Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Electrocity - franchise dossier. Franchise of the cable and wiring company High-Voltage.rf Premises selection rules

Electrocity - franchise dossier. Franchise of the cable and wiring company High-Voltage.rf Premises selection rules

The sale of electrical goods has long been one of the most profitable and sought-after types of business. People go there when their light bulb has burned out, they need a night light or an extension cord, the family plans to renovate the apartment and completely replace the wiring. Despite the fact that today the competition here is quite serious, such a business is consistently profitable due to the high demand for this group of goods.

Before you open an electrical goods store, it is recommended that you first get a job in a well-known company as a sales manager. This will be a very valuable experience. You will understand manufacturers and prices, as well as learn the entire range in just two to three months of work.

Undoubtedly, this is much better than learning from your own mistakes (in case your business starts from scratch), besides, some of them can be fatal.

Where should you start a business?

If you are planning to sell electronics, then you need to know that this will require a large amount of at least 700,000 rubles. If you carefully work out the business plan for an electrical goods store, then this amount can pay off in about a year.

You should start with finding a suitable room and with an assortment of goods. If your plans include cooperation exclusively with large clients, then make sure that the entrance is convenient and there is a place for parking. And the premises for the sale of electrical goods, designed for small buyers, must have good traffic. But renting such a room, of course, will cost you significantly more.

As experience shows, it is better not to work with small clients. After all, tees and light bulbs can also be purchased at an ordinary hardware store, and a truly decent profit can only appear in cooperation with an electrical installation organization. Experts say that 95% of all sales are occupied by B2B, and for small retailers, respectively, only 5% remains.

Legal side of the issue

After you have chosen a tax system, registered your business and ordered your printing, you still need to get permission in order to open your own business. Then write a business plan. And this stage of opening is probably the most difficult, because you will need to prepare a lot of different documents.

Here are some of them:

  • Permission received from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Permission from the fire department to open the store.
  • Permission to install an advertising sign.
  • Documents for the operation of cash equipment.

If you have enough funds, you can contact a special company that will help you collect all the documents in order to open your business. They will also make their own plan. In addition, you need to visit the bank and open a current account there, register with the medical and pension funds.

What should you name your store?

As many believe, the name should be given exclusively by professionals. This is because the complexity of advertising campaigns in the future will largely depend on the name. After all, it is with the help of the name that various advertising slogans will be composed, scripts for commercials will be written.

In addition, the name of the enterprise must also be present in the logo of the enterprise. Therefore, it is highly discouraged to decide on your own how to name an electrical goods store.

  1. It is desirable to come up with a name that can be beaten. This would be a significant advantage.
  2. In addition, this name must sound normal in the phrase I am now in ... For example, I am now in Electron or something like that.
  3. It will be very good if your store becomes a kind of reference point (meaning social advertising). Meet me at Electron. After you decide on the name, scroll through all these phrases in your head. Will the name unambiguously refer to your electrical goods store?
  4. It will also be good if the interior and plan of the enterprise will correspond to its name.

The financial side of the issue

Even if the store you have chosen does not require repair, in any case you will need to fork out for the purchase of furniture: shelving and showcases. The price of one such rack is up to ten thousand rubles.

Glass showcases can be bought for five thousand rubles. In addition, you will need at least one computer (15-20 thousand rubles), and you need to install 1C on it with a license (another 25 thousand rubles). Cash register about 15 thousand rubles.

At the same time, you should not forget about the reliable protection of your institution, you need to install an alarm system, put up good blinds. It is necessary not only to open the store, but also to protect it. It is categorically not recommended to save on this, because this is a business.

Next, think about what kind of sign you would like to have. To save money, you can offer to draw up a plan for several advertising agencies at once. They will independently calculate the cost, and you, in turn, choose the most suitable option for you.

Every business has a monthly spending plan:

  • rent;
  • employees' salaries;
  • public utilities;
  • petrol;
  • telephone;
  • the Internet.

The total is about 100 thousand rubles, but in this case everything will depend on the particular city.

Electrical goods store franchises - business on the actual product for the modern world

This amount may be less if the rent is small.


So, the opening is already on the nose. First of all, when selling electrical goods, you need to have at least one person who is well versed in this issue and who has the opportunity to give the buyer the right advice. This is your shop assistant.

Often, working with a specific client takes quite a lot of time, so it is best to hire a cashier as well. This will help you avoid queuing. The average salary of a cashier today is about 15 thousand rubles.

The consultant's salary will be higher, you can offer him a small rate and a percentage of sales. At first, you need to monitor your employees in order to make sure that they are honest, because dishonest sellers can bring huge losses to your business plan. Think about this before starting your own business.

Business plan: online store of electrical goods

Demand for electrical goods in any region is high and stable. The market is not yet saturated, but the competition is tough, because there are large enterprises that, due to economies of scale, offer consumers goods at low prices. So is it worth the risk? Or is it better to choose a smaller but more stable profit?

Let's consider a business plan for an electrical goods store that will trade through the World Wide Web.


The aim of the project is to open a trading company that will sell electrical goods via the Internet. It will take 2,650 thousand rubles to open a store selling electrical goods. Invested funds, according to the plan, will pay off in 13-15 months.

