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» Elena Mizulina may lose her post as senator. But not because of ridiculous words on air. Elena Mizulina, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Biography, political activity Attitudes towards LGBT people

Elena Mizulina may lose her post as senator. But not because of ridiculous words on air. Elena Mizulina, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Biography, political activity Attitudes towards LGBT people

The phrase “woman in politics” has long ceased to cause confusion. In the modern world, not only great men, but also emancipated ladies are concerned about the fate of people. They believe that a woman’s destiny is not only in giving birth to children and household chores, and they actively participate in their homeland on an equal basis with men.

Position in society

Elena Mizulina is a prominent representative of women's Russia. They talk about her quite a lot and in quite a variety of ways. Her position evokes approval, irony, and obvious condemnation. However, this woman is trying with all her might to legitimize which, in the light of recent world trends, is being turned upside down. Mizulina Elena Borisovna is a member of the United Russia party. She is the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children.

A woman politician has the authority to consider problems and introduce bills on the topic of family. Her latest author and co-author bills and initiatives have caused considerable public outcry. Among them are the active fight against swearing on the Internet, gay propaganda, family divorces and the adoption of Russian orphans by foreign parents.

She dreamed of becoming a politician since childhood

Mizulina Elena Borisovna was born on December 9, 1954. The birthplace of the famous politician is the city of Bui, Kostroma region. The girl developed an interest in politics quite early. Elena Mizulina's father, Boris Mikhailovich Dmitriev, after a shell shock received at the front, headed a department of the district committee of the CPSU. The father's political style largely left an imprint on the professional character of his daughter. While studying at school, Mizulina dreamed of a career as a diplomat and was preparing to enter MGIMO. However, her dreams were not destined to come true, and as fate would have it, in 1972 she became a student at Yaroslavl State University. It was in this educational institution that Elena Borisovna met with her future husband Mikhail Mizulin. In the fourth year of study, a couple of young lawyers were legally married.

Beginning of a political career

Mizulina’s career developed quite rapidly. After graduating from the university in 1977, she began working as a laboratory assistant at the department of theory and law in her native university. In the same year, Elena Borisovna received the position of consultant at the regional court in the city of Yaroslavl, while continuing her correspondence studies at Kazan State University as a graduate student. Some time later, in 1983, her dissertation was defended. As a result, Elena Mizulina became a candidate of legal sciences, received a promotion and was appointed senior consultant.

After working in the Yaroslavl Regional Court for 8 years, she moved to serve as an assistant at the State Pedagogical Institute named after K. D. Ushinsky in the same city. Already in 1987, Mizulina began heading the department of national history. She held this position until 1990, being a member of the CPSU.

Dissertation defense and career growth

In 1992, Elena Mizulina defended her doctoral dissertation at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The topic of her work - “Criminal trial: the concept of self-restraint of the state” - aroused great interest among colleagues. In 1995, Mizulina became a professor at the State University of Yaroslavl.
Elena Borisovna's political career developed quite rapidly. In 1993, she joined the 1st composition of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the “Choice of Russia” bloc. She served on the Committee that considered constitutional legislation, as well as judicial and legal issues, as vice-chairman. Mizulina also joined the Commission on Rules and Procedures of Parliament.

Changes in political career

In 1995, Mizulina joined the Yabloko faction and the Reforms - New Course movement. In the same year, she was elected head of the regional public organization “Balance” in Yaroslavl.

Since December 1995, Elena Mizulina has been a deputy of the 2nd convocation from the Yabloko faction, representing the interests of the Kirov District. Due to these circumstances, she had to refuse membership in the Federation Council. As part of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation, she began to chair the Committee on Legislation and Reforms in the Judicial Sphere. She also served on the subcommittee dealing with issues of nation-building, as well as the constitutional rights of citizens, as vice-chairman. In 1999, Mizulina was involved in organizing the impeachment against Yeltsin as a legal consultant.

In December 1999, she again became a deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation from the Yabloko party. July 2000 marked a new stage in Mizulina’s political career. She became the head of the Yaroslavl Union of Democratic Forces. This coalition included members of the Yabloko party and the Union of Right Forces.

Leaving Yabloko

At the beginning of 2001, Elena Mizulina made an official statement that she was leaving Yabloko. The deputy motivated her actions with personal discomfort over the fact that the party she belongs to receives no more than five percent of the votes in the elections. Former colleagues at Yabloko assessed her action as a race for political trends.

A new round in a political career

In June 2001, Elena Borisovna joined the Union of Right Forces. In February 2004, her party was defeated in the elections, and Mizulina received a new appointment - a representative of the State Duma in the Constitutional Court. In this position, in 2005, she insisted on the abolition of the procedure for direct gubernatorial elections that existed in the Russian Federation. Elena Borisovna combined her position in the Constitutional Court with the position of acting deputy head of the State Duma apparatus department. The eventful year 2005 was also marked for Mizulina with the successful completion of the Russian Academy of Public Administration, founded under the President of the Russian Federation.

Membership in A Just Russia

Two years later, in 2007, State Duma deputy Elena Mizulina was elected as a member of the political organization A Just Russia. January 2008 was marked for Elena Borisovna with a new position - in the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children as chairman. Her candidacy was put forward as an alternative to Svetlana Goryacheva. The United Russia party expressed dissatisfaction with the proposed candidacy. Then Elena Borisovna was approved for this position.

In 2011, Elena Mizulina was once again elected to the State Duma as a member of the A Just Russia party. She became the head of the State Duma Committee on the Family.

In October 2013, at the next meeting of A Just Russia, Mizulina announced that she was renouncing membership in the party’s Central Council.

Well-known political scientist Alexander Kynev noted that with her actions Elena Borisovna undermines the image of the party in the eyes of urban voters.

Her famous bills

One of the most famous projects in the development of which Elena Mizulina was directly involved was Federal Law No. 139-F3. It was adopted on July 28, 2012. It received the trivial name in public circles of the “blacklist law” and “Internet censorship law.” Elena Borisovna is also directly related to another project, which is often confused with the above. This is the project “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.”
Elena Mizulina, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, publicly stated in July 2012 that it was necessary to check whether the strike of the Russian Wikipedia against the positions of bill No. 139-F3 was not a “pedophile lobby.” This phrase becomes a persistent expression and is the calling card of a female politician. Some public figures and journalists claim that Elena Borisovna awards this label to all people who are personally displeasing to her.

