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» Ancient spells. By object of influence. There are many ways to make special ink

Ancient spells. By object of influence. There are many ways to make special ink

Magic is not only a collection of rituals, spells and rituals. First of all, it is a way of perceiving the world. It is not for nothing that when translated from ancient languages, the word means wisdom, knowledge, deep and serious research. When starting a ritual, casting spells, the magician must understand what idea of ​​cognition inspires him; magic cannot turn into mere vulgar practices of ignorant people, because spells are a powerful factor in changing reality.

Through the labyrinths of history

Since ancient times, people have been performing rituals in an attempt to protect themselves from various troubles or dangers. Scientists believe that it is magical rituals of the ancients created civilization.

Sources about the history of magical influences on human life can be found in the Chinese “Book of Changes”, in papyri of the pre-Christian era, and Christian manuscripts.

Over time, the influence of magic has changed. The calls and curses of ancient texts sound in a new way in modern art - a conductor of mysterious knowledge.

In the famous TV series “The Vampire Diaries,” one of the main characters, Bonnie Bennett, belongs to the family of the powerful witch Qetsiyah and constantly uses magic. But first, the viewer sees an innocent child, then a girl with supernatural abilities, and finally, a woman wise with knowledge and experience, sacrificing herself to save the characters dear to her.

Such series popularize the power of magical influence on people's destinies.

Someone begins to summon a demon, trying to gain power over the whole world. Another is burdened by fame and tries to go into the shadows, a third tries to protect his home or improve his health by turning to the devil, because nothing helps. For various reasons, people rush to see a magician or astrologer. But no matter what rituals are performed for, they are always performed with faith. The presence of religion and philosophy of self-knowledge are mandatory.

Prayers, spells, spells, conspiracies are filled with a person’s faith in the influence of external forces, help in the struggle for existence, and create a connection in time between worlds.

People's turn to magical rituals is increasing against the backdrop of economic and political crises, disasters, epidemics, and other pronounced instability of society.

Spells in Latin are especially popular among practicing magicians. Indeed, they have powerful potential and help to radically change a person’s life: return a loved one, receive financial support, accelerate career growth.

To prevent ancient words from causing harm, they are pronounced in a special way: loudly, clearly and correctly pronouncing all the letters. Otherwise, an incorrectly spoken word will lead to irreversible consequences and will not only not provide help, but will also destroy the one performing the ritual.

To prevent this from happening:

Only after following these simple rules, proceed to the magical ritual.

Important! It is not recommended for novice magicians or people who are unable to learn a text in a foreign language to conduct magic sessions using ancient spells in Latin.

Features of working with white and black magic

Unlike prayer, spells or incantations are not of a pleading or praising nature. They are rather an order, an oral form of a special agreement with white or dark forces, which is often sealed with blood. In addition, the ritual is performed using animal organs important for magic.

Casting spells in Latin can be roughly divided into two areas of action: the light and dark side of the supernatural.

For each magical sphere there is a special way of reading prayers, spells, and incantations.

For example, spells for health and love are read in a whisper, in a pleasant voice. Orders for dark forces are pronounced in a hoarse, terrifying sound.

Shamans use throat singing to effectively influence people. In their opinion, monotonous and mysterious singing will quickly connect them with other worlds or transport them through time and space.

Important! It is not recommended for beginners or “at home” to perform black magic rituals. Be careful, you may cause yourself irreparable harm.

Rules for preparing and conducting the ritual

If you urgently need the help of supernatural forces, and there is no magician nearby, you can write down the spells on paper, making a kind of amulet.

To do this, you must meet some conditions:

There are many ways to make special ink:

  • Good ones are obtained from an infusion of saffron, resin from fruit trees, and soot collected from a spoon held over a candle flame.
  • You can make ink from melt water and the ashes of crushed peach pits burned on Wednesday morning. Soot and plum tree resin are also added to the resulting liquid.

You can find out more about spells in Latin and the rules for writing them on specialized resources.

Important! It is believed that ink made from the bark of an oak tree that grows in Jerusalem has special powers. Unfortunately, now the historical oak tree, described in “The Walkings of Monk Daniel,” has dried up, its trunk is supported by props. But in the late nineties, a new shoot from the roots appeared near the dying tree, and this gives people hope.