Company information

It is planned to open an online store that will sell electrical goods, as well as provide delivery services, for which it is necessary to create a website and rent a warehouse. Potential customers will be residents of the city of Voronezh.

Business environment

To open an electrical goods store, you must first conduct market research. Why we took several popular positions and asked respondents whether they are ready to buy these goods via the Internet, provided that the cost of the goods is equal to N, and the warehouse from which you can pick up the goods will be located in the city center on Kutsygina Street. The study gave a positive result.

There are few online stores of electrical goods in the city, but there are usual very large stores with low prices. For a number of positions it will be difficult to compete with them, which should be taken into account when forming the assortment.

Marketing and sales plan

In order for an online store of electrical goods to bring a stable profit, you need to keep competitive prices and skillfully select an assortment. Experience is indispensable here. An alternative may be to open a franchise business. If you choose the right franchisor, he will help with the formation of the assortment, and will also give you the opportunity to use your discounts on purchases or offer goods of your own production at low prices. But lump sums and royalties are often very high.

Business selling electrical goods and household appliances

A free alternative is to learn to trade as an employee in some major chain. To do this, you need to find a job in one of the enterprises of your city as a sales manager for a year. After some time, an understanding of what is in demand and what price should be set will come by itself. Of course, you can not waste time on training, but take an experienced specialist and gradually learn from him, but in this case you need to be prepared for significant costs for the remuneration of such a pro. Besides, it doesn't guarantee anything. First, without knowledge it is very easy to make a mistake. Secondly, an experienced professional, if he can still be hired, will strive to open his own enterprise, which means he will leave anyway. Even with a relatively high salary, turnover in this position is inevitable.

On average, the income of an online store of electrical goods is 2.5-3 million rubles. in year. In a pessimistic scenario, we will be able to recoup the invested funds in 13-15 months of work. In an optimistic scenario, investments will pay off in 8-10 months. However, given the need to trade at reduced prices at the initial stage, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reach payback before 13 months.

operational plan

In order to launch an online store of electrical goods, we need to order an online storefront (website) from specialists and fill it with goods. Next, you need to invest in website promotion so that, at the request of a potential buyer, search engines give out store data on the first page, since usually no one views the second page of the issue. This is especially important if the region is highly competitive. The amount of funds needed for promotion also depends on the number of similar stores in the city. In addition, the buyer needs to be informed about the properties of the product and the selection rules. Such articles help both in promoting the site and in promoting the product. Given the small number of stores in Voronezh, we are allocating 100,000 rubles for this purpose.

Next, you need to choose a room that will serve as a warehouse and pickup point. The area is needed the most minimal, but it should be located in a place convenient for the townspeople. It is optimal to rent a small room in a shopping center, where, if desired, the buyer can also place an order through a special machine. But so far we have found a comfortable small room in the city center with a separate entrance, where we plan to work. It will cost only 100 thousand rubles. in year. At the end of the preparatory work, it is necessary to purchase fixed assets and inventory for the warehouse, as well as the goods themselves.

Workforce plan

E-shops traditionally have low payroll costs as they don't have retail space, which is usually served by a lot of people. We will need 2 consultants who will be on duty on the site and on the phone in shifts, 2 specialists at the pick-up point, and 2 couriers. There is no need for other staff at the initial stage. Purchases will fall on the shoulders of the owner. Even the investor himself can deal with tax accounting, since in this business it is not complicated. Over time, when the work is debugged, it will be possible to take on a manager.

Financial plan

Thus, 2,650 thousand rubles will be invested in the business store of electrical goods in the first year:

  • warehouse rent - 100;
  • salary - 800;
  • fixed assets - 50;
  • website promotion and advertising - 100;
  • goods - 1,500;
  • other expenses - 100.

As you can see, the investment will pay off pretty quickly.

User comments

In our time, full of various offers, it is more profitable for medium and small businesses not to scatter their efforts, but to concentrate on a particular niche. A niche business helps you build loyal customers and customers over time who will keep coming back and paying you. An electrical goods store is an example of a niche approach to organizing a trading business. Now there are many different shops. They sell clothes, food, furniture, etc. But electrical goods stores are rare, especially in small provincial towns. Let's take a look at this business.

Who is suitable for such a business selling electrical goods

The business of selling electrical goods is suitable for those who want to build a business in earnest and for a long time, because electrical goods are not sold out like hot cakes, but in the future they will bring constant and stable income. To begin with, let's evaluate the competition and understand how large a store is, and with what assortment of goods you need to open in your city or your area.

Location for a future electrical goods store

Having assessed the situation, we begin to look for a place for the store.

Let there be light! How to open an electrical goods store?

It should be a place with good traffic and convenient ways of approach and entrance. You need to start filling with goods with the most necessary and popular goods - light bulbs, sockets, power tools, etc. And as you communicate with customers, make a list of products that customers most often ask for. So you can keep abreast of your store and adjust the purchase of goods.

Store staff

Much attention should be paid to the staff of the store. Depending on the size of your electrical store, there will be one salesperson or multiple sales assistants. In any case, the staff selling your product must be qualified and professional. It is best to take sellers with experience in a similar field, and not necessarily selling electrical goods, sellers who also sold clothes will do. The main thing is that they have an understanding of communication with the buyer who has entered the store.