In November 2012, she made a public conclusion: Project 139-F3 achieved its preventive goal. With the help of it, a safe one was organized. Also, Elena Mizulina banned at the state level the viewing of sites with links to Internet pages from the register of prohibited ones. One of the portals that countered the “blacklist” position was The founders of this site were the Russian Pirate Party.

A year later, Elena Mizulina proposed making part of the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation the phrase that for Russia Orthodoxy is the basis of cultural and national identity. However, this proposal was rejected. The refusal is motivated by the fact that the Russian Federation is constitutionally proclaimed a secular state.

Attitude to the issue of abortion

Elena Mizulina demanded the restriction of free abortions. She proposes allowing a woman to have a free abortion only for serious medical reasons or as a result of rape.

Under other circumstances, abortions must be paid. It was also proposed to introduce the following points into this bill:

  • Ban on abortions in private clinics.
  • Sale of medications that induce abortion only with a doctor's prescription.
  • Mandatory consent of the spouse for an abortion if the woman is married.
  • Mandatory permission from parents to terminate a pregnancy for a girl under the age of majority.

Another interesting bill on the topic of abortion was proposed by Elena Mizulina. The State Duma considered an amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding a fine imposed on a medical institution that does not provide a woman with time to think before carrying out appropriate medical procedures. The amount of this monetary compensation was proposed in the form of 1 million rubles. Mizulina indicated that it is worth levying a fine on the women themselves who ignore the doctor’s offer of the opportunity to reconsider their decision to have an abortion. The fine for them is 3000-5000 rubles.

Bills on family and marriage

Elena Borisovna speaks rather harshly about the issue of adoption of orphans from Russia by American parents. She noted that our state has never protected its interests at the expense of children.

Later, Elena Mizulina proposed banning such American guardianship at the legal level. In June 2013, the politician presented a project called “Concepts of state family policy until 2025.” It contains the following provisions:

  • Introduction of an additional tax for divorcing families.
  • Condemnation of birth
  • Additional restrictions on abortion.
  • Strong condemnation of homosexuality.
  • A proposal to strengthen the role of the church in discussing and adopting family laws.
  • Increase the number of families where many generations of people live.
  • Propaganda of large families.
  • A fixed amount of child support, regardless of whether the parent has a source of income.

This bill was intended to strengthen the institution of family in the Russian Federation.

Her opinion on LGTB

Mizulina is known in political and public circles as an ardent opponent of same-sex marriage and is of the opinion that the phrase “Gays are people too” contains a hidden extremist meaning. She advocates removing children from same-sex families.

However, in 2013, the famous publicist wrote in his article that Elena Mizulina’s son, who lives in Belgium, works for a fairly large law firm, Mayer Brown. This firm actively defends LGBT rights. The sharp difference in views on the issue of homosexuality between mother and son was ironically noted. In response to this sarcasm, Mizulina declared Koch a representative of the notorious “pedophile lobby.”

Does society need surrogacy?

In November 2013, Mizulina spoke out about the need to ban surrogacy at the state level, considering it an unnatural phenomenon. To all this, Elena Borisovna added that it is necessary in every possible way to form in society a negative attitude towards this method of giving birth to a child.

Quite often Mizulina is criticized. Evil tongues sneer at her active initiatives, and political scientists accuse her of overly openly invading the privacy of citizens and influencing people’s freedom of choice. Perhaps there is some inflection in Elena Borisovna’s bills, but it is impossible to accuse this woman of indifference to the life of her people.

The Federation Council proposed labeling online games due to school shootings ... establishments On Thursday, May 16, senators Lyudmila Bokova, Alexander Bashkin, Elena Mizulina and Akhmat Salpagarov introduced a bill to the State Duma introducing age labeling... meaning” the issue of age labeling of content in the media. Co-author of the initiative Elena Mizulina proposed fines for scenes of violence in computer games back in... Mizulina asked lawyers to study the media publication of her words about freedom ... Senator Elena Mizulina instructed lawyers to study the publication in the media of a quote taken out of context... to allow negative consequences for society. The day before, some media wrote that Mizulina stood up for the prohibitive laws proposed by deputies. In particular, they cited... Mizulina asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check reports about yoga in the pre-trial detention center ... Senator Elena Mizulina appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to conduct an investigation into the fact of distribution... they will refuse to remove it. On March 22, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported that Mizulina demanded to check the legality of yoga classes in the capital's pre-trial detention centers. As explained... to uncontrolled sexual arousal" and "the emergence of homosexual relationships between prisoners." Mizulina denied the demand to ban yoga classes in the pre-trial detention center on April 7... Mizulina refuted the demand to ban yoga classes in pre-trial detention centers ... Senator Elena Mizulina called information about her complaint about yoga classes in a pre-trial detention center “a typical example of the spread of fake news.” Words Mizulina RBC handed over the press... to contact Roskomnadzor regarding the spread of “fake news”. According to Mizulina, she does not leave a single appeal from citizens unanswered. “Many... Moscow pre-trial detention centers suspended yoga classes after an appeal Mizulina That Mizulina demanded to check the legality of yoga classes in Moscow pre-trial detention centers... Yoga classes were suspended in Moscow pre-trial detention centers after Mizulina’s appeal ... all Moscow pre-trial detention centers were suspended after the senator appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia Elena Mizulina. This was reported to RIA Novosti by the deputy chairman of the Moscow POC, Eva... in all Moscow pre-trial detention centers. The reason was the senator's appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office Mizulina, and she, in turn, attached a letter from our chief so... I’m eating out of my hands, which could cause food riots. About the complaint Elena Mizulina On March 22, Moskovsky Komsomolets wrote. Deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Valery Maksimenko noted... The FSIN refused to ban yoga in pre-trial detention centers due to Mizulina’s complaint ...introduce qigong breathing exercises into pre-trial detention centers. Maksimenko commented on the appeal Elena Mizulina, which was based on the conclusion that yoga can lead... they themselves need to take a closer look,” said Maksimenko. About the complaint Elena Mizulina On March 22, Moskovsky Komsomolets (MK) wrote. As Maksimenko said, senator... Mizulina, ambassador and former FSB personnel officer: who will the governors send to the Federation Council ... banning baby boxes. Elena Mizulina Since 1993 he has been involved in parliamentary activities. She was both a senator and a State Duma deputy. Mizulina known for several high-profile initiatives... . Carnegie Moscow Center expert Andrei Kolesnikov explained the continuation of his parliamentary career Mizulina internal agreements of the authorities. “She is a monument, and they leave her in place...

