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» If you find money: What does the denomination of the found coin promise you? Finds and associated superstitions

If you find money: What does the denomination of the found coin promise you? Finds and associated superstitions

What to do if you find a coin?

    If you are a superstitious person and believe in these kinds of stories about some kind of curse or conspiracy, then you should have passed on this coin and your life would have been calmer. If you already have this coin, go and buy a chocolate candy with it. After such a dessert, your mood will definitely lift.

    If you believe the signs, then you should not raise money, as you should expect troubles in the near future. You just need to pass by even when you know exactly who lost them, in order to give them back to him in the future.

    If you believe in omens, then never pick it up again.

    Many times I picked up the money I found in this way, but tried to immediately spend it somewhere and get this find out of my head.

    If you constantly think about whether I did the right thing or not, your head may spin.

    So, if you have already raised money, then spend it and don’t bother about it.

    Since you found this money, then pick it up, it’s not for nothing that your eye came across it, it means that something contributed to this, directed you to this particular place, and in life there are practically no accidents. Whether this is good or bad, let philosophers talk about it.

    Regarding coins, one of my good friends said that you should definitely pick it up if you see it. Considering the level of wealth this lady has, I frankly believe her. She doesn't even say anything when picking up the coin and doesn't have a separate wallet for it.

    To be honest, I heard before that you can’t pick up coins, but now I do.

    My level of wealth neither decreases nor increases. So, I think everything else is just signs.

    A reasonable person, of course, will not believe in all sorts of omens. It is common for a person to fall into mysticism; when some failures are repeated, he associates this with some kind of omen. But if you find small change, put it in your wallet, a penny saves the ruble.

    If the money is insignificant, then it is best not to take it - who knows, maybe someone else will pick it up, for whom it will help a lot. You can take it for yourself if it lies naturally - on the side of a straight road or in other places where it could fall out. If the coin is lying at an intersection, and even in a conspicuous place, then it is better not to take it. The point is not that it can be enchanted, it’s just that if something bad happens to you later and you can associate it with the coin, then you will begin to believe in other signs and witchcraft. You will end up falling under the influence of demons altogether. It is better to take this coin and donate it to a beggar or to a church, it will be right - other people planned an evil deed, and you did a good one.

    My grandmother used to say that if you find a coin, it means that it was not in vain that God sent it. Money should not be lying on the ground. Eagle up - good. Take a coin and say: She took the money, but not the lining. You can give this coin, among others, to a beggar and say to yourself: Let the hand of the giver never fail. And, that’s right, you don’t need to take coins from intersections. This is a precautionary measure, since money can be used to reduce misfortune, misfortune and illness.

    And to increase your wealth, it is best to keep five-ruble coins in your wallet at all times. Tested for myself.

    You cannot pick up coins on the street.

    You will bring trouble or illness upon yourself.

    The fact is that black and white magicians charm coins and throw them away.

    On the road, at intersections, you can’t lift anything at all - this is a dirty thing, it can be a conspiracy to death.

    I found 5 rubles, but you can lose much more, not only financially, but also loved ones.

    So toss that coin.

    I always pick up coins, except for very small and dirty ones, as well as those that are deliberately lying in front of the door of the entrance or someone's apartment. True, in such cases I always say what one woman taught many years ago, namely:

    Finding coins is good. If there are any doubts, immediately put the money into circulation, let it leave you faster. What you believe in usually comes true.

    The eagle up is considered good luck. But for financial well-being, it’s better to carry it in your wallet money amulet With Chinese coins. This is a proven base.

    The main thing is not to take coins from intersections. Who knows if someone just dropped it or if the occultist left a payoff for evil spirits here.

    When I found a lot of different coins - five-ruble coins, there were Soviet coins among them, two-ruble coins, etc. They were just lying on the ground by the road. Or rather, it wasn’t me who found it, but the child who was playing and saw them on the ground. I see I brought it home. I scolded him very much, because I knew that it was better not to take coins, since they bring down everything bad. Well, we took it and threw it away right away. In general, of course, you should not be so superstitious.

