Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Ethical standards for designing an employee's workplace. Basic norms and rules of business etiquette for office workers and civil servants. How to dress properly for the office or public service

Ethical standards for designing an employee's workplace. Basic norms and rules of business etiquette for office workers and civil servants. How to dress properly for the office or public service


1. General rules
2. Appearance of a female businessman
3. Dress for the reception
4. Behavior at the reception
5. Conclusions

Excerpt from the work.

1. General rules 3

2. Appearance of a female businessman 7

3. Dress for the reception 9

4. Behavior at the reception 10

5. Conclusions: 11

List of references used: 13

1. General rules

The specifics of entrepreneurial activity make it very

serious requirements for the appearance of its participants. Appearance

business person is the first step to success, because for a potential

partner, his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and


Neat, tastefully dressed, smart - this is his appearance

a business person who is favorably perceived by surrounding partners and

clients. And the point here is not some kind of sophistication of taste, but the fact that

the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people.

Like any professional group of people, entrepreneurs

There is a certain stereotype regarding clothing. Having visited any

international fair or exhibition, you will notice that most

booth exhibitors show a surprising similarity of views in choosing colors

tie, shirt or suit.

Nowadays, many entrepreneurs take advice into account

fashion designers. The fundamental principles when compiling a wardrobe, according to them

In my opinion, clothing should become universal. If you have a lot in your wardrobe

items that are rarely used means the wardrobe is not composed correctly.

Oddly enough, the modern business world is conservative when it comes to fashion.

During working hours, it is customary to wear lighter suits than at receptions,

Moreover, the tones of suits in the summer should be lighter than in the winter

time. Suits in bright colors, as a rule, are not worn during working hours.

The shirt is also chosen in light colors, often white. Color is also important

tie. There is a rule that the tie should be the same tone as

a shirt and a suit, but lighter or darker, or a suit and tie should

be contrasting tones.

Currently, preference is given to ties that are not too bright

colors, as well as ties without a pattern or design, although only a few years old

ago, “firmachi” almost universally wore ties in red tones, traditionally

dark blue suits. True, this was typical for younger

managers who wanted to look fashionable and elegant.

It is also worth asking what form of tie is currently in fashion. If

narrow ties are fashionable, then too wide, of course, will rush into


sleeves, as it is considered elegant to allow the cuffs of the shirt to be visible

from under the sleeves of the jacket (about two centimeters). Although, of course, in

In very hot weather you will look natural in a short shirt

sleeves than in a suit, constantly wiping sweat from his face.

On a business trip, a manager often does not know where and how he will spend the day,

whether or not he will have time to return to the hotel and change clothes according to the occasion.

Therefore, a dark blue or dark gray suit is the most common type

for every occasion.

As for shoes, it is advisable to wear black shoes. In summer to

black shoes are not necessary for a light suit, but in any case not

sandals. If possible, the color of the shoes is matched to the color

suit range.

It is better to have socks that are not very bright and catchy, preferably gray or dark, and

for a beige-brown suit - brown. It should also be kept in mind that

Socks and a tie should be in harmony in color.

Men now wear a headdress and gloves mainly with a cloak

or a coat to protect against the cold. And yet the hat must also match


Hats are worn in lighter colors in spring and summer, darker in autumn and winter. Not

the suit is not black.

Our businessmen, as well as participants in international exhibitions and fairs

must understand these kinds of rules, since being abroad,

out of politeness, they must adapt to the relatively

suit regulations.

At the same time, there is no need to try to suppress your partners with your wealth.

appearance, indicating your strong creditworthiness. In the majority

industrialized countries, heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets,

a conspicuous watch or an excessively colorful tie can only

raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where not only

allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as

clear evidence of his prosperity. These “signs of success”

are platinum lighters with monograms, and watches with diamonds, and

cufflinks with precious stones, and super expensive cars.

Of course, it is still impossible for even our most successful businessman

equal with oil sheikhs or Chinese millionaires from Hong Kong, and

all attempts to seem like them only do harm, since imitation

wealth is considered a serious sin in business.

Nevertheless, our Russian nouveau riche, finding themselves overseas, are trying

keep up with the rich, leading a luxurious lifestyle, not sparing their own, but

rather other people's funds.

Naturally, this does not raise the authority of our entrepreneurs, but

on the contrary, it raises doubts about their integrity.

Ostentatious luxury is easily forgiven by the Arab rich - it corresponds

their generally accepted appearance and behavior. And the stereotype of “good domestic

businessman" is completely different: he is a newcomer who does not have much wealth,

who has natural talent, the ability to quickly learn, intelligence and great

his country's potential so far compensates for some

crudeness, lack of knowledge and capital.

So, for the first contact and subsequent negotiations with foreign

partners should wear a thoroughly cleaned and ironed suit with

light shirt and matching tie.

