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» The toilet door must be closed. Rules and features of toilet design according to Feng Shui: independent design

The toilet door must be closed. Rules and features of toilet design according to Feng Shui: independent design

Good day, dear reader!

In this article you will learn how to arrange a toilet.

Currently, apartments with combined bathrooms are being built - this is very bad from the point of view of toilet Feng Shui. At the beginning of the last century, toilets had no place at all in houses and apartments. They were outside.

The house was as usual: a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, bedrooms, a children's room, an office, a place for a shower, a place was allocated for a pantry, but there was no toilet in the house, especially with a water flush.

There are areas in the house where the presence of a toilet has a very adverse effect on the family’s wealth, this is the southeast; and finding the toilet in the southwest, symbolizing relationships with family members, will lead to quarrels. Of course, toilet Feng Shui has an antidote to these situations.

A mirror is hung on the door of the toilet or bathroom (both of these rooms adversely affect the energy background in these areas), which “symbolically” helps this room disappear, but the mirror should hang so that the tallest member of the family can see his entire head, and the mirror does not cut off the top of his head.

It is also important that the front door is not reflected in this mirror, otherwise the Qi energy entering the house will immediately leave. In this case, the mirror is not suitable for “treating” the situation.

Here you need to hang a picture with some plant on the door of the toilet or bathroom. It will turn out that the “spoiled water” will symbolically nourish the plant, and it will grow upward. The energy of growth is what we should get in this situation. This is all Feng Shui, truly inexhaustible imagination and fantasy.

In addition, you can use pocket mirrors to raise your Chi energy. Place the mirrors directly into the cistern with the mirror surface up and under the toilet on the floor where the drain pipes are. Place a few more face up on the cabinets. At eye level, hang some picture that will attract attention, raising the Chi energy upward.

If for some reason you cannot hang a picture, then draw a red spot at eye level; it will involuntarily attract the eye, and in this way we will rectify the situation.

There is a little trick, tie the pipes with red tape, under the bathtub, toilet and sink and keep all the holes always closed. The toilet lid should also always be closed.

It is advisable that the rug in the bathroom and toilet be red or burgundy; in this case, it symbolizes the “capturing” of Qi energy.

The bathroom and toilet are not a place for expensive things; they are symbolically washed down the drain with water. Nothing valuable should be in the bathroom or toilet; the most important condition is cleanliness and a pleasant smell.

If you have a toilet in the southeast zone, then take all the measures and then find the southeast in your living room. In Feng Shui there is the concept of “Macrocosm” and “Microcosm”. This suggests that the situation that is typical for a small part is also typical for a large part.

When you find the southeast in your living room, it is the zone of wealth and there, then you will definitely not have a toilet. And this is where you turn on all your imagination and activate this zone.

Remember, you cannot activate the wealth zone in the bedroom. There are completely different energies in the bedroom, they help you to rest well and recuperate. Otherwise, when activated, you can bring yourself to a nervous breakdown. You will become irritable and nervous.

If the bedroom is in the southeast, it indicates that you are the master of your money. You can decorate your bed like a king, but no aquariums.

A toilet or bathroom in the center of a house or apartment is unacceptable as it is a health zone. That says it all.

According to Feng Shui, the toilet should be a separate room and there should be nothing there except the toilet, well, maybe only a bidet.

Of course, now many people have combined bathrooms, in order to somehow rectify the situation, you need to allocate a special place for the toilet and preferably separate it from the bathroom; if for some reason this is not possible, then make a curtain or put up a screen.

It is advisable when you enter a shared bathroom so that the toilet does not catch your eye.

The tank must work properly and under no circumstances should water flow continuously. This symbolically means your money goes down the drain. The toilet room must have good exhaust to prevent stagnation, since the toilet doors should always be closed.

