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» School principal's motto. Golden education quotes and learning aphorisms. How open should a company leader be to employees?

School principal's motto. Golden education quotes and learning aphorisms. How open should a company leader be to employees?

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Education

Don't be an alien in a foreign country.
Don’t be an alien in a foreign country.
BERLITZ, school of foreign languages. Slogan in Bahrain, 2011

Let others climb the corporate ladder. You will use a hydraulic lift.
Let others climb the corporate ladder. You'll take the hydraulic lift.
More office cubicles should look like this. (Cabin of a powerful tractor)
More office cubicles should look like this.
Remove the red restrictions from your future.
Remove the red pylons from your future.
There's a monster living under that hood. You are his trainer.
A monster lives under the hood. You are its handler.
UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, a transport institute in the USA. Slogans for applicants and students, 2010

Gagarin studied for free.
Fee-paying schools – caste education!
Paid education, medicine, culture, sports... then air?
Is the future of Russia a country of sick ignoramuses?
Picket slogans against the law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions”, Saratov, 2010

Study the covers of business magazines... Or be on the covers of business magazines?
Join today the circle of people who shape tomorrow.
Studying in a unique environment of outstanding people who have a lot to learn from.
SKOLKOVO, Moscow School of Management, 2009

Be smart. Even cunning.
Be smart. Outsmart.
SKOLKOVO, business school. Advertising slogan, 2009

Either study or goodbye!
Unleash your talent!
OUR youth movement. Mottos of the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum (camp) “Seliger-2009”

Let's polish the neglected Deutsch.
Polish your rusty Deutsch.

Brighton hand sander polishes monumental rusty Deutsch word

Let's fix broken English.
Fix your broken English.
BRIGHTON, language center in Yekaterinburg, 2009
Brighton tape connects the broken letters in the word English

Let's refresh the forgotten Espanol.
Refresh your forgotten Espanol.
BRIGHTON, language center in Yekaterinburg, 2009
Dry trees in the shape of the word Espanol bloom, watered with a Brighton watering can

Happiness is when you are understood.
BRIGHTON, language center in Yekaterinburg. Image slogan

English on the phone. Break the language barrier!
ENGLISH BY PHONE, English language school. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Female SEX*
*Female. What did you think? Learn English - understand life correctly!
MR. ENGLISH, English language school. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2008

Learn English in the right place.
Catch the bus of opportunities to learn English!
WALL STREET INSTITUTE (WSI), a global network of English language schools. Advertising slogans in Moscow, 2008
Red double-decker bus on a London street

Is your time valuable? We will make it even more expensive.
STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Slogan of an advertising campaign in Russia, 2008

5 foreign choreographers will teach you to dance in 3 months. Want?
DRIVE DANCE PROJECT, dance school. Advertising slogan in Moscow. 2008

Let's learn to dance. Easily!
GALLADANCE, lifestyle dance club, Moscow, outdoor and online advertising slogan, 2008

What's the point of looking at others? Now I dance myself...
GALLADANCE, lifestyle dance club, Moscow, advertising slogan in the press, 2007
The picture shows an office manager

Higher education is about you, not about you.

Capacious and concise mottos for schools and other educational institutions are examples of what the motto of a modern school can be.
Whether your school strives to make geniuses out of children, or the main task of your teaching staff is the comprehensive harmonious development of a personality well integrated into modern realities - it’s up to you to decide. We just want to show that the policy of the school’s teachers can and should be reflected in the school’s motto.

Examples of mottos

The hut is red with its corners, and the school is red with its graduates!
Studying is hard - not in our school!

Right to education! The right to tact! Right to attention!
Motto of the School of Physics and Mathematics
The power of knowledge is the mass of the teacher’s knowledge multiplied by the acceleration of the student’s diligence!
Motto of the gymnasium
Secondary education of the highest quality!
The most important three disciplines: reasonable, kind, eternal!

School teachers' mottos

We teach them, they teach us.
In pedagogy, as in a barbell, the main thing is the approach!
The bell is for the teacher! Teacher - for children!

Elementary School Teachers' Mottos

Our future is looking at us. Let's make it better!
Children can be smart, funny, and curious! There are no children: bad, stupid, the same!

