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» Diagnosis of a child’s speech readiness for school. Diagnosis of the level of speech preparation of children for school. Speech readiness for school: main tasks

Diagnosis of a child’s speech readiness for school. Diagnosis of the level of speech preparation of children for school. Speech readiness for school: main tasks

Speech readiness for school: purpose, objectives, directions of children's education.

Speech readiness for school

What is literacy education?

Nowadays, almost every parent of a 4-6 year old child is concerned that their child learns to read and count fluently, and knows numbers and letters, even before school.

A child’s ability to read and write before entering school began to be considered as a necessary, and sometimes the main indicator of a child’s readiness for school. And the ability of a child - a preschooler to read, count and write - is one of the important indicators of a “capable child” and evidence that the child is being cared for in the family.

However, literacy implies not just the ability to read and write words or texts, but also the accurate expressive presentation of one’s own thoughts, understanding the meaning of the text when reading, i.e. full mastery of the child written language. This process requires a high level of development of children - both speech, psychological and physiological.

Mastering written language involves:

- the child has a high level of arbitrariness(ability to manage one’s behavior) and awareness of one's own speech(the ability to consciously select precise means of expression to convey one’s own thoughts),

fluency in lexical units of the language: the ability to feel the nuances of the meaning of words, including polysemantic ones (for example, a) clean water = clear water, b) clean dishes = washed dishes, but “clean” dishes cannot be called “transparent” dishes by analogy with water, c) clean air = fresh air, but one cannot say about it “washed air”), the ability to select the necessary bright and precise linguistic means to solve a given speech task, it is appropriate to use phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, figurative comparisons, synonyms, antonyms in speech,

- free knowledge of grammatical units of the language:

the use of sentences of different constructions in speech - complex, complex, with homogeneous members, with direct speech, the ability to form new words from known ones - for example, forest - forester - forester - forester - forest

inventing new words by analogy: teaches - teacher, builds - builder, writes - who? (writer), raises kids - who? (teacher), saves people - who? (rescuer);

the ability to feel the meaning of prefixes and suffixes: for example, we drove - we arrived - we drove off - we drove around - we went - we stopped by and others, a duck quack-quack - quacks - a cat meow-meow meows, but a cow mu-mu - mooes), etc.

- skills arrange text(narration, description, reasoning) in a logical sequence, connect sentences in the text with each other in different ways,

- skill evaluate the performance of a speech task, see your achievements and mistakes, correct them, achieve your goal.

Why is speech readiness for school so important?

The low level of development of a child’s oral speech leads to significant difficulties in mastering written language at school age. Research shows that at least a third of children with difficulties in learning to read and write in primary school have deficiencies in the development of oral speech: violations of sound pronunciation, poor vocabulary, grammatical errors (incorrect agreement of words in a sentence, distortion of word endings, etc.), low level of speech coherence, etc.

Mastery of literacy occurs at school, but some skills are formed in preschool childhood during special training in kindergarten, in classes at a children's center, circle, studio or at home.

The basis for teaching literacy in preschool age is the general speech development of the preschooler. Therefore, preparation for teaching literacy to preschool children is always carried out in close connection with the entire system of development of children's speech and its aspects:

  1. phonetic (mastery of the sound side of speech),
  2. lexical (mastery of the Russian language dictionary: development of active and passive vocabulary, clarification of the dictionary, development of linguistic sense),
  3. grammatical (mastery of the grammatical structure of the native language),
  4. development of coherent speech (ability to build dialogue and monologue)

Speech readiness for school: goal

Modern preschool educational institutions operate according to various programs. All comprehensive programs have a section devoted to speech development and preparing children for literacy. In addition, partial programs and technologies are used: Ushakova O.S. “Program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten”, Ryleeva E.V. Program for the development of self-awareness of preschoolers in speech activity “Discover Yourself”, Zhurova L.E., Varentsova N.S., Durova N.V., Nevskaya L. N. “Teaching preschool children to read and write” and others.

All modern speech development programs for preschoolers set teachers the next goal is to develop “correct”, “good” oral speech in preschoolers . What is meant by “correct” and “good” speech:

"Correct Speech" speech in which all linguistic units (sounds, words, phrases, sentences) are used in accordance with the norms of the language, that is, without errors.

"Good speech" - speech is lexically rich, precise, expressive, in which all words are used taking into account the communication situation (i.e., taking into account a number of factors: with whom, where, for what purpose the communication is being conducted).

Preschoolers’ mastery of oral speech is the basis for the formation communicative competence as a basic characteristic of a child’s personality, ensuring the well-being of a preschooler in social and intellectual development.

