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» Apartment design in eco-style. Eco-style in the interior: description and photo examples. Eco-style in the interior of an apartment photo

Apartment design in eco-style. Eco-style in the interior: description and photo examples. Eco-style in the interior of an apartment photo

The article will talk about what eco style is, what main features it has, what rules should be followed when creating interiors in the described direction. Photos and videos will clearly illustrate the basic techniques and give you the opportunity to see ready-made options for implementing the environmental concept.


Defining style

Anyone who lives in big cities is forced to spend a long time in cramped, stuffy rooms. Each of us is surrounded by an abundance of synthetic materials, and even food has long become not entirely natural. That is why modern man again decided to turn to nature and be closer to it.

Such aspirations can be realized in different ways. The easiest way is to decorate a city apartment in eco style. Today this is the most fashionable trend in world design. It is very popular not only because the word “eco-friendly” sounds like music to a person tired of urban high-tech. Eco interior is comfortable, convenient and healthy. If living quarters are decorated with natural materials, if there are a lot of living plants in the rooms, a person relaxes faster and his body’s strength is restored faster.


The described direction became relevant at the end of the last century, when technological progress began to develop rapidly and a person, confined to a cramped and stuffy urban space, began to get tired of constant stress. There is a lot of plastic, plastic, and polymers around. Or they significantly simplified a person’s life and helped create eye-catching interiors. But they were lifeless.

Today, many people want to create a clean, cozy space around themselves, free from unnecessary things and artificial materials. Designers took into account the demand and offered their clients interiors that are easier to live in and breathe deeply. The main goal of the new style is to bring people closer to nature. Its image is formed using various components: natural materials are chosen for finishing, the color palette is similar to the color palette of the countryside. Currently, there are a large number of technologies, the use of which allows you to turn a city apartment into a real green garden. And this also helps to realize the main idea.


Basic rules for creation

In eco style, design is not just interior aesthetics, it is an atmosphere that can completely change a person’s lifestyle and worldview. Living in such a space, many begin to completely abandon everything artificial and take care of the environment.

An eco-style interior can be decorated following a specific idea. There are many climatic zones on Earth, so designers willingly take landscapes of the sea coast or rocky mountains, forest edges or endless steppes as a basis for their implementation. It is difficult to confuse eco style with any other trend. He has well recognizable features.

Specialists strive to use objects for interior decoration whose shape and color are similar to the shape and color of wild objects. Therefore, ecological interiors may feature lamps in the shape of a drop of water, armchairs suspended from the ceiling in the shape of an egg, and chairs imitating rotten stumps.

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The interior content does not have clear geometric lines, it does not contain elaborate decor or unnecessary details. One central element is taken as a basis and then the rest of the design is assembled around it.

The design is realized using natural materials; their color palette, like the range of the entire interior as a whole, is as close as possible to the colors of nature itself. Delicate warm shades combine perfectly with each other and do not cause persistent irritation. You can use different combinations. All tones of green, grey, brown, white and black work well. If you choose the right companions, the interior will turn out to be very harmonious. It is allowed to use anything that can be associated with the word “nature” - wood, stone, cork, leather.

The main decoration for the walls is paper wallpaper. They are environmentally friendly, beautiful, and you can easily choose the color and pattern. As an alternative, finishing with natural stone or cork panels is perfect. Bamboo and jute fabrics always look good.


The ceiling can be whitewashed, painted, decorated with wood, or limited to the use of wooden beams. The floor is wood or stone tiles. If you want to throw a soft carpet under your feet, let it be a pleasant cream or light brown color.

The decor is carried out using shells, natural stones, living plants, accessories made from what the surrounding world can give. Wicker baskets and porcelain fruit vases fit organically into the ecological interior. To decorate windows, it is better to choose curtains made from fine wool or linen; you can throw embroidered tablecloths on the tables.

Video description

The video shows the distinctive features of eco-style:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer, as well as. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

To complete the overall picture, you can use living plants, ornamental trees planted in large clay pots, ficus and ferns. It's great if the house has a fireplace. It will easily become the central object in the decorative design.



Its abundance is an undoubted advantage of the described style. In order to ensure the penetration of light, you need to install large windows. They will let a large amount of fresh air into the house and allow you to enjoy the warmth of the sun's rays.

When it gets dark, lamps should provide plenty of light. In this case, you will have to abandon the central chandelier and sconces on the walls. This scenario is not suitable for the concept of a restrained style. Here, only spotlights, large floor lamps or cylindrical ceiling lamps hanging very low would be more appropriate.