Strict Japanese etiquette prohibits taking pictures even during negotiations.

jackets or tie knots, unless otherwise

the head of the delegation of your partners proposes to do, making it clear that

The time has come for informal negotiations. By the way, there is even a special

The international term “no thai session” is “a meeting without ties.”

European and American customs are much more liberal. However, they

not to mention sports shirts, even if the heat is unbearable. Is it true,

Air conditioners help foreign businessmen withstand such restrictions

offices and cars, as well as a wide selection of light suits.

You should not appear at negotiations in jackets, sweatpants,

jeans, as well as leather jackets, which self-respecting business people

At best, they are worn for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant

outfits as a kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the workshop.

For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a “heavy metal” concert

can sport an earring and have a hairstyle in the form of a ribbon

horse tail. And it is quite befitting of a bohemian art dealer

colorful jackets and silk scarves.

Foreign businessmen pay careful attention to details and meticulously

take them into account in their conclusions. For example, they make a monstrous impression

short, folded socks that reveal the bare leg

businessman when he sits cross-legged. Especially necessary are clean and free

holes in socks in Japan because they have to take off their shoes when entering the house

or a restaurant.

A crumpled, stale handkerchief or a half-torn handkerchief spoils the impression.

a button or the habit of wiping your glasses with the end of your tie.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can

ruin the impression of even a perfectly decent suit. We must discard

simple-minded habit of complementing a suit and tie with sandals, of which

socks peek out, avoid too strong colognes and lotions after

shaving. And in general, the main thing you should strive for is the overall impression

neatness, neatness and even some pedantry in clothing. This

should make your partner think that you will be just as “fit” in


2. Appearance of a female businessman

For the businesswoman who wants to succeed in closing

contracts, in business negotiations, it is very important to remember your appearance,

moreover, put it at the service of business. First of all, about clothes.

Business clothes are distinguished by a classic cut, discreet colors,

multifunctionality. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and luxurious

trouser suits with patterns reminiscent of impressionist paintings are quite

suitable for parties and cocktails, but appearing in such outfits at work

means career ruin.

All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. The dress is possible

afford only in the heat and only one color.

A business woman's wardrobe should have two or three skirts, jackets, two or three

blouses. It is advisable to change toilets often, because the same thing worn

every day, it gets boring and dampens your mood.

You cannot shorten your skirt excessively, blindly obeying fashion. Also not

you should wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight-fitting

sweaters, jeans). It may turn out that men, instead of


Appearance of a business man

You are at: Abstracts - Sociology - Appearance of a business man

listen to you in negotiations, they will consider your merits.


Moreover, they may get the impression that you are primarily

Hairstyle, makeup, and jewelry should organically complement a business suit.

The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time elegant.

Decorations should

be as small as possible, but at the same time you cannot abandon them altogether.

It is better to wear expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should only be visible

preventive rather than decorative. Perfume should be used in such a way

quantity so that their smell is barely perceptible. And of course it must be

good perfume.

But the most important thing is your individuality. It's not about how you are

dress, and how you feel. If you smile and pay attention

listen to your interlocutor, do not overdo it with little feminine tricks

such as a “play of the eyes” or an “accidentally” exposed knee - success is guaranteed to you.

However, sometimes women’s tricks don’t hurt. But everything is in moderation.

3. Dress for the reception

For all receptions starting before 20.00, men may wear a suit.

any dull color, unless these receptions are arranged for the occasion

national holiday in honor of the head of state or minister.

For receptions,

dark color.

The jacket should, as a rule, be fastened with all buttons except

the bottom one, which never fastens. In a buttoned jacket they go to

to friends, to a restaurant, to an office for a meeting, to a theater auditorium,

sit on the podium or give a presentation. You can unfasten the buttons in

time for breakfast, dinner, lunch or while sitting in a chair.

a shirt with a starched or soft collar and a tie of any kind, but not

bright or black. A black tie is worn only as a sign of mourning

or, if required, to uniform.

dark brown or black. Light brown or brown

boots do not suit a black suit at all, but black boots

goes well with a brown suit. In the summer, you can go with a light suit

wear sandals or sandals, boots with thick soles, sports shoes

shoes. Patent leather boots are only worn with a tuxedo.

The color of men's socks should be darker than the color of the suit, which creates

transition from the color of the suit to the color of the shoes. Dark blue, dark gray, black -

the most suitable colors for socks. Socks with stripes or checks are not

suitable for an evening suit.

Women at receptions and business meetings should adhere to strict

lines and soft tones. If the reception starts before 20.00, there will be no

dresses and dress-suits of normal length. For receptions and lunches after 20.00

evening dresses are worn - more elegant and open, with or without sleeves

them, the length is in fashion.

A hat is not worn with an evening dress.

Shoes for receptions are worn in leather or suede, whatever is comfortable

heels, for evening receptions - evening shoes.

Gloves: The shorter the sleeve of the evening dress, the longer the gloves.