Music school mottos

We're doing everything right!
From musical harmony to harmony of life!
Raise another cultured person, and only then – another Rostropovich!

Alternative school mottos

The school director is God! It is up to him to decide whether the school will become hell or heaven!
For 20 years now we have been turning first-graders into 11th-graders!
School is our second home! Let's wallpaper it!
Chants, mottos, chants, names.

The first European university is considered to be the University of Bologna (Università di Bologna, UNIBO), founded in 1088. To be fair, it should be noted that, like many things, “universities” also came to Europe from the east, from the Arab world. In the Arab world, Bologna's rival is Al-Qaraween University, the oldest continuously existing university in the world, but unlike European ones, Arab religious schools did not issue diplomas on behalf of the institution itself.

And the motto of the oldest university in Europe, University of Bologna:
"Alma mater studiorum - Petrus ubique pater legum Bononia mater"
(Alma mater studiorum - Mother-nurse of teaching)

Although... We can say that the first European educational institution, scientific community was the Pythagorean School. And the first university - Plato Academy, and we know its “motto”: “Those who do not know geometry are not allowed to enter” or “Let those who do not know geometry enter” (Μηδείς αγεωμέτρητος εισίτω).

The first domestic university was, of course, Moscow State University. The creation of the university was proposed by I. I. Shuvalov and M. V. Lomonosov. Initially, the opening of the university was planned for 1754, however, due to preparatory work related primarily to the renovation of the building, the opening took place only in 1755. The decree on the creation of the university was signed by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on January 12 (23), 1755. In memory of the day the decree was signed, Tatyana’s Day is celebrated annually at the university (January 12 according to the Julian calendar, according to the Gregorian calendar in the XX-XXI centuries - January 25).

Motto Moscow State University: "Science is a clear knowledge of truth, enlightenment of the mind"

It is believed that Phystech was founded in 1946. The date of birth of Physics and Technology is considered to be November 25, 1946, when the USSR Council of Ministers issued a decree on the creation of the Faculty of Physics and Technology (FTF) of Moscow State University. Five years later, in 1951, the Physics and Technology Faculty of Moscow State University closed - but in the same 1951, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization of a new university on the basis of the Physics and Technology Faculty of Moscow State University - the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which began its existence in 1952 The first rector of MIPT is Ivan Fedorovich Petrov, a Soviet military and scientific figure, lieutenant general of aviation (!). It was this group of academicians that included P.L. Kapitsa, S.A. Khristianovich, N.N. Semenov, asked for help. It was necessary to save the idea, to save the future of the Land of Soviets. Authoritative Soviet scientists convinced the general of the advantage of a new type of institute, of the correctness of their noble cause. And he convinced the country’s top leadership (he personally went to a reception with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Comrade Stalin). You can read more about the history of Physics and Technology drakon_moscow , the beginning, as I understand it, .

Motto Moscow Physico-Technical University:
"Sapere aude"
("Dare to Know")

Otherwise - “Dare to be wise!” This call is contained in one of the “Epistle” of the ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus. He wrote: “He who started has already accomplished half the work: dare to be wise and begin!”...

Mottos of other domestic universities and institutes:

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
"The one who walks will master the road"

Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman
"Courage, will, work and perseverance!"

St. Petersburg State University
"Hic tuta perennat"
("He is safe here")

Ural State Economic University
“The knowledge is the power, the science is the might”
Exists only in the English version, it can be translated into Russian as “Knowledge is power, science is power”

Ural Mining University
“Set your mind on things above” (Apostle Paul, Colossians Col. 3:2)

Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky
“Fear the man of one book!” (Thomas Aquinas)

Moscow State University of Technology and Management
“Faster in thought, brighter in word, stronger in action!”