    Place the coin in your wallet. And if necessary, spend it. The main thing is not to deny yourself anything.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that money has strong energy. Because of this, they are often used for rituals. When you see lost coins on the road, do not try to immediately pick them up: sometimes in this way you can bring trouble to yourself.

It’s nice when money flows into your hands without much difficulty, especially if the amount is significant. When we see lost bills on the street, there is a desire to take them for ourselves. However, you should think a few times before doing this. Often such a find does not pose a threat, but it is also often considered bad sign. Basically, black rituals are performed with valuable things. IN modern world Most often money is used for this. Most folk wisdom says that any thing found on the street can be damaged. The site's experts will tell you in what cases you can pick up money on the street, and when you shouldn't do it.

Why you can't pick up money on the street

Exist folk signs, who categorically do not recommend taking the money you find for yourself. Find out why you should avoid such findings.

Large bills, like coins, are often used for rituals. With their help you can clear your home of negative energy. Usually after this the money is thrown away at an intersection or simply away from their own home. By picking them up, you can adopt other people's problems and difficulties. If you want to avoid this, never pick up money at intersections or in deserted places.

If it increases in one area of ​​your life, it decreases in another. This is a law of the Universe that always works. Money earned without effort will bring you only temporary benefits, and after that you may notice that your life has changed for the worse. While wealth, which is the result of hard work, will never bring harm, but will become the key to your well-being. Before picking up something valuable on the street, think several times whether your find will only make things worse.

Rituals to remove damage and the evil eye are most often performed with money. Their energy is capable of absorbing negativity and cleansing a person of everything bad. If you come across such bills on the street, then by picking them up, you risk bringing serious trouble into your life.

If you find money and decide to take it for yourself, then you should not mix it with the rest. To begin, put them in your wallet separately from other coins and bills. After this, it is advisable to spend them as quickly as possible so that they cannot harm you.

It is advisable not to spend the money you find on yourself. You can give them to charity. This way you will do a good deed and protect yourself from danger.

In what cases can you pick up money found on the street?

There are exceptions to any rule. In some cases, the money found is considered good sign, and by choosing them, you can attract good luck and financial well-being into your life.

Sometimes found money is a gift of fate, and it is very stupid to neglect it. The Universe sometimes gives us pleasant surprises. This is most likely if you are in a difficult financial situation: in such cases, the amount found, even if small, can be a good help.

From the found coins you can make a strong money talisman. To do this, purchase a small piece of velvet fabric. Make a small bag out of it and put your coin in it. Then tie it with a scarlet ribbon. The amulet must be placed where you keep your money. It is advisable to perform all these actions during the waxing moon so that your financial situation improves.

If you see a coin that is facing you with the eagle facing up, expect good luck. If it's heads, then vice versa. You can check for yourself whether the find will bring you happiness or not. To do this, pick it up and throw it. If she fell to you lucky front side, which means you can take it for yourself. Reverse - leave it where you found it.

Many people like to collect found money. It is believed that such a hobby also brings financial success. Have a separate box where you will put the coins and bills you find. Check it out periodically and enjoy what you find. This way you show that you are happy about the flow of money and are ready to accept it into your life.

main reason financial problems- these are debts. They attract negativity into our lives, which interferes with cash flow. Borrow money from other people as little as possible, and soon you will be able to increase your income without much difficulty. We wish you a happy and rich life,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Money signs

Money has always required a very respectful attitude, and if you treat it incorrectly, it will repay you with its absence. How much money you will have depends only on yourself. There is no such thing as too much money, and if you think that you have a lot of money and wealth, your cash flow will become scarce. In order for money to be with you, treat it with respect, do not show money that it is nothing to you. You should handle money politely, always say: “Greetings, my money, my favorite crisp bills,” or you can simply say: “Money, to money.” Rejoice at any incoming funds. When you spend your money, say: “Goodbye, my money, my favorite crisp bills, but we will see you again soon.” If you find a coin on the street, pick it up, put it in your wallet, thank God, “Jesus Christ, my Lord, thank you for blessing me, the servant of God (name), with this money.” If you don’t want to pick up a small coin, say: “Grow up, then I’ll pick it up, if I meet you, I’ll take it with me.” But, under no circumstances raise money at a crossroads and in the morning on an empty stomach. Money loves movement, turnover, you shouldn’t keep money in stockings, it’s better to put it in a bank at interest. Never set a goal in the form of saving money, it is only a means to it. And always save 10% of your income.