Speech readiness for school: main tasks

Preparing children to learn to read and write in kindergarten involves working on several directions:

1. Education of sound culture of speech – development of speech hearing, clear diction, correct sound pronunciation, mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone, timbre, stress, voice strength, intonation, etc.), nurturing orthoepic correctness of speech.

2.Vocabulary development – enriching and activating children’s vocabulary, teaching them to use words appropriately in various communication situations, selecting the most accurate words and expressions, developing children’s expressive figurative speech.

3.Formation of the grammatical structure of speech – practical mastery and use in one’s own speech of different types of phrases and sentences, ways of forming new words, the formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by numbers, genders, cases, practical mastery of the mood of verbs – go, run, let's go, run, let's go, would run, would go, using adjectives in different degrees of comparison – kind - kinder, quiet - quieter and etc.)

4.Development of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue) – development of the ability to construct independent statements of different types – description, narration, reasoning; to have a dialog; accurately formulate questions and answer them; listen and understand the speech of your interlocutors; behave taking into account the situation of verbal communication.

5. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech. Children are taught to perform sound and syllabic analysis of a word, the composition of a sentence, are introduced to the concepts of “sound”, “word”, “syllable”, “sentence”, “vowel/consonant sound”, “stress”, “hard/soft consonant sound”, “stressed/unstressed vowel sound.” Preschoolers learn to select related (same-root) words. They become familiar with the phenomena of synonymy and antonymy, selecting words that are similar/opposite in meaning. Children also form ideas about the structure of statements (beginning, middle, end) and its features in different types of texts.

All these tasks are solved in a way that is fun for children, through games and entertaining tasks.

What is school readiness?

Speech readiness for school is only part of readiness for school learning.

In the free book “Preparing for School: 5 Secrets of Success” you will find answers to the questions:

  • How to develop a child’s desire to learn, to go to school to learn new things?
  • Why does this desire disappear in many modern children? And why do they go to school?
  • How to evaluate a child’s work in order to awaken in him the desire to develop and achieve goals?
  • And what kind of development do children need?
  • What awaits a family when a first-grader arrives?
  • What pitfalls are encountered when choosing who to entrust preparation for school, and how to avoid them?
  • Ability to learn. What does it consist of and what is needed for it?
  • How to teach a child to perform tasks according to rules and patterns, according to verbal instructions?
  • How to develop voluntariness - the basis of school readiness?
  • How to teach a child to be attentive? What is attention and what are its properties? What games and exercises develop attention and how to do them to get excellent results?
  • How to develop memory and teach children memorization techniques - mnemonics? What are the differences between boys' memory and girls' memory?
  • How to teach a child to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, distinguish the main from the secondary, and not just remember and reproduce educational information?
  • What is perception and why is it needed in learning? Why do you need imagination? Games and activities for its development.
  • What knowledge does a child need before entering first grade? What needs to be taught to a child in different areas - speech development, literacy, mathematics, getting to know the outside world?
  • What is more important – the quantity or quality of knowledge, and how is this quality of knowledge expressed in relation to a preschooler?
  • How to answer your child’s questions in order to develop his cognitive activity with your answers?
  • What books for parents can help you and give answers to many questions?
  • And many other questions.

Speech development- this is an active, creative process of children’s cognition of linguistic reality, their play - “experimenting” with words, sounds, phrases, sentences.

In a preschooler’s mastery of their native language, a significant role is played by the formation of a “sense of language”, nurturing children’s interest in words, in discussing linguistic phenomena, in observing their own speech and the speech of other people.

You can find a system of tasks that cultivates a sense of language in preschoolers, develops the linguistic and intellectual abilities of children and prepares children for school education in the manuals developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences O. S. Ushakova, one of our country’s leading experts in the methodology of children’s speech development.

The development of interest in the native language, the formation of linguistic generalizations, the ability to consciously select and creatively combine linguistic means in independent statements is the basis of a child’s speech development in preschool childhood, the basis speech readiness for school and the basis for all further linguistic development of the child, his full mastery of not only his native, but also foreign languages.

I wish you and your children success!

Games and exercises for children’s speech development on the “Native Path” website:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below to free subscription

Speech readiness. The ability to fully and consistently compose a story from a picture, from a series of plot pictures. Correct construction of sentences. Ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants. The ability to divide words into syllables using clapping, according to the number of vowel sounds. The ability to determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like “poppy”, “house”, “sleigh”. The ability to form words from sequentially given sounds. Correct sound pronunciation and pronunciation of words of various syllabic structures. Vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech are age appropriate.

Criteria for evaluating results. 3 points (high level) – the task was completed completely and correctly. 2 points (average level) – the task is not completed completely, there are minor errors. 1 point (low level) – multiple errors or the task was not completed. 0 points – no answer.