Society, 30 March 2018, 14:28

Mizulina complained to the prosecutor's office about a video of her condolences to Putin ... Navalny Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Elena Mizulina appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a complaint about the dissemination in the media and... broadcast on March 27 on the Rossiya 1 channel. Mizulina declared the impossibility of banning the Internet in Russia Elena Mizulina, commenting on the events in Kemerovo, called the fire... Mizulina announced the impossibility of banning the Internet in Russia ... Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Elena Mizulina stated that it will not be possible to ban the Internet in Russia, because it... I wonder why this has not yet happened,” the senator said. Previously Mizulina​proposed introducing penalties up to and including criminal liability for administrators and... Mizulina called for punishing social media management for content ... Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Elena Mizulina. “Of course, there is no need to take radical steps. But it is necessary to think about... extends up to administrative suspension of activities and criminal liability,” she said Mizulina at a meeting of the Federation Council commission headed by her to improve the Family Code... The State Duma criticized the idea of ​​equating cohabitation with marriage ... after all, the Family Code and nothing additional is needed.” Mizulina called the equation of cohabitation with marriage “sabotage” “If people want to live... in turn, the head of the Federation Council commission on improving the Family Code Elena Mizulina stated to RBC that the bill is “sabotage.” In her opinion, “it’s impossible... Mizulina called equating cohabitation with marriage “sabotage” ... Head of the Federation Council Commission on Improving the Family Code Elena Mizulina criticized the bill equating cohabitation with official marriage, pointing out... we want to harm Russia, then let’s pass such a law,” she emphasized Mizulina. Mizulina added that if cohabitation is common in Russia, then it is necessary to look for... What kind of reaction did the speeches of officials provoke in 2017? In 2017, Russian politicians, as usual, held many meetings, conferences and meetings. Check how closely you followed them. Anastasia Volosatova Alexander Grachev A photo exhibition of works by Jock Sturges has reopened in Moscow ... In 2016, the exhibition “Without Embarrassment” was closed after an appeal from a senator Elena Mizulina and Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova to the Prosecutor General's Office. Also, the closing of the exhibition... to inspect visitors and monitor the situation in the exhibition hall itself. Senator Elena Mizulina called the exhibition “a demonstration of child pornography.” “I am convinced that working with... Mizulina introduced a bill banning baby boxes to the State Duma for the second time ...Member of the Federation Council Elena Mizulina On July 20, she re-introduced a bill to the State Duma, which was rejected..., the law will come into force on January 1, 2018. According to Mizulina, the presence of the opportunity to abandon newborns with impunity “stimulates” the growth of abandonment of children... baby boxes, which State Duma deputies rejected on July 19. The document that Mizulina introduced at the beginning of June 2016, provides for administrative liability for... Mizulina announced possible restrictions on the number of adopted children ...with reference to the deputy chairman of the House Committee on Constitutional and State Building Elena Mizulina. “We are preparing a whole range of legislative measures aimed at limiting the number... of cars. These measures were planned to be financed from regional funds. Elena Mizulina and other parliamentarians criticized the initiative. Novosibirsk senator proposed punishing non-working parents ...for more than 1 year." Senator from the Omsk region Elena Mizulina did not agree with Boltenko, noting that his colleague’s proposal contradicts the Russian...

Society, 13 March 2017, 12:56

The State Duma criticized the proposal to replace maternity capital with benefits ...the deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation also spoke Elena Mizulina, RIA Novosti reported. Mizulina called the proposal of the deputies “thoughtless statements” that “can only... “Mizulina’s spankings”: what will the decriminalization of domestic violence lead to? ... the senator became known for her statements in defense of “traditional values” Elena Mizulina. She introduced the first option in July 2016... resonance in society, and if the project had been supported by one Mizulina, this would be “a blow to the new Duma, which in every possible way wants ... a “mad printer” of laws, a high-ranking United Russia member explained to RBC. ­ Mizulina, however, remained as one of the authors. Speaking in support... Mizulina advocated a life sentence for child molestation ... Elena Mizulina is going to introduce a bill to the State Duma that would toughen the punishment for child molestation. ..., they should be punished with life imprisonment, says Senator Member of the Federation Council Elena Mizulina proposes to increase criminal penalties for child molestation up to life... Mizulina left the A Just Russia party ... Elena Mizulina leaves the A Just Russia party, which she has been a member of since 2007. ... and the details of such a decision have not yet been disclosed Member of the Federation Council Elena Mizulina wrote a letter of resignation from the A Just Russia party. About this... but he “knows nothing” about the desire to join United Russia. " Elena Mizulina She did not officially contact us about joining the party. From... Mizulina proposed a new form of responsibility for parents ... Senator Elena Mizulina presented several amendments to the Family Code, including a new form... to approve this bill and sent it for revision. Another bill Mizulina concerned the decriminalization of domestic battery. On October 19, Vedomosti wrote that the government... Mizulina proposed banning the government from rejecting bills ... . According to the senator, such reviews are “unconstitutional,” the press service reports. Elena Mizulina. “I believe that it is long overdue to deprive the Government of the right to give official reviews... to “agree with the government’s arguments”, or they may “disagree.” In summer Elena Mizulina introduced a bill to the State Duma on the decriminalization of domestic beatings. The senator suggested... The government rejected Mizulina's idea to decriminalize domestic beatings ... "Vedomosti". The author of the amendments was Senator Elena Mizulina The Government Commission on Legislative Activities did not support the senator’s idea Elena Mizulina on the decriminalization of domestic violence. This... is stated in the draft review. A bill on the decriminalization of domestic battery prepared by Mizulina, was submitted to the State Duma this summer. The senator proposed to exclude... The government rejected Mizulina's bill to ban baby boxes ... organizing boxes for the anonymous abandonment of newborn children, which was developed by the senator Elena Mizulina. “The bill needs significant revision before its consideration by the State Duma in... comments,” as well as gratitude to Mizulina. “I am grateful to the government for supporting this bill,” noted Elena Mizulina. - All specified in the official...

