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» Girls born in February: names, name days, character. Name days of women's names according to the Orthodox church calendar Names of saints in February for men

Girls born in February: names, name days, character. Name days of women's names according to the Orthodox church calendar Names of saints in February for men

Names in February (how to name boys and girls in February)

Name days in February:

1 - Anton, Arseny, Gregory, Efim, Makar, Mark, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Fedor, Feodosia.

2 - Efim, Zakhar, Inna, Lavrentiy, Lev, Pavel, Rimma.

3 - Agnia, Anastasy, Valerian, Evgeny, Ivan, Ilya, Maxim, Theodosius.

4 - Agathon, Anastasius, Gabriel, George, Efim, Ivan, Joseph, Leonty, Makar, Nikolai, Peter, Timofey, Yakov.

5 - Gennady, Evdokia, Catherine, Clement, Seraphim, Feodor, Theoktist.

6 - Anastasy, Vavila, Gerasim, Denis, Ivan, Ksenia, Nikolay, Pavel, Timofey.

7 - Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Moses, Peter, Stepan, Felix, Philip.

8 - Arkady, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Joseph, Clement, Maria, Peter, Semyon, Fedor.

9 - Dmitry, Ivan, Peter.

10 - Vladimir, George, Ephraim, Ignatius, Isaac, Leonty, Olga, Fedor, Feodosius.

11 - Gerasim, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Jonah, Konstantin, Lavrentiy, Leonty, Luke, Roman, Julian, Yakov.

12 - Vasily, Vladimir, Grigory, Ivan, Ippolit, Clement, Maxim, Pelageya, Peter, Rustik, Stepan, Fedor.

13 - Afanasy, Victor, Ivan, Ilya, Nikita, Nikifor.

14 - Vasily, Gabriel, David, Nikolai, Peter, Semyon, Timofey, Tryphon.

16 - Anna, Vasily, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Roman, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Simon, Timofey.

17 - Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Anna, Arkady, Boris, Vasily, Georgy, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Ivan, Joseph, Cyril, Methodius, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Fedor, Feoktist, Yuri.

18 - Agafya, Alexandra, Anton, Vasilisa, Makar, Mikhail, Feodosius.

19 - Alexander, Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, Dmitry, Ivan, Maxim, Maria, Martha, Sevastian, Christina, Julian.

20 - Alexander, Alexey, Luke, Peter.

21 - Alexander, Andrey, Zakhar, Makar, Nikifor, Peter, Polycarp, Savva, Semyon, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor.

22 - Vasily, Gennady, Ivan, Innocent, Nikifor, Pankrat, Peter.

23 - Akim, Anastasy, Anna, Anton, Arkady, Valentina, Valerian, Vasily, Galina, Gennady, German, Gregory, Ivan, Karp, Luke, Mark, Peter, Pimen, Prokhor, Semyon.

24 - Vlas, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Dmitry, Zakhar, Fedora.

25 - Alexey, Anton, Evgeniy, Maria.

26 - Anisim, Anna, Artemy, Vasily, Vera, Vladimir, Gabriel, Evgeny, Zosima, Zoya, Ivan, Irina, Leonty, Martin, Mikhail, Nikandr, Nikolay, Pavel, Svetlana, Semyon, Sylvester, Stepan, Timofey.

27 - Abraham, Anisim, Isaac, Cyril, Mikhail, Tryphon, Fedor.

28 - Alexey, Anisim, Arseny, Afanasy, Euphrosyne, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Nikon, Paphnuty, Peter, Semyon, Sofia.

Church Orthodox holidays in February

On February 1, the church celebrates the day of remembrance of St. Macarius the Great of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century. After the death of his wife and parents, he prayed to God for an experienced mentor on the path of spiritual life. This was the hermit elder, following whose example Macarius chose the ascetic path. Like his future teacher Anthony the Great, Macarius experienced many temptations from the evil one. Through the prayer of the ascetic, numerous healings were performed; he saved many in dangerous circumstances. The monk spent 60 years in the desert, being in constant conversation with the Lord.

February 3rd- Day of Remembrance . Saint Maximus, the son of a wealthy Greek dignitary, lived in the 15th-16th centuries, he received an excellent education, knew several languages, traveled a lot, after which he accepted monasticism at the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos. In 1515, at the request of the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily III, he was sent to Moscow to translate manuscripts from the princely library. Church unrest resulted in imprisonment for the reverend and many years of church ban and supervision. Maxim the Greek spent his last years in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, continuing to translate the Psalter into the Slavic language. His canonization took place in 1988.