Handbag: for daytime receptions - leather, for evening parties - a small one made of brocade

or suede.

The color and density of the material must correspond to the season, as well as

the reason for which the reception is being held. In summer, thinner and

light materials, darker and denser in winter.

4. Behavior at the reception

If a man sits cross-legged, talking with his business

partner, he must watch his trousers, as it is unacceptable that

Above the sock, a bare leg was visible. It is not customary to swing a leg or hug

knees with hands.

It is indecent to sit on the very edge of a chair, armchair, or sofa.

A woman does not lift her dress or coat when sitting down. She can put

cross your legs while sitting on a chair, but should not allow yourself to do this while sitting in

low chair or on the sofa. In this case, your legs should be kept together

side. In this case, you can put one foot behind the other.

You should definitely monitor your actions. When coughing

you need to turn your head to the side and cover your mouth with your hand when coughing sharply

Be sure to put a handkerchief to your mouth. You need to blow your nose quietly, lightly

blowing into a handkerchief. You shouldn't sniffle. The need to sneeze

the ability to suppress by slightly squeezing the bridge of the nose on both sides or bringing it to

moment of sneezing with a handkerchief to your nose.

Thus, the selection of a suit, the color aesthetics of all clothes (shirts,

tie, shoes, handkerchief), the ability to “sit” in a suit - all this

requires the most serious attitude from a businessman, even such a small thing as

use cologne and perfume.

5. Conclusions:

It must be remembered that there are no trifles in business relationships. Cloth,

The behavior of an entrepreneur or manager is his calling card.

You don't have to wear a trendy suit. It is important that the suit

was in decent condition, did not hang like a bag, and the trousers should not resemble

a greasy old accordion. The costume should be for revenge and for the time. If

in the evening, the suit must be dark, the shirt must be fresh, ironed,

tie - not flashy, shoes - cleaned.

Business elegance

A person is defined by his shirt, tie and shoes, not by the number of suits he wears,

which he brought with him.

Women should adhere to strict rules at receptions and business meetings.

lines and soft tones. Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should be organic

complement a business suit. Evening gowns are worn for receptions and dinners after 8 p.m.

dresses are more elegant and open. But the most important thing is yours


To travel abroad, it is enough to have three sets of clothes: dark and

light suits, a decent jacket and a sweater for walking. If the route

travel passes through Eastern countries, women should not wear

trousers, they should not appear on the street, in public places without stockings

or tights (especially in countries professing Islam), and men in bright



1. Kuzin F.A.

“Do business beautifully.” Moscow. 1995 Publishing house "Infra-



2. Edited by Lavrinenko V.N. "Social origins of psychology and ethics

Business communication."

Moscow. 1995 Publishing house "Culture and Sports".

The work was added to the website 2015-10-28

Order writing a unique work

1. General rules 3

2. Appearance of a female businessman7

3. Dress for the reception9
4. Behavior at the reception 10
5. Conclusions:11

List of references used:13

1. General rules

The specifics of entrepreneurial activity are very


serious requirements for the appearance of its participants. Appearance

business person is the first step to success, because for a potential

partner, his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and

Neat, tastefully dressed, fit - that’s his appearance

a business person who is favorably perceived by surrounding partners

clients. And the point here is not some kind of sophistication of taste, but that

the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people.

Like any professional group of people, entrepreneurs

a certain stereotype has developed regarding clothing. Having visited any

international fair or exhibition, you can notice that most

booth exhibitors show a surprising similarity in their choice of colors

tie, shirt or suit.

items that are rarely used means the wardrobe is not composed correctly.

Oddly enough, the modern business world is conservative when it comes to fashion.

During working hours it is customary to wear lighter suits than at receptions,

Moreover, the tones of suits in summer should be lighter than in winter

time. Suits in bright colors, as a rule, are not worn during working hours.

The shirt is also chosen in light colors, often white. The color is important

tie. There is a rule that the tie should be the same tone

a shirt and a suit, but lighter or darker, or a suit and a tie should

be contrasting tones.

Currently, preference is given to ties that are not too bright

colors, as well as ties without a pattern or design, although only a few years old

ago, almost all company employees wore red ties traditionally

dark blue suits. However, this was typical for younger

managers who wanted to look fashionable and elegant.

It’s also worth asking what form of tie is in fashion now. If

narrow ties are fashionable, then too wide, of course, will rush


sleeves, as it is considered elegant to allow the cuffs of the shirt to be visible

from under the sleeves of the jacket (about two centimeters). Although, of course, in

In very hot weather you will look natural in a short shirt

sleeves than in a suit, constantly wiping sweat from his face.

On a business trip, a manager often does not know where and how he will spend the day,

whether or not he will have time to return to the hotel and change clothes according to the occasion.

Therefore, a dark blue or dark gray suit is the most common type

for every occasion.