The location of the toilet is very limited; it should not be located opposite the front door (constant failures will haunt you), opposite the living room (the atmosphere in it will be nervous and tense) and opposite the bedroom (unprotected during sleep from the harmful energy of the toilet). But, knowledge is power, and there is nothing that cannot be corrected. Forewarned is forearmed.

Please ensure that the head of the bed does not touch the wall behind which the toilet is located. There was no toilet either below you or above you. In this case, a multi-storey building is considered.

Aquariums in the house are good, but not if it is adjacent to the wall behind which the toilet is located. The aquarium should be located as far as possible from the toilet, because the aquarium, which symbolizes your wealth, being next to the toilet, due to the powerful energy of the water, will symbolically carry away your wealth with the flow of flushed water.

There are harmful Sha energies in the toilet. The direction of this harmful energy can be determined in this way; sitting on the toilet, you look in front of you, this is its direction and if it cuts the bed, desk or something else in its path, then this is not very good.

To neutralize the influence of Sha energy, you need to rearrange the furniture or turn around the toilet. By following all these warnings, you will find harmony in relationships, prosperity and happiness.

Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

It's no secret that it is in the toilet that the largest amount of negative energy accumulates. Therefore, it is important to protect your home from destructive forces and arrange the bathroom according to the canons of Feng Shui. For those who are still at the stage of designing a house, Chinese teaching advises them to familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of the distribution of energy flow, so as not to fall into the risk zone.

The theory of space arrangement is based on one important point: favorable energy entering the apartment should be dissipated throughout the room without obstacles. Its flow is called qi. It is necessary to maintain harmony and peace in the home, attract prosperity and health.

Qi does not like it when the home is dirty, there is a lot of garbage or junk. Such an environment can disrupt its circulation and turn living energy into a negative force, which leads to failures in love and financial affairs, illnesses and difficulties.

The toilet is the most vulnerable place for sha energy. It brings misfortune and illness. Sha often forms in places where it is dark and dusty. Similar energy is carried by withered flowers, garbage and old things, dirty dishes and cobwebs. It is associated with bad odors, called sha-odors, which often accumulate in the toilet room.

She can only enter the premises through the entrance to the home. Sha is able to penetrate the toilet and toilet cistern. It can escape through various openings and evaporate along with drafts through the window.

When water is flushed, a large amount of energy is destroyed, and with it well-being. However, this will not affect the atmosphere in the house in any way if the toilet and toilet are located correctly.

Some feng shui experts note that "money leakage" from the toilet is associated with certain types of toilets that are usually found in Asia, and not in our country. In any case, it is better to protect yourself from possible financial losses and listen to the recommendations of Chinese sages.

Toilet placement according to Feng Shui

The best location of the bathroom is the northern side of the world. It is she who patronizes the water element, which governs financial well-being in the apartment.

The worst location for a restroom is the south side. If the bathroom is located in the northwest, no additional manipulations are required.

The toilet should not be located in the center of the home, otherwise the sha will spread to all family members. It can cause bad moods, illnesses, conflicts, because the center is the heart of the apartment.

If the bathroom is located in the south-eastern side of the house, which is responsible for wealth, this is a bad sign. When nothing can be changed, you will have to restore the energy balance with the help of a mirror. It is hung on the outside of the toilet door to repel the flow of destructive force.

It is not always possible to avoid placing the toilet opposite the front door. In this case, you can use the following methods to help eliminate the loss of beneficial energy:

  1. The restroom door must be closed tightly so that the flow of negative force from the street and sewer does not form a draft that can displace the chi energy.
  2. It is necessary to make sure that the toilet door is not conspicuous.
  3. It is recommended to lay a striped rug from the front door to the toilet or hang pictures on the walls of the corridor in a checkerboard pattern. This will create favorable energy for the home.
  4. You can hang a large mirror on the side of the front door, which should reflect the room or kitchen. This method is suitable if the apartment has an appropriate layout. Thus, the mirror will prevent the flow of qi from leaving the home through the drain in the toilet.
  5. It is allowed to hang a mirror on the inside of the door. This way the negativity will be absorbed without leaving the restroom.