There are signs that people have been observing for hundreds of years, and in our difficult world, we should not forget about these simple rules, which are one of the main magnets of cash flows to yourself.

Money is not put on the dinner table. They will eat up or there will be financial losses. Also, keys and hats should not be placed on the table.

You can only remove dirt from the table with a cloth - not on the floor or in your hand. You should absolutely not brush crumbs off the table with your hand.

You can't sit on the table. To poverty.

Do not throw anything out of the house or take it out in the evening.

Do not keep empty containers in the house. If you need an empty container, put a coin or a few beans in it.

To ensure there is always money in the house, place a coin in each corner of the house, and a silver coin under the threshold of the house.

There should never be empty bottles or plates on the table. Needs to be cleaned up immediately.

On dining table There should always be a small amount of money under the tablecloth - this will protect the house from theft and attract wealth.

You should not leave anything on the table overnight, especially knives, as this will lead to big financial losses.

Nails should be cut on Tuesday or Friday during the full moon, but best on the waxing moon. Wealth is attracted to the house.

You cannot cut your own hair - this will lead to losses and damages.

To avoid sweeping and washing away wealth, never clean the house after sunset. And it’s best to use one broom for cleaning the house so that things don’t scatter in different corners.

You can't whistle in the house - whistling will take money away.

Don’t remember the devil in the house - he will come and take all the money with him.

Brought money into the house, put it under the mirror at night so that there is more money.

Give a small child a fur coat and he will be rich.

Never put money in a dirty place or where you or others are sitting.

The broom in the house should be placed with the handle down.

It’s better not to stop and stand on the threshold - money will be hard to come into the house.

The more blueberries you eat, the more money will be in your life.

When the guests leave, shake the tablecloth outside so that the money stays in the house.

Under no circumstances, never leave your wallet empty, even if you have all your funds stored on your card. Let there always be a banknote in your wallet.

Always keep your wallet in order; bills should be arranged according to their denomination, facing you, but not away from you.

You should not leave change in the store - the money will go to the person who gets it.

If you dropped your money, stop, don’t be lazy to collect everything to the last penny.

Don't throw money anywhere. Don’t crush them, don’t crumple them, don’t trample them - they’ll be offended and leave forever

Keep money in bundles containing an even number of bills, it is best if it is 20, 80 or 100, otherwise they will quarrel among themselves and leave.

Don’t keep the same bills all the time, change bills for others, and spend these. Don't stagnate your cash flow.

Don't leave your money unattended. Do not show your savings to anyone, otherwise they will jinx it.

Money is attracted to money. The larger the amount, the faster it will increase.

Receive money with pleasure, and part with no regrets. Money doesn't like greedy people.

Count your money often, even if it's just a little.

Always give money with your right hand and take it with your left.

The more money you give to a good cause, the more money will come back to you.

You should think about money only positively, they will not tolerate negative thoughts and curses in their direction, money loves affection and care.

Do not pass money from hand to hand.

If you receive money from rich people, keep it - it will bring you more money.

Imagine large sums of money near you. For example, that you are constantly in a money vault.

Do not misappropriate other people's money - every money has its own owner. He will come and take yours too.

Don’t chase the cheap, it’s better to overpay than underpay.

Don't waste money on treats and tips.

It is better to choose a wallet: white, gray, silver, yellow, gold, orange.

Always keep an irreplaceable coin (a ruble or two) in your change pocket.

Don't keep photos in your wallet. There should be nothing extra in your wallet other than money.

Don't discuss other people's money - you won't have your own.

With money donated, inherited, found, or won in the lottery, a ritual must be performed:
“You are my little birds, vagrant horses, settle down, become heavier.
You walked around the world, but you came to me, you found a good place.
You are now my family, my blood."
After this, prick your left ring finger with a pin and drop a drop of blood on any banknote of this money. Then the money will be useful. Another way: you need to put aside one bill and always carry it with you, but at the same time never spend it.