The memory of one of the most revered Russian saints is celebrated February 6. Blessed Ksenia was born in the first half of the 18th century. in St. Petersburg. Ksenia's husband died, leaving her a widow at twenty-six years old. Having distributed all her property, the saint put on the costume of her late husband and responded only to his name. She was considered crazy, but this was her cross - a voluntary feat of foolishness. Blessed Ksenia spent her nights in open fields in prayer or carrying bricks to build a church at the Smolensk cemetery. For her exploits and patience, the Lord granted her the gift of insight into hearts and the future. The blessed one died in the seventy-first year of her life and was buried in the Smolensk cemetery, where a chapel was subsequently built over her grave.

February 7- day of remembrance of the Archbishop of Constantinople, who lived in Cappadocia in the 4th century. Saint Gregory received an excellent education. Together with his friend, the future Saint Basil, he stayed for some time in the desert, then returned home and received the rank of presbyter. After the death of the Patriarch of Constantinople, at the invitation of the Council of Antioch, Saint Gregory took his place and led the fight against heretics. His numerous theological works and sermons made an enormous contribution to the unity of the church. The saint ended his life in 389, leaving the patriarchal throne and returning to the desert.

February 9th- the day of the transfer of the relics to Constantinople from Comana, where he died in 407 on the way to exile, condemned by order of Empress Eudoxia for exposing the vices that reigned at court. The transfer of the relics from Comana took place in 438.

12th of February- Council of Ecumenical Teachers and Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. This general day of remembrance was approved in 1084 by Metropolitan John of the Euchaites. At the end of the 11th century. In Constantinople, there were church disorders associated with disputes over which of the three saints was worthy of greater veneration. By God's will, the three saints appeared to the metropolitan and, declaring that they were equal before God, ordered the disputes to cease and a common celebration be established for them.

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Tryphon of Apamea - The 14th of February. The saint lived in the 3rd century. in Phrygia. From a young age, the Lord gave him the power to cast out demons and heal various diseases. Helping the suffering, he demanded only one payment - faith in Jesus Christ. During the persecution of Christians, Saint Tryphon openly confessed his faith and courageously endured torture for Christ. In Rus', the martyr has long enjoyed love and special veneration among the people.

February, 15 The Orthodox Church celebrates the twelfth holiday. According to the Old Testament law, a woman who gave birth to a baby was forbidden to enter the temple for 40 days. Then the mother came to the temple with the baby to offer a thanksgiving and cleansing sacrifice to the Lord. Not needing purification, the Most Holy Theotokos, nevertheless, brought the Infant Jesus to the Jerusalem Temple, where she was met by the righteous elder Simeon and the prophetess Anna.

Simeon had a revelation from above that he would not die until he saw the Savior. Taking the Baby in his arms, he glorified God and uttered the famous prophecy: “Now you are releasing Your servant, O Master...”. This event marked the meeting of the last righteous of the Old Testament with the Bearer of the New Testament, in whom the divine had already met the human. The Feast of the Presentation is one of the oldest in the history of Christianity.

The church celebrates the memory of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates February 21. The saint was born in the Asia Minor city of Euchait at the end of the 2nd century. For his courage and mercy, the Lord enlightened him with perfect knowledge of Christian truth. He was appointed military commander in Heraclea, where he combined his military service with preaching the Gospel among the pagans under his command. During the reign of Emperor Licinius in 319, Saint Theodore endured torture for Christ and was beheaded by the sword. The biography of Theodore Stratilates was recorded by his servant and scribe Uar, also glorified as a saint.

25 February A celebration was established in honor of one of the most famous and revered in the Orthodox world. During the iconoclastic heresy of the 9th century. The icon was in the possession of a pious widow living in Nicaea. To save the shrine from destruction, the widow lowered the icon into the sea with prayer. Standing on the water, the icon sailed to Mount Athos, where it was discovered by the monks of the Iveron monastery. Placed in the temple, the icon miraculously appeared above the gates of the monastery several times. Appearing in a dream to one of the monks, the Mother of God declared her will: She wants to be the guardian of the monastery. After this, the image was placed above the monastery gates, which is why the Iveron Icon is also called Portaitissa - the Goalkeeper. In the history of the Iversky Monastery, many cases of the intercession and mercy of the Mother of God have been preserved: the deliverance of the monastery from barbarians, the miraculous replenishment of food supplies, the healing of the sick.