As for shoes, it is advisable to wear black shoes. Letomk

black shoes are not necessary for a light suit, but in any case

sandals. If possible, the color of the shoes is selected to match the color

suit range.

It is better to have socks that are not very bright and catchy, preferably gray or dark, and

for a beige-brown suit - brown. It should also be noted that

Socks and a tie should be in harmony in color.

Men now wear mostly capes and gloves

or a coat to protect against the cold. And yet the hat must also match


Hats are worn lighter in spring and summer, darker in autumn and winter. Not

the suit is not black.

Our businessmen, as well as participants in international trade fairs

must understand these kinds of rules, since while abroad,

out of politeness, they must adapt to what is happening there regarding

suit regulations.

At the same time, there is no need to try to suppress your partners with your wealth.

appearance, indicating your strong creditworthiness. In most

industrialized countries heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets,

a conspicuous watch or an excessively colorful tie can only

raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East), where only

allowed, but also required from the businessman to demonstrate luxury as

clear evidence of his prosperity. Such “signs of success”

are platinum lighters with monograms, and watches with diamonds, and

cufflinks with precious stones, and super expensive cars.

Of course, it is not yet possible even for our luckiest businessman

equal with oil sheikhs or Chinese millionaires from Hong Kong, and

all attempts to appear like them only harm, since imitation

wealth is considered a serious sin in business.

Nevertheless, our Russian nouveau riche, finding themselves overseas, are trying

keep up with the rich, leading a luxurious lifestyle, not sparing their own, and

rather other people's funds.

on the contrary, it raises doubts about their integrity.

Ostentatious luxury is easily forgiven by the Arab rich - it corresponds

their generally accepted appearance and behavior. Astereotype of “good domestic”

businessman" is completely different: he is a newcomer with no great wealth,

who has a natural talent, the ability to learn quickly and with great intelligence

the potential capabilities of his country so far compensate for some

crudeness, lack of knowledge and capital.

So, for the first contact and subsequent negotiations with foreign

partners should wear a thoroughly cleaned and ironed suit

light shirt and matching tie.

Strict Japanese etiquette prohibits taking pictures even during negotiations.

jackets or loosen ties, unless

offers to make the head of the delegation of your partners, making it clear that

the time has come for informal negotiations. By the way, there is even a special

The international term “no thai session” is “a meeting without ties.”

European and American customs are much more liberal. However, they

not to mention sports shirts, even if the heat is unbearable. True,

Air conditioners help foreign businessmen withstand such restrictions

offices and cars, as well as a wide selection of light suits.

You should not appear at negotiations in jackets, sweatpants,

jeans, as well as leather jackets, which self-respecting business people

At best, they are worn for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant

outfits as a kind of trademark and sign of belonging to the workshop.

For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a “heavy metal” concert

can sport an earring in his ear and have a hairstyle in the form of a ribbon

horse tail. And the painting dealer is completely bohemian

colorful jackets and silk scarves.

Foreign businessmen carefully monitor details and meticulously

take them into account in their conclusions. For example, they make a monstrous impression

short, folded socks that reveal bare legs

businessman when he sits cross-legged. Especially necessary are clean and without

holes in socks in Japan because they have to take off their shoes when entering a house

or a restaurant.

A crumpled, stale handkerchief, half torn handkerchief spoils the impression

a button or the habit of wiping your glasses with the end of your tie.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can

spoil the impression of even a completely decent suit. It must be discarded

simple-minded habit of complementing a suit and tie with sandals, of which

peek out socks, avoid too harsh colognes after

shaving. And in general, the main thing you should strive for is a general impression

neatness, neatness and even some meticulousness in clothing. This

should make your partner think that you will be just as fit

2. Appearance of a female businessman
For a woman businessman who wants to achieve success in prison

contracts, in business negotiations, it is very important to remember your appearance,

Moreover, put it at the service of business. First of all, clothing.

Business clothes are distinguished by a classic cut, discreet colors,

multifunctionality. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and luxurious

trouser suits with patterns reminiscent of impressionist paintings are quite

suitable for parties and cocktails, but appearing in such outfits at work

means career ruin.

All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. Dress is possible

afford only in the heat and only one color.

A business woman's wardrobe should have two or three skirts, jackets, two or three

blouses. It is advisable to change toilets often, because the same thing worn

every day, it gets boring and dampens your mood.

You cannot shorten your skirt too much in blind obedience to fashion.

you should wear things that highlight your attractiveness (tight-fitting

sweaters, jeans). It may turn out that men, instead of


You are here: Abstracts - Sociology - Appearance of a business man

listen to you in negotiations, they will consider your merits. In addition

they may get the impression that you are the first priority

You offer to be convinced of the beauty of your figure, and not of your business qualities.

Hairstyle, makeup, and jewelry should organically complement a business suit.

The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time elegant. Jewelry should

be as small as possible, but at the same time you cannot abandon them altogether.