State University - Higher School of Economics
"Non scholae, sed vitae discimus"
(“We study not for school, but for life”)

European University in St. Petersburg
"Bringing the Best Together"

St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO)
"More than university" ("It"s more than university")

Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU)
"Century-old traditions - modern technologies"

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)
"Scientia unescamus"
(“Let us unite through knowledge”)

Novosibirsk State University
"We won't make you smarter, we will teach you to think"

Irkutsk State University
"Intelligence. Humanism. Uniqueness"

Amur State University
"Preserving traditions, looking to the future"

London School of Economics
"Rerum cognoscere causa"
(“To understand the causes of things” - “To understand the causes of things”)

Imperial College London
"Scientia imperii decus et tutamen"
(“Knowledge is the adornment and protection of the State” - “Knowledge is the adornment and protection of the State”)

Cambridge university
"Hinc lucem et pocula sacra"
(“From here, light and sacred drafts” - “Here [we find] light and sacred vessels [knowledge]”)

University of Oxford
"Dominus Illuminatio Mea"
(“The Lord is my enlightenment”)

Harvard University

Stanford University
"Die Luft der Freiheit weht" (Stanford's motto, oddly enough, in German, is a quote from the humanist poet Ulrich von Hutten)
(“The wind of freedom is blowing”)

Princeton University
"Dei sub numine viget"
(“Under God's Rule Thrives”)

Yale university
"Lux et Veritas"
("Light and Truth")
The inscription on the book is in Hebrew: URIM AND TUMMIM, which can be translated as “heads or tails”

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mens et Manus
(“Head and hands”)

The truth shall make you free
(“The truth gives freedom”)

University of Berkeley, California
"Fiat Lux" (eng. "Let there be light")
("Let there be light")

Heidelberg University
"Semper Apertus" (German: "Immer offen")
(“The Book of Knowledge is always open”)

University of Tübingen
(“I dare!” or “I dare!”)

University of Nijmegen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
"In Dei nomine feliciter"
(Fortunately in God's name)

University of the Basque Country (Universidad del Pais Vasco)
“Eman ta zabal zazu” (Phrase taken from the Basque anthem)
(“Give knowledge and expand it”)

University of Madrid Carlos III (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
"Homo homini sacra res"
(“Man must be sacred to man”)

University of Calgary
“Mo Shjile Togam Suas” (and this is in Scots, although the official languages ​​of Canada are English and French)
("I'll lift my eyes")

Technical University Eindhoven
"Mens Agitat Molem"
("Spirit moves matter")

University of Essex
"Thought the harder, heart the keener."
(“The bolder the thought, the more sensitive the heart”)

Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa (Stellenbosch university)
Pectora roborant cultus recti (Latin roughly "A good education strengthens the spirit")

The following message hangs at the entrance to the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa):
"The destruction of any nation does not require atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. It only requires a decline in the quality of education and allowing students to cheat on exams. Patients die at the hands of such doctors. Buildings are destroyed at the hands of such engineers.
Money is lost at the hands of such economists and accountants. Justice is lost in the hands of such lawyers and judges. The failure of education is the collapse of a nation."

Federal University of Espirito Santo (Holy Spirit), Brazil (Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo)
"Docete Omnes Gentes"
(“Teach all people”)

University of Lisbon
"Ad Lucem"
("The sun rises for everyone") (approx.)

University of Padua, Italy
"Universa Universis Patavina Libertas"
(“Freedom of Padua, universal and for all”)

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
"Utilitas, Honor et Gloria"
("Benefit, Honor and Glory")

Belarusian State University
“University is your step into the future!”

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
"Siddhirbhavati Karmaja" "Effort Yields Success"
(“Perfection comes from action”)

Chinese University of Hong Kong
博文約禮 "Through learning and temperance to virtue"
(“Expand your intellectual horizons and keep within the bounds of decency”)

Actually, that's what we've managed to find so far. The post can be updated - suggest, add!

"The regulations are not the bible!" Yes, we have regulations and rules, but we fully trust our employees and consider them professionals.

“If you can’t meet deadlines, don’t promise!” In our company, “I forgot”, “I was busy”, “I had a lot of other work” are impossible.“Next week or within a day is not a deadline!”If we are talking about a day, we name the exact time. About a week, we call it a day.

"Use Google!" Before asking questions, any employee opens Google.

"An issue without proposals will not be considered!" The simple rule of directing a question with several options and ideas from the questioner helps assess how much a person understands the problem. And then, and this is surprising, the right decisions suggest themselves.