If you are saving money, then everything should be fine there too. It's best if you keep your money in beautiful box, or a regular (but large) wallet. Money doesn't like sunlight.

You don’t need to call your profit “Salary” - call it “Income”.

If you have money, “wash” or “sugar” it. This kind of sacrifice will bring new cash flows in the future.

Save money only from profits, but never from change. The bill must be irredeemable.

Spend all your change on Sunday, otherwise you will only have small change.

Spend big money without changing it. It’s better not to exchange money at all.

If you give an animal for free, take a penny in return.

Seeing excrement in a dream means profit. The bigger, the better.

Got itchy left palm- to unexpected money. The more you scratch, the more will come.

If the bird “marks” you, it means profit.

If you put an aspen leaf in your wallet, you will have more money.

You should not borrow an amount that will be difficult for you to part with in the future.

It is good to give alms, but at the same time wish happiness and prosperity to the one to whom you give, and say: “Let the hand of the giver not fail.” Serve only when you feel the urge to do so, do not serve under duress. When serving, do not look the server in the eye. And don’t ever give paper bills, only coins.

Pay back the money you borrow in small bills.

On Monday - no bills, no calculations. A difficult, unfavorable day. They also don’t give loans.

Don't borrow money on Tuesday - you'll be in debt for the rest of your life.

Don't lend money on Sunday - they won't pay you back.

If you give or give money to a person, never give it unfolded. Fold bills in half and place the folded end facing forward.

If you are borrowing money, when transferring the money, say: “So that I always have it, and yours will increase.” Don't borrow money in the evening.

It is best to repay debts in the morning, then they will be settled, but in the evening - it is impossible. If you need to give it away urgently, then put the money on the table (not the dining room table), chest of drawers, or shelf.

They take out a loan on the waxing moon, and return it on the waning moon.

If you lend money, when you pay it back, they must give you back at least one ruble more.

When the debt is repaid, hold the fig in your pocket with your left hand.

Money signs of Feng Shui:

Water from the tap in the apartment should not drip.

If you place dried moss or a piece of seaweed under the carpet, it will attract money.

Place a Money Tree plant in the southeast corner of the living room.

If you have a room that faces southwest, be sure to place a lamp or floor lamp with a red lampshade in it.

Garbage bins should not be near your wealth areas.

Place a turtle in the northern corner of your apartment - it will bring money.

Ventilate your apartment more - the wind will help get rid of negativity.

If you collect money and store it at home, then it should be stored in the eastern or southeastern sector of your home, in red items. Be sure to write on the product what you are collecting for. And it is better to store jewelry in the northwest.

If you have a loan and do not want problems with late payments, select a separate red folder for paid receipts. You will no longer have problems paying off your loan.

And finally, find an aspen tree and give it gifts once a quarter. Hang wreaths on branches, tie colored ropes. Pour some sweet water over it and say: “Mother is an aspen tree, move the leaves, shake some money into my wallet, small and large, and more!”

Money is perhaps the most attractive substance that exists in our world. And not only attractive, but also necessary. One has only to look at current prices, and it becomes clear that in our dear time there is nowhere without money. And the more money, the better. But in order for money to always be found, it is necessary to adhere to some signs that our ancestors sacredly believed in...

If you find a coin - to wealth

In the old days, this was the true truth, and all the signs about money were true. For the coin you found you could feed your family for a while. Why not wealth?

And there were such coins that you could buy a cow. And the cow is the nurse. Today they also continue to believe in this sign. But now you can’t live on a coin. Therefore, they keep it, wear it around their neck, and hope that they are about to get rich.

Finding a coin on the street means wealth, but if in the morning and on an empty stomach, then it means poverty.

A grandmother I know says that there is no need to pick up a coin from the ground - let it go to someone who needs it more. A banker I know says the exact opposite: every penny must be bowed down and raised.

You should not keep the coin you find, as this will lead to tears and failure. All small change should be distributed to the beggars encountered along the way - this promises wealth.

