs to be purchased, and after cutting the hose, insert it and fasten it well so that there is no air leakage.

The valve is one-way, and if it is installed incorrectly, it will not be possible to create a vacuum.

To understand how to place it, blow into it. The side from which the air flows is inserted into the second part of the hose, which goes to where the vacuum needs to be created.

If you don’t want to pump, or you need to do this for a long time, then you can use a compressor from an old refrigerator. In order to remove such a compressor in the right way, carefully cut off the ones coming from it copper tubes hacksaw for metal.

Pay attention to how it is connected to the power supply - there should be a relay on the compressor itself, or not far from it. When disconnecting it, remember how the wires are connected.

If you are not comfortable with electricity, then take a photo, because if the connection is incorrect, the compressor will not work! Having completed all these operations, turn it on to the network. You can stretch a durite hose onto the outlet of the suction tube and use it.

If you need to achieve a higher rarefaction coefficient, then you can slightly modify a household compressor, which is capable of pumping air under high pressure. To do this, you need to connect a hose instead of a filter. By starting the compressor, you will get a fairly powerful suction.

Such a strong vacuum is necessary in order for liquids to boil at a lower temperature, however, one must take into account the fact that in this case steam will pass through the pump, and this is very undesirable. Therefore, you need to install a receiver and a sump - this will help dry the air.

All! Vacuum pump ready!


We invite you to watch the video, which is also dedicated to converting a compressor into a vacuum unit.

A vacuum pump is the simplest and most reliable device designed to enlarge the male penis. Regular use of the exercise machine helps improve blood circulation in the groin area, as well as strengthening erections. Thanks enough simple principle actions and designs, you can assemble a vacuum pump for the penis with your own hands from scrap materials.

You can make an analogue of a medical simulator at home in literally half an hour.

The systematic use of homemade devices allows you to increase not only the girth of the penis, but also sexual stamina. By restoring normal blood circulation in the groin, the conduction of nerve impulses from soft tissues to the cerebral cortex improves.

If you use a vacuum pump for at least 20 minutes a day, over time it will help you cope with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Operating principle of a vacuum pump

To understand how to make a pump for penis enlargement, it is necessary to consider the operating principle of a medical device. The increase in the size of the reproductive organ occurs due to stretching of the microchambers of the erectile tissue that make up the corpora cavernosa. A vacuum pump helps create negative pressure around the penis, thereby increasing blood flow to the tissues. Excessive blood supply to the cavernous bodies leads to an increase in the girth of the male penis and, accordingly, increased erection.

You should not use a vacuum pump for more than 20 minutes a day, as stagnation of blood in the penis can lead to vascular damage and tissue scarring.

As a rule, factory simulators are equipped with pressure gauges, with which you can monitor the degree of air vacuum in the flask. Too strong a decrease in atmospheric pressure in the device leads to a critical expansion of the blood vessels in the penis and, as a result, their rupture. To prevent tissue injury during the use of homemade devices, it is recommended to carry out therapy only in the absence of severe discomfort.

Typical device design

How to make a vacuum pump? A classic simulator consists of several parts that you will have to construct yourself from available materials. As a rule, the vacuum pump package includes:

  • transparent plastic cylinder;
  • sealing ring;
  • small hose;
  • device for reducing pressure (electric pump, rubber bulb).

Some men use compressors from a refrigerator or car to pump air out of the tank. However, it should be taken into account that compresses converted to vacuum pumps have very high power. Failure to adjust the air pumping speed can lead to a rapid drop in atmospheric pressure in the flask. As a result, this can lead to excessive filling of the erectile tissue with blood and, as a result, rupture of blood vessels. To avoid injury, it is recommended to use homemade devices only mechanical vacuum pumps.

What is the flask made of?

A homemade penis pump should consist of a cylindrical reservoir, the diameter of which would be at least 5-6 cm. Some nupers use aerosol cans as a container. According to experts, using opaque tanks is dangerous, since during pumping out air you will not be able to monitor the degree of expansion of the surface vessels and increase in the diameter of the penis.

As a pump, it is best to use transparent cylindrical containers made of durable plastic:

  • cream injector;
  • aquarium soil cleaner;
  • technical (automotive) syringe;
  • bottle made of thick plastic.

Subsequently, you will need to attach a thin tube to the flask, which will connect to the vacuum pump. Therefore, during assembly of the device, you need to ensure that the connection between the tube and the plastic tank is sealed. To avoid difficulties during operation, it is recommended to give preference to a technical pump. It is equipped with a flexible hose required diameter, which fits perfectly into the syringe rod.

The factory vacuum pump is additionally equipped with a rubber seal, thanks to which there is no discomfort when pressing the bulb to the pubic area. To prevent tissue injury, it is recommended to treat the edge of the technical pump (without a piston) with silicone or sealant, which will act as a softening buffer.