Ancient Latin spell records not only have sacred meaning, but can also have a dramatic impact on a person’s life.

When carrying out the ritual of reading notes in Latin - for love, money - do not forget that you will need special ink. Special objects play a special role in the work of wizards. Each magician himself makes an attribute for himself that will help him during sessions.

Before you begin the ritual, you need to understand exactly what you need to receive from supernatural forces. Think, maybe you yourself are able to cope with a certain problem without resorting to strong means of influence, because they affect not only you, but also those close to you.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many modern conspiracies and magical rituals are ancient spells used by our distant ancestors. It has long been believed that for any witchcraft action to be effective, the performer must comply with a number of rules that apply both to the method of reading the plot and to other elements of the ritual.

Rules for casting spells

In ancient times, there were many rules, non-compliance with which had a negative impact on the effectiveness of any magical action.
Basic rules of witchcraft ritual:

  • any conspiracy must be read in a whisper so that random people cannot hear it;
  • Only a completely healthy person could pronounce magic words;
  • An important condition for the spell is the integrity of the magician’s teeth; the absence of front teeth had an extremely negative impact on the effectiveness of the magical ritual;
  • Using an old spell, the magician should not change it, remove words from it and add something that was not originally intended;
  • before the ceremony, a person must adhere to strict fasting for several days, give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • you cannot take money from the person for whom a magical ritual is being performed;
  • spells with a positive focus should be cast on light days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday);
  • spells with a negative message are best read on Mondays and Fridays;
  • the performer must unconditionally believe in his own abilities and in the effectiveness of the magical ritual used.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and magic spells

Slavic peoples believed in the power of witchcraft and turned to magic for help in a variety of life situations. The word conspiracy itself can be deciphered as “penetration into the higher worlds”, from the words “Go” - high, and “thief” - to penetrate. Thus, a conspiracy is an effective magical means that allows a person to influence his own life, the people around him, to achieve the desired result.

In Rus', it was customary to distinguish such actions as: to say, to speak, to say, to tell, to recite. On the one hand, it seems as if all these words mean the same essence, but our ancestors did not think so. In dialect, unlike speech, rhythm and rhyme were of particular importance, which is why most of the Slavic spells that have survived to this day are distinguished by excellent rhyme and are easy to pronounce.
It is also worth noting that for each individual spell to be effective, it is not enough to simply read its words.

Ancient magical conspiracies of the Slavs

Our ancestors often turned to magic for help, and this applies to both women and men. Various Slavic spells were aimed at attracting love and good luck, good trade, success in battle, health and achieving other benefits and advantages.

Health spell

This magic spell is aimed at generally improving a person’s health and protecting against various diseases. Read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

“On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there lies a white and flammable stone, the Alatyr stone. Near that stone stands a mature and old man, he is a father and a sovereign to three sons. That man takes out his damask knife, and with it he cuts all the illnesses and ailments, all the dryness and aches. Let him cut off all the ailments of Dazhdbozhy’s son (name), let him put them under a white and flammable stone, and lock them with a golden key. He throws the key into the sea and locks away the disease forever. My words will be overcome only by the one who gnaws the Alatyr stone with his teeth. My words are full, my words are strong and firm, like the sea-ocean, like the Alatyr stone. Let it be so".


Spell for health and protection

This magic spell is addressed to mother earth and can grant the performer protection and good health. Conspiracy words:

“Mother Earth, I am turning to you, I was born from you, I am made from you, you, Earth, carry me on you, you feed me, and after death you will take my body back. Mother Earth, protect me, your child, guide me on the right path, on the true path. My words will become your deeds. I bow to you (name), Earth, I bow and ask.”

After pronouncing the last words, you need to bow to the ground.

Conspiracy against the evil eye and damage

Old Russian spells are very diverse. Our ancestors believed in the existence of negative magical energy and that one could protect oneself from it using special spells. Through this spell, the performer turns to the Ancient Slavic Gods for help. Words:

“In the name of Perun, Svarog and Veles. The blood of my ancestors is pure, their blood is like heavenly power. Protect, save, Gods, the grandson of Dozhdbozhy (name), from the evil eye, from the evil hour, from slander, from women's and men's, from children's and old women's. Protect me from evil words, from slander and unkind envious people. Let it come true. Truly."