Feng Shui toilet

It is important to install the toilet correctly in the bathroom. Therefore, before starting a repair, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. If possible, it should not be placed directly opposite the door to the restroom.
  2. It is permissible to install a bidet.
  3. You should not leave a broom and bucket near the toilet, they enhance negative energy.
  4. You need to place the toilet as far as possible from the bedroom.
  5. It cannot be placed in front of the living room.
  6. There should be nothing unnecessary in the bathroom, and pipes, meters and taps must be hidden. Personal hygiene products should be placed in a cabinet.
  7. If you draw a straight line from the toilet through the entire apartment, you can understand what the “toilet bowl” intersects. The straight line should not rest against the front door, touch the beds, or the table at which they eat.
  8. The restroom must have ventilation. Otherwise, you won’t have to wait for success and wealth in the house.

If there is an aquarium in the apartment, you need to place it as far as possible from the restroom, otherwise the water for the fish will absorb negativity from the sewer.

Decor and decorations

To adjust the flow of energy, it is necessary to properly equip the bathroom with decor. Any decorations in the restroom should show the essence of the water element. It would be good if the paintings depicted:

  • ocean;
  • sea;
  • lake;
  • waterfall;
  • ship;
  • beach;
  • snow;

It is prohibited to hang images of the sun, its rays, sunset, dawn, desert, as well as landscapes. All of them belong to the element of Fire, which competes with Water.

One or two paintings are suitable as decor for the restroom. The main thing is to avoid dark, yellow and orange tones. Too many decorations can overload the atmosphere and have a bad effect on the energy background.

Color selection

According to the laws of Taoist practice, the color of the toilet should be combined with the element of Water. These can be the following shades:

  • white;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • light green.

You can get the desired color scheme using finishing materials with a water theme. There are many options for toilet tiles on the market today.

It is not advisable to choose too bright and acidic colors. For a Feng Shui restroom, smooth and measured shades and soft pastel colors are needed. If the toilet and bathroom are combined, it is recommended to create zoning by demarcating the area with a blue or green curtain.

The color of the toilet itself should be pure white. In addition, it is convenient and practical, because any dirt is immediately visible, and after cleaning there are no traces left of it.

Restroom decor can be jazzed up with pops of color on the towel or rug pieces. Then the toilet room will not look boring and monotonous.

Artificial lighting in the toilet according to Feng Shui

It is important to provide sufficient lighting in the restroom. This will help the flow of qi move unhindered in space. A darkened and gloomy bathroom causes an uncomfortable atmosphere and a depressing environment.

It’s great if there is a window in the toilet room. Penetrating light supports the circulation of energy flows in the house. If there is no window in the toilet, you need to take care of normal artificial lighting.

Devices should be placed as discreetly as possible. Ideally, a daylight effect would be suitable. You can find out whether there are enough light bulbs in the toilet by looking at the white earthenware. It should look natural and have a snow-white color. Lamps with a yellow or other tint are not suitable in this case.

What should you avoid in the toilet?

According to the rules of Chinese teaching, the following should not be in the restroom:

Broken plumbing. Faulty appliances are the reason for diminishing income from the home. It is important to ensure that no water is leaking from the drain tank.

Open toilet lid. If you do not close the sanitary fixture, then all the negativity from the sewer will penetrate into the living space.

Dirty floor, garbage. Clutter, dust and dirt in the toilet are a magnet for destructive energy. It is important to keep the toilet clean. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often not only in the bathroom, but in all rooms. Ventilation grilles must be cleaned regularly.

Unpleasant smell. In the toilet, as in the bathroom, it is important to maintain a pleasant smell. To do this, you just need to use an air freshener or attachments on the toilet rim.

It is important to understand that the restroom needs constant cleanliness, because this is the initial step on the path to success and prosperity.