Vacuum pump assembly

Assembling a vacuum pump is one of the most difficult stages in constructing a homemade simulator. To create a sufficiently high negative pressure around the penis, you will need to pump out excess air from the pump. To assemble the pump you will need a small plastic syringe, 2 nipples from a bicycle tube and a flexible tube.

You can construct a vacuum pump with your own hands in several stages:

  • using a hot screwdriver, make a small hole in the piston from under the syringe;
  • insert the nipple into the hole with the part on which the thread is applied;
  • connect a flexible tube no more than 3-4 cm long to the syringe rod;
  • Attach the second nipple to the free edge of the tube so that the threaded part remains outside.

Important! If the second nipple is not secured correctly, the check valve will allow air into the pump while the pump is running.

As practice shows, with a self-made pump you can create a fairly high negative pressure in the flask. A decrease in atmospheric pressure will provoke blood flow to the phallus, as a result of which the cavernous bodies will significantly expand. A simple and fairly simple device is recommended to be used to permanently increase the diameter of the penis immediately before copulation (sexual intercourse).

Any vacuum pump works on the principle of medical cups, which are used to increase blood flow to certain areas of the body. To enlarge your penis instantly without inventing fancy devices, use a long glass jar. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the alcohol solution and drop it to the bottom of the jar. Using matches, set the cotton wool on fire, then insert the penis into the jar, pressing it against the pubis. As the cotton wool burns, some of the air from the container will evaporate, and after the wick goes out, the pressure in the can will become significantly lower than in the environment.

Vacuum pumps were originally created for industrial use. Bulky, powerful and technically complex units were installed in factories and enterprises, and the price for them was simply enormous.

Nowadays, vacuum models have become used in everyday life. And although they are much cheaper than their industrial versions, purchasing vacuum pumps is still a problem. Fortunately, there is always the opportunity to make a vacuum pump with your own hands without losing the quality of the created device.

1 How to make a vacuum pump from a car pump?

The easiest way to make a homemade vacuum pump is from a banal lip pump used in cars.

Moreover, a bicycle pump is quite suitable, although to upgrade it into a vacuum model household type More time and money will need to be spent, so converting the car pump is a better option.

The step-by-step process of upgrading a car pump into the required vacuum looks like this:

  • It is necessary to spin up the car pump;
  • Next, the cuff rotates 180 degrees;
  • All that remains is to assemble the mechanism in reverse order.

It is necessary to rotate the cuff 180 degrees because with this arrangement the homemade unit will be able to draw air out of the container. The power to draw air masses is more than enough, unless, of course, such a hand-made homemade pump is used to obtain a deep vacuum.

The second stage of modernizing a car pump will be creating a check valve. The most suitable mechanism for supplying air into the container from the compressor is any plastic part that has suitable parameters. It should be installed between the hose and the pump.

In general, this completes the modernization of a conventional automobile model to obtain a vacuum output. It would seem that after this, ask the question “how to do?” It won't work anymore.

But actually this method may not be suitable for everyone, so there are several more ways to create an improvised vacuum pump with your own hands.

1.1 Vacuum type liquid ring pump

A hand pump of this type is made using a cylindrical body. The housing itself must be placed inside a shaft with an impeller, which has small blades.

Next, you need to create a water supply into the device body, which, in fact, will make the wheel with blades rotate. It must be understood that the liquid, when exposed to centrifugal force, will certainly rush towards the walls of the device. But in the center of the device there will be a vacuum.

This type of device is used not only in agricultural machinery, but is even installed in factory equipment.

It should be noted that the liquid ring type of pump has significant disadvantages, which limit the range of its applications. These are disadvantages such as:

  • The need for constant capture and subsequent recycling, sometimes even recycling, of the so-called lost working fluids, the recycling process of which must include waste gases;
  • The need for constant replenishment of the volume of working fluids in the mechanism itself;
  • The need to create a system for cooling the liquid used, which is simply necessary when operating a vacuum pump of this type, since in the absence of a decrease in the pressure of the resulting vapors, failure of the equipment is simply inevitable.

2 How to make a vacuum pump from a hospital syringe?

A hand pump from a hospital syringe has enough simple design, and you can create it even without engineering skills. This mechanism can be used in conditions where it is necessary to pump air out of a container.

In order to create such a hand pump from a hospital syringe you will need:

  • Plastic tee;
  • One fitting;
  • Nozzle;
  • Core.

First, you need to insert a nozzle pre-made from a pipe into one of the three holes of the tee. The next step is to screw the fitting carefully and slowly onto the threaded tap, and then pull it onto a piece of hose, the length of which should not exceed ten centimeters.

The pump core should then be inserted into the remaining free end of the hose. On the opposite side you need to connect a short hose, through which the water will be discharged into the sewer or any other similar system.