Slavic gods

Conspiracy from dark magic

This spell is aimed at protecting against black magic, which can be directed at the performer. Words:

“In the name of Svarog - the human father, the heavenly blacksmith, and in the name of Dazhdbog, the heavenly sun, in the name of Perun the Thunderer. Svarog, Svarog, you separate Truth from Falsehood, just as Dazhdbog separates the night from the daytime sun, just as Perun separates Yav and Nav. By the power of Heavenly Fire, by the power of Mother Earth, by the power of heaven and earth, let all black spells burn, let all evil words burn, let Navya’s dry spells disappear in the Divine Fire. Heaven will be my key. And the Earth is his castle. May everything that I have said come true.”

Ancient Egyptian spells

Not much evidence and examples of magic and spells used by the ancient inhabitants of Egypt have survived to this day. Nevertheless, scientists managed to decipher something, and therefore we can say with confidence that the spells used by the Egyptians are practically no different from the magical rituals of other peoples. In Egypt, only priests could use strong magic, but ordinary people also had access to fairly effective means to influence their own lives. As an example, we can cite one of the oldest Egyptian spells to attract love.
Conspiracy words:

“I (name), greet you, O Ra, O Father of all Gods. I salute the seven Hathor, who are adorned with red cords and threads. I greet (name), the Gods of earth and sky. Come to (name), and make him follow me, like a bull follows green grass, like a shepherd follows his cows. And if you do not send him to me, I will burn (name) Busiris. Let it be so".

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced on red threads or ribbon, which is wrapped in a circle around the Hathor figurine.

General Spell Rules

spells are energy structures created using the personal energy of the Magician. He builds their pattern himself. The basis of spells is the idea of ​​the way the brain encodes information. Any image perceived by the senses is transmitted by nerve chains to the brain, where a spatial structure corresponding to the external object is formed. If this structure is projected onto a flat screen, we get an image called a Mandala in Magic. It must be borne in mind that the magical symbols depicted in numerous reference books are only flat projections of multidimensional structures.

Of great importance is the space in which dimension the original was created - the mandala, the projection of which we see on a flat sheet of paper or canvas. The strength and form of influence of the depicted mandala on people with different levels of consciousness depends on this. For example, the same spell in our three-dimensional space will have a strong effect on people of the first caste and not on Mages of the first level.

Spells can be stable, or lose their power quite quickly. It depends on the way they are secured and fed with energy. The spell can be location specific, cast on a specific person, or associated with a specific object.

In multidimensional space, the concept of size and distance becomes meaningless. A spell cast by the consciousness of the Magician can have an effect on a large number of people. This happens as follows. Let's say that you eat bread, and at the same time you experience sensations that are transmitted to the brain along nerve chains. In the corresponding centers of your brain, spatial structures arise that correspond to the sensations you receive. If you project them outward, and this is exactly what Mages do, many other people will come into contact with these structures, perceiving them directly with the brain. At the same time, they will receive the whole range of sensations corresponding to eating bread.

The average person's brain is well shielded. He seems to float in liquid shells that shield the thought forms of other people. As the level of consciousness increases, structural changes occur in these screens: the upper chakras open. One of the most important features of Mages is the ability of their brain to radiate (transmit) these structures. Thus, the brain of Mages turns into a powerful transmitter, the radiation of which is not shielded by the membranes of the brain of ordinary people.

In essence, the evil eye and damage are very similar to each other. This is a negative blow to the subject’s biofield by the field of another subject. The symptoms of negative manifestations are also similar to each other, for this reason only a specialist in this field can diagnose the problem and distinguish one suggestion from another.

The strength of any conspiracy depends on many factors. But, first of all, you should understand that magic can be used only in emergency cases, when the problem cannot be solved by any means. Any conspiracy is pronounced alone. Moreover, you cannot even tell anyone about the plans for the ceremony.

Spell Classification

The mechanism of action of a spell almost always comes down to reading the energies of energy lines directly by the human brain, bypassing the senses. At the same time, under the influence of a spell, a person receives the whole range of sensations that should have arisen if the event had happened in reality. For example: we are trying to wean a person from the bad habit of alcohol. To this end, we cast a spell on him that forces his brain to identify the sensations he gets from drinking alcohol with the sensations from drinking ordinary water. As a result, at the level of sensations, the state for which the person drank disappears. Drinking alcohol loses its meaning. The spell itself is a structure placed in the centers of recognition of sensations: gustatory, olfactory, etc.