Criteria for assessing story writing. 3 points (high level) – the story fully corresponds to the situation depicted. There are basic semantic links that are reproduced in the correct sequence. Partial omissions of the situation are allowed. 2 points (average level) – the story largely corresponds to the situation depicted, but some semantic links are distorted; There are basic semantic links, but the sequence of individual events is disrupted. 1 point (low level) – the story only partially corresponds to the situation depicted, there are distortions of meaning, more than 2-3 semantic links are missing. There is only a reproduction of individual fragments of the situation without defining their relationships.

Criteria for assessing sound pronunciation. 3 points (high level) – correct pronunciation of all sounds. The syllabic structure of the words is not broken. 2 points (average level) – violation of the pronunciation of one or two sounds. Minor distortion of syllable structure. 1 point (low level) – significant violations of the pronunciation of several sounds. The syllabic structure of words is distorted.

Readiness for school (speech therapy examination scheme). 1. 2. 3. Coherent speech. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures. Conversation with a child. Lexicon. Generalized concepts. Names of objects and actions (see pictures: voices and movements of animals, names of pieces of furniture, dishes, vegetables, etc.) Grammatical structure. Name of baby animals. Diminutive forms of nouns. Converting a singular noun into a plural.

4. The state of language analysis and synthesis. Phonemic analysis: a) determination of the first and last sounds in words: b) aster, fly, closet, bag, friend; rainbow, stork, poppy, house, salt. b) the number of sounds in a word (name the sounds): cat, garden, noise; frame, paw, sled; bank, brand, cat. Phonemic synthesis: create a word from sequentially given sounds: s, o, k; noise; cancer; porridge; duck; i, g, l, a; Syllable analysisp, o, l, k, a; sled; pillar. and synthesis. a) determining the number of syllables in words: summer, hand, raspberry, firewood, hut, ax. b) name the word pronounced in syllables: weight - on, ra - ke - ta, po - to - lok, sko - in - ro - yes.

5. § § Sound pronunciation. General characteristics - from a conversation with a child. Defective articulation can be determined in different conditions: isolated variant; in syllables: open, closed, with a combination of consonants; in words: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (see survey album); in phrases: for whistling and hissing sounds: Sasha gave way to the old woman. The bear cub climbed a pine tree. The hen has six fluffy chicks. for the sounds R-R-R, L-L, M-M, N-N: Lara broke the plate. The ship is decorated with flags. Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.

Pronunciation of words of different syllable structures (note the reduction in the number of syllables, simplification of syllables, rearrangement of syllables): §repeat the words: “carpet, door, carrot, lizard, dog, pencil, traffic controller, aquarium, machine gun, lollipop”; §repeat sentences, phrases: “Motorcyclists are riding a motorcycle”, “A policeman stopped a cyclist”, “Whey from yogurt”.

Conclusions from the survey results: When preparing children for school, special attention should be paid to the development of elementary skills of language analysis and synthesis, namely: § highlighting the first and last sounds of a word; § determining the number of sounds in a word; § determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end); § composing words from sequentially given sounds; § dividing words into syllables.

I.V. Bagramyan, Moscow

The path of a person growing up is quite thorny. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which represents the whole world. In a family, a child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and many other important feelings. In the context of a family, an emotional and moral experience unique to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015).

Let's declutter

Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go and complete the old and outdated. Otherwise, they say, the new one will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when reading such articles that motivate us to clean, but everything still remains in its place? We find thousands of reasons to put aside what we have put aside and throw it away. Or don’t start clearing out rubble and storage rooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered, I need to pull myself together.”
Being able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program for a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “right” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more correct it is for us. So, let’s figure out whether it’s really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often love to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal lives, advise, condemn... It gets to the point that children do not want to see their parents because they are tired of their moral teachings.

What to do?

Accepting flaws. Children must understand that it will not be possible to re-educate their parents; they will not change, no matter how much you want them to. Once you accept their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You will simply stop expecting a different relationship than you had before.

How to prevent cheating

When people start a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners within a legal relationship. In short, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before we talk about how to protect a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand

Larisa Leonova
Diagnosis of school readiness of children with speech disorders

Consultation for educators

Subject: « Diagnosis of school readiness of children with speech disorders»

Leonova Larisa Petrovna


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6"


School education is one of the most serious stages in a child’s life, so the concern that adults show as the time approaches when the child goes to school is quite understandable. school. Stands before adults question: A ready whether the child is ready to study in school?. This question is not without meaning, since what the child acquired during the period preschool childhood he will need to study in school. Therefore, it is important in advance, even before the start schooling, find out how the child’s capabilities meet the requirements schooling.