Politics, 28 Sep 2016, 07:53

The government supported Mizulina’s bill to ban baby boxes ... The government supported the bill of the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee Elena Mizulina, prohibiting the use of baby boxes in Russia for the anonymous abandonment of children... The Russian Federation gave a positive official response to the one prepared by Senator Elena Mizulina“together with experts from the public organization “Parental All-Russian Resistance” the draft law,” it says... A bill on the decriminalization of domestic beatings has been introduced to the State Duma ... Senator Elena Mizulina introduced a bill to the State Duma that exempts from criminal liability for... that “for a spanking” you can get up to two years in prison Senator Elena Mizulina introduced to the State Duma a bill on the decriminalization of domestic beatings... Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (beatings) was decriminalized. The new edition, according to Mizulina, contains “a number of controversial, anti-family provisions” due to the fact that “from... Mizulina introduced a bill to the Duma to ban baby boxes ... A bill banning baby boxes has been registered in the State Duma. Its author Elena Mizulina proposed to punish for organizing an anonymous reception center for newborns with a fine of up to... million rubles. First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation Elena Mizulina introduced a bill to the State Duma prohibiting the creation of baby boxes for anonymous... Mizulina allowed the age of criminal responsibility to be lowered ... Deputy Head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation Elena Mizulina stated that it is necessary to raise the issue of lowering the age of criminal responsibility... groups with many participants, including those on suicide topics.” Mizulina notes that since the child is not yet 14 years old, she falls under... The Federation Council proposed banning road patching ... Senator Elena Mizulina proposed to prohibit road pothole repairs at the legislative level. About this... the road remains a huge temptation: I quickly filled the hole and reported,” said Mizulina, noting that pothole repair “remains outdated, completely ineffective and of poor quality... Mizulina proposed considering the use of the Internet as an aggravating circumstance ...a member of the Federation Council spoke at the VII International Safer Internet Forum Elena Mizulina, RBC correspondent reports. “The time has come to raise the question of attributing the use of ... parts very unsystematically, especially in problems related to the protection of children,” she concluded Mizulina. She called on the forum participants to tighten their opposition to suicide propaganda, the number of which... ...Member of the Federation Council Elena Mizulina“I asked the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office to check the death of a five-month-old in St. Petersburg... to conduct an audit and provide us with information,” she said. According to Mizulina, the behavior of Russian officials “causes the deepest regret.” “The Investigative Committee is already conducting an investigation...

Politics, 23 Sep 2015, 22:11

The government described the consequences of Mizulina's anti-abortion bill ... Three bills Elena Mizulina to restrict abortion received negative government feedback. The restrictions will increase the number of... deaths" from abortions performed at home. The bills Mizulina Mizulina became a candidate for senator from the Omsk region ...State Duma Deputy Elena Mizulina officially presented as a candidate for senator from the Omsk region. ... officially provided information about three candidates for members of the Federation Council. Mizulina is number one on the list of candidates for senators, the names of two... for women, family and youth affairs Elena Mizulina, one of the negotiation participants told RBC. Mizulina confirmed that she accepted Nazarov’s offer to include her... The deputy who declared 40 cars will leave the State Duma ... the upper house, the head of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs, Elena Mizulina(will represent the Omsk region), the former head of the Central Election Commission of United Russia, Yuri... those who are considered unsuitable are sent to the Federation Council. The exception is partly Elena introduced a bill to the lower house of parliament that defines the procedure for identifying orphans. The press service reported this Mizulina. Elena Mizulina“In... the internal contradictions of the Family Code. The co-author of the document was Senator Zinaida Dragunkina. Elena Mizulina known for her high-profile initiatives, including the fight against divorce, abortion...

Elena Borisovna Mizulina(born December 9, 1954, Bui, Kostroma region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman and political figure, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation from the A Just Russia party, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children. She was a deputy of the State Duma of the II, III and V convocations; was a member of the CPSU, Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces. Doctor of Law (1992), professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Recently she has been known as the author and co-author of high-profile initiatives and bills that have caused controversial public reactions and are often accompanied by scandals. Among them is the fight against gay propaganda, online swearing, divorce and foreign adoptive parents of Russian orphans.


Elena Mizulina was born on December 9, 1954 in the city of Buye, Kostroma region (formerly Yaroslavl region). Her father, Boris Mikhailovich Dmitriev, a front-line soldier, was shell-shocked, after the war he headed a department in the district committee of the CPSU.

At school, she dreamed of entering MGIMO, preparing herself for a “career as a diplomat,” but in 1972 she entered the Faculty of History and Law at Yaroslavl State University. She studied in the same group with her future husband Mikhail Mizulin; after the fourth year I married him. In 1977 she graduated from the university, qualifying as a lawyer. She was assigned as a laboratory assistant to the university department of theory and law.

In 1977-1984, she first worked as a consultant, then, in 1984-1985, as a senior consultant at the Yaroslavl Regional Court. At the same time, she studied in correspondence graduate school at Kazan State University; in 1983 she defended her dissertation on the topic “The nature of supervisory proceedings in criminal proceedings (based on materials from the Yaroslavl Regional Court)” for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.

In 1985, she began working as an assistant at the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute named after. K. D. Ushinsky. According to Mizulina’s husband, he, being the head of the ideological sector of the regional committee of the CPSU of the Yaroslavl region, “pushed” for Elena a position as a senior researcher at the institute. In 1987, Mizulina received the position of head of the department of national history; headed the department until 1990. Until August 1991 she was a member of the CPSU.

In 1992, at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Criminal trial: the concept of self-restraint of the state.” According to Mizulina, her dissertation became a discovery, a new direction in science: “It turned out that what I wrote was unique, that I was truly a scientist from God.” In 1992-1995 - associate professor, then professor at Yaroslavl State University.

"Yabloko" and "Union of Right Forces"

In 1993, from the “Choice of Russia” bloc, she was elected to the first composition of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, where she was deputy chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues, and a member of the Commission on Rules and Parliamentary Procedures. In 1995, she joined the Yabloko association and the Reforms - New Course movement. Since 1995, she has headed the Yaroslavl regional public organization “Balance”.