On the same day, the church remembers St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. The saint was presumably born in 1292 in Moscow, into a noble boyar family. From childhood he was distinguished by piety and at the age of 15 he became a monk. He spent more than twenty years in the Moscow Epiphany Monastery. In 1350, Bishop Theognost consecrated Alexy as Bishop of Vladimir, and after the death of the Metropolitan, Alexy became his successor. In 1356, the Ecumenical Patriarch Callistus gave Alexy the right to be considered the Archbishop of Kyiv and Great Russia with the title of “honorable metropolitan and exarch.” The saint worked to pacify unrest and princely strife, founded numerous communal monasteries, and through his prayers many miracles happened. He died in 1378, having lived to a ripe old age, and was buried according to his will in the Chudov Monastery.

February 27– in the 9th century. preached in Moravia in the Slavic language. The brothers compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and many liturgical books into the Slavic language, and also introduced worship in the Slavic language. Cyril, who took the schema before his death, died in Rome in 869 and was buried in the Church of St. Clement.

The birth of a child is a miracle and a Divine blessing. The main task of parents is to love their children unconditionally and create comfortable conditions for the development of all their talents. Fatherly and maternal care and responsibility for the fate of children begins with the choice of names. After all, the sacred meaning of the name leaves an imprint on the child’s character and temperament and largely determines his future life. Therefore, our ancestors chose names for babies according to the calendar, that is, according to the church calendar. It was considered especially favorable to name a child in honor of the great martyr, a holy man who would become a protector, a Guardian Angel of this person. By the way, often a child had two names: a worldly name, known to everyone, and a church name, secret, protecting from the evil eye and evil spirits. Today, these traditions have regained strength, and more and more parents are turning to the calendar.

How to choose a name for a girl in February

In February, according to the Orthodox church calendar, name days are celebrated for more than twenty female names, so parents have a wide choice.

Christmas time in February: girls' names

Meanings of names and their patrons

When choosing a name for your daughter, be sure to find out its meaning and origin.

Agafya - “chaste.”

Agnia – “immaculate”.

Alexandra is a “protector.”

Anastasia - “resurrection”.

Anna - "grace".

Arina, Irina - “peace-loving”.

Athanasia - “immortal”.

Valentina – “strong”.

Vasilisa - “princess”.

Faith is “truth”.

Galina – “calm, quiet.”

Evdokia - “benevolence”.

Catherine - “pure, great, powerful.”

Euphrosyne - “joy”.

Zoya – “cheerful.”

Inna - “turbulent stream of water.”

Christina is a “follower of Christ.”

Ksenia is a “guest”.

Maria – “bitter, stubborn, desirable.”

Martha is a “noble woman.”

Pelageya - “sea”.

Svetlana – “bright”.

Sophia - “wisdom”.

If you want to name your daughter after a saint, a great martyr, and thereby give protection to the patroness, then the most powerful names in February will be:

Anna. This is a Hebrew name first mentioned in the Old Testament. This was the name of Mary's mother, the Mother of God (mother of Jesus Christ). The birth of her daughter at an old age was considered a miracle, so the name Anna is translated as “strength, grace, mercy of God.”

Ksenia, Oksana. Since February 6 is the day of remembrance of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, a revered Russian saint. After her husband's death at 26, Ksenia took his name, put on his clothes and gave away all his wealth. She spent her entire life in prayer and serving God in order to save the soul of her beloved husband, who died without repentance and remission of sins.

Maria. Of course, in Orthodoxy, the main patroness of all girls with this name is the Mother of God herself, the Holy Virgin Mary.

February calendar of names takes into account personality, temperament and character boys born in February 2019, there are some among them names, which fully correspond to their character, as well as those that will add significance or lightness to it, soften, if necessary, its hardness and intransigence. In a word, beautiful and necessary names for boys months February, quite a lot in our February list 2019, all that remains is to choose Name to his son, which, according to parents and experts, is most suitable for a newborn baby.

Boy born in February 2019 gotta get that Name, which will help him in life, because from name your his February a little son, and then a man, a lot depends on it, it can both help him in overcoming life difficulties, advance in his career, and complicate it, create certain problems for him, and parents should know about this when choosing a name for their son, take into account not only your personal opinion, but also that of experts in this matter.

Name in February 2019 for boys, name of a February boy

Them boys who is lucky enough to be born and receive name in February 2019 lucky, because they will be born during the reign of the Pig/Boar, a kind, soft and sympathetic animal, noble and decent, sociable and fair, a little hot-tempered and naive, chaotic and stubborn.