Problem children's readiness for school- one of the most important in pedagogy and psychology. It acquires particular relevance in relation to children with speech disorders. Painting Speech disorders in children are not limited to speech symptoms, it includes a lag in the formation of higher mental functions.

Most researchers understand by « readiness for school» the presence of a complex of certain qualities that can be diagnose using special techniques, This:

Formation of certain skills and abilities necessary for training in school;

Personal readiness;

Intelligent readiness;

Motivational readiness;

Emotionally - strong-willed readiness;

Communicative readiness.

A reflection of the intellectual and mental development of a child is the state of his speech. IN preparatory the group's further educational "route" child and has great significance speech readiness child to study in school, especially children with speech disorders. For this purpose, it is carried out diagnostics of child speech development.

Diagnosis of oral speech of children with speech disorders.

Diagnosis of speech readiness for school involves examining all components speeches: the ability to listen and hear others, the state of vocabulary, the formation of grammatical structure, the ability to use different methods of word formation, the correct pronunciation of sounds, the ability to distinguish the sounds of speech by ear, the formation of sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis, proficiency in coherent speech.

Main methods diagnostics of speech development are: observation and conversation. They make it possible to get a preliminary idea of ​​the speech development of each child.

At diagnostics expressive speech, it is necessary to assess the level of motor implementation, check the formation of word-formation skills, check the syntax or possibilities of grammatical structuring, examine the state of coherent speech, and check the nominative function of speech.

At diagnostics impressive speech requires verification of acoustic analysis, hearing speech memory, semantic differentiation of words, understanding of complex logical-grammatical structures and examination of phonemic perception.

The methodology uses speech tests, proposed by R.I. Lalaeva and E.V. Maltseva. It includes six episodes, each of which combines speech tests of increasing difficulty.

The first series is a study of the sensorimotor level of speech; it includes four groups of tasks.

The first group consists of 15 samples, which are chains of syllables with phonetically similar sounds. In speech therapy practice, this technique is used to test phonemic awareness. However, it should be remembered that the success of completing this type of task is also influenced by switching difficulties, which manifest themselves in inertia, "stuck" on any syllable. Thus, the first task is complex.

The second group of tasks is aimed at studying sound pronunciation through reflected pronunciation of specially selected words. The final assessment of sound pronunciation is made on the basis of the entire examination, which makes it possible to check the pronunciation of various sounds in different speech situations.

The third group of tests is aimed at studying the state of articulatory motor skills by performing 10 movements as shown by the experimenter.

The fourth group is aimed at identifying violations sound - syllabic structure of the word. It includes 10 words with a gradual complication of the syllable structure.

Series 2 is a study of language analysis skills - consists of 10 tasks that reveal the extent to which the child has mastered the concepts "sound", "syllable", "word", "offer" and the skills to isolate them from the flow of speech.

Series 3 – Study of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech – consists of five groups of tasks, 10 samples each.

The first group of tasks involves repeating sentences of varying grammatical complexity. According to psycholinguists, the ability to perform such repetition is an indicator of the general level of linguistic competence. Children are able to produce sentences of that level of grammatical complexity. Which they mastered in their own speech. The success of completing these tasks is also influenced by the volume of verbal material and quality child's auditory-verbal memory. When analyzing the performance of repetition tests, you should pay attention not only to grammatical, but also to lexical errors, such as omission of words, verbal substitutions (for example, instead of the presented “white seagulls were flying over the water” child reproduces: "Jackdaws were flying over the water").

In the second group of tasks, the subject is asked to evaluate the correctness of sentences composed in accordance with the norms of the language. Same with them violations.

The third group of tests involves composing sentences from words given in the initial form. Completing such tasks requires the child to build an internal program of utterance, as well as its correct grammatical design, which causes great difficulties for children with systemic speech pathology.

The fourth group of tasks involves the need to insert a missing preposition into a sentence.

In the tests of the fifth group, children are asked to form plural forms of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Episode 4 – Study of vocabulary and word-formation processes – consists of three groups of tasks.

The first group includes 10 tests to test knowledge of word forms denoting names cubs, and the ability to form such forms from the name of an adult animal.

The second group consists of five tests related to the formation of the diminutive form of the word.

The third group of tasks is the most big: it contains 35 samples, providing for the formation of qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives (15, 10 and 10 respectively) from nouns. An adjective is one of the most abstract parts of speech. Operating with it requires a high level of analysis, synthesis and generalization. The ability to use adjectives in speech requires faster formation of mental operations.

Episode 5 – Study of understanding of complex logical-grammatical relations – is aimed at testing the understanding of spoken speech. For this purpose, samples proposed by A. R. Luria were used. Understanding complex logical and grammatical structures requires complex analytical and synthetic activity, the ability to simultaneously grasp information, include short-term and long-term memory, maintaining spatial perception. A total of 10 tests are used, including tests for understanding constructions with prepositions. Reflective on speech level real spatial relationships, comparative constructions (Vanya is taller than Petit. Who is shorter, reversible and inflected inverted phrases (show the key with a pencil).