In December 1995, Mizulina was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation in the Kirov single-mandate district (Yaroslavl) from Yabloko, and therefore in January 1996 she prematurely resigned as a deputy of the Federation Council. In the State Duma of the 2nd convocation, she was a member of the Yabloko faction, was the deputy chairman of the committee on legislation and judicial reform, and deputy of the subcommittee on issues of state building and constitutional rights of citizens. Carried out legal registration of the failed impeachment of President Yeltsin in 1999.

In December 1999, she was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation from Yabloko. In July 2000, she headed the Yaroslavl Union of Democratic Forces, which included representatives of Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces. In February 2001, she stated that she was not going to confirm her membership in Yabloko. In June of the same year she joined the Union of Right Forces. Mizulina explained her departure from Yabloko by saying that she was “personally ashamed to be in a party that gets only 5% in the elections. This became a moral problem for me.” Former comrades of E. B. Mizulina in Yabloko and SPS, Sergei Mitrokhin and Leonid Gozman, explain Mizulina’s repeated changes of political parties by the fact that she follows political trends.

In February 2004, Mizulina was approved as a representative of the State Duma in the Constitutional Court. Mizulina herself did not rule out that she received this appointment due to the loss of the Union of Right Forces in the elections: “I don’t know to what extent this is connected, but perhaps this can be regarded as my intentional employment.” As a representative of the State Duma in the Constitutional Court, in 2005 she defended the legality of the decision to abolish direct gubernatorial elections in Russia. She combined her work in the Constitutional Court with her duties as deputy head of the legal department of the State Duma apparatus. In 2005 she graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

"A Just Russia"

In 2007, she was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation and joined the A Just Russia faction. In January 2008, she became chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children. At the same time, A Just Russia initially nominated Svetlana Goryacheva for this post, which caused discontent among United Russia; Mizulina headed the committee as a compromise figure.

In 2011, she was elected to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, a member of the “A Just Russia” faction, and since December 21, 2011 - Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children. At the A Just Russia congress, held in October 2013, she resigned from her position as a member of the party’s central council.

According to political scientist Alexander Kynev, Elena Mizulina’s activities in the State Duma cause significant damage to the party’s image in the eyes of its target educated urban voter.

He is one of the authors of Federal Law No. 139-FZ of July 28, 2012 (formerly Draft Law No. 89417-6), known as the “blacklist law” or “Internet censorship law”, as well as the law adopted in 2010 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development,” with which it is often confused.

On July 10, 2012, she stated that she would submit a request to the US Department of Justice in order to check the strike of Russian Wikipedia, since she believes that there is no censorship in bill No. 89417-6; At the same time she suggested that a “pedophile lobby” was behind the protests on the Internet.

On November 14, 2012, Mizulina stated that the preventive goal of Law 139-FZ - to achieve a safe information environment without the use of punishment - had been achieved. She also stated that another bill may be developed that would prohibit access to sites that allow you to view pages included in the unified register of prohibited sites. Among such portals countering the blacklist,, owned by the Russian pirate party, was named.

On November 22, 2013, she took the initiative to include in the preamble of the Constitution of the Russian Federation the lines that Orthodoxy is the basis of the national and cultural identity of Russia. Nowadays, no religion is mentioned in the constitution and, in accordance with the basic law of the country, Russia is a secular state.

Positions on marriage, family and sexual relations

Attitude towards abortion

Elena Mizulina is a supporter of restricting a woman’s rights to abortion. Mizulina proposes to leave free abortions exclusively for medical reasons or for pregnancies resulting from rape; in other cases, make abortions free of charge. She also spoke out in favor of introducing a ban on abortions in private medical institutions, a ban on the sale of drugs that cause medical abortion without a doctor’s prescription, and that married women must obtain their husband’s permission to have an abortion, and minor girls must obtain parental permission.

In July 2013, Mizulina, as part of a group of deputies, submitted to the State Duma a bill on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, providing for the imposition of fines on doctors and medical institutions that do not give women time to think when performing abortions, in the amount of up to 1 million rubles. It is also proposed to fine pregnant women themselves who do not observe the “quiet time” - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Position on family and marriage issues

Mizulina sharply opposed the introduction of a ban on the adoption of Russian children by Americans: “This is simply mean, if not mean. Russia has never protected its interests by using children.” Mizulina later voted for introducing such a ban at the legislative level.

In June 2013, the State Duma Committee on Family Affairs, which is headed by Mizulina, unveiled the draft “Concepts of State Family Policy until 2025,” which proposes introducing an additional tax on divorce, condemning the birth of a child out of wedlock, proposing new restrictions on abortion, and sharply condemning homosexuality. At the same time, it is proposed to strengthen the role of the church in the adoption of family laws, increase the number of “multi-generation” families (families where grandparents, children and grandchildren live together), it is recommended to actively promote large families, and establish a minimum amount of alimony, the payment of which should not depend on the availability or lack of income from the parent. Alexander Nikonov and other opposition journalists suggested that the sensational report about the divorce of Putin and his wife, voiced by them two days after the publication of this bill, is connected with the proposed introduction of a new fine for divorce. Answering a question in an interview with Echo of Moscow about her attitude to Putin’s divorce, Mizulina said: “There is no discrepancy between the behavior of the Putin spouses and the draft concept of state family policy, which I presented at the coordinating council for the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of children. ... in my opinion, they set an example of a civilized divorce, respect for each other and maintaining personal obligations and care towards each other, especially if something happens.”

After the publication of the Concept, it turned out that some of its provisions were copied verbatim from one of the abstracts posted on the Internet, which, in turn, was plagiarized from the “Family Studies” course at Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Mizulina advocates raising the age limit for those entering into sexual relations from 16 to 18 years. She also calls for a ban on surrogacy in Russia.

Attitudes towards LGBT

Mizulina is the author of several legislative projects aimed against the propaganda of homosexuality. He believes that the phrase “gays are people too” needs to be checked by Rospotrebnadzor as potentially extremist. Mizulina also advocates the removal of children, including relatives, from same-sex families.

In July 2013, Mizulina and her deputy on the Duma committee, Batalina, filed a criminal complaint with the aim of initiating a criminal case against LGBT human rights activist Nikolai Alekseev. According to Mizulina, Alekseev is the leader of the LGBT community, which organized a campaign to discredit her, which is detrimental to Russia as a whole. Mizulina intends to ask for punishment for Alekseev “in the form of compulsory labor in places where he cannot engage in gay propaganda, for example, on a ‘corpse wagon’.” Representatives of the LGBT community also appealed to the prosecutor's office with a complaint about Mizulina's incitement of hatred towards homosexuals and her infringement of LGBT rights.