Advertise your store

You need to set a budget for advertising initially and be sure to actively advertise your store. For this, thematic sites of your city are suitable - websites, magazines and newspapers about repair and construction. It is also worth creating a website for your store and posting the entire assortment on the site so that people can be interested in your offer in advance and have already gone to the store for a specific purchase.

Amount of costs

What costs

5-7 tr Acquisition of a glass showcase, they will need 2-4 pcs.
5-9 tr Rack for goods which require 2-3 pcs.
15-20 tr Cash register, one piece is enough
12-16 tr Computer + 1c accounting to it in the region of 8-15t.r.
17-22 tr. For monthly expenses (utilities, electricity, telephone, internet, etc.)
30-40 tr Room rental + communal (but here the prices may vary, depending on the location of your electrical goods store, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg they will be much higher, and somewhere in the outback lower, so here I indicated something in between)
30-40 tr To refurbish a retail space.
100-110 tr Acquisition of the primary range of goods.

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About the opening of an electrical store and its initial assortment

You decided to start selling electrical goods, but the questions arose: What to sell in an electrical store? What range should be to start? Which items are constantly kept in stock, and which items are ordered? What is in high demand among experienced electricians and ordinary buyers? In this article, aspiring entrepreneurs will find the answers to them.

An electrical goods store as a business is a rather specific area of ​​​​entrepreneurship. Unless, of course, you do not engage in consumer goods: lazybones, antennas, TV cables, and so on. Profitability in this niche is not regular and depends on many factors.

Among them:

  • Seasonality. At the beginning of the year, demand is low. Since spring it grows and at the end of the year it is maximum.
  • Buildings in your city. It's simple: construction is underway, purchases are underway. It does not matter that you will not be the main supplier for some large development. There is a high probability that you will be approached for a certain position. So it needs to be available. For example, a rare cable. It's simple: we found it here, we'll come here again.
  • Customer base and personal contacts.
  • Are there many competitors in the neighborhood?

Open your store

Who opens an electrical store?

Former employees of such offices and those who invest in new topics. The former have experience and knowledge, but a minimum of funds. For 3 - 5 years, a manager or storekeeper has personal acquaintances, and he can easily go into free swimming. A fat plus is to work and spin in the area where you plan to start selling. Even if some of the clients go to this manager, this will be a good start in terms of work. Everyone already knows each other.

The second have means, but have no experience. In most cases, this area of ​​activity is new to them. The main thing is capital and it needs to be invested in something. Further on the template. They hire people who know how to do it. Perhaps even luring a high salary from other similar offices. But soon everything falls apart. People run away. Something is missing? The next area is next. Fortunately, you can sell not only sockets.

How much initial capital do you need to open a small electrical store in a city with a population of about a million people? According to my modest estimates - at least 700 thousand - 1 million rubles.

We will assume that you already have a certain capital and a burning desire to open your own store. The choice fell all the same on electrical goods. You have no experience, but you can distinguish a switch from a switch. It's already something. Why not try to work for yourself? When the field of activity is defined, then at a certain stage the question will arise: What to sell?


In this part, we will consider a specific product that needs to be kept in stock and maintained in the warehouse during the first time the store opens. Even if it is in a minimal amount.

1. Automata, differential automata (Difa) and RCDs. It is better if there are several manufacturers: cheap, medium and expensive. Cheap is all of China: TDM, Decraft, EKF, Sassin, Chint, IEC, Energy. Middle: KEAZ. Expensive: ABB, Schneider Electric, Legrand, Muller. One brand from each price niche will be enough. Necessarily machines for sealing with plugs. Here we can highlight the TDM series 47-29, EKF, KEAZ VM 63 and Schneider Eesy 9.

2. Combs. Any brands and manufacturers. Pin and fork. Short for 12 modules and long for 54 (63 and 100A). For gourmets, you can keep famous brands.

3. Dowels, staples, clamps. For fasteners, Rosdyubel is not bad.

4. Calls. Wired and wireless. Mainly China. Exotics later.

5. Insulating materials: colored electrical tape, adhesive tape, various insulators. SafeLine electrical tape goes with a bang.

6. Tool. To begin with, a little: crimps, insulation strippers, screwdrivers, multimeters and testers. There will be demand, expand the range.

7. Cable channels. White and under a tree (pine, oak). Manufacturers TDM, IEK (Elekor), domestic Ecoplast. The running sizes in all colors are: 10x7, 15x10, 20x10, 25x16, 40x25, 60x40, 100x60. It is also worth keeping the floor box (70x13 and 50x13). Legrand and Shneider are expensive now, but there are always lovers of quality.

8. Distribution and installation boxes. Distributors Hegel and Ecoplast are in good demand. Adjusting, they are also socket boxes: Schneider's 35100 are best suited for vmazki and 35150 for drywall. You can also note the Tuso series Ruvinil.

9. Lamps. In 2018, it is better to keep LED and incandescent (LON). Fluorescent only for raster fixtures: 18 and 36 W in white. They are taken mainly for offices and for production, so yellow ones are rarely required. At 58 watts at a minimum.