Open plan

Open space is another important condition. There should be plenty of open areas in the rooms. This layout will visually relieve the situation and contribute to the formation of lightness. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not reduce the interior design to minimalism. A minimal amount of furniture placed along the walls will free up space, but the room will not become more comfortable.

This problem can be solved if you choose furniture for the interior, made from natural materials, in a simple design, in the correct geometric shape. Cabinet furniture made from solid wood looks good in an eco-friendly interior. The soft group should be upholstered with fabric materials.


Generalization on the topic

A person who finds himself in the bosom of nature is immersed in a state that helps him to have a good rest and restore his mental and physical strength. Therefore, he strives there whenever the opportunity arises. Modern construction technologies make it possible to recreate the desired atmosphere right in a house or in a city apartment. To do this, designers use natural finishing materials, soft colors, smooth lines and create interiors with a lot of light and air. At the same time, they use rules that help implement the concept of a new design direction called eco-style.

More recently, eco-style has gained great popularity among interior design trends. It began to develop very actively at the end of the last century, and its founders are rightfully considered to be Scandinavian designers, who very harmoniously combined natural materials with innovative forms.

The Japanese traditional style, which is based on the use of natural wood and fabrics in the design in complete harmony with the surrounding nature, also significantly influenced the formation of the new eco-style.

Using eco-style in the interior, you will get a real natural oasis in which you can relax as much as possible, get calm and a sea of ​​positive emotions, just like in a real protected corner of nature.

To create an eco-style in the interior, it is necessary to follow certain important rules, regardless of the type of room being decorated.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Maximum free space with a minimum of furniture. The room should not be cluttered with a lot of things.
  2. Abundance of light. Lighting can be natural or artificial. Eco-style often uses fluorescent lamps and LED lighting.
  3. The basis of the style should be exclusively natural materials: stone, wood, linen, cotton.
  4. The color scheme should be light, natural tones: sand, creamy white, natural green shades of vegetation.
  5. The room should have a large number of living plants and accessories made from natural materials.

Using eco-style in various rooms


The bedroom is the ideal place for rest and relaxation. An eco-style bedroom should be spacious, there should be a lot of light and air. The ceiling and walls should be light, soft, pastel shades. Cork wallpaper or wooden panels will fit perfectly into the interior. Light cream shades will harmoniously combine with wooden armrests and headboards. Green color looks very beautiful in textiles. Green curtains, pillows and other textile elements will be perfectly complemented by living plants in clay pots.

The floor should be made of wood or wood laminate. Curtains should be made of light natural materials. Roman blinds to match the textile accessories will look good.

If you want to create a marine style, you can use all kinds of marine attributes in your design: rope strands imitating ship ropes, all kinds of shells. An aquarium with a plant underwater world and exotic fish would also be appropriate in the bedroom. Bed linen should be sea green.


Natural materials and colors should also predominate in kitchen design. The furniture is selected from natural wood, preferably solid wood. The use of furniture with plastic or metal surfaces is under no circumstances allowed, as they do not fit into the eco-style at all.

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Wooden furniture harmonizes perfectly with glass, which gives the room airiness and lightness, so it would be very appropriate to decorate the kitchen interior with a glass table and an apron with a floral pattern. The apron can also be made of ceramic tiles, which have the appearance of an untreated surface.

Dishes and other kitchen utensils should also follow the style. Wooden plates, porcelain, ceramic and glassware can be placed on the shelves as decoration. The presence of fresh flowers in crystal or glass vases is mandatory.

One of the walls can be decorated with photo wallpaper with a suitable theme, for example with a still life or flowers. An interesting solution would be to use wooden panels. It is best to make the ceiling white.

The floor can be covered with stone tiles or laminate that imitates a wooden surface.

Living room

You should take the design of the living room very seriously, since it is the main room in the house and is most often visited by guests and household members. Walls, floors and ceilings must correspond to eco-style. The most economical option is to paint surfaces with light paint. The ceiling can be made classically white, and the walls a cream or milky shade.

When finishing the ceiling, you can use beams made of natural wood, as in country style, or lining, which after installation is varnished.

It is also necessary to use natural materials for wall decoration. For example, wallpaper made of sisal, bamboo or jute. Walls or sections thereof, lined with bamboo or cork panels, wood or specially treated stone, look great. A combination of different types of finishes will look original. You can also decorate the wall with photo wallpaper depicting nature.

A wall in the living room can be decorated with a vertical garden. To do this, a special structure is installed with many pockets from floor to ceiling, where plants can be planted or installed. The wall turns into a living green carpet, which gives the room a special charm. The phytowall can be successfully replaced with self-installed flower pots and correctly selected plants, in which they will look very original and beautiful.