Episode 6 – Study of the formation of coherent speech. Children are offered two tasks: compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures and retelling. The tasks are complex in nature and reveal defects in all aspects of speech. In addition, retelling requires a sufficient level of formation auditory-verbal memory, and such characteristics of coherent speech as logic, the ability to convey cause-and-effect relationships, rely on mental activity.

In order to take into account both the semantic side and the quality of the lexical and grammatical design of a coherent statement, the completion of tasks is assessed according to three criteria proposed by R. i. Lalaeva.

The proposed methodology is aimed at identifying the current level child's speech development, so most tasks do not involve providing assistance. The exceptions are tests in which assistance, as practice shows, is really effective. For example, when examining word formation processes, stimulating assistance (Wrong, think again) often leads to updating the correct form of the word.


This technique quite fully reveals the structure of the defect in the aspects of speech, such How:

Phonemic awareness;

Articulatory motor skills;

Sound pronunciation;

Syllabic structure of the word;

Language analysis skills;

Grammatical structure of speech;

Vocabulary and word-formation processes;

Understanding logical-grammatical relations;

Coherent speech.

Using this technique, you can immediately isolate both the most unformed and the most prosperous components the child's speech system and Based on this, develop a correction program.


1. T. A. Fotekova “Test methodology diagnostics oral speech of juniors schoolchildren»

M.: ARKTI, 2000

2. T. A. Fotekova, T. V. Akhutina “ Diagnosis of speech disorders in schoolchildren using neuropsychological methods"

M.; ARCTI, 2002

3. Filicheva T. B. “Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children»

M.; Iris press, 2007

Every child entering school, first of all during the years of primary school, must become proficient in literacy, that is, learn to read and write. Correct and sufficiently fluent reading, as well as competent writing, is a necessary condition for the student to master all other school subjects, and therefore for the success of his education in general.

Even before learning to read and write, the child must have the necessary prerequisites for this:

Full mastery of speech sounds. Normally, the child should fully master the entire sound aspect of speech by the age of 3–4 years; by the age of 5–6 years, he should be able to differentiate sounds by ear and pronunciation. When coming to school, the child must clearly pronounce sounds in various words, in phrasal speech. He must not omit them, distort them, or replace them with others.

Sufficiency of vocabulary. By the age of 7, a child should have a fairly large vocabulary. In his speech, he must actively use antonyms (sad - cheerful, young - old, high - low, run - stand, talk - be silent, etc.), synonyms (for example, dog, dog, canine; horse, horse, stallion , horse, etc.), words - actions, words - signs.

Formation of grammatical systems. By the age of 7, a child should be able to understand various grammatical structures. For example, Dad read the newspaper after he had breakfast. (What did he do first?) The hunter runs after the dog. (Who is running ahead?), etc. And also form words and sentences correctly. For example, plum jam is plum, a straw hat is straw, a fox has cubs, a lion has cubs, etc.

Possession of coherent speech. By the age of 7, a child should be able to retell short, unfamiliar stories and fairy tales. When retelling, attention is paid to the child’s understanding of the text (he must correctly formulate the main idea), to the structuring of the text (he must be able to consistently and accurately construct a retelling), to vocabulary (the complete use of vocabulary), to grammar (he must correctly construct sentences, be able to use complex sentences), on fluency of speech (lack of prompts during the retelling).

- speech communication. TO By the age of 7, a child must be quite active in communication, be able to listen and understand speech, build communication taking into account the situation, easily come into contact with children and adults, clearly and consistently express his thoughts, and use forms of speech etiquette.

The success of a child’s literacy training is largely determined by his speech readiness. How well does he know the sound side of speech, since the sounds of oral speech are indicated using letters? In order to learn letters, you need to be very clear about the sounds: be able to pronounce them correctly, accurately distinguish them by ear, determine the presence or

absence, as well as the approximate location of a given sound in a word. If a child admitted to school does not know the above

skills, then it will either not be possible to teach him to read and write at all, or at best, he will write with numerous specific errors that cannot be overcome without special speech therapy help.

Diagnostics of sound pronunciation.

Before learning to read and write, the child must master the correct pronunciation of all speech sounds. Complete sound substitutions in speech are unacceptable (such as syplenok instead of chicken or kaltina instead of picture); such defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually reflected in writing. To check the correct sound pronunciation, ask your child to independently name all the pictures below. The pictures are selected for the most complex sounds in terms of articulation, which include whistling sounds (С, Сь, З, Зь, Ц), hissing sounds (Ш, Ж, Х, Шch), as well as sounds Р, Рь, Л, Ль, И. each of these sounds is located in three positions in a word - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end, which allows you to get a more accurate idea of ​​​​the correctness of its pronunciation by the child. All labels on pictures must be covered during the examination so that the child does not see them.