10. Wire marking. Refers to small consumables. Mainly for marking single-core wires PV3 and PV1.

11. Metal hose with and without insulation. Oversized item. Therefore, it takes up a lot of space. If the warehouse is small, then you can keep a bay of each size. The most popular diameters: 15, 20, 25 and 32. The rest are in demand to a lesser extent. These are 8, 10, 12, 18, 22, 38 and 50 diameters.

12. Couplings cable. Cables are often cut off during any excavations, leaving entire neighborhoods without light.

How to open your own electronics store?

Then they urgently look for something to connect. Therefore, it is useful to have end (KvtP) and connecting (Stp) couplings available. There is a good chance that they will contact you.

13. Tips and sleeves. Must be kept in stock. Small things, which is required always and by everyone. The running positions are as follows. Tinned copper tips TL: starting from the smallest TL 4-6-3 and ending with large TL-240. Running TL-10, TL-16, TL-25 and TL-35. Aluminum tips (TA), as well as copper (GmL) and aluminum (GA) sleeves can be kept to a minimum. They are required less often.

14. Light signaling fittings. Small bulbs and switches for panel builders.

15. Circuit breakers. Grandma's plugs are still in use (STEAM)

16. wires. They ask both GOST and TU. Connoisseurs pay attention to cutting. It is better if there are only high-quality wires, and not with an underestimated section. Manufacturers: Kolchugino, Kaluga Cable (KKZ), Allure, Concord and Rybinsk (Rack). They make decent products.

  • Power cables VVG-ng (LS can be used): 2x1.5, 2x2.5, 3x1.5, 3x2.5, 3x4, 3x6, 4x1.5, 4x2.5, 5x1.5, 5x2.5, 5x4 and 5x6
  • Flexible PVC (white): 2x0.75, 2x1.5, 2x2.5, 3x1.5, 3x2.5, 3x4, 3x6, 4x1.5, 4x2.5, 5x1.5 and 5x2.5
  • Wires for lamps ShVVP 2x0.5 and 2x0.75
  • Colored single-core PV-3 for wiring in cabinets
  • Be sure to have a heat-resistant wire RKGM for rooms with high temperatures. Sections from 1.5 to 6 mm2
  • Flexible cables brand KG in rubber braid: 2x1.5, 2x2.5, 3x1.5, 3x2.5, 3x4 and 3x6.
  • TV cables: cheap RG; more expensive SAT 50 or 703.
  • Weakness: KSPV 2x0.5 and 4x0.5
  • Twisted pair: UTP and FTP, it's nice to have outdoor and with a cable.

17. Starters, modular contactors. You can keep in stock cheap Chinese KMN denominations of 9, 12, 18 25 and 32 amps. In the body and without. More expensive ABB under the order.

18. Relay. To get started, take the most popular ones. For example, voltage relays, intermediate relays REK and daily timers (electronic and mechanical). Producer "Evroavtomatika".

19. Fixtures. Extensive topic. It is better to decide on a minimum, but running assortment and carry them. Otherwise, you'll get confused later. For example, spotlights for GU 5.3 and GX53 lamps, household LEDs. LED panels are selling well.

20. Clamps, terminal blocks, clips. Everything you need to connect wires. Keep "nuts" U-731, 733, 734 and 739 in stock. Be sure to use Wago terminals, preferably German, reusable (221-412, 221-413) and with paste (2273-242, etc.).

21. Means of protection. Dielectric mats and gloves.

22. Counters. Most love the brand Mercury. Others do not recognize. Although there are still such as Energomera, St. Petersburg Neva. This is marketing. Be sure to have single-phase and three-phase. For example, 1-ph counters of Mercury: 201.5 and 201.7. Three-phase: 231 AM-01, 230 AM-01, 230 AM-02 and 230-AM-03. If with a modem, then this is CLN. For example, 230 AM-02 MCLN.

23. transformers. Lowering YTP. Lowering with a tire (TTN-Sh) and with a hole for the tire (TTN, TTI, etc.). You can bring modular.

24. Pipe, corrugation: PVC, HDPE. Heat shrink. Corrugation is a large-sized product, but a hot commodity. You should always keep in stock 16, 20, 25 and 32 diameters. Smooth three-meter pipes: 16, 20, 25 and 32 diameters.

25. Cabinets, boxes. A large subsection, which distinguishes: plastic and metal, modular and tailored, in a niche or outdoor installation, with or without increased IP protection. Manufacturers: budget - TDM, Energy, IEK; price/quality — KEAZ, Tekfor; premium segment — ABB, Schneider

In good demand, especially in the summer season, are cabinets for light wood (pine).

26. Wiring products. This category includes sockets and switches, as well as other electrical control mechanisms. Hundreds of manufacturers. What can be advised? Sell ​​three categories: cheap China, Turkey; medium Ecoplast; expensive ones - Legrand (Valena, Etika, Allure), ABB (Basic 55).

What is in constant demand?


The electrical trade is a vast topic, so it is impossible to cover all the issues in one article. There are a lot of pitfalls that emerge during the operation of any store. The electrical store is no exception. For each, you can write a separate post.