1. By time of entry into force:
  • instant action (most spells);
  • with a delayed time of influence (they act when a certain condition is met) - for example, disenchanting, when someone really loves you or you love someone (“The Scarlet Flower”).
2. By duration of action:
  • permanent action (sometimes until the death of the target) - before applying a counterspell;
  • temporary action - acting for a short period (up to several hours).

The duration of the spell depends on the amount of magical energy spent when casting the spell

3. By object of influence:
  • fire, water, air, earth - those who control the elements;
  • inanimate objects - transformation spells, levitation, obtaining information;
  • living beings - control of a creature, transformations, illusions, understanding the language of birds and animals;
4. By the number of objects of influence:
  • aimed at a specific object;
  • affect various objects within the established border;
5. According to the primacy of spells:
  • primary spell;
  • counterspell - reverse to the primary one.
6. By the nature of the impact:
  • creative (increment magic) - creating magical creatures, construction, restoration of lost parts or healing. “Augmentation magic uses what already exists, increasing its quantity or power, or combining different forces and matter”;
  • destructive (damage magic) - counterspells, destruction of objects or creatures. “Damage magic is the opposite of incremental magic in essence, like night and day. At the same time, they are interconnected. You can create something in the world, or you can destroy everything.”

13 rules you should follow when creating a spell.

  1. Find a time when you have nowhere to rush and everyone will leave you alone.
  2. Free your thoughts - let them contain only one desire, which is the purpose of the spell: you must want this with all your being.
  3. Focus.
  4. Don't worry about whether anyone else will use your spell—write it for yourself.
  5. Use words, phrases and word order that you are used to and that is unique to you.
  6. When encoding a symbol or image, choose exactly the word that most accurately characterizes it for you.
  7. Rhythm, rhyme and melodiousness strengthen the spell, increasing its power with creativity, but if they are alien to you, do not torture yourself.
  8. Try not to type, but rather to write a spell. Firstly, there is such an ancient rule - it is believed that printed spells lose part of their power, sometimes a very important part; secondly, your brain will remember every squiggle of your handwriting, and the spell will have another link to you.
  9. Do not do “demi-season”, i.e. a universal spell for all occasions in life, even if you have many of them, but each for a specific moment, with a clear, strong and vivid meaning.
  10. Sometimes, to enhance the effect of a spell, you need to associate it with something. Most often, this is a certain ritual that is remembered by your consciousness and subconscious. You don't have to include it in the spell itself—you can write a note, or you can write nothing. Once, to get rid of one very unpleasant attachment, I had to cut my palm. Thanks to the specifics of the spell and the fact that my wound hurt for three weeks, the need for this person quickly disappeared...
  11. The more precise the words in your spell, and the fewer there are, the better. You are not writing a treatise)). It is better to choose a specific word for a specific symbol than an insane number of words that do not accurately characterize anything, but circle around the concept.
  12. Do not rely on traditions and existing views - if you agree with them and they are close to you - please! But you shouldn’t go into Latin just because “it’s customary” or write spells in the Old Russian language with all sorts of “esi” and “verb”. If this is given to you, then go ahead. For example, it takes me about a minute to create a working spell in Old Russian, but a standing spell in a modern language requires me to sweat for at least ten minutes.
  13. And - most importantly! Be careful with words: sharpen them, check them to see if there is a double interpretation, if this word evokes only the right sensations, if it does not contradict your intention and the rest of the words.

Sometimes, with experience, you will have moments when the spells flow by themselves - just write them down, sometimes - it will be difficult to connect words with words. But if you have long noticed a craving for creativity, the unknown and magic, the process of composing spells will give you real pleasure!

In this article:

Many modern conspiracies and magical rituals are ancient spells used by our distant ancestors. It has long been believed that for any witchcraft action to be effective, the performer must comply with a number of rules that apply both to the method of reading the plot and to other elements of the ritual.