It is better to wear expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should only be noticeable

preventative rather than decorative. Perfume should be used in this way

quantity so that their smell is barely perceptible. And, of course, these should be

good perfume.

But the most important thing is your individuality. It's not about how you are

dress, and how you feel. If you smile attentively

listen to your interlocutor, do not overdo it with little feminine tricks

such as a “play of the eyes” or an “accidentally” exposed knee, success is guaranteed.

However, sometimes women’s tricks don’t hurt. But everything is in moderation.
3. Dress for the reception
For all receptions starting before 20.00, men may wear a suit.

any dull color, unless these techniques are suitable for the occasion

national holiday in honor of the head of state or minister. For example,

dark color.

The jacket should, as a rule, be buttoned with all buttons, except

bottom, which is never buttoned. With a buttoned jacket, they walk

to acquaintances, to a restaurant, to an office for a meeting, to a theater auditorium,

sit on the podium or give a presentation. You can unfasten the buttons again

time for breakfast, dinner, lunch or while sitting in a chair.

a shirt with a starched or soft collar and a tie of any kind, but not

bright or black. A black tie is worn only as a sign of mourning

or, if required, to uniform.

dark brown or black. Light brown or brown

boots don't match a black suit at all, black boots

goes well with a brown suit. In summer, a light suit can be worn

wear sandals or sandals, thick-soled shoes, sports shoes

shoes. Patent leather boots are only worn with a tuxedo.

The color of men's socks should be darker than the color of the suit, which creates

transition from the color of the suit to the color of the shoes. Dark blue, dark gray, black -

most suitable colors for socks. Striped or checkered socks

suitable for an evening suit.

Women at receptions and business meetings should adhere to strict

lines and soft tones. If the reception starts before 20.00, the table will not

is removed, but the hostess of the reception does not put on her hat.

At receptions on the occasion of a national holiday, more elegant clothes are accepted

dresses and dress-suits of normal length. For receptions and lunches after 20.00

evening dresses are worn - more elegant and open, with or without sleeves

them, the length is in fashion. A hat is not worn with an evening dress.

Shoes for receptions should be leather or suede, whatever is comfortable

heels, for evening receptions - evening shoes.

Gloves: The shorter the sleeve of the evening dress, the longer the gloves.

Handbag: for daytime receptions - leather, for evening parties - a small one made of brocade

or suede.

The color and density of the material must correspond to the season, as well as

the reason for which the reception is being held. In summer, thinner ones are used

light materials, darker and denser in winter.
4. Behavior at the reception
If a man sits with his legs crossed, talking with his business

partner, he must watch his trousers, since it is unacceptable that

Above the sock, a bare leg was visible. Unaccepted, leg swing, hug

knees with hands. It is indecent to sit on the very edge of a chair, armchair, or sofa.

A woman, sitting down, does not lift her dress or coat. She can put it down

cross your legs while sitting on a chair, but should not allow yourself to do this while sitting

low chair or on the sofa. In this case, your feet should be kept water

side. In this case, you can put one foot behind the other.

You should definitely monitor your actions. Coughing

you need to turn your head to the side and cover your mouth with your hand, cough

be sure to attach a handkerchief. You need to blow your nose quietly, lightly

blowing into a handkerchief. You should not sniffle your nose. You should sneeze

the ability to suppress by lightly squeezing the bridge of the nose on both sides or holding it up

moment of sneezing with a handkerchief to your nose.

Thus, the selection of a suit, the color aesthetics of all clothes (shirts,

tie, shoes, handkerchief), the ability to “sit” in a suit - all this

requires the most serious attitude from a businessman, even such a small thing as

use cologne and perfume.
5. Conclusions:
It must be remembered that in business relationships there are no small details. Clothes,

the behavior of an entrepreneur or manager is his calling card.

You don't have to wear a trendy suit. It is important that the suit

was in good condition, did not hang like a bag, the trousers should not resemble

a greasy old accordion. The costume should be for revenge and time.If

negotiations with a partner are scheduled for daytime, light will do

costume. Pants and jacket can be of different colors. But if negotiations take place

in the evening, the suit must be dark, the shirt must be fresh, ironed,

tie - not flashy, shoes - clean. Business elegance

a person is defined by his shirt, tie and shoes, not by the number of suits,

which he brought with him.

Women should adhere to strict rules at receptions and business meetings.

lines and bright colors. Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should be organic

complement a business suit. Evening suits are worn for receptions and dinners after 20.00.

dresses are more elegant and open. But the most important thing is your


To travel abroad, it is enough to have three sets of clothes: dark and

light suits, a decent jacket and sweater for walks. If the route

travel passes through the countries of the East, then women should not wear

trousers, they should not appear on the street, in public places without stockings

or tights (especially in countries professing Islam), and men are bright

1. Kuzin F.A. “Do business beautifully.” Moscow. 1995 Publishing house "Infra-

2. Edited by Lavrinenko V.N. “Social origins of psychology and ethics

business communication." Moscow. 1995 Publishing house "Culture and Sports".