In October 2013, Mizulina received the Silver Galosh award for the most dubious achievements of the year in the Mimimi of the Year category. In November of the same year, Mizulina took part in the conference “For the Future of the Family” held in Leipzig. Are the European peoples in danger of extinction?”, among the participants were representatives of marginal German organizations, including pro-fascist and anti-Semitic views. The conference participants were boycotted by German anti-fascists and LGBT activists; Mizulina claimed that in the resulting crush, members of the Russian delegation were injured.

Accusations that opponents belong to the “pedophile lobby”

Elena Mizulina has repeatedly accused her opponents of allegedly belonging to the so-called “pedophile lobby.” So in 2011, during a discussion of amendments to the Criminal Code, she suggested that “in the depths of the United Russia faction there is a ‘pedophile lobby’” that opposes toughening penalties for crimes of a sexual nature against minors. Opponents of the law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development,” also, according to Mizulina, express the opinion of the “pedophile lobby.” In particular, commenting on the Russian Wikipedia strike in 2012, Mizulina said:

In June 2013, publicist Alfred Koch published an article that Mizulina’s son, who lives in Belgium, works for a large international law firm, Mayer Brown, which sponsors gay organizations and is one of the top 100 organizations protecting the rights of members of the LGBT community in Belgium, despite the fact that his mother is actively fighting against homosexuals in Russia. In response, Mizulina accused Koch of belonging to the “pedophile lobby.” Journalist Andrei Malgin wrote about this on his blog: “Wonderful: everyone who doesn’t like Mizulina is a pedophile lobby.”

Attitude towards surrogacy

On November 10, 2013, in her speech, she stated the need for a ban on surrogacy, but she does not intend to introduce a ban on surrogacy - an unnatural way of giving birth to children - at the legislative level. Mizulina believes that it is necessary to conduct discussions in society in order to form a negative attitude among people towards surrogacy.


In June 2013, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case on the fact of insulting Mizulina by a group of people. As part of this case, Novaya Gazeta journalist Elena Kostyuchenko, gay activist Nikolai Alekseev, Ksenia Sobchak and Alfred Koch were summoned to the Investigative Committee. According to Mizulina’s statement, the matter is that bloggers spread deliberately false information about the deputy - that she proposed to ban oral sex. As part of the investigative measures, Ksenia Sobchak was interrogated; according to her, the investigator talked with her for 15 minutes about oral sex. Alfred Koch was also summoned for interrogation; according to him, for three hours of interrogation, “two lieutenant colonels clarified the details of Mizulina’s “gay-oral phobias” and his attitude towards it.”

November 23, 2013 in Leipzig, where Mizulina arrived to participate in the conference “For the Future of the Family. Are European peoples in danger of extinction?” According to her, she and members of the delegation were attacked by LGBT activists, but they rejected her accusations.


According to political scientist Mark Urnov, “the laws initiated by Mizulina are varied. But they have one very specific feature - they sow intolerance. They simply express in legal form that attitude of intolerance and suppression of everything that does not correspond to your personal ideas about what is right and what is wrong.”

Mizulina is criticized for actively interfering in various areas of citizens’ personal lives. Writer Dmitry Bykov believes that Mizulina constantly proposes to “legislate things that should be a matter of personal choice, and this is much more dangerous than any gay pride parade.” Journalist Masha Gessen considers Mizulina’s initiatives an interference in someone else’s life and sees in them a logical substitution: “same-sex marriage supposedly destroys heterosexual marriages, and if I, say, sleep with a woman, then this prevents Mizulina from sleeping with a man.”

In response to a number of scandalous initiatives and bills by Mizulina, in the summer of 2013, a collection of signatures took place online for her inclusion, along with Vitaly Milonov, on the Magnitsky list and a ban on entry into the United States.

A number of Western stars from the art world protested against the anti-gay law initiated by Mizulina. British choreographer Ben Wright refused to participate in a joint project with the Russian Ministry of Culture. In an open letter, Wright said that he was shocked by the scenes of neo-Nazis dispersing a gay pride parade and the brutal murder of a 23-year-old gay man in Volgograd. “Putin has essentially legitimized deadly prejudice and sanctioned the persecution of gays,” Wright writes. He concluded his letter with a call to boycott the Olympics in Sochi. German playwright Marius von Mayenburg and actor, star of the television series “Escape” Wentworth Miller canceled their trip to the “Territory” festival in Moscow, supporting the protest. “And this is just the beginning... Say thank you to Mizulina,” director Kirill Serebrennikov comments on the current situation.

By decree of the President of the United States (Barack Obama) on March 14, 2014, sanctions were imposed “for her status as a State Duma deputy” for “undermining democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; a threat to its peace, security, stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity; and contributing to the misappropriation of assets."

By decision of the Council of the European Union on March 21, 2014, sanctions were imposed on “the developer and co-author of the latest legislative proposals in Russia, allowing regions of other countries to join Russia without the prior consent of their central authorities.”

Personal life

Married, has two adult children.

Husband, Mikhail Yuryevich Mizulin, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Political Management of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. When Mizulina was a deputy from Yabloko, he headed the party cell in Yaroslavl. He was the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Yaroslavl University.

The son, Nikolai Mizulin, studied at MGIMO, abroad - at Bern and Oxford universities. Now he lives and works as a lawyer (according to some sources, he is a co-owner of a law firm) in the capital of Belgium, Brussels, and is a partner in the law firm Mayer Brown. Two of Mizulina’s grandchildren also live in Brussels. He is married to a Spanish citizen, the daughter of a famous Spanish writer.

Daughter Ekaterina also lives separately from her mother, and she has no children. Mizulina’s daughter heads the Moscow Foundation for Social and Legal Initiatives “Legal Capital”, which is engaged in financial intermediation, publishing and advertising activities. According to press reports, the fund belongs to Elena Mizulina.