Rules for casting spells

In ancient times, there were many rules, non-compliance with which had a negative impact on the effectiveness of any magical action.
Basic rules of witchcraft ritual:

  • any conspiracy must be read in a whisper so that random people cannot hear it;
  • Only a completely healthy person could pronounce magic words;
  • An important condition for the spell is the integrity of the magician’s teeth; the absence of front teeth had an extremely negative impact on the effectiveness of the magical ritual;
  • Using an old spell, the magician should not change it, remove words from it and add something that was not originally intended;
  • before the ceremony, a person must adhere to strict fasting for several days, give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • you cannot take money from the person for whom a magical ritual is being performed;
  • spells with a positive focus should be cast on light days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday);
  • spells with a negative message are best read on Mondays and Fridays;
  • the performer must unconditionally believe in his own abilities and in the effectiveness of the magical ritual used.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and magic spells

Slavic peoples believed in the power of witchcraft and turned to magic for help in a variety of life situations. The word conspiracy itself can be deciphered as “penetration into the higher worlds”, from the words “Go” - high, and “thief” - to penetrate. Thus, a conspiracy is an effective magical means that allows a person to influence his own life, the people around him, to achieve the desired result.

In Rus', it was customary to distinguish such actions as: to say, to speak, to say, to tell, to recite. On the one hand, it seems as if all these words mean the same essence, but our ancestors did not think so. In dialect, unlike speech, rhythm and rhyme were of particular importance, which is why most of the Slavic spells that have survived to this day are distinguished by excellent rhyme and are easy to pronounce.
It is also worth noting that for each individual spell to be effective, it is not enough to simply read its words.

Ancient magical conspiracies of the Slavs

Our ancestors often turned to magic for help, and this applies to both women and men. Various Slavic spells were aimed at attracting love and good luck, good trade, success in battle, health and achieving other benefits and advantages.

Health spell

This magic spell is aimed at generally improving a person’s health and protecting against various diseases. Read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

“On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there lies a white and flammable stone, the Alatyr stone. Near that stone stands a mature and old man, he is a father and a sovereign to three sons. That man takes out his damask knife, and with it he cuts all the illnesses and ailments, all the dryness and aches. Let him cut off all the ailments of Dazhdbozhy’s son (name), let him put them under a white and flammable stone, and lock them with a golden key. He throws the key into the sea and locks away the disease forever. My words will be overcome only by the one who gnaws the Alatyr stone with his teeth. My words are full, my words are strong and firm, like the sea-ocean, like the Alatyr stone. Let it be so".


Spell for health and protection

This magic spell is addressed to mother earth and can grant the performer protection and good health. Conspiracy words:

“Mother Earth, I am turning to you, I was born from you, I am made from you, you, Earth, carry me on you, you feed me, and after death you will take my body back. Mother Earth, protect me, your child, guide me on the right path, on the true path. My words will become your deeds. I bow to you (name), Earth, I bow and ask.”

After pronouncing the last words, you need to bow to the ground.

Conspiracy against the evil eye and damage

Old Russian spells are very diverse. Our ancestors believed in the existence of negative magical energy and that one could protect oneself from it using special spells. Through this spell, the performer turns to the Ancient Slavic Gods for help. Words:

“In the name of Perun, Svarog and Veles. The blood of my ancestors is pure, their blood is like heavenly power. Protect, save, Gods, the grandson of Dozhdbozhy (name), from the evil eye, from the evil hour, from slander, from women's and men's, from children's and old women's. Protect me from evil words, from slander and unkind envious people. Let it come true. Truly."

Slavic gods

Conspiracy from dark magic

This spell is aimed at protecting against black magic, which can be directed at the performer. Words:

“In the name of Svarog - the human father, the heavenly blacksmith, and in the name of Dazhdbog, the heavenly sun, in the name of Perun the Thunderer. Svarog, Svarog, you separate Truth from Falsehood, just as Dazhdbog separates the night from the daytime sun, just as Perun separates Yav and Nav. By the power of Heavenly Fire, by the power of Mother Earth, by the power of heaven and earth, let all black spells burn, let all evil words burn, let Navya’s dry spells disappear in the Divine Fire. Heaven will be my key. And the Earth is his castle. May everything that I have said come true.”