Also, the walls in the living room can be decorated with installations made from natural materials and supplemented with built-in lighting.

Absolutely any covering made from natural materials is suitable for the floor: stone, board, parquet, cork and even a carpet mat.

For those who like room zoning, lightweight bamboo partitions will be a good solution. A large aquarium or a wall of large ornamental plants in pots will also look original.

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Windows in eco-style should be decorated with light natural curtains in light colors, for example, made of chintz, linen or canvas, which will add light and airiness to the living room. Window frames must be wooden, varnished or tinted.

Definition of eco-style in the interior

Eco-style in the interior of residential premises is the most convenient and comfortable for people today. It allows you to relax, feel inner harmony, and calm the nervous system. All this thanks to environmentally friendly materials and the abundance of green in the design style. By choosing eco-style for your interior, you will immediately feel a surge of energy, improved mood and well-being. In addition, by choosing clean, environmentally friendly materials, you thereby declare yourself as an individual who lovingly and carefully treats mother nature, being a part of it, and carefully using its gifts.

Eco-style lighting

A room decorated in eco-style should have a lot of light, both natural, passing through the windows, and artificial, emanating from various lighting fixtures. In order for light to pass freely through windows, they should not create large obstacles to this. The exception is bedroom windows, the light from which can interfere with proper rest.

Lighting fixtures, such as chandeliers, sconces, lamps, should be decorated with natural materials. For example, lampshades can be made of linen, wood, or rice paper. A variety of LED and fluorescent lamps are often used as lighting. An aquarium, often used in eco-style, can also become a source of lighting in the evening. The unusual and whimsical underwater world will create a special mood in any room.


To make the decoration of a room in eco-style look complete, it is necessary to use a large number of various accessories. These can be glass and clay multi-colored vases, fresh flowers in beautiful flowerpots made of natural materials, such as stone, clay or wood, textiles made of linen or cotton.

Wooden vases or rough ceramic dishes can successfully serve as accessories for an eco-style kitchen. Wicker bread bins, bamboo coasters for hot dishes, fruit bowls, and napkins will also harmoniously fit into the overall design. The kitchen walls can be decorated with paintings with natural themes and compositions of dried flowers.
The sofa or bed will be decorated with decorative pillows in pillowcases made of natural fabrics to match the color of the curtains or carpeting.

Creating an eco-style with your own hands

To create an eco-style in the interior, it is not necessary to invite an expensive designer. It is enough to show your creative imagination by taking into account a few useful tips.

There are several methods for creating an eco style that can be successfully combined with each other or used each separately.

Use of green color and its shades

Green is the best color scheme for eco-style. You can fill the room with living plants in beautiful vases made from natural materials. Plants should be arranged in groups, creating peculiar green islands, similar to how they would look in nature. In addition to natural greenery, you can add textiles in green shades in the form of curtains or upholstery.

More of a philosophy than a set of decorations, eco-style in the interior arose organically, based on the needs of modern society. The fatigue of city dwellers with the industrial atmosphere gave rise to nostalgia for the peace, fresh air and silence experienced in the lap of nature. In addition, the dark side of technological progress - environmental pollution - has become obvious.

Eco-style in the interior: video review

The desire to bring into the house a bit of bright joy from being in nature and our own philosophy of caring for it formed the eco-style. Of course, the most striking representative of the style in the house will be the eco-living room, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Want to create something similar at home? Read our article “Eco-style in the interior: Trends, decor, ideas”!

Eco-style in the interior: Colors inspired by nature

If you dream of a magical oasis in an urban environment, then eco-style in the interior is clearly for you! Of course, the first thing that nature captivates our souls with is its rich, mesmerizing color palette.

  • As for individual trends: the eco-living room gravitates towards light shades, an abundance of white, shades of light wood and green. Darker shades are suitable for the bedroom and bathroom.
  • All shades of natural materials are acceptable.

We mentioned above that the color scheme in an eco-friendly interior can be selected using landscapes. We use 1-3 colors as base colors. For example:

  • azure + sand + white (colors of the seascape);
  • light green + ivory + light wood (bamboo grove);
  • dark brown + green + white (spring forest).

Eco living room and other rooms: Eco-style finishing

All materials in such an interior are pleasant to the touch and stand out with beautiful, often natural, textures. The eco-living room is distinguished by a particularly beautiful finish - the large space allows you to fully reflect the best eco-trends.

Main materials used in eco-interior:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • glass;
  • tile;
  • paper;
  • natural fabrics (most often linen and cotton).

A good floor in an eco-friendly interior creates a desire to walk barefoot. A good option would be a wooden floor, perhaps parquet (also made of natural wood). The eco living room will become unique with a transparent floor filled with water! The feeling of walking right on its surface is truly incredible and relaxing!