In the draft law “Concepts of State Family Policy until 2025” proposed by Elena Mizulina, she defines marriage as the “state ideal of the family” “for the purpose of giving birth and raising three or more children together,” and also proposes in this law to help ensure that several generations of Russian parents, children and grandchildren lived in the same living space. In an interview with Echo of Moscow, Mizulina explained her personal inconsistency with the “state ideal of the family” proclaimed by her as follows: “I wanted three. Misha, my husband, and I wanted three. But it happened the way it happened. Fate has given us two.”

Mizulina is a lover of exotic breeds of cats. In 1994, a scandal erupted in connection with Mizulina’s demand to increase the area of ​​her service apartment in order to organize the provision of obstetric care for her cat. In addition to cats, Mizulina enjoys growing indoor plants and playing the accordion.


  • Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
  • medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Order of Honor (2012) - for his great contribution to the development of Russian parliamentarism and active legislative activity
  • laureate of the National Award for Public Recognition of Women's Achievements "Olympia" in 2001
  • World Congress of Families Medal (2010).

The image of Elena Mizulina in popular culture

  • Legislative initiatives and statements by Elena Mizulina caused the spread on the Internet of numerous caricatures of the deputy, “demotivators”, and the parody song “I call you my Mizulina” by Gennady Smirnov.
  • The artist Konstantin Altunin wrote the work “Erotic Dreams of Mizulina,” which was exhibited in the newly opened Museum of Power in St. Petersburg; in August 2013, the police, together with deputy Milonov, confiscated this and a number of other works by the artist.
  • In 2013, Elena Mizulina was awarded the “Silver Galosh” in the category “Mimimi of the Year” - for attracting the attention of the whole country to the topic of oral sex, coming up, in particular, with a bill banning the promotion of non-traditional relationships among minors. Another author of the “anti-gay law”, St. Petersburg deputy Vitaly Milonov, and a meteorite that fell in Chelyabinsk competed with Mizulina for the “galosh” in this nomination.

MIZULINA Elena Borisovna - Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 1993 - 1995. and since September 23, 2015, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 1995 - 2007 and from 2011 - 2015, professor at Yaroslavl State University in 1994 - 1995.

Born on December 9, 1954 in the city of Buye, Kostroma Region. Her father Boris Mikhailovich Dmitriev, a front-line soldier, was shell-shocked, after the war he headed a department in the district committee of the CPSU. At school I dreamed of entering MGIMO, but in 1972 I entered the Faculty of History and Law at Yaroslavl State University. She studied in the same group with her future husband Mikhail Mizulin; after the fourth year I married him. In 1977 she graduated from the university, qualifying as a lawyer. She was assigned as a laboratory assistant to the university department of theory and law.

In 1977-1984 she worked as a consultant, in 1984-1985 as a senior consultant at the Yaroslavl Regional Court. At the same time, she studied in correspondence graduate school at Kazan State University; in 1983 she defended her dissertation on the topic “The nature of supervisory proceedings in criminal proceedings (based on materials from the Yaroslavl Regional Court)” for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.

In 1985, she began working as an assistant at the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute named after. K. D. Ushinsky. According to Mizulina’s husband, he, being the head of the ideological sector of the Yaroslavl Regional Committee of the CPSU, “punched” for Elena Borisovna a position as a senior researcher at the institute. In 1987, Mizulina received the position of head of the department of national history; headed the department until 1990. Until August 1991 she was a member of the CPSU.

In 1992, at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Criminal trial: the concept of self-restraint of the state.” In 1992-1995 - associate professor, then professor at Yaroslavl State University.

In 1993, from the “Choice of Russia” bloc, she was elected to the first composition of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, where she was deputy chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues, and a member of the Commission on Rules and Parliamentary Procedures. In 1995, she joined the Yabloko association and the Reforms - New Course movement. Since 1995, she has headed the Yaroslavl regional public organization “Balance”.

In December 1995, Mizulina was elected to the State Duma of the 2nd convocation in the Kirov single-mandate constituency No. 189 from Yabloko. In the elections, 83,175 voters voted for her (second place winner V. G. Varukhin received half as many votes - 39,266 votes). In connection with her election as a State Duma deputy, Mizulina resigned early as a deputy of the Federation Council in January 1996. In the State Duma of the 2nd convocation, she was a member of the Yabloko faction, was deputy chairman of the committee on legislation and judicial reform, and deputy chairman of the subcommittee on issues of state building and constitutional rights of citizens. Carried out legal registration of the failed impeachment of President Yeltsin in 1999.

In December 1999, she participated in the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the third convocation from Yabloko, both in the Kirov single-mandate constituency No. 189 and on the party list. In the district she received only 33,027 votes (8.99%) and took 4th place (following S. I. Zagidullin - 23.56%, A. I. Tsvetkov - 18.44% and S. I. Zamoraev - 9.5%), but entered the State Duma on the Yabloko list.

In July 2000, she headed the Yaroslavl Union of Democratic Forces, which included representatives of Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces. In February 2001, she stated that she was not going to confirm her membership in Yabloko. In June of the same year she joined the Union of Right Forces. Mizulina explained her departure from Yabloko by saying that she was “personally ashamed to be in a party that gets only 5% in the elections.”

In the December 2003 elections, the Union of Right Forces was unable to send its deputies to the State Duma. But E. B. Mizulina was not left without a position: in February 2004 she was approved as a representative of the Duma in the Constitutional Court. As a representative of the State Duma in the Constitutional Court, in 2005 she defended the legality of the decision to abolish direct gubernatorial elections in Russia. She combined her work in the Constitutional Court with her duties as deputy head of the legal department of the State Duma apparatus. In 2005 she graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, she was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation and joined the A Just Russia faction. In January 2008, she became the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children. At the same time, A Just Russia initially nominated Svetlana Goryacheva to this post, which caused discontent among United Russia; Mizulina headed the committee as a compromise figure.

In 2011, she was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation, a member of the “A Just Russia” faction, and since December 21, 2011 - Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children. At the Just Russia congress, held in October 2013, she resigned from her position as a member of the party’s central council.

On September 23, 2015, E. B. Mizulina became a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the executive branch of the Omsk region. In this regard, her powers as a deputy of the State Duma were terminated. E. B. Mizulina will serve as a member of the Federation Council until September 2020.

E. B. Mizulina’s husband, Mikhail Yuryevich Mizulin, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Political Management at RANEPA. When Mizulina was a deputy from Yabloko, he headed the party cell in Yaroslavl. He was the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Yaroslavl State University named after P. G. Demidov.