Ancient Egyptian spells

Not much evidence and examples of magic and spells used by the ancient inhabitants of Egypt have survived to this day. Nevertheless, scientists managed to decipher something, and therefore we can say with confidence that the spells used by the Egyptians are practically no different from the magical rituals of other peoples. In Egypt, only priests could use strong magic, but ordinary people also had access to fairly effective means to influence their own lives. As an example, we can cite one of the oldest Egyptian spells to attract love.
Conspiracy words:

“I (name), greet you, O Ra, O Father of all Gods. I salute the seven Hathor, who are adorned with red cords and threads. I greet (name), the Gods of earth and sky. Come to (name), and make him follow me, like a bull follows green grass, like a shepherd follows his cows. And if you do not send him to me, I will burn (name) Busiris. Let it be so".

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced on red threads or ribbon, which is wrapped in a circle around the Hathor figurine.

Black magic spells have their roots in the pre-Christian era. A spell (spell, enchantment, slander) came to us from pagan times and, for the most part, bears the imprint of the culture of that time and those traditions.

Any spell, even love spells, is a program based on the power of human thought expressed in words, the energy of some entity or deity invoked during the ritual, and the emotional-volitional attitude of the operator. The entire set of these components is called a spell.

In those distant times, knowledge of magic was not something special, much less secret. It was only after many centuries that people began to emerge who were specifically involved in this and had a certain occult orientation.

These people are magicians, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, wise men, witches, healers, and so on. Both white and black magic were in use - spells, damage, love spells. Not only magicians, but also most people living in that era had a clear understanding of all this.

At that archaic time, people mainly used spells based on the forces of nature. They turned to water, wind, fire, stars, sun, earth, moon and so on for help. Then, with the advent of Christianity, religiously strictly directed spells appeared, addressed to God, saints, apostles, the Mother of God and others.

What are the types of magic spells?

Since ancient times, a large number of different spells and incantations have been known. They can be classified according to a huge number of characteristics:

  • by type of force used,
  • on guidance technology,
  • by type of ritual,
  • by the nature of the content,
  • by method of influence and so on.

Let's look at some of the basic and most popular types of spells.

Simple Spells

This type includes fleeting curses, said casually and during strong emotional arousal. These are also different types of whispers that are whispered about an object, for example, a ticket for good luck, or about a person. Depending on the purpose, they can have different effects.

Nature Spells

These are spells using natural forces and phenomena. As a rule, they are based on the four natural elements. These are quite powerful spells that are used by experienced sorcerers and healers. So, for example, a black magic spell for death involves the use of dead water or earth from the cemetery.

Health Spells

This type includes spells for acquiring health or getting rid of various ailments. This is a vast body of knowledge that includes herbalism and witchcraft.

Black Spells

Black magic spells are always based on attracting dark forces.

The purpose of these rituals is to cause harm. They use the demonic pantheon in their work and attract elements of dark forces in the texts of spells. This type also includes all types of cemetery rituals.

Divine Spells

This type of spell is already called prayer. Unlike classical spells, where there is an order based on a contract with forces, in prayer there is a request or plea for grace or help.

Protective Spells

A very large group of spells based on temporary or permanent protection of a person from troubles, adversities, dangers, and failures. This type includes religious blessings, protective rites, herbal incantations, charged amulets, etc.

It is based on a human protection program based on a spell of some kind of power. It can be applied to the person himself or to an object that will subsequently need to be constantly carried with him.

This is not a complete list of all kinds of spells. In every culture and tradition you can find more than a dozen sacred texts of a magical nature.

The structure and content of the spell can be anything. First of all, it all depends on the purpose of the ritual. In simple spells, one or two words can be used, but more are simple and not necessary due to the context of the ritual itself.

In more complex ones, multi-page, logically sequential paragraphs of text are used, forming a holistic structure of the ritual program. Deviation from which even the slightest can cause a significant threat to the operator.

There are many special cases where the text of the spell will have a unique form and content. We will consider the general rule and sequence for creating any spell.

So, in order of compilation:


This part is also called the “backlog”. Necessary to change the consciousness of the speaker. An altered state of consciousness is needed both for protection and for maximum concentration over the spell.

Opening the formula

It serves as the beginning of a ritual, and the text itself expresses the intention to do or do something.

“I’ll walk in a circle, wash my face with clean water, take some fresh earth, etc.”

These actions are clearly imagined in the head, or the operator actually carries them out in real life. If, for example, a black magic spell is being cast for wealth, then the ritual must be preceded by some kind of operations with real money or coins. This serves as an entrance or beginning.