Today I have given the basic assortment that should be in an electrical store in the first 6-12 months of its operation. Gradually, it should be expanded and the amount of goods in the warehouse increased. There will be new posts about new positions that should be imported.

Union Electrician is a chain of retail electrical stores with a wide range of products and ready-made solutions for homes, apartments and offices.

The stores offer:

  • lighting engineering
  • wiring accessories
  • low voltage equipment
  • cable and wire products
  • shields and boxes
  • heat engineering
  • power tools


3 years ago, the first retail store was opened in Izhevsk. Customers come in with an idea and leave with a reliable and inexpensive solution. It would seem that everything is simple, but what is behind this? In order for the client to understand the benefits of working with the company and return again, the company has worked out the constants of customer service, and relentlessly follows them:


a lot of goods from 27 brands in stock and in one store: from light bulbs to warm floors. Buying everything in one place and at an affordable price, the client saves his time.


the store has goods from economy to premium at affordable prices so that everyone can find a solution that they can afford. A nice addition - discounts and loyalty system


It is equally important to understand what the client wants to see in the windows. An open display, convenient and “handy” merchandising by product groups - that's what really helps to sell.


Not "sellers" work, but experts and practitioners who can not only establish contact and correctly identify the needs of the client, but also offer the best technical solution and alternative options.


The company follows trends, knows what the buyer wants, quickly responds to market needs and complements the product line.


The company has tested over 15 promotion channels and knows exactly which ones really work. According to statistics, every 3rd client comes again, and this is already a matter of quality service.


works with trusted manufacturers and bears warranty obligations to the client

All these points are the main components of the successful operation of 4 electrical stores that make a profit even in a strong competitive environment:

— 2 retail stores Soyuz Electric,

— the first RTP in Russia "Schneider Electric" in the format of a super market with an open display of goods on more than 100 sq. meters.

The company managed to bring the growth dynamics to a revenue of 1,725,000 rubles per month

And now the average annual revenue from one point is 17,602,500 rubles with investments of 1.5 million rubles.

Franchise Information

Description of the franchise


  • business model, right to use the brand, brand book;
  • live business training with the founder of Soyuz Electric in Izhevsk or in the partner city (remote training is also possible)
  • personal manager, support for starting and running a business;
  • consultation on the registration of a legal entity, the choice of a taxation system, the opening of a bank account, the employment of employees and the transfer of accounting to outsourcing;
  • assistance in choosing premises and an individual planogram of commercial equipment;
  • assistance in installing software;
  • assistance in the formation of the assortment based on competitive analysis and in the calculation of pricing (markup on the product);
  • assistance in the selection of personnel (providing a description of vacancies, qualification requirements, internal documents on the official duties of each position);
  • identification of promising brands for the region;
  • supply of primary inventory on a turnkey basis;
  • the possibility of redemption or exchange of illiquid goods;
  • launch marketing plan: online and offline advertising;
  • city ​​page on the federal website of the online store;
  • introductory training for all store employees;

Training and support

  • The partner will not only receive full instructions for building a business in the electrical retail niche, but will also receive live business training in Izhevsk or in their city.
  • The company manager visits your city twice:
  • 1 time - at the stage of analysis of the city and locations,
  • 2 times - at the stage of filling the store with goods in order to train employees, choose the right pricing and development tactics, and provide for all the nuances:
  • chooses the most suitable premises and evaluates the competition in it
  • analyzes the characteristics of demand for groups of goods in the region, the range and prices of the closest competitors. Forms an assortment matrix of the store and a commodity margin.
  • creates an individual plan for the placement of commercial equipment with the distribution of groups of goods.
  • installs configures software integrated with warehouse accounting. Trains partners and employees.
  • delivers the first batch of turnkey stock and guarantees the flexibility of the line: buys out groups of goods that will not be in demand.
  • As a result, the partner receives a ready-made electrical store with minimal investment and a payback of six months.

Requirements for the franchisee

  • Franchise Purchase Requirements
  • Availability of necessary funds
  • Availability of free time to start and maintain a project
  • Sales and electrical experience preferred but not required
  • Training takes place face-to-face
  • Room requirements:
  • The selected premises must meet the following requirements (including to minimize the cost of repairs):
  • the minimum allowable size of the area is from 20 sq.m., the optimal one is from 30 sq.m.
  • good condition of repair (window structures, floor, walls, ceiling, low-voltage and power electrical systems)
  • compliance with fire safety requirements (availability of automatic fire alarms, fire extinguishing systems, “Exit” signs, etc.)
  • the width of all passages and doorways is at least 80 cm
  • it is desirable to have windows in office premises
  • ensuring optimal microclimate indicators (temperature - about 23 degrees Celsius, relative humidity - 40 - 60%, ventilation - air speed no more than 0.1 m / s)

In the era of the popularity of construction hypermarkets, one of the most important questions for potential entrepreneurs in this area is the question: will a highly specialized store, for example, selling electrical goods, be popular? Statistics show that this is possible. But under certain conditions. In order not to miscalculate when starting such a project, we recommend that you read our electrical store business plan. We are sure that this example will be a good help in the process of preparing your own planning.