Next, you need to attach a hose to the main outlet of the tee, which then needs to be lowered into the aquarium. It is important to remember that during this entire procedure, you must not forget that an aquarium siphon must be attached to the end of the hose. This is necessary to prevent soil from the aquarium from being drawn into the pump device.

Actually, at this point the production of a vacuum pump from a hospital syringe can be called completed. When the tap opens and water flows into the manufactured system, a vacuum will be created in the hose. Thanks to such a system, pumping water from the required container will be achieved.

As soon as the pumping mechanism has finished working, it is necessary to turn off the water supply from the tap. The siphon should be pulled out of the aquarium, which will cause the hose to drop. The hose itself must be twisted and stored in a twisted form until its next use.

It is important to remember that homemade vacuum pumps are inferior to their counterparts developed by specialized companies. Moreover, homemade pumps are more likely to fail and in some cases can lead to emergency situation in the entire system to which they are connected, and not just in the internal mechanism.

Therefore, creating a pump from a hospital syringe or bicycle analogues is not an option. However, in some situations you can get by using such homemade units. In any case, the decision is yours.

2.1 An example of creating a homemade vacuum pump from a medical syringe (video)

In industry, vacuum devices are needed to remove large volumes of air and gas. However, this method has found application in everyday life, although not so long ago. Such devices help to store food and things, marinate meat, pump out gas and liquid. They can be easily purchased in stores, but they are not cheap. Exists Alternative option- make a vacuum pump with your own hands.

In industry, vacuum devices are needed to remove large volumes of air and gas.

Types and scope

Vacuuming in everyday life is used to remove excess air from plastic packaging intended for storing clothing or food. When air is taken in, the volume of the container decreases, and the polyethylene fits tightly to the product. Using this method helps to store food for a long time; it does not spoil even without freezing.

Things and household products (plaids, blankets, pillows) are significantly compacted in packaging, as a result of which they take up much less space. It should be noted that clothes stored in this way are reliably protected from moths.

Thanks to vacuum units, it can be processed with laminating film wooden crafts or building materials. Vacuum pumps are used to remove gas or steam in everyday life. This is necessary in order to restore the tightness of the devices. In addition, the devices have found application in split systems.

Main types of vacuum devices:

  • Water-ring - their operation is carried out by immersing a device in a liquid, which, during rotation, pumps out air from the center of the blade mechanism.
  • Rotary-plate units - often made with two chambers, operate by pumping gas from the first chamber into the second, ensuring the operation of the rotor.
  • Membrane-piston devices - in them the vacuum is created by a piston system. The compressed gas is released outside the chamber using a valve, ensuring a decrease in pressure and the arrival of new portions. Such devices are considered one of the most versatile and silent.

The simplest devices

If you need the device urgently, you can quickly make a simple vacuum pump with your own hands. This will require two plastic bottles of different diameters, which easily fit into each other. One of them will act as a piston, so you should select containers that are close in diameter, otherwise you will need to make a large sealing layer on the smaller one. In addition, you will need a hose from a bicycle pump.

If you need the device urgently, you can quickly make a simple vacuum pump with your own hands.

First you need to cut off the neck of the larger container. Then make a hole in the bottom of the smaller bottle and insert the bottles into each other (it should be noted that the inside may need seals, which can be made using tape). Then screw the hose into a large container, always in the opposite direction. The device will pump out air when the piston moves from a smaller container.

Modernization of the cuff pump

You can make a vacuum pump for pumping out air with your own hands from any cuff device. Even bicycle devices are suitable for these purposes. Of course, it is better to take a car pump, because improving it will be much less hassle.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  1. Spin up the car device.
  2. Remove the cuff and turn it the other way around.
  3. Reassemble the device in reverse order. The difference is that the cuff is turned upside down reverse side.
  4. At the entrance to the pump, where the hose is located, with which air is pumped out, screw check valve. The latter must function by passing air flow from the vessel to the device. There should be no movement of the air mass in the opposite direction. The check valve can be purchased separately or taken from the aquarium compressor. Immediately before installation you need to blow into it. Screw the side that will not let air through to the pump, and the other to the tube. It should be noted that the device is quite sufficient to meet household needs, but it is not suitable for creating a deep vacuum due to its low power.

Vacuum device from compressor

A more powerful device can be obtained from a compressor, which is present in air conditioners or refrigerators. Step-by-step master class By self-assembly unit:

  1. Release the compressor from the evaporator and condenser. To do this, you need to cut the copper tubes that connect the devices.
  2. Correctly connect the compressor to the electrical network.
  3. Attach a fine air filter to the inlet of the device (can be purchased at any auto store).
  4. Attach a flexible hose of the required diameter to the outlet of the device.
  5. Connect the compressor to the network.

Using such a unit, you cannot pump out air masses that contain a lot of water vapor. This may cause the device to malfunction. In this case, it is necessary to make a receiver and a sump. Such parts will work together as a drainage device.