Order writing a unique work 1.

Typically, an employee’s workplace consists of a table, a chair, various additional mobile accessories, and sometimes racks for storing documents and a wardrobe for outerwear. Thus, it is best to purchase a three-level desk for an employee - with a lower cabinet for storing personal belongings, a height-adjustable tabletop and various add-ons on which you can place everything - from a computer monitor to office supplies.

Very convenient are desks that have the function of slightly tilting the tabletop forward - this makes it more convenient to write by hand (this is important for those employees who, as part of their duties, have to manually fill out documents). And for those who exclusively use a computer, roll-out shelves installed under the tabletop will be extremely useful - they can accommodate a keyboard.

According to the SES requirements, which you will have to follow if you want to undergo certification, accreditation or licensing of an organization, the employee’s desk must be spacious enough to place the monitor at a distance of 0.5 m from the eyes. A special stand should be provided for the feet, and the height of the table top should be adjusted within the range of 60-85 cm. Now all office furniture manufacturers are trying to meet these requirements - you are unlikely to find “non-format” tables on the market. But additional care will have to be taken about the level of illumination in the workplace, also controlled by the SES. Firstly, employees simply cannot work in a room without natural light without special permission from this very SES. And secondly, the level of illumination in the workplace should be at least 300-500 lux.

(in fact, these are “luxes” - units of illumination measurement) - just remember that such numbers are provided by an ordinary desk lamp - and it should be at the workplace of every employee.

Of course, wires running from sockets to monitors and lamps do not decorate the office. They need to be hidden - for example, in this way: arrange electrical wiring under the floor, and route the cables into the hollow legs of the tables. If the table is equipped with sockets located under the tabletop, the wires will no longer spoil the appearance of your office.

Now about the chairs. Your employees do not sit in one place all day - the work process involves their business communication with each other. And each time, to do this, you have to get up, go to your colleague’s desk, then sit back down... Precious minutes of working time will not be wasted if you take care of the mobility of your employees’ chairs in advance - they must be equipped with wheels. Well, in addition, it must meet all ergonomic requirements - prevent the muscles of the neck and lower back from becoming stiff during monotonous work, provide back support, comfort and convenience.

The color scheme of furniture for employees should be in harmony with the overall design of the room, but in any case not be too bright - if there are a lot of workspaces, the abundance of color will begin to tire the eyes of visitors. In addition, the influence of color on the psyche is well known, and if you do not want to liken the office to a bright rag that provokes the rage of a bull, it is better to be content with generally accepted colors - gray, beige, olive, etc.

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listen to you in negotiations, they will consider your merits.


Moreover, they may get the impression that you are primarily

Hairstyle, makeup, and jewelry should organically complement a business suit.

The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time elegant.

Decorations should

be as small as possible, but at the same time you cannot abandon them altogether.

It is better to wear expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should only be visible

preventive rather than decorative. Perfume should be used in such a way

quantity so that their smell is barely perceptible. And of course it must be

good perfume.

But the most important thing is your individuality. It's not about how you are

dress, and how you feel. If you smile and pay attention

listen to your interlocutor, do not overdo it with little feminine tricks

such as a “play of the eyes” or an “accidentally” exposed knee - success is guaranteed to you.

However, sometimes women’s tricks don’t hurt. But everything is in moderation.

3. Dress for the reception

For all receptions starting before 20.00, men may wear a suit.

any dull color, unless these receptions are arranged for the occasion

national holiday in honor of the head of state or minister.

For receptions,

dark color.

The jacket should, as a rule, be fastened with all buttons except

the bottom one, which never fastens. In a buttoned jacket they go to

to friends, to a restaurant, to an office for a meeting, to a theater auditorium,

sit on the podium or give a presentation. You can unfasten the buttons in

time for breakfast, dinner, lunch or while sitting in a chair.

a shirt with a starched or soft collar and a tie of any kind, but not

bright or black. A black tie is worn only as a sign of mourning

or, if required, to uniform.

dark brown or black. Light brown or brown

boots do not suit a black suit at all, but black boots

goes well with a brown suit. In the summer, you can go with a light suit

wear sandals or sandals, boots with thick soles, sports shoes

shoes. Patent leather boots are only worn with a tuxedo.

The color of men's socks should be darker than the color of the suit, which creates

transition from the color of the suit to the color of the shoes. Dark blue, dark gray, black -

the most suitable colors for socks. Socks with stripes or checks are not

suitable for an evening suit.

Women at receptions and business meetings should adhere to strict

lines and soft tones. If the reception starts before 20.00, there will be no

dresses and dress-suits of normal length. For receptions and lunches after 20.00

evening dresses are worn - more elegant and open, with or without sleeves

them, the length is in fashion.