Once upon a time I read the phrase: “If you appear to be not who you are, you can get the wrong job, the wrong friends, and the wrong life in general.” Now I don’t even remember whose quote it was, but it firmly settled in my head and transformed into something similar to a motto (both in life and professionally). It sounds like this: “Stop looking for a job - look for yourself.”

I personally am for experiments and searches. But not at the behest of someone else: not because “everyone in the family is a doctor, so I went.” NFor example, I am a psychologist by profession, but I have been recruiting personnel for quite some time. Therefore, during interviews, I very carefully observe what requirements the applicant makes for the job, what he is looking for, how inclined he is to change and grow, what fuels his ambitions, what opportunities we have for him to “open up”, and not just use that store of knowledge, what already exists. This, it seems to me, is the key to long-term relationships. If this turns out to be a tandem, then the only thing left is to work conscientiously.

I have one motto, proven by time and practice: Business is made by people. I am convinced that human capital is the basis and key to the success of any project, therefore, in order to achieve real heights, a manager must understand what kind of people are on his team. Of course, treating an employee not only as a specialist, but also as a person helps to manage personnel much more effectively.

For me, building good human relationships with colleagues is always a way to increase productivity, the ability to informally ask an employee for something important for the business and the confidence that he will not let you down. And then, gratitude - and everyone needs it, regardless of position and field of activity - is an excellent support for monetary motivation, which on average lasts no more than 6-8 months.

There is one phrase in one famous and cult film about sales “Boiler Room”: “ Motion creates emotion!“A good phrase not only for a personal motto, but also for the motto of the entire team. Bright, easy to remember, you can let it through and feel it. This phrase contains several messages that are important for an effective leader. On the one hand, today a leader should not just stand still, but also slow down.

On the other hand, you need to understand that you need to not only set new ambitious goals for employees, introduce changes, maintain the pace of work, but also take care of everyone’s morale and emotional background, which will contribute to greater employee engagement, job satisfaction and faster achievement of results. These management actions will keep your team motivated for a long time.

"He who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city"(Bible, Book of Proverbs of Solomon). If I direct the actions of other people and do not follow my own principles, then people do not accept words as a guide to action.

In this case, the lie is quickly calculated at a conscious or unconscious level. This motto appeared after I was asked at one of the training sessions on non-financial motivation of staff, how often do I praise my employees and family members?

"Now I am the voice! I am a force for good! I will not settle for less than what I can be, do and give!" This motto was born in London at the Unleash The Power Within seminar by Anthony Robbins, the No. 1 trainer in the world. A lot has changed after I wrote it down in my diary.

Every time I consolidate some useful habit and suddenly have the opportunity to be lazy, show pity for myself, I remember him - and everything falls into place. Because it allows me to take a more conscious approach to what I do and what I work on. This applies to everything: health, relationships, favorite activities, etc.

Author's motto: 1. KNOW THE RULES. 2. BREAK THE RULES. This motto was born during the development of a creative campaign on the channel. Since the term “creativity” traditionally means “an individual’s creative abilities, characterized by a readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional patterns of thinking...”, the question arose: in order to create new forms, do you need to follow the rules or do you need to break them? Why do some people, breaking the rules, create masterpieces, while others invent the proverbial bicycle? Rules slow us down if they prevent us or our project from developing.

Based on history, the legendary authors of modern art have become people with a canonical education. You cannot, for example, engage in high modern choreography without knowing the basics of ballet. Simply put, apples fell from the trees for many centuries from year to year, but only the physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer Newton saw the Law of Universal Gravitation in this.

As an example, I’ll tell you about two mottos that I try to adhere to in work and in life: 1. Listen to others, but trust only yourself. I make all decisions independently, focusing on my judgment and personal opinion, and I trust only him.

2. Flexibility is the basis of success. The ability to be flexible is truly the basis of success in the modern world. In this case, flexibility is a very broad concept: for example, flexibility in decisions - if a strategy was adopted several months ago, but today its gaps or even basic errors have become obvious, it needs to be changed “yesterday”, without waiting for the next planned revision of the strategy.

My motto in business is very simple - you need to do everything as if you were doing it for yourself. When hiring employees to join my team, this is the first thing I try to convey.