It is better to make the ceiling simple, in light colors and without shine. Let's say decor with wooden beams.

Use any natural material to decorate the living room walls: wood, decorative stone, bamboo panels or even shells. Photo wallpapers and 3D panels with images of landscapes or imitation of natural textures: snow, morning dew, sand are also suitable.

Be careful with the tree! Although it fits perfectly into the eco-concept, its total use may result in more similarities with the country style.

Furniture and decor: Eco living room

  • Angular shapes and eco-style are rarely combined in the interior. Rather, the furniture in such a living room (and any other room) either resembles the shape of water-ground stones or is extremely simple.
  • Avoid carvings on furniture and decorative elements! This will turn eco-style into country!
  • Wicker auxiliary furniture (for example, armchairs) will bring even more comfort to the living room.
  • We select an exceptionally soft and streamlined sofa.
  • He is accompanied by a “retinue” in the form of tables and chairs in the shape of stumps.
  • Great examples of eco-friendly tables inspired by the work of Greg Klassen. Tabletops that imitate the river do not need a tablecloth! Another talent - Mike Warren came up with a glowing table. Craftsmen from the CIS often create similar versions with a “river” glowing in the dark. Incredible!
  • Eco-style in the interior allows you not only to imitate the beauty of nature, but also to bring it home! Decorative moss will transform your walls into a work of art! Also aquariums, indoor plants, florariums - everything is at your service.
  • A soft rug that imitates grass will provide ideal comfort.
  • Romantics who dream of a holiday with long conversations and the sounds of a guitar by the fire can “place” its magical beauty in the living room! A biofireplace will provide the warmth and aesthetics of a flame without polluting the air.

We hope our article was useful to you. Love nature! And follow our updates!

Eco-style in the interior of an apartment photo

In the modern world, in large cities and metropolitan areas, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find islands of wildlife. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ecological style in the interior is experiencing a peak in popularity today.

Designers offer universal techniques that allow you to create real oases and protected corners in an ordinary city apartment that give a feeling of peace and harmony. Today’s material is about how to bring nature closer to yourself and create an eco-style in the interior of a bedroom, living room or kitchen.

Ecostyle today is characterized by maximum harmony and closeness to the surrounding nature. At the same time, a natural living space is formed, convenient and comfortable, in which human life processes have minimal negative impact on the environment. This can be emphasized with the help of furnishings made from previously used materials - beds, tables, sofas made from pallets.

The atmosphere in a natural interior is natural, light, filled with freedom and spaciousness.

The advantages of this style include the following:

  1. Use of natural materials. Refusal of synthetic, plastic products and other artificial products;
  2. Formation of a healthy microclimate beneficial for human health, the creation of which is largely facilitated by a large number of living plants;
  3. Freedom of creativity and self-expression;
  4. Creating an anti-stress atmosphere;
  5. Conceptual design of living space.

Color spectrum

Nature itself suggests shades that can be used in an ecological style. Unnatural, “acid” colors and harsh combinations are excluded.

The most common natural shades include the following:

  1. Green. The entire palette of herbaceous tones is used;
  2. Blue– all possible shades of the sky that fill the interior with cleanliness and freshness. Such shades are used to decorate the upper part of the walls and ceiling, since the shade is quite cool;
  3. Terracotta– natural clay, brick, ocher color is the hallmark of eco-style;
  4. Brown– earthy, earthy and woody shade, giving a feeling of confidence and security;
  5. Beige– warm sand and straw shades, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the interior;
  6. Yellow. Natural, natural tones are used, often warm;
  7. White color. It has many natural shades - from the frosty freshness of snow cover to the warm color of fresh milk. Used as a background for living plants and natural textures;
  8. Gray is the color of stones. In the interior, accent surfaces are created from pebbles and other stones, the color palette of which is limitless.

Note! It is recommended to exclude black color in its pure form, since it is not typical for natural conditions.

Interiors in a natural style are often thematic in nature, taking into account the characteristics of a particular natural landscape: forest, jungle, birch grove, ocean.

What to consider when finishing surfaces

To decorate the walls, you can use materials of different prices:

  1. Pasting with paper plain wallpaper or with floral patterns, as well as photo wallpaper with a natural theme;
  2. Painting with water-based paint;
  3. Facing with tiles imitating natural stone;
  4. Plastering;
  5. Finishing with cork and wood panels;
  6. Facing with stone slabs and other natural materials, for example, wood cuts;
  7. Pasting with natural wallpaper - sisal, bamboo, jute.