Sometimes the house itself is always clean and cozy, and items are stored in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. However, people living in it still become depressed, face financial difficulties and constantly quarrel. In this case, you should pay attention to where the bathroom is located. This can help find the cause of trouble and a way out of the situation.

1. If the toilet is located in the center of the home, then the residents, especially the owner, get sick easily.

2. If the toilet in the toilet is facing north, this is a big problem that is difficult to measure.

3. If the toilet and the main entrance to the home are directed in the same direction, there will be a hidden impact on residents, contributing to tumor diseases.

4. The toilet is a place where the family's wealth or good fortune can go, so The toilet should never be immediately obvious or located at the end of a long corridor.

5. The Chinese always pay great attention to whether the toilet lid is properly closed. The reason is that if the lid is left open, bad energy “broken free” can take away your wealth. Therefore, when pressing the drain handle, do not forget to close the above-mentioned lid so that your personal energy does not end up in the wastewater.

6. If the toilet is located in a separate room from the bathroom, it will be more invisible. The toilet lid and toilet door should always be kept closed, especially if the toilet is located near the front or bedroom door.

7. You can hang a mirror on the outside of the toilet door, which will reflect the flow of energy. This mirror will create the illusion of the absence of this room. All this must be done if the toilet is located in an unfavorable location.

8. Good air circulation (and therefore Qi energy) is important regardless of the location of the toilet, so The toilet should have either a small window or a vent.

9. The elements of Fire and Earth conflict with Water, so correct Feng Shui does not allow the interior of a bathroom to be decorated using red, yellow, and orange colors. The best shades for the bathroom are pastel colors: pink, light green, soft blue and peach. Cream, biscuit and other neutral shades work well. Black and white are also great, especially when accented with splashes of bright color in swimwear and towels.

10. In some houses the bathroom and toilet are combined. In such cases, symbolically separate these zones from each other using water-repellent curtains. Let them be pale blue or white with images of marine life.

Wherein, The toothbrush should be at least two meters away from the toilet. If the layout of your apartment does not allow you to maintain this distance, keep it in a plastic cup or leather case.

11. Everything in the toilet - mat, toilet, floor surface - must be kept perfectly clean, and water pipes must be hidden.

12. Since water is associated with wealth and the flow of Qi, Regular flushing of the toilet makes you approach the feng shui of this room with extreme caution. Whatever zone of the house or apartment the toilet is located in, some qualities of this zone will be “washed away” along with the water in the absence of precautions. Therefore, the best position for the toilet is where excess energy can compensate for its expenditure.

13. If the toilet is located opposite the front door, you will constantly face failures.

14. If the toilet door opens into the living room, the atmosphere in the room will be nervous and tense.

15. A toilet located opposite the dining room or dining table, adversely affects the processes of nutrition and digestion.

16. If the toilet is located opposite the bed, the effects of Sha Qi will be especially harmful, since people are much more vulnerable in their sleep than in the waking state.

17. Bed on the bottom floor under the toilet- unfavorable location, similar to the effect of a ceiling beam above a bed.

18. Bed end-to-end with toilet. If the head of the bed is adjacent to the wall of the toilet, stagnant energy accumulates in this area.

19. Aquarium next to the toilet. In principle, an aquarium with fish brings good luck to the house. But an aquarium located next to the toilet can lead to losses; Since the toilet is flushed regularly, the well-being that the aquarium symbolizes will flow out of the house.

Useful tips

Everyone is familiar with the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It helps you make the space at home harmonious and organize it correctly. To save your home from negative energy, observe the basic prohibitions of the teaching so that your home becomes the place where you restore your strength and energy.

Space in the home is extremely important for a person’s emotional health, for his sense of security and for living in harmony with his household and with himself. Feng Shui knowledge that has been accumulated over centuries will help you organize it correctly.