Because man himself is a selfish creature and often cares only about his own well-being. To increase the degree of responsibility, we use such a management system.

Per aspera ad astra, "Through thorns to the stars"- the motto that Seneca came up with, and on the day of the 20th anniversary of Gagarin’s flight, a film with the same name was released. The meaning of this saying is simple: if you have a high goal in front of you, obstacles do not matter. Business drags on, current affairs require the mobilization of all forces, ups and downs happen, and in order to overcome inevitable difficulties, you need to see a strategic perspective.

You need to have the courage to go where no one has gone before. Be able to think like no one else. Believe that you and your team can reach the stars - and then there will be success.

“To survive, you have to be fast and flexible”- this helps to look for new approaches to solving complex problems, use non-standard creative solutions, avoid conflicts, experience difficulties, and navigate controversial situations more smoothly. The hardiest plant on earth is grass. It is the first to recover from fires, droughts and floods, it is green even under the snow and a few drops of water are enough for it to grow.

"Life is not eternal"- if you look at everyday reality from this angle, then many things cease to seem “super-urgent” and “super-important.” You can never do everything, but you can do the most important thing. It remains only to determine what is truly important. Maybe talk to the child first, call the parents, and then negotiate with clients.

"Efficiency. Learning. Sustainability. Predictability." The first is because I stopped “digging from here until lunch” in 1995 (when I left the army). Since then, I want to achieve results, and not spend time at work. Training - since the main value of any employee in our business (marketing communications) is the ability and desire to learn, develop and implement new things.

Stability is my life position - no matter what storms throw at our ship, the course must be maintained. And for this you need to have goals, means and will. Predictability is what distinguishes an artisan from a professional. This is especially difficult in the ever-changing marketing communications industry. But even more interesting!

"Democracy and Directive". In the decision-making process, I am a democratic manager. I share my ideas with colleagues, listen to the team’s opinions and, based on this, make the final decision.

But the implementation of decisions is not subject to discussion. Here you need to act in a directive manner and demand unquestioning implementation. Because it is you who are responsible for the result of the decision you make.

The basic principles of my work can be described by three complementary and interpenetrating concepts - "Professionalism, Helpfulness and Simplicity." And one cannot exist without the other.

Because I cannot call, for example, some solution completely professional if it is not simple. What kind of professionalism is this if something monstrous was born? And you definitely can’t call it useful. Professional and simple, but not useful? Is it really professional in this case? Simple and useful, but not done professionally? Hmm... do you need it? And will it really be useful? Useful + professional - simple = Chinese literacy. Useful + simple - professional = temporary crutches. Professional + simple - useful = money down the drain.

It so happened that in my life and work I am guided by two principles, which can be called a motto. First - "Never stop!" These words mean a lot to me; I am sure that you should constantly try to do something new and interesting, and not be afraid to move forward. There is a wonderful quote from one famous rap artist: I never feared death or dying, I only fear never trying (Literally: “I was never afraid of death or dying, all I’m afraid of is never trying”). This line describes this life principle very well.

One more thing - "There is always a way!" I tell this to both my employees and friends. After all, there are so many options and solutions around, you just have to look.

I try to stick to the principle "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and broadcast it to your team. We work in a commercial organization in a highly competitive environment. Of course, like any company, we have financial goals that we are working towards. But our work is also directly related to people: these are clients, candidates, and colleagues with whom we are in constant communication.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain a human face in all situations. Understand that each link in our long working chain is, first of all, a person with his own personal circumstances, reasons, and nuances. In the pursuit of financial efficiency, it is important not to forget about this. When work is connected with people, you cannot ignore not only work aspects, but also personal ones. It is important to be able to put yourself in the position of another person, it is important to be able to hear and listen.

My main motto as a manager is that any manager must understand: everything that is delegated to someone is 100% his area of ​​responsibility. Placing all the blame for some unfulfilled task on an employee, explaining that he is a “weak” employee, is wrong. Because the purpose of a manager’s work is not just to convey some information, but to achieve a specific result.

If a manager works like a “handover,” then he is not a manager, but a secretary. If a manager really knows how to take responsibility and do everything to achieve results, only then does he have the right to be called a manager.