You can’t give money in the evening - they won’t be found

This sign has never even been doubted. Old people even today say that the day is out of the yard, and with it the money given away. Money is very sensitive. You need to be extremely careful with them. After all, they attract everyone, thieves, friends, and guests.
It is not for nothing that there is a famous saying that even a girl of easy virtue cannot have as many admirers as an owner who is famous good table. If there is something to put on the table, then there is money in the house. If you lend in the evening, then along with the passing day, all your savings will leave the house. You can only borrow in the morning. Then the debt will be repaid, and the fortune will increase.

They don’t lend money on Monday - they will melt like wax throughout the week

Monday is considered the hardest day of the week. He is capable of nullifying everything, even the most reliable plans. And when it comes to money, then any transactions that are performed with it on this ill-fated day are doomed to failure.
If an important deal is about to be concluded, it is better to postpone it to another day. Otherwise, everything may result in the complete collapse of your business. You should not brush this problem aside. Not a single operation carried out with money on this day of the week has brought any benefit to any entrepreneur.

When you see the new moon, show it a coin - you will have money for the whole month

Every birth helps to give birth to something new. The same goes for money. When a new month is born, a new stage begins in all matters. The moon generally has a strong influence on our lives. Therefore, it is believed that if you show new month all the contents of their pockets, then all this will grow in the same way as the month will grow.

I found a damaged coin - fortunately

This sign is due to the fact that if you find a coin with a hole, or with signs scratched on it, you can attract great luck. And all because it is customary to carry a lucky coin with you, and after your plan comes true, you need to throw it away where you never go. She helped her owner, the coin will no longer be able to help him, but this does not mean that its powers have been exhausted.
She will definitely be able to help another person. Moreover, this coin is already configured to open a certain portal in order to attract finance into a person’s life.

Luck and profit are attracted by holey coins: Chinese yuan, 25 Spanish pesetas, any other coin in which a hole (or several) is drilled.
Three of these coins are tied with a red ribbon and carried in a wallet or hung on a Money Tree».
An old money amulet is the “irredeemable nickel.” Such a “nickle” can be any coin that has some special meaning for you - from your first earnings, from your first profit, etc. Such a special coin is carried with you for years and is even passed on by inheritance.

Banknotes should lie flat and neat in your wallet - there will be a big profit

Money must be treated with respect. They love it. It has been noticed that if money is not kept neatly in your pocket, in a crumpled form, then in the very near future it will lose interest in you and stop being around. It doesn’t matter whether you pay with paper money every day or with coins, everything always depends on your attitude towards them.

Be careless with money - they will come to you very rarely. But if you are careful, any bill in your wallet will attract new banknotes to you. And this leads to profit.

Getting paid in new banknotes means big profits

It is popularly believed that any used banknote retains the information of its past owner. You never know who had the honor of touching her. This could also be a drunkard who treats money as a means to an end - that is, to drink. Or maybe a businessman.
In any case, their energy leaves its mark on the banknote. But if a person receives a salary in new banknotes, then he can program them himself as he wants. And the most interesting thing is that every person who touches such banknotes will experience what their first owner experienced. Therefore, being first is always better than being second, third, and so on.

People take money with their right hand and always give it back with their left.

Indeed, people believed that this is exactly what should be done when buying and selling. Old people say that everything that takes right hand, arrives at the house. And what is taken with the left hand does not last long. In this case, money slips through your fingers.
People have a variety of superstitions about money. You can't let water flow at home unnecessarily - there will always be a lack of money. Do not sit on the table under any circumstances, do not take trash out of the house after sunset, and do not use two different brooms in the same room. All this can lead to poverty.
And that's not all. Under no circumstances is it permissible to throw anything out or pour it through a window, and whistling is generally prohibited. But it is very useful to have a money tree at home, which will attract prosperity to you, scatter coins in the corners and often count your savings.

They say that a copper penny placed under the left heel helps you pass exams successfully.
To return to their favorite place again, tourists and vacationers throw coins into the seas, rivers, lakes or fountains.
Market traders scatter small coins around their stalls to entice good luck in trading.
I don’t know why the cadets of military schools throw coins up, as if in a salute, when they walk along their native parade ground for the last time...
Coins and gifts
If you are given a handkerchief, and this is considered to mean separation, you need to give the giver a coin, at least a penny.
If you are presented with a knife, dagger, saber or something else piercing and cutting as a gift, you must “give back” with a coin.
When you take kittens or puppies from someone - they are often given away for free, in order for the acquisition to be successful, you should leave the owner a symbolic payment in the form of a coin.