The son, Nikolai Mizulin, studied at MGIMO and abroad at Bern and Oxford universities. Now he lives and works as a lawyer (according to some sources, he is a co-owner of a law firm) in the capital of Belgium, Brussels, and is a partner in the law firm Mayer Brown. Two of Mizulina’s grandchildren also live in Brussels. He is married to Spanish citizen Patricia Gonzalez Antón-Pacheco, daughter of a famous Spanish writer.

Daughter Ekaterina also lives separately from her mother, heads the Moscow Foundation for Social and Legal Initiatives “Legal Capital”, which is engaged in financial intermediation, publishing and advertising activities. According to press reports, the fund belongs to Elena Mizulina.

E.B. Mizulina is a lover of exotic breeds of cats, enjoys growing indoor plants, and plays the button accordion.

Awards: Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation; medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”; Order of Honor (2012); laureate of the National Award for Public Recognition of Women's Achievements "Olympia" (2001); medal of the World Congress of Families (2010); Imperial Order of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia (2013, Russian Imperial House) - “ in reward of services to the Fatherland and the Russian IMPERIAL HOUSE and as evidence of OUR special favor.”

Elena Borisovna Mizulina is a parliamentarian who has gained fame in recent years thanks to a number of high-profile and controversial legislative initiatives.

Childhood and family of Elena Mizulina

The future politician was born into the family of an employee of the district committee of the Communist Party in the city of Bui, Kostroma region.

After studying at school, she entered Yaroslavl State University in 1972, from which she graduated five years later, receiving a degree in law. Until 1984, she worked at the Yaroslavl regional court as a consultant. Then she went to work at the local pedagogical institute. K.D. Ushinsky as assistant.

Elena Borisovna’s husband, being at that time the head of the regional committee of the CPSU, facilitated her transition to the position of senior researcher at the mentioned educational institution (according to him). Since 1987, the future politician held the position of head of the department of Russian history at this university. In 1992 she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Law.

Elena Mizulina - politician

In 1993, with the support of her husband, Mikhail Yuryevich, who helped her in organizing the election campaign, Mizulina was elected to the Federation Council, the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, where she served as deputy chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial-Legal Issues. From 1995 to 2003 – deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations from Yabloko. In 2001 she joined the Union of Right Forces.

In 2004, she was appointed to the post of State Duma representative in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. She combined her activities in the judiciary with the work of deputy head of the legal department of the State Duma apparatus. In 2007, she was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation.

From 2011 to the present, Elena Mizulina has been a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation, heads the Committee on Family, Women and Children, and a member of the left-wing political party “A Just Russia”.

Some political scientists (for example, Alexander Kynev) believe that her work in the State Duma causes enormous harm to the image of this political force in the public opinion of its target - cultural and enlightened - voter.

Legislation by Elena Mizulina

Mizulina’s most famous Duma initiative was the regulatory act of July 28, 2012. No. 139-FZ “On amendments to the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of restricting access to illegal information on the Internet.” He legalized the creation of a list of sites with prohibited information and the legality of their non-judicial blocking.

The adoption of the document caused a lot of criticism from representatives of the Runet and human rights activists. In their opinion, it can provoke abuses by officials when compiling a “black list” of sites, and will be used to put pressure on resources that are undesirable to the authorities. The Russian-language Wikipedia stopped its work for a day as a sign of disagreement. Her protest was joined by the social network VKontakte, LiveJournal, and the search engine Yandex. Mizulina responded to the opposition of the Internet community with a statement that a certain “pedophile lobby” was behind it.

Mizulina's openly discriminatory, in the opinion of opponents, legislative proposals to combat the formation of a positive image of homosexuality and speeches on the removal of children from non-traditional families were also the subject of public outrage. Among them, Mizulina triumphantly brought to approval a project that enshrined in the administrative code punishment in the form of monetary penalties for “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors.” The document caused such a resonance in the world that it posed a real threat to the prospect of holding the Sochi Winter Olympics.

Criticism of surrogacy

In her statements on the most pressing and pressing issues, she has repeatedly opposed the promotion of surrogacy. The deputy is convinced of the need to create a negative attitude among Russians towards this reproductive technology. She seeks its strict regulation, but does not demand a ban at the legal level.

Elena Mizulina is against abortion

As a supporter of repressive laws, Elena Mizulina considers it necessary to limit the access and rights of citizens to terminate a pregnancy. She is confident in the advisability of abortion only in exceptional cases: when pregnancy occurs after rape or for medical reasons. In her opinion, abortions should be paid, and the free sale of medications for abortion is prohibited. The politician also spoke out in favor of adopting, as a restrictive measure, the requirement to obtain prior permission to carry out this operation: for women - from their husbands, for minor girls - from their parents.

To implement these norms, Mizulina, as part of a group of deputies sharing her beliefs, proposed for consideration by the State Duma draft laws on amending the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, providing for the imposition of penalties on women, doctors, and medical institutions for violating the conditions and terms of abortions.

Elena Mizulina about adoption

The deputy advocated for a ban on Americans adopting Russian orphans, which was subsequently introduced by the law of December 28, 2012 No. 272-FZ “On measures of influence on persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.”

The “Concept of State Family Policy until 2025”, proposed by the Committee headed by Mizulina, was also approved. It proposed the introduction of an additional state duty for divorce, established restrictive requirements for abortion, made proposals to strengthen the role of the church in family policy, and recommended the promotion of large families.

Personal life of Elena Mizulina

She got married while studying at the institute (before the fifth year). With her future husband, with whom, according to Elena Borisovna, all the girls in their faculty were in love, they studied in the same institute group. Today Mikhail Yuryevich is an associate professor of the department of political science and political management of the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

The couple has two adult children. Daughter Ekaterina (born 1984) runs the Legal Capital Foundation for social and legal initiatives, lives in Moscow separately from her parents, and has no children. Son Nikolai (born 1978) is a successful lawyer, lives and works in Brussels, a partner in the Mayer Brown law firm, is married to a Spanish citizen, and has two children.

For her outstanding services, Mizulina was awarded a number of state awards, the latest of which were the medal “For Assistance to Drug Control Agencies” (2013) and the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For the Return of Crimea” (2014).

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