I really love Winston Churchill. For me, he is a major figure of his time who accomplished the impossible. I read his biography and watched several films. And I realized what unites us. His phrase: never never never give up- this is what drives me in any business. Always go to the end, believe in victory, and then come what may. Me even friends called Churchill's granddaughter. And this phrase goes with me all my life through all difficult situations.

My motto in work and in life: If not us, then who?

This coin has two sides: firstly, if you don’t take responsibility, open your own business and constantly raise it to the next level, then who else will do it? It is customary for us to talk about the country’s economy as a whole, but we, entrepreneurs, make this very economy. On the other hand, perfectionism often prevents people from starting a business. But you don’t have to wait until retirement to open your own business. When it seems to us that we are not strong enough, that someone is more worthy, we need to tell ourselves “who, if not us” and go to something new.

My motto sounds a little rough, but reflects the meaning well: “Do it normally - everything will be fine.”

It came from life (in fact, of course, I heard it from someone at one time, but I liked it so much that now I use it). We do a lot of unnecessary work because we were initially too lazy to spend a few minutes thinking through the situation, or in the process we neglected something that later causes fires and great effort to put them out. Therefore, if you immediately do the job well, then you can be sure that the result will be good, for which you will not be ashamed.

I'm a monolith! I can not be stopped! Forward to new heights!

I really liked this motto and adopted it. After all, it outlines the whole main idea of ​​​​the activity that I have been doing all my life. Time is running. Everything changes. I changed too. The basis of my motto remains the same, but expressions have been added, in accordance with today's business requirements:

- There are no hopeless situations!

- Moving backwards, I’m not moving backwards, I’m moving forward!

- The problem must be transformed into a task. The problem must be solved!

My motto is " Let's resist - we'll figure it out!“I didn’t come up with it, I heard it from a friend. But I really liked it. I realized that it suits me, it’s, as they say, mine. It symbolizes that tasks need to be solved as they arise and are important.

However, this does not mean at all that I live one day at a time. Those. I cannot predict or analyze the occurrence of this or that event. This means that there is no need to panic ahead of time. The time will come and we will find the right solution. And in the heat of the moment you can do a lot of things.

And I also live by the principle "Life is a boomerang." Everything always comes back to you. Therefore, I try to make sure that only good things come back to me. And you know, it helps!

Drive! Fun! Results!This consistent chain of foreign words is not an attempt to delight someone with my knowledge of English, it is an illustration of how I view life as a process. I draw in detail. We live here and now.

And at this moment in life, yes, right now, the best years of our lives are passing. And in order for them to remain in memory with your favorite photographs and stories of significant events, you need to drive to the fullest. Get more done. Live more, more intensely.

95% of business problems are solved by organizational changes, for free!

I've been in business since 1991. I felt all the crises myself. The dashing 90s have passed. During the crisis, he brought companies from multimillion-dollar losses to profit. I had to try many methods, methods, tools. He hired university graduates and experts. Built motivation systems and KPI systems. I was engaged in training. Fired. Tried trendy business strategies. Worked with well-known contractors and market newcomers. Used different marketing ideas and promotion channels.

And if we are not talking about a growth strategy based on mergers and acquisitions, then I can definitely say that any managerial problem can be solved by organizational changes and for free.

Other episodes of "Business Piranhas"
  • What corporate courses are especially in demand in your company?

  • Do you practice completing the probationary period before 3 months?

  • What skills does a sales manager lack?

  • Offline vs online: what forms of corporate personnel training are used in your company

  • Does your company practice online interviews? How do you rate its effectiveness compared to personal interviews?

  • What is the formula for an effective meeting?

  • Three non-standard questions that applicants are asked at your company

  • What management tools do you use when working with remote workers?

  • Do you feel a shortage of personnel in your business niche? If yes, which specialists?

  • What methods of non-material motivation implemented in your company have shown the greatest effectiveness?

  • What is your attitude towards raising the retirement age? Are you ready to hire 60+ employees?

  • Is the responsible employee delayed at work or the one who does a poor job?

  • Let's be honest: do you hire employees with small children?

  • What would cause you to cancel a subordinate's promotion and why?