Project Summary

There are several options for such a store:

  • Sales outlet in the local construction market.
  • An area in a shopping mall specializing in construction, home and office products.
  • Shop in a separate building.
  • Shop on the ground floor of an apartment building.

In the process of studying the city for the most successful location of the outlet, it was revealed that two large electrical goods stores already exist in the local construction market. Direct competition with them in this case will be an extra risk that should be avoided.

In one of the districts of the city, a zone was found in which there are no such stores. The zone includes 10 blocks (multi-apartment buildings built in the 1960s-1980s with a height of 5 to 16 floors) and the private sector. According to a rough estimate, at least 20,000 people live in the direct coverage area. There is also the potential to capture the market of the entire region, which is home to about 80,000 people.

The target audience can be described as follows:

  • Different age categories (young families with and without children, middle-aged families with children, elderly people).
  • In terms of income, families are classified into the following categories: 20% - low income (less than 15 thousand rubles per person per month), 55% - below average (15-25 thousand rubles per person per month) and 25% - average (25- 50 thousand rubles per month per person).

The need for electrical goods of this target audience is estimated as quite high. Houses older than 35 years of age have problems with internal wiring, and the increased demand for electrical appliances requires a complete renovation.

Thus, it is planned to close the need of people for electrical wiring by offering a wide range of goods in the "economy" and "middle class" categories. Preference is given to products of Russian, Chinese and Turkish production.


To register a business, it is planned to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. The preparation of documents for the tax is carried out by the entrepreneur himself, respectively, you will have to spend only 800 rubles of state duty.

You do not need to obtain a license to operate.

Among the mandatory measures, a bank account is opened (1,000 rubles) and an IP seal is ordered (1,500 rubles).

Also, for work it is necessary to install modern cash equipment (15,000 rubles) and a terminal for accepting bank cards (10,000 rubles).

As a result, 28,300 rubles should be spent for these purposes.

Since the sales area exceeds 50 sq. m, UTII will be impractical, the USN (income minus expenses) is chosen as a form of taxation.

OKVED: 47.53 "Retail trade in household electrical goods in specialized stores"; 47.59.3 "Retail sale of lighting fixtures in specialized stores".

Room search

The premises are selected on the first floor in the first line of houses on a well-traveled street in the area. Since it is planned to open a store with a wide range of products, a sales area of ​​at least 100 square meters will be required. m. The cost of such premises in this area is estimated at 75 thousand rubles. A lease agreement is concluded for 3 years with a lump sum payment of 150 thousand rubles for the first 2 months.

The room is zoning:

  • Trading floor (65 sq. m).
  • Warehouse (15 sqm).
  • Technical room for staff (8 sqm).
  • Manager's office (7 sq. m).
  • Bathroom (5 sqm).

Cosmetic repairs are being carried out in the trading floor: floor coverings, suspended ceilings are being installed, walls are being painted, electrical wiring is being carried out. 200 thousand rubles are allocated for these purposes.

Racks for storing electrical goods and equipment are purchased for the warehouse. It will take 20 thousand rubles.

For the staff room, lockers for storing uniforms and personal belongings (3 pieces), chairs, a table, a microwave, a kettle are purchased. For these purposes, 50 thousand rubles will be required.

The manager's office is being refurbished and furniture is being purchased (a table, a chair, a filing cabinet, a computer, a safe for storing cash and important documents). For these purposes, 100 thousand rubles will be required.

To equip a bathroom, 30 thousand rubles will be required.

A sign is purchased for the facade - 20 thousand rubles.

In total, upon launch, 570 thousand rubles will be required to rent and prepare the premises.

Purchase of equipment

The advantage of an electrical goods store is that there is no need to purchase any special equipment. You can get by with simple shelving and display cases. This allows you to save on this part.

In total it is planned to purchase:

Such a selection of equipment will be enough to implement all trading tasks.


The selection of qualified personnel will be one of the serious problems in organizing this type of business. The fact is that the work of a manager involves the ability to understand a wide range of electrical goods. The advantage of specialized stores over general hypermarkets is often the higher level of sales assistants.

In the provinces, it is not easy to find sellers who already understand electrical goods. Therefore, it will be a big advantage if the creator of the business himself has serious experience in this area (in sales of electrical goods). In this case, you can hire just sellers and train them in the assortment in the process.

At the first stage, it is supposed to hire three salesmen who will work two by two, 10 hours a day, with floating days off.

The schedule will look like this:

Seller 1 Seller 2 Seller 3
Monday 08:00-18:00 10:00-20:00 Day off
Tuesday Day off 08:00-18:00 10:00-20:00
Wednesday 10:00-20.00 Day off 08:00-18:00
Thursday 08:00-18:00 10:00-20:00 Day off
Friday Day off 8:00-18:00 10:00-20:00
Saturday 10:00-20:00 Day off 08:00-18:00
Sunday 08:00-18:00 10:00-20:00 Day off

With such a schedule, you can achieve the most useful use of working time. When planning your own, it is recommended to calculate for the month and adjust the work schedule so as to avoid overwork (and, as a result, the need to pay employees extra).

The optimal mode of work is formed according to the results of the analysis of attendance in the first months of work.