If during the examination sound substitutions are identified, they must be eliminated before the child begins to learn to read and write. (It should be borne in mind that with normal speech development, all age-related differences in the pronunciation of speech sounds should disappear no later than by 5-6 years.)

Next, you need to find out whether all speech sounds are distinguishable by ear. This necessity is due to the fact that writing any word presupposes the ability to identify each sound included in its composition and designate it with the corresponding letter. If some sounds seem the same to the child, then while writing he will inevitably experience difficulties in choosing the letters corresponding to these sounds. The study of auditory differentiation of sounds is carried out using specially selected pictures, the names of which differ only in one sound being tested. The adult names the pictures, and the child just silently points to them. Pictures are named by only one word, used in the nominative case. The pictures are named in different sequences, sometimes the same name is repeated several times in a row. The lower part of the adult's face is covered with a screen. An adult should not look at the picture called.

To write down any word, a child must not only be able to distinguish all the sounds that make up the word from each other, but also clearly imagine their sequence, that is, he must master the sound analysis of words. To identify the ability to isolate individual sounds in a word. You can offer your child the following tasks.

Task No. 1.

Isolating a sound against the background of a word. The child is asked to find out whether the words presented to him contain a given sound. For example: “Is there an R sound in the word ROSE?” Next, it is proposed to determine the presence of this sound in the following words:


The child must grasp only the very presence of a sound in a word, without determining the location of this sound.

Task No. 2.

Isolating the first sound from a word. The child must answer the question about what is the first sound in the word ASTRA. Then he names the first sound in the following words:


Task No. 3.

Isolating the last sound from a word. The child must name the last sounds in the following words:



Task No. 4.

Determining the place of a sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end). First, you need to make sure that the child understands the meaning of these words themselves, for which you need to ask him to show the beginning, middle and end of a line, rope, ruler, etc. then ask him to determine where in the word, for example, the sound Ш is located.



If the child has completed these tasks, you can move on to exercises in a more accurate sound analysis of words. For example: name the first, second,

third, etc. sounds in the words TABLE, BAG, PICTURE; determine what sound is heard after (before) O in the word AIR, etc.

Diagnosis of a child's vocabulary.

Next, you should diagnose whether the child’s vocabulary is sufficient. The vocabulary of a child of senior preschool age must be at least 2,000 words, and all the main parts of speech must be represented in it - nouns, adjectives, verbs, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, generalizing words (such as CLOTHES, SHOES, DISHES, ANIMALS, BIRDS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, etc.)

To find out the nouns in the child’s dictionary, you can ask him to complete the following tasks.

Task No. 1.

Ask the child to name objects belonging to different semantic groups.

What animals do you know (domestic and wild)?

What fish, birds, insects do you know?

What trees and flowers do you know?

What vegetables, fruits, berries do you know?

What kind of furniture do you know?

What kind of dishes do you know?

What kind of clothes and shoes do you know?

The results of this task alone will allow you to get a general idea of ​​the richness or poverty of the child’s vocabulary: some children will name, for example, many different animals, including exotic ones, while others will limit themselves to only cats and dogs. In this case, you need to immediately begin to enrich the child’s vocabulary.

Task No. 2.

Invite your child to first list all the objects shown in the pictures, and then name them in one word.

Orange, grapes, pear, lemon, apple - fruits

Bed, table, chair, bedside table, wardrobe - furniture

Fur coat, socks, vest, raincoat, scarf, skirt, hat - clothes.

Task No. 3.

You list the individual items of each logical group. And the child calls them in one word.

The following groups of items are offered:

a) cow, horse, goat, rabbit, sheep, cat, dog;

b) tiger, lion, wolf, fox, squirrel, hare, bear, elk, monkey, giraffe, hippopotamus, rhinoceros;

c) chicken, rooster, duck, goose, turkey;

d) seagull, eagle, dove, crow, magpie, sparrow, nightingale, owl, parrot, heron, ostrich;

e) butterfly, dragonfly, beetle, spider, fly, mosquito, bee, wasp;

f) pike, bream, perch, pike perch, whitefish, flounder, cod, catfish, smelt, herring;

g) pine, spruce, birch, oak, aspen, maple, rowan, larch, poplar, bird cherry, chestnut, linden, willow;

h) potatoes, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, radishes, pumpkin, zucchini;

i) apple, pear, banana, orange, tangerine, lemon, grapes;