  • What are your spoken and unspoken rules about taking breaks?

  • How do you restrain yourself when most of all you want to destroy?

  • How open should a company leader be to employees?

  • When and how to involve ordinary employees in the activities of top management?

  • My motto as a manager

  • How to deal with employee mistakes?

  • What knowledge does a manager need to regularly update?

  • How to properly host a corporate or other event?

  • What are your 5 rules for preparing a large-scale project?

  • How did a mentor help you get to the next level?

  • What should be done to ensure that the cost of filling a vacancy in the company does not increase?

  • What 3 key questions do you think are important to ask a candidate during an interview?

  • What transformation happened to you at each stage of your career development?

  • What digital tools can a recruiter no longer do without?

  • What numbers should a company manager monitor on a daily basis?

  • How many and what technical devices should a manager have?

  • How to achieve profitability of sales?

  • What 5 steps will allow the company to become a desirable employer for young people?

  • Personal correspondence during working hours: is control necessary?

  • What to do with ineffective staff?

  • How to train managers to give constructive feedback?

(Short miniatures are played by graduates)

– Do you know why almost only women work in our school?
– Because all the best is for children!

– A good half of the teachers at our school write comments in diaries, and the bad half also call parents to school.

– We have seen from experience that the more absent-minded a teacher is, the better he sows what is reasonable, good, and eternal.

– Psychologists at our school have found that there are more and more difficult boys at school, but girls are easier and easier...

- And in the humanities department, two eleventh-graders couldn’t divide a guy, they are not good at division, in our physics department the girls don’t have such problems.

– 11 “A” speaks Russian, English, French better than anyone else at school... and in other lessons too.

A first grader approaches a student in grade 11 “A”.
– Zhen, how to draw a figure eight?
– Yes, it’s as simple as shelling pears: we take the infinity sign and in the Cartesian coordinate system we rotate it by an angle P/2.

- Only students of 11 “A” were able to correctly decipher the name of the school position of head teacher - KNOWLEDGEably Smart Person!

– Once upon a time, with the help of a globe, scientists proved to everyone that the earth is round, and the boys of our class, with the help of a globe, can prove that the earth is empty!

- Anton! What subject did you like most at school?
- Director's cell phone! (Or something different.)

- Vova! How many medalists will there be in your 11 “A”?
- Not counting me, ten.
– Are you a medalist?
- No. That's what I said - not counting me!

– We propose to Sergei Nikolaevich (name of the school director) to be the first in the city to introduce glossy classroom magazines in our school, and also to make the school walls from transparent material so that children do not smoke behind the school.

– And in the literature lesson, Inessa Mikhailovna (the name of the literature teacher) taught us bad things.
- Like this?!!
“She forced us to read other people’s letters: Tatyana’s letter to Onegin and Onegin’s to Tatyana.

– Inessa Mikhailovna (name of literature teacher), Nina Vasilievna (name of chemistry teacher)! Judge for us, what is T. Dreiser’s book “Titan” about: about the discovery of the chemical element (metal) titanium or about a superhuman financier?

– Galina Leonidovna (name of physics teacher)! Is it true that our city Omsk is named after Om? Otherwise I'll lose my bet.

– Nadezhda Ivanovna (name of the mathematics teacher)! We firmly promise you to show off at the Unified State Examination in mathematics... with new gold earrings, chains and rings.

– Here’s some great advice Galina Gennadievna (the name of the computer science teacher) gave us: “If a thought doesn’t fit in your head, then archive it.”

“We have a sure sign in our class: if you lean out the window the night before the exam... and memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass.

– Yes, our dear parents, it’s not easy to get children on their feet... especially early in the morning.

-Have you heard the good news? This year, graduates who did not pass the Unified State Exam will be able to take an ECG and fluorography.

– Galina Petrovna, Galina Petrovna (name of biology teacher)! And Romka climbed the sites of gymnosperms all night!

– Do you know why our physics student was given a biology teacher as a class teacher? Yes, because if a student is good at mathematics, physics, computer science, he is, in any case, a nerd!

– Only Galina Petrovna (name of the biology teacher), like a real biologist, knows how to grow a whole forest of... hands in the classroom.