You can make your own vacuum pump from an aquarium compressor. To do this, you need to disassemble it and remove the check valves. When the valves are turned over, the compressor will begin to pump out air instead of pumping. The procedure is similar to making a device from a car pump.

Using a medical syringe

Such a device will certainly come in handy on the farm if you need to pump out liquid or gas in small volumes. The following parts are required for operation:

  • plastic tee;
  • flexible plastic pipe, its diameter should be identical to the holes of the tee and syringe;
  • 2 check valves for aquarium;
  • a syringe, the volume of which depends on the power of the device (the larger the syringe, the greater the power).

The plastic pipe is cut into pieces 10 cm in size, and then attached to the tee. The tubes should fit snugly to the spout of the tee. This is necessary so that they do not jump off under pressure during operation of the device.

The syringe tip is then attached to the central tube. The entire structure is presented in the form of a tee, on the sides of which two pieces of hose are fixed, as well as a syringe located at right angles to the retracted ends.

The next step is to install the valves. They are often marked with an indicating arrow. One of them should be placed so that the arrow points away from the tee, and the second - with the arrow pointing towards it. In general, the system will be similar to an entry-exit sign.

The handheld device is ready. With its help, you can pump water from one container to another by placing one valve in the liquid and the other in the pumping container. The arrows act as guides. You need to immerse the valve in the water, the pointer of which points to the tee. The system will work when the piston on the syringe begins to move.

It is quite difficult to do it yourself in the absence lathe, welding machine and without special skills. A cylindrical body is required for manufacturing. It should contain a shaft equipped with a blade wheel. When water is supplied, the wheel rotates and, under the influence of centrifugal forces, a vacuum will certainly be created in the device.

The mechanism operates using an electric motor. The impeller should not be installed directly in the center. This is necessary so that the gaseous mass is injected and pushed through the system. The disadvantage of such a device is that the liquid that makes the device work constantly heats up and needs to be replaced.

The device must be equipped with inlet openings. With their help, the liquid will flow inside. In addition, there must be outlets through which gas can escape. Similar mechanisms are used in large enterprises, as well as in agricultural work, to remove gas mixed with sand or dust. For continuous operation, it is necessary to provide a gas outlet, a constant supply of liquid and a motor cooling system.

The mechanism operates using an electric motor. The impeller should not be installed directly in the center.

Car pump conversion

You can make a vacuum pump with your own hands using a similar car device . Step by step process is as follows:

  • first you need to remove the rod with the cuff from the open cover located on the sleeve;
  • Having previously unscrewed the screws, remove the cuff;
  • turn the latter over in the opposite direction and replace it and the rod.

As a result of these manipulations, you will get a suction tube to which you need to connect a check valve. During installation, you need to ensure that air enters the sleeve. To check this, you need to blow into the valve. A tube should be attached to the second end of the valve, which should be made of dense materials that are not susceptible to atmospheric influence.

Such a device creates a vacuum in vessels with food products or covers for storing clothes. Any breakdowns that occur can be easily repaired with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to study the materials on the design of the original unit. After familiarizing yourself with the design, you can repair the device yourself, without the help of expensive technicians.

To make a vacuum pump with your own hands, you need desire and raw material. The scope of application and complexity of manufacturing the device depend on the type of primary device. Big advantage self-made devices can be considered a significant cost savings.

If you have an inquisitive child who is constantly trying to discover inventions, then help him with this. Offer to make a small vacuum pump from scrap materials, and then conduct educational experiments together.

To make a vacuum pump we need:
- 3 PVC tubes, 4 mm in diameter;
- 2 valves for an aquarium, costing about 15 rubles;
- threesome, worth 10 rubles;
- a syringe, preferably used for 5 cubes.

To make a vacuum pump, we take 3 PVC tubes with a diameter of 4 mm and attach them to the tee. The tube should fit tightly on the tee and not slip out even under very high pressure.

Our third tube will connect the syringe and the tee. The larger the syringe, the greater the effect. As previously mentioned, it is preferable to use a syringe with a capacity of 50 cc, and if you find one with a capacity of 100 cc, it will be even better.

Next up is the valves. They should have arrows drawn on them and in out should be written. We must insert the side that the arrow shows us into the silicone tube.

The second valve should no longer be inserted with the arrow into the tube, but with the arrow from the tube. It turns out that the arrows on the two valves should not face each other.

Now we have assembled a simple vacuum pump, now you can try pumping ordinary water from one cup to another.

To do this, we need to place one valve in a cup of water, and the second valve in an empty cup, and now we pump the water with forward movements. The smaller the syringe, the more translational movements you will have to make.

A vacuum pump can not only pump water, but also pump out air from ordinary plastic bottle(empty, of course). To do this, we make a small hole in the bottle cap and insert a valve there that sucks in air.