A hat is not worn with an evening dress.

Shoes for receptions are worn in leather or suede, whatever is comfortable

heels, for evening receptions - evening shoes.

Gloves: The shorter the sleeve of the evening dress, the longer the gloves.

Handbag: for daytime receptions - leather, for evening parties - a small one made of brocade

or suede.

The color and density of the material must correspond to the season, as well as

the reason for which the reception is being held. In summer, thinner and

light materials, darker and denser in winter.

4. Behavior at the reception

If a man sits cross-legged, talking with his business

partner, he must watch his trousers, as it is unacceptable that

Above the sock, a bare leg was visible. It is not customary to swing a leg or hug

knees with hands.

It is indecent to sit on the very edge of a chair, armchair, or sofa.

A woman does not lift her dress or coat when sitting down. She can put

cross your legs while sitting on a chair, but should not allow yourself to do this while sitting in

low chair or on the sofa. In this case, your legs should be kept together

side. In this case, you can put one foot behind the other.

You should definitely monitor your actions. When coughing

you need to turn your head to the side and cover your mouth with your hand when coughing sharply

Be sure to put a handkerchief to your mouth. You need to blow your nose quietly, lightly

blowing into a handkerchief. You shouldn't sniffle. The need to sneeze

the ability to suppress by slightly squeezing the bridge of the nose on both sides or bringing it to

moment of sneezing with a handkerchief to your nose.

Thus, the selection of a suit, the color aesthetics of all clothes (shirts,

tie, shoes, handkerchief), the ability to “sit” in a suit - all this

requires the most serious attitude from a businessman, even such a small thing as

use cologne and perfume.

5. Conclusions:

It must be remembered that there are no trifles in business relationships. Cloth,

The behavior of an entrepreneur or manager is his calling card.

You don't have to wear a trendy suit. It is important that the suit

was in decent condition, did not hang like a bag, and the trousers should not resemble

a greasy old accordion. The costume should be for revenge and for the time. If

in the evening, the suit must be dark, the shirt must be fresh, ironed,

tie - not flashy, shoes - cleaned.

Business elegance

A person is defined by his shirt, tie and shoes, not by the number of suits he wears,

which he brought with him.

Women should adhere to strict rules at receptions and business meetings.

lines and soft tones. Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should be organic

complement a business suit. Evening gowns are worn for receptions and dinners after 8 p.m.

dresses are more elegant and open. But the most important thing is yours


To travel abroad, it is enough to have three sets of clothes: dark and

light suits, a decent jacket and a sweater for walking. If the route

travel passes through Eastern countries, women should not wear

trousers, they should not appear on the street, in public places without stockings

or tights (especially in countries professing Islam), and men in bright



1. Kuzin F.A.

“Do business beautifully.” Moscow. 1995 Publishing house "Infra-



The condition of the employee's office space and workplace affects the efficiency of his work.

Let's first consider the requirements for office space.

There are two types of organization of workplaces in office premises:

  • hall;
  • office.

The hall structure allows for the placement of an almost unlimited number of workstations in one hall. Light partitions are placed between tables or groups of tables; usually they do not reach the ceiling and only visually create some illusion of isolation; employees have to work in a “speech cocktail” environment.

The hall system of labor organization is more economically profitable than the office one. In addition, it allows the manager to visually monitor his subordinates. However, for those who work in a large hall, working conditions are more difficult than in a cubicle office structure. A large number of people and equipment, concentrated in one room, although quite spacious, undoubtedly creates quite noticeable inconveniences for those working in a hall-based work organization. Not everyone can cope with work in such conditions, this must be kept in mind both by those who are hired and by managers and personnel management employees carrying out the hiring.

Another way to organize work in an office space: several tables are placed together - four or six. The surface of each table is an individual sector of work, however, the specific arrangement of tables - right next to each other - firstly, allows you to save space and, secondly, allows the manager to see what his subordinates are doing, and also, when consulting one of them, to give at the same time explaining to others; It is easier for employees sitting at such a group of tables to discuss emerging issues and make joint decisions. Sometimes in a room with a large area (hall), tables are placed in such groups. Each group of employees deals with similar or similar problems.

However, the organization of workplaces in a hall, as well as the joint placement of tables, are acceptable if the working conditions do not require a flow of visitors to each of the employees. It's hard to imagine visitors (clients - potential or real) wandering through the labyrinth of employees' workplaces.

But the two main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of workplace organization - efficiency (simply cheapness) and the ability to constantly monitor employees in the room - outweigh.

The office system can be represented by two types of premises.

The first is that in a room consisting of one room, employees’ desks are placed, however, since the area of ​​the room does not exceed 25-40 square meters, no more than 5-8 tables are placed there. In such conditions, it is convenient for each employee to work with visitors. However, in order to monitor the work of his subordinates, the manager needs to go through a number of such rooms, finding out what his subordinates are doing. This leads to psychological discomfort for both the manager and subordinates, whose jobs are located according to the office system.