Note! To achieve the best decorative effect, it is recommended to use a combination of several finishing materials.

A budget-friendly way to emphasize natural interior design is to use large-format photo wallpaper with macro photography - this could be a leaf, flower, stone or butterfly wing. Such photo wallpapers are made from environmentally friendly materials and do not form joints when glued.

Important! The interior should not contain geometric patterns or straight lines. If the wallpaper has a pattern, then it should be made in the form of smooth vertical lines in the form of stems and leaves.

In small rooms, the ceiling should have a simple design - use whitewash, paintable wallpaper or matte stretch fabric. If the height of the ceiling allows, then wooden panels and beams are used to decorate its surface, and multi-level and dome structures are created.

It is acceptable to use wooden coffered ceilings. With the help of a stretch ceiling, they create the illusion of an open, clear or starry sky.

Flooring in a natural interior is made of parquet, solid wood, parquet boards or cork. In rooms with high humidity, stone slabs or their imitation in the form of ceramic slabs are used.

Additional decoration is provided by mats and mats on the floor and walls made of straw, hemp, bamboo or coconut. You can purchase a soft rug that imitates a green lawn.

Choosing furniture

A number of requirements are put forward for the choice of furniture when creating an eco-style, which are not recommended to be ignored:

  1. The manufacturing material must be natural, so the furniture can be made of solid wood or wicker from wicker, bamboo or rattan;
  2. In shape, furnishings should have simple, clear geometric lines, or convey natural natural curves;
  3. The size of the furniture should be quite massive;
  4. The texture should have minimal traces of processing and polishing.

Note! In a small room you can use an elegant wicker furniture set.

Equally important is furniture upholstery, which should be made from natural dense fabric - chintz, wool, linen, satin. Metal and plastic furniture are not used in natural interiors.

You can emphasize the natural style in the interior using furniture in the following ways:

  1. The simplest one is to put linen covers on chairs, sofas or armchairs;
  2. You can use plastic transparent furniture as an exception, which will support the concept of open space;
  3. The table top can be made of tempered glass;
  4. Classic wardrobes are replaced with low furniture - chests of drawers, baskets, chests;
  5. White furniture and cabinets with mirrored doors located opposite the window are welcome.

The role of lighting

Natural lighting plays a leading role in creating an eco-style in the interior, so panoramic glazing is used whenever possible. In an ordinary apartment, this can be done by combining a room with a balcony.

To ensure that as much light as possible penetrates into the apartment, pay attention to the design of the window frame - modern aluminum profiles differ from PVC frames in their smaller width. A white window will fill the room with light, but an imitation of a wooden surface is possible, only of high quality.

Ideally, the window frame should be wooden, but modern solid wood profiles are quite expensive.

If there is little natural light, it is necessary to carefully consider artificial lighting, which should be as hidden as possible in the form of built-in lamps or halogen lighting. The lamps are decorated with lampshades made of natural materials – rice paper, textiles, wicker.

The lighting spectrum is selected to be soft and warm. You can increase the amount of light in a room by using light floors, walls and ceilings, as well as reflective surfaces. The windows are decorated with functional blinds with wooden slats, bamboo roller shutters, and roller blinds made of natural fabrics.

Features of decorating space

Properly selected decor will help complete the interior in a natural style. If we turn to nature in its natural manifestation, it will be clear that there is nothing superfluous in it, therefore, when decorating a room, it is necessary to adhere to a minimalist concept.

Decoration of the room occurs using the following techniques:

  1. Convenient storage areas are organized using wicker baskets and chests;
  2. You can insulate the floor using homespun rugs;
  3. An expressive ecological composition can be made up of original paintings made of stone, wood, wicker vases with fruit, pebbles in glassware on the table;
  4. Using textile pillows made from natural fabrics, you can soften the interior;
  5. To zone the space, use light partitions and screens made of natural materials - fabrics, bamboo, wood;
  6. Dishes and vases used as decorative details should have a simple shape. The manufacturing material is ceramics, glass or clay. You can supplement them with dried flowers;
  7. A distinctive feature of this style is that many decorative elements can be made from available natural materials without spending a penny. These can be panels made of shells, lamps made of branches. Sea pebbles are used to decorate shelves and niches;
  8. A fireplace would be appropriate in such an interior. In an ordinary apartment, you can make a structure from plasterboard, which in appearance can be indistinguishable from a real fireplace with proper finishing. You can decorate the inside with candles, a woodpile, or wooden cuts;
  9. Using wooden cuts, you can create not only decorative elements, but also furnishings;
  10. You can support the marine theme with the help of an aquarium. You can play up its design with strands of hemp to imitate ship ropes, shells, and seashells.