j) cherries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries;

l) plate, fork, knife, cup, saucer, glass, mug, wine glass, teapot, coffee pot, samovar, decanter, jug, salt shaker, butter dish, frying pan, saucepan;

m) table, chair, armchair. Stool, bed, sofa, wardrobe, sideboard. Buffet, bedside table;

m) coat, fur coat, raincoat, jacket, dress, jacket, sweater, jacket, skirt, trousers, vest, T-shirt, panties, sundress, robe;

o) boots, felt boots, shoes, shoes, boots, sneakers, slippers;

p) doll, spinning top, pyramid, bear, bunny, ball;

p) saw, axe, hammer, plane, pliers, screwdriver, drill;

c) tram, trolleybus, bus, train, plane, ship, metro.

To check if your child has a sufficient number of verbs in his dictionary, ask him to answer the following questions:

a) Who moves how?

A man walks, a bird..., a fish..., a snake..., a grasshopper....

A cow moos, a horse..., a goat...., a pig..., a dog...., a cat...., a wolf..., a bear...., a tiger...., a snake...., a crow...., a cuckoo...., a dove...., a nightingale ...., duck..., goose...., chicken...., frog..., mosquito...., beetle..... .

c) Who eats what?

A dog gnaws a bone, a cat eats milk…., a chicken eats grain….., a cow eats grass…. .

d) Who does what?

A cook cooks, a doctor..., a teacher..., a student..., a builder..., an artist..., a pianist..., a writer..., a dressmaker..., a laundress..., a cleaner..., a photographer..., a seller..., a buyer.... .

e) What can this animal do?

The dog barks, plays, bites, caresses, serves; Cat…..; wolf…..; bear…..; hare…..; snake….; frog…. .

To find out the child’s stock of adjectives, offer him the following tasks, designed to name the characteristics of objects.

Task No. 1.

a) What do these products taste like?

Sweet sugar, salt…., onion…., lemon…. .

b) What color are these products?

Green cucumber, tomato…., watermelon…., plum…., lemon…., orange…., pepper…., sugar…., nuts….. .

Task No. 2.

What is the main character trait of all these animals?

An evil wolf, a fox..., a dog..... .

Task No. 3.

Name as many features as possible of each of the items listed below (size, color, weight, shape, taste, smell, temperature, material, accessory)

An apple is large, heavy, round, red, sweet, aromatic, cool...

The dress is long, woolen, warm, soft, gray, knitted, my mother’s...

Jacket -

Dog -

Task No. 4.

Name as many objects as possible that have this characteristic. For example: What is LONG? (thread, tape, rope, cord, wire, belt, road, river, tail, dress, skirt, hair...)


What happens to be HIGH (LOW)?

What is GREEN (RED, BLUE...)?




What happens to be HEAVY (LIGHT)?
what happens DEEP (SHALLOW)?

What happens to be PURIOUS (SHARP, FRAGILE)?

Task No. 5.

Name the opposite characteristics of objects.

Good - evil, old - ...., black - ...., light - ...., big - ...., long - ...., tall - ..... wide - ...., thick - ...., sharp - ....., cheerful - ...., brave - ...., fast - ...., hot - ...., thick - ...., sick - .... .

Tasks No. 6.

Name similar features of objects.

Good – kind, friendly, affectionate, handsome, pleasant, caring.

Warm -

Slow -

High -

Funny -

Task No. 7.

Ask your child to explain what the expressions mean:

Skillful fingers

Iron heart

Bright head

Subtle mind

Flying gait

Warm meeting

Silk hair

Short memory

Bitter truth

Sweet lie

To find out the existing stock of adverbs, you need to talk with the child about the habits of various animals, about the seasons and days, about the weather, about the location of objects in space, etc., asking questions: HOW? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHEN? For example: “How does the boy run? Where is the book? When do the birds arrive? Where do they fly in the fall? Where did the chick come from?

Diagnostics of the formation of grammatical systems.

Also, when diagnosing the speech readiness of a preschooler, it is necessary to find out whether the grammatical norms of the language have been mastered. This is important because even a large vocabulary does not solve the problem of the usefulness of oral speech. It is also important to be able to actively use existing words, construct sentences and coherent statements from them, since only under this condition can one express one’s thoughts clearly enough. And for the correct construction of sentences, you need the ability to grammatically correctly coordinate words with each other.

To check the child’s grammatical system of inflection, ask him to complete the following tasks.

Task No. 1.

Plural formation of nouns.

Name one object and several.

Task No. 2.

Form the plural of the following words.

Elephant, crane, eye, window, chair, tree, day, forehead, ear, little bear, little squirrel.

Task No. 3.

Agreement of adjectives with nouns.