At this stage, the author verbally expresses his wishes in a brief and understandable form.

The execution of which he would like to entrust to the magical forces involved. The text of an order, command or desire should not be ambiguous or ambiguous.

When composing this part, they try to express their intention as clearly and accurately as possible. An error or omission at this point can have disastrous consequences for the author.


All powerful spells necessarily have some kind of clearly expressed identity. For example,

“Just as a nail rots in the ground, so does (name)’s body decompose.
Just as the sun shines brightly, so (name)’s smile illuminates everyone and so on!”


The final stage of the spell has the character of a volitional consolidation of the result, irrevocable execution. The purpose is to show the force your determination to pay for the work done, as well as to strengthen faith in the execution of the ritual.


At this stage, the operator expresses gratitude to the force for its help and undertakes to pay for the work. In any case, we must remember that any black magic spell requires appropriate payment from the customer.

They read spells in any language convenient for the author. Of course, if the text itself was compiled in a language or symbol system that is foreign to you, then you need to read it in that language. In general, any book of black magic spells should contain detailed instructions on the rules for casting a specific spell.

Black magic | Neil Gaiman, Ted Williams, Eoin Colfer, Orson Scott Card

Each tradition describes its own way of reading prayers and spells.

In a hoarse and frightening tone of voice, they pronounce black magic spells, black spells for death and spoil for loneliness. There is an irritating tone and anger in the voice.

Shamans claim that any ritual texts must be read using the “throat singing” method. The culture of shamanism says that this is the most effective tonality that divine forces perceive.

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to sing prayers, with emphasis placed on monotony and frequent repetition of the same texts.

Black magic spells in Latin

Magic spells written in Latin are especially powerful. They were written according to special rules that took into account a lot of currently unknown patterns.

Black magic spells in Latin must be read in a loud voice and clearly reading each syllable, although there are also many nuances here. For maximum comprehension, we recommend reading them in complete privacy. Let's look at the spells of water, ash and salt in Latin.

Water spell in Latin

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen!

Translation of the spell to water

“Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters: those that are above from those that are below; and those who are lower will be like those who are higher. The sun is her father, the moon is her mother, and the wind carried her in her womb, reaching from earth to heaven and again descending from heaven to earth. I conjure you, creature of water, to be salt and ash for me, the mirror of the living God in His creations and the source of life and the washing away of sins. Amen!".

Ash spell in Latin

“Revertatur cinis ad fontem aquarum viventium, et fiat terra fructificans, et germinit arborem vita per tria nomina, quae sunt NETSAH, HOD et IESOD in principio et in fine, per alpha et omega sunt in spiritu AZOTH. Amen!

Translation of this spell

“Let the ashes return to the source of living waters, and let the earth become fertile, and let life produce the tree through the three names, which are Netzah, Hod and Jezod, in the beginning and in the end through Alpha and Omega, which are contained in the spirit of Azoth. Amen!".

This ash is stored in a bottle with a wide neck, carefully sealed. It is placed in a closet where it is stored.

Salt spell in Latin

The salt must be sea salt, the purest, consecrated by a breath, just like water, and then the next spell is pronounced.

“In isto sale sit sapientia et ab omni corruptione sicut mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per HOCHMAEL et in virtute ROUACH HOCHMAEL, recedant ab fsto fantasmata hulae, ut sit sal coelistis, subterrae salis, ut nutrietur bos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua tauri volentis . Amen!

Translation of the spell

“Let there be wisdom in this salt! Yes, he will. she is from all corruption, both our minds and bodies, for the sake of Khoshmael and in the name of the virtues of Ruach, Khoshmael. Let the monsters of matter leave her, so that the salt of heaven may be like the salt under the earth and on the earth; to feed the threshing bull and give our hope to the horns of the spinning bull. Amen!".

The salt, thus consecrated, is preserved in a crystal vessel on the altar, protected from all unclean things. The remaining ash from the incense is carefully collected and blessed by reciting the following spell.

Black magic spells in Latin with translation and transcription can be found in modern textbooks on magic. But you shouldn’t immediately start performing rituals with their help. These ancient spells must be cast with extreme caution. After all, without knowing all the rules and nuances of conducting such rituals, you can incur very serious consequences.

Black Magic Spells - Witches Hammer