Feng Shui rules

Prohibition No. 1

Do not hang a mirror opposite the front door or in the bedroom

This way you can protect your home from unnecessary energy entering. Mirrors in the bedroom have a negative impact on family life. They attract homewreckers into your life. Mirrors in any other room are not dangerous, but it is important to remember that if a chip or crack appears on the mirror, it must be thrown away immediately. It is desirable that the existing mirror reflects the person to his full height, without breaking him into pieces.

Prohibition No. 2

The trash can should not be located opposite the front door

Any unnecessary trash, dust and dirt negatively affect the energy of the space, and the health and energy of all residents suffer. Immediately get rid of old, unnecessary things, make room for beautiful and useful acquisitions that will definitely appear in your home after the old items disappear.

Prohibition No. 3

Do not use or store broken items

Any broken items that you plan to continue using need to be repaired. Throw away what cannot be restored without regret. This way you will get rid of negative energy and attract joy and abundance into your life. Moreover, broken objects lead to quarrels and conflicts.

According to Feng Shui, every faulty item takes away one problem from a person’s life, and by throwing away this thing, a person also throws out the problem. Pay special attention to leaking faucets and pipes. Any leak requires immediate repair, as a constant flow of water does not contribute to increasing the joy in your home.

Prohibition No. 4

Don't make multi-level floors

Floors of different levels are a real stumbling block for the free flow of positive energy in the house. Such floors split your destiny into parts, which leads to failures and troubles both in your personal life and in business.

Prohibition No. 5

Sharp corners in the house are a danger

Furniture with protruding sharp corners must be placed so that the tip of the corner looks into an empty space, where your resting place will not be located. Think about what to do with hanging shelves, since they are the cause of negative energy. Round and disguise their corners, for example, with some kind of amulet made of coins or beads.

Prohibitions in Feng Shui

Prohibition No. 6

Do not start cleaning the bathroom and toilet

It is more important to maintain cleanliness in these two rooms than others. Close doors and clean promptly to keep your home comfortable. If an animal lives with you in the house, and there is a place for it in the bathroom, then still do not leave the doors open or use built-in doors.

Prohibition No. 7

We must not forget about regular ventilation of premises

The more time the windows and vents in your home are open, the more often energy renewal occurs in the space. And in order to avoid catching a cold, ventilate your home while you are away.

Prohibition No. 8

Don't work in an improperly organized space

It is very important to pay attention to the proper organization of your workspace in order to complete your tasks much more efficiently. Make sure you sit with your back to a solid wall that has no doors or windows. As a last resort, block all openings to avoid the outflow of energy. Arrange items on your desk wisely, and the absence of unnecessary items will give you the opportunity to concentrate on important matters without being distracted by nonsense.

Prohibition No. 9

Do not block the area adjacent to the house

The area adjacent to the house should be open to the maximum. Trees and cars that block the passage prevent positive energy from entering your home. The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance to the house from the roadway. The same must be said regarding the space in the corridor. Shoes should be kept in a specially designated place for them, and piled-up items should be disposed of.

Prohibition No. 10

Don't buy a home next to "bad" buildings

The best location for housing is near a fountain, park or square; dangerous neighbors are a prison, a cemetery and a hospital. Such a “neighborhood” carries a huge charge of negative energy, which can have a bad impact on your life as a whole.

Thus, by changing the space of your home, you change your life for the better. Just remember that harmony in the home is easy to achieve, you just need to follow the recommendations to make your home a repository of positive energy.

- the bathroom should not be located in the center of your home

The center of the house is not the place for the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, places where a lot of dirt collects. When the bathroom is located in the center of the house, the bad energy that we wash away with water spreads to other rooms, provoking the development of various diseases among household members. If a bathroom located in the center of the house is already a fait accompli, then the only option is to remodel it.

- the bathroom and toilet should not be located opposite the front door

If this is so, then luck will leave the house, and the owners will be constantly haunted by unforeseen expenses, which will certainly complicate the process of saving money for large purchases.