Boys born in February 2019 thanks to the Pig/Boar, they will probably grow up to be responsible and decent people, they would also Name to receive from their parents something that would give them confidence in their strengths, talents and capabilities. It is extremely important for these insecure, cautious and indecisive individuals to receive a name that would elevate them above themselves, give them status, and instill in them additional confidence in themselves and their abilities.

What name should I give to a boy born in February 2019?

Names for boys born in February 2019 whether they are beautiful or popular, their parents or relatives like them, but they should not be soft and sonorous or hard and official, but average (neutral), that is, the boy’s name needs to be chosen one that will not highlight him or, conversely, reduce his status, and give self-confidence. Fortunately, there are such names for boys and there are quite a lot of them, all sorts and for every taste, these can be, for example, such as -Daniil, David, Gleb, Ivan, Vladimir, Ilya, Isidore, Eusebius, Matvey, Stepan, and many others, which you will learn about further.

Before you give name of a boy born in February 2019, call your son something beautiful, important and useful name, may be church, you must also remember the advice of astrologers, who say that the influence of representatives of the Western horoscope on the child also plays an important role and this must be taken into account.

It is known that each of the twelve signs of the Western horoscope influences a person in its own way, shaping his basic character traits and temperament. For example, boys born in the sign of Pisces are indecisive, those under the sign of Aries, on the contrary, are very self-confident, Taurus is stubborn, Gemini is fickle, Virgo is calm and doubtful, Scorpio is tough and calculating, Capricorn is conservative and has little contact, and so on.

Therefore, for each of the zodiac signs of the Western horoscope, you need to select a name taking into account these indicators, some of those born in one or another sign need to choose a softer and more sonorous name, and for others a tougher, somewhat rude and a little official, and for For some, it is important to find a neutral name, something familiar and traditional.

Of course, parents do not want to cause trouble for their newborn boy, or give him a problem for the future, but without basic knowledge of this topic that we are talking about now, they can do this unintentionally if they give their son a name that, for example, will be in honor of some successful grandfather or uncle.

We warn such parents against such a mistake; hoping that your boy will follow the path of your successful grandfather or uncle, if you give him a name in honor of one of them, is a big mistake. Everyone must go their own path in life; it is impossible to repeat someone else’s just because of the name they received, and it’s stupid to think about it that way.

What is remarkable about the boys of February 2019?

Of course, each of us, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, would like to have a beautiful name from birth; for some, a popular and common name is important, while others dream of a rare name, which is quite rare. Often we bear names that we don’t like, but what can you do, it happened that way and that’s what our parents and relatives, grandparents, some other relatives, or even naive prejudices wanted.

In order not to make such mistakes as modern parents, but to give your boy successful and pleasing to the ear Name, For born in February 2019 son , You should refer to the list of names for this month, in which you will surely choose for your newborn son a name that he will be proud of, and therefore grateful to you for.

Don't forget that your name boy born in February 2019, will be heard many times a day, so name his February the son must be named, always taking into account all those wishes and recommendations discussed in this article, the opinions of astrologers and psychologists.

Of course, what to do is up to the parents of a newborn baby, what name to choose for their son, but they should not forget that their child is not some kind of toy for them or a personal thing, he will soon become an adult and a sober-reasoning person, so one should not treat him lightly and irresponsible, this primarily concerns what name you choose for him, with what name he will have to go through a difficult life path.

Names for boys born in February 2019

Introducing names for February boys born in February month 2019 for boys, which Name It is recommended to give them, first of all, taking into account the characteristics of their disposition and habits, basic inclinations and inclinations, temperament and character traits, as well as the influence on them of a representative of the eastern calendar (Chinese horoscope) - the animal Pig/Boar, what direct impact it will have on them , what inclinations and talents, negative and positive qualities he will bestow.

Evgeny, Victor, Zakhar, Georgy, Timofey, Valentin, Vitaly, Alexander, Leonid, Ivan, Savva, Egor, Arkady, Egor, Daniil, Mark, Alexey, Roman, Ruslan, Gerasim, Grigory, Nikita, Lev, Sergey, Pavel, Timur, Denis, Timofey, Georgy, Andrey, Ivan, Semyon, Peter, Artemy, Igor, Inokenty, Veniamin, Alexey

Names for boys born according to seasons

Now let's talk about how a certain time of year affects us, what kind of children are born in winter, spring, summer and autumn, what their character and temperament, inclinations and habits are. Of course, these are just conventions and they do not have an exact attachment to any time period, just as you cannot evaluate by birth during periods of the year, because there are also eastern and western horoscopes, but since there is such a classification, we will tell you about it.