1) – Add to this word the words HIGH and GREEN.

What bush? –

What kind of grass? –

What tree? –

What kind of trees? –

2) – Add the words RIPE and JUICY to these words.

What grapes? –

What kind of pear? –

What apple? –

What fruits? –

3) – Tell us about the subject and what it is.

What kind of snow? –

What river? –

What sea? –

What kind of forests? –

Task No. 4.

Agreement of nouns with numerals.

1) – Finish my statements.

One ball, and five.....

One spoon, and seven...

One is a bear, and five...

One button, and ten...

One drop, but ten...

One ear, but six...

One forehead, and five...

One neck, and five...

One mirror, and seven.....

One chandelier, and ten...

2) – Finish my statements.

One is a lynx, and two...

One crow, and four...

One camel, and four.....

One woodpecker, and two...

One goose, and three...

One sparrow, and four...

One calf, and two...

Task No. 5.

Use of prepositions.

Tell me where the objects are.

Complete the following sentences.

Apples grow……(on an apple tree)

The apple fell...

Fallen apples lie......

The bird flew high...

The boy came......

The girl walked away.....

Answer the questions.

Where will we get the pen from if it is IN THE PENALTY?

Where do we get a pen from if it's ON THE TABLE?

Where will we get the pen from if it fell UNDER THE TABLE?

Where do we get the ball from if it rolls UNDER THE CABINET?

Where will we get the slippers from if they are UNDER THE CHAIR?

Where will the boy come from if he is standing BEHIND THE CHAIR?

Where will the car leave if it stops around the corner?

To check the child’s word formation system, ask him to complete the following tasks.

Task No. 1.

Formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes.

Form new words from these words. For example: a large glass, and a small one….(glass).

The big key, and the small one...

A large decanter, but a small one...

A large frying pan, and a small one...

A big bed, and a small one...

A big jar, and a small one...

The big beetle, and the little one...

Big forest, and small...

A big stream, and a small one...

A large mirror, and a small one...

A big doll, and a small one...

A big feather, and a small one...

Big watches, and small ones...

Big shoes, and small ones...

A big face, and a small one...

A big chair, and a small one...

The big cherry, and the little one...

A large saucepan, and a small one...

Big boots, but small ones...

The big snake, and the little one...

A big egg, and a small one...

Task No. 2.

Forming verbs using prefixes.

Finish the sentences I started:

In spring the birds arrive, and in autumn...

They climb a tree, and from a tree...

They walk along the road, and across the road...

They enter the house, and from the house...

They approach the house, and from the house...

Water is poured into a glass, and from the glass...

They jump over a ditch, and over a river...

Water is added to the jar, and sand...

The water was accidentally spilled, and the cereal...

We looked at everything with our eyes, and with our ears...

Task No. 3.

Formation of adjectives.

Every object is made of something. Tell me what is he like? For example: a chair made of wood – WOODEN.

House made of stone -…..

Brick house -

Straw hat –

Silk dress –

Wool scarf –

Copper coin –

Tin spoon –

Gold ring –

Down scarf -

Leather bag -

Crystal vase –

Clay bowl -

Paper boat -

Cardboard box –

Fur coat -

Plush bear –

Diagnostics of the ability to speak coherently.

Speech readiness for school also presupposes the child’s ability to speak coherently. To check your child’s state of coherent speech, ask him to talk about what he sees in the picture “Winter Fun”.

Children who are fluent in coherent speech will be able to compose a large and coherent story from this picture, often supplemented by events from their own lives.

If the results of the study are unsatisfactory, it is necessary to immediately begin developing the child’s speech.

Unfortunately, not all children have developed these speech skills by the time they start school. However, often parents simply do not notice this delay and for the first time it is discovered only in the process of learning to read and write, when, on the basis of these prerequisites, much more subtle skills and abilities must be acquired. Therefore, it is very important to promptly identify this type of delay in the speech development of children and be sure to overcome it before the start of the school year. This didactic material helps to identify deficiencies in the speech development of preschoolers and help parents prepare their child for school.

While creating the project, I realized that for the successful acquisition of reading and writing skills, and, accordingly, successful learning in general, the speech readiness of a child in preschool age is of great importance.

If a child entering school does not possess the skills mentioned in the project, then he will either not be able to be taught to read and write at all, or at best, he will write with numerous specific errors that cannot be overcome without special speech therapy assistance.

Speech disorders must be identified before the child goes to school, otherwise his education will be complicated by numerous difficulties, the basis of which lies in the speech unpreparedness of the preschooler

From the experience of working on this project, in the future I will need knowledge about the level of speech readiness of a preschooler, the reasons for unpreparedness, in order to professionally help him overcome the difficulties that arise in mastering literacy.



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