Simple rules about money:

  1. Love the money in yourself, not yourself in the money.

  2. Money sticks to money: love money, treat it with care, take care of it and it will repay you in kind.

  3. Fold the bills in a stack one to one, if one bill has the numbers on the left, the before and the other should be exactly the same.

  4. Do not take dirty, wrinkled, torn money. If they give you that kind of money, ask to have it exchanged.

  5. Sort the money in your wallet: large to large, small to small. Keep large and small money in different sections of your wallet.

  6. Keep money in a designated place in the house. Don't leave them all over the house.

  7. When donating money, don't regret it. They will definitely come back in double size.

  8. Don't borrow money. If you take someone else's, you give away your own.

  9. Every debt brings with it a new debt.

Well, here are the three surest signs for money:

1. You got promoted wages- more money
2. Your children have grown up - your money will decrease
3. When people get married, despite adding up the salaries of the husband and wife, there is always not enough money.

I used to take little things – pennies and nickels – lightly. Article by Mikhail Gruzdev “How to make money just by checking the change in your wallet?” made me look at coins differently.

I bought a magnifying glass, looked through everything that was in my wallet and in various nooks and crannies, like a box of threads and needles. As a result of my “research,” I made several discoveries: you can really find something special in a wallet, for example, 15 kopecks from 1961; It’s very interesting to look at coins - they remind you of the events of modern and “old” history; it’s amazing how different they are - the usual 10 kopecks are golden, yellow color and bronze tint.
In general, I got carried away. Not to fanaticism, but I collected interesting information about how to handle coins.

Found coins
To pick up or not to pick up a coin from the ground? This is a difficult question because the answers to it are very contradictory.

It is believed that finding a coin on the street means wealth, but if you find it in the morning and on an empty stomach, it means poverty.

A grandmother I know says that there is no need to pick up a coin from the ground - let it go to someone who needs it more. A banker I know says the exact opposite: every penny must be bowed down and raised.

As a child, I heard: you can only pick up a coin that is facing up - this is good luck (for a long time I couldn’t figure out what they were talking about, because what’s on the coins Soviet Union there was not a double-headed eagle, as before 1917 and as now, but a coat of arms with ears of corn).

You should not keep the coin you find, as this will lead to tears and failure. All small change should be distributed to the beggars encountered along the way - this promises wealth.

If you find a coin while plowing a field, you need to spit on both sides of it - this will protect you from the curse.

Amulet coins
Chapped coins with damaged edges bring good luck. They are not spent, they are protected and always carried in your wallet - they multiply your income.

Chinese coins

Luck and profit are attracted by holey coins: Chinese yuan, 25 Spanish pesetas, any other coin in which a hole (or several) is drilled.

Spanish 25 pesetas coin

Three of these coins are tied with a red ribbon and carried in a wallet or hung on a “money tree”.

Crassula is considered a “money tree”

An old money amulet is the “irredeemable nickel.” Such a “nickle” can be any coin that has some special meaning for you - from your first earnings, from your first profit, etc. Such a special coin is carried with you for years and is even passed on by inheritance.

Coins and signs
To return to their favorite place again, tourists and vacationers throw coins into the seas, rivers, lakes or fountains.

Market traders scatter small coins around their stalls to entice good luck in trading.

They say that a copper penny placed under the left heel helps you pass exams successfully.

I don’t know why military school cadets throw coins up, as if in a salute, when they walk along their home parade ground for the last time.

Coins and gifts
If you are given a handkerchief, and this is considered to mean separation, you need to give the giver a coin, at least a penny.

If you are presented with a knife, dagger, saber or something else piercing and cutting as a gift, you must “give back” with a coin.

When you take kittens or puppies from someone - they are often given away for free, in order for the acquisition to be successful, you should leave the owner a symbolic payment in the form of a coin.
P.S. Today they gave me a five-kopeck coin with two holes for change!

Valentina Kobzar