Name of winter 2019 boys, born in winter

Usually, boys born in winter are automatically classified as calm, reserved and reasonable people who are endowed with a strong character and an unbending will. They firmly know what they need from life and know exactly how and how to achieve the goal they have set for themselves; they almost always achieve what they strive for.

This characteristic is of course interesting, but here’s the question - it’s most suitable for those born in February, but December and February boys are not so serious, they are more open and free, although they are hardworking, but... Because of their hot temper, they can ruin a lot for themselves, all their previous successes and achievements.

Pick up names for boys born in winter February 2019 need to be responsible Name at the winter boy, should not be too soft or hard; neutral, something meaningful and responsible, but not ringing or sonorous, attracting unnecessary attention to itself, is best suited.

Name for spring 2019 boys, born in spring

Spring boys have perseverance, determination and purposefulness, but not all of them, for example March boys, on the contrary, are full of indecision, especially those who are destined to be born in the sign of Pisces. These are persistent, responsible and very active people, they stubbornly pursue their goals, often make mistakes along the way, however, they almost always achieve their goals.

It cannot be said that they are constant in their interests; on the contrary, they can at some point give up the business they have started and switch to another that interests them more and seems more exciting and promising. Spring boys are emotional and easily excited, they are sensitive and can be touchy, although they do not remember insults for long, they forgive easily, but can, on occasion, remember the insults inflicted on them.

What names are suitable for spring boys, what name for those boys who are lucky enough to be born in the spring of 2019, you ask, we answer - something sonorous and light, reeking of formality and seriousness, is good; you cannot call them sonorous and cheerful or a rude and harsh name, the second will make them even tougher and more unforgiving, and the former will give them the status of merry fellows, which is unusual for them.

Name for boys of summer 2019, born in summer

During the warmest time of the year, energetic and very active people are born, the most optimistic and positive boys are born, although this is actually a controversial issue. Babies born in the summer are filled with ebullient energy; they are always on the move and never sit idle, are busy with something and give no rest to anyone.

Summer boys are not only active, they are also able-bodied and ready to do anything to keep themselves busy. They are sociable and friendly, responsive and decent, and easily establish new contacts with friends. They like sports and any contact games, they are drawn to knowledge, so on the one hand it’s easy with them, because they are always busy, but on the other hand, they need constant supervision.

It is not difficult to understand what name to give to a year-old boy, what name to give to a baby born in the summer of 2019; a beautiful and sonorous, but at the same time firm name, a little official and responsible, will suit him perfectly. It is impossible to call a year-old boy a harsh name, as well as one that is too light and too sonorous; choose something from neutral names that affirm him and elevate him in your own eyes.

Name for boys in autumn 2019, born in autumn

In the fall, smart, responsible and sensible people are born, quite intelligent and very intelligent. Autumn boys look at the world realistically, reason soberly and almost never make fatal mistakes. They are responsible and prudent, keep their word, but are calculating and selfish, and can go towards their life goals in a not entirely honest way.

Boys born in the fall are constant, but you can’t rely on them, for them the main thing is their own interests, so you can’t trust them. They systematically move towards the goal, almost always they get from life what they want, of course, if I am not lazy, expect gifts from fate, or count on some kind of happy occasion.

What name to give a boy born in the fall of 2019, what beautiful, popular or rare name to give him is, of course, up to the parents, but experts suggest paying attention to those names that will smooth out the intransigence and harshness of these people; light and sonorous names are good, but rude, tough and official will only aggravate their character and make it even more uncompromising.

How to choose a name for a boy in February 2019 if there is a dispute?

If in your family, between parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, a dispute has arisen over what name to give to a newborn boy, we offer a simple way to resolve such an issue, which has already been tested many times and, with the help of an ordinary draw, eliminates all problems .

To do this, everyone who takes part in resolving the issue needs to Name give boy born in February 2019, what name name February son - everyone must write on a piece of paper five names of the boy out of ten prepared in advance and approved by the general council.

After that, they choose two of those that appear most in these notes and conduct another vote on pieces of paper. So you will find a compromise and choose a name for the newborn boy that will suit everyone, we hope that as he grows up - all the best, approach the issue of choosing a name for the newborn very seriously and responsibly, this is very important for him.