Remuneration system: official salary (10,000) + bonus (1% of revenue on each day of work). On average, each seller will earn 35 thousand rubles per month, excluding payments to funds.

An employment contract is concluded with all sellers. The salary is paid in white. A month for these purposes will require 105 thousand rubles. The amount for the month ahead is planned to be included in the starting costs.

The entrepreneur himself will take over the administrative and accounting work.

In addition, an agreement is concluded with a security agency for the installation of an alarm button and the protection of the store.

Starting purchase

Since the assortment of an electrical goods store requires a lot of items, it is planned to expand it gradually, directing a certain percentage of the profit for this purpose.

The following items are purchased at launch:

Position Consumption
TV cable and accessories for telephony 3 000
Automation 15 000
Plugs, connectors, adapters 500
Electrical products and devices 8 000
Terminals, sleeves, tips 500
Cable channel, corrugation, pipe 5 000
Mounting cases and accessories 3 000
Lamps 10 000
wire and cable 25 000
Socket boxes and other mounting equipment 5 000
Chandeliers and lamps 40 000
Surge Protectors 15 000
Heaters 30 000
Extension cords 5 000
Various electrical equipment (meters, sensors, bells, fan, etc.) 30 000
Wiring kits (sockets, switches from popular manufacturers) 20 000
Batteries 2 000
Total 212 000

Note that the first purchase includes approximately 30% of the planned assortment of the store. The rest will be purchased during the first half of the year from the profit.

In addition, it is planned to supply under the order electric floor heating systems according to the catalog.

Advertising and marketing

Thanks to the chosen location, investments in advertising will be minimal. Most residents of the surrounding neighborhoods learn about the store in a short time on their own.

Potentially, the store can capture the market of the entire area, since there are only electrical goods stores with a small assortment in it, respectively, there is an opportunity to lure away their clientele. Promotion to the market of neighboring areas is not necessary. There is a construction goods hypermarket with a wide range of electrical goods and a construction market.

BTL campaigns are held at public transport stops in the area to attract customers to the new store.

In addition, the following discount programs are planned to be launched:

  • Bonus program. With a one-time purchase in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, the client receives a card with a 5% discount on the entire range.
  • Special conditions are offered for electrical installation teams for purchases in the store in the amount of 5%.

Income and expenses

Starting expenses

Let's calculate the starting costs in the table:

Since the required amount is not available when starting the enterprise, it is planned to use 500 thousand from its own funds and take 660 thousand rubles on credit from a bank at 20% per annum for 3 years. The monthly payment will be 24,500 rubles (calculated by the online loan calculator).

Monthly expenses

The main costs in the first months will be rent and wages. It is also planned to allocate 70,000 rubles per month for the first six months to expand the range of key items in addition to replenishment to replace what was sold.


For a more accurate picture, revenues are estimated at indicative data after a year of operation, when there will be no expansion costs, the initial purchase will be exhausted and sales will be considered fully taking into account the cost of paying suppliers.

The specifics of the work of an electrical goods store is that the average check must be calculated for several positions. First, small purchases are considered (this includes sales of batteries, light bulbs, goods for minor repairs, etc.). Secondly, large purchases are considered (chandeliers, heaters, fans, etc.). Thirdly, purchases of goods for the complex repair of rooms, apartments and houses are considered.

Consider income in the table:

Note that this table presents the weighted average indicators for the year. The electrical goods store operates with a noticeable seasonality. In the cold season, the number of repairs is reduced to a minimum, and accordingly, the number of sales for the items they need decreases. However, during this period, the number of sales of heating electrical appliances is growing. In autumn, the demand for underfloor heating systems increases.

The number of sales on small checks at any time of the year is about the same.

Another feature of the calculations is a rather high margin. On average, the markup on electrical goods, depending on the position, ranges from 15 to 100%. The smallest margin is observed for heating appliances (on average, 15-30%), the largest - for small goods (light bulbs, terminal blocks, sockets / switches), from 100 to 300%.

Marginality is exactly the opposite. It is more profitable to sell one chandelier than several dozen sockets or other small items.

Let's calculate the costs for suppliers, based on an average markup of 70%:

445,000 x 0.3 = 133,500.

After this payment, 311,500 rubles will remain.

Subtract the fixed costs and calculate the net profit:

311,500 - 239,500 = 72,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(72,000 / (239,500 + 133,500)) x 100% = 19.30%.

This profitability can be considered quite good for the first year of operation. It is planned to increase it by eliminating credit payments from expenses and further stimulating the number of sales and increasing the average check. 30% is considered normal for the industry. He is able to provide the entrepreneur with a good profitability.

Starting from the 7th month, it is planned to use part of the profit for early repayment of the loan. It is planned to repay it ahead of schedule, and the full payback period will be 16-20 months. After that, you can count on a weighted average monthly income for the year in the region of 150 thousand rubles.