The second type of office system is a room for one person - a manager.

A standard manager's office assumes the presence of three zones - work, deliberative and informal communication zones.

The manager's desk is located in the work area; the desktop can be supplemented with various technical means - a computer, fax, etc. However, technical equipment is not a mandatory attribute of the work area - the higher the manager’s rank, the more unlikely it is that there will be equipment in the work area of ​​his office - there is a secretariat for working with equipment. In the meeting area there is a fairly large table, since meetings are often held directly in the manager’s office, and not in a separate meeting room. There is usually a stack of sheets of paper on the table - for meeting participants, pens or pencils - so that notes can be taken. Sometimes the meeting table contains a diagram of the organization's structure, calendars, transportation diagrams, and similar information materials. During the meeting (5-10 minutes after the start), coffee can be served - it is not served separately, but is served by the secretary (this is his responsibility) to each of the meeting participants. (Please note that it is not customary to serve baked goods with coffee.)

The informal communication area consists of several armchairs, a coffee table with an ashtray (if the manager allows smoking in his office), and sometimes there is a bar here. The furniture and area of ​​the informal communication area depend on the manager’s job level, the scale of his activities and the activities of the organization.

In the modern business world, it is customary to paint or wallpaper the walls of office premises for various purposes in light neutral tones - light gray, beige, etc.

The floor in office premises is increasingly being made of tiles - in any case, tiles predominate in corridors and halls. Parquet is an expensive flooring, so parquet flooring is for individual offices of managers, for formal office premises, in other cases - a standard flooring with a smaller or larger pile or, which is much less common, linoleum.

Decorations in office premises are quite appropriate, but their acceptable list is very limited - these are prints, paintings, engravings, but the content of the above items of fine art should not be aggressive or provoking despondency. Most often these are landscapes, still lifes, radiating calm and balance.

A license, diploma or other document indicating a high level of performance of official duties or the implementation of areas of activity can serve as decoration for the walls of the office premises and at the same time as an official “accessory” of the organization’s image.

Flowers can be a wonderful decoration for office spaces of all types. They not only decorate, but also create an informal atmosphere and soften psychological tension if the situation is close to conflict. But not every plant is appropriate in an office space. Large-leaved flowers are preferred; small evergreen trees in tubs (wooden or ceramic) placed on the floor also look good.

It is also customary to use small sculptures as decoration - such objects are usually present in the offices of fairly high-level managers.

In office premises for ordinary performers there is a need to have various information materials in an accessible form; it makes sense to frame them in such a way (a beautiful frame) that they also serve as decoration.

It should also be noted that it is inappropriate to decorate an office space or a separate workplace with various pictures or postcards sent by a “beloved friend” (friend) and pasted on the wall.

Objects of a personal nature are unacceptable in the workplace - photographs of family members (even if framed), all sorts of touching figures and similar small things.

It should be remembered that decorations in the office space should not be in excess; on the contrary, a small amount of them is intended to highlight the severity and formality of the atmosphere. Individual offices also cannot be turned into a boudoir, covering the walls entirely with paintings, installing aquariums and even mini-fountains everywhere.

Currently, in world practice, it is customary to equip the working premises of an organization with standard furniture, produced in series, sets - for different tastes, of greater or lesser cost. Private companies sometimes use not standard furniture for the offices of top-level managers, but custom-made furniture, sometimes even by hand, i.e. expensive furniture to emphasize the official rank of the owner of the office.

The organization of office premises, the placement of workplaces in them, the location of various departments and services of the organization near or far from each other (for example, on different floors or at different ends of a long corridor) - all this influences the level of ethics, manifested in actions, the nature of relationships , the behavior of individual employees and the entire team as a whole. So, the correct organization of work increases the level of ethics in the organization, as it helps to reduce the number of conflicts, relieve psychological tension during official contacts during meetings, joint decisions on various issues, and simply in the process of performing official duties during everyday routine work.

To provide an employee with a decent workplace, it is necessary, guided by the organizational chart of the enterprise, to take into account the “protocol features” of a given office space allocated for an employee of this position.

In every organization there are key positions on which the system of work of the entire organization as a whole is built. Let us recall the famous statement of the American classic Edgar Allan Poe: “The system is the basis of any business.”

Review questions

  1. Which, in your opinion, organization of office space is most consistent with the ethics of business relations - office or hall?
  2. Is it ethical to place a manager's workplace in a separate office?
  3. How does the location of office premises and the placement of employees in them affect the level of ethics of their behavior and actions?
  4. What suggestions regarding the organization of daily work could you make when analyzing the organization of work in the company in which you work?
  5. How does the functioning of the public relations department affect the level of ethical work of employees and the organization as a whole?