- the bathroom door should not open close to the door to the living room

Try to avoid this, otherwise a restless and nervous atmosphere will be created in the house. If there is a stove on the same line with the toilet, the health of the residents may suffer because of this.

- the toilet should not be located opposite the bedroom

People become more vulnerable during sleep, so at night the influence of negative energy is especially strong. If the head of the bed is in contact with the wall of the bathroom or toilet, then the person sleeping on that bed can become seriously ill.

How to decorate a bathroom and toilet according to Feng Shui to attract wealth

Naturally, the toilet and bathroom must be kept perfectly clean. Leaking taps are a symbol of lost money.

A window in the bathroom is by no means a luxury, but a necessity, as it allows you to ventilate the room and free the apartment from negative energies. The absence of a window in the bathroom is not a reason for despondency. It is enough to choose an air fragrance with a smell that is pleasant to all family members and use it regularly. From time to time, you can carry out energetic cleansing of the room using essential aromatic oils. Geranium, pine, and tea tree oils are perfect for this purpose. One drop of oil is enough to refresh the energy of the room.

The bathroom does not have a decisive impact on the financial situation, so it is enough to follow the general principles of its design, which allow not to disturb the harmonious flow of energy in the apartment. The location of the toilet is much more important. After all, it is from there that the water, and therefore the qi energy and your wealth, is regularly and intentionally “washed away.”

Feng Shui toilet

  • The toilet is a powerful source of negative energy, so it should be as inconspicuous as possible, so the size of the toilet should be modest. The basic rule regarding the toilet is to always keep the door closed, as well as the toilet lid. Separate bathroom and toilet are preferable. If the bathroom is combined, it is advisable to separate the toilet from the bathtub with a low partition or screen. Also, the toilet should not be the first thing that catches your eye. This problem can be easily solved if you hang the door so that it “covers” the toilet, or fence it off with a screen.
  • The worst option is toilet in the center of the apartment, as it spreads negative energy throughout the living space. But even in this case, you can symbolically “hide” it, using the same tiles, mirrors, and even better - construction foil, especially on the external walls adjacent to the living rooms.
  • The toilet must have good ventilation so that negative energy leaves the room faster.
  • It is very important to know the direction toilet location. A toilet located in the southeast will “wash away” your wealth, and a toilet located in the north direction will slow down your career advancement. If the toilet is poorly located, its door should be covered with a full-length mirror.
  • Under no circumstances should you place it near the toilet. aquarium and fountain. Despite the fact that the aquarium and fountain are symbols of monetary luck, located next to the toilet, they will provoke losses.

Feng Shui bathroom

  • The main piece of furniture in a bathroom is the bathtub itself. As a rule, it has a rectangular shape. However, if it is possible to purchase a semicircular or oval bathtub, it is advisable to do so. Baths of this shape good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and this, combined with the element of water, symbolizing money, attracts abundance into the house.
  • The dominant color in the bathroom should be white or very soft pastels, and bright and flashy colors are frankly inappropriate. White color also harmonizes perfectly with the bathroom and toilet, but you should not overuse it, as too much white makes us think unpleasantly about the hospital. If the bathroom is combined, then the bathtub and toilet should have the same color and style. It is advisable to lay the floor in the bathroom and toilet with tiles.
  • Shelves, cabinets and bedside tables in the bathroom should be combined with the overall style of the bathroom. The most important thing is that you need to constantly use them and keep them clean and tidy. In a bathroom that is filled with all sorts of little things - shampoos, lotions, creams, which are used only from time to time, energy will stagnate, and therefore create stagnation in financial matters.
  • Seashells are ideal symbols of wealth for the bathroom. They can be placed on a shelf or glued to tiles.
  • In the bathroom, it's good to hang a mirror or two inside. But do not cover the walls with mirror tiles. Such tiles will energetically cut the human body into pieces, creating a grid effect and restraining the flow of money into the house.