Risks and their overcoming

Working in sales of electrical goods is associated with the following risks:

  1. Erroneous calculation of the number of the target audience (level - low). Prior to the launch of the project, the entrepreneur personally conducts a marketing research of the city and selects the most suitable place for work.
  2. Wrong selection of goods for the primary purchase (level - low). The entrepreneur has the necessary competence in the field of selling electrical goods and knows what the assortment of such a store should be and how much they should be purchased.
  3. Unsuccessful choice of supplier (level - medium). The risk lies in the presence of marriage and counterfeit products, inflated prices for it, a small assortment, poor-quality logistics. It is planned to study the available information about suppliers, compare several commercial offers and choose the potentially best one. If necessary, you can change the supplier.
  4. The emergence of competitors (level - medium). Since the area is large enough, it is possible to open a construction hypermarket in it with a competitive assortment at lower prices. This risk cannot be predicted. As a priority measure, intensive work will be considered to optimize the assortment with the elimination of obviously losing positions from it and the addition of goods that will not be in the hypermarket. The last resort would be to move the store to another area of ​​the city.

Business Outlook

Highly specialized construction stores are not in demand in the franchising market, so you should not count on entering the markets of other regions. At most, you can open branches in another area of ​​the city.

An increase in business profitability is possible by expanding the range of related products:

  • Electrical appliances (welding equipment, perforators, angle grinders, etc.).
  • Household goods (ladders, watches, etc.).

Subject to an increase in retail space (if the building allows), it is possible to open departments of goods in other areas (hardware, plumbing, etc.).

It is also possible to open your own electrical installation department, but there is no fundamental need for this. These are additional difficulties, and one should not count on a significant expansion of the clientele under the current conditions.

In the future, it is possible to open an online store of electrical goods with delivery throughout the city.


The business of selling electrical goods will be an excellent choice for an entrepreneur who himself understands this area and knows the range well. Otherwise, the risk of erroneous selection of goods for the primary purchase will increase significantly, and this is unacceptable in this case. Without having the required competence, it is not worth taking on such a thing. If you doubt your abilities, you should first go to work as a hired sales manager in a hypermarket in the electrical goods department or another similar store.

If you are familiar with this field of activity, go for it! Our electrical store business plan with calculations will answer the main questions to consider before entering the market, or help you create your own plan.

In the electrical retail business, the company "Electrograd" has been operating for over 8 years. During this time, direct contracts have been concluded with dozens of Russian and foreign suppliers and manufacturers, 14 stores have been opened in 4 regions: the Udmurt Republic, the Republic of Bashkiria, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Perm Territory.

Our experience in developing our own retail network has allowed us to create standards for the organization of the store, which we will share with you. You will be able to open your own store from scratch in a short time and with minimal risks, and make the existing store more profitable.

Franchise "Electrograd" is the first franchise in the field of sales of electrical products.

Selling electrical goods is profitable because:

  • electrical products have a stable and steadily developing demand in the household sector, the construction industry and in the field of repair services;
  • under proper storage conditions, products do not deteriorate and have no expiration dates;
  • marginal and high-turnover goods.

8 Benefits You Get With The Electrocity Franchise:

  1. Savings on brand promotion. Information about your store is posted on the official Electrograd website, and customers perceive your store as part of the Electrograd retail network.
  2. High markup. You buy products at competitive prices, which means you work more efficiently.
  3. Purchase of goods in one place. You do not need to waste time and effort on concluding supply contracts with many suppliers, we have done it for you - we have more than 30 direct contracts with manufacturers of electrical products.
  4. Deferment of payment. You get the opportunity to buy goods with a deferred payment for 42 calendar days, and your funds are "not stored" in the goods and can be used to develop your business.
  5. Assistance in maintaining optimal inventory. You get support in inventory planning, taking into account seasonality, complexity and turnover ratios, therefore, your funds do not "hang" in the product, have a higher turnover.
  6. Marketing support. Your store hosts promotions designed by us for customers with profitable product offers, discount programs for customers, thus increasing customer loyalty and store revenue.
  7. Training. Your employees undergo professional training in sales techniques and nomenclature at the Electrograd training center, and your sales are growing due to the better work of salespeople and cashiers. You receive training manuals for sellers on the products presented in the store, so you do not need to spend your time creating a training base.
  8. Proven business technology. You receive a package of documents that describe all the main business processes of a retail store (staff motivation system, training and evaluation system, ordering goods, merchandising guidelines, customer service standards).

Of course, in this area it is best to have at least basic knowledge on the design of a number of electrical goods. This is necessary to help the buyer choose the right thing for him. However, if a businessman does not understand electrical engineering, there are two solutions:

  • Before buying a franchise of electrical goods, thoroughly study this issue or undergo training.
  • Hire those sellers who understand the specifics of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

Practice shows that buying a franchise of an electrical goods store is fully justified. The following advantages can be mentioned:

  • The modern consumer uses similar products in various areas of his life, so the demand for products is always high. Seasonality is not terrible for such a business.
  • Electrical goods do not have an expiration date, and they cannot deteriorate due to long lying in the closet.
  • The franchisor is fully responsible for all marketing and advertising campaigns.
  • Products are sold under a well-known brand. A person will instinctively go to a place he has heard about.
  • The franchisor regularly trains its employees.

Not without flaws either.. However, in this type of business they are not essential. The main thing is that the franchisee must have experience in doing business. Therefore, a newcomer may not be able to conclude an agreement with the company. In addition, the market is quite